Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Shinobi Rule #1: Survive! [Class]

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Pointing down the hallway Yuki would quickly reply to the now grumpy Shishiwakamaru. ”I literally just said the demon boy was that way with his three brothers fighting off a billion ninjas.” She pointed down the hallway with attitude. She crossed her arms for a moment, not realizing the severity of their situation, I mean yea sure the teacher died, but she was over here with that main character energy and the main character never died in the story so like she was absolutely fine, right?

A quick blow and the boys were struck, Yuki instinctively pulled her broom up to her chest as she yelled at the masked man claiming the game was coming to an end. ”Yup, such a fun game too! I guess it’s time for everyone to like just go home then!” She followed that with forced laugh as if two black men were dressed up as two white chicks trying to laugh off the fact they were flirting with their boss because they were in an undercover job that they were strictly told not to do by the very boss they were speaking to.

Her eyes kept dancing between Shishiwakamaru, Mr Owl Man, and the hallway until she heard Shishiwakamaru continue to lean in on the mistakes being made by this perpetrator. ”Wait, if you’re going to do a whole spooky owl man thing, what’s the point of setting up a trend if you don’t follow it? That’s ridiculous. Like you can’t do pastel florals in the fall, that’s not how trends work.” She pointed at the man with a grin. ”Even I know enough geography to know if you facts aren’t straight you shape isn’t going to be right! Standing there like a circle trying to call himself a square. Bad geography my dude!” She hesitated for a moment. ”Wait… no that didn’t make sense.” She looked around embarrassed before sitting on her broom before placing a hand behind her head as she laughed and floated out of the room a little bit.

A loud crash could be heard as a large hammer made of water would smash down onto either an enemy or the hallway itself. Startled the young girl fell from her broom hitting the ground with a flat back that caused the air to be knocked out from her lungs. Wincing at the pain she would reach up and grab the floating broom to pull herself off of the ground to try and escape, but she wasn’t able to get her feet all the way up before the broom began to slowly inch it’s way further and further from the room where she just said geography was about shapes.

[446, 1510]

Gotō Daiji

Nov 1, 2012
In the academy's entryway what happened next occurred in the blink of an eye. Shusuke summoned a tortoise to support Yuki in her attempt to flee, forcibly broke his illusion on the jōnin sending a shooting pain to splice through his head and causing the loss of hearing in one ear, then he lashed out at three of the surrounding chūnin in one last desperate attack. He managed to slice two of them though only partially and the wounds were superficial. Now there was nothing left. No more tricks to fail. Running low on chakra and battered. This would be his end. The jōnin, still holding his ear looked at the boy and projected his killing intent fully unto him. Brave as he was, the young Yamanaka would be paralyzed fully from head-to-toe and filled with the kind of dread that normally only nightmares would instill (Body Bind; Hit!). It would be suffocating. All encompassing. If he managed to move it all it would be merely trembling as the elite ninja and his entourage approached him. "Now... you die." were the only words he would hear as one of the chūnin thrust his fist towards the boy's face and-- stop millimeters from his nose. In an instant he would overturn his hand, open up his palm, and through his mask blow a fine blue powder into his face. The Yamanaka boy could try to hold his breath but as soon as he inhaled his body would fall completely limp (Lullaby Powder). Without another word the leader of the group would gather Shusuke's crumpled form under his arm and all five ninja would take off from their positions, all heading different directions.

Back with the other group the situation was more dire than ever. Rikku, ever the quick thinker raised up the flare even after being stunned by the owl-masked shinobi's kick and fired towards the window. A red signal round zipped through the classroom and looked like it was going to make it... that is until a leg flashed upwards with such force that the wind totally extinguished it, causing the now dud flare to sail through the open window and fall uselessly to the ground below. "Escape is impossible." the voice would taunt as he continued his forward approach. Rikku dove at them in an attempt to buy time. Heroic but foolish. The figure continued to tread forward, simply shoving the boy away after a few steps. "Resistance... futile." Down the hall a voice shouted out the name of a jutsu as it attacked the advancing jōnin. He managed to sidestep it but the surprise attack did thwack the chūnin walking next to him in the back, who turned and blocked the creature's path as he prepared to face it. Nothing would stop these assailants it seemed as the other group joined from either side of the hallway with the body of Shusuke in tow. Nothing could stop them... that is until Shishiwakamaru threw the stained Bingo Book and shouted at the robed attacker, halting them in their tracks. As the Nara boy pointed out inconsistencies with the scenario the owl-masked person remained completely still. Even the enemies in the hall stopped to listen in, seemingly completely ignoring the children now corralled helplessly between the two split forces. Yuki's added badgering sealed the deal. Silence filled the room.

Suddenly a hand came up to point at the boy before him. "YOU." the voice sounded out absolutely dripping with venom. Their other hand joined the first, forming several hand seals at a blindingly fast speed. Mi. Tora. Tatsu. Ushi. Uma. I. Mi. Outside the classroom window the sky would quickly darken. Thunder boomed at a dull roar and the wind would pick up, gusts blowing all throughout the classroom and causing everyone's clothing to billow in the wind. Still maintaining the final hand seal the cloaked figure would duck below Shishi's surprise puppet attack, narrowly evading it as the weather outside grew worse by the second. It seems as if they were going to unleash some high-level jutsu that would no doubt demolish the school until the boy swung a yardstick and they caught it, Shishi's final accusation punctuating the attack. "You..." they spoke again, their free hand moving up to clutch the white mask. With one movement it came loose.


" me."

A smile graced as his face but was quickly turned upside-down as he opened his eyes to look at the children in the room. The perfect combination of shock and horror was an accurate way of describing it and it took all of two seconds before he was swarmed by countless tiny fists and kicks, some kids even crying as they tugged on his robes and assaulted him. "Guess I overdid it..." he said, one of the kids even standing on their tip toes to tug on his face. Boy was in for a world of abuse after this.

It took a while for most of the kids to settle down during which the newly un-deceased Daiji-sensei whispered something into his headset and seven 'Tsukigakure' shinobi joined them all in the classroom with Shusuke underneath the head jōnin's arm. He set the boy down gently propping him up against one of the desks and would shake him with enough force to rouse him from his slumber. "I'm sure you all have a lot of questions." he would begin, a paper ball soaring through the air and bouncing off the top of his head as several of the students glared daggers at him. He would then lean up against a desk a raise a finger. "Firstly, let's review. Shishiwakamaru and Rikku: quick thinking and leadership skills. If it weren't for you two this situation would've spiraled further out of control." he turned his head towards the remaining standouts next. "Yuki: good idea with that trap and getting help though you did bump right into the enemy and singe Shusuke a bit..." he placed a finger upon his chin. It was a good attempt anyway. "Speaking of-- Shusuke. Running to save a comrade was admirable and you stalled the enemy longer than expected." Daiji's words would trail off as he folded his arms and narrowed his eyes upon the students.

"Now the bad." he would say, his gaze scanning over each one. "Against overwhelming odds you must act as a unit." notably his eyes settled on Shusuke and Yuki both. "Running off on your own will get you killed. There was no hope of doing any lasting damage to enemies so much stronger than you. You both should've ran when you saw what you were up against." He turned to Rikku. "You too, Rikku. Self-sacrifice is noble, but if this was real you wouldn't have even slowed me down." And finally to the Nara boy "Shishiwakamaru settled on the right plan eventually... but your first impulse was wrong. The classroom is a defensible position but barricades would do nothing to keep an enemy force of chūnin and jōnin out. The instructor would look around once more, as stern a look as he could muster on his face as he continued on. "You all should have fled to the roof and signaled for help from the beginning. Teamwork was the only chance you had of survival in a situation like this." With his lecture out of the way a long sigh would escape his lips as he stood from his leaning position. The 'enemy' ninja removed their masks and dispelled a simple jutsu, their headbands now showing Konoha's symbol (Transformation). Forming a half-Tora seal with his right hand, the 'dead' Daiji would disperse in a cloud of smoke (Stunt Double) . "And remember... a ninja must always see through deception." One of the jōnin's hands began to glow with green healing chakra and he would slowly start to apply Medical Ninjutsu to the battered kids wounds, restoring them back to new in due time (though likely with some soreness still).

His criticism was pointed but he hoped it was getting through to them. "You might think this was harsh... but it's better to learn these lessons here inside the village than at the hands of the enemy." It was true. And for as rough as it was he hoped they would not forget. Less they end up victims of this lifestyle like so many others. "For your shortcomings today you all..." a pause for dramatic effect. "Pass." His 'sensei face' had been replaced by his usual relaxed smirk, and he stared at his students warmly. "Learn from today. With some work I think you'll all make fine shinobi." Another pause. "Eventually." Next lesson? Teamwork. And maybe not quite so scary this time. Less on the melodrama more on the substance. Today was a valuable insight on this group of students' strengths and weaknesses. He now knew what edges to hone and what bumps to rough out. They would get there. It would just take some time.

Students/OOC said:
Nara Shishiwakamaru
HP: 99%
CP: 94.9%
Status: Relieved!
(0/3 Strikes)

Tsuchimikado Yuki
HP: 99%
CP: 85.37%
Status: Bubbly!
(0/3 Strikes)

Tsuchiyama Rikku
HP: 99%
CP: 88.5%
Status: Healed!
(0/3 Strikes)

Yamanaka Shusuke
HP: 99%
CP: 41.1%
Status: Sore!
(0/3 Strikes)

Objective: Survive! -

Notes: Great job gang! As long as you meet the post/WC reqs you can make exit posts and claim your rewards. I write way too much fluff but other than that hope everyone enjoyed the class!

[WC: 4835/1,500]
[Post 5/5]

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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke had accepted death. His classmate made the mistake and he was willing to accept the punishment for her. A series of blows and Shusuke began to break down. Slight tearing in his eye as be continued his attack, but it proved fruitless as the older shinobi were able to quickly overcome him. His eyes became heavy. Is this the sensation of dying? This was all to familiar, the rumors were true… its just like falling asleep. He wondered if dying as a student protecting his classmates was considered honorable.

The tear rolled down his cheek as he fell limp and lost consciousness.

He could hear muffled voices as his eyes began to blink back awake. "Speaking of-- Shusuke. Running to save a comrade was admirable and you stalled the enemy longer than expected." he was starting to fully wake up as his eyes began to dance around the room picking up on the various context clues around him. Daiji was fucking with them. These god damn Leaf Shinobi were always up to something. "Running off on your own will get you killed. There was no hope of doing any lasting damage to enemies so much stronger than you. You both should've ran when you saw what you were up against." Shusuke rolled his yes. ”Yea, whatever… The young child crossed his arms and pouted.

”I still think I did better, I at least saved someone…” The young Yamanaka was clearly upset that he got his ass kicked but the look on his face made it clear he understood what he did wrong. As his Sensei came to a close and let them all know they passed the class, Shusuke pointed his finger at Daiji-Sensei. ”The next time you wanna fight, how about we do it one on one? Okay? No need for back up and I’ll show you what’s up Daiji-Sensei.”

When it comes to Shsuske it can be hard to describe the thoughts going across his mind versus the actions that he takes, but in this instance… in this instance it was clear. The young beaten and bruised kid wanted to push himself further. His grin wasn’t of arrogance or hatred towards Daiji, but more of admiration. The look of excited you make when you see your next big challenge. The grin of an athlete before the final game of the season. He was excited to see what the future held for him.

((OoC: This was just a regular RP thread on Shusuke’s end since he’s in 2 classes at the moment, but I thoroughly enjoyed it!))

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Tsuchiyama Rikku

New Member
Jun 17, 2022
OOC Rank
Well that, didn’t work. Rikku was tossed to the side like a rag doll. He propped himself against the wall, his ribs hurting from the impact. A cough escaped his throat as a feeling of helplessness began to fall over him. He cursed himself as his eyes scanned the rest of the room, horrified looks on the faces of his classmates. It pained him to see, especially considering his efforts to get them to safety had been completely squandered.

Rikku's brows furrowed at the accusations made by his fellow students, Shishiwakamaru and Yuki. Discrepancies? What the hell was going on? Just as he began to question the accusations, Daiji removed the mask to reveal himself as "The Owl". Rikku groaned like a child being asked to clean up while they were in the middle of doing something fun and let his body slump back to the floor. "Daiji-Senseiiiii. . ." He grumbled as the adrenaline began to recede and allow himself to calm down. Refusing to move, completely defeated, Rikku listening to Daiji's feedback.

"Firstly, let's review. Shishiwakamaru and Rikku: quick thinking and leadership skills. If it weren't for you two this situation would've spiraled further out of control." At least there was one good thing that he did in partnership with Shishiwakamaru. They really did work well bouncing ideas off of one another even if it wasn't initially the "correct" choice.

"You too, Rikku. Self-sacrifice is noble, but if this was real you wouldn't have even slowed me down." Rikku shrunk back into himself with a small pout, but Daiji was right. It took barely any effort to toss the boy out of the way. He sighed and cooperated with the other Konoha shinobi that entered the room to fix them up.

Rikku stood up and looked around at the mess they all had made. Broken windows, blackboard completely ripped from the wall, damaged door frame. "Uhm, Daiji-Sensei," He started. "What do we do about. . . all this?" Rikku asked, gesturing towards all of the damage done to the classroom. Was it their responsibility? Daiji's? Or was there someone they called for "lessons" like this? Part of him really hoped cleaning up wasn't the ending part of this lesson.

[Words 1522/1500]


New Member
Apr 19, 2021
OOC Rank
Pulling a small, now battered from the events of this class, notebook and started to jot down some notes while Daiji-sensei gave them the summary of the class and their pros & cons. Shishiwakamaru nodded along until Daiji started to speak about Shishi. His eyes lit up upon hearing the praise from a legitimate shinobi. The criticism didn't phase him due to how elated he was that he had actually done pretty well. Live and learn, they were but children and in time they would master their infirmities. Today had been a wonderful day, one that he wouldn't soon forget. Unknown to him, or at least not knowing exactly what had happened internally, but his innate prowess would be awakened from the sheer shock and stress of the situation. It's not every day you watch your instructor get murdered right before your eyes and then have to suddenly deal with multiple enemies that FAR exceeded their capability to handle.

Shishiwakamaru would snicker at Shusuke's comments. He would love to see a 1v1 spar between him and Daiji-sensei. Something told him it wouldn't work out well for the young Yamanaka. Thinking about the situation they were all in near the end, before Daiji revealed himself and halted the 'exercise', Shishiwakamaru came to a conclusion that may have fit the bill. "Ya know, Shusuke, if I hadn't figured it out when I did you might not have only been knocked out. Seems like the timing worked out perfectly for me to... well... save you..." A sheepish, yet smug look spread across Shishi's face as he gave his classmate a playful wink. This short lived courage that rose up might bite him in the bum later on. Shusuke often shot the snarky remarks right back at ya, and probably a subtle threat along with it. Oh well, this is what school is all about, right? Creating lasting bonds with your fellow classmates and creating great friends along the way.

Shishiwakamaru would start to collect his belongings among the rubble and overturned desks. Throwing his backpack over his shoulder he took in the scene before him and smiled. What a wild day this turned out to be, a most invigorating, yet terrifying, experience this was. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder he would start to head towards the door. But then Rikku spoke up and brought up a good point. Turning to reiterate what Rikku had just said he would direct it towards Daiji-sensei. "Heh... Yeah, did you want us to help you clean up?" If his new instructor asked them to stay and help, Shishi would happily agree and wait for direction until completion. Otherwise he would wave to his classmates and wish them farewell. Leaving the academy he would take in a deep breath of fresh air and start his trek back to the orphanage. Until next time...

[OOC - Class Complete - Leaving Topic]

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Yuki's eyes widened as the enemy they had been fighting and running away from revealed himself to be none other than Daiji-Sensei, YEA HER TEACHER! The big jerk. A spark of electricity went through her mind as her eyes instantly narrowed, filled with fury. "You big jerk, that was scary!" She called out as she and many other students darted towards their sensei with fists swinging. She like could have totally died, which wouldn't be cool because she was the main character of this story and everything. What would they do? Reboot the series and call it something stupid like Hammer or Bolt? No! That's unacceptable, sure doing a time skip is one thing but like jumping to the next generation of spoiled brats is a completely different story! Who cares if the non-filler fight scenes make the original's look like trash, that doesn't have anything to do with this situation!

She calmed down for a second as she accepted the praise from her sensei, almost as if flipping a switch. The young girl, who had no idea how she set that trap, flipped her hair and shot daggers at Shusuke. "It's a good thing I help back too, otherwise little quadruplet over here would have been dead!" She covered her mouth and let out a hearty HA HA HA, clearly trying to mock the very boy that saved her life. Her eyes darted back towards Daiji-Sensei as he reminded her and Shusuke that running off on your own is how you get killed as a shinobi. Her arms flailed out to her side, SHOCKED, GAGGED, SHOOKETHED! How dare Daiji-Sensei compare her actions to that of this cocky-little-know-it-all-angsty-wannabe-Sasuke-looking-son-of-a-... She let out a deeply held breath. He was right. She let out a sigh before another thought crossed her brain.

"Wait, hold the phone!" She yelled before pointing at Shishiwakamaru. "So you're saying he did the best or something? What is he now? Class Rep? Valedictorian? Does he get to like just graduate to Jonin now or something? What gives?" She crossed her arms and looked away. Grumbling under her breath, that was until Rikku-kun asked if they needed to help clean the class room... She had a broom in her hand... She pointed to herself. "I think I should be exempt from cleaning because I'm a priestess." She would smile softly before laying her broom horizontally above the ground and climbing on it. Sure she was no higher than she was when she was standing, but she had her feet off the ground. She didn't need to touch the ground, he was blessed to be a priestess after all.

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Gotō Daiji

Nov 1, 2012
Daiji's smirk remained as he watched his students' reactions to the big reveal.

Most of them took the criticism in stride though Shusuke did seem to sulk a bit after being scrutinized and even called him out for a one-versus-one battle. That combined with Yuki's outburst complete with him holding her flailing at bay with a hand atop her head prompted a response. "Don't worry, you'll all have plenty of chances to take shots at me." It was more amusing to him than anything. Ever present in his mind was the fact these were in fact children. Ninja-in-training but kids all the same. Prone to the same whims, fancies, and impulses as any other kid. It was a shame they had to grow up in such a militaristic society in a world plagued by never-ending violence... but such was their lot in life. For the foreseeable future anyway.

Rikku's groaning almost made him chuckle and Shishiwakamaru and Yuki's tag team ribbing of Shusuke was always a sight to see. He was glad that the Nara boy seemed to be coming out of his shell. Yuki was a character all unto her own. And as for Shusuke well-- he could certainly use the ego check. The Nara/Yamanaka duo really caught his attention. With just one other member they would make a fine team. His mind was already considering the possibility they just needed to find their official third. Yuki asked if Shishi did the best and the instructor swayed his head back in forth in indecision. "'Best' is kind of relative considering if this were real you all would have died... but, sure." Likely not the exact answer she was looking for. Seemed like Daiji-sensei needed a lesson himself in motivational speaking. Rikku broached the subject of cleanup and Shishiwakamaru offered to help which until this point Daiji had completely forgot and looking around the classroom quickly his eyes suddenly widened. "... oh." he said, a sweatdrop forming on the back of his head. What on earth was he going to tell his superiors?!

Clearing his throat the instructor spoke, "Uh... next lesson, class." he said gesturing with both arms to the mess surrounding them. "Shinobi Cleaning: 101." Groans sounded out in unison and another paper ball was tossed his way just barely missing his head this time. Most of the students turned and strode right out of the classroom leaving only a few remaining. He kicked himself mentally for saying that everyone had passed already. This should have been the last part of the lesson! Scratching his head the chūnin turned around and grumbled to himself about having to pick up this mess. Yuki's exemption request did the trick and he waved the others off. "Go on enjoy the day... I'll mop up." he said, racking his brain for a solution. "Somehow..." Sluggishly he would begin to clean the class as best he could as the rest of the students filtered out of the room. Still had some personnel files to review and reports to write up as well. Responsibilities were such a hassle.

If only he knew Wood Release. Or maybe Carpentry Release? Man was he in for an earful...

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[OOC: Great thread y'all! Looking forward to the next ^^]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
