Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Zenichi [Mist] -> Senju Zenichi [Leaf]

Not open for further replies.

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Old Character name Zenichi

Old Character Village Mist

Old Profile Topic Title Nanjiro Zenichi [Mist]

Old Training Topic Title Insert Smurky Title [Here]

Old Dojo Topic Title Deathnote

Any Relevant information that can aid us in finding your information I went through a OCR a few months before the Hack

New Character Name Senju Zenichi

New Village Leaf

Link to latest Voucher This is embarrassing, I think I forgot to fill one out.

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Profile said:
Name: Zenichi
Age: 23
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Caucasion

Village: Mist
Branch: Main
Rank: Jounin

Titles: Anbu Codename: Death


Physical: Zenichi is a warrior. He takes great pride in being the victor of battle. When his loses, he takes the defeat harshly. He will train himself hard for weeks and months afterwards because he has proven his is still weak. As he grew from a unskilled and clumsy student, to a menace to society, he learned to not fear a challenge. While not very broad or tall himself, he has never been scared to provoke a fight with someone else who is much bigger. In fact, that is his favorite game to play during a night of celebrating.

He stands at only 5'10" with a medium build. His brown hair and brown eyes makes him almost identical to every other plain Jane in japan. One couldn't even know he was a threat if not for the two large swords attached to his side. He wears an eye patch from time to time. He sustained a wound to his right eye and now wears a glass replacement. His ANBU mask is a simple skull hiding under a white bamboo hat.

History Zenichi's mother gave the ultimate sacrifice to bring him into this world. She never even got a chance to hold the tiny life that she created. He was born into a clan that he would never conform to. The Nanijiro clan were excellent swordsmen who were unparalleled in style and effectiveness. It was only through brute strength and determination that he was able to find his own way. He took the teachings of the Nanijiro clan and the ancient Samarai ways and combined them into a recipe for disaster. By sacrificing his own well being, he learned that he could destroy others in the process. Every scar on his body was a trophy he had lost or a reminder of his weaknesses. It was this repetitive abuse to himself that turned him into a power hungry monster.

He learned that one's body could only withstand so much abuse. He figured that it would only last a maximum of 40 years at this rate. So he started to learn more about strategy and leadership then just raw power. Group formations, weakness exploitation, black ops, and sabotage were nightly subjects that he would study. He then joined the ANBU as an AiT and started to learn how to work as a team. Soon, his battle awareness became unnatural. Able to take on numbers that greatly outnumbered him and even lead teams into suicide missions with minimum casualties. He had made a name for himself and was lifted through the ranks by living up to his code name.


His real time to shine came recently. Within the shores of Kiri, a band of misfits went looking for trouble. The explosion at the coliseum was a beacon call to everyone within ear shot. Most of the ninjas who arrived started to either slash and dash anything that looked like a criminal while others swooped in to treat the many who were injured and dying. Zenichi showed up on the spot and started to organize the mayhem. Grabbing every person he recognized by their headgear, he separated them into groups. He put med-nin into one area, made a search team for the people who were seriously injured and bring them back. He made a few teams who would go out and try find the culprits. Any encounters were tied at the wrist and ankles to ensure that the medics weren't treating the enemy. It was a defining moment for Zenichi because this was the first time people saw him in character without the mask to hide behind. None of them had ever seen him before but he had a commanding presence that they felt the need to follow. That was the moment that he realized that ANBU was holding him back from his real potential. He retired from the Corps and started to make moves to join the main branch of Kirigakure. He couldn't hide his potential behind a mask anymore. [/size]

Zenichi, age 10.

The day began as any other. In truth, it would end as unaccomplished as it began too. But the brief interaction Zenichi would have with sometime sinister would echo through the the rest of his life.

As a Nanjiro clansman, he was trained in the way of the sword since a small child. Weapons were a badge of honor and each person cared for their weapons like a Inuzaka cares for their canine companions. Some of the clansmen studied to become a blacksmith to hone the best blades with their bare hands. Others went on wild voyages in hopes of winning a legendary weapon of sorts. The more deadly or sharp, or meticulously crafted a weapon was, the more prestige the wielder bore within the clan. When a Clansmen that owns a unique weapon is laid to rest, his sword is kept in the Armory. It is the greatest tribute possible by the clan. Sometimes this weapon is held until one of the deceased offspring prove worthy of it. Other times, a person performs a great feat and is allowed to choose from the sacred weapons. All except one that is.


At the rear of the room laid a display box. One that is lined with E-notes and probably a few more traps to ward off anyone from attempting to open it. Within it was three sticks attached by chains at two of the joints. It was well worn and seemed a bit out of sync with the large trove of deadly looking weapons in its near vicinity. But all the same, it was well protected and made no illusion that it was off limits to everyone. When he asked one of his older cousins what it was, he was told to hush and not speak of evil while in it's presence. Figuring his cousin was being silly, Zenichi didn't give it another thought and left the room to return home in time for lunch.

Zenichi, Age 14.
Zenichi's wild and vivid teenage dreams were shattered one evening by the screams and wales of a woman in unexplained turmoil. He didn't know what was going on but he needed to find out what would cause a person to make such a horrid sound. As he quickly dressed and ran outside of his house, he opened his door to an unreal sight. His aunt was lying on the ground at her door. She was crying, screaming, pounding the chest of the person trying to console her anguish. He didn't know what happened but his heart suddenly felt a deep sorrow for her. Before he could ask another of the bystanders if they knew what was going on, his aunt stood up and proclaimed that she had to see him.

See who?

Zenichi followed her as they moved through the compound. Her journey took a zig zag route as she constantly had to find ledges and walls to lean on. As if she was going to collapse from the heaviest thought possible. After a little while, the group eventually landed at the Armory. Several of the clan leaders were there, whispering to each other. Each one of them had the same look of being appalled by the situation. His aunt pushed past them and found her way to the back wall that Watatsumi was now leaned against, out of it's box.

At it's feet laid two clansmen. One was his cousin. His face was frozen in a bewildered stare and the blood spot in the center of his chest told the tale of his demise. A few feet away was something that no longer resembled a normal person. It's limbs were contorted and it's face was an evil mask of sorts. It's skin was scaly and it's fingers were clawed. It would seem more born of a lizard or dragon then man. Zenichi would not have know it was once human if not for the Kiri headband still affixed to its forehead.

When will these kids learn that it is not power, it is evil

Can't we get rid of it now? Why do we need to be the protectors?

We need to protect our own first.

Why Dismaka? Why would you do this to my only son?

It took a bit of time but a picture was being painted for Zenichi was that this Tri-staff wasn't just a weapon. It was a possessed item that the clan were keeping away from the world, not a homage to the one who wielded it. Every few years, it would seem that a fool-hearty young clansman would try to obtain it as a quick route to power and prestige. It is fantasized that if you can wield it, you will instantly become a legend. Legends have to pay a blounty though and this one had the steepest of prices.

Upon the tri-staffs hilt laid an inscription written in Kanji. The word for "Ultimate Sacrifice" was etched in darkened blood. No one knew what it truly meant. The clan specualted that it meant if you wanted to win it's favor, you had to pay a price of sacrifice. At first, people saw that as to go without one of life's pleasure. Each person who would dare try to hold the staff would end the same as what Dismaka resembled. A few people have witnessed the event first hand. They say is looks like some kind of monstrous transformation. Each time, the person's body seems to simply quit from the stress on the body. As a few decades went by, the weapon was deemed unobtainable and locked away. Too many lives paid the price for hubris. That only made things worse.

People took the "Ultimate Sacrifice" meaning literally. People were breaking in once every few years to kill off a family dog or a dying relative. It was a twisted and sick fantasy that the immature and naive felt they needed to try even they knew death was probable. But tonight's act was more then just some power play. One person killed his best friend. Dismaka had grown up with his boy and found a deep bond with him. He traded all of those memories and feelings for one devilish weapon. It was appalling.

Zenichi, Present Day.

Zenichi head was hurting. He spent most of his life training to be the best. Pushing himself harder and faster then any of his peers. He wanted so desperately to be accepted by his fellow clansmen. His mother was of this tribe but she died while birthing him. His father was nothing more then a part time street vendor, full time drunk. So his need to be accepted into the clan was much deeper then some kind of sibling rivalry among clansmen, he wanted to feel closer to the person he never had a chance to meet. But his failure as a Nanjiro weighed heavy upon him sometimes. HE recently fought a small group in the coliseum and lost royally. He was no match for the Anbu Sennin or either of the other two. He had quit the Anbu Corps. He left the only place he felt like he belonged. But he did it because he wanted to prove himself the be more then a machine and yet, proved that he was nothing more in a short period of time. He was a failure.

A nobody.

He didn't want to keep trying to live a life like this. To push himself to be a part of something that he didn't have the natural ability for. He was nothing more then brute strength behind a sword. He lacked the finesse for anything more. He would never be one of the Nanjiro greats or legends. He would rather quit trying and live the life of a beggar then to go on with the lie his life has been.

That is when a voice called to him. His imagination made his desires liquid and become a beacon for his cravings. As if it was an answer to every question that he ever had about himself, the idea of Watatsumi came to his mind. It was a lighthouse on the breaking rocks of his soul. He needed it more then anything else in the world at that moment but knew that it was suicide to want it so much. But he didn't care. He would master the weapon and become a instant legend. He left his small apartment and rushed to the Armory. It was locked and closed for the evening but a dose of a Acid Ninjutsu soon caved in the wall enough for him to pass through. With a few hurried steps, he was at the box administering the same form of Acid he previously use to get past the e-notes and traps. Soon, the blood spotted hilt was within his grasp. The words "Ultimate Sacrifice" echo'd in his mind just as he reached to retrieve it. He didn't have two gold coins to offer the ferryman or anything else. All he had was his love and desire.

Reaching for a Kunia, he quickly drew it and spliced his hand. The blood splattered in the hilt and around the box. Zenichi wasn't sure what would work but waited patiently for a sign. As the moments went on, he knew that he was being a fool and doing nothing new to win the prize before him. A few drops of blood was not a sacrifice, it was barely an offering. He knew that he was going to die tonight so he decided that he would die chasing his dreams. He stood straight and pulled his shirt open. He plunged the kunia into his belly and pulled it from left to right, spilling his internal organs upon the floor. He dropped the kunia and then reached for Watatsumi as a last action of a dead man.

Zenichi, Reborn

Power Level/Character Level:

20. 3297-3600 (313)

Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
Power Level: 3600

-Elemental Affinity-



Advanced Elements

Custom Class
HP: (60+ lvl) X Stamina
CP: (35)+ lvl) X Chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu Option
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Evasion,Gen Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged acc, Genjutsu Difficulty
Capped Shop Purchases:
- Ninjust moved from Average to High
- +5 Hp Modifier
- +2 Class Points; +5% Called Shot Chance
- +1 Augment Slot on Samehada
- +1 Ability Slot
- Shadow Tactics

CA: Reckless
Bloodlust - 3pts
Bleed Out - 3pts
Zakari Style - 2pts
Double Smash - 2 pts
Huge Power - 1pts
Huge Power - 1pt
Huge Power - 1pt
Precision Blow - 2pts
No Limits - 2pts
Endurance -1pt
Endurance -1pt
Endurance -1pt[/spoiler]

Kinjutsu: Tsukumogami
Myriad Strike
Mystic Transmutation(M)
Omni Flash
Visceral Rend(M)
Kindred Fusion



Non-Elem:Body Switch(M)
Non-Elem:Basic Summoning(M)


Non-Elem (Anbu):Signal Flare(M)
Non-Elem:Combination Transformation(M)
Non-Elem:Crystal Eye(M)
Non-Elem:Contract Summoning(M)
Non-Elem:Critical Exposure(M)


Non-Elem:Stunt Double(M)
Non-Elem:One Elemental Sealing(M)
Non-Elem:Elemental Clone(M)
Non-Elem (Anbu):Chakra Sense(M)
Non-Elem (Anbu):Snapshot(M)
Non-Elem (Anbu):Mental Infiltration(M)


Non-Elem (Anbu):Intangible Passage(M)


Non-Elem:Five Elemental Sealing(M)
Non-Elem:Gate of Enma(M)
Non-Elem:perfected Rasengan(M)


Water:pressurized Mist(M)
Water:Water Gun(M)


Water:Water Whip(M)
Water:Aqua Fang(M)
Water:Rinse Off(M)


Water:Grand Waterfall(M)
Water:Impaling Hydro Jet(M)
Water:Water Prison(M)
Water:Rain Dance(M)


Water:Torrential Vortex(M)
Water:Hydro Tidal Shockwave(M)
Water:Water Shark Bomb(M)
Water:Mystical Pond(M)


Water:Grand Hydra Excavation(M)
Water:Water Dragon Bullet(M)
Water:Scorn of Aquarious(M)
Water:Supreme Aqua Realm(M)

Earth:Gravel Shift(M)
Earth:Stone Bullet(M)

Wind:pressure Burst(M)
Wind:Wind Slash(M)

Lightning:Storm Bolt(M)

Fire:Thermal Maw(M)
Fire:Infernal Ember(M)


Vapor:Hidden Mist(M)
Vapor:Mist Ball(M)


Vapor:White Mist(M)
Vapor:Rolling Fog(M)


Vapor:Black Mist(M)

</td><td width = 30% bgcolor = Black align = center>



Giant Blade

Level 6

Goliath Toss(M)
Hyper Extension(M)

Level 7

Kill Driver(M)

Level 8



Level 1

Uncalled for shot(M)

Level 2


Level 6

Dragon Assault(M)

Level 7
Primary Lotus(M)
16-hit combo(M)

Level 8

Eternal Chaotic Dance(M)[/i][/size]

Pole Jutsu

Level 5

Rejecting Assault(M)

Level 6

Jump Lunge(M)

Level 7

Raging Whirlwind(M)
Spinning Deflection(M)

Level 8

Emerald Dragon Crescent(M)[/i][/size] [/i][/size]


Will: 0

Kinetic: 0

Audial: 0

Visual: 0


Level 4

Phoenix Embrace (M)
Transparent Escape (M)
Euphoria (M)
Detect Pulse (M)

Level 5

Betrayal (M)
Verse of Darkness (M)
Endless Gap (M)
Heart Beat (M)
Crippled (M)
Fear (M)
Deafen (M)
Soothing Voice (M)
Temple of Nirvana (M)
Time Freeze (M)
Body Double (M)

Level 6

Time Reversal (M)

Level 7

Epimeral (M)
Mindshatter (M)

Level 8

Utopia (M)

Other Information


Ability List
[1] Shadow Tactics
[0] Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu
[1] Ambidexterity
[2] Bull's Strength
[3] Strategy
[4] Acrobatics
[5] Quickdraw
[6] Called Shot
[7] Insight II
[8] -Kinjutsu-
[9] -Kinjutsu-
[10] - Kinjutsu-
[Bonus] Dual Weilding


[1] Mustard Gas
[2] Energy Drink x 2
[3] Blood Pill x 2
[4] Splint
[5] Kawarimi Target

Sheath 1: Swordbreaker
Crippler +7% Chance to all Called shots
Extension - Weapon gains +1 Accuracy. All actions used with this weapon cost +1 Exhaustion.
Flexisteel +2 Accuracy, -5% Damage. Partial hits deal -10% Damage.
-Pre=poisoned via strategy with Black Lotus

Sheath 2: Samehada
Augments:Sharkskin- Weapon deals -10% Damage, but target loses chakra equal to 20% of the Damage Dealt.
Forged Twins +1 Accuracy and +5% Damage than usual when dual wielding
Flexisteel +2 Accuracy, -5% Damage. Partial hits deal -10% Damage.
-Pre=poisoned via strategy with Black Lotus

Sheath 3: Samehada
Augments:Sharkskin- Weapon deals -10% Damage, but target loses chakra equal to 20% of the Damage Dealt.
Extension - Weapon gains +1 Accuracy. All actions used with this weapon cost +1 Exhaustion.
Flexisteel +2 Accuracy, -5% Damage. Partial hits deal -10% Damage.
Forged Twins +1 Accuracy and +5% Damage than usual when dual wielding
-Pre=poisoned via strategy with Black Lotus

Sheath 4: Sansetsukon
Sharkskin - - Weapon deals -10% Damage, but target loses chakra equal to 20% of the Damage Dealt.. Doubled
Chakra Drain - When hit with the weapon, the victim loses chakra equal to 10% of the damage done to them. Doubled
Extension - Weapon gains +1 Accuracy. All actions used with this weapon cost +1 Exhaustion. Doubled
Flexisteel +2 Accuracy, -5% Damage. Partial hits deal -10% Damage.
High Quality +10 Base Damage Doubled
-Pre=poisoned via strategy with Black Lotus

Abilities said:
Zenichi is an S-Rank and purchased one (1) ability slot. May have eleven (11) abilities:

00. Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu
01. Ambidexterity
02. Bull's Strength
03. Strategy
04. Acrobatics
05. Quickdraw
06. Called Shot
07. Insight II
08. Dual Wielding
09. Sorcerer
10. Martial Artist
11. Weapon Mastery, Giant Blade.

Core Ability = Reckless

Bloodlust - 3pts
Bleed Out - 3pts
Zakari Style - 2pts
Double Smash - 2 pts
Huge Power - 1pts
Huge Power - 1pt
Huge Power - 1pt
Precision Blow - 2pts
No Limits - 2pts
Endurance -1pt
Endurance -1pt
Endurance -1pt


Elemental Affinity

Free= Major Wind
Free= Minor Fire.
Own all Water = Major Water
Own Half Non-elemental = Minor NE
Shinobi 101 = Free Acid

Poison [Major Wind + Minor Fire]
Shadow [Major Fire + Minor Water]
Vapor [Major Water + Minor Fire]
Acid [Major Water + Minor Lightning]

I could not find your training topic.

ETA: Oops, found it after posting this.
This + This = 408

+6 Bonus Rolls

Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600

PL: 3600

Capped shop points: 419


Earth: Gravel Shift (M)
Earth: Stone Bullet (M)
Fire: Thermal Maw (M)
Fire: Infernal Ember (M)
Lightning: Storm Bolt (M)
Lightning: Thunderfist (M)
Wind: Pressure Burst (M)
Wind: Wind Slash (M)
Water: Pressurized Mist (M)
Water: Water Gun (M)
Non-Elem: Transformation (M)
Non-Elem: Body Switch (M)
Non-Elem: Basic Summoning (M)


Water: Water Whip (M)
Water: Aqua Fang (M)
Water: Rinse Off (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Signal Flare (M)
Non-Elem: Combination Transformation (M)
Non-Elem: Crystal Eye (M)
Non-Elem: Cancel (M)
Non-Elem: Contract Summoning (M)
Non-Elem: Critical Exposure (M)


Water: Grand Waterfall (M)
Water: Impaling Hydro Jet (M)
Water: Water Prison (M)
Water: Rain Dance (M0
Non-Elem: Stunt Double (M)
Non-Elem: One Elemental Sealing (M)
Non-Elem: Elemental Clone (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Chakra Sense (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Snapshot (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Mental Infiltration (M)
Shadow: Midnight Strike (M)
Shadow: Specter Shade (M)
Shadow: Black Eruption (M)
Vapor: Hidden Mist (M)
Vapor: Mist Ball (M)
Crystal: Emerald Emitter (M)
Crystal: Ruby Rain (M)
Acid: Lactic Buildup (M)
Acid: Citric Burn (M)
Poison: Toxic Channeling (M)
Poison: Poison Extraction (M)

Water:Torrential Vortex(M)
Water:Hydro Tidal Shockwave(M)
Water: Water Shark Bomb (M)
Water: Mystical Pond (M)
Non-Elem: Rasengan (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Intangible Passage (M)
Shadow: Shadow Punishment (M)
Vapor: White Mist (M)
Vapor: Rolling Fog (M)
Crystal: Moonstone Beam (M)
Crystal: Sapphire Storm (M)
Acid: Dust of Lye (M)
Acid: Acidic Sweat (M)
Acid: Fangs of the Komodo (M)
Poison: Venom Strike (M)
Poison: Toxic Curse (M)

Water:Grand Hydra Excavation(M)
Water:Water Dragon Bullet(M)
Water: Scorn of Aquarious (M)
Water: Supreme Aqua Realm (M)
Non-Elem: Five Elemental Sealing (M)
Non-Elem: Gate of Enma (M)
Non-Elem: Perfected Rasengan (M)
Shadow: Shadow Summoning (M)
Shadow: Absolute Void (M)
Shadow: Shadow Garb (M)
Vapor: Black Mist (M)
Crystal: Obsidian Dragon (M)
Acid: Royal Water (M)
Poison: Touch of the Accursed (M)


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Phoenix Embrace (M)
Transparent Escape (M)
Euphoria (M)
Detect Pulse (M)

Level 5

Betrayal (M)
Verse of Darkness (M)
Endless Gap (M)
Heart Beat (M)
Crippled (M)
Fear (M)
Deafen (M)
Soothing Voice (M)
Temple of Nirvana (M)
Time Freeze (M)
Body Double (M)

Level 6

Time Reversal (M)

Level 7

Epimeral (M)
Mindshatter (M)

Level 8

Utopia (M)


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Goliath Toss (M)
Hyper Extension (M)

Level 7

Execution (M)
Kill Driver (M)

Level 8

Annihilation (R3)

Roll Annihilation R3->M
Put rest of 16 rolls on Capped Shop.


Jobs: B-Rank
Last post on: August 13th, 2012

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:42 pm
Annihilation Rank 3 to Rank 4: FAILED (64)
Reroll: FAIL (81)

13 rolls left, Capped points:
3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1


Jobs: B-Rank
Last post on: August 13th, 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:28 am

Sacrificing 10 rolls to Cursed Seal


Jobs: B-Rank
Last post on: August 13th, 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:21 am
Rolls sacced.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:52 pm
This + This = 400+

Sacrifice 10 rolls for Cursed Seal

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:06 am
Ten rolls have been successfully sacrificed.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:32 pm
Here + Here = 350+

Capped player. Use all 10 rolls to rank up as many jutsu as possible in order.

Mystic Transformation R1->R2->M
Visceral Rend R1->R2->M
Dynamic Entry R1->R2->M
Dragon Finish R1->R2->M
Uprising Tornado R1->R2->M
Dragon Assualt R1->R2->M
Primary Lotus R1->R2->M
16 hit Combo R1->R2->M
Eternal Chaotic Dance R1->R2->R3->M

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:05 am
Mystic Transformation R1->R2->M [Pass: 32, Fail: 89, Pass: 30]
Visceral Rend R1->R2->M [Fail: 95, Pass: 2, Pass: 61]
Dynamic Entry R1->R2->M [Pass: 88, Fail: 96, Fail: 93, Pass: 16]

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:21 pm
This + This + This = 350+

4 Blank Jutsu rank-ups (D-rank rewards)

Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600

PL: 3600

Capped shop points: 19


Myriad Strike
Mystic Transmutation(M)
Omni Flash
Visceral Rend(M)
Kindred Fusion


Earth: Gravel Shift (M)
Earth: Stone Bullet (M)
Fire: Thermal Maw (M)
Fire: Infernal Ember (M)
Lightning: Storm Bolt (M)
Lightning: Thunderfist (M)
Wind: Pressure Burst (M)
Wind: Wind Slash (M)
Water: Pressurized Mist (M)
Water: Water Gun (M)
Non-Elem: Transformation (M)
Non-Elem: Body Switch (M)
Non-Elem: Basic Summoning (M)


Water: Water Whip (M)
Water: Aqua Fang (M)
Water: Rinse Off (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Signal Flare (M)
Non-Elem: Combination Transformation (M)
Non-Elem: Crystal Eye (M)
Non-Elem: Cancel (M)
Non-Elem: Contract Summoning (M)
Non-Elem: Critical Exposure (M)


Water: Grand Waterfall (M)
Water: Impaling Hydro Jet (M)
Water: Water Prison (M)
Water: Rain Dance (M0
Non-Elem: Stunt Double (M)
Non-Elem: One Elemental Sealing (M)
Non-Elem: Elemental Clone (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Chakra Sense (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Snapshot (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Mental Infiltration (M)
Shadow: Midnight Strike (M)
Shadow: Specter Shade (M)
Shadow: Black Eruption (M)
Vapor: Hidden Mist (M)
Vapor: Mist Ball (M)
Crystal: Emerald Emitter (M)
Crystal: Ruby Rain (M)
Acid: Lactic Buildup (M)
Acid: Citric Burn (M)
Poison: Venom Needle (R1)
Poison: Toxic Channeling (M)
Poison: Poison Extraction (M)

Water:Torrential Vortex(M)
Water:Hydro Tidal Shockwave(M)
Water: Water Shark Bomb (M)
Water: Mystical Pond (M)
Non-Elem: Rasengan (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Intangible Passage (M)
Shadow: Shadow Punishment (M)
Vapor: White Mist (M)
Vapor: Rolling Fog (M)
Crystal: Moonstone Beam (M)
Crystal: Sapphire Storm (M)
Acid: Dust of Lye (M)
Acid: Acidic Sweat (M)
Acid: Fangs of the Komodo (M)
Poison: Venom Strike (M)
Poison: Toxic Curse (M)

Water:Grand Hydra Excavation(M)
Water:Water Dragon Bullet(M)
Water: Scorn of Aquarious (M)
Water: Supreme Aqua Realm (M)
Non-Elem: Five Elemental Sealing (M)
Non-Elem: Gate of Enma (M)
Non-Elem: Perfected Rasengan (M)
Shadow: Shadow Summoning (M)
Shadow: Absolute Void (M)
Shadow: Shadow Garb (M)
Vapor: Black Mist (M)
Crystal: Obsidian Dragon (M)
Acid: Royal Water (M)
Poison: Touch of the Accursed (M)


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Phoenix Embrace (M)
Transparent Escape (M)
Euphoria (M)
Detect Pulse (M)

Level 5

Betrayal (M)
Verse of Darkness (M)
Endless Gap (M)
Heart Beat (M)
Crippled (M)
Fear (M)
Deafen (M)
Soothing Voice (M)
Temple of Nirvana (M)
Time Freeze (M)
Body Double (M)

Level 6

Time Reversal (M)

Level 7

Epimeral (M)
Mindshatter (M)

Level 8

Utopia (M)


Level 1

Unarmed: Uncalled For Shot (R1)

Level 2

Unarmed: Grab (R1)

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Pole: Rejecting Assault (R1)

Level 6

Pole: Jump Lunge (R1)
Unarmed: Dragon Assault (R1)
Giant Blade: Goliath Toss (M)
Giant Blade: Hyper Extension (M)

Level 7

Pole: Spinning Deflection (R1)
Pole: Raging Whirlwind (R1)
Unarmed: Primary Lotus (R1)
Unarmed: 16 Hit Combo (R1)
Giant Blade: Execution (M)
Giant Blade: Kill Driver (M)

Level 8

Pole: Emerald Dragon Cresent (R1)
Unarmed: Eternal Chotic Dance (R1)
Giant Blade: Annihilation (R3)

10 rolls, Use all on Ranking Jutsu

Dragon Finish R1->R2->M
Uprising Tornado R1->R2->M
Dragon Assualt R1->R2->M
Primary Lotus R1->R2->M
16 hit Combo R1->R2->M
Eternal Chaotic Dance R1->R2->R3->M
Rejecting Assault R1->R2->M
Jump Lunge R1->R2->M
Spinning Deflection R1->R2->M
Raging Whirlwind R1->R2->M
Emerald Dragon Cresent R1->R2->M
Venom Needle R1->R2->M

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:20 am
Blank Jutsu ranks used to master Dragon Finish and Uprising Tornado.

Zenichi's Training

Dragon Assault:
Rank 1 to 2: Pass (44)
Rank 2 to 3: Pass (6)

Primary Lotus:
Rank 1 to 2: Pass (79)
Rank 2 to 3: Pass (28)

16-Hit Combo:
Rank 1 to 2: Fail (92)
Retry: Pass (68)
Rank 2 to 3: Pass (62)

Eternal Chaotic Dance:
Rank 1 to 2: Fail (93)
Retry: Pass (78)
Rank 2 to 3: Pass (8)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:00 pm
3 post = 400+

Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600

PL: 3600

Capped shop points: 19


Myriad Strike
Mystic Transmutation(M)
Omni Flash
Visceral Rend(M)
Kindred Fusion


Earth: Gravel Shift (M)
Earth: Stone Bullet (M)
Fire: Thermal Maw (M)
Fire: Infernal Ember (M)
Lightning: Storm Bolt (M)
Lightning: Thunderfist (M)
Wind: Pressure Burst (M)
Wind: Wind Slash (M)
Water: Pressurized Mist (M)
Water: Water Gun (M)
Non-Elem: Transformation (M)
Non-Elem: Body Switch (M)
Non-Elem: Basic Summoning (M)


Water: Water Whip (M)
Water: Aqua Fang (M)
Water: Rinse Off (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Signal Flare (M)
Non-Elem: Combination Transformation (M)
Non-Elem: Crystal Eye (M)
Non-Elem: Cancel (M)
Non-Elem: Contract Summoning (M)
Non-Elem: Critical Exposure (M)


Water: Grand Waterfall (M)
Water: Impaling Hydro Jet (M)
Water: Water Prison (M)
Water: Rain Dance (M0
Non-Elem: Stunt Double (M)
Non-Elem: One Elemental Sealing (M)
Non-Elem: Elemental Clone (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Chakra Sense (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Snapshot (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Mental Infiltration (M)
Shadow: Midnight Strike (M)
Shadow: Specter Shade (M)
Shadow: Black Eruption (M)
Vapor: Hidden Mist (M)
Vapor: Mist Ball (M)
Crystal: Emerald Emitter (M)
Crystal: Ruby Rain (M)
Acid: Lactic Buildup (M)
Acid: Citric Burn (M)
Poison: Venom Needle (R1)
Poison: Toxic Channeling (M)
Poison: Poison Extraction (M)

Water:Torrential Vortex(M)
Water:Hydro Tidal Shockwave(M)
Water: Water Shark Bomb (M)
Water: Mystical Pond (M)
Non-Elem: Rasengan (M)
Non-Elem (Anbu): Intangible Passage (M)
Shadow: Shadow Punishment (M)
Vapor: White Mist (M)
Vapor: Rolling Fog (M)
Crystal: Moonstone Beam (M)
Crystal: Sapphire Storm (M)
Acid: Dust of Lye (M)
Acid: Acidic Sweat (M)
Acid: Fangs of the Komodo (M)
Poison: Venom Strike (M)
Poison: Toxic Curse (M)

Water:Grand Hydra Excavation(M)
Water:Water Dragon Bullet(M)
Water: Scorn of Aquarious (M)
Water: Supreme Aqua Realm (M)
Non-Elem: Five Elemental Sealing (M)
Non-Elem: Gate of Enma (M)
Non-Elem: Perfected Rasengan (M)
Shadow: Shadow Summoning (M)
Shadow: Absolute Void (M)
Shadow: Shadow Garb (M)
Vapor: Black Mist (M)
Crystal: Obsidian Dragon (M)
Acid: Royal Water (M)
Poison: Touch of the Accursed (M)


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Phoenix Embrace (M)
Transparent Escape (M)
Euphoria (M)
Detect Pulse (M)

Level 5

Betrayal (M)
Verse of Darkness (M)
Endless Gap (M)
Heart Beat (M)
Crippled (M)
Fear (M)
Deafen (M)
Soothing Voice (M)
Temple of Nirvana (M)
Time Freeze (M)
Body Double (M)

Level 6

Time Reversal (M)

Level 7

Epimeral (M)
Mindshatter (M)

Level 8

Utopia (M)


Level 1

Unarmed: Uncalled For Shot (R1)

Level 2

Unarmed: Grab (R1)

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Unarmed: Uprising Tornado (M)
Pole: Rejecting Assault (R1)
Pole: Dragon Finish (M)

Level 6

Pole: Jump Lunge (R1)
Unarmed: Dragon Assault (M)
Giant Blade: Goliath Toss (M)
Giant Blade: Hyper Extension (M)

Level 7

Pole: Spinning Deflection (R1)
Pole: Raging Whirlwind (R1)
Unarmed: Primary Lotus (M)
Unarmed: 16 Hit Combo (M)
Giant Blade: Execution (M)
Giant Blade: Kill Driver (M)

Level 8

Pole: Emerald Dragon Cresent (R1)
Unarmed: Eternal Chotic Dance (M)
Giant Blade: Annihilation (R3)

10 Rolls to rank up jutsu

Rejecting Assault R1->R2->M
Jump Lunge R1->R2->M
Spinning Deflection R1->R2->M
Raging Whirlwind R1->R2->M
Emerald Dragon Cresent R1->R2->M
Venom Needle R1->R2->M
Giant Blade: Annihilation R3 -> M

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:40 am
Zenichi's Training

Rejecting Assault:
Rank 1 to 2: Pass (64)
Rank 2 to 3: Fail (70)
Retry: Pass (48)

Jump Lunge:
Rank 1 to 2: Fail (94)
Retry: Pass (72)
Rank 2 to 3: Pass (45)

Spinning Deflection:
Rank 1 to 2: Pass (72)
Rank 2 to 3: Pass (2)

Raging Whirlwind:
Rank 1 to 2: Pass (35)
Rank 2 to 3: Pass (6)

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Old Character Name: Zenichi
Old Village: Mist
Old Character Class (if you have one): I don't remember
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Reckless

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Senju Zenichi

New Character Name: Senju Zenichi
New Village: Leaf
New Character Class: Zenichi, Reborn
HP: (50+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Accuracy +1.5 Dodge
High: Melee
Average: Evasion and Genjutsu Save, Genjutsu DC
Low: Ranged Acc, Ninjutsu Accuracy
New BL/CA: Shadow Boxer
* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character: Zenichi has always excelled at his training. Being able to pick up on the basics quickly and taking them one step further was a natural progression. Some people used to word "Prodigy" behind his back. He didn't care about arbitrary definitions like that. In his training, the only concern he had was results. Ninjutsu was fun to play around with. He has performed every basic element he had tried. When it comes to fighting though, he could never visualize using such trickery. He wanted a more personal touch. One that meant he could feel the rush of battle. To become up close and personal with his enemy. There was only one way to perform in such a fight and that was with your bare hands.

Soon, he moved away from broad training and focused on the power of his hand. He would stand with his arm fully extended, fingers barely touching a tall oak tree. With one swift motion, he would close his fist and punch the tree trunk. At first, the pain was unimaginable. But as he bandaged his wounds and tried again, he became immune to the pain. He would imagine the face of his enemy and push his emotions into his fist. Soon, he was breaking a tree every day. He moved onto more dense materials until he couldn't find a material that could match his strength.

ANBU profession or Medical profession, or neither?

* * * * *

Age: 9
Gender: Male
Quick Character Description: Zenichi is young and daring. His features are those of a greek god chiseled in marble by one of the world's best artist. One would think of him as nothing more than a pretty boy until you look into his eyes. There, a darkness lurks that puts a fear into the weak at heart. In 9 years, he has been through more than most and it is only the beginning of his plight. Troubled waters lie ahead.
Character History: Born of a night walker, fathered by the unknown. Zenichi was born into a world that no one would want. His mother wasn't hateful or mean, she simply didn't care about her only son. He was a momentary lapse in judgement on her part. In a flash though, her legacy to the world moved on while she died in a house fire. Zenichi was rescued by a member of the Senju clan. He was taken to the compound for a new life and a better direction than that of a street beggar.
* * * * *

Death thread:
Profile thread:
Training thread:
Dojo thread:

* * * * *

Usergroups: Head Admin, Admin, Leaf, Dev, B-mod,, all of them.
* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):Agility = 125
Stamina = 100
Ninjutsu = 100
Taijutsu = 125
Genjutsu = 125
Chakra Control = 125
Power Level = 700

Jutsu Swaps: Will do on a seperate post. It's a lot.
* * * * *
Nothing carries over. In order to regain these items, you must go through the proper procedures in order to regain the item as your next character. However, if you retire a character with these items, they may be re-obtained in the future and recovered.

Name of any Contract you currently own: None

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: Gaia

Name of Kinjutsu you own:None

* * * * *

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?None

What is Limbo Training?None

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Earth said:
Fire said:
Lightning said:

Water said:

Wind said:

Non-Elemental said:

Medical said:

65 Master Ranks
Unarmed Taijutsu said:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Academy Student? Who taught you all those techniques? Prodigies I tell ya . . . smh.


Please link back to this in your training and profile for paper trailing purposes.
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