Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

What’s wrong with me?


New Ninja
Apr 18, 2020
OOC Rank
It was morning. The sun had been up for a couple of hours already. The weather was clear. It was a normal day. Villagers walking about the streets. Mirio was in his house. He was kneeling on the living room floor, out of breath. He looked sweaty and tired, like he had not slept the whole night. His house looked like a tornado had blown through it. His furniture was everywhere, there were holes in the walls and the floors. There were what looked like scratch marks all over the place. And at the center of it all was Mirio. The boy had a new scar in his chest that led into his neck a little bit. It was fresh and it hurt him. The boy struggled to get on his feet, losing his balance a few times before being able to fully stand. Using the walls as support, Mirio made his way to his room where he got himself a change of clothes.

”What’s wrong with me...?” the boy asked no one in particular.

Nothing is wrong with you. You’ve just been sleeping all this time, that’s all

Mirio immediately turned to see who had just spoken, but he saw no one. ”W-who said that?” as the boy spoke, he felt a sharp pain in his head, causing him to hold his head. Once the pain subsided, the boy looked around once more, seeing no one. ”Hello? Anyone there?”, the boy called out. No one answered. Realizing something that might be happening, the boy jumped off his bed. He grabbed a black cloak that was hanging and put it on before exiting his home.

Upon setting foot outside, he noticed a lot of his neighbors were looking in his direction, almost like they were waiting for him to come out. Usually, he would greet them, but this time, he just made his way to the academy full on ninja style. He hopped through rooftops until he reached the academy.

Mirio walked through the hallways of the academy. He needed to find Manzo, the man who taught him about chakra alignments. Mirio knew where his office was, he just needed to get there without collapsing. Once again, using the walls as support, he made his way to Manzo’s office. Skipping the pleasantry of knocking, the boy just opened the door abruptly. He didn't know whether or not Manzo would be there, but as soon as he came into the room the only words that escaped his lips were ”” before collapsing immediately.

[MFT: 418]


This is what Mirio pretty much looks like right now.
”I’m board” The woman with horns and black wings lounged in a chair in Mazno’s office. She was actually taking lounging to another level and was doing an impression of a dead fish, her head lolling towards Manzo, her eyes rolling back in her head.

Manzo sat at his desk working on the paperwork that had built up. As he went though it he was becoming more and more convinced that this work was supposed to be done by the Sennin, that somehow found its way off her desk and onto his. ”No one is forcing you to be here. “ Manzo told her, not looking up. ”You are welcome to go home if I am to boring.“

She shot up in her seat ”Oh no you don’t. I leave and go back to my realm and you won’t uphold your promise to take me out on the town tonight. ” Manzo could only shrug, it was probably true. ”I am going to sit here and annoy you until you are ready to go. ” She had an impish smile on her face.

He looked up about to say something else when his door opened, revealing a student.

Pleasantries completely ignored, Manzo was about to go off before the student collapsed in a cry for help.

In an instant he was by the boy’s side. ”You can smell the cursed Chakra coming off him.” The woman said, her voice a bit pleased. ”This is what you get for teaching about things they weren't ready for. He went off to experiment.”

Manzo just ignored the comment. He ripped open the boys shirt tracing the marks down his chest. He wasn’t the most attuned to cursed chakra in this form but he knew enough to see that something had gone wrong. Using his natural chakra he performed the hand signs and as his fingertips touched the scar, holy chakra fought against it and sealed it.

He began to inspect the boy for any other signs of injury. He was not a medical nin but years on the road had made him more than proficient at medical ninjutsu if he needed it.

As Manzo used his holy chakra on the boy, he began to stabilize. It seemed like everything was okay... until it wasn’t. The boy’s scar began to glow again, this time the red light it emitted was blinding. After about 2 seconds, the boy explodes in pure cursed chakra. This was worse than when he was home, at least there he could do his best to contain the this abomination. The boy roared as the walls begin to crumble and the entire ninja academy begins to tremble. Black and purple lightning being to strike randomly in a radius around the boy, getting more frequent as it centers on him. Strong winds plagued the surrounding area, like if there was a tornado around him. He lets out an agonizing scream in what could only be described as a distorted voice. It sounded like Mirio’s voice was being overlapped my the voice of a monster. The boy held his head in pain as the office he was in and the neighboring classrooms were being destroyed.


Mirio was out of control. His eyes were glowing and the longer he remained in this state, the more the surrounding area was ruined. Falling to his knees, the boy slammed his fists onto the ground, causing it to quake. Looking up, the boy could barely say what he wanted to say ”Help me!” once again, his voice was distorted. All of the chaos and destruction was out of Mirio’s control not his intention, but he was the epicenter of it all and it was coming from him. The boy just sat there, on his knees in excruciating pain, while the surrounding area continued to be destroyed by his devastating aura.
Asuka walked around the academy, she needed to meet with her head jounin for a few changes to the academies curriculum. Rayne had stayed behind to deal with the paperwork. She would speak to him quickly and then leave before classes started so she wouldn't get in the way of anyone's learning, besides she had stuff to do.

Mumbling a happy tone she simply hoped around getting her way closer that is until she walked up the stairs and hella malicious chakra started to sweep through the halls. What the hell was this? Was someone training somewhere? Allright this is interesting, with a small smile she sneaked through and followed the feeling. She started getting worried when the trail was leading back to the office, with that she started walking faster.

She only began to ran when the ground began to rumble. Getting closer she saw what was happening. "What the...?" Asuka had to lean on a wall when it started rumbling once more looking around she saw what was happening. Looking down at those who were responsible she gritted her teeth. Rayne was right, Mirio was going to be a problem but she didn't expect her head Jounin to be involved. She had to think on something, at the very least contain him. First she made some hand seals making a clone. "Evacuate whoever is in the building then do not let anyone in." The clone quickly moved off, with another set of handseals she got a barrier up, one made out of chakra. At the very least with this she could avoid any injuries in case her first line of defense failed. She knew what had to be done, her sharingan activated and she jumped over the kid. The chakra wave that hit her was menacing, intimidating to say the least.

"Hi Manzo!" She said landing next to her Head Jounin, she looked at the woman (sorry manzo... forgot her name hehe) and smiled "Hi! Nice to see you again." She then moved her head to the problem at hand and started making a set of handseals.. "Manzo, I don't know what happened or what you did but right now there's a raging student apparently. Now, I know how to deal with it but I can't do it alone." She bit her finger and swiped blood upon her hand, charcarters started to appear. "I'm going to try to place him to sleep but considering Mirio's state it will make him drowzy at best. Use a jutsu to contain him, if I get interrupted while trying to seal whatever is causing this it will get ugly." Sealing arts weren't her best skill but she knew enough to help with the situation, problem was that the seal might go haywire if anything went wrong. "Please help me with this." She simply pleaded while looking for eye contact from Mirio, as soon as she got it she threw one of her genjutsus. Hopefully he would go to sleep, but the possibility was very low.... at best he would get drowzy but easier for Manzo to contain.

[Entering Topic]
Manzo was hunched over Mirio when Asuka came in. He was surprised that the sealing didn’t take, but that just meant that whatever they were dealing with wasn’t an average event. I had a sneaking suspicion he knew what it was and the thought of it made his blood boil.

”Hi Asuka, come to play the boy too?” Hannya seemed to be very undisturbed by what was going on around them. ”I have to say Manzo this is much more exciting than what we had planned. I am almost glad you stuck around to do the paperwork. ”

”Get. Out.“ Manzo’s voice was cold and emotionless but his eyes held the heat of anger. ”Ensure we are not disturbed. I don’t want whoever did this to him to supprise us.“ The horned woman seem to pout a bit as she left the office.

Then with almost an after though ”Hannya.“ She stoped to look back at him. ”Until this is resolved, Restrictions have been released“ Her eyes grew large then an evil smile crept across her lips and she turned to walk out the room leaving just the three of them.

”This Èr bǎi wǔ decided to play with something he wasn’t ready for“ for a brief moment Manzo switched to a language that he had picked up in his travels, not one heard in the known lands ”The cursed chakra is radiating off of him, I did a basic sealing on it but it seems that more than the basics are needed with this.“ As he is speaking, Mirio is wrapped in wooden bindings that force him to lay flat on the floor, pinning him to the ground.

Mirio’s chakra kept spiking out of control. The entire structure that was the Ninja Academy was rumbling and slowly falling apart. As soon as the Sennin put the Genjutsu on him, the rumbling calmed down significantly. The gathering storm was still there, but it was calmer. Mirio is then restrained with the wood Jutsu. His eyes were still open, but pretty lifeless and as such, the boy did not put up much resistance. This isn’t to say he was completely unconscious, however. Within his mind, Mirio was fighting his own battle....

Mirio found himself in a dark space. It was pitch black and the only thing he could see was himself and a reflection of himself. The reflection looked like him, but it was the way he looked when he was fully overtaken by the cursed chakra.

Who are you?, Mirio asked the reflection.

What a stupid question., the entity answered back.

Answer the question! Mirio roared back, clearly upset.

The reflection laughed. I’m literally you. Or at least you if you actually had a spine.

What? Can you at least try to make sense? Thanks.

Mirio... The reflections tone wasn’t joking or sarcastic, it matched Mirio’s serious tone almost perfectly. You’re too used to getting hurt.

Wha-, before Mirio could finish, the reflection interrupted him.

Strength is tolerance, after all. It’s an act of accumulating stress. That’s why your mind will always scream out before it reaches its limits. Anger, sadness, irritation... In a variety of forms. But you... you tolerate too much of everything, so you can’t hear that scream anymore. That’s why... you can always keep a calm smiling face.

I don’t understand. I- The reflection interrupts Mirio once again.

Of course you’re don’t understand! Even I stand here and explain it to you in the plainest way, you don’t get it. You found your mother, the only person who ever cared about you dead on your kitchen floor. Your father may have been the culprit and yet here you are. You’re just taking it, like nothing ever happened. Not everything can be solved with a smile, Mirio. That’s why I’m here. Your mind created me to let you know every time it screams.

That still doesn’t explain why you’re all... demony. You don’t need to be made out of cursed chakra if you are what you say you are.

Who. If I say who I say I am. And I don’t know... our chakra is definitely different, but you had to have had this inside of you already if I am made of it. If you want to know where this chakra pool came from, I suggest you start at the beginning. Or you can track down your father. He’ll probably have the answers you’re looking for and you can finally get that closure regarding your mother you desperately need. Two birds, one stone. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve been sealed and I’m getting tired of overstaying my welcome.

You seem pretty okay with being pushed down.

I’m just very confident. That you’ll call upon me again, sooner than later., the reflection winks at Mirio before dissipating.

At this point, the academy has stopped rumbling completely. And aside from a faint glow, Mirio’s scar has completely stabilized. The boy just lay there, unconscious and still restrained by the Senju’s wood Jutsu.

[MFT: 540]
Asuka quickly hurried through her hand signals, for the gods... sealing was never her specialty and she knew the risks of dealing with something like this. The particular nature of cursed chakra was tricky, you never knew what you were dealing with so the sealing jutsu could have their own repercussions. That being said she smiled at Hannya "Wouldn't call it playing when the academy is in danger of collapsing." Asuka just hoped Manzo had some jutsu that would be able to help her with the situation at hand, if Mirio was moving this would be harder and double as dangerous.

Thankfully, he did help and apparently her Genjutsu was effective. Sheesh, she might have not liked Manzo when he first came around, Takeshi appointing him out of nowhere, showing up at Big Sis's place and being condescending but she couldn't deny that she got found of him after a while, heck no one could deny his usefulness to the village. "Yep, apparently whatever is causing the chakra to pour our doesn't want to stay down. Man, should've studied sealing a lot more but this will do until I find something more stable." With that being said she moved forward, her bloodied palm touching Mirio's neck, characters moved down his body in somewhat of a lightning shape, once they were settled they turned into one constant line. Asuka kept it there for a few minutes to finish it and finally moved backwards sitting back on the ground, breathing a bit heavy.

"Ughh..." She spoke "Got a feeling for the being. It's not demonic as I first thought, it's something else. Problem is... I don't know if it's worse or not. Either way, it's strong. What's your opinion? And maybe we should wake him up... see if it worked..."
”Not understanding the consequences and almost causing the academy to collapse is exactly why I said ‘playing’.“ Manzo said, his voice returning to its normal calm. Things were getting under control and while outwardly his calm was showing. Inwardly he was seething but letting this anger out did no one good.

”No this isn’t a demonic possession, though I have a sneaking suspicion I know what it is. I have another sealing technique that is stronger but until we get a chance to talk to him and confirm my theory I want to avoid using it.“ In all honesty it was only a theoretical seal that he had come up. He had never had the opportunity to use it thankfully.

”He seems to have stabilized though. There is no reason to keep him unconscious at this point. We might as well wake him up and find out some answers. That being said I will be keeping him restrained. If this Cursed Chakra starts to flare up again, I will need a few seconds to pull it off and I won’t be to do anything else while I am doing it.“ If this went on any further it would seem to be tag team sealing.

Of course the good news with this is Hannya wouldn’t try and turn the boy into her sage. She was always looking at the young ones like she could corrupt them. Perhaps she could but if Mirio had done what Manzo thought he had done then Hannya wouldn’t be interested in him anymore.
After a while of being unconscious, the young Uchiha opened his eyes. He had a pounding headache and his vision was blurry. When his vision cleared up, the first thing he saw were the Sennin and the head Jonin. Trying to move, the boy realized he was still restrained by the wood jutsu. The boy’s entire body felt like it was in a state of constant vibration. He was a little disoriented, but he knew were he was. He looked around, not really trying to get out of the restraints. The academy was a mess to say the least.

Mirio took a moment to really digest what he just went through. He pondered what...he? Told himself? It was all pretty confusing. But what he gathered was that he had a pool of cursed chakra inside himself and to be able to properly deal with trauma, his brain creates and alter ego of sorts using the cursed chakra that was already within Mirio. The young Uchiha had not idea that he had that chakra pool within, but his surroundings and the experience he just had were proof of everything that just happened. The main question on Mirio’s Mind was: Where did the pool of cursed chakra come from? Was he born with it or was it put into him after his birth? If he was born with it, why was he born with it? If it was post birth, who put it in and why? How he would find the answer to all of these questions was its own issue. Mirio never once tried to look for his father or even wondered about the man and now he was the best shot the young Uchiha had to find out the truth of everything that was going on. Realizing he was just sitting there quietly for a while now, Mirio looked up at his teachers. ”Is everyone okay?” the boy asked.

[MFT: 318]
"Playing would be an understatement. This is dabbling in jutsus that should be done under supervision." Asuka sighed pinching the bridge of her nose "I'm just glad Rayne isn't here or the kid would be dead."

With that said she thought about Manzo's suggestion. It was sound but she would rather avoid placing any more seals on the kid. "In all honesty I'd rather avoid giving the kid any more seals. Worst case scenario they might interlude and cancel each other out, or interfere with his chakra and break whatever control he has built until now."

Asuka nodded placing patting Manzos shoulder. "You're right on that account. Hopefully the chakra stays down. In any case he'll wake up on his own in a few moments. If not I'll just slap him, that usually works." She giggled.

Looking around the room it seemed as though the damage was just structural but who knew what it was like underneath. "In any case classes are going to have to be cancelled for a couple of days until we know the extent of the damage. God this kid was more trouble than I thought. I would like you to let the students know that there won't be classes for a couple of days. Maybe their senseis can take them to a field trip and train or something. Gonna send an expert to let us know if it's safe to keep giving class while we do repairs or if we should repair without classes."

She finally looked back at Mirio seeing that he was finally awake. She gave him a bright smile. She stood there for a few moments, thinking what should she do with him, if her theory was correct he would need help. Allright, she knew what she had to do. "Not really. You went through a bit of something. I;ll let Manzo here explain but do me a favor. Once you're done here meet me at my office if you don't mind." With a last smile she looked over at Manzo "No more sealing unless he starts to flare up again. Otherwise, I'll go take care of the repair schedule. Thanks Manzo-san!" With that she left the office, going to take care of everything else.

[Topic Left]
Manzo watched as Asuka walked out of the room. She was right of course, if he was to perform his next sealing he would have to clear away the others that had been placed on the boy. The one he had in mind involved far to many elements to risk putting on top of something else.

He gave Asuka a nod as she walked out, a smile on his face. A smile that is until he turned to Miro then his expression turned to a stern look. ”When I said report back a way to gain chakra alignment I did not mean to go dabbling in things.“

He sighed as he got up, releasing the restraints on Miro, he could always put them back on him quickly if he needed to. Briefly he considered putting a barrier around his office but he dismissed the idea. It would have been too much effort for not nearly enough gain. At this point he would have a better chance of controlling the boy then controlling what he did to the environment.

”So have a seat and tell me what you did to yourself, or more importantly who did this to you.“ If his theory was correct about what had happened, he needed to have a talk with the clutz that did this to him. Manzo had no problems with people experimenting or doing things to themselves to make themselves stronger. He had a problem when it was done in such a haphazard why that endangers others.

[Sorry for the delay I forgot I was up]

Current Ninpocho Time:
