Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [private]

Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

Hikari watched after the sennin as he talked to Keiji. Something about him made her edgy. She shook her head. "Fishy." She muttered. "What's that guy doing talking to Keiji so intently? A private word bah." She leaned against a building and went into her bag to retrieve a hair band. It was as frizzy as she was nervous. Well... Maybe the other way around. It was usually frizzy... crazy... In any case, she swooped her hair back and tried to make it look less like a mane. Keiji seemed less edgy after a moment had gone by, and eventually not at all. Whatever Kushin was saying must have put him at ease.

She pulled out her Kunai and shuriken, so that she could look them over for dings or anything that she might need to fix later. A kunoichi should not neglect her weapons... and besides that, she was bored. Finally, after much ado and a box in his hands, Keiji and Sennin Kushin parted, and her classmate came to see her. "Damn, finally, I never thought he'd leave" Keiji, annoyed, "So. Where were we?"

"Well, you'd just run into me, when that Sennin came to talk to you." She said, still mistrustful. "Mednin or not, I think that was weird." She told him. "What did he give you?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. "It seems odd. You weren't in the etiquette class, right? Giving gifts in the middle of a market place... It's not polite, and besides that..." She remembered her sensei's lecture on gifts. The one thing that went through her mind over and over was that Isaki probably wanted Keiji to be indebted to him. But why? The man was a ninja, maybe it was something to do with information. She could see that. Kids knew stuff that they shouldn't, all the time, because nobody paid attention to them... But that wasn't true either... As Tomotoya-sensei had said, they were no longer simply children. Maybe it was something else? "It just seems so strange. Tomotoya-sensei said that gifts can "Send many messages, so be thoughtful when giving and cautiously analytical when receiving." Then Hikari wondered if she might be over thinking things again, as she sometimes did.
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

"This?" He lifted up the box "Dude gave me a headset.. Weirdly enough" He packed the box in his shoulder back. He wanted to pack it out as soon as he got home. Keiji grinned, and smiled "Did Tomotoya Sensei say that?, heh, coincidentally this gift can specifically say a lot of things." He smiled and laughed a little to himself. Then he got a serious face suddenly and looked at Hikari "Dude gave it to me cus' he wanted me to do something, and it's supposed to be a secret, so sorry." He pouted a bit and kicked dust on the ground in front of himself. "I can't tell you anything." Keiji was a stout believer in honesty, and didn't intend to break the trust of Kushin-senpai, especially not since Kushin had the power he had.

"But Hikari, umm.." He paused and began blushing a little bit. "I'm actually glad I bumped into you here, I was gonna talk to you the next time I saw you in class." He kicked the dirt on the ground again. "Did you hear about the upcoming festival?, the one here starting here in a few days?" Keiji scratched the back of his head slightly making his dreads fly up in the air a little as he moved his fingers about.
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

"A headset?" She asked, "Definitely weird." Keiji got serious for a moment and told her that the obligation attached to the gift was a secret. "It's ok." Then she frowned, "Just be careful."

Then he started to blush and said "I'm actually glad I bumped into you here, I was gonna talk to you the next time I saw you in class."

"Really?" She cocked her head, "What about?"

He kicked at the ground as he struggled for what he was trying to say, "Did you hear about the upcoming festival?, the one here starting here in a few days?"

She nodded, "Sure. My dad is a merchant. He won't be out on the streets 'cause it's going to be a bit more tailored toward visual entertainment and food, and he sells books, but he told me about it." She said with a shrug, "And my mom's students talk about stuff like that all the time. Why? What about it?"
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

Keiji were surprised how openly Hikari talked about her parents being a book merchant and a teacher. Keiji never spoke so openly about parents, being ashamed of them for one thing. And if people openly knew of his heritage chances were rocks would be thrown after him, he feared and loathed people when they knew of his heritage. So he tried to always keep it a secret and hidden away.

Keiji began to do stretches as she talked about her parents, he then began running in place. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the festival?" He looked to the side to face Hikari while he was running in place.
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

Hikari didn't notice Keiji's discomfort, when she spoke about her parents. They were a matter of fact for her. Typical parents really. Kind, loving, and full of expectations that she wouldn't meet because she was choosing a different path. Hikari watched as he started to stretch, and run in place. She nodded at his question, "Sure, where would you want to meet?" She asked.

"I'm pretty excited about it." She grinned. "I always loved the lunar festival... So much to do, and see..." It was exciting to think about. She had many memories associated with Kumo's various yearly festivities, and each of them conjured nostalgia. This would be her first one away from the family. In some ways she was excited, and in other ways, she was less than happy.
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

"I dunno.." Keiji couldn't be specific, he hadn't been to the festival before, he didn't see a reason to, no money, so many people, no friends to meet up with. "I haven't been to the festival before, so.." He paused and hoped Hikari would have ideas on where they could meet. He kept running in place, he didn't want to seem too insecure, so he needed to distract his body by keep running place.
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

Hikari's focus returned with a bit of surprise. "You've never been before?" She asked, incredulously. Just after she spoke, she felt rude. "Oh. I mean,... Hmm... Well, it's different every time, depending on who comes. There are performers, and shops..." She smiled, "It's great fun! Maybe we should get a group of the students together! We could all have a great time together!" She said pushing herself away from the wall she'd been leaning on. "Where to meet..." She scratched her head, accidentally pulling a few locks of her hair free, "Well... I suppose we could meet up at the academy and just make the trip all together- that is, if anyone wants to come with us..."
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

Keiji stopped running and stretched his legs as Hikari talked "At the academy?, sounds good to me.." He paused as he stood up straight, scratched his cheek and looked to the side "But, the thing is, I hardly talk with anyone, so if you find anyone willing to join up, that'd be awesome!"

"But hey!" He began running in place again, "I had best be off." his eyes quickly glancing back behind him at the market street. He raised his hand, palm facing Hikari. "See you at the academy?, at around 6 then?"
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

"Oh don't worry, I talk to a lot of people. I can probably find us a couple people at least." She smiled, "Yeah, Six sounds good. See ya then." She nodded, as he waved. She looked around and realized that she had better get off to her parents house. "Bye, Keiji." She grinned, "Nice to see you." She said as she walked away. "I should be off too." She wondered to herself what time it was, as she rushed away, intent on her family home. She had forgotten for a little while, that she had intended to visit. "Well, that was an odd day." She said.

[topic left]
Re: Yeah, that's two different types of "Shopping"... [priva

Keiji began to run off, heading his way home in order to begin cooking for Jin as fast as possible.
"Bye!" he shouted as he ran off.
His bags filled with food, and his feet moving with a quickened pace he looked forward to getting home.
He should be thankful for not getting caught by the shop owners or the real law enforcement, and instead getting caught by Kushin-senpai.
Although admittedly he wasn't.


Current Ninpocho Time:
