Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Wukong Epic journey to the west [Training]

Chigokai Wukong

New Ninja
Feb 24, 2018
Wukong was exited his training base had a good view of the tournament , but as he viewed his training as secret, and the whole village was there, so he'd move towards the forests he was raised in and train there instead. Wukong took a couple of cloth strips and marked out a circle in the trees, starting his work out by seeing how fast he could run 5 laps of this make up course. Taking him 10.5 seconds Dang i bet Asuka can run it faster! i need more training!, so to punish him self he hung from the tree branches for 15 seconds then flipped on top of them, ran up the tree to the next branch and repeated, once the branches where to small he ran to the next tree and repeated. 150 branches later, wukong had worked up a sweat, " No NO NO still not enough i need more training, i need to be more fluid!"

Wukong then did 25 push ups using chakra to hold onto the bottom of the branch then 100 on top of the branch, taking a 5 min break then repeated these raps 10 times. Finishing those one rep short he punished him self by practicing Storm Bolt, wind slash, and pressure burst till he had nearly no chakra left, then he meditated till he could do it over again, " I will be the strongest ninja mentally and a top contender in power by the time I'm an adult, or ill work my self to death!"

Promising him self this he spend the weekend camped in the trees eating fruits and any animals he could handle that got close enough for him to release some of his built up Chigokai "urges", and where not turned into a bloody mess " Urrrgh I got to get this under more control, i don't what to end up like my cousin crazy from holding back, but i don't want to be consumed by the need to feel somethings blood splatter over me, this addiction to blood will really ruin my image. Not to mention it clouds my mind, something no strategist wants"
Wukong after having to return to the village, for supplies and to make sure no search party was sent after him, stayed there for a couple of days before sneaking back to the woods, rushing to his old encampment. He prioritized his body and began lifting logs and branches building a semi fort, as well as some nails and iron spikes he bought to hold it together, after half a day and a couple logs high base was formed, he left to collect some food, running across the trees at high speed, to build his agility some more, as well as using wind slash and storm bolt to kill birds and cut down fruit after a while he had a small feast so he headed back to his base.

I need to work on my planning and ideas so ill use some of these birds as bait for traps, as well as making jams and jerky to keep on stalk here having made a plan wukong spends the next week building pitfalls, spring, cage traps, as well as his fort and food supplies. I can uses this a forward training base as well as for missions in this area, for me and Asuka having thought of this Wukong dug a small hole semi filling back with dirt then used earth flow river jutsu to turn the assembled dirt into a muddy water, now we don't have to leave the fort for bathroom breaks, he then isolated it with some logs sticking up right, at this point a week and a half has gone by and wukong has built the walls of the fort 6 logs high, several traps in the area, a bathroom with a squat toilet and a small roof with some tarps and leaves, he then put a sign saying Wukong and Asuka's secret training post no entry with out permission, and headed back to the village.
Wukong after getting more supplies and handing Asuka the map to there team base, rushes back to train some more, he gets there in record time smiling, My speed is getting there nicely i can also control my chakra threads better, lets see if i can move sticks and such with them now Wukong digs Another pit on a animal trail, sharpens some sticks into caltrops, and practices burring them only using chakra threads to get them in to the holes, after trying for a whole day he finally gets them in, and covers the trap, leaving a sign to warn of its presence " Ill come back tomorrow takes the spikes out and re due it till i get proficient with this.
Tired he sleeps on a small cot covered in animal furs, upon waking up wukong checks his other traps, fighting a couple wolverines and starved wolves that are trapped in the cages and pits! Following the morning clean up he makes more jerky and hides to sell in town, before he takes apart his pit fall and spends the day rebuilding the spikes with only his chakra threads. Frustrated that he isn't progressing in his chakra handling anymore he decides to stay up practicing though the night where upon in the late of a moonless night wukong hears A howl, no not one but two, three, a whole pack of wolves and they seem to be moving closer! Wukong gets on edge and he jumps and climbs onto a near by branch unsheathing his fan... waiting.
He spots the first scout of the pack and unleashes a blade of wind conjured up from a swing of his fan, hitting square on the side of the wolves neck, cutting deep but not deep enough to keep the wolf from sounding its death cry alerting the pack. Wukong dashes from his hiding place onto another spot, this time a wolf spots him long enough to start a howl before a bolt of lightning hits the wolf square in the chest causing to die spasming and convulsing on the ground, wukong the waits silently, as he dispatches two more wolves with a wind blade and a pressure burst from above, cutting one wolf in half straight down the middle and crushing the other ones skull, he keeps hunting the wolves through the night, never fighting them on the ground or straight forward, he laps from the shadows killing them in one or two rapid strikes before disappearing into the shadows once more! by the time the sun raises the whole pack aside from its leader had been assassinated as they hunted for Wukong, satisfied he headed to the fort to sleep
He spends the next half week training his chakra threads, before heading back to the village for new supplies, classes and to sell his furs.

Current Ninpocho Time:
