Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Archangel!

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
After a week or so of just laying low just in case she was tracked here. Monika decided that it was finally time to start something around here. When she came here- Monika was on the verge of doing something crazy plus the shift in what was real and what was fiction had started to blur a bit so taking a well needed break from the fight did help. This also left her with enough time to cook up a melody and lyrics for her anti-establishment song. This one being a song she had originally written for Tenouzan but Monika decided to make it more of an anti-religion song as a big middle finger towards the moon's government. The song was simple, didn't rhyme and it involved her screaming a lot. When the song was finished, Monika had to whisper ‘perfect’ to herself.

Now that she had a song, Monika started making hand written posters for the show tonight. Slapping flyers mostly around this little seedy club that hosted some open mic gigs so she would actually have an audience instead of screaming out in the open. Plus seedy dive bars are her usual places where she performed her songs so this club would be a perfect start for the revolution that she had in progress. As for right now, the rocker was having a large mug of beer at the club she planned on wrecking tonight. Some poor guy was having a strong case of stage fright on stage, looking around at the bar full of mercs and criminals alike as they booed him off stage for sucking ass. The rough looking bartender laughed as a glass of beer went crashing into the “choke artist” head when the failed performer left the stage. Then a guy wearing a pinstripe suit and top hat laughed before announcing the next victim to come on to the stage.

“MMM~ that poor boy. Hope the door doesn't hit him on the way out.” said the man in the pinstriped suit. “Next up we have a pretty little thang called-” he adjusted his sunglasses looking at the poorly written flyer again “Monika? Anyway give it up foooooooooor Monika oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho this’ll be good baby.”

Monika pushed down the urge to toss her mug of beer at the pinstriped freaks head, simply finishing her drink up and strutting her way to the stage grabbing the mic and began to try hyping up the crowd.

“Aye yo, let's do this shit! Who the f%$& wants to be in a revolution? They might not want us free out there, but here we love a little chaos!” Monika yelled and the crowd yelled, hooked in by the message.

“Hell yeah! We're getting ready to tear this motherf%$# club apart to the core! We've got a monster in there tonight, I don't care if we do get stopped by those warden assholes! If you want to be in this fight, let's tear this sucker apart! The revolution starts tonight! And the shrine ain’t gonna get away with all this underhanded shit no more! Here we go fam! One, two, three, four!”

When Monika was finished hyping up the crowd she started chugging a transparent guitar made entirely of distorted chakra soundwaves. While she played, ghost dancers suddenly appeared as her own little band creating the loud and fast dynamic she needed so she could scream her song!

F$%6 this F#$%ing shrine!
burn it of lies!
watch the world die!
And let's make this country cry!

we get off to the sound !
of everything coming down!
Beat this cult to the ground!
And don’t ever back down!



Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Outside, Kureji could hear what sounded like a rave going on. It seemed to be that of an anti-Shrine convention. But despite the immediate area reverberating disrupting the peaceful night, no government official of Moon, aka the Shrine, have made their way to the rave. He made his way into the building. There, he made it to the end of the song, if one were to call if that. But he did notice that this chick, who was in punk clothes, had really good vocals. It would prove very useful to have someone not only part of his band, but part of the bigger picture of sowing chaos. She definitely isn't one to want to sit down and have a peaceful life.

Walking up the stage, Mr. Pinstripes tried to intercept him, "Whoa there edgy dude, I doubt you have any talent to top chica here." Kureji was in his Soratu puppet form, therefore, he was all about business. It would be a happy accident that he would meet such a person while he was on a mission to frame Cloud. Flames enveloped his right hand as he used it to push Mr. Pinstripes away from him. Extinguishing the flames, he stopped in front of Ms. Punk.

He extended his hand out for Monika to shake. Either way, he will introduce himself. "Hello. My name is Soratu. You could say that I am the manager of a band in the making. I see that you have great vocals. If you were to join, you can be worldwide famous. We already have a lead guitarist, not with us yet, but he shared with me one of his riffs." He would then hand over to Monika an old cassette player with those big headphones. If she were to listen to it, she would only hear the guitar riffs, not the singing nor the drumming or other instruments.

After she would take off the headset, if she did listen, or if she just didn't listen to the guitar riff at all, the puppet would then say, "But first things first. You want to start a riot and stick it to the Shrine, right? Even if they are a criminal organization, they thrive on order. And Order has no place in a world ever changing."

After saying that, he would walk out and ignite both of his arms and throw flames at nearby buildings. He knows that just a rave wouldn't bring the Shrine down on them, so they have to go bigger. Cause some death and destruction. Flames started to spread fast on that building and soon started to spread further.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Monika smirked. She's got the crowd wrapped around her fingers so far. Pumping them up for the last couple of minutes with heavy punk rock, getting them edgy and irritable. For the most part, they were in a partying mood to scream and shout.

F$%6 this F#$%ing shrine!
burn it of lies!
Listen to their F#$%ing cries!
As their order dies!

F$%6 this F#$%ing shrine!
burn it of lies!
Raise your F#$%ing knives!

Go ahead and take their lives!

As Monika went on, the people began to sing along with her. Namely chanting the catchy course of the song. The more they chanted that phrase, the louder the crowd grew. Soon they were yelling at the top of their lungs, their voices an entire octave higher than the volume Monika was using. They were all roaring in sync, their voices showing even more passion and anger than the song itself and this was what Monika wanted. Even as the song came to an end and she was already done with the song, they were still chanting the chorus of the song which made the rocker chuckle and then yell over the mic. “Yeah F$%6 this F#$%ing shrine!” Monika yelled, stealing a spray can from the graffiti artist that was about to walk on stage so she could spray a large “A” over the moon country flag that hung behind her. The crowd loved it. Monika had been so pumped up from the energy that the crowd was giving off that it made her want to start breaking stuff in here- that was until she heard the scream of the pinstriped freak as he ran to find some water to put out the flames that were burning through his suit.

Monika chuckled before looking over to see a dude walk over to her, extending his hand to her, and proceeding to introduce himself as a manager of some kind which already gave her some weird vibes. “Yeah names Monika for now, still working on a stage name though,” she said. Though the punk refused to shake hands with this shady fixer-type dude Monika did want to hear the riff just to see if she had any tough competition or something. “Sure, sure I’ll listen to this bull. Let's stand over here for a minute."

Moving off the stage, Monika decided to listen to what this manager had, and honestly, it wasn't half bad. It was good enough to at the very least peak her interest, listening hard to find something to criticize but she honestly had nothing. Taking off the headset, the rocker handed them over to the man as he spoke. "Yeah, I'm planning on starting a riot here and yanno what you are selling here sounds good on paper but you gotta tell me what the hell you get out of this whole ordeal." Monika said while smacking her palm to make her point, shaking her head while continuing her rant. "I ain't selling out to no one and no offense but you don’t exactly scream mr honest here. So if there's a catch then say it now while I’m still interested.” The rocker didn't hold back and outright told the manager that he seemed shady as hell. There were a lot of these kinds of managers back in Kumo who took advantage of the young artists there who didn’t really know better and Monika wasn’t interested in becoming anyones gimp this early when she just got her independence.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kurejī merely smiled as Monika had told him what she thought. At least she has her own mind, someone who is headstrong, won't be easy to convince, but if he does, he thinks that she will be a powerful ally. This was before he had left the area to start burning Moon Country. He thought about it before saying, "Cautious. I like it. See, we aren't just a normal band. It is built up on a mutual standing, everyone has a say. Much different than other places. But I'll stop there, as there might be some eavesdropping ears. Stone Country is where all candidates to be a part of the band will be. But as we have our goals aligned for now, let's see who can cause more carnage to Moon."

Back to the present, he jump flipped over another building and casted few more fire jutsus to set more houses and buildings on fire.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Monika listened and while the guy seemed shady, successful revolutions are rarely done alone. This guy seemed to be on the same page and since everyone has a say in the band it's time to celebrate this little agreement with some good ol’ fashioned mayhem! “Then it’s settled then! We are gonna party like it's…. like its…. whatever year it was that things were cool in.” Monika started taking on the man's challenge to see who can cause the most carnage. Kurejī had already begun burning a few places down using his fancy skills with fire ninjutsu. Monika leaving the bar ran outside, urging the crowd to follow her to this gambling house where she would use an extremely powerful scream in which the sonic scream caused the entrance of the establishment to explode as she yelled her song. “The desire to destroy!”

When the entrance was destroyed she targeted another building for another sonic scream. “To disrupt, to lose control!” she yelled as the windows and doors of the building suddenly exploded while the crowd that was just standing there behind her simply watched, cheering her on for more mayhem. Out of the corner of her eye, there stood a statue of one the False Deities of moon countries folklore. Monika smirked before forming a transparent electric guitar made from the sound that she manipulated using the gift of perfromance that shes been blessed with at birth. “To rebuild and then rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAHHHHHHHHHH~” She looked back, screaming the next verse to the crowd as she raised her hand up before chugging one powerful power chord that caused the statue of the false god to explode and break into a million pieces. “To tear it down again!”

Her audience cheered from one of the many symbols that the Shrine used exploded while the sky was red from the fire and smoke. However, the cheering would later turn to angry grumbling as the gangs who ran the gambling houses started to surround the group of young revolutionaries. Monika could see her audience was getting worried, so she began to play a guitar solo smiling in the enraged face of one of the gang members that was looking directly at her. Monika leapt into the air, still playing her solo all while taunting the gang who came to shut their party down. “Common boys, these boogers are coming to the mosh pit without a battle vest. They wanna party? Then it’s party time!” strumming another powerchord, Monika sent out a powerful blast of sound that sent three goons flying into the buildings that they came from. Then the crowd screamed before beginning to rush at the gangs, fists flew, knives were brought out and the scene was starting to look more and more like a riot. Won’t be long now before the wardens come to shut the party down but until then Monika was going to work out some pent up anger on some random thugs as a warmup for the shitstorm that she and her new partner were brewing.

WC: 505


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
The rave had quickly made its way out of the building and into the central area of Tsukigakure where there was little resistance. Kurejī seen some civilians running away from the commotion, in which he had shrugged. As long as they didn't fight back, he wouldn't purposefully kill innocents.

However once a gang arrived to try and attack the rave group. He found a separate group far enough away, he chose to intercept them as his arms separated the hands until it formed flamethrowers on both of his arms as he burned the would be thugs to a crips. As would hear more thugs trying to flank around him, in which he would respond by activating a mechanism on his back that would launch a volley of needles launched out of a compartment hidden inside of his back. Quick thudding and multiple bodies fell to the ground as more of these gang members lost their chance of vengeance.

Soon, it was apparent that the rave would be too powerful against the normal resistance wouldn't be enough against him, Monika, and the rave army. He found himself right by the punk singer with a dead body of one of the rave members. He brought out a Cloud headband that he had gotten from the black market at Wind Country and tied it around the person's head before looking up and winking at Monika.

"Let's sow chaos and discord among all the nations. Soon Cloud will have Moon and its Shrine knocking on their doors. Let's just say, I'm also a part of something that is going to be bigger than just a revolution that trashes Moon and its ever ignorant Shrine. If you are more interested, there is another stop I have to make before making it to Stone Country."

He would let the thought sink in for the punk singer as he jumped back into action to burn and destroy more of Tsukigakure.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
It only took a couple of moments to make the whole scene look like a full blown riot. Monika could see some of the civilians running away which wasn’t a big deal to her since they weren’t who she was targeting with this riot and besides if they would rather run than fight then she would let them. A goon drew a dagger which made the rocker smirk as the goon rushed her. The goon slashed at the punk who quickly dodged the attack before countering the man with an ebow to the face before spinning around to slap both her hands together to disrupt chakra that is focused between them to create an amplified soundwave attack to send two more goons flying backwards. The goon she elbowed tried to grapple her, but she countered him with a hard right hook that had been coated in an aura of sonic waves. The rocker chuckled, that was until she heard someone yell. “Oh Shit. Wardens!”

Monika looked and beyond the carnage she could see figures leaping in the distance. She gritted her teeth then looked at her partner in crime who had the body of a fellow raver in his arms. Apparently he had an idea to send the Moon country jerks at kumogakure which was smart on his part, the only problem is that a small country like this wouldn’t stand a chance against a much bigger country but stranger things could happen. “Yo we got Wardens in coming man, watch your back cause they don’t look like no pushovers.” Monika said as a group of about 5 or six wardens watched as the riot continued. One of the Wardens was a huge, chiseled man wearing armor that had many different complex symbols of freedom on his armor while donning this spartan-like helmet that hid the entire upper portion of his face. On his badge anyone close enough could read the word ‘Woe’ on his chest which suited the scowl on his face, giving that he looked like he hasn’t smiled since the day he was born.

Warden Woe began to yell at the ravers, his voice big and thunderous as he shouted. “I AM THE WARDEN!....... THIS IS AN UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY!!!!.... DIS-PERSE NOW OR WE WILL USE LETHAL FORCE AGAINST YOU NON-BELIEVERS!” His voice just oozed that arrogance of authority, like there were only two kinds of people in this world and it enraged Monika. Even the pose that he did, with his arms on his hips and legs spread as he grimaced at the chaos that was unfolding underneath him. Of course, the majority of the fighting went on while some of the group looked up at the wardens trying to figure out what the hell to do. Monika smirked from ear to ear then flipped off the warden and said. “How about you disperse on deez nuts, Himbo!” the crowd began to laugh and Warden Woe grimace so hard that you could see every wrinkle on his face before he withdrew his firearm and aimed it at the laughing crowd deciding to disperse the crowd himself…..

WC: 542
[ooc: Uh-No its Warden Woe! The toughest lawman in all of moon country and hes about to start attacking the mob. What do we do?]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji was so focused on sowing chaos and adding a Cloud headband to the mess to give Moon a target that he had only heard just a fraction of what Monika had said. "Wahoo? And they push covers? Why are the Wahoo pushing covers? Oh! are they the cover band for us!?" It took him a minute to realize what was actually happening. Through all that is happening, his vision was a little bit impaired by the smoke and running people and also heard only half of what Wahoo Woo had said. At least, he thinks that's what the name badge of that leader dude says. Yada yada I am Wahoo! yada yada Diss Purse or Force! Along with her? He had quickly administered the bloodrot poison to the Soratu puppet that he is controlling and then shot out a Vapor Canon at Wahoo Woo as the dude was bringing his weapon to aim at their rave mates.

"Bad Wahoo Woo! The Cover band is not supposed to attack the main band but hype up the audience!" If he had missed or not though if it did hit, the poison would undoubtedly work its course in the man's body, but anyhow, he would then form hand seals to cast a genjutsu. A simple, but effective one. If casted successfully, Wahoo Woo would see Six people wearing the same outlandish red clothing as they would all simultaneously pull down their pants to moon him and getting back into a more normal fight by readying himself for whatever may come next. Finally, he would perform one more set of handseals to cast Heat wave to give him an edge on fire attacks. The whole area started to heat up and some small combustibles had caught on fire. Kureji knows that he can switch out his hito puppets with ease, the problem is revealing the identities of his other puppets. Moon only has an idea that a human puppet from Cloud has attacked, though they won't have any idea what other identities that Kureji has. He wonders if those ghostly apparitions his singer friend can come in handy with this fight.

(Coated Soratu puppet in Blood rot poison, then shot Vapor Canon at Wahoo Woo. Then casted Advanced clone Genjutsu on him. Then casted Heat wave. All links are in the post)

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
While Warden Woe was set on dispersing the crowd by force, Kureji blasted the wardens with a poisonous substance that sent the wardens scurrying for cover. Monika pumped her fist, cheering her bandmate on for standing up against the goons that had tried to shut down the party. The mob, after seeing the warden scurrying for cover, decided to help the two revolutionaries by throwing stuff at the building in order to draw the pigs out of hiding, yelling for the wardens to come down and fight. Warden Woe had started to put on a respirator to prevent any more poison from getting in, one of the other Wardens who was dribbling a basketball winked at Warden Woe while the other Warden's prepared their weapons . “A little poison ain’t no thang, I’m about to school big momma over there. Baby boy all you.”

The Warden Woe grimace then looked at the young Warden. “Just be careful Cobra, these punks aren’t like other street punks.”

“Punks are punks, you know that boss. Now here let me school ol’ Big momma for a second.” and with that the Warden now revealed to be named Cobra vanished. With a crack of thunder and lighting; most of the crowd that surrounded Monika was flying backwards as every bit of electricity from the surrounding area began to form into a giant dome of electricity to isolate her from the rest of the crowd. Cobra now dribbling his basketball which coursed with golden lightning, he smirked at monika before throwing the ball at her. “Chidori!”

Monika growled then screamed at the attack that came at her, the scream created a sphere of chakra that protects them from most of the harm done by the chidori. Lessing the power by the attack but not before staggering back a bit. The punk smirked, entering stage one as a dark red aura surrounded her. Several miniature musical notes of sonic energy appeared. No bigger than the size of a thumb, the rocker fired each at a high velocity. Warden Cobra was about to dodge a few of the notes but most of them hit their mark. Monika dashed to the left, getting on her hands and knees then charged at the warden squealing like a pig only the squeal sounded more demonic like a hardcore death metal squeal.

As Monika fought with the Warden on the inside of the thunderdome, Warden Woe wasted no time in battling Kureji with his own ranged weapon. “Explosive round.” he said to his weapon, the gun glowing as he aimed the weapon at one of the Kureji's that he believed was the real one and fired. Besides using the Explosive Seal this round had a Ruby containing explosive fiery chakra onto the weapon. It is said that upon contact with a target, a large pillar of flames ignites from the ground leaving the land barren and scarred. “One More E round” the warden said to his weapon again, making it reload with another explosive round that he would again fire at the other Kureji again in hopes that by shooting at both of them he would at least get the real one.

[Ooc: Warden Cobra attacked Monika with Thunderdome and Chidori. Monika enters Stage 1 - Elemental Cloak and counters the Chidori with Barrier and attacks Cobra with Sound Bullet]

[Ooc: Warden Woe attacks Kureji and the advanced clone with Combustive Shot using the Heavy-handed Cleave ability!]

WC: 571

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shin took his time getting down into the city. A habit from his time in ANBU, he noticed the location, watched the locals, and kept an eye out for what was considered “the law” in the land and how best to avoid them. Yet, by the time he was just barely in, all had gone to chaos. Loud music and singing could be heard from a few hundred meters away, stuff was on fire, and people everywhere were freaking out in one of two ways: they were running, or they were burning shit. Having lived his life in the confines of strict order, to see the chaos around him in the city was both inviting and terrifying. Yet that little devil on his shoulder reminded him that chaos granted the gift of opportunity….

…and to his left was a seemingly abandoned bar.

Turning on heel away from the chaos, Shinjo ducked into the bar and kept low. He made a bee-line towards the bar, and quickly vaulted over it; nearly landing on the drink slinger behind. The ex-shinobi did a stylized roll that let him draw his gun and land upside down with his legs against the shelved liquor.
Git,” he said calmly to the bartender before waving his gun towards the door. Without missing a breath the bartender got up with a shout and booked it out. Shin lifted his leg and slammed it against the shelves to cause no less than three different bottles to come crashing down towards him. Without moving he reached out and grabbed the whiskey and allowed a bottle of gin and vodka to crash on either side of his head.
Yesssssss,” he hissed at the bottle before popping the cork with his thumb and turning the amber colored bottle up. He easily drained half of it before pulling it away with a satisfied sigh, “Oh yes! That’s the stuff! Right there! Whoo!” Tightening his core, Shin lifted his legs and let them fall over his head to contort his body so that his feet were touching the ground before lifting his upper half slowly; adding a weird head rush to his new buzz.

“FREEZE!” screamed someone behind him. Shinjo turned slowly, gun and bottle held up above his head.
Whoa, whoa! Hey now, easy there! I was just hiding behind the bar because of the all the riots and-” suddenly the bottle flew out of his hand to smash against the enforcer’s face. The assassin stopped time, reached up to grab another bottle from the highest shelf he could reach, and ducked back out of the bar. When time restarted, Shin was back outside and keeping low, moving between buildings. It occurred to him that it’d probably be better to keep away from the riots, but at the same time, maybe he could just sit in an alley near by and watch the light show. So that’s exactly what he did.

He found a nice tall restaurant that somehow wasn’t on fire and sat on the roof’s edge with his feet dangling as he lifted the whiskey bottle up to finish its contents, crack open the other bottle, and begin working on it. The second liquor had been some kind of spiced rum, which threw him a little but, he held back the aching cough in his throat to swallow at least three more swigs before pulling the neck away from his lips.
Oh man, the booze in this place is way better than the last country! Now, lets see who are our main contenders…

The ex-ANBU’s eyes scanned around like he had been trained. Watching for crowds moving away he traced back to a fight with a person he recognized, and then found another fight with someone he didn’t. Monika was one of the more recent departures from Kumogakure who killed a mess of people while jamming on her way out. Last he had heard there was a mental case study being done based off that slaughter in an attempt to keep anyone else from getting where Monika had mentally. Shinjo wasn’t 100% sure, because until recently he never was big into music, but he recalled something about certain music trends being banned within Kumogakure itself because of her. Now, he could kind of see why. She was a beast with that scream, and he could feel it from all the way back here. It encouraged him to want to tear something down.
The other person fighting seemed to be the guy who was causing a lot of the fire and the dude he was facing off against seemed a lot more serious. After a few seconds of watching, Shin could feel an itch in his stomach and a drunk grin slipped onto his face. Time skipped again, and the assassin vanished.

With a fresh buzz the ninja took his time slipping around the alleys and listening to the fights as he angled towards the enforcer taking on the fire bomber. He was the unknown, and Monika was…well short to say, Shin didn’t want to get in her way knowing already what she was capable of; the guys she was fighting was screwed already. Like a shadow the assassin moved up behind the man firing off a weapon with “explosive rounds”. He had one of those too! In the form of a sawed-off shotgun, no less! Pulling out the scroll from underneath his shirt, he opened it up to reach into paper as if it was water and pull out his TEKE Model 1, and aimed it at the guy’s back.

Before standing straight up and screaming,
Hey b!@^h! Watch your back!” He didn’t pull the trigger, he didn’t move. Shinjo waited with the patience of a drunken saint for the opponent to make the mistake of trying to get the first attack in…

[Setting up Flash Counter w/Burst Shot using my TEKE Model 1]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji was having fun, that is, until the cover band decided to have even more beef with them than before. At first, it looked like it was going to be a two versus one against Wahoo Woo, but it looks like some of the others of the Wahoo band came in, one which had a basketball, which Kureji found weird to be part of a band, but he won't judge them... that much.

The fun got even more interesting when Wahoo Woo shot some sort of incendiary rounds at him and one of the clones that are in his mind. As a fire plumed around him, he only laughed as he had seen someone through the firenado stand behind Wahoo Woo. Kureji had a good idea as it looked the one behind him started talking about something. In the fire plume, kureji formed hand seals and Wahoo Woo will soon lose his hearing, if all goes well.

The state of his fire puppet, whilst being very combat ready in terms of all fire, there were only a few singe marks appearing throughout the puppets body. He laughed as the fire plume dissipated. "You know, it's kinda lame and boring to just say what you're going to attack me with." He doubts that Wahoo Woo heard him, if the Genjutsu was successful. That,
along with the advanced clone technique, Wahoo Woo is looking at some serious debuffs. But Kureji wasn't done yet. Forming more hand seals, fire from all the surrounding areas mixed together to form a fifteen-foot-tall creature made entirely of the flames from what Kureji had previously made. It itself held a giant flaming sword as it looked around and let out a roar before swiping the area in front of Wahoo Woo with searing flames that would most likely turn up the heat and pressure for him.

Using this to his advantage, hoping the cover of the fire giant would obscure Wahoo Woo's vision he used a simple, but effective attack. Packing some rocks and debris into his arm before launching them at Wahoo Woo.

(ooc notes)
(Casted blank Slates)
(Casted Abyssmal harbinger)
(Casted Projectile launcher)

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As the Warden shot at Kureji, he stumbled upon being shot from the back, turning around to fire his weapons at the drunken Shinjo. In frustration, he pressed the button on his helmet then called in for backup. The number of hostiles were starting to overwhelm the squadron. "Attention units, attention units. Back-up needed immediately, consider everyone here armed and dangerous." He kept the call short, running towards cover. There was a sharp pain in his head followed by Warden Woe losing his hearing, only noticing that he couldn't hear anything when he yelled as his weapon for a lightning round. About to peek around the corner to fire his weapon at someone.. anyone that was until he witnessed a massive fight of flames appear and he began to yell again for backup to come because between Cobra being busy, the rioters holding his squadron back and the two Shinobi that he was up against he was going to need some backup to stop this riot.

Meanwhile, Monika was battling with her basketball welding. Trading blows with their chosen elements, countering and honestly having a pretty good time fighting each other. Monika could go on like this for days, but on the other side of the barrier she could hear someone on the other side yelling that more monkeys were on the way. Monika looked for a moment, seeing in the distance more warden's coming as the warden's that were already there had started to break up the mob. Monika could see that she was losing her audience, but seeing the new drunk blast a Warden with a shotgun filled the rogue punk with a newfound inspiration before Cobra for a moment spun a lightning-covered basketball on his finger. "Looks like your homies are about to get schooled. Yanno if you come with me now, I'm pretty sure we can get you a fair sentence though your boy might get smoked for messing with Woe."

Monika laughed, then cracked her knuckles as her spirits aura started to bubble around her. "Heh… well boy, my songs ain't just for show yanno? How about I show you what mob and a couple of rag tag Shinobi punks are capable of…." Monika said, before she began making a beat by stomping and clapping her hands. The stomping being a substitute for the kicks and the clapping a substitute for the snares… The beat was something simple, catchy as it echoed through the winds. Glowing pink musical noses and bars began to flow from her cursed beastial aura. Musical notes appeared by all her allies, while the symbol of anarchy appeared next to the warden's. With every stomp of and every clap everyone, including the fire creature that Kureji had summoned, had felt just a little stronger.. like the music was pumping them up with just what they needed to keep fighting on. Playing her song of war, her allies could feel themselves getting stronger while at the same time making her enemies feel weaker.

The loud heavy music making the warden's who were in the area hold their heads and getting irritable as well as Monika strummed the transparent guitar in her hands to blast away the lighting dome before she began to sing one of her hit songs back when she was in cloud; the lyrics going as follows

♪Got Chakra in my bloodstream
Got this beast living in my soul!

Standing up to the man and getting stronga
And that's just how we roll

Scratching my way to the top!
Revolution coming and it can't be stopped!

My Shinobi way is not to quit

I'm believein' it, believin' it!♪

She began to play her little solo filler note, which caused the squadron of Wardens to go blind in a sea of darkness. Inflicting the curse of her people onto them with the special note that she added. Watching the poor basketball player Cobra throw the lightning into the crowd before feeling her blast him with a sonic clap! Hulking figures of sound appeared, then they went in to give the Warden a little beat down before Monika continued the song again!

Blood is buzzin'! ~Punch~
Fighting nonstop! ~Crack!~
Revolution is here and honey I can't be stopped!
Shinobi way is not to quit
I'm believein' it!

Monika did a little two step before clapping again to send Cobra flying backwards into a building, his limp body falling as her ghost dancers proceeded to pumble him until he was lying on the ground. Unconscious.

Believein' it - got that will of fire!
Believein' it - just wanna be fuckin' admired!
Believein' it - so what's it's gonna be!

Believein' it - fuckin' feel it, SEE! ME!

Monika played her guitar filler as the mob started to gain the advantage over the Wardens.

[Monika used both Battle Anthem and My Song! The crowd, Kureji, Shinjo and Abyssmal harbinger are believing it and gaining buffs from battle anthem.]

[The Warden squadron aren't feeling the song, their heads hurting from the loud music making them weaker against the mob. They are also suffering from the fallowing effects of my song;

High Note - +600 damage.
Filler Note - +400 damage, may exclude
Filler Note - +400 damage, may exclude Kureji from this jutsu's effects
Filler Note - +400 damage, may exclude The Mob from this jutsu's effects
Filler Note - +400 damage, may exclude Shinjo from this jutsu's effects
Special Note- Monika applies the Effects of Verse of Darkness On her song to make all the warden's go blind]

[Warden Cobra is fell Unconscious]

[Warden Woe is Blind and Deaf. Woe as him woe as him :( ]

[Backup for the warden's is arriving in 4 post after this. Should they choose to stay more warden's will come to battle.]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Feeling his gun go off brought back a weird sort of sensation Shinjo hadn’t felt in quite some time. Leaving Kumogakure meant leaving behind a lot. His fighting styles, his way of living, his…everything really. The village gave him life and then took it away when he couldn’t get his head straight after living a life full of betrayal. In the weeks that followed his exit, Shinjo stopped practicing shinobi crap. It took awhile at first to break his execise habits, then even longer to break the mental conditioning Miro had Genjutsu’d into his head. Now, after firing his gun on Warden Woe, something inside of his muslces “woke up”, and he could feel all of the memories inside his body. A small part of him was disgusted at it, but for the most part…he felt elated. It was like this was the first time he had used his skills for his own real gain as everything leading up to today was just him trying, and generally failing, to be a normal person.

Now he felt like he could take on the whole world. His chains that were loose already shattered as Monica’s song wrapped around him. He wanted nothing more in the world right now than to keep fighting, to keep burning, and to rebuild it all the way he wanted it; not the way some bitch with mircomanagitis wanted. Shinjo raised his shotgun and fired the second shot before dropping it, then side stepping the Warden’s next attack. From the way he yelled, it appeared he had gone deaf. A mad grin appeared on the teenager’s face as he simply vanished before Woe’s eyes and began to rush him from the opposite side of the golem’s attack.

He couldn’t get enough. Booze, fighting, and damn good music. Was this the paradise he had sought and never knew actually existed?

[Vanish followed by max Called Shots at Woe’s legs and arms. I know we plan on leaving next round but Shinjo is pumped.]
[MFT = 300+]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji was FEELING it! He had let out an insane roar as his new bandmate's voice reached to him singing. He felt like he could take on the whole Shrine! But even in his crazed power madness, he did notice some little things. Even though they were totally rocking it, the cover band and their groupies would surely soon retaliate in force. He'd hate to be the party pooper, but they need to skedaddle before things get too serious and over their heads. They needed to cause some mayhem, enough to get the Shrine to be looking at Cloud. But for now, they'll need to rendezvous somewhere where they can actually get to know one another.

He watched as the fire giant and Zoomies gun dude close in on Wahoo Woo, if not ending him, gonna end this man's career. Whatever happened afterwards, the fire puppet would smile then toss up a scroll that released ten random puppets that he had in stock for just a situation. Using the ten puppets to further add numbers to their side and just sheer strength that Kureji, Monika and zoomies gun dude had over their groupies, would really tip the scales in their favor. Kureji would expertly move each of the puppets to strike out at the nearest of the Wahoo's who dare strike at the groupies. Using this time, kureji made some handseals and two more of the red fire puppets poofed into existence. One went to find Monika, "Yo! What is up gurl! Hey, we gotta skedaddle before they decide to not play nice with us. Remember the place I had talked about before? Well, the guy that is in the band said that he REALLY would want to meet you there." Another one would find his way in the mess of the fighting all around until he found Shinjo. "Oh! Hey! Zoomies gun dude! Nice to meet you! Hey, there's gonna be a thing over in Stone! Could be a sweet gig for ya! Just make sure none of the Wahoo band or their groupies are following you." Once the message was conveyed, the clones would poof out of existence. It would be then, that Kureji himself would cast Dragon Flame bomb into the sky to attract everyone's attention before yelling incoherently and running off into the direction of the port. The plan, overtake a ship.

He was running low on chakra, but hopefully with Wahoo Woo too hurt to really do anything, his genjutsu's had done their job. He had the ten random puppets in tow with him as he jumped onto the nearest ship and started to attack anything that didn't want him to have the ship, which is a lot of people. With all this fighting, he wonders if his groupie understood the message he gave out?

(Casted collection of ten puppets to fight the Wahoos, then fight the sailors, if they don't give up the ship)
(casted Dragon flame bomb into the sky to attract groupies' attention)
(Gonna try and dip out)

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As Warde Woe began to yell for backup one more time, his arm was shot away from his headset, the Warden Firing his weapon into the abyss only hitting a few buildings as his legs were shot from underneath him. The warden fell to his face, cursing these rioters as well as himself for not being able to stop them. Though despite how helpless he felt, he knew in the end they would win one way or the other. As Shinjo and the fire golem went in to finish the now fallen lawman off his last thought was how he hoped that the next Warden Woe that the shrine would make after him would prevail over the non-believers…..

The song had gotten everyone pumped up, if it wasn’t because of the little boost of strength that they got from the song then how they were easily beating and pushing back against the wardens were what got them fighting even harder. Everyone here was angry about something, the song like fuel to an already spreading fire as they fought against the system of corruption. Monika began to shred at her guitar, putting all her feelings into the guitar solo making her captive audience even more angry and pumped up. Bringing them back to that place in their life where they themselves wanted to be that legendary shinobi that went down in the history books. Meanwhile, during the solo Kurejī came up to her and while she was still playing the guitar solo to tell her that they were on a schedule so they gotta delta now while they still had the chance. Monika nodded then looked at a couple guys in the crowd as she continued shredding her guitar.

“Hey you two, is there a safe way outta here before backup arrives to send us the clink. Did time in a cloud prison already and I'm not going back.”

The two guys looked at each other then at Monika as they locked eyes. The first guy said “You got it.” as the other guy nodded “We got your back man.” and then gesturing for Monika to follow them on their planned escape route. Monika sighed as she went back to her spot, just as they were getting ready to leave when she witnessed Kurejī trying to recruit some rando in the…. Monika paused for a moment, then laughed.

“Holy shit is that Weeser! Shiiiiit guess I ain’t the only Anbu from cloud to go nuke.” Monika laughed, she didn't know much about Shojo. But she heard about him pretty much being Miro's little boy scout and how she pulled some strings to get him in the anbu since he had asthma. The rocker was curious now but since the wardens were coming guess now wasn’t the right time for nuke Q&A

Looking at the Wardens who were fast approaching, Monika looked at Kureji then yelled. “THAT'S NO WAY TO RECRUIT A NEW BAND MATE! HERE I GOT HIM!”

With that Monika leapt into the air with a triple flip, then landed behind Shinjo, the ground cracking as she landed. Monika reached in then grabbed Shinjo by the shirt, lifting him over her head then began to run towards the planned escape route. Tear gas exploded a couple blocks behind them as the wardens began to close in. With all her might once her fans were in sight with the sewer lid open frantically gesturing for Monika to follow them, the rocker yeeted Shinjo at her fan hard and he caught shinjo with a loud oof. “This way Kuriji let's delta!” Monika said as she hopped down the sewer first… Then the goofy punk holding Shinjo hopped down into the sewer after Monika while the other guy waited for Kuriji so he could go down after him since that guy seemed to be Monika’s friend.

[ooc: Monika and two of her fans left the topic with Shinjo unless they were stopped]

[Ooc: leaving whatever happens to Warden Woe up to Shinjo]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
There was a sudden bloodlust in the air that was undeniable around the Kumo nukenin. Time itself warped in response to the continued use of Shinjo’s powerful dojutsu and the Warden could barely keep up; though it was clear Woe was the do or die type. Stubbornly the Warden continued against an unknown power wielded by a gun totin’ shinobi who was hard to keep a bead on. Woe’s luckies stars aligned, though, as before Shinjo could finish reloading his shotgun did the fellow nuke-in-arms Monika did lift the skinny rocker and abscond with him. A thousand alarms went off all at once but, perhaps due to the effects of Monika’s song being the thing that inspired his current murder boner, the shinobi strangely just allowed it to happen. Before he knew it he was being thrown down into an escape route via the sewers. The moment he left Monika’s hands, though, ol’ Shinjo quickly broke out of his pacifism and righted himself before landing. Once Monika was down and running, the ex-hitman turned and went the opposite direction.

He was thoroughly intrigued by a bunch of misfits that was willing to spit in the eyes of a controlling power, just for kicks even, but he’d thought it be best if they waited for a few days. Stone sounded like the next destination…

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
