Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

What's black and white and red all over? [Tutor]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Like practically every other time that he'd met with the woman, Umashi was wearing all white. Only this time he wore a more Kage appropriate short sleeved robe that seemed to pick up every slight gust of wind. It was clear that a storm was brewing and with the moon full and high in the sky, the oncoming clouds would surely drench the village in a torrential downpour. Yomi had requested a spar with the Hokage and while Umashi was all for a good workout, what he was more concerned about was making sure that his new Medical Sennin could defend her patients.

Arms crossed and head bowed as he waited for the woman to arrive, Umashi tapped his foot more out of something to do to calm his nerves than anything. He hadn't had a chance to truley test his newfound abilities and he certainly didn't want to hurt Yomi. As it stood, this would be the first time that he actually spar against one of his official Sennin and the last thing that he needed was an incident that would quickly turn the woman's career into a short one. Although the night was light by the full moon, Umashi opted to have the torches lit within the coliseum as well though they flickered in the wind. With the shadows dancing from the varying sources of light, some weak and some strong, there were just as many places to hide as there were ways to expose one.


Oct 28, 2012

In short, the Goddess was hella rusty. Ever since coming to Konoha, she had been lax in her fighting. To be fair, it was also due to her maintaining her cover. Recent promotions dictated that she no longer had to let her skills go the way of the Dodo. The wife Asuka was pleased too. It meant that they could train harder when they were alone with a valid excuse as to why one of them were strung up to a tree should someone happen upon them. Not that anyone ventured into the Forest of Death to watch them, but, they were a cautious group.

She was glad that Umashi heeded her request, though she was concerned that he would decline it. Leadership was a funny thing. There’s always a line between how you appear to those who you led and doing right by them. Fortunately, he was more sensible to not allow how those who may be lurking about watching them now, shape what he should be doing as leader. His duty today, was getting her back into the swing of things. He chose to do it at night when they were less busy and thus less people were around to gawk at them.

The night was comforting as well. It reminded her of those times when the rest or her friends were still alive, razing towns to the ground, taking no prisoners, and generally causing mischief. As comforting as it was, everyone didn’t survive. Her band of four, excluding her pup, was now down to two. Somewhere buried very deep was that unacknowledged grief. She wondered what it would take for it to come to head. Something terrible, undoubtedly.

Yomi came upon the Hokage who was sitting there waiting for her like a scene from a movie. They were in a torch lit coliseum. A. Torch. Lit. Coliseum. He was so dramatic, she just knew he had to be an only kid who was forced to entertain himself at all times. This was going to be entertaining too. Not too entertaining hopefully. He was the Hokage and she didn’t know how he would take it once she revealed what she could do. That little trust exercise that happened the other day was nothing compared to what was about to happen. Perhaps he wouldn’t ask, and she wouldn’t tell. Leaving things unspoken always made working relationships more mysterious and fun.

“No one could ever accuse you of being a boring date, Umashi.” Yomi joked. He made her joke, again. What was happening here?

[Topic Entered]
[WC: 426]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Laughing, Umashi shook his head. "There's levels to this sort of stuff milady!" Giving the woman the once over he nodded to her as he began to approach the middle of the coliseum. Talking as he went, he gave the woman the lay of the land before he proceeded to make her bend to his will. "I'm one for setting the mood when i want to control the narrative. The first lesson that you'll learn Yomi, is that the weakest link in a unit should never be the medic. Indeed, be their equal, or be greater than them, but never be weaker than them. If so then the whole of the mission would sooner crumble from a captured member of the team than it would a captured genin or chunnin." As they walked, Yomi might have noticed that suddenly despite the fact that there were torches and that the moon was full, that the shadows seemed to draw close to both of them.

Bringing to light this fact, Umashi motioned around them as he finally stopped and turned towards Yomi.
"You've already fallen into my trap I'm afraid. You know what I'm capable of and yet you still entertained the danger. Is it that you like walking on the wild side or is it that you are not afraid of the dark?" With a snap of his fingers, the torches went dark and in the light of the moon his green eyes seemed to glow with excitement. As he began to drift back into the darkness, he put a little extra sinister cunning in his voice. "Lesson one, darkness has fallen and you're surrounded . . . what do you do?" Still somewhat getting over the wound that he'd incurred a month prior, Umashi pushed past the initial pain and began to move chakra throughout his body. Simple parlor tricks wouldn't win the day and turning out the lights certainly wasn't going to keep Yomi at bay.

OOC: Official bmod call


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
I haz been summoned.. as per usual please send me profiles dojo training any custom weapons kinjutsus and anything u may find useful

For expedited mods please summarize a list of important bonuses u may be using with your build

Once posts are up i will have mod up within 3 hour to 48 window
Multiple mods - fri to sun


Oct 28, 2012
Yomi raised a brow and simply replied to his first question with “Both.” It was one of those things that she could not answer any better than that because the answer was much too complex. The torches went out and it grew much darker around her. This was just like the night when the assassins attacked, enveloping her in its familiar embrace. It occurred to her then that she was dealing with something very vicious, even if the man before her did not behave that way in their normal interactions with one another. He reminded her of her wolf; both whom presented nice enough, but, were vicious all the same. In time, he would be tamed just like Besito. For now, she was entirely too out of practice to pretend she could survive this altercation if it were the real thing.

Not that she could die like mere mortals did. Knowing that, the woman would never be concerned with a silly thing like survivalbility.

Yet it burned her know that she let herself become so lax. The rational side of her knew that there was no way to have kept up her bloody ways without raising a great deal of suspicion. She still believed in not shitting where she ate. And now, she would probably be revealing all that she had been hiding, most of all from him, tonight. Yikes. How did it all go so wrong so fast?

It did not matter, and worrying only caused premature wrinkles. It was much better for her to focus on Umashi and whatever he had planned for her tonight. He then asked her what she would do when the lights suddenly went out. She smirked, and if he could see her face through the darkness he would see a very coy look on it. The Hokage did not want to know what she liked to do when the lights went out. She slowly drew her weapon and fell back.

Depending on how this lesson turned out, the Goddess would perhaps discuss what it was over a hot beverage of some kind.

[WC: 349]
[TWC: 775]
[Actions Sent]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Stats said:
HP: 39600 -587 -400 = 38613 / 39600
CP: 33600 - 4000 -475 -475 -937 -1008 + 672 = 27377 / 32400 [-3600 Of Max Chakra]
AP: 10 -.5 -.5 -4.5 -.5 -.5 -2.0 = 1.5 AP Forwarded Over (11.00 AP Next Round)
Status: Normal

Ceramic Terrorism - 312 CP / Round
Kage Seal - Activated - -6CP / Round [60 Max]
Avatar of Divinity - 2000 CP / Round - Active

Limitless Kusanagi (Weapon) - Equipped
Earth Style - Activated

Stats said:
HP: 16902 -487 -2670 -391 = 13354 / 16902
CP: 18846 -285 -545 -95 = 17921 / 18846
AP: 8 -.5 -.5 -1.75 -2.25 -.5 -1.0 = 1.5 AP Forwarded Over (9.00 AP Next Round)
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, On Fire (391/Round)

Hot Sauce (Weapon) - Equipped

Timeline said:
0.00 - Umashi activates Kage Seal
0.00 - Yomi throws Stun Grenade at Umashi [20 vs 38][Miss]
0.00 - Umashi Equips 'Limitless Kusanagi'
0.00 - Yomi Equips 'The Hive'
0.00 - Umashi Enters Earth Style
2.18 - Yomi Attacks Umashi using 'The Hive' with Blade Trail (R1) [22 vs 39][Miss]
4.50 - Umashi Activates Avatar of Divinity (M)
4.50 - Umashi Attacks Yomi using 'Limitless Kusanagi' 'Katsu' [46 vs 29][Crit-Hit]
4.50 - Yomi Active-Auto Dodge's 'Body Switch' to Avoid Damage
-Smoke Bomb Deploys under Umashi
- -1 Accuracy / -2 Awareness / 2 Rounds [29%] Umashi Chokes [-3% Max CP] [1008 CP]
4.50 - Umashi Attacks Yomi using 'Limitless Kusanagi' 'Katsu' [45 vs 34][Crit-Hit][487 Damage]
-'Limitless Kuranagi' Explodes Instantly
-Yomi Bleed Rank Increased [Rank 1] - Bloody Mess
-Yomi Placed on Fire - [3%] 391 Damage Per Round
4.99 - Yomi Attacks Umashi using 'The Hive' with Steel Weaving (R1)
-Attack 1 - [30 vs 35][Miss]
-Attack 2 - [23 vs 33][Miss]
-Attack 3 - [29 vs 41][Miss]
-Attack 4 - [17 vs 39][Miss]
4.99 - Yomi Switches Weapons and Equips 'Hot Sauce'
6.50 - Umashi Attacks Yomi with Ceramic Terrorism (M) - Total Damage: 2670
-Attack 1 [39 vs 17][Hit] 534 Explosive Damage
-Attack 2 [46 vs 24][Hit] 534 Explosive Damage
-Attack 3 [42 vs 17][Hit] 534 Explosive Damage
-Attack 4 [39 vs 30][Hit] 534 Explosive Damage
-Attack 5 [33 vs 26][Hit] 534 Explosive Damage

If you feel like mod was made in Error contact me on discord
-Edit: First attack with Limitless Kusanagi, Edited to show base damage at 150 plus modifiers


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Like light from the darkness, Umashi shined. Activating his Kage Seal, he shivered as he felt the cool and calming sensation of chakra flooding his system. Chuckling he reached at his side and equipped his blade as the Limitless Kusanagi seemed to ignite with chakra. Holding the blade before him, Umashi began to manipulate the earthen chakra around him as he called it to his bidding. Ready to go on the offensive, he was surprised when the Medical Sennin took a swipe at him. Laughing, he dodged it with easy and as if he hadn't spent enough time readying himself, he completely released all of the binds that he had in place as he turned up the heat. In seconds he'd gone from a thing of mystery into one of pure dazzling display. Attempting to solidify the notion that Yomi was surrounded, Umashi struck out at the woman with a blow that he accidentally added too much power too. With a swing that could have critically struck the woman, he was pleased when she automatically dodged it versus feeling even a tinge of heat.

Her reaction after the dodge was even better than her dodging of the attack as she instinctively threw a smoke bomb in his direction. What she didn't know was that for a being such as himself, smoke bombs had no effect.
"Yomi, Yomi, Yomi . . . when fighting in the dark, do not give your opponent even more of an advantage. How do you fight an opponent that you cannot defeat? How do you help your comrades when even the best of you has fallen to the enemy? Do you flail about as a woman out of her mind, or do you fight against the urge to jump?" Like the on the nose banter of a mivie plot villain, Umashi advanced. The smoke bomb burned at his lungs but he was unfazed as he dodged Yomi's attack and countered with his own deft blow to the woman. Lighting the path like a ray of light, his blade ignighted with an explosive waves, damaging the woman with both the touch of the blade and the burning arc that followed.

She tried to pivot and opted to switch weapons but this also elicited a smile from the Hokage as he stopped his slow advance and held out a beckoning hand towards Yomi. Small specks of light began to take to the sky like fireflies and with a mocking tone, Umashi attempted to in some small way completely demoralize Yomi with the expanse between their abilities.
"What will you do when your sweet dream becomes a beautiful nightmare?" Swirling about, the small, bits of light that Umashi had released had began to dance around both him and the Sennin. Turning his hand from open to aiming directly at Yomi, Umashi snapped his fingers and then bathed the area in an almost blinding light. Umashi had every intention on teaching Yomi how to fight threats greater than herself, and even in holding back, he spared little tactical advantage for himself in each action that he took. Yomi was strong, Yomi was who many looked up to, but Yomi was also not like Umashi, and she would come to respect that in every sense tonight.


Oct 28, 2012
Thank Rei that Asuka wasn’t here to witness this abysmal display. The wife would surely have a lot to say about just how poorly she was doing right now. Yomi did not need or want that sort of negativity in her life, so, it was lucky that the woman stayed home. She was embarrassed enough on her own that she let herself ‘go’ in this area of her life. Better that Yomi learned how much she had let herself go with Umashi then during, some sort of ambush. That would have really been bad.

Every strike that she through at him was met by air, instead of the fleshy bits she targeted. He chuckled through the darkness, teasing her lack of ability to hit him. At least her trap went off? It was not effective enough in her eyes though. She never played with her food this bad, and yet her he was like a beast pawing at its dinner, but, had not actually killed it yet. She would remember this the next time she would train with him He didn’t request such, but, she would demand it.

He couldn’t know it, but, his jabs about her being a woman enraged her more than the losing this fight did. She was a Daughter, the most prolific Daughter the world had known. So much so that she had ascended to Godhood. Umashi was already in the presence of perfection held in the mortal realm. She would loosen the restraints and train a little harder so he would know what he was dealing with the next time. Her eyes turned its demonic red color. Rage meter went way up.

For now, she was too out of practice to fully enjoy what was happening. In the back of her mind as she failed to get her footing she thought of her pup. Is this what Besito felt like when she captured him? Yomi would snuggle her wolf a little harder tonight. That is, if she left this place conscious.

"Those dreams are one and same. Either way, I'm not to pressed to wake up."

[Actions Sent]
[WC: 351]
[TWC: 1,126]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Stats said:
HP: 38613 - 886 - 98 - 886 - 394 = 36349/ 36,900
CP: 33600 -312 -2000 -475 -937 -1008 + 672 = 27377 / 28800 [-3600 Of Max Chakra]
AP: 11 -1 -.5 -.5 -1 -2 -1 -3 -.5 -.5 = 1 AP Forwarded Over (11.00 AP Next Round)
Status: Rank 2 bleeding

Ceramic Terrorism - 312 CP / Round
Kage Seal - Activated - -6CP / Round [60 Max]
Avatar of Divinity - 2000 CP / Round - Active

Limitless Kusanagi (Weapon) - Equipped
Earth Style - Activated

Stats said:
HP: 13354 -391 -169 - 2172 - 5544 - 216 - 216 - 216 = 4430 / 16,902
CP: 17921 - 606 - 300 - 420 - 680 = 15915 / 18846
AP: 9 -1.5 -1 -1.75 -2.25 -1.75 = .75 AP Forwarded Over (8.75 AP Next Round)
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, On Fire (391/Round)

Hot Sauce (Weapon) - Equipped

Timeline said:
0.00 - Maintains Occur
0.00 - Umashi applies Black lotus to Limitless Kusanagi
0.45 - Umashi Attacks Yomi using Limitless Kusanagi [43 vs 34][Hit][216 Damage]
0.90 - Umashi Attacks Yomi using Limitless Kusanagi [28 vs 30][Miss]
0.90 - Umashi Enters Stealth [30 vs 28][Success]
1.66 - Yomi Uses Coagulation R1 on self [11] Healed 1 rank of bleed
2.71 - Umashi Attacks Yomi with Black Eruption Master Rank
2.71 - Yomi Active-Auto Dodge's 'Body Switch' to Avoid Damage
-Smoke Bomb Deploys under Umashi
- -1 Accuracy / -2 Awareness / 2 Rounds [29%] Umashi Chokes [-3% Max CP] [1008 CP]
- Umashi Attacks Yomi with Black Eruption Master Rank [Feint]
-Attack 1 - [44 vs 35][Hit]
-Attack 2 - [37 vs 24][Hit]
-Attack 3 - [41 vs 31][Hit]
-Attack 4 - [40 vs 27][Hit]
-Attack 5 - [44 vs 36][Hit]
-Attack 6 - [46 vs 29][Crit]
-Attack 7 - [47 vs 28][Crit]
-Attack 8 - [47 vs 24][Crit]
- Yomi uses Zero Slash Counter R1 - Special action [1328 damage blocked]
3.61 - Umashi enters stealth [33 vs 20][Success]
4.65 - Yomi Attack Umashi with Blade Trail R1
-Blind shot [31 vs 26][Aware]
-Attack [36 vs 42][Miss]
6.33 - Umashi attacks Yomi using Darkness Falls Master rank - Special attack
-Attack 1 - [41 vs 36][Hit]
-Attack 2 - [43 vs 28][Hit]
-Attack 3 - [44 vs 33][Hit]
6.33 - Umashi Attacks Yomi using Limitless Kusanagi [37 vs 33][Hit][216 Damage]
6.78 - Umashi Attacks Yomi using Limitless Kusanagi [42 vs 36][Hit][216 Damage]
7.15 - Yomi Attack Umashi with Steel Weaving R1
-Attack 1 - [43 vs 31][Crit-Hit][886 Damage][No bleed]
-Attack 2 - [34 vs 35][25% hit][98 Damage][No bleed]
-Attack 3 - [42 vs 40][Crit-Hit][886 Damage][Bleed Rank 2]
-Attack 4 - [38 vs 42][Miss]
-Attack 5 - [38 vs 35][Hit][394 Damage][No bleed]
7.23 - Umashi Attacks Yomi using Limitless Kusanagi [43 vs 26][Hit][216 Damage]

If you feel like mod was made in Error contact me on discord
-Edit: First attack with Limitless Kusanagi, Edited to show base damage at 150 plus modifiers


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
There was just really nothing left to say. Like a candle in a dark room, Umashi lit up the night with his strikes. Umashi's stroke with his sword completely overwhelmed Yomi, she was incapable of stopping the unrelenting attacks and it was soon becoming something that they both knew. The lesson that Umashi had set out to teach the medical Sennin was a simple one that he'd learned so many years ago and one that she'd sooner learn today. At this point Umashi was simply playing with her, toying with her emotions as he allowed to hope and to dream that maybe she'd be able to best him in any area. Trying for a two part offensive, Umashi called upon the darkness and as it bent towards his will, blackened spikes erupted from the ground beneath Yomi who surprisingly enough managed to dodge out of the way. Making a hand sign with one hand, he redirected the attack to her intended landing spot and met her plans of escape with another series of eruptions that didn't miss their mark.

Using her weapon in a way that he hadn't expected her too, she tried to less the force of his shadow eruptions but ultimately it did her no good as Umashi pressed on and took another swipe at Yomi, tearing at her with a glee that no doubt was a bit telling. Stepping back, Umashi raised his sword at the sky and continuing to channel the dark chakra, he made an arching swipe towards the ground as a wave of darkness crashed into Yomi. Flipping his blade into the air, Umashi went for ultimate style points as he weaved his assault into an intricate dance and struck Yomi again and again. Like swatting at a fly, Umashi let his mind wander for the barest of moments and in that time Yomi struck, cutting open a new gash on his arm. It was that action that snapped Umashi out of his mean spirited toying streak with Yomi as he set his blade to his side and began to sheath it.
"Well, well . . . it seems that you do have a bite to go with that bark after all." The bad joke was especially bade and though it was quite horrible, Umashi carried on as if nothing had happened and began the process of closing the gates of power that he'd opened before.


Oct 28, 2012
Like a cat to catnip as the blood splashed over her like a lover’s essence and she went to taste it. And as she remembered who she was with, she stepped back not allowing herself to revert to any more familiar behaviors tonight. This lesson was over, she knew. At least, for now, she’d kept her secret. It was the goal, after all.

She placed her weapon back in the holster and noticed that he had made her bleed for the second time tonight. The woman couldn’t remember the last time she saw her own blood. A reminder that she was still bound here by flesh and bone. The man before he reminded her that she still had some emotional depth long thought lost. Only for it to be hammered in to her by her medical student. This annoyed her more than she would ever let on, but, for now she was just appreciative for the reminder not to let her skills fall to the wayside ever again so long as she was stuck in this form.

“I do.” Was her simple response. What else could she say? He beat her up enough and she felt no need give him any more fodder by way of snarky reply. Wiping her mouth with her wrist she then weaved some hand seals to stop the bleeding from her own wound before speaking to him again.

“I don’t require a rundown of what I should improve upon, but, I would like to request another go. I need six weeks to prepare.” If the wife were here she’d recognize the formality in Yomi’s request even if Yomi never actually requested anything. She did things in a way that would force her needed outcome and then make it seem like everyone else’s choice. Of course, it was different with the Hokage and she wanted him to oblige her. She stepped closer to him and weaved some hands seals to stop his bleeding herself. He was more than capable of doing this part of himself, tonight was obvious, but, this was supposed to be friendly, right?

[WC: 350]
[TWC: 1476]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi was caught off guard by the way Yomi approached him after the battle and it showed even if for the barest of moments. It caused him to completely rethink the entire battle to see if perhaps somewhere he'd made a pass or initiated contact of some sort. It was a telling gesture and no doubt it was due to the fact that mentally, physically and emotionally his body was getting over the effects of the cursed seal usage but it made him feel strange on the inside. He could blame it on a lot of things, the tilt of the moon, the rolling of the tides or even coming storm that was soon to overtake them. Without turning her away, he accepted the gesture and nodded in agreement to the future that that they'd test their skills on again. "Sure, we can do that." Without wanting to make her feel weird, Umashi resumed his role as the teacher as he closed his eyes and counted to ten before opening them again and speaking. "If I could make a comment though, next time you'll be able to pick the battleground, I think that I gave myself too clear an advantage." Smiling, Umashi would take a step back and nod his head as if to tip his hat. "Goodnight milady, I'll be seeing you later." With that said, Umashi turned and walked off into the night, content to think more and say less for the moment.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped and tutor minimum met. Battle over (if it wasn't already obvious,lol)


Oct 28, 2012
Yomi let him go after she healed him, noting the tonal shift. As she hoped, he agreed to their next meeting. Oh, and he threw her a bone. Whether he knew it or not, he pressed all her fucking buttons and she was hard pressed to believe that he was clueless about how his teasing affected her. Despite the fact that there was no outward display on her part that it did nor had she ever said anything about it. She just knew he knew. Letting it go, as she often did in her interactions with people she liked, she walked off towards the direction of the Forest of Death were the verbal lashing and concerned wolf awaited her.

“I’d like to think it would be sooner, Hokage-sama.” Spoken as her goodbye.

[WC: 132]
[TWC: 1500+]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
