She seemed to get very defensive over my questions, as if she had heard a conversation similar to this before. She took puppetry very seriously, and Hato appreciated that. That was the time of individual he needed. "Oh don't get me wrong, they will be used to the fullest of their capabilities. Just not by me. You see I work for an organization that could use your creations in a whole mess of ways." Hato respectfully replied and rummaged through his pockets for a business card. All that was on it was an Eye (like the one in the mini-banner) and an address. He handed it to her. "I would like to invite you to our headquarters to discuss a possible contract. I think a partnership between your business and our company would be a benefit to us both. We can provide you with resources, as well as financing for research. How does that sound?" he concluded with a smile, finishing up his meal.
[For NPC information, please go here]