Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Where's Oswaldo? (Modded Mission)


Active Member
May 24, 2015
One would think it would have been better to invite all the people of this area to the Hope hospital, but it seems that when a hand is held out, most choose not to take the chance given. So it was decided to hold a clinic in the heart of the Pearl Tenements, in an attempt to gather the most people possible that lived in the area. Hi-jinks and all manner of crime ran rampant in this part of Maruishi. Most went un-investigated, almost to the point of encouragement with the lack of care and involvement from authorities. The roads, once paved were so dilapidated it almost seemed to be of cobble base. The buildings, almost seeming to be falling apart,similar to the rest of the attacked city. It almost seemed this part of the city was darker, as if a cloud hung over it shading it from the sun then just a few miles away i the rest of Maruishi. Of course, that was just the overcrowdingly, over populated large broken buildings overhead. Though, this was well before the beast event that occurred. It just matched more appropriately, now.

The Pearl Tenements was in a huge black hole of criminal activity. This area pulling everything outside of it into it's darkened grasp. Crime before was bad, now it was so common, that money had such little meaning as a form of trade. Everything was exponentially priced, especially in this time of emergency. Bartering was the only thing left, and human lives were the greatest of value, though still cheaply taken. A stale loaf of bread was worth 6 hours of hard labor, a chicken, your first born. Everything was truly grim here in this hellmouth.

But, if one can fight back and help destroy the evils that originated all problems in Maruishi, a overly generalized possibility, then perhaps some alleviation could be had. That is what brought the team of Sabaku, Amatsu and Tao to the area. It was now day 2 of a three day quest to bring aid in the form of medicine, and food to the Pearl Tenements. Every citizen was asked to undergo a medical check prior to being given supplies. The first day was slow, and very little occurred, the people unsure of the whole thing. But today, the city came out in droves. Supplies ran out at two other locations, and were slowly starting to dwindle where our team was. People were becoming anxious, especially after hearing how the other two locations ran out of food. More supplies were on the way, but they wouldn't arrive for an hour. The next person in line was a woman with two children, one boy, the younger of the two, the other a girl. The boy was yellow in color, and seemed tired. The girl, dehydrated and suffering from a sprained wrist. The mother, was avoiding being looked at, insisting her kids be seen first. In the background, raised voices could be heard as another team was seeing to another family, with two older boys, their father, and uncle. They were being quite persistent on wanting to make sure they received some of the supplies, repeating that they heard other locations had problems.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Who knew my beloved home would even have problems like this... I spent so much time on the front lines fighting invading threats and never knew that there was a war right from within. The war on poverty and famine was the fight we were clearly losing and only today was that made clear to me. Before stood a woman and her two children... I think, could be her nieces and nephews but that doesn't really matter considering that it wouldn't have an impact on the outcome of their situation here. Her son was looking rather tired, yellowish in color which I found unusual. The little girl, dry, sticky mouth... common symptoms of dehydration. Her wrist, she expressed pain when I applied pressure to one of them. She could move it however so I'm left with the assumption of it being bruised or sprained... how her wrist got like this was unknown. I hadn't the time to question to deeply on each individual who came in line in dismay. I had to treat these people as efficiently as I could with the limited supplies that I had at my disposal. I did what I could for the little boy, checked for abnormities in his temperature, blood pressure, and even withdrew some blood for lab testing. Blood testing might be this boys best bet and I was sure to inform the mother to check on his lab results in a few days. For the girl, I fashioned a simple brace for her wrist to hold it in place using bandages and wood lying around. It wasn't like we had arm braces laying around so I had to do the best I could with what I had. It is kind of a shame that the type of treatment I was providing these kids were that of which I would have to do out on the field in times of war. They weren't soldier shinobi but at this time, they would have to be as battle harden to survive. I informed both the mother and the girl on the importance of staying of that wrist and sent them to the next line where they could pick up supplies such as food and water. I told them that they would have to answer a few questions first to receive the supplies but that it would only take a second. I wrote them a slip to receive what they would need and sent them over to my partners... Anybody seeing children in such a sorry state would be filled with the runaway emotion of guilt and a need to do more... anyone except me. But still... that didn't mean I couldn't fake it.

"Hey! No matter what, stay brave and strong for mom ok! We will do our best to make sure you and everyone here is taking care of, no sweat! Villagers! We of Iwagakure are a people who's hearts and minds are as sturdy as a mighty Stone and are unshakable even by the mightiest roar! We laugh in the face of adversity! Men and women of indomitable spirits, we strive and we survive because that's who we are!!!"

[med mission entered]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
For some odd reason, the mission office deemed Sabaku worthy of leading a team. He had never requested it, nor revealed any signs of his desire for it. It seemed someone up above had some mind reading powers… or perhaps it was just a stroke of luck that he landed such a position. Even more insane, he was given leadership over the medical chief… He figured someone with such tenure would have earned the title of team leader. Setting his thoughts on the matter aside, Sabaku continued his work helping the woman and the two small children accompanying her. Amatsu had done a quick examination of the children and sent the trio down the makeshift assembly line which was their "Clinic". Nothing compared to actual accommodations that the Hope Hospital would have provided, but we do what we must. With clipboard and pen in hand he begun to interview the woman and children.

Can I get the names of the children and your own please? I apologies for the formalities, we just need to take a census of everyone who receives assistance. Need to make sure everyone gets a chance to get what they need. Could i also get a current address as well?

Sabaku would jot down the woman's responses when they were given. While waiting for a response from the woman, Sabaku would call back to his other teammate, Kurohebi. While young and only recently in a class that Sabaku himself had taught, this individual showed very promising potential and was most likely the reason he was allowed to be assigned to a mission such as this. Today would prove a good test for the two of them, Sabaku in a new leadership position and Kurohebi, a student of sorts...

Kurohebi, I need rations for a group of three please!

Sabaku’s ears perked up as he could hear another group nearby seeming to cause a scene… or at least a larger one than the obvious chaos that surround them. Another team was stationed not far from this very spot, giving out food and water along with medical treatment. If they were assigned to this mission, he was certain they could handle the situation themselves. In the meantime, Sabaku would deal with what he had on his plate at that moment. Sabaku turned to the women now, attempting to address any issues she might have.

I noticed that my associate Amatsu didn't get a chance to examine you, do you have any surface ailments at this time? Any injuries?

Today was such a busy day… it seemed like the horde of people would never end… But for the sake of the people of Stone and the duty that he was given. Sabaku would hold strong and push through this darkness they called the Pearl Tenements and attempt to bring light to this dark and forsaken place… Amatsu's comment earlier resonated well with Sabaku. What he spoke of was true, no matter the issue, Stone always found a way to pull through. This was a way of live that Sabaku could stand by, striving for a better life and persevering no matter what stood in the path of victory and the greater good. This mission was just a small part of the puzzle to help rebuild and revitalize the recently traumatized village hidden in the stone...

[OOC MFT WC: 556, Meant to post a while ago... Holidays are for the most part done... sorry for the delay]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
As I was handling a patient, my headset began to beep something crazy. I already knew what that meant considering that the current mednin sennin was out on business. It meant that the hospital could not run it's self and unfortunately for me I was the standing head medic for now. I tuned in to my head set to find my suspicions were right. Medics were calling me for all sorts of things and though I was more of a hands on field worker, I had no choose but to step up and start delegating duties to cover more ground. I tipped my partners off with a hand gesture letting them know that duty calls else where. After giving a quick briefing to another medic I was off. This job is gonna kill me...

[Topic Left/Mission Abandoned]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
