Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Who you gonna call? (Private)

Hoshiko Gin

New Ninja
Oct 22, 2012
Disbelief. The light clop of her boots hitting the well kept stone path simmered finally to nothing, where Gin stopped. She sat at the fountain, letting one hand reach out to collect the gentle droplets. "What a beautiful estate. This is Kitsune's.." For a girl who had never had a place her own so beautiful, the sight was breathtaking. But the luster of it all only lasted brief moments; these material things meant little in her world. "I may have lost the most beautiful thing I could have ever asked for, for good.." Water gently fell in drops at her feet, as she stood and approached, pulling the brown scarf from her neck some.

The mansion was not only an elegant structure, but also quite massive in size; towering above four stories up. Who needed all this space anyways?Did she have a big family, or did she just like lavish and expensive things? 'She does seem to enjoy the finer things..' Her eyes went to her own clothes immediately. Compared to some women, she did not dress near as fashionably; wearing a black, midriff sweater that fell just off the shoulders, and a hip-hugging tan pant. "I hope she didn't expect anything very grand.." Said Gin under her breath, before rapping on the door a couple times. This was just a dinner between two friends,  right?

"Kitsune-chan! It's Gin! I'm at the right place, right?" She checked the instructions again and noted, that this was her residence. It was such a big place, maybe she had better knock a couple times more... 
Kitsune heard the knock on the door from all the way up at the third floor, and as she did, she looked out a window. As she saw Gin standing there by the door she grinned and warped into her bedroom, and got dressed in a semi-fancy red slim fitting dress that accentuated her natural features, and hopefully helped lure Gin-chan into Kitsune’s plans of a fun night~ After the few minutes it had taken Kitsune to get ready, she warped out of the bedroom, and down right behind Gin, wrapping her arms around the other woman from behind her. ”Gin-chan~ I’m so glad you came.” she said, smiling widely.

”I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place?” Kitsune said with a grin as she led the cute woman inside her home. ”Welcome to my home~” she said once they were inside the grand entrance hall. ”Not too shabby for a Baroness, ne?” Kitsune winked at Gin and took a few steps further in. If Gin looked around, she’d be able to see that the entrance hall was actually the full height of the building, and there was a grand staircase leading up the first floor, and from there, there were smaller staircases up to the upper floors.

”So then. What’ll we do first? Dinner? Perhaps a swim in my indoor swimming pool? Or.. Something else maybe?” she asked the other woman with a smile on her lips. She looks cuter than ever~ I’ll have a hard time containing myself. she thought.
Amazingly, she had been heard quite easily despite the mansion's vastness. A pair of arms coiled around her torso and instinctively her hands tightened around Kitsune's wrists, but relaxed as a voice registered. Gin moved gently away from the embrace smiling; they had barely met and this was the greeting she received? 'Perhaps she greets all her guests like that.' Thought the ANBU, before stepping in behind her host. "You have a beautiful home Kitsune, I had no idea you were a baroness.."

'It's a tad too extravagant for my taste.'

"Do you live here alone?" She asked, taking in the sight of it all. "It's such a huge space... And far from shabby!"

'I would think such a large space would certainly get quite stifling after an extended time alone.' The claustrophobic quarters of the ANBU Sileo was more a home than this place. You were never alone there. Never. She took a few steps ahead of Kitsune to fully appreciate the rooms size. "How do you keep this place so clean?" Gin mused, turning expectantly.

"Well what did you have in mind? I am quite famished.." There was a short pause of silence before chiming in again, grinning, "Plus, there is no reason we can't take a swim later. I've never been one to follow that particular "golden rule"."
Kitsune grinned ”Well, I’ve always been richer than practically every single shinobi in Kumo. I never knew I was of noble birth until not too long ago actually.” she said to her guest ”As it turns out, my parents were nobles, and due to their unfortunate death, no one knew who I was, and so I regained my title in a ceremony at the court of the Shogun like.. A week ago. This mansion however, is one I had built. The guest houses are the original ones built on this land by my family.” she continued and led Gin further in.

”As it is currently, my student, Kahako, has a room here, because of her family. They didn’t approve of her becoming a kunoichi, so she asked if she could move in here. And being the helpful mentor, I said yes.” Kitsune said and smiled. ”She’s not home right now though, I believe she’s off on a mission. So it’ll just be you and me~ And as for how I keep this place so clean, wellllll… I don’t actually. I’ve hired cleaners to drop by once a week and dust everything off.” she finished and giggled.

Upon hearing that Gin was famished, Kitsune immediately pulled Gin with her towards the kitchen dining room combination, so she could begin whipping up a meal worthy of royalty. ”Tell me, is there anything you’d prefer? Anything at all. I’m pretty confident that my kitchen is stocked up on practically any ingredient I’d need to make the perfect meal that’d make your taste buds dance.” Kitsune asked as they entered the room. ”As for that so-called golden rule, I’ve heard the exact opposite. It’s best to swim right after having eaten. Anywho. Dinner. That’s the important thing right now.”

She was rambling as usual, but she didn’t let that affect her mood. After all, Gin was here, and Kitsune was gonna cook a lovely meal for her. Fortunately for Gin, she wouldn’t really have to wait long for the dinner to cook. Kitsune had discovered a few ways to make the food cook to perfection, usually in a matter of 13.42 minutes, no matter what type the food was as long as it needed heat. She also hoped that Gin liked sweet things, because the dessert was a homemade ice cream with walnuts, almonds, chocolate, vanilla, candied cherries, and quite a bit of rum in it.
'Heh, Kitsune sure likes to boast about her nice things a lot.' Nice house . . . nice social status . . . nice financial status. . . That first day she had met the woman in the hot springs, Gin would have never imagined any of this. Never pictured any of it at all. It almost felt, as the ANBU was led through the corridors of the mansion, that she was supposed to be impressed by all of this; or maybe even to make her feel small. She pushed her chest out proud and defiant of such thoughts, putting on a cordial smile and making an attempt at conversation. "You have lived here your whole life than? It must have taken quite some time to construct this place."

'Its like a piece of art...' Unfortunately as it were, 'To bad I don't care much for art.' Err, well just not this sort of art.

The rambling was endless and Gin was unable to get a word in otherwise throughout the conversation. At some point she had given up and simply listened; and found for all this woman's little quirks, she at least seemed kind. And certainly not boring. 'I still wonder why she asked me here...' Entered the thought again; because why would they not simply go out to a bar or club?? There was special emphasis being put on the fact that they were alone, which raised the question again. 'It would be rude of me to ask.'

She had little understanding of the workings of friendships with a woman; there were Eru and Natsume of course, but she hardly considered them the "normal" sort of woman. They had their wiles, obviously. Wiles they used quite frequently, and much to her displeasure, at all the wrong times. Most of the women she knew were so unlike Kitsune, who was all woman. 'Well, I think that as if I am not completely--- Oi, oi, oi, I didn't mean it like that!' Gin thought awkwardly, as she unconsciously pulled her arms out to her torso, and squeezed her breasts up and in.

By this time, she was being asked what she liked for dinner. Her face flushed some, as her arms flew to her head in realization she hasn't caught much of what had been said after "Dinner. That's the important thing right now."

"Umm..." She struggled at what was going on and realized they had made it into the kitchen already. What? "C-Can we just skip right to desert! I have quite the sweet tooth and..." Pausing for a moment, she let out a light huff. "Whatever you have in mind, would be perfect.." Something about this woman made her trip over her own words and outlandishly nervous. 'But I can't quite put my finger on it...'
”Well. Yeah. I have. It actually only took a few months to get the building made again. It was just a matter of hiring the right constructors.” Kitsune said with a giggle as she rummaged around in the kitchen. ”Well, we could go right to dessert” she said after Gin asked we they could skip right to it. ”I hope you like ice cream~ Because I made it myself, and there’s a lot of it.” she added and grinned. Hopefully the alcohol in the ice cream wouldn’t affect either of them, but hey, if it did, so be it.

Kitsune rummaged around in the freezer, for the two artistically made plastic containers, and grinned. Sure, it might not be the fanciest way of eating the ice cream, but at least it’d keep its form, and melt slower. ”Small spoon, or big spoon~?” she asked the other woman, as she placed the containers on the table, and grabbed a couple of spoons from the drawer. ”I hope you like walnuts, almonds, chocolate, vanilla, and candied cherries~” she said and smiled. Kitsune hadn’t devoted much time for friendships or other such things. She’d always been very focused on her work and her skills.

Because of the trip to the hot springs, Kitsune got a taste of what it was like to actually just lounge around and talk to people, and she quite enjoyed that. The other woman, Gin, seemed especially interesting, mainly because she exuded an aura of lethality, commonly found with ANBU, and yet she managed to suppress that enough to appear to be from the Main Branch. So either she was skilled in suppression, or she actually was from the main branch. Kitsune wasn’t entirely sure yet.

[WC: 287; MFT]
"You don't say..." Gin mumbled, folding her arms loosely in front of her as Kitsune turned away onward to her search. She smiled and sat down at table. "Well I think ice cream sounds like a wonderful idea.." As she was presented the two spoons, she weighed the options. With the smaller spoon she would only be able to ingest small amounts of ice cream at a time. For optimal and most efficient ice cream eating, the bigger spoon was obviously the best choice. "You can't eat ice cream with a tiny spoon like that." Stated the woman in a matter-of-fact tone, waving the larger spoon in the air between her fingers. She opened the container and picked up the strong scent of alcohol. "I assume those are not the only things you have added to the ice cream."

The ANBU watched the woman opposite of her carefully, waiting for her to take a bite, while at the same time not trying to make her wariness to forward; after all, she remembered very clearly that day at the hot springs. If a woman could knock off such a considerable amount of aging off, what else was she capable of? Especially as a mednin. She was not totally unaware of some of their... practices. "You made this all by yourself?" Gin asked, "How did you go about it? I can hardly find time to even make a piece of toast some days." Her spoon lingered tentatively over the container. "And its so aromatic!" After some thought, she made the decision just to eat. It did smell good at least.

"To a woman of many talents." Gin giggled, finally taking a large spoonful and raised it up in the air in a toast, before taking the bite. 'Just don't eat to much..'
Kitsune grinned. ”Correct choice.” she said and handed Gin a big spoon. Then, when Gin asked if there were more things in the ice cream, Kitsune nodded before answering There are indeed. The basic ingredients for making ice, and of course, also a good bit of rum from my family’s lands out in Raimei no Seika. So not only is it a family rum, it’s a Lightning rum too~ she said, smiling and dug up a little piece of the ice cream, and let her tongue run over it. If heaven was ice cream, then this was definitely it.

She giggled as Gin asked if Kitsune had made it all by herself. ”Indeedy I did. With an appetite like mine, you either learn to love takeout or start learning to make all sorts of things yourself.” she said with a smile before Gin then asked how she had gone about it. ”Well, it’s a fairly simple process. Mix everything together, stuff it into a freezer. Boom. Done. Of course, with ice cream, you have to make sure it doesn’t crystallize. It disrupts the creamy goodness, and in my opinion also ruins the ice cream.” she replied with a nod ”As for how I find time for it, well… It helps when you can cut out transport times when going from one place to another.” she added with a wink.

”To a woman of many talents.” Gin said, which made Kitsune blush rather profoundly. ”Oh stop it you~” she said with a giggle before raising her spoon in response to Gin’s impromptu toast. ”Thank you though” she said before she ate the ice cream and smiled at Gin, as she did the same. ”After this, I’ve got something you may enjoy also. It’s a bit less… Fancy. And more… Me. I went all out on the dessert to impress you” Kitsune admitted with a blush.
"Oh? I've never tried ice cream with rum in it..." The taste was prominent in the blend, balanced with the sweetness of cherries, almonds, and all other necessary ingredients. "It's good." She said, taking in another large mouthful and scraping what was left against her teeth and lips; her head tilted off to the side as she stared at Kitsune. "To impress me?" Gin inquired. 'But why?' There was a pause as she sat idly in deliberation of whether to ask or not. In terms of, well everything, she couldn't offer much to the mednin kunoichi; therefore, it made little sense to go out of her way to impress Gin. 'I'll put off asking for a while..'

The woman laughed nervously, "That's the first I've heard someone say that." Placing the container and spoon back on the table, she grinned. "Well, I suppose making me sweets and food is a heck of a start!" There was little you else you could say in that regard. Food is, after all, one of the best ways to another's heart. "You know, there was one point in time I ate nothing. Almost literally nothing. You couldn't tell, looking at me now, huh?"

Another awkward moment of silence passed, and in efforts to fill it, Gin gobbled up the remaining ice cream and shoved it across the table. "So what did you say you had planned then?"
Kitsune smiled as Gin ate more of the ice cream, hopefully the rum in it wouldn’t affect her too much. ”Yup. To impress you. I’m a bit of a showoff~” Kitsune said with a grin as they finished their ice cream. ”Well. No. How’d you survive off of almost nothing anyways? Sounds like a horrible ordeal to me.” she said and smirked. After all, if Kitsune didn’t get enough food she’d be severely weakened and in danger of losing weight insanely fast, all due to her superhuman metabolism which she only had due to that oddball mixture she made years back that made her stop aging.

”Well, how do you feel about pork? Because that’s what I’ve got as the main course. Pork that’s so tender you could use string to cut it apart, on top of some delicious buns that I’ve made from an old recipe from Kirigakure” Kitsune said and smiled ”Add to that a mixture of tomato-paste and a few spices as a sauce, and some good Kaminarian cheese, and you’ve got yourself an excellent sandwich. There’s plenty of everything, so feel free to request as many as you would want~” she finished and got up so she could take the empty plastic bowls and spoons away and bring in a tray with several of the pulled pork sandwiches Kitsune had just mentioned.
You don't have to show off to get people to like you.. The ANBU woman wondered if all aristocrats were truly this absorbed with themselves, as she cast a downward glance at her hands that now lay in her lap. Thinking how to put this delicately, her gray eyes averted to her host and gently she replied, "You know Kitsune-chan, people like you for you. Not for what you have to offer them. I am both impressed and perplexed by your power of healing. All I can do with my hands is... Well lets not get into that." Putting her elbow to the table and resting her chin in the palm of her hand, Gin laughed. "As for how I survived, I'm built tough as any of us are. Its part of the training, isn't it? Of course, it was not without consequence.""

With a grin, she nodded. "We kind of did this whole dinner thing backwards, ne? But that sounds great." As soon as the food arrived, she took one and bit into it. "I will need to train much harder then usual tomorrow. You truly are spoiling me far more then I deserve." With a mouth covered in tomato sauce, she paused to put the sandwich down momentarily. She hesitated before asking, "Would It be rude of me to ask, why?"
Kitsune blinked a couple of times before then nodding. ”Well, anyone can learn how to heal others. It’s only a question of applying your chakra correctly. As for the actual medical science behind it… Well… That’s a completely different thing. There you have to study. A lot.” Kitsune said and smiled before taking a bite of her own sandwich. The taste was divine as usual, not that there was anything unusual about that. Kitsune was a brilliant chef after all, buuuut she might’ve used a tiny bit much spice in the rub for the pulled pork.

”Heh. I wouldn’t be able to survive off of nothing anymore. Not considering what my body has become now.” Kitsune said with a sigh and shook her head. ”It’s just not in me anymore. I need a surprisingly huge amount of sustenance now. But eh. That’s life for you.” she added and took another few bites of her sandwich before looking up at Gin as she spoke again. ”Well. You’re welcome to stay the night and join me for training in the morning, Ginny-chan~” Kitsune said and smiled innocently. Of couse she’d never be planning for anything to happen during the night between the two.

When Gin stated that she was being spoiled far more than she deserved to be, Kitsune shook her head ”Oh shush you. I felt like it. Besides…” she said and then lowered her voice to a mere whisper ”You’re cute…” she admitted and blushed a tiny little bit as she looked away with a little bit of the tomato sauce staining her cheek.

[MFT; WC: 263]

Current Ninpocho Time:
