Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

What's Next!!! [OPEN]

Kujo Kazuya

Active Ninja
Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank
Nitish was wondering near the Academy if he could to meet some new kids and if they are interested to join the crew where they have a huge amount of power between the members and now they have created a clan with their crew and now seeking for more powerful members to join it.

And then Nitish arrives at the front of the gate of the Academy and feels like he should enter Academy if there is any class going he can join it too but Nitish feared if the students will run away after seeing him after what he did in the previous days like destruction of property, Stealing pair of Mangekyo sharingan, Master mind of so-called fight club, fighting with Hokage and tried to put ANBU captain in genjutsu and many more crimes which are unforgivable if he do anything. Nitish was feeling a little depression’d after getting lost to Hokage in the battle and now have to follow all his orders like a slave or something like this and then Nitish thinks “I wish if I could win that battle and became a jounin with External Mangekyo Sharingan or gone to jail.” But Nitish don’t even want to think about the last option which is forfeiting his life. So after thinking a little Nitish decides to go inside the academy but no one was there and it looks like there was no class going so Nitish waits in the academy alone and things if he could pay of his sins.
It was a bright morning in the hidden leaf, which wasn't surprising. After all, during the summer months the sun raised quite early in this part of the world. With a tired yawn, Maikeru flipped another page of his book, holding it in one hand as he walked towards the academy. People probably considered him a bit of a nerd for arriving at school so early but it didn't bother him much. After all, it's not like there was anything going on at home. Not to mention that after the loss of his sister.. it was a very somber atmosphere to be in, and he tried to spend as much time outside of the house as possible. Turning past the gate, something caught his peripheral vision that made him pause in his step.

It was an older boy, a few years Maikeru's senior, and a fellow Uchiha. It was hard not to know who he was with how infamous he had made himself in the village, and in the academy. Nitish.. he thought was his name at least, having heard it in passing a few times. An Uchiha with great mastery over his Sharingan, it was a real shame how he turned out. He could have been shining example for the younger Uchiha instead of.. whatever he had decided to do with his gift. He was honestly hoping the boy hadn't noticed him, but, that was probably unlikely with their close proximity.

"Um.. hello.." Maikeru said aloud, placing his book in a pouch on his right hip. "Nitish.. right?"

He gave the older male a curious look, mentally searching for the right words to say to him. He was honestly curious what the fellow Uchiha was like, or if the stories were all made up. For now, he would play along, get to know for himself.

(306 words)
It was a peaceful day to be out and about on her daily rounds about the village. Deciding to stop by the Academy to reflect a moment, Soku wandered over the gate threshold taking note of the two Uchiha to stood nearby. One she knew fairly well as Nitish and had a just cause to be wary of due to his recent actions, the other she did not know as such. Deciding not to trouble herself over them, the Santaru dressed in her ANBU attire headed past them nodding at them as she walked past."Good day.
Keeping well, I hope, you are, the two of you."
She would say as she walked past coming to rest against a wall. She would decide to stay for a bit, take a short little break. Reaching up, the Santaru began to adjust her hair band so the neatly fit brown locks of hair fit snugly into a bun.

With that task done, she looked up the facility of the Academy sighing to herself and smiling. The memories were still fresh in her mind.If only this year's Academy students were not as disruptive.She thought to herself glancing back to the two Uchiha. Nitish had been a promising student until he had ran into Riku and from there, it was all downhill. The other, she had no idea of his character but the Santaru prayed he would not end up like the others. Humming a quiet tune to herself, Soku took a seat on a bench nearby allowing her a view of the two Uchihas and anyone entering and exiting the Academy gates. Her perma-active sharingan eyes scanned the area taking in her surroundings. As usual, the ANBU always analyzed her surrondings even if it was a familar location to her. It was a good habit to her. Tapping her foot, Soku quietly hummed enjoying the peace and quiet that was currently settling in.
As Nitish was resting a while in the Academy, new face came reading a book and by seeing his cloths he was an Uchiha too and then that kid says Hello to Nitish and asks him if he was Nitish and then Nitish answers him giving a grin “yep I’m Nitish.” And then Nitish looks at his face and then Nitish doesn’t see any fear on his face but curiosity to know about him and then Nitish says to that kid “Come on kid, what’s your name?” giving a grin cause Nitish want to make some new friends after Takeshi have told Kenshin to don’t let Nitish get to other kids or the place he was back.

And then after a little while later Soku comes in and then greets Nitish and then kid as well as and then Nitish asks Soku “Hey Soku what business does ANBU’s have in Academy.” And then Nitish waits for her response. And then Nitish tries to remain calm and don’t want to lose his temper after seeking an ANBU because of them Nitish has to suffer this much and have to lose his contact with anyone in Academy or in Main branch.
So, he was right. The other Uchiha was named Nitish, and he was indeed the trouble maker that Maikeru had thought when he first noticed him. Maikeru grimaced a bit at his over familiarity with him, and the fact that he had referred to him as 'kid'. It took a moment to stifle the annoyed sigh that was in the back of his throat, but, he eventually managed to muster at least a small smile, and extend a hard towards Nitish.

"My name is Maikeru. Maikeru Uchiha, though, you could probably have already guessed my clan already." He said, doing his best to keep his voice friendly and even.

It was the new arrival that really took a lot of self control from Maikeru. The girl came seemingly out of nowhere, an impressive feat, and one that showed her rank of shinobi rather quickly. He had never seen her before, and had no idea who she was. What he did know from a simple look at her, and from Nitish's greeting towards her was two things. One, that she was anbu or anbu in training, and two.. she wasn't an Uchiha. Despite the Sharingan he saw spinning in her eyes, it wasn't hard to tell that they weren't hers. Uchiha shared a very similar look to them. They had features that ran in the clan that made them stick out among other clans. Even if she was only half Uchiha, one of these traits would have surfaced to the top, but she held none of them.

He swallowed hard at the spit in his mouth, and kept himself from clenching his teeth in frustration. Maikeru was very proud of his clan, very proud of his clans kekkei genkei. To see someone with stolen Sharingan.. well.. it rubbed him the wrong way to say the least. He removed the slight scowl that had formed in his furrowed brows as he looked at her, and did his best to fake pleasantries as he spoke to her.

"And hello to you as well, Ms..?"
Academy. For one Hachiashi Kumiko, it was a foreign enough word to her that she couldn’t even really comprehend the kind of place that it was. Back home, on her little strip of land in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere, there wasn’t some kind of centralized place of learning like this; it was more that her parents taught her everything that she needed to know, with members of their small community chipping in here and there, filling her head up with random expertise.

…which consisted mostly of farming techniques and how to produce web consistently. Not many people knew that to keep constantly producing webbing to sell, there was a lot of dietary requirements that consisted of meat, meat, and more meat.

And maybe some meat toppings on top of that.

Of course, being in a small village that it was, meat was not that affordable even if it was a requirement.

Wait, this wasn’t the time for that. Shaking her head to clear her mind—and then quickly brushing down her shaken out-of-place hair with her fingers—she walked up to the gate, ignoring all the people around it and finally took a good look at the building itself. It was large. Not larger than the other buildings that she had seen in the Leaf Village, but far larger than any that was in her home village.

“Am I supposed to go into that…” How was she supposed to even find anything in that?!

She continued to stare at the building in a daze, even as the people around her chattered about.
She let loose a small chucke shaking her head."Nitish, Nitish, Nitish. You know full well as I do that even if I were on ANBU buisness, I couldn't tell you. However, today, I merely decided to drop by.
Keeping out of trouble, I hope? No more camera thefts I should know about?"
She tilted her head to glance at the other Uchiha, a frown creasing her features for a moment before replacing it with a fake smile. The boy seemed..troubled at first or perhaps she was seeing things? "The name is Santaru Soku and you are..?"Whomever he was, she assumed he was perhaps a Uchiha. After all, those clanspeople sort of tended to stick together. Every now and then, she would cast a glance at the entrance to the school as if expecting someone."Speaking of which, shouldn't you two be in class? I find it quite strange that Academy students are merely roaming about the grounds at this hour unless of course, you have no such classes to attend to."

Soku didn't really care if they were class-skipping. After all, that was none of her buisness but it still irked her to see what this generation were up to. It had not been that long ago since that incident in Tea Country so she had fair reason to be a bit wary of Nitish especially. The kunoichi was not as concerned about his comrade. If only this class of children could be a bit more...appropiate then perhaps she would not have to worry as much. Speaking of Academy kids, her eyes fell on a girl who was seemingly just standing there gazing at the Academy structure in some some sort of trance.A newcomer, perhaps.

Turning aprubtly, Soku covered the distance swiftly until she was next to the student placing a gentle hand on her shoulder."If one had to guess, I would say you look quite lost like a mouse in a maze. May I be of assistance? The name is Soku."She took in the girl's features glancing at her face. This one seemed different. Soku could practically feel the hesistation radidating off the girl. It was easy to tell from her body language and the way she stood star-struck at the size of the Academy. The Santaru might as welll make her useful while she was here. After all, she knew practically about all the shortcuts, routes, nooks and crannies around here when she was a student. That seemed so long...ago.
And while Nitish was waiting for the Uchiha kid’s response he says that his name was Uchiha Maikeru and then he says to Nitish that he has already guessed his clan and then Nitish replies him giving a grin “Yeah, sort of.” And then Nitish thinks “looks like the Academy is increasing itself with Uchiha’s.” And then after a little while later Soku answers Nitish’s question as “Nitish, Nitish, Nitish. You know full well as I do that even if I were on ANBU buisness, I couldn't tell you. However, today, I merely decided to drop by. Keeping out of trouble, I hope? No more camera thefts I should know about?" and then Nitish replies to Soku as he was bored “yeah yeah I know that ANBU can’t tell there buisnees to anyone who’s wondering and asks them what ya want.” And then Nitish rests a little while Maikeru and Soku talking and Nitish sense’s someone coming and then Soku says to both of them “Speaking of which, shouldn't you two be in class? I find it quite strange that Academy students are merely roaming about the grounds at this hour unless of course, you have no such classes to attend to." And then Nitish replies Soku in a cold voice “Well I really don’t know I think I’m here to skipping my class or something like that.” And then Nitish waits for Soku’s response and then he feels that someone has also entered the Academy and then Nitish looks at the position the new comer was and it was a girl with six arms and then Nitish whispers to himself “Six Arms, now that something interesting to see.” And then Nitish sees Soku that she already headed to that student and then Nitish thinks he should also greet her in Academy and then while Nitish stands up and starts walking he says to Maikeru “Hey Maikeru, come with me lets greet that new student who’s at Academy gate right now.” And then Nitish waits for Maikeru’s response to his words.
"Oh. Kumiko." Maikeru said dismissively to Nitish's comment about going to meet them.

He was slightly annoyed that his opportunity to find out more about his fellow clansman was interrupted by the new comers, and more so that one of them had appeared to have stolen the kekkei genkei of his clan. However, he kept those feeling buried deep, deep inside of him. He obliged to Nitish's request, walking towards the gate to meet his spider armed friend. As he walked, he took this opportunity to get a better look at this girl that was named Soku. She seemed.. normal enough, besides the sharingan spinning in her eyes. Keeping those activated all the time must be a real drain on her chakra pool. He'd have to find out more about this later.

"Yo, Kumiko." He said, offering a two finger wave at his friend. "Today finally your first day? Took you long enough. I swore you were going to keep procrastinating until I had already graduated. "

He gave her a soft smile, before gesturing at the boy behind him.

"This is Nitish, Uchiha Nitish. He's an academy student too. Apparently a bit of a trouble maker from what I hear but.. seems nice enough so far."

(206 words
It was only when the hand fell on her shoulder did the six-armed girl shake out of her stupor. She blinked a bit and stared blankly down at the hand on her shoulder. Slowly, her gaze followed the arm up to its owner, a much older girl who seemed to stare at her with eyes that held a hint of something that she couldn’t read, much less understand. It was red, but with a different pattern. Was she related to Maikeru, she idly thought.

It took her a moment before the woman’s words actually reached her mind. It took another couple of moments before she stopped being flustered enough to answer.


Of course, this was the time when she heard another person’s arrival, saying her name.

“…Kumiko,” she finished lamely, more to complete the sentence rather than anything else. Her eyes had moved on to the two new arrivals, both of whom were sporting almost similar red eyes with black patterns. One of whom she distinctly recognized. Maikeru.

If that wasn’t enough, the name of his companion was also a Uchiha. She glanced between the older woman and the two boys a few times before, finally, her gaze settled on Maikeru.

“I have red eyes too. How do I get black patterns on them?”

(216 words)
She raised an eyebrow at Nitish's cold tone in which he addressed her. Apparently, something was bothering him but she couldn't find out what it was. Maikeru also gave her the vibe that she was not liked here but it didn't matter to the Santaru if she was liked by some mere Academy student or not. After all, you couldn't please everyone. She tilted her head at Kumiko, glancing at her six arms.I have never seen anything like that.The ANBU thought, a curious expression on her face as she replied."Kumiko, huh? That is a nice name. I presume you are referring to the tomoe pattern that is visible within the Sharingan?"Soku said noting her comment down about red eyes. Knowing full well how prideful the Uchiha were, she did not think it would help her cause if the kunoichi started explaining it, better let the Uchiha do all the talking if they so desired.

"Your Uchiha friends here might know more."The girl said placating a false smile towards them under the guise that she was clueless. The female was actually very knowledgable about her dojutsu but saw no need to explain how she had obtained these eyes if not asked. After all, Lord Hokage was fully aware of her situation and had allowed it so there was no need to worry unless of course, these kids wished to contest that.

"Say, Nitish. Aren't you usually with Riku or someone of that group? I hope that is not the case today."She replied casting a glance at the eldest of the Academy students. That group had been stirring up quite some frustration for the village recently and with the potential threat of Frost bearing down on them, the leadership had just about had it with troublemakers. She was doing the best she could, to keep some sort of calm in the village but it was not always easy. Although today, she was not seeking to admonish any student, she got the vibe that Maikeru and Nitish did not appreciate her being here. Nitish, she could understand but it was hard to get a read on the other Uchiha.
And then after Nitish arrives at the gate with Maikeru to see the new student, it looked like Maikeru and that girl already know each other and then Maikeru tells that girl, Nitish name and then he says in a cold voice “Hey Maikeru, just who gave you the permission to tell my name to any random person you see.” and then that girl introduced herself as Soku asked her and her name was Kumiko and then Nitish says to her with a polite voice “Kumiko that’s a cute name but what’s the deal with those 4 extra arms.” And then Nitish waits for her response and then that girls asks everyone there and how will she get the pattern in her red eyes and then Nitish thought “she really is new and she doesn’t know about sharingan…… it’s okey though.” And then Nitish decides not to tell her but ultimately Soku tells what are these eyes and then she says that for more knowledge she should ask her Uchiha friend and then Nitish though that Soku just ruined his plan. So he decides to let Maikeru explain it so he says to him “Hey Maikeru explain her about this eyes of our, the sharingan.” And then he waits for their response.

And then Nitish answers Soku’s question that why he wasn’t with the group and then Nitish tells her a brief that “we Riku, Kira and myself are separated by Takeshi san in other branch’s like Riku is now in medical branch and Kira is in Anbu branch and I’m in main branch so he and other sennins were able to keep an on us three.” And then Nitish waits for Soku’s response and her reaction.
And from out of nowhere, a voice rang out, as Izura casually stepped into view. It didn't take much to hide his presence. He was a former S-Ranked criminal, wanted in 3 different countries. The former Stone Anbu sennin herself was never able to catch him, no matter how hard she tried.

"Sharingan. Allows the wielder to see chakra and perceive even the slightest details of motion in any given person or object so accurately that it seemingly borders on prescience."

He stopped once he was about 4 paces away from the group.

"And it's the most common kekkai genkai in the Hidden Leaf."

Izura appeared to be in his mid to late twenties, an unmistakeable symbol of the Uchiha on the back of his clothing. A sickle and chain wrapped in ninja bandages was holstered at his hip- the weapon known as a kusarigama.

Izura crossed his arms.

"I knew that there have been.....complications with this year's academy students. It's one thing to hear the rumors, but seeing you in person...."

He looked at Nitish, making a quick judgement of him on the spot.

He then sighed. "Nevermind...."

He then reached into his pocket, drawing out a sealed scroll. Sliding his hand over the seal, suddenly a plume of white smoke appeared. Within moments of the smoke clearing, the group would be able to see a rather simple bulletin board, adorned with important information about the upcoming event...

"I am here to announce the next official genin exam. War is coming, and we need to bolster our genin ranks. That being said....we need to make sure you are ready. A....brash or unruly shinobi is likely to cause the death of their comrades."

The board mentioned that they only had a month left to prepare. For shinobi also interested in proctoring, there was also an excerpt on the side, requiring an interview.

"You can call me Izura-sensei. I will be heading this year's exam."

For even those in the group who were part of the clan, Izura himself was an enigma. No one would've known his identity. Some of the more perceptive ones would recall a house on the outskirts of the Uchiha complex, but near zero information was available on the inhabitants of that home either.
A man came out of nowhere and tell Kumiko about Sharingan and then Nitish was feeling like he was an Uchiha too. And then he introduced himself but Nitish knew that he don't have to introduce himself. So he decided to leave the place and head of to somewhere else where he can get to live alone. And then he says to everyone there "I don't need to give genin exams I'm already at front line with Zirens squad as Kenshin's orders. So i will be going be play nice ya'all.... see ay." and then Nitish heads out of Academy and goes to his house.

[Topic Left]
[OCC; sorry for leaving but I have to announce death to this character and a new character will take place bye.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
