Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Would you look at that... x Sushi

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi had been around tea a whole lot now. A couple of days actually... But there was one thing that had noticed him a whole lot.

Everywhere he had been looking there were couples... Or couples fighting... And what not. It had raised so.... So many questions for him that one evening he had been sitting at a bar... First just a few drinking and eventually a small bite. All his drinks were nothing but non-alcoholic ones.

He had placed a whole lot of facts for himself. But it was happening left and right. Once outside he eventually placed himself at a small crate and swinging his legs. Slowly he was just kind of turning bored with this waiting game for something to happen.

Eventually, the male started to move more and more around and stumbled upon the older part of this country, the docks. He was fascinated by it as they did not have this back at the Hidden Leaf. He made a whistle sound and slowly started to walk around in this old place where he was looking at all the old things...He was sweet for a few hours and eventually walked outside where he sat down on the wooden boards and his feet swaying over the edge. A nice fresh breeze and the look of that water... Amazing.

[Topic for Sushi]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Sushi had been travelling around the city waiting for the second round of the tournament to begin, he knew that Mikasa would make it to the next round and with that in the back of his mind he knew that he would have enough time on his hands to get a few things done. The Beloved poison was something that caused him to do things he didnt think he'd ever be ready for in his life. Though, it changed him little, because aside from having a craving that was almost insatiable, he would still be on the side of justice and making sure the other half was good before being one of those guys. Alas, he would make his mark on this land by something he would embark on. A simple stroll, his gloved hand from the burns he received from Maru seemed to remain, the pain he was left with subsided, but the scars reminded him that he was not immortal to this life.

"Whistling?", Sushi's ears perked up at the noise. Sushi would manage to sniff out what smelled like Konoha. Someone from his place of residence? Looking about he'd find the boy... the male... he'd never met him before but it was nice to see someone from his home. Pacing himself, Sushi's boots would clunk against the wooden dock. 'I wonder how long it took them to make this... and build this city? To think this all started with a few people with a dream of a home near the ocean front...', Suyashi thought inquisitively about this place it made zero sense not to think about it. How did it get here? Because someone wrote it into existence? That couldnt be so, Suyashi wouldnt believe that to be the case.

"Oioi! Mind if I join you?", without question Suyashi would find himself on the dock sitting next to the boy, alluring in the look but being completely innocent all the same. Sushi would smile as he looked to the waters below their feet and to the heavens as he would find himself thinking again about how everything came into existence... "So, You're from Konoha? Whats your name? I'm Suyashi of the Medical Corps in Konoha... I'm a field Researcher. Heh!", though as Suyashi said it he flexed his pectorals, showing off the amount of physical training he'd been doing.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
His feet were swaying over the water line, barely touching them for his own mind. Izumi's mood was good which was easily noticed by the body language already from behind. His arms were behind him on which he was leaning, not to forget him swaying his legs and the tune he was whistling soon after the single whistle. It was an old tune he knew and wasn't sure where he had even gotten it from. It stopped as soon as he heard a clunk behind him on the boards. His head was slowly tilting a moment as he grew silent for a moment. He was judging if he was needing to be defensive, but what Izumi did for a change was take it easy and do nothing.
He was silent for a small moment and started to shift on the way he had been sitting. He sat more up and had shifted himself more towards the new face. "Ah-? oh! No...No I wouldn't mind you joining me." He gave a gentle smile in return but couldn't help but let his eyes wander on the new person. "So, You're from Konoha? Whats your name? I'm Suyashi of the Medical Corps in Konoha... I'm a field Researcher. Heh!"

The younger male of them let a soft chuckle and nodded. "I am." He said and his hands already made the motion as he was signing at the same moment. He was a little hesitant to stay... But at the other moment, he felt somehow that he could trust this person next to him right now. A mistake or a good thing to be told? "Izumi of the Anbu compound. Currently an in training." Everything he had been saying he had also been signing in his first language. His voice had been soft, not really fully grown male ones and his eyes had this soft grey-blue shade. Izumi couldn't have helped and looked a little to the side away after he had seen the muscles of the other. Lot's of thoughts were going through his head as why he felt this was already a whole lot easier to talk to then the last time with the women in Konoha.
"You are also a long part from home... How is this so?" He asked and smiled, but moments later he had already a couple of ideas who what and where... giving himself a slight punishment by pressing his knuckles in the wooden board in his own right.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Such a wonderful day, Suyashi loved days like this. He enjoyed looking at vast amount of water, it felt like home, and it was. Something felt comfortable with just the sight of ships, and the docks he felt like he would be a sea farer maybe even a captain of his own ship. Who knew, maybe one day The sea's would call his name again. Maybe once in his life time he would cast the sail going into no where... just going where ever the wind would take him... though looking at Izumi he would figure that things would help him as he'd take the seat next to the lad.

"Man, Do I enjoy days like this... Calming of the sea, the waves of the ocean crashing solemnly.", nodding he would shake his head before looking to Izumi, 'Anbu?' He thought, 'Never actually met someone aside from mother that was an ANBU...', nodding he always thought of them being like the secret service or the people who walked around in shades and tuxedos. It would seem to be a notion that most would follow... they were a mysterious bunch, so much so that they could be acting as regular people right under your nose and you wouldnt notice... Sushi thought most were doing good by this. However, Izumi let him know? Was there a changing of the guard? Nah, maybe it was just a trainee that hadnt been trained fully... who knew, but Suyashi didnt know anything about being an ANBU aside from what his mother taught him about being stealthy.

"Oh yes, I'm far from my home... I'm on a mission, just taking a break from it to enjoy the festivities... and maybe after all is done I can return to Konoha and start my ranking up. Process, Into maybe a Head Researcher position. Do you have any goals? Dreams?", tilting his head he would lift his nose... something was vaguely familiar about the scent coming from Izumi. However, Suyashi couldnt pin point it just yet.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi had the idea it was safe to share as what he was working, but for his and the other's safety, he didn't say his code name. Not to forget to mention, he had an idea that they could be some sort of use for each other later on.
His mind started to wander around a little, what kind of field research was he, what would he be doing as a field search, what did he often find, what didn't he find often... Would he have seen the horrors that our branch was possible of.... or would it be... Nah... That wouldn't be it. In the absence, he started to shake his head lightly but that soon stopped when he heard the voice of the other. "That is most certainly true... First time seeing it for myself, but it sure is... oddly satisfying looking to it...

"Oh yes, I'm far from my home... I'm on a mission, just taking a break from it to enjoy the festivities... and maybe after all is done I can return to Konoha and start my ranking up. The process, Into maybe a Head Researcher position. Do you have any goals? Dreams?" He looked back towards him and smiled soon. "I do... I want to end up as Takeshi's right or left hand one day... Not to mention my dream is to become a captain.." He smiled brightly after he thought about his own idea's. It wasn't a strange thing either since two of his idols were already that high. "Yeah... I wish to be aiming that high as they are ri--" He was stopped mid-sentence as he saw his Canine rushing off from him from the water, it had startled him and tackled the young male. "Awww..." A drenched legless creature was laying on top of Izumi. "D-damn Inya?!" He shouted out which turned his voice a tune or two higher. It actually pitched over the canine contract pulled Izumi in the water who gasped for air. "Cold!" He shouted out and was now in a swim session. "You need to grow up some point!" Told Inya to the small young male. "SCRIMP YOU MEAN!" Izumi was having one of those fits with his contract as he tried to climb out. "I will let you have your way once more... Sjeesums.." He complained about it and got out with his upper torso. His arms were on the deck as he was leaning on top of it. "Nnnng..." He was shivering and glaring a bit forwards. "Sorry about Inya... Inya is my Canine contract, she too wanted to see the sea... And she went for a swim..."

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking to Izumi, he woudl smell the aroma of Doge. It was something that he hadnt picked up on before. Though as she would talk, Suyashi would smile... she was pretty. Though tomboyish. A nice balance for a gal, Sushi thought. But Takeshi's name came up? Someone he hadnt seen before... but heard his name. This was something weird... so Takeshi was the leader of ANBU? Since this girl was an ANBU herself... Maybe this was going to be weird enough to its own... but then he smelled a wolf coming. And it had a ton of chakra more than the average dog or canine. So...

With a jump back Suyashi was about to cast lightning at the wolf... but... it was a friend. Infact this was Izumi's contract? Nice, "Hah! I'm holder of the Canine's too... I've even been entrusted with the Midnight Howl Form... but, alas thats interesting... Maybe I can teach you a thing or two about them... How long have you ran with the Canines? How long have you been apart of the pack?", smirking Suyashi would be envigorated to the point his cheeks burned from how intently he was smiling. That would make Mikasa, and Izumi the only ones he knew that held this contract...

Everyone seemed to have something different, Different Clans of Canine? Wolves? Who knew... But it was definitely interesting. "Thats awesome... Hello Inya, Izumi must be a good person to have you by her side... She's definitely got to be Loyal.", nodding again he would await.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The rain of questions was already following from the other while Izumi was still coughing up some water. He hated water like this... He didn't even know how to swim properly. Izumi muttered something under his breath regarding the canine next to him as he dragged himself back on the wooden planks. "pfff...." He let himself lay down back on his back as he breathed for a few moments. Before he sat up and started to rub his arms for a bit of warmth. "That... is cold.." He muttered softly before looking towards Suyashi. Yet before Izumi could even answer any of the questions from him, the canine already started to talk.

"The brat is friends with me for 3 years now... quite funny if you were to ask me." She tilted her head and started to shake out the water. "Izumi is a curious thing, like a lost puppy sometimes." She commented and you could easily see a vine by Izumi on his forehead. "Oi!" He tried to shush the animal. Yet Inya kept laughing at the her part and Izumi got a color on his cheeks. "Hmpf..." And there... He bloated them now giving a pout and turned himself away from them both. Arms crossing and holding his legs high up.

"Isn't that funny, I haven't seen this behavior before..." Said Inya who circled along them both now. "What about you? Which one do you have of the pact then?" She talked and started to halt upside down floating.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Chuckling at the antics of the duo Sushi was reminded of his time with Shida and Aki. They both were the beginning of his journey as a Shinobi. He'd earned his right to the pact at the age of eleven, and now he was eighteen. Seven long years of development, of training and of learning. Sushi felt proud in this moment that he would look up to Inya after long whilst Izumi trying to shush the animal. "I'm in my seventh year. I've learned the Sage jutsu and other things... Even did a study on the Ideas that correlate to the smell of anger, fear, anxiety, and other things. It could help you as an ANBU prospect, and it could help you not have to rely on your eyesight as well as not having to rely upon your summon to do many things for you that you can manage on your own.", nodding he would trail off for a bit... he was apart of the research division in the medical group so he was quite amused to speak about it.

"I could show you Norio if you'd like... He is my summon, my comrade and has perfected his style of fighting with his wisdom and prowess.", nodding he would howl loudly into the sky and mixing with the chakra in his body he'd smirk as the air around them would shift, Norio would leap into the air and finally would land, "You called Suyashi-kun.", entering would be the tall blue and black furred doge, who stood at Five Feet and Two inches in height, his body was limber and sleek, with a toned muscular structure he would stand just about a half a foot shorter than Suyashi, maybe alittle more considering Suyashi was six feet tall.

"Izumi-chan, Inya-san, I'd like to introduce you to Norio-san. He is my combat comrade... He's got my back and I've got his. I do have another comrade but she doesnt fight anymore... She's back in the hotel room studying up on Medical Ninjutsu for my training. And her name is Aki.", nodding he would look to Norio and smile while Norio held his stoic demeanor, "So... you didnt need me for anything?", Norio would blandly state, "Uhm, I needed you for... Self help, introducing you to others who are apart of the pack... others that we will help if we are called into battle.", nodding Norio would simply state, "Understood." before he would poof into smoke and leave the area.

"Eh... He's always like this... very mild mannered... but respectable."

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Inya and Izumi had been kibbling towards each other as Suyashi had been looking towards them. Eventually, they even fell for a yes, no, true, not true! fight towards each other and until he started to speak both of them soon fell silent, listening towards them. "Huh..??" Was the first thing Izumi said and Inya just rolled in the air towards her back and look that way towards them. The canine was easily distracted as it soon was toying around with a strand of Izumi's hair that was standing a bit upright. "Hmpf.." He said on the canine and tried to get it away.

It was the howl that Inya her ears perked up and lowered an instant later. she felt like a shiver going over her own back... But once the other canine had made an appearance... she had been trying to get closer. "Interesting coat layout..." She muttered trying to sound unimpressed by it. But Izumi's eyes were almost sparkling as he found it even more than just amazing. "That--that is so..." He said with a huge smile on his face. "That is so cool!"

"Hello Norio-san, I am Izumi! This i--" "Inya..." She sounded a bit jealous of her tune and turned a few times around. Once Norio had disappeared like that, Inya tilted her head. "Burned off the tail..?" She commented only and swirled around the water area again.
"Well... the most counts is that you have fun... right?" He smiled soft and gentle and placed the arms behind his head. He went through his own hairs for a moment, watched Inya. "It certainly does make things interesting.." And there he left an innocent chuckle.

"Say... you were talking about something... is it that awesome?" He questioned and would look from Suyashi back towards Inya who was slowly laying down on the wooden planks, enjoying the sun rays. Izumi went to her to pet her a couple of times before she said she would return for a nap. Izumi nodded and with a small smoke plume, the canine was gone. There was a small bite mark on the side of Izumi's thumb on which he had used to call Inya earlier today. "Say... You said the other is studying? What is that one like?"

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Shaking his head, as Norio left Sushi would huff out, "He's very distant... getting used to being by my side... being that he's just fused with another so they are... getting used to it as a compilation of thoughts and memories. My other Pup is Aki. She does my medical research with me and she's the brains behind most of my better battle inquiries.", nodding as he would look to Izumi he would look up to the sky, this would seemingly make things weird but there was something that Sushi would have to do, something he wanted to give Izumi to remember him by because he had to get ready for the medical meeting that he'd heard stirring about...

"Izumi-chan, Maybe we can go on a date or something one day? You're cute... and maybe we might have some fun?", tilting his head he would wonder, but he'd lift his nose smelling the pheromones of a boy, but what looked to be a female? It wouldnt make sense, but he wouldnt worry about that Suyashi was still getting used to, so he would figure out later... but Sushi would continue, "Give me your answer when I return to Konoha. We'll definitely have fun regardless!", nodding once again he would summon a lightning bolt from the sky and with that he would catch it and bolt off into the distance.

[Topic Left]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi had been listening towards the male next to him... Tilting his head a little to the side before he would look normally towards him. "Ah..." A faint blush was covering up his cheeks right now as if he had gotten a healthy color. "cute...?" He muttered those words and actually turned flustered at those words. "Give me your answer when I return to Konoha. We'll definitely have fun regardless!"
All Izumi could do at this moment was blush and nod in return... funny feeling in his stomach and held a small pout... And with that the other was already gone.
[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
