Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Who needs memories? [Konchuu/Ko]


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Fuzzy. That was the one thing her mind seemed able to process. Dead silence. She felt as if she were attached to herself, yet not. She couldn't feel her body. She went to move an arm, only to have it disobey and remain at her side. She tried to speak, to open her eyes, to sit up. Nothing seemed ready to respond to her just yet. She tried to think about how she had ended up in this situation, but nothing came to mind and it only hurt to think. She remembered screaming though and blood. She wasn't sure why, these were just flimsy images that were halfway constructed by her mind. It was quiet though. That was one solid fact at least.

She tried to see if she could at least decipher anything though, or at least take in information about her surroundings. She didn't hear anyone, but that didn't always mean that someone wasn't there. She could feel something soft beneath her, like a bed. Was she sleeping? That didn't seem right, she was aware of thoughts in her head to some extent. What was going on? She knew she had to try harder to get up. Maybe this was just a bad dream. Shira tried to start with basics. Opening her eyes. It seemed like forever before she was able to manage it. A slight twitch and then a slow opening of both eyes. She finally felt more attached to herself and became more alert to her surroundings, but only just so. She went to raise an arm, only to find them restrained. That was weird. Why was she tied down? She looked around the room, her vision slightly blurred. She was able to conclude that she was in a bed in a sterile room.

"Where am I?" Her speech was harsh, more of a croak really from years of no use. She was still groggy from just waking up, not really registering too much information. She just wanted answers, so she kept going. "What's...going on?" She pulled on her restraints but they didn't seem to budge. She just felt extremely confused. She didn't even know if anyone was in the area. "Can someone help me here?" She growled out, wincing a bit from the strain on her throat, as she wriggled in the bed. Seeing as no progress was being made, she laid back and tried once more to remember something, anything that would be of use to her. Nothing. She was only met with a headache. Well, nothing to do but wait now I guess.<i></i> She thought, giving an internal sigh.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Medical rounds, a phrase which was most alien to the lying woman known as Yamazaki Konchuu.

Yes, she had medical training, and yes, it provided her with enough insight to even attempt to do a 'round'. However, she still felt nervous; uncomfortable even. And it felt very odd to have her skin massaged by a very uncomfortable outfit created for the doctors of this establishment. She held a clipboard close to her chest, wrapping her arms around herself and yet holding her head in a presentable manner - trying to show her confidence in the little abilities she had. After all, she was just an impostor. A woman born into a throne, whom fell for the kind friendship of an Yamazaki, a friend who perished for the the impostors sake.

Such sadness in her face, the face of this liar; 'Konchuu'.

Anyway, Konchuu's round would start her off in a room with a young patient, whom suffered from a condition called: coma. It really enabled the girls body to enter a state of deep sleep of which she couldn't awake, a horrible condition if there ever was a tag for it. Anyway, the slender woman peered her head into the room, chapping on the door politely before entering - holding her position for a second and self-commenting on why she even bothered chapping the door? Regardless, she would enter and be somewhat startled... "Are those-" She would hesitate, approaching the bed and rubbing her finger along the sheets, "Golly, that's a beautiful material." She would say in a hushed tone, trying not to wake the deep-sleeping patient. After a moment of fashionable imagination, Kon's attention would be diverted back to the young patient; running over her vitals and whatnot before readying the information onto the check sheet.

"Such a pretty girl..." She would say lightly, hand pressed on the girls face before smiling like a sympathetic Queen would.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Today was Kimi's turn to do rounds and her last person was her old acquaintance Shira. She walked into the room and saw that there was a doctor in the room already. Shortly after she walked in, she heard a raspy voice speak. The voice sounded like it hadn't been used in a long time. She immediately walked over to the side Konchuu wasn't and looked at Shira. Her eyes were open and she was struggling a little against her bonds.
"Shira, it's okay. You're only restrained because we weren't sure if you'd hurt yourself when you woke up. Let me just check your vitals and we'll get you sitting up, alright?"
She turned to the full mednin, she could tell from the uniform, and smiled. She took the other young woman's pulse and loosened the restraints so that she could sit the girl up.
"Here you go Shira. Can I get you anything?"


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shira's eyes focused in as she heard a voice reach out to her. It was another girls. She looked to one side and saw a very elegant woman. To the other was the person she had assumed was talking to her. Maybe they were doctors, but the fact that they were touching her made her fear uncomfortable. Was all this really necessary? Shira fought the urge to squirm. Something about this location really bothered her, but she was unsure why.

That's when she noticed that the girl had called her something. Shira. She looked at her with a confused expression. "Is that my name? Shira?" She questioned carefully, unsure how to proceed. She felt pathetic for being unable to recall her own name. In fact now that she though about it, she couldn't remember her age either. What exactly happened to her? Shira barely caught the rest of the purple haired girl's words, until she realized her restraints were feeling a bit looser. Shira sighed and moved her arms slightly, trying to push herself up. Why was she so weak? She practically had to drag herself upward into a halfway decent position so that she could actually see her surroundings and the people clearer.

After a pause, Shira looked up, her throat still really hurt. "Can I have some water please?" She winced again hoping her request was fulfilled. She would let the doctors do their job as they pleased for now, but she still had plenty of questions herself. She seemed a bit more cognitive now at least, far less groggy and slightly more receptive.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Somewhat out of place did this impostor feel. She had learned the tricks of the trade from the real Konchuu, having only ever practiced on her friend and no one else. Konchuu put her hand on her head and remembered her training from her best friend, her bodyguard and comrade. She was a compassionate, and patient, teacher; which really helped the Queen learn the ropes quickly. "Yes," She would say kindly with a smile as one hand moved away from the girl's face, the other holding onto the chart with her brief details, "Your name is Minohodo Shira and you've been unwell for some time now." Her eyes would wonder over to the other young girl, she would look oddly for a moment and then remembered the medical system taught to her: an MiT.

"Excuse me," Kon stuttered momentarily at the hurdle of the missing name, "Could you fetch our patient some water and also notify the the staff nurses to Shira-kun's new condition, please." Kon would await her underlings compliance before continuing to evaluate the young girl, who lay delicately before her. It was probably for the best that the girl left too, even if it was for a moment, as the aftermath of a coma could be very emotionally challenging.

What all of the medical staff needed to do was to be extra friendly to the young patient. They had to build an amicable relationship with her, so that her environment felt safe and comfortable. "Shira-kun, I'm going to ask you a few questions, if that's alright with you?" She wait await a reply for the hazed girl.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Sometimes Kimi hated that she hadn't been able to schedule her mednin exam yet. She knew that this mednin wasn't around the hospital much. The woman looked a little spaced, and by the lengthy gaze on the her uniform, she knew that she must either be new to Suna, or just superbly oblivious. It wasn't like this woman knew Shira anyway. Sure Kimi didn't know her all that well, but she at least knew more of her than the chart on the end of her bed. Still, without hesitation, she went out into the hall and notified the nurses. She grabbed one of the patient mugs and filled it with water.
Just as she was headed back to the room, she saw someone she didn't know was coming in today. She walked over to him and smiled.
"Hello. Didn't know you were coming today, Ko."

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko had recently began to study about the ways of medical training. He knew that if he was to change the world through the word's of Dekishi he would have to perform miracles. His mind was strong, and his will stronger, but he still needed a certain set of useful skills. He was training under the Medical Branch in Sunagakure for just this reason. He wanted and he needed to become stronger to spread the word of Dekishi.

Ko was in the Casuceus Tower today, on duty, for once. He had sat in the main nurses office for sometime now, nothing major happened. He had to make a few copies and a had to run a few errands. Nothing of importance. As he was heading back to the office from his last errand he saw someone vaguely familiar. Was that Kimi? As he walked closer he noticed that it was her. He smiled and bowed to her. "Hello Kimi-Sama, yeah I am on duty today. Is there anything that I may be able to assist you with?<i></i> He put a smile on his face and awaited for a response.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kimi smiled softly and nodded. "Our coma patient just woke up today. She has severe amnesia. I told her what her name was and she had no clue it was her name. Could you make a note of it for all personnel? We need to be careful that we don't over load her. She has been out for four years after all."
She had leaned against the counter, mug of water just in front of her chest. She looked down at it. Oh yeah! Shira had asked for water!
"I'm about to go back in there. There's a mednin in there that I haven't seen around here much. Would you like to accompany me?"


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shira turned and looked back at the mednin as she started to speak. She hadn't been well...for a while? "Oh. I guess that would explain why I'm in the bed. What's wrong with me?" She sounded honestly concerned. Am I sick or something? Maybe that's why I can't remember anything. I must have a high fever or something, maybe I just can't tell. Shira watched as the assitant was sent out of the room. She wasn't sure how she felt about that considering that one had said her name first. Then again, they were doctros so maybe she just had her on file or something. Yeah, that was probably it. Shira leaned back, hoping that water would get there soon since that was what the girl had gone to get, but it wasn't a big deal she supposed. It was starting to get tolerable.

She tried to maintain focus though since the doctor was still in the room. She raised an arm to brush some of her long silver hair out of her face but it stopped once she had touched it for some reason. That's weird. This doesn't feel right. She slowly placed her hand back beside her resting body with a confused expression. She felt a sort of unease go through her but quickly diverted that attention elsewhere, like back at the mednin.

It seemed more questions would be thrown her way besides her own. Well, they couldn't be that hard to answer. Shira managed to give a slight smile and nod a bit. The woman before her seemed rather kind so Shira could return the favor at least. "Sure, I guess that won't be too difficult. Standard proceedure I'm guessing?" She laughed a little bit, still not really grasping the severity of the situation. It all seemed pretty normal to her.

[relaxed posting order while groups are seperated]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko raised an eyebrow at Kimi. The only patient that has had an extended coma was Shira, but she couldn't be waking up. Kokoro was still destroyed, hell their mom burned the remains. The temperature in the hallway slowly started to drop. The eyes of Ko's became souless. He knew that she was coming back, and he knew what he needed to do to keep everyone safe. Without Kokoro, Shira would be unpredictable. His eyes, his darkened blue eyes, were peircing the ground. His hair fell in front of his face.


Then he snapped back to reallity. Looking back to Kimi, Ko spoke.. "I'll put it in the forms for my end of the shift analysis, and yes I'd love to join you."<i></i> He took a few steps to the side and leaned against the wall as he pulled out a notebook and a pen. He marked a few things down before placing his notpad back into the pocket of his black hooded jacket. Standing back up he looked over to his fellow co-worker and smiled. "Which way?"<i></i> He smiled at her, slowly begining to concentrate his chakra. Channeling it as if he was preparing for Medical Ninjutsu. He was going to make sure that Shira would never leave this hospital, the world ill needs a monster such as she...

...He could not let that evil escape from his grasps and be released unto the world. It was Ko's job to stop her...

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"No, no," Kon would press her hand against the patient's hand before smiling loosely, somewhat anxiously, "I don't want you to be moving so soon, your body will be stiff as a board." She smiled before pressing her surprisingly strong hold, yet gentle, on the girl. "Well, I don't really know how to say this, but you've been in a state of deep sleep for some time." She waited for a brief moment, allowing the news to sink in and before the girl could say anything, the somewhat saddened Queen spoke again.

"But don't worry, I'm going to help you back into the world, okay?"
She smiled with an assigned form of duty, ready to lap to the defense of this young girl. Is this what it felt like to be a med-nin, ready to pounce to protect one's own? But this girl wasn't Kon's own - in fact, she was just a stranger - who knew what dark secrets she held.

Wait, did it really matter what the past enlisted for this girl? No, it didn't, how could it? She was but a little flower...

Konhcuu would return back to the medical frame of mind before continuing on with her devotion, "Shira-kun, do you remember what happened just before you fell into a sleep? Do you remember your surname, does it sound familiar to you when I said it previously? And lastly, what is the name of your parents, I couldn't find their names for any contact details." Kon would extend her arms, eyes targeted on the empty space that would normally contain emergency contact details for a young girl's


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Stiff as a board? A deep sleep? What the hell did I do?<i></i> Shira looked like she was almost in a state of panic. She wondered if what was said was actually true. She went to move like before, against the doctors orders, but she found herself unable to. Shira didn't like this turn of events at all. Then she remembered that she was told that she wasn't sick, rather unconscious for some time. Then why can't I rememeber anything?<i></i> She didn't like this new development at all. Well, that's why there were doctors here for this stuff. And the mednin had told her not to worry. She would be getting help. Ok, this wasn't bad at all. Shira sighed and took a breath before refocusing on the problem at hand.

"I guess that's not what I expected to hear. I'm sorry, it's just a bit overwhelming." Shira didn't feel very inclined to smile at this point. She felt so torn up. She didn't even feel like herself at this point. "I'll try to provide as much information as I can." Emotion could be heard through her voice, but at least she was keeping it at bay for now. Moving onto the questions, Shira took plenty of time to think through each one, making sure not to miss any bit of information that came to mind. First question, any memories prior to whatever this accident was. Shira's closed her eyes, trying to remember something from when she was out. There had been a small spark of images earlier. "There was screaming. A lot of it. Someone close to me was in the room...and I remember a lot of blood, but I don't know what happened." Shira dug further in her mind, only to be met with mental blocks. She opened her eyes and frowned. "That's all I can remember about that. It's just fuzzy images that don't make much sense."

Moving on further, she thought about her name. Minohodo Shira. Did that mean anything? She couldn't find reason as to why it would. "Well, it's my name apparently. I don't really recall anything about that." She made a funny face before brushing off her response and continuing onto the third question. These were harder than she expected. Shira thought of her parents, seeing if anything came to mind when she thought of the words 'mother' and 'father. Nothing came to mind in terms of her father, but someone that looked like her flashed into her mind. "My mother. I can't remember her name or where she's at though." Shira smiled at remembering something familiar. It wasn't much to go on, but it was something. Then something struck her and it wasn't a good feeling. "Wait, why isn't my mother here? Shouldn't she be a contact on my records?" Her voice strained a bit with worry. She just kept looking at the empty space that was gestured to by the mednin, a sad expression on her face.

[ugh, so much dialogue -_-]

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Shira-kun," Kon would move closer to the girl and hold a concentrated face, "If you can't remember anything I don't want trying to forcibly recall anything. That won't help your mentality at the moment, for the time being, I want you to just now try and let your mind ease." She would state, looking over her clipboard full of notes, and biting her lip gently at the current situation.

Konchuu would momentarily disappear; only to return with a tray of sweet treats. Although they were only hospital treats, they were still delicious in their jelly form. So, there she was, a ruler of a country, serving a young coma patient with at least 8 different colors of jelly. These little tubs all bounced and shook with the distilled excitement that the Queen expressed through her smile. "I don't know whether you'll like this, but, its my own brand of medicine. Although I won't tell the nurses because their all a little, um, how do you say... Strict?" She would smile loosely as a small plastic spoon was past towards Shira. However, it would be only understandable if the young girl would stray from the offer of a tasty treat.

One would guess that the method behind the madness was to allow the girl to break free from the amnesia. It was a pipe dream, a silly hope that became a part of Konchuu; always so naive to the possibility of peace (whether that be mind or body). Although, the thing that worried Konchuu was the nature of Shira's memory. Perhaps it was nothing but did she not say that there was a lot of blood from what she last remembered? Maybe that's something that she dream't, how could she be sure of what she saw? "Shira, can you tell me about your favorite food?"

A simple question to jog her memory.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Alright, let's go!" Kimi said with a bright smile. She lead Ko down to Shira's room and paused just outside the door. She kinda hoped that the mednin had left, but she could smell that the woman hadn't. A slight pout formed on her lips before her smile came back full force. She pushed open the door and headed straight for the opposite side of Shira's bed.
"Here's your water, Shira-chan. Do you want me to hold it for you or do you want to try holding it?" Kimi would follow through with either way Shira wanted to do things. She smiled at the white haired girl. Shortly after she walked in, the mednin walked out and went to fetch something.
When the woman came back, Kimi moved away to stand next to Ko. While she was where the woman couldn't see her, she hand signed to Ko, hoping he'd understand.
Something doesn't feel right about this woman. I've never seen her in the tower before. Have you?<i></i>

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A grim smile creeped on the small boy's face. His inner emotions, anticipations, and dreams were finally coming true. His chance to rid himself of the cancerous nightmares was finally at hand. He began to take steps down the hall. Each inch, closer and closer, allowed him to feel the presence of evil. The very ground beneath him felt as if it were trembling from fear and hatred. His eyes, lacking the very soul that was used to help the weak, were tensed. As if ready to go to war, his body fluctuated with levels of adrenaline. The skin of the boy tingled with excitement. It was now. It would one of the only chances that he would receive.

Ko fixed the sleeves on his black jacket, the emblem of his country and his job rested over his heart. He was a healer, but now he had to use his strengths to end another. He knew what wicked ways Shira possessed. Ko's steps echoed in the halls, the boots on his feet were hard and sturdy. As he approached the door he wanted to laugh. He was filled with joy. He stopped as Kimi entered the room. "Dear Dekishi, My savior and my protector. I call upon you. Bless my hands, allow me to do your will. Give me the strength that I need to purify the world, and destroy temptation. In your name, I say, Nodearu."</COLOR><i></i> Placing a hand on the door, he pressed against the door and entered the room.

As he walked into the room, he noticed that the two Medical Shinobi truly had no idea what she was. His face was grim, he glared at Shira, from the corner of his eye. He grinned, the smile creeped on the left side of his face. He stood at the foot of her bad, his side against the foot of it. His eyes glared at the harlet.


...Speaking of the boy, she heard the pathetic sound of his sobs carrying through the open door to his bedroom. Shira let out an exasperated sigh as she approached the doorway. "Hey, KO..." she paused so she would get his attention before finishing. "...koro. Look, the baby is at it again. Do you ever do anything but cry? I'm honestly surprised you haven't cried yourself into dehydration yet." Shira laughed...

...Ko jerked up he heard his name. Looking out of his room he began to put a faint smile. Was Shira actually going to talk to him? He could really use the company. Then she finished her sentence. He looked down; she was right. He was always crying. A single tear began to trickcle down his face. By the time it hit his chin a small tear shaped piece of ice fell from his face. He needed to be cold, heartless, emotionless... Just like what Kasa-sama said. He went to look away when the evil eyed girl apologized. He looked over at her, mouh twisted. Then she did the unimaginable, offered Kokoro to Ko so he could play with it. Sure he didn't care for dolls, but she loved the creepy thing, it would be rude if he said no. He reached out to take the doll. "Th-th-tha-th-thanks..." He put on a false smile for Shira. Why was she being nice? He looked down at the doll just as she began to twist her head around to stare at him. This terrified the boy he reared back his arm and threw the doll away from him. The temperature of the room dropped several degrees, and frozen tears trickled out of Ko's eyes. His arm began to pulsate. The black veins began to get larger. Slowly trying to cover his arm, slowly turning red.</I>
He looked at his repulsive arm, what was happening. What did that doll have that made the reaction happen. He looked over Shira. Jumping out of his bed and pointing at her with his red finger he yelled at the girl. "You did this! What the hell w-w-was on that th-th-th-filth? You d-d-did something to me!" All the time, frozen tears were falling from his eyes. Something about this girl was off. He would find out what. The pain of his arm began to numb itself. The red form was less painful...

...As soon as she had seen Ko throw Kokoro, a number of things happened. Shira locked up, the only sound she could hear was the crashing of the doll against the far wall and the thud it made as it dropped to the floor. Shira felt her body seize up, her teeth grinded together. She was so angry that she didn't even care what kind of otherworldly occurance happened to the boy's own physical body. He hurt Kokoro. She was about to start yelling at him when a loud voice screamed in her head, overwhelming her mind. <COLOR color="red">"KILL THE BOY!"<i></i> Shira screamed, a feral, dark growl releasing from her throat as her mind was consumed by complete unbridled rage. Her hand lashed out for the doll, Kokoro instantly being drawn to her body by the chakra strings and Shira wrapped both arms around the doll. "You're going to regret that you worthless, sniveling little brat!!! I should have killed you the day my mother ever brought you home!" Shira was almost glad that her mother had decided to place Ko in her bedroom and made her stay in the guest. The setting was perfect, lots of doll's at Kokoro's disposal. "Know your place!" Kokoro's arms raised suddenly, Shira's chakra flowing through the doll to create chakra strings from it's fingers. The chakra strings attached to several other smaller dolls that lay around the room. At the snap of the smaller doll's wooden arms, the dolls rose in the air grabbing small items as potential weapons as they did so, and flew right at Ko, aiming to kill...


His eyes narrowed. He remembered the attack perfectly. One instance of years of torture and pain. His eyes were watering, he could remember the terror and the searing pain she caused him. He remembered the agony she caused his foster mother. He turned to her. The boy's face filled with hatred. "You have no reasons to be awakening at this hour! You deserve nothing but eternal damnation in a pit of horrors. Why do you constantly taint the world with your presence? I, Reito Ko, Prophet of Dekishi, have come to end your tainted life. Now, Before I pass judgment onto your body, I must say, it was your fault! It is of your actions that death has tainted the eyes of the pure. Now, burn in damnation you vile creature!"<i></i> Ko made a few hand seals and stared at Shira. "Ice Style: Thousand Needles of Death"<i></i> The vapor in the air of the room condensed into numerous of frozen needles. Thousands of the small needles filled the room, from every direction the pointed at Shira. "Now Die!"<i></i> The needles shot at Shira, All at the same time, aiming for her chest.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shira's eyes trained in on the mednin's own and noted the seriousness in them. She felt compelled to obey whatever this woman ordered. She started by taking a breath to try and calm herself. She was recommended to rest her mind for a while. Maybe that was a good thing. Shira leaned back and simply focused on the calm sounds of her own lungs taking air in and letting it ease out. Things were getting to be a bit of a strain on her and all she really just wanted to was to go home, wherever that was...

It looked like things were starting to look back up when she saw the girl from before return with her water as the other mednin left. Shira gave a light smile, an appreciative look for something she really was becoming desperate for. Shira nodded towards the glass and raised her hand up. "I think I'm alright to hold it for the moment. Thank you." Shira gently took the cup from her and sipped it slowly. It was so refreshing to finally have something to coat her dry throat. Maybe now she could talk better. "You know, I still don't know any of your names." she said as an offhand comment.

The second thing she noticed was the door reopening when the mednin returned. This time she had a tray of some sort...with wobbling food? Shira didn't recall seeing anything like it before. She lightly nodded as the woman went on to explain that it was medicine, a special variety. As she went to hand the cup back to the girl so that she could take the spoon of medicine, to at least try it, she heard the door open for a third time. Did they go get another doctor? Is my case that serious? Shira's head turned to see the newcomer and her heart pounded in her chest, loudly. A gasp left her throat as she was left breathless for a moment. In her shock, her hand loosened it's grip on the cup of water and the sound of it hitting the floor was heard. "You." Shira whispered out lightly as she stared at the white haired boy. He was glaring at her, a creepy expression was on his face. Something was terribly wrong. She knew it the instant he stepped into the room, the rage that radiated from him. "No. Who are you? What do you want?" Shira's breaths were forced now. She felt herself shaking slightly, unsure if from fear or the sudden rush of anger that swept through her. He was familiar. Her mind suddenly exploaded with pain. She raised her hands and held her head, whimpering as images, along with pain swept through her mind. An image of a doll, a dark voice.... a small boy with her mother, coming into her home...and hatred, so much hatred. What did all of this mean? Shira was brought out of her memories, breathing heavily. She felt so drained now. "You're...that boy."

Suddenly the boy went into some kind of speech. Saying how she should burn, she had no right to be amongst the living, or taint society. Shira did not understand what she did to deserve such words, but this boy obviously knew her in some way and she knew him. That much was certain. She wondered where this was leading when saw him performing a jutsu. It was ice, so much ice. Shira's eyes grew wide as so many needles filled the room. Oh no. Shira, out of muscle memory, did her best to throw herself off the bed as she attempted to remove herself from harms way.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Konchuu relaxed as they began to converse, somewhat slowly, but that was to be expected due to the nature of Shira's condition. The world would need to be kind to her, that much she knew. However, something changed in the facial expression of the young girl; she looked more solid and completely frozen in her own fear. And it was at that time that the door opened, did that MiT return with her suspicious gaze? "Did you get that water-" Something was off, Konchuu could instantly identify that with just single glance.

The Queen's ears would twitch with the slight sensation of preaching; oh, how that sound was so familiar to the woman. It reminded of her when she spent her days in the palace, the sensation of having her mind indoctrinated by the loose spilling of policies and other wordily matters. Konchuu would attempt to adorn a pleasant looking smile across her face, but in moments that look was shattered and complex by the seriousness of the situation. Thousands, thousands of icy needles transmute into form and throttled towards the girl Shira, and some would even hurt Konchuu herself. And it was in that moment, in a flash, that the Queen stood up and put herself in front of the boy who yielding a raw power that he would misuse to easily; like every other villain. "Tenmeiton Tag: Yin-Yang Barrier." The Queen would speak the words past down to her from the last Queen, a woman of great power, and now it felt weird uttering those same words that were used by her. You see, Queens in her land were selected not from royal blood but from raw, natural energy.

In a moment of utter serenity, Konchuu pulled a tag from her sleeve and placed it in front of her. The tag almost immediately stuck in-place, in mid-air, and began to sprout a furry of legs in the form of shimmering seals. The seal texts connected to the floor, wall and ceiling of the room effectively blocking the attack with such ease. "You dare bare you fangs at the unwell," She said taking off the tag and unfolding the barrier into nothing, "You shall surely be punished for such a disgusting, lowly act of criminality. And you," Her eyes would remain still as they moved over to the MiT, "You brought him here knowing that our patient had only awoken? In her state of mind, an unstable mind, you thought it useful to fill the room with memories that would cause her a great distress?" She was angry, oh boy. "Whether you knew that this would happen or not, you still thought it acceptable to bring people into this room, whom are not qualified to even look at a delicate patient? You will be facing disciplinary actions. Now protect our patient and I'll deal with this young man."

Anyone within the room would feel the pressure of Konchuu's energy; an energy most spiritual and good, however very protective. The Queen's eyes would look around the room, noticing the holes and mots created by the technique that the young boy had casted so spitefully. "To kill a person, to knowingly take life is something easier said than done. I am truly sorry that your spirit has faltered to the point where you feel a bitterness that can only be sustained through the shedding of blood... Now, begone from here before you are hurt." Would the Queen really threaten to scare him off with the presence of her Kinjutsu? Nah, the condemned weren't worth her while.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
((This color is Kimi's voice mixed with her demon's.))

Kimi's wary smile fell as Ko started to "preach". She saw Shira start reacting to the boy in a negative fashion and she mentally cussed. Her eyes widened and as soon as he started saying the name of his jutsu, Kimi tackled him. She got hit by a few of the ice needles as she had also first jumped to protect Shira before noticing the girl reflexively getting out of the way. A large growl issued from Kimi's throat. Before Konchuu's little "explosion" she yelled at the boy.
"What the hell, Ko! How dare you attack a patient!"
She heard Konchuu call out a barrier and jumped away from Ko, just in case it was supposed to form around him. She watched with slight curiosity as the barrier formed and blocked the ice attack. She was about to jump back at Ko and beat him to a pulp when Konchuu rounded on her. She listened and tried to stay calm, but she just finally snapped. Her eyes hardened into a glare and turned blue. The whisker marks on her cheeks became more evident and her stance changed slightly into a defensive crouch.
"I was just going to have him observe. I had no idea they had a past, nor that this idiot would attack her. Seems as though he's just asking for a beating, if you ask me. However, I will refrain."
Kimi's body lost it's defensive crouch and she moved in front of Shira, ready to protect her should Ko try his luck again. She just stared and watched as the woman talked to the boy. Kimi stayed silent, but her mouth moved, issuing a fairly masculine sounding voice.
"I would also stay away from my vessel for a while. She's not happy with you at all, prophet." The last word was filled with venom. He had heard the boy's prayer to Dekishi. The Dekishi that Kashiro remembered would not have condoned a prophet killing anyone. Had the being he remembered become twisted in the millennium he had been away?
The blue eyes finally faded back into Kimi's purple and the rest of the more feral looking features died down. She was calm again. She turned to Shira for a moment and asked her if she was okay.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko's eyes were focused on the demon girl. She had caused so much harm in his life. It was because of her, that their mother had died. He felt as if it would be completely just to finish off what his mother couldn't. His eyes glared at the med-nin. Who the fuck was she? She had no idea what this monster was capable of, nor would she ever truly know. His eyes glared into hers. As if trying to look into her soul. "Do not interfere winch! This is about destroying evil, as such demanded by the one and only god Dekishi!"<i></i> He turned back towards Shira, whom fell on the ground, what a disgrace. His eyes caught that of Kimi darting towards him, attempting to tackle him to the ground. As she hit him, Snow would take his place. He had mastered the art of substitution quite nicely.

He was standing on the side of the bed that Shira had rolled off from. He looked over to the demon possessed girl known as Kimi. "So not speak as if you know the god Dekishi. He has chosen me to speak to. No low life demon would be able to even comprehend the majestic voice of the lord. Now be gone with you foul creature. And as for you, stupid winch."<i></i> His eyes looked over to the older Med-Nin. "Unless you know what this physical representation of evil is capable of, I'd suggest you stay back."<i></i> His attention was all but towards Shira now. He crouched down beside her, lowering a hand towards her head. Shhh... It'll be over soon. As if a whisper, Ko's voice was calming.

"Dear lord Dekishi, I see that you are testing my strength and that you are putting me through trial. I will cleanse the world that you created of the likes not worthy to be in your court. The Youkai of this planet shall be destroyed with your holy powers. You have given me your waters and your winds, I have used them in the ways that I can to try and do your bidding. Oh, please Lord Dekishi, Allow this child to be judged lightly for her sins, may the temptation of damnation be pushed but from your mind. Allow her a chance of renewal in this world. In your name, I say, Nodearu." He made a single hand seal and stood up. Holy Art: Thousand Needles of Resurrection and Renewal." A multitude of small icicles, the size of sewing needles formed around the two. If Shira was truly evil, in her heart, the needles would pierce her flesh. If not, is she be tempted by an evil force, making her do acts unimaginable by herself, the needles would form a "Seal" on her, a temporary one, but strong enough to help repel the demonic forces.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shira felt the air leave her lungs as she landed harshly on the ground, leaving her unable to speak for a moment. That hurt more than I expected. I couldn't even catch myself properly. The silver haired girl looked up and saw the mednin place up a barrier to prevent the oncoming ice attack from doing any major damage. Then she saw the purple haired girl try to tackle Ko. His skill seemed far better than they gave him credit for. Shira glanced up and saw him above her. Still trying to regain her breath she glared. She wasn't going out without a fight, but she was in no shape to really do anything.

"Damn you. Get away from me!" Shira tried to lift herself up, but her legs buckled before even managing to get on her knees and her arms barely were able to hold up her upper body. "You act as if I've done something unforgivable. I am not evil!" Shira's words seemed to have been ignored as a hand was placed upon her head. It wasn't harsh at all, barely a grip. She seemed confused. What...what is this? She heard him whisper something that perplexed her. "I do not understand." Shira whispered back, awaiting a fate that was out of her control.

She listened quietly as Ko said his prayer, wondering what information she could gain from that. He said she should be judged lightly for her sins, that damnation should be pushed from her mind. Who am I? Shira let a tear slip from her eye as they fell closed, expecting death with no recollection of why she deserved it. Suddenly she felt a cold chill. She opened her eyes to see more ice formations, smaller than before, surrounding her and Ko. She was preparing herself for extreme pain, but the ice reacted to her in a different way. She panicked as she felt them gathering arround her neck, yet not tearing into her skin. It was becoming a solid item, a collar. Her arms reached up as she rolled onto her back and struggled to tear it from her body. Nothing happened though and she felt a surge of pure energy ripple through her, causing her extreme pain and distress. A scream tore from her body as the 'seal' finished it's formation. It was a simple choker made in the image of ice diamonds. As the chaos dwindled down, Shira breathed heavily as her vision blurred. A few memories surfaced themselves, memories of her bullying a younger Ko in their home. Something was telling her to do it. Shira felt overwhelming guilt and tiredly looked at Ko. "I am sorry...I am so sorry. Please forgive" Shira barely managed to whisper out as she fell into darkness.

[Shira faints]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
