Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Where are the scalpels! [Open]


Maru's gaze turned back to the Hyuuga, the boy seemingly was a little doubtful that the man could actually fight Maru without harming him. Unless the Hyuuga happened to had great counters and defensive techniques against the young shinobi, but then again the man was on a different level then him so he'll find out sure enough. “Heh. Well I guess with the proper guidance you might redirect that bloodlust to a more fun playmate. Seems fair.” Maru admitted, nodding his head feeling a bit excited in having his powers enhanced. With any luck, he'd be the strongest shinobi around with a cold personality which was something that interested him most.

He snickered in his heart when he uttered the same words she used during their research on poisons. Truth be told Maru didn't think that Mikasa would fall into his trap but her curiosity got the better of her. She must would've known that her words would have came back to haunt her at a later date, after all this method of finding out by experiencing the effects yourself did seem to be an effective tool so Maru thought. Allowing her to grab his hand he extended out to her, he looked up at her to watch her reaction. At first Mikasa didn't show signs of being affected by Maru's evil chakra, the boy thinking that the medical kunoichi possibility couldn't control his aura through her. But then Maru saw that her aura– that usually took on a teal color– turn crimson red. Taking whole of her entire body with a grin appearing on her face, and she gripped his hand rather tightly. Maru making a mental note of Mikasa’s behavior, wondering how she was feeling in using his chakra.

Maru saw Mikasa seemingly zoning out for a moment. She just got really silent, with a grim expression on her face that made Maru wonder what had she been thinking. But of course the experiment didn't last as long, with quick action she had been able to fight against Maru's demonic aura and it went right back to her normal teal color upon releasing his hand. The young shinobi wanted to ask Mikasa how she felt, but it would seem that she wanted to do this research on a later date. And that made Maru smile a bit "Alright fine.” Maru said picking up where he left off. “But I did notice that you had a weird grin and a strong grip that might have broken my hand.” the boy said, hoping that his mentor gotten a better understanding for her research.

With the final notes written up, Mikasa was a bit exhausted. The young shinobi leaning back for a bit “I'm looking forward to beating up on some clones of yours, I'll make sure me and my girls are ready for a fight with a Hyuuga.” Maru seemingly gloated, the Kawaii puppet of his still on his lap however he decided to put her in a weapons scroll that he made personally for his beloved puppet. Reaching inside of his weapons pouch, he pulled out a pink colored weapons scroll with a cute sticker of his beloved Kawaii puppet holding a peace sign with her mechanical fingers. Opening his designer scroll, his puppet was sucked into the scroll then Maru closed it. Putting it Kawaii's scroll in his weapon pouch. “Don't judge the artwork, I find this scroll fitting for Kawaii’s personality.” the academy student felt the need to explain the rather feminine scroll that a tough guy like him wouldn't be caught dead having. It was already strange enough that he used actual dolls to be his puppets, he honestly didn't know where the idea of making female puppets came from. Perhaps it was just one of those things that people just do one time and get addicted to doing. In Maru's case that thing was making dolls.
Nodding his head slowly to Mikasa's statement Yukio hoped for very much the same thing the leaf village could only get weaker if the branches remained divided as they were right now and at the end of the day one could not exist without the other. If relations improved enough joint ventures between the two branches would be a much easier prospect and the amount they could accomplish in a short period of time could be greatly multiplied.

"Agreed, as the saying goes united we stand divided we fall. That is the way the world tends to be and things such as this are steps in the right direction to making the lives of everyone better"

Yukio's eyes narrowed as he watched the events transpire before him after that moment, though he had been speaking to them some time not something about what was going on did not sit right. Though he was not one to talk about unnatural abilities or things that seemed out of the ordinary Mikasa's reactions to copying his power causing his grip on the chair to tighten as he watches their chakra networks carefully making sure nothing was out of place, though saying that in this situation was a fools hope all things considered all of this was out of the ordinary.

He made no comment on what transpired between the two of them, for it was two powers he now knew of but was no expert in, the only time he'd been privy to a power like Mikasa's was when Umashi had decided to do very much the same and copy his Byakugan during medical examination. Though this tension in his body was quickly broken with Doku's next statement a chuckle escaping him as he grinned.

"You think your ready? well it will be interesting to see what you can do, something tells me there's more to you than meets the eye and in the end only experience will tell me what you can really do. Though one thing i can advise you on now is never underestimate your opponents, it leads to a bad habit of letting your guard down"

Seems there would be much to teach the young student, how much he would take in would be up to him however. Anyone could be taught basic and advanced methods however if the same effort was not returned to remember those lessons then improvement would never make its way to Maru but there was little doubt in Yukio's mind that Maru would grow quickly when pointed in the right direction.

His eyes glided across the room spinning in the chair to face Mikasa looking upon her features, it was true with all going on as of late the higher ups in the village were under a lot of stress and pressure to keep on top of things. If the effects didn't start to show themselves sooner or later Yukio would have been surprised but no matter how strong a Ninja becomes they are still human, and all humans need rest.

"Yes please find yourself some much deserved respite, i can remain with the young man for a time so please take care of yourself. We can't have you passing out on us."
The grim expression she bore results from the memory of an earlier time, one in which she prefers to not speak of, "Noted, though if anything I proved that it is entirely possible to suppress when needed." she aims towards Maru. Adjusting the ivory coat upon her shoulders, Mikasa comes to a stand, "You are discharged, Dokuso Maru-kun, please do not take too much time holding up the room." she jests, heading towards the doorway to take a momentary reprieve before the next round of the student tournament were to commence.

Pressing the flat of her hand against the doorway, Mikasa turns towards the Hyuuga, "He can be a handful, but please be kind to him." she begins, pausing for a moment to contemplate if she should warn the shinobi of any interesting details, "Also, please leave poisons out of your tutoring sessions, it is our unique ongoing study." she summarizes before streaming her hand through her platinum hair to leave the duo to themselves. It was rare to find those with similar ideals as herself, perhaps one day Hyuuga Yukio and Tsukasa Mikasa could sit down to further discuss their ideas with one another, but for the time being she would raise her hand upwards as she heads out the door with her signature departure, "Until we meet again."

Heading down the corridors she rummages through her pockets to withdraw a piece of parchment and current rosters of medical shinobi and kunoichi, dwindling numbers; a wisp escapes her pursed lips as she reminds herself not everyone can be persuaded. Never the least, she returns to her office, locking the door as to not be disturbed as she settles in the armchair across from her desk, sliding downwards to doze off for an hour or two. The medical chiefs constant workload increased with each day, now having to worry about teaching Lord Yuu Kenshin medical techniques.

[OOC: Topic Left, unless stopped.]​

The young shinobi chuckled at the man's statement of underestimating his opponent, a typical statement for someone of his branch. But he had seemed to have misread his confident attitude as a sign of him undermining the abilities of others so he decided to explain his true thinking. “Indeed, underestimating the enemy does seem to make you lazy. Which is why I hold everyone to a standard of being a S Rank threat to me, no matter if they are or not. Think of it as me overestimating the enemy so I don't feel the need to hold back against them or show mercy of course. Always go for the kill and don't talk to a enemy is what I've picked up.” Maru corrected the man, although the man would soon find that he held everyone to the standard to being a S Rank threat. From a fully capable ninja, to a person who has little experience or even a child. No one would get the pleasure of getting mercy from Maru, and he expected no mercy from the enemy.

“Finally.” Maru got up to his feet upon hearing that he's been discharged from the hospital, the door would be opened and the young shinobi allowed his mentor Mikasa leave first. The poor woman was really tired, her aid around the hospital was kicking her behind which could explain the irritability when she first walked in. Parting the two with telling Yukio to be kind to him and to leave poisons out of their studies which seemed reasonable in a sense. After all poisons were kind of the reason Maru decided for Mikasa to be his mentor. That and her knowledge on puppetry which would become useful to him in the future.

Maru walked over to the window then pulls back the curtains only to be assaulted by the sun which made Maru draw back. “Goddamn it's too bright outside!” The young shinobi said, his eyes trying to adjust to the light of the sun. He blinked a couple times then he decided to open the window, about to exit through their because it was a lot faster that way. But then he looked back at Yukio. ”By the by, where am I meeting up with you at for the tutoring?” Maru asked, he decided it would be smart to get that information before he left through the window.
Turning in the chair to sit on it properly a gentle smile came across his face as he nodded to Mikasa as she left. He would try and to what he could to care for the young Maru though whether that would be an easy task would be up to the student, something told him it would not be so simple however the next statement was easy enough for the Hyuuga to achieve as of now he didn't use poison in his fighting Style however it possibly wouldn't be a bad thing to look into in the future.

"I shall keep such things in mind and do what I can for the young lad."

Spinning back to look at Maru he listened to him for a moment his policy of treating everyone at such a high threat level was not the best policy at least in his mind, for all it meant he was always on guard and ready going for the kill against such high level individuals was not the best route to take under such circumstances more than likely it would lead to a body even in the best of situations.

"I see well we shall have to test your metal and see what you can do before we move forward, I want to see if you have learned anything from your recent defeat. As for when I will be meeting with you our sessions will take place at the academy for the time being should I require you to be anywhere else I will inform you before we begin."

Standing and sighing he moved towards the door, in hindsight he had already outstayed his welcome after intruding into the room for a while. Though from this he had managed to actually get to know those who worked in the Medical branch while also satisfying his curiosity about Maru for the time being though whether that would remain the case was yet to be seen. As he walked out he would leave with a final statement.

"Prepare yourself and meet me in the academy training fields, I will test what you can do when you arrive"

[topic left unless stopped]

Maru looking over his shoulder, he nodded his head. “You don’t learn from being defeated Hyuuga. Being defeated motivates learning so you can get revenge. ” the lad said gazing at his newly found tutorer, crimson red eyes gazing through the man's soul. "I hope you focus more on improving my skills rather than trying to adjust my attitude. We'll get along better that way. Until then I'll see you on the academy training grounds.” With that Maru hopped out of the window. Falling two stories, landing on his feet with a hint of grace as if he floated down.

Once he was down he began walking into the distance, single step by single step out into the street. Maru had to get home so he could fix up his kawaii and update his dolls with new weapons, however where Yukio will come in is he will help gain a better understanding of his demonic parentage. Mikasa will be used for her knowledge of puppetry and what kind of poisons to use with his deadly weapons. Maru already had the drive to gain power and he carried the darkness of a real ninja on his shoulders. But the thing he needed most was the power so he could stand alone… with his puppets at his side.


‘One step closer, to show this village what a real ninja is supposed to act.’ Maru thought, disappearing among the buildings.

[Maru Has Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
