Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

A clan originating from the village hidden in the Mist, the Yuki are a graceful clan, possessing a powerful affinity to Ice, a trait which leaves even their skin chilly to touch. Those of this Bloodline are majestic and beautiful at birth. However, mistaking a Yuki to be delicate can prove a very dangerous mistake, for their skill and control with ice can easily freeze those who invoke their wrath at a moment's notice, their skills the pinnacle of Ice Ninjutsu.
084 PL - Flash Freeze (Rank 1), Short Summer (Rank 1)
168 PL - Icicle Needle (Rank 1)
252 PL - Silent Mist (Rank 1)
336 PL - Icicle Needle (Rank 2)
420 PL - Flash Freeze (Rank 2), Ice Mirror (Rank 1)
504 PL - Short Summer (Rank 2)
588 PL - Icicle Needle (Rank 3), Silent Mist (Rank 2)
672 PL - Flash Freeze (Rank 3), Ice Mirror (Rank 2)
756 PL - Silent Mist (Rank 3)
840 PL - Short Summer (Rank 3), Ice Mirror (Rank 3).


Flash Freeze - Passive
A Yuki's ability to manipulate ice and cold gives them an edge, but they can’t use that edge if they do not have ice to manipulate. They naturally possess the ability to freeze water, and even the air itself, into ice.

Rank 1/2/3: May convert Water and Wind Techniques into Ice Techniques by paying +20%/10%/0% CP. May use One-Handed Seals for Ice Techniques at no additional cost.

  • The User automatically has access to the Ice element.


Short Summer - Passive
A Yuki's presence is enough to bring the winter winds, chilling everything in their vicinity over time. When one faces off against a Yuki, the only option is to keep moving, or risk freezing as they are exposed to the power of the Yuki’s advance.

Rank 1/2/3: Any non-Yuki participants that end their turn with unspent AP falls under the effects of Short Summer. The user has +15%/20%/25% damage against those suffering from Short Summer when using Ice Techniques.


Icicle Needle - Ice Ninjutsu
A dangerous secret technique passed down through generations of Yuki, this technique is performed by simply freezing the moisture in the air into needle-like icicles that are nearly invisible to the human eye. Combined with the Yuki's deadly precision, they can incapacitate foes without retaliation.

Rank 1/2/3: Strikes a target at +1/2/3 accuracy, dealing 610/765/920 Elemental Damage. When used while in stealth, this does not reveal the user.

Cost: 1.5 AP and 250 CP

  • Requires a 10 second cooldown after use if used from Stealth.
  • May be used with Ranged Accuracy or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
  • May be used as a Called Shot.


Silent Mist - Bloodline Style
This ancestral technique emphasizes the Yuki’s natural abilities to create a frozen mist around them, blending in seamlessly with the environment. Focused on silently tracking down their foes and finding the right moment to strike from the mist. With this technique a skilled Yuki can end a fight before it even begins.

Rank 1/2/3: When the user casts an Ice Technique, the user generates a "Clone" with HP equal to 10% of the CP used and -4 of their secondaries. If the “Clone” is destroyed, the remaining damage from the attack targets the user at -0/-1/-2 accuracy. The user may also enter any active Ice Mirror when a Ice Technique is cast.

Cost: 0.5 AP

  • If already occupying an Ice Mirror the user may switch to another Ice Mirror of their choice instead.
  • Limit of one “Clone” at a time. If a new “Clone” is created, the “Clone” with the highest HP remains.
  • This does not apply to the user's Clone technique Limit.
  • Counts either as Chakra or Physical Style. Must be declared upon entering.


Ice Mirrors - Ice Ninjutsu
The signature technique of the Yuki, conjuring a beautiful mirror of ice that can only reflect themselves while within it, allowing them to move between mirrors for a deadly surprise attack. The ice mirror also provides protection for the Yuki, concealing them within this defensive layer of ice.

Rank 1/2/3: The user generates two Ice Mirrors that each have HP equal to 5% of the user’s Max CP. The user may have a maximum of 2/3/4 Ice Mirrors. While inside an Ice Mirror, the user gains the following benefits:
  • The remaining Ice Mirrors count as Reflections of the user, following all Clone technique rules.
  • The Ice Mirror the user occupies provides temporary HP equal to its remaining HP and the user takes any excess damage if destroyed.
  • Primary and Secondary Effects are not applied to the user while this temporary HP remains.
  • Temporary HP gained this way is not lost at the end of the round.
Cost: 2 AP and 400 CP, 200 CP/rnd.

Special action: For 0.5 AP and the CP maintenance cost, the user may switch Ice Mirrors. This may be done reflexively if the Ice Mirror they are inside of is destroyed.

  • The user may enter Ice Mirrors for no cost upon casting this technique.
  • When switching Ice Mirrors the clone awareness check is rerolled for all Ice Mirrors.
  • While occupying an Ice Mirror this is treated as a Clone Technique, and the user automatically drops all Clone techniques they are maintaining, except Ice Mirrors.
  • While the user is not occupying an Ice Mirror, this does not count as a Clone Technique.
  • An unoccupied Ice Mirror cannot dodge.
  • Additional use of the Ice Mirrors Technique stack up to the users maximum Ice Mirror limit.

This branch of the Yuki Bloodline is more than willing to sacrifice their graceful and precise techniques to bombard their enemies with a relentless blizzard of deadly Ice. Be wary of a Fuyushio Yuki for where they go, winter follows.
924 PL - Crystalized Ice (Rank 1), Snow Globe (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Crimson Ice (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Snow Globe (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Crystalized Ice (Rank 2), Crimson Ice (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Storm of Ice Shards (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Crystalized Ice (Rank 3), Snow Globe (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Storm of Ice Shards (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Winter's Wrath (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Crimson Ice (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Storm of Ice Shards (Rank 3), Winter's Wrath (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Winter's Wrath (Rank 3)


Crystalized Ice - Passive
The Fuyushio Yuki’s blood runs cold, maintaining a core temperature that would be deadly even to other Yuki. This gives Fuyushio Yuki an affinity with Ice unlike any other as Ice literally pumps through their veins.

Rank 1/2/3: Ice techniques used by the user have a +5%/10%/15% chance of secondary effects. Rank 3 allows this bonus to bypass caps.


Crimson Ice - Passive
Fuyushio Yuki can learn to mix their almost frozen blood into their Ice Techniques, skillfully intensifying their potency. With the ability to weaponize their own blood, opponents should be wary of even wounding one.

Rank 1/2/3: When the user takes bleeding damage, for the next 10 seconds the user’s C/B/A Ice Techniques now benefit from the Blood Rack Augment and have a +8%/10%/12% chance to inflict Bleeding.

  • When the user takes bleeding damage again while this is already activated, the duration is refreshed.


Snow Globe - Ice Ninjutsu
Gathering snow and ice in a compressed form, the Fuyushio Yuki then unleashes it in a powerful explosion of cold, encasing opponents in a dome of ice, momentarily isolating them from their allies.

Rank 1/2/3: Attempts to strike a single target at -4/3/2 accuracy, dealing 2000/2500/3000 Elemental Damage. On a full hit, the target is encased by a Barrier with HP equal to the damage dealt for 10 seconds. Once the duration ends, the barrier detonates, dealing damage equal to the barrier's remaining HP to up to 2 targets of the user's choice excluding the original target.

Special Action - Frigid Blast: The user may pay 1 AP and 50% of the initial CP cost to prematurely detonate the barrier.

Cost: 2.5 AP 1200 CP, 600 CP/rnd.

  • Snow Globe is a Physical Bind.
  • If the trapped target destroys the Snow Globe, they take half the Snow Globe initial damage again.
  • Any excess damage dealt to the barrier will attempt to hit the target inside the barrier at -3 accuracy.
  • Snow Globe counts as a Barrier with DR against Elemental Damage.
  • May only have a single instance of Snow Globe active.
  • May be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds.
  • Requires 10 second cooldown after use.


Storm of Ice Shards - Ice Ninjutsu
Fuyushio Yuki’s mastery of Ice allows them to create hail, causing sharpened shards to buffet their opponents and spreading their encroaching influence over the frozen battlefield.

Rank 1/2/3: Attempts to strike up to 3 targets at -2 Accuracy, dealing 1760/2200/2640 Elemental Damage with a 21%/28%/35% chance of causing Impale.

Special Action - Splinters: By paying half the CP cost as maintenance, this technique can be maintained dealing 880/1100/1320 Elemental Damage a round, retaining the Impale chance.

Cost: 2.5 AP 1300 CP

  • This technique’s special action can only be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds.
  • The Impale effect increases bleeding by one level and has a 35% chance of dealing critical damage. Additionally, this disperses clones.


Winter's Wrath - Ice Ninjutsu
From a single snowflake or a tiny bit of ice, the Fuyushio Yuki can cause ice to build up upon themselves, forming a chain reaction that turns into a deadly spectacle of ice and snow centered on the Fuyushio Yuki.

Rank 1/2/3:When Winter’s Wrath is cast, the user can choose up to 3 Ice Techniques they have previously cast to be stored. The user can choose to “re-cast” the stored Ice Techniques, with +1 Acc and 30%/35%/40% base damage for no additional AP or CP cost.

Cost: 3 AP 2475 CP, 1240 CP/rnd

  • This is a Chakra Armor Technique.
  • The user can choose any order to trigger the Ice Techniques, but the AP Timing remains the same. (Eg Koorikan would still take 3 AP Timing to cast)
  • Triggering a stored Ice Technique does not require Handseals or Movement.
  • Ice Techniques from Winter’s Wrath cannot have their damage increased by any means.
  • Every Ice Technique stored in Winter’s Wrath will count as a separate maintained technique for Crystal Ice’s effect.
  • May only be maintained for 30 seconds.
  • Winter's Wrath may trigger a stored Ice Technique once per 10 seconds.

Nurturing their clan's signature technique, Ice Mirror, the Yuki of the Hiyakagami branch learn various ways to utilize their Ice Techniques, far more than mere assassination and infiltration, they can perform a variety of tricks, both deadly and cunning, to keep their foes at bay when needed.
924 PL - Permafrost (Rank 1), Frozen Trap (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Pure as Snow (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Frozen Trap (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Permafrost (Rank 2), Pure as Snow (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Frozen Isolation (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Permafrost (Rank 3), Frozen Trap (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Frozen Isolation (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Demonic Ice Mirrors (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Pure as Snow (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Frozen Isolation (Rank 3), Demonic Ice Mirrors (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Demonic Ice Mirrors (Rank 3)


Permafrost - Passive
A Hiyakagami's Ice Mirrors are more refined and stronger than other Yuki, granting them the ability to regenerate their Ice Mirrors by keeping them chilled with their own ice and snow.

Rank 1/2/3: The user can now have a maximum of 6 Ice Mirrors. While the user does not have any active Ice Mirrors, they can create up to 4 at once with the Ice Mirrors Technique. When the user performs an Ice Technique while inside an Ice Mirror, the user’s unoccupied Ice Mirrors regain HP equal to 50%/60%/70% of the jutsu cost.

  • An Ice Mirror cannot regain HP above it’s maximum.
  • if the user is in Silent Mist, they may generate a new Ice Mirror instead of a "Clone," with the “Clone’s” HP replacing that of the Ice Mirror HP.
  • Ice Mirrors generated this way does not count towards the user’s Ice Mirror limit.


Pure as Snow - Passive
A Hiyakagami's Ice Mirrors has been perfected to the point that they have become much more resilient, fracturing long before it shatters.

Rank 1/2/3: The user's Ice Mirrors now have 6%/7.5%/10% of the users CP as HP. The first time an attack would reduce any of the user’s Ice Mirror's HP to 0, it is instead reduced to 1. This does not apply to the Ice Mirror the user is currently occupying.This requires a 20/15/10 second cooldown after use. This effect is automatic and requires no action from the user.


Frozen Trap - Ice Ninjutsu
Following the same application as a sealing tag, a Hiyakagami's Ice Mirror can be manipulated in such a way that it stores their own techniques inside it, triggering upon destruction or at their leisure.

Rank 1/2/3: The user can seal an Ice Technique of D/C/B-rank or lower into one of their Ice Mirrors. The sealed Ice Technique is treated as a sneak attack when triggered.

Special Action - Ice Release: The user can trigger a stored Ice Technique for 0 AP and +20% CP cost at any time. The user chooses the target if this special action is used.

Cost: AP and +20% of the CP Cost of the sealed Ice Technique.

  • Frozen Trap uses the Trap Rules with the following settings
    • The stored Ice Technique is automatically set to trigger when hit, targeting the attacker.
    • This trap uses Ninjutsu Accuracy.
    • This trap may trigger in the same round it was armed.
  • Once an Ice Jutsu is sealed into an Ice Mirror, the user does not pay the maintenance cost until it has been released.
  • The user can only have up to 2 Frozen Traps active.
  • This jutsu is a hidden action.
  • The user can use this technique without being revealed from stealth.
  • This does not count towards a user’s trap limit.


Frozen Isolation - Ice Ninjutsu
While a Hiyakagami can freely move between their Ice Mirrors through their Yuki technique’s, not everyone has such freedom. A skilled Hiyakagami can use their Ice Mirrors offensively, trapping opponents within.

Rank 1/2/3: The user may attempt to envelope a single target with an unoccupied Ice Mirror at -4/-3/-2 Ninjutsu Accuracy. On a success, the target is considered trapped within the Ice Mirror. The target within the Ice Mirror appears as a clone of the user, as per a normal Ice Mirror for targeting purposes.

Cost: 2.5 AP and 1200 CP.

  • This is a Chakra Bind.
  • Frozen Isolation lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Frozen Isolation counts as a Barrier with DR against Elemental Damage.
  • The Ice Mirror’s HP must be reduced to 0 for the target to escape.
  • If an attack would reduce the Ice Mirror used for Frozen Isolation HP to 0, the target suffers -3 Dodge against the excess damage from the attack, and a full hit allows the attack's effects to apply as per normal.
  • Pure as Snow will not apply to the Ice Mirror used for Frozen Isolation.

Demonic Ice Mirrors - Ice Ninjutsu
The ultimate technique of a Hiyakagami Yuki, manifesting multiple Demonic Ice Mirrors in an instant. Utilizing their increased strength to stretch the Ice Mirror technique to a fiendish level they cover the battlefield with demonic reflections of themselves, creating a living example of Hell frozen over.

Rank 1/2/3: The user creates 6/8/12 Demonic Ice Mirrors. The user targets 2/3/3 targets to be trapped within their arena of Demonic Ice Mirrors. If a Demonic Ice Mirror is destroyed by an attack from outside of the arena, all targets within the arena, with the exception of the user, take damage equal to the excess damage. Destroying a Demonic Ice Mirror from the inside will attack up to 3 random targets outside of the arena using Ninjutsu Accuracy.

Cost: 3 AP and 3300 CP, 1650 CP/rnd

  • This is an Arena Jutsu.
  • This can be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds or until all the Demonic Ice Mirrors are destroyed.
  • An opponent attempting to enter or exit the Demonic Ice Mirrors Arena makes a Ninjutsu check against the user with the user receiving a +2.
  • Attempts to enter/escape the Arena cost 1.5 Ap. Failed attempts allow the user to use Frozen Isolation reflexively, targeting the opponent that failed the attempt.
  • Permafrost and Pure as Snow do not apply to Demonic Ice Mirrors.
  • This follows all rules for the Ice Mirrors Technique except those specified here:
    • There is a maximum of 5 Reflections of the user, regardless of the remaining number of Demonic Ice Mirrors.
    • There cannot be more Reflections than there are Demonic Ice Mirrors.
    • If the Demonic Ice Mirror the Reflection is occupying is destroyed, it automatically transfers to another Demonic Ice Mirror.
    • Cold Insulation and Frozen trap may be used with Demonic Ice Mirrors.
  • The user cannot use Ice Mirrors and Demonic Ice Mirrors at the same time.
Last edited by a moderator:

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
[quote][i]A clan originating from the village hidden in the Mist, the Yuki are a graceful clan, possessing a powerful affinity to Ice, a trait which leaves even their skin chilly to touch. Those of this Bloodline are majestic and beautiful at birth. However, mistaking a Yuki to be delicate can prove a very dangerous mistake, for their skill and control with ice can easily freeze those who invoke their wrath at a moment's notice, their skills the pinnacle of Ice Ninjutsu.[/i]
084 PL - Flash Freeze (Rank 1), Short Summer (Rank 1)
168 PL - Icicle Needle (Rank 1)
252 PL - Silent Mist (Rank 1)
336 PL - Icicle Needle (Rank 2)
420 PL - Flash Freeze (Rank 2), Ice Mirror (Rank 1)
504 PL - Short Summer (Rank 2)
588 PL - Icicle Needle (Rank 3), Silent Mist (Rank 2)
672 PL - Flash Freeze (Rank 3), Ice Mirror (Rank 2)
756 PL - Silent Mist (Rank 3)
840 PL - Short Summer (Rank 3), Ice Mirror (Rank 3).


[u][b]Flash Freeze - [i]Passive[/i][/b][/u]
A Yuki's ability to manipulate ice and cold gives them an edge, but they can’t use that edge if they do not have ice to manipulate. They naturally possess the ability to freeze water, and even the air itself, into ice.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] May convert Water and Wind Techniques into Ice Techniques by paying +20%/10%/0% CP. May use One-Handed Seals for Ice Techniques at no additional cost.

[i]Notes:[/i] [list][*]The User automatically has access to the Ice element.[/list]


[b][u]Short Summer - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
A Yuki's presence is enough to bring the winter winds, chilling everything in their vicinity over time. When one faces off against a Yuki, the only option is to keep moving, or risk freezing as they are exposed to the power of the Yuki’s advance.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Any non-[i]Yuki[/i] participants that end their turn with unspent AP falls under the effects of Short Summer. The user has +15%/20%/25% damage against those suffering from Short Summer when using Ice Techniques.


[u][b]Icicle Needle - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
A dangerous secret technique passed down through generations of Yuki, this technique is performed by simply freezing the moisture in the air into needle-like icicles that are nearly invisible to the human eye. Combined with the Yuki's deadly precision, they can incapacitate foes without retaliation.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Strikes a target at +1/2/3 accuracy, dealing 610/765/920 Elemental Damage. When used while in [i]stealth[/i], this does not reveal the user.

[b]Cost:[/b] 1.5 AP and 250 CP
[list][*]Requires a 10 second cooldown after use if used from Stealth.
[*]May be used with Ranged Accuracy or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
[*]May be used as a [i]Called Shot[/i].[/list]


[u][b]Silent Mist - [i]Bloodline Style[/i][/b][/u]
This ancestral technique emphasizes the Yuki’s natural abilities to create a frozen mist around them, blending in seamlessly with the environment. Focused on silently tracking down their foes and finding the right moment to strike from the mist. With this technique a skilled Yuki can end a fight before it even begins.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] When the user casts an Ice Technique, the user generates a "Clone" with HP equal to 10% of the CP used and -4 of their secondaries. If the “Clone” is destroyed, the remaining damage from the attack targets the user at -0/-1/-2 accuracy. The user may also enter any active [i]Ice Mirror[/i] when a Ice Technique is cast.

[b]Cost:[/b] 0.5 AP
[list][*]If already occupying an [i]Ice Mirror[/i] the user may switch to another [i]Ice Mirror[/i] of their choice instead.
[*]Limit of one “Clone” at a time. If a new “Clone” is created, the “Clone” with the highest HP remains.
[*]This does not apply to the user's Clone technique Limit.
[*]Counts either as [I]Chakra[/I] or [I]Physical[/I] Style. Must be declared upon entering.[/list]


[u][b]Ice Mirrors - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
The signature technique of the Yuki, conjuring a beautiful mirror of ice that can only reflect themselves while within it, allowing them to move between mirrors for a deadly surprise attack. The ice mirror also provides protection for the Yuki, concealing them within this defensive layer of ice.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user generates two [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] that each have HP equal to 5% of the user’s Max CP. The user may have a maximum of 2/3/4 [i]Ice Mirrors[/i]. While inside an [i]Ice Mirror[/i], the user gains the following benefits:
[LIST][*]The remaining [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] count as [i]Reflections[/i] of the user, following all Clone technique rules.
[*]The [i]Ice Mirror[/i] the user occupies provides temporary HP equal to its remaining HP and the user takes any excess damage if destroyed.
[*]Primary and Secondary Effects are not applied to the user while this temporary HP remains.
[*]Temporary HP gained this way is not lost at the end of the round.
[b]Cost:[/b]  2 AP and 400 CP, 200 CP/rnd.

[i]Special action:[/i] For 0.5 AP and the CP maintenance cost, the user may switch [i]Ice Mirrors[/i]. This may be done reflexively if the [I]Ice Mirror[/i] they are inside of is destroyed.
[list][*]The user may enter [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] for no cost upon casting this technique.
[*]When switching [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] the clone awareness check is rerolled for all [i]Ice Mirrors[/i].
[*]While occupying an [i]Ice Mirror[/i] this is treated as a Clone Technique, and the user automatically drops all Clone techniques they are maintaining, except [i]Ice Mirrors.[/i]
[*]While the user is not occupying an [I]Ice Mirror[/i], this does not count as a Clone Technique.
[*]An unoccupied [i]Ice Mirror[/i] cannot dodge.
[*]Additional use of the [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] Technique stack up to the users maximum [i]Ice Mirror[/i] limit.

[i]This branch of the Yuki Bloodline is more than willing to sacrifice their graceful and precise techniques to bombard their enemies with a relentless blizzard of deadly Ice. Be wary of a Fuyushio Yuki for where they go, winter follows.[/i]
924 PL - Crystalized Ice (Rank 1), Snow Globe (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Crimson Ice (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Snow Globe (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Crystalized Ice (Rank 2), Crimson Ice (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Storm of Ice Shards (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Crystalized Ice (Rank 3), Snow Globe (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Storm of Ice Shards (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Winter's Wrath (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Crimson Ice  (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Storm of Ice Shards (Rank 3), Winter's Wrath (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Winter's Wrath (Rank 3)


[b][u]Crystalized Ice - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
The Fuyushio Yuki’s blood runs cold, maintaining a core temperature that would be deadly even to other Yuki. This gives Fuyushio Yuki an affinity with Ice unlike any other as Ice literally pumps through their veins.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Ice techniques used by the user have a +5%/10%/15% chance of secondary effects. Rank 3 allows this bonus to bypass caps.


[u][b]Crimson Ice - [i]Passive[/i][/b][/u]
Fuyushio Yuki can learn to mix their almost frozen blood into their Ice Techniques, skillfully intensifying their potency. With the ability to weaponize their own blood, opponents should be wary of even wounding one.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] When the user takes bleeding damage, for the next 10 seconds the user’s C/B/A Ice Techniques now benefit from the [url=]Blood Rack Augment[/url] and have a +8%/10%/12% chance to inflict Bleeding.
[list][*]When the user takes bleeding damage again while this is already activated, the duration is refreshed.[/list]


[u][b]Snow Globe - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
Gathering snow and ice in a compressed form, the Fuyushio Yuki then unleashes it in a powerful explosion of cold, encasing opponents in a dome of ice, momentarily isolating them from their allies.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Attempts to strike a single target at -4/3/2 accuracy, dealing 2000/2500/3000 Elemental Damage. On a full hit, the target is encased by a Barrier with HP equal to the damage dealt for 10 seconds. Once the duration ends, the barrier detonates, dealing damage equal to the barrier's remaining HP to up to 2 targets of the user's choice excluding the original target.

[b]Special Action[/b] - [i]Frigid Blast:[/i] The user may pay 1 AP and 50% of the initial CP cost to prematurely detonate the barrier.

[b]Cost:[/b] 2.5 AP 1200 CP, 600 CP/rnd.
[list][*][i]Snow Globe[/i] is a [i]Physical Bind[/i].
[*]If the trapped target destroys the [i]Snow Globe[/i], they take half the [i]Snow Globe[/i] initial damage again.
[*]Any excess damage dealt to the barrier will attempt to hit the target inside the barrier at -3 accuracy.
[*][i]Snow Globe[/i] counts as a Barrier with DR against Elemental Damage.
[*]May only have a single instance of [i]Snow Globe[/i] active.
[*]May be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds.
[*]Requires 10 second cooldown after use.[/list]


[b][u]Storm of Ice Shards - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/u][/b]
Fuyushio Yuki’s mastery of Ice allows them to create hail, causing sharpened shards to buffet their opponents and spreading their encroaching influence over the frozen battlefield.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Attempts to strike up to 3 targets at -2 Accuracy, dealing 1760/2200/2640 Elemental Damage with a 21%/28%/35% chance of causing [i]Impale[/i].

[b]Special Action[/b] - [i]Splinters:[/i] By paying half the CP cost as maintenance, this technique can be maintained dealing 880/1100/1320 Elemental Damage a round, retaining the [i]Impale[/i] chance.

[b]Cost:[/b]  2.5 AP 1300 CP

[list][*]This technique’s special action can only be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds.
[*]The [i]Impale[/i] effect increases bleeding by one level and has a 35% chance of dealing critical damage. Additionally, this disperses clones.[/list]


[u][b]Winter's Wrath - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
From a single snowflake or a tiny bit of ice, the Fuyushio Yuki can cause ice to build up upon themselves, forming a chain reaction that turns into a deadly spectacle of ice and snow centered on the Fuyushio Yuki.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b]When [i]Winter’s Wrath[/i] is cast, the user can choose up to 3 Ice Techniques they have previously cast to be stored. The user can choose to “re-cast” the stored Ice Techniques, with +1 Acc and 30%/35%/40% base damage for no additional AP or CP cost.

[b]Cost:[/b] 3 AP 2475 CP, 1240 CP/rnd

[i]Note:[/i][list][*]This is a Chakra Armor Technique.
[*]The user can choose any order to trigger the Ice Techniques, but the AP Timing remains the same. [i](Eg [url=]Koorikan[/url] would still take 3 AP Timing to cast)[/i]
[*]Triggering a stored Ice Technique does not require Handseals or Movement.
[*]Ice Techniques from [i]Winter’s Wrath[/i] cannot have their damage increased by any means.
[*]Every Ice Technique stored in [i]Winter’s Wrath[/i] will count as a separate maintained technique for [i]Crystal Ice’s[/i] effect.
[*]May only be maintained for 30 seconds.
[*][i]Winter's Wrath[/i] may trigger a stored Ice Technique once per 10 seconds.[/list]

[i]Nurturing their clan's signature technique, Ice Mirror, the Yuki of the Hiyakagami branch learn various ways to utilize their Ice Techniques, far more than mere assassination and infiltration, they can perform a variety of tricks, both deadly and cunning, to keep their foes at bay when needed.[/i]
924 PL - Permafrost (Rank 1), Frozen Trap (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Pure as Snow (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Frozen Trap (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Permafrost (Rank 2), Pure as Snow  (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Frozen Isolation  (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Permafrost (Rank 3), Frozen Trap (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Frozen Isolation (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Demonic Ice Mirrors (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Pure as Snow (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Frozen Isolation (Rank 3), Demonic Ice Mirrors (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Demonic Ice Mirrors (Rank 3)


[b][u]Permafrost - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
A Hiyakagami's [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] are more refined and stronger than other Yuki, granting them the ability to regenerate their [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] by keeping them chilled with their own ice and snow.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user can now have a maximum of 6 [i]Ice Mirrors[/i]. While the user does not have any active [i]Ice Mirrors[/i], they can create up to 4 at once with the [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] Technique. When the user performs an Ice Technique while inside an [i]Ice Mirror[/i], the user’s unoccupied [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] regain HP equal to 50%/60%/70% of the jutsu cost.

[list][*]An [i]Ice Mirror[/i] cannot regain HP above it’s maximum.
[*]if the user is in Silent Mist, they may generate a new [i]Ice Mirror[/i] instead of a "Clone," with the “Clone’s” HP replacing that of the [i]Ice Mirror[/i] HP.
[*][i]Ice Mirrors[/i] generated this way does not count towards the user’s [i]Ice Mirror[/i] limit.[/list]


[b][u]Pure as Snow - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
A Hiyakagami's [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] has been perfected to the point that they have become much more resilient, fracturing long before it shatters.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user's [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] now have 6%/7.5%/10% of the users CP as HP. The first time an attack would reduce any of the user’s [i]Ice Mirror[/i]'s HP to 0, it is instead reduced to 1. This does not apply to the [i]Ice Mirror[/i] the user is currently occupying.This requires a 20/15/10 second cooldown after use. This effect is automatic and requires no action from the user.


[u][b]Frozen Trap - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
Following the same application as a sealing tag, a Hiyakagami's [i]Ice Mirror[/i] can be manipulated in such a way that it stores their own techniques inside it, triggering upon destruction or at their leisure.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user can seal an Ice Technique of D/C/B-rank or lower into one of their [i]Ice Mirrors[/i]. The sealed Ice Technique is treated as a sneak attack when triggered.

[b]Special Action[/b] - [i]Ice Release:[/i] The user can trigger a stored Ice Technique for 0 AP and +20% CP cost at any time. The user chooses the target if this special action is used.

[b]Cost:[/b] AP and +20% of the CP Cost of the sealed Ice Technique.
[list][*][i]Frozen Trap[/i] uses the [url=]Trap Rules[/url] with the following settings[list][*]The stored Ice Technique is automatically set to trigger when hit, targeting the attacker.
[*]This trap uses Ninjutsu Accuracy.
[*]This trap may trigger in the same round it was armed.[/list]
[*]Once an Ice Jutsu is sealed into an [i]Ice Mirror[/i], the user does not pay the maintenance cost until it has been released.
[*]The user can only have up to 2 [i]Frozen Traps[/i] active.
[*]This jutsu is a hidden action.
[*]The user can use this technique without being revealed from stealth.
[*]This does not count towards a user’s trap limit.[/list]


[u][b]Frozen Isolation - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
While a Hiyakagami can freely move between their [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] through their Yuki technique’s, not everyone has such freedom. A skilled Hiyakagami can use their [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] offensively, trapping opponents within.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user may attempt to envelope a single target with an unoccupied [i]Ice Mirror[/i] at -4/-3/-2 Ninjutsu Accuracy. On a success, the target is considered trapped within the [i]Ice Mirror[/i]. The target within the [i]Ice Mirror[/i] appears as a clone of the user, as per a normal [i]Ice Mirror[/i] for targeting purposes.

[b]Cost:[/b] 2.5 AP and 1200 CP.
[list][*]This is a Chakra Bind.
[*][i]Frozen Isolation[/i] lasts for 10 seconds.
[*][i]Frozen Isolation[/i] counts as a Barrier with DR against Elemental Damage.
[*]The [i]Ice Mirror’s[/i] HP must be reduced to 0 for the target to escape.
[*]If an attack would reduce the [i]Ice Mirror[/i] used for [i]Frozen Isolation[/i] HP to 0, the target suffers -3 Dodge against the excess damage from the attack, and a full hit allows the attack's effects to apply as per normal.
[*][i]Pure as Snow[/i] will not apply to the [i]Ice Mirror[/i] used for [i]Frozen Isolation[/i].[/list]

[u][b]Demonic Ice Mirrors - [i]Ice Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
The ultimate technique of a Hiyakagami Yuki, manifesting multiple [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors[/i] in an instant. Utilizing their increased strength to stretch the Ice Mirror technique to a fiendish level they cover the battlefield with demonic reflections of themselves, creating a living example of Hell frozen over.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user creates 6/8/12 [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors[/i]. The user targets 2/3/3 targets to be trapped within their arena of [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors[/i]. If a [i]Demonic Ice Mirror[/i] is destroyed by an attack from outside of the arena, all targets within the arena, with the exception of the user, take damage equal to the excess damage. Destroying a [i]Demonic Ice Mirror[/i] from the inside will attack up to 3 random targets outside of the arena using Ninjutsu Accuracy.

[b]Cost:[/b] 3 AP and 3300 CP, 1650 CP/rnd

[*]This is an Arena Jutsu.
[*]This can be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds or until all the [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors[/i] are destroyed.
[*]An opponent attempting to enter or exit the [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors Arena[/i] makes a Ninjutsu check against the user with the user receiving a +2.
[*]Attempts to enter/escape the Arena cost 1.5 Ap. Failed attempts allow the user to use [i]Frozen Isolation[/i] reflexively, targeting the opponent that failed the attempt.
[*][i]Permafrost[/i] and [i]Pure as Snow[/i] do not apply to [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors.[/i]
[*]This follows all rules for the [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] Technique except those specified here:
[list][*]There is a maximum of 5 Reflections of the user, regardless of the remaining number of [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors[/i].
[*]There cannot be more Reflections than there are [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors.[/i]
[*]If the [i]Demonic Ice Mirror[/i] the Reflection is occupying is destroyed, it automatically transfers to another [i]Demonic Ice Mirror[/i].
[*][i]Cold Insulation[/i] and [i]Frozen trap[/i] may be used with [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors[/i].[/list]
[*]The user cannot use [i]Ice Mirrors[/i] and [i]Demonic Ice Mirrors[/i] at the same time.[/list][/spoiler][/quote]
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