Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Winds of Change [Private]

As soon as the shadows started to dissipated, Ziren made a handseal to transform back to looking like the blue haired shinobi that everyone knows and loves.

And Migoya. Oh boy, what he was saying. But the Chigokai knows exactly of putting on an act. But couldn't the guy pick a different thing to falsely talk about? He decided to roll with it. "Oh believe me. I'm not planning on getting more children anytime soon. The twins I have are a handful already. Need to figure out how to handle them first." He laughed it off, but seriously could think of something better to talk about to throw whoever was watching off.

Migoya would then say he would be leaving for some food, and inviting them to lunch. "In a minute." he then turned to Mikasa. "I have something to ask you. It may be selfish of me to ask of this. But with this new information that has been given to me. I must ask."

"I simply request that you give my family passports. I want to move them to Cloud, where I think it will be more safe. At least, until this whole war is done and over with. Please. My wife and children mean the most to me. And right now, even with how some of us do have the right things in our hearts, and are strong. I can't imagine what would happen to my children if all the chaos in this Village goes from zero to a hundred, to a million. And if they are safe in Cloud, I will be more clear headed than now."
The Medical Sennin halts herself from trailing after the albino chief, pivoting about to address the concerns of the Chigokai. Curiously she glances towards the warrior, knowing full and well those who traversed to another village often never returned and opted to resort to extensive periods of absence. In fact the previous hokage, Umashiashikabihikoji, disappeared from the village on the notion of requiring a vacation numerous years ago with his counter part Lady Yomi. With the chaotic brewing storm beginning to shroud the village, she was beginning to doubt the validity within allowing the request.

Not having a family of her own, the kunoichi finds herself unable to properly determine the significance during an extreme situation as the village currently was in. A thin grin eases onto her features, vibrantly warm, "Of course, however I expect your escorting them to the outervillage zone to be hasty and your return prompt" she murmurs, extending her hand to rest momentarily on the azure hair male's shoulder.

Retracting herself, Mikasa begins to ponder on if she should indulge in eating or finish her daily routine of hospital rounds. Never the least, there was far more pressing matters she was ignoring and found herself unable to any longer. Gingerly she waves towards Ziren, exiting the room and allowing him a moment of silence.

[OOC: Topic Left, unless stopped]​
The Medical Chief let out a slight sigh as his Sennin allowed this, but with boundaries. He will be able to accompany them up until the outer village zones. He at least wanted to make sure they had made it all the way to Cloud, safely.

"Aye, Mikasa-sama. Thank you." The Chigokai made his exit as well, ready nto deliver the news to his wife and children.

(Topic left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
