Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open The Children Aren't Our Future [Class]

Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
The room was empty. So far. His first class as Headmaster, and he hadn't yet written out a curriculum for the students to follow. There was no sound but for the solid click of his leather oxford's against the tiled floor, and as he passed by the thermostat he intentionally lowered it to around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold enough to chill the average person, though if he'd been in a class of average people he wouldn't be the kind of teacher that knew how to kill as many ways as he did.

On second thought? Maybe.

With an almost obsessive touch he would correct the rows of seats as he passed them, making sure to keep them in a line that could only have been more accurate if he'd taken a yardstick and slapped it against the ground to use as a proper measure. He went without a jacket today, though he still wore the vest that would have been beneath it, his color scheme a charcoal grey to match the grey of the walls. Because of *course* the walls were grey, marred here and there by faded yellow tape that once propped up motivational posters and encouraging words. Some still carried a piece of paper beneath them, as he'd simply tugged them from the walls without caring about what was left behind.

And in place of those posters, you ask? In this drably colored room with orderly rows of chairs leading to a chalkboard which most likely had chalk intentionally designed to scrape against the ears with a correctly angled stroke?

Fucking nothing, the solid oaken desk of his a deep, rich brown the only contrast to an otherwise monochromatic atmosphere, the leather of his chair that was currently pushed out behind it, creaking as he settled his weight into it and leaned back with a sigh. With one hand on the table, his fingers slowly tapping in a fluid wave from right to left, he waited.

OOC Notes:
Participants have 72 Hours to Post from last post 3 Strike System is in Place, failure to post is 1 strike, 3 strikes you fail class

[6:52 PM]
By Signing up tot his class you accept all responsibility of what happens IC. This could include and not limited to, loss of limb, loss of eyes, you get the jist, by joining this topic your signing that waiver that you accept what may come.

(( WC: 328 ))
(( MFT ))
Last edited:
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu crawled out from the cardboard box that he slept in down an ally way, oak district a place where you could find the litter on the ground that could be comfortable. The stolen pillow at least meant that he didn't get a crook in his neck, lifting the box up he threw his jacket out into the back ally and stepped out kicking his personal stuff back into it, he let his hands brush down his pants as he tried to at least look tidy, sorting the tie out in what would resemble a sort of proper self, he tried to sort his orange hair out but as always nothing he did seemed to even make a dent in it. Grabbing the coat he shook it off and threw it on. His normal look, white sneakers, black trousers, a white belt, black shirt, red tie, and black jacket. The only look that he actually lived in truthfully, but as always the truth like the real world hurt.

Sprinting down the streets towards the Academy the smell of fresh baked goods wafting through his nose as he took the smell's in, he saw an old lady putting baked goods out on the shop counter, seeing his opportunity he darted his hand out grabbing one of the cooked buns before he could even see if she had noticed he was gone and out of site. Scoffing the food down his throat as he finally made his way inside of the Academy. Walking in he took the sites around him finally he was in the place that apparently created Shinobi of Leaf. What disappointment he expected to find inside, gone was the old guard that the fourth Hokage had made, and it was this bunch of peace-loving wanna-be soldiers that the fifth Hokage had appointed.

Checking the schedule on the door he headed inside and made his way straight to the class, knocking on the door as he still had manners even with his current situation he slid the door open and looked towards the teacher, he was almost shocked as it was not what he expected the teacher to look like. Well, he seemed like the old stories someone of a legend style Shinobi. A small though, dare he say even a glint of hope crossed his mind before it was washed away. Bowing slightly in respect before he entered the room.

"Headmaster my name is Yamanaka Nobu, attending this lesson as per the academy instructions."

Stepping inside of the classroom he looked to the seats, each one had been perfectly arranged, almost as if in place and not to be disturbed, but the students were heard to learn. In those first few seconds, he made a choice, the seat needed to move, it was more a fact than anything else. He was here to learn this seat wasn't, he would bend the will of the chair before his own. Moving to the left-hand side he slid the chair out and sat in it facing towards the chalkboard. He was early and seemed that had at least ten minutes to spare. He pulled the chair back in though he was in the seat he made a point of making sure that the chair lined back up the only difference this time was that he was now sitting in it. Waiting to see what the teachers of the Academy made people dream and believe in.

This should be interesting, I hope this teacher knows what the real world is like, after all, no-one should come out of this lesson believing that you have a will of fire and everything will come true.

[Topic Entered]
[Post: 1/5]
[WC: 610/1,500]

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun was more than excited to join the class when he heard there would be one held. His father had returned home with the news, sharing it excitedly over dinner and hyping Shun up for the class. Shun made sure to get up extra early the day of the class, packing up a few extra lunches just in case his friends from the week prior happened to show up to the class. He also made breakfast for his dad, waking Shuichi up to share an early meal with him.

Shun made sure to leave with plenty of time to get to the academy and find his way, just in case his lack of directional skill got him lost again. He sauntered into the building calmly as he arrived before the assigned time, never one to show up late. The early bird syndrome even had him up before his father every morning, cooking breakfast before Shuichi went to work.

He found the classroom after a moment, seeing a familiar face and grinning excitedly. "Pleasure bumping into you again!" Shun waved to the teacher, setting a bag of assorted fruits on the desk as a gift and thanks for teaching.

"Nice to meet you, Sir!" he spoke to the teacher. "My name is Ashikawa Shun." Shun then moved to take himself a seat next to the boy he met on the street about a week ago. Shun leaned over, gently nudging Nobu with an elbow.

"I brought a few extra lunch boxes, if you want one." He kept his voice down, not wanting to cause too much a ruckus even though the class hadn't started yet. Shun took some time to take in the room and the teacher, seeing a sort of pattern with how neat everything was laid out. He made sure not to cause too much a mess with his desk and chair, fixing the desk back into position from where his excitement happened to push it out of line.

Shun settled his bag beneath the desk next to his feet, never one to let it go far but also not wanting to leave it in the middle of the aisle where it could get in someone's way. He gave a friendly smile to any other students that entered as they made their appearance, always one to try and pass around a smile.

OOC said:
Topic entered
Post 1/5
WC: 393/1500

Shun speech
Shun thoughts

Uchiha Mizuki

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
It has taken Sumiko days to convince her father to let he go to the Academy, it eventually took the head retainer begging to let her attend over the fear of what further torment Sumiko would inflict on the household staff, he justified the choice by claiming that he just wanted to make his precious little girl happy and ignored the claims that his little angels had been stabbing pin under the maids fingernails until she got her own way. When the new reached Sumiko she felt a genuine sense of joy, it had been roughly a week since she had meet the street scum that had interested her enough to want to go to the Academy and she hoped that they would be there for her first day.

Sumiko declined the chaperone that her father insisted that she take with her to the school building, saying that she didn’t want the others to make fun of her for her family's wealth and it would stop her from making friends, not that she had any intention of forming a emotional bond with any of them. Her interest was more like that of a scientist examining the behaviour of rats beside watching other children would help her understand how to pretend to be like them.

The building of the Academy looked old, like the only thing stopping to from falling apart was hopes and dreams, she was so far unimpressed but she remembered to keep her mask on at least for now, entering the building the scent chalk filled the corridors as she walked checking the number on each one to find the right door. After a little bit of searching she found the room she was looking for and entered the room. She bowed to the teacher showing him the respect that he was due noticing that the oranges haired street rat was already here and seated, she grinned and bowed to him before walking to a seat, choosing not to sit down but rather stand behind it.

“Headmaster Matsuno, my name is Yasuda Sumiko, please may I sit?”

[Topic Entered]
[Word Count: 352/1500]
[Posts: 1/5]

Fukuda Katsu

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Today was the start, the start of Katsu's career that would help him climb out of the dam closet he'd been sleeping in for the past year. At least it had some cushion, though this morning he got his foot stuck in one of the buckets, which made him fall, and break one of the shelves that hung over his sleeping spot, a mess he hoped to have time to clean up later. That or the staff at the inn might end up cleaning it up, without telling anyone, hopefully. Katsu slept in so he couldn't, the bucket cut his time to get ready as is.

Katsu didn't mind the old looking building, after all he grew up in an old dusty building so it was nothing new to him. He found it kind of charming.
Katsu ran to the academy, skipping breakfast, since he wanted to get there a little early. By the time Katsu got there, a few others were already there, unfortunate. As Katsu walked in he glanced around at the other students, then he stepped out to check the room number, he was in the right room, it would have been awkward if he got the wrong room on his first day.

Katsu gave a bow to who he assumed was the teacher - who else would be sitting at the teachers desk?
"Hello, I am Fukuda Katsu. I look forward to learning from you" He stated with a grin, then he took a seat at one of the front row desks. He hadn't met any of these other kids yet so he didn't feel confident enough to sit next to anyone.
Katsu did hope to get to know his fellow classmates sometime, but for some reason he suddenly felt heavy. He wasn't always a social bee, but he could sometimes pushed past it. Maybe it was because he was a little hungry?
Hopefully class would start soon so he could eat lunch sooner. At that thought Katsu made a small gasp, and he looked at his hands, he had forgotten his lunch sack.
Katsu put his hands in his pocket, he felt some change, so maybe he could get a snack from a vending machine later.

[Topic Entered]
[1/5 - 370/1500]
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Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
A harsh night filled with little sleep. That is how it was for this little child. He finally had found a decent place to sleep, but was shooed away from that one spot as there was always a pecking order on the street and he himself was too little to mean any difference. He didn't know exactly how to read time, but as the sun was setting Shion went to scatter for something to eat.
He didn't had much luck finding any food, but he did had fresh water once more in his bottle on which he filled his stomach with. After a quick rinse on his hairs he made a run for the academy.

With still dripping wet hairs he looked around to where he should be. Yet it was never easy for some reason.

Once he found the right classroom, he already stumbled upon the problem he didn't speak their regular language anymore, fuego. So he couldn't exactly tell he was here... He tried the alternative and knocked on the wooden frame and made a bow. He stood there with casual jeans, half kicked of sneakers which obviously had seen better days. A shirt that was wet on the shoulder area from his hairs but the most thing that would stand out were the old and dirty bandages around his jaw and neck.

After the bow he would walk inside the class, looking around to see who was here... He saw so many people he had seen before that one day in the alley... but then there was someone new too.

WC: will edit in later, cannot see on tablet
TWC: ?? / 1500

[topic entered]


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
'Day and Night...' Za tossed and turned stress plagued his mind. He looked for peace but it was something he could not attain, looking for peace was such a silly game to play... These day and nights, the lonely soldiers sleep to keep the peace of mind, but looking for a piece of something so unattainable would be a woeful day. on this day, it was clear though, he would find out that the orphanage had posted up some classes that were going to be available in the coming days. There were no beds available the night before, so Za slept on the cobblestone of the street, a dark alley way where another kid slept in a box. The kid from the other day...

He'd woken up later than him, wondering where he was going but alas there was definitely something he would be doing today, the class. He needed to rise above his station to become something more than just a formerly impaled orphan on the street. Za didnt have much, but he did have one change of clothes. He'd washed them in a creek and dried them near the school, they were dry not, a scarf for his neck and to hide his face and a tattered red button down with black slacks and his shoddy shoes. It was all the young boy had, and as he dressed himself he figured he was taking too long so he hurried himself to the school.

He oddly knew these halls, being here and stealing some of the bokken to swing wildly in the forest as well as the rare time an akimichi student would leave a bag of chips in a desk for later, Za would nab what he could, so finding this class wouldnt be too hard, but it would be once he saw the amount of students that gave him stares because of his clothes... it didnt do anything for his already diminished confidence...

Upon his arrival, he noticed some people from the days passed. A smirk from behind the scarf that kept the rose in his cheeks from flourishing higher, but the front seemed to be the kid, the one in the box from earlier, the kid with the berries and the one who barely spoke a word. The dollface who had all the money and another kid... he hadnt seen before, but this was interesting. They were all, fated to be together again. 'Coincidences...' Za stood in the threshold of the doorway for a moment looking at each person before his eyes dropped to the cold gaze of the teacher. Or someone he assumed was the teacher, it could have been an overgrown student, especially with how he'd learned about the ranks, it was definitely something he would go about attempting to learn from one day to the next but a clutch of a fist into his black slacks, as his nerves began to kick in. Maybe this was something that he would get used to...

But then again he was the lonely loner... and he knew for certain that he'd freeze tonight if he didnt get the classes right. He had to do good here in order to get money for himself. Maybe he would afford one of those apartments once he was a genin? It was something to aspire for... for the downtrodden. Maybe he would help bring a peace? Or maybe this was a life for something different.

After moments of standing in the threshold like some sort of dufus, he'd make his way to the back of the room, the latest child to arrive... Definitely not good on the first day of official class.

"I am... Zatoru... Sir. Apologies for my tardiness...", he'd speak humbled with a bow. His eyes never leaving the floor after he reached his seat.

WC = 637/1500
Post = 1/5


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"Tch", the sound coming from his mouth as he reread the assignment that his father had given him. It hadn't been long since he had been accepted into the academy but his placement letter only recently arrived. There was something about going from learning from his family to being in a room with a bunch of people just didn't sit right with him. In the week prior you could say he had quite the attitude just processing how different things were going to be now. Which is how he ended up here, standing before the door to the classroom with a scowl plastered on his face. "Just going to be an absolute pain....", the words spoken possibly by an eternities worth of students carried with him as he opened the door.

The temperature difference was the first thing to register to him, even faster than his thoughts on those already inside. A single question quickly entering his mind as his eyes tracked with obvious annoyance to the only adult in the room. His eyes would tell what his mind was thinking as he locked eyes with his apparent teacher and his eyes would say "Why the hell is it cold in here". Those words however would not come from his lips which instead would purse together as something about him was off. There wasn't a way to describe his intuition at that moment, just that the man gave off bad vibes. It was enough of a feeling to quiet his words before he uttered them and his gaze was shy away from the man soon after.

While he didn't openly object to the classroom temperature, there was no doubt that the feel of the place matched the uneasy energy their teacher put off. It was bland and drab to say the least with obviously worse upkeep. Glancing towards the kid who caught his eye the most, Nobu, his personality would show itself worse first as he spoke to the kid's attention, "Heh, you look like this kind of dump would be heaven". Riding this dialogue he would slide both palms into his pockets, flirting with the wall as he walked further into the room and away from the door. Though he'd mutter under his breath, he'd purposely put enough volume to his words that they were audible if someone tried to hear "Smells like poor people...".

He'd keep this energy, smug and rude though his eyes would trail every so often to get a view of the teacher. A chill running down his spine and almost cracking his developed wall of "toughness" as a miniscule bead of sweat formed along his forehead. "This guy...maybe I should calm down for now", he'd cross his arms as he thought with his head looking way to an empty part of the room. It was obvious Moyasu had an issue and wasn't going to be the most friendly of the children but he was smart enough to recognize how far to press his luck. For now he retreated to silence and waiting...

[Topic Entered]
[MFT - 508]
[1 / 5]
[508 / 1500]

Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
'Seven' The thought crossed his mind as the last one came in. 'That'll do'. His expression was almost bored, a detached indifference unchanged by the various arrivals and greetings. The only acknowledgement that he gave any of the student's very existences being the fact that his pale blue eyes tracked each one as they entered and went to their various positions. The staccato rhythm of his fingers ceased as the last one entered, and with a fluid movement he stood in silence, broken only by that leather clicking of his shoes against the tile as he walked to the door and eased it shut almost gently, every action taken with a measured care that seemed to come naturally to the Jounin, as if practice had made itself permanent to his very bones. Rather than lock the door, however, he pulled from a pocket in his vest a rolled up note, and after using a nail to prick blood from his left pinky he settled it against the paper, charging it with his chakra before sealing it against the frame of the door as if taping it, ensuring that if someone opened it it would explode adjacent to them rather than directly into them - most likely enough to seriously hurt but not kill any students that did it.

Assuming he had limited just how much chakra he'd charged it with.

He sniffed once when he was satisfied with it's placement, and turned to look over the students that he'd decided would be the class for the day. Again, his gaze was the only sign he knew any of them were even there as it landed pointedly on each one.

"You may sit." He said to those that hadn't, and with a snap of his fingers he began to make his way back to his desk. As he walked past, the three chairs that remained unoccupied by any students would begin to hiss, a wooden crack following soon after as each one flared with a small, but brief, sparking fire. The notes beneath them set to burn, rather than blow, distributed in a way that before long the chairs collapsed in on themselves and smothered the tiny fires that had weakened them enough for it to have happened. Lucky for the seated students that the room's air conditioning worked primarily by cycling the air from the room rather than simply blowing cold air in, the limited amount of smoke lasting only moments.

Once again seated, his weight rested against his right arm propped on the chair with his other hand pulling what might have been a pocket watch from his - no way - pocket, he finally spoke.

"This class is going to be instructional. Theoretical, rather than practical. And the first question you get to answer is: How many of you think you matter?"

WC: 471 ))
Last edited:
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu listened to the teacher speak, it seemed some of the students lacked the confidence to do what needed to be done. Sitting down on a simple task to do what was required and actually start the lesson, he shook his head slightly as he paid attention to each one of the students that walked into the lesson. It seemed they were all eager to learn, how much would that change when they actually got a real feel for what was in store for them. He wondered if the students were really like this and turned into Shinobi, lacking confidence in their duty and their job.

Nobu listened to each name that was spoken as they came in Shun coming and sitting beside him he frowned slightly but let it go, for now, it seemed like the two of them would continue to bump into each other. He made a note next time actually wake Zatoru up, he just assumed the boy would manage to make his own way on time. Apparently, that was not the case though, so that was something for him to continue in the future. This time he didn't but that wasn't his fault. It seemed the last boy to enter would prefer to make sarcastic remarks. Some people were just born with a silver spoon up their arse, and he looked to be one of those textbook cases.

Once everyone seemed to turn up the teacher finally spoke, though the flames that consumed the unneeded chairs seemed slightly excessive he could understand the reason to destroy what had become obsolete and unneeded, that was the way of life around him. Always had been. Nobu listened to the words that the teacher spoke, it seemed a question to each of them and one that was expected to be answered. Without knowing it the memory of his parent's sacrifice to the village and what it truly achieved came to his mind, his hands closing up into fists.

"We are all worthless, ours is not to question why ours is just to do and die. We are there to be used and when we vanish from the world we might be lucky to get our names onto that memorial in the village, but most of us will just die for nothing and be called a casualty for a cause. When you look at it with those odds, I guess the few that survive only do so by stepping over those that get in their way, even their teammates. So your question is double edged. To Leaf, we all really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. But to us individually we do matter, it's just the way this world works, broken and unfair Sensei"

His voice cold as he gave the answer, for better or worse the truth as he saw it was out in the air. His vision might be blurred, but that doesn't matter to him in his eyes he was going to be right.

[Post: 2/5]
[WC: 1,116/1,500]

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun felt the slightest bit uncomfortable as the unoccupied chairs around them went up in flames. He knew it was probably a show of ability and intimidation to those who weren't prepared to enter this side of the world, but he felt it was extremely unnecessary. Not enough that he voiced his opinion, though. When the first question was asked, Shun looked down to his desk in thought. He heard Nobu speak up first, and the words that left his mouth made a lot of sense, though it seemed Nobu didn't believe much in the higherups of their village.

"I believe we do matter," Shun spoke up after, looking from Nobu to the teacher. "I mean, why else would you take the time to teach us and prepare us before letting us gain higher ranks to defend the village? If you didn't care, you would send us out blind, right?"

Shun knew that it was probably more about making sure the village would be properly protected than the individual shinobi's ability to hold their own, but he liked to think that there was at least a little positivity to the academy and what they taught the younger generations like his own. Losing his mother was difficult, especially when no one was willing to look for her, but he knew she would rather the shinobi pay attention to more important matters than herself. That was just the way she was, selfless and giving even if it hurt her.

"I probably don't matter as much to the village as I do to my family, but I'm sure there is a little care in there somewhere." That was his final answer, and even if it was a less popular opinion, he would stand by it.

OOC said:
Post 2/5
TWC: 685/1500

Shun speech
Shun thoughts

Uchiha Mizuki

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
From the position that she stood, she watched as the others joined the classroom, each one as uninteresting as the other there was a couple of familiar faces though, like the boy with bandages and Zatoru, She had to hold back a laugh as the last student joined insulting the less well off members of the class before turning her attention back to the well-dressed man that lead that class as he gave them permission to sit, bowing once again as she took her seat, watched in glee as the other empty seat caught fire, becoming little more than ash at the teacher command, the heat from the embers wared the room, taking the edge off the chill that filled the room.

This may be more entertaining than I first expected. She watched the those around her, examining their reaction to the sudden infernos that had broken out around the room. The teacher at least should keep things interesting. The question was then posed to the class, how many of you think you matter? It was certainly an interesting one in her personal opinion none of this. In her personal opinion none those that were seated in the room mattered, they were little more than insects in her mind, annoying little parasites that will one day be crushed.

"From what I have established with my limited knowledge, we are little more the tools to be used as the Hokage feels fit, in terms of our wants and needs we do not matter, so in answer to your questions we don't matter as people, we are merely a mildly useful tool, like a pen for example"

[Word Count: 275]
[Total Word Count: 727/1,500]
[Post Total 2/5]

Fukuda Katsu

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Katsu watched the rest of the kids join in after him, then the teacher sealed the door with what looked like a paper bomb, and burned the extra seats... This guy seemed to be mad about something right? He looked cold, and kind of scary... Katsu didn't think a shinobi class would be fun, after all, they are being trained to be weapons for the village right? It was going to be hard, and painful, but Katsu was sure he could do it, after all, he's survived this long.

What kind of question was 'How many of you think you matter?' to which some of the other kids gave a speech of why they didn't matter, or why they did, but most of them were speaking for everyone else. The question was how many of you think you mattered, not give him a speech about why you think everyone matters or doesn't matter.

Katsu raised his hand before speaking, "I know I matter to at least some people." Katsu stated briefly, then he set his hand back down on the desk. He's been told all his life he didn't matter but guess what? That didn't matter to him. What mattered to him was getting strong, and protecting his little brothers. That's all that mattered to him, he'd respect what mattered to other people, but in the end, he knew his goal.

Katsu felt like some of these kids were really dramatic though, it'd be hard to be cheerful with them around, with that doom and gloom aura of theirs. He knew there were a lot of people like this, but maybe the academy drew them in like flies. Even the teacher seemed to have that sort of 'pity me because life's hard being a ninja' These sort of people kind of put Katsu on edge, he felt like he could get cut by that edge. He would not be surprised if he came out of this with a spontaneous paper cut.

[Topic Entered]
[wc: 331]
[2/5 - twc: 701/1500]


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
'plit plat plat plit'

The haze of a concussion washed over the boy as he sit in the back of the room, articles of this time seemed to jump at Za, remembering being cold and alone in the bottom of the perceived barrel. Thrown away for the want of knowledge made Za afraid of what could happen when someone had too much of something they were forbidden of any at all. It was a shock of panic, as Moyasu's words cut into his chest. It caused the heat around Za to rise a bit from the sheer amount of embarrassment the frail boy felt in that moment. Simultaneously Za'd clench his teeth for a moment. '...I'll get you...' nodding Za'd huff before listening to the headmaster... maybe this was fate? Coincidence? Did it matter?

The question seemed to make Za think with a notion of hope... a feeble thing, the first person that spoke was someone Za'd feel something draw to him. It was the atmosphere of someone who was leading others into battle. That was something that could make the greatest giants stand at attention for. Those that honed that ability became something that was feared in the hearts of people as his father... The rich and wealthy, looked down on the downtrodden. The Meek. The Feeble. And everything in between....

However, he was met with something dark... no hope. No escape. Nothing but fear. Anguish. An impression of oppressions. 'We are all worthless, ours is not to question why ours is just to do and die.' Za would play those words over and over in his head, the boy known as Nobu had shaken him, but he believed it so much that he would instantly discredit anyone would spoke differently than Nobu, but why was it that feeling within him that drew him to his side? Who knew, but this was a scary feeling. And he dejected it. He hated the way it made him feel. Shun's words rang... the feeling of hope...

The doll girl, he was too late and didnt catch alot of their names, seemed to mirror Nobu but with alittle bit more optimism. Something that he could agree with, giving hope to the cause of Nobu's spirit. After each student spoke, Za would glance back to see how the boy would react, maybe he was drawn to him because that was the boys life that he would take, that would change everything in Za. Though, he was sure that wasnt it. Looking for confirmation in the thoughts that ran through the young boy's mind.

The room would shift to Za as things seemed to move towards him, as if it were his turn next, 'Hm... tell the truth...'

"We are nothing. We are all aimlessly drift from situation to situation. Everything is and Anything, is nothing at all. The tools we are used for are the tools that are also being used..."

[Post: 2/5]
[WC = 488]
[TWC = 1,125]
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Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank

Demonic Speech

Safeword Speech
He had sat down and he looked towards what was going on. His silver-colored eyes scanning the class. Every one of that one time in the streets was there, but that also means there were some others around.
It was only moments later that he saw the door close down yet no one seemed to be actually closing it... It gave Shion an eerie feeling and he couldn't help but raise his shoulders a little, look to the side, and back to the teacher. Chairs were scorching... and the class started.

"This class is going to be instructional. Theoretical, rather than practical. And the first question you get to answer is: How many of you think you matter?"

It was a question that could be taken in any way, over thought in any way too. He was thinking himself till he started to hear Nobu speak... He somewhat felt the same. Once Shun started to speak, he couldn't help but glare. In his mind he repeated their words: ' If you didn't care, you would send us out blind, right?' It was in this childish mocking tune in his head and he rolled his eyes. "Dixerunt in caeca est iocus." it was a whisper under his own breath but he had to whisper it anyway as he huffed a time.
To the white-haired, expressionless person he agreed. He felt like a pen sometimes. Being used to be a step up for others. Quite literal and figure if he looked back to how the streets treated you. You had to fight for something yourself.
One more guy started to talk that he mattered to some. While that might have been true, he always wondered how truthful that honestly was.

He himself felt like flopping on the desk and just sigh heavily. He didn't do that, however, but he didn't have any idea how to answer this bit so in the end... He himself just called everyone an idiot in his safeword. "Chopped katsuobushi."
OOC said:
WC: 335
TWC: 598 / 1500
Dixerunt in caeca est iocus.Don't send people in blind, what a joke.
!! At this point in time, no one would understand what he means to them.

(Kelp): Means: "Hello."
(Salmon): Use for affirmation.
(Bonito flakes): Use for negation.
(Leaf mustard): Means "Are you OK?"
(Chopped katsuobushi): Means: "Idiot."
(Tuna Tuna): Means: "Look."
(Tuna Mayo): Means: "Beware." use for a warning.


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
His demeanor would noticeably shift as he watched the antics of the headmaster. The brazen act shaking him as he was forced to consider what would of happened if he'd taken a seat. But what had really made his gut sink was the stoic expression plastered across his headmaster face. It only served to cement that uneasy feeling he'd been having since walking into the room. A feeling which he obviously failed to shake by mouthing off to hide any signs of being timid.

Eye contact couldn't be held long though as he scanned the room for the first time in order to actually see his classmates. They were a diverse bunch but as he focused in he realized that it was evident quite a few were slumlings or worse. A slight grimace on his face forming, guessing they were probably only here for a means of income. The thought made his teeth clinch and his jawline flex. Life for a way out...sickening.

When he was told to sit, he did so promptly like an obedient child would when asked to do something by an authoritative figure. That was the power that feeling the teacher gave off had on Moyasu, his ability to make the boys gut sink into an abyss. Fear. A reprieve came in the form of a question to which everyone answered before him, to his advantage. He was able to clearly soak up their reasoning and without a doubt judged them on it.

Nobu was the type to die young and without a care since it was in a service. Shun was basically meh. Sumiko had a somewhat level response, he guessed. Katsu took the simple route and Za, well he didn't know what the hell was wrong with him. Shion took the cake for being weird, especially since he just started fizzling at the mouth like he forgot how to speak words

His body temperature would begin to rise as it tended to do when he felt pressed, though in his case one could physically feel the warmth being produced by him without question of its origin. Staring towards the teacher in a moment of confidence,
"I matter, but does that matter?".

His counter question was asked directly to the teacher solely out of a gut feeling that the question was hollow. This man didn't give off an aura that said he was actually interested in the question and after the incident with the chairs Moyasu had reason to trust his feelings on this.

Something felt off

[Wc: 399]
[2 / 5]
[930 / 1500]

Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
'What the friggity frack happened to these kids?' The internal question was asked without any outward change in his expression, his gaze flitting from one to the other as they answered in turn. He paused a moment, eyes narrowed just a small smidge when the one spat out the name of the food, before landing on the rest. If only he could have heard some of their thoughts, god damn you version six for not being a lie. The corners of his mouth turned down in the slightest ghost of a frown, unmatched by his eyes, and he slid his gaze back to the first student that had spoken.

Nobu: "We are all worthless, ours is not to question why ours is just to do and die. We are there to be used and when we vanish from the world we might be lucky to get our names onto that memorial in the village, but most of us will just die for nothing and be called a casualty for a cause. When you look at it with those odds, I guess the few that survive only do so by stepping over those that get in their way, even their teammates. So your question is double edged. To Leaf, we all really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. But to us individually we do matter, it's just the way this world works, broken and unfair Sensei"

He took a moment to consider Nobu, the right corner of his mouth tucked slightly as he seemed to roll over in his mind what the boy had said.

"You," He began, pointing a finger and bouncing it lightly as if it were an orchestral wand, "You must be homeless," The finger fell to tap against the table before resting. "To be looking at things so bleak. Ninja are remembered more often than you think - even the stupid ones. Often the stupid ones." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Don't be one of them." He paused, and continued to the next.

"I believe we do matter, I mean, why else would you take the time to teach us and prepare us before letting us gain higher ranks to defend the village? If you didn't care, you would send us out blind, right? I probably don't matter as much to the village as I do to my family, but I'm sure there is a little care in there somewhere."

"Cute, kid. Innocent. Untested. But cute." Another slight tuck at the corner of his mouth. "Closer, too." He hadn't yet said anyone was wrong, per say, but there were five more to go.

Sumiko: "From what I have established with my limited knowledge, we are little more the tools to be used as the Hokage feels fit, in terms of our wants and needs we do not matter, so in answer to your questions we don't matter as people, we are merely a mildly useful tool, like a pen for example"

His gaze settled on the girl for a moment, raising a hand and shifting it left to right for a brief moment. "Again, kid. Close, and definitely better presented than Bleakers."

Katsu: "I know I matter to at least some people."

"Good for you."

Zatoru: "We are nothing. We are all aimlessly drift from situation to situation. Everything is and Anything, is nothing at all. The tools we are used for are the tools that are also being used..."

"Shit, kid. You must be homeless to." He paused, seeming to come to a decision as he looked from Nobu to Zatoru and back. "Right. First order, that'll start teaching you some things about being a ninja. In the village there are plenty of houses that ain't being used." As he'd had the entire time his tone was basic, conversational and emotionless. He didn't even sound exasperated - yet. "Find one. Stay there. Make sure it has running water. Resourcefulness and stealth. Don't get caught, or you will be punished as is appropriate for squatting." He moved his gaze onward.

Shion: "Chopped katsuobushi."

"Shaken, not stirred." His expression did not change, his voice did not waver, and he would briefly meet the student's eyes.

Then, his gaze slid to the final student, who said nothing. He was answered with nothing but a look, appraising but otherwise almost uninterested in much past that. When he finally brought his eyes back to the class at large, he stood and settled his hands clasped behind his back. "This, is the first lesson. What matters is based on priorities. What matters is subjective." He walked as she spoke, along the wall toward the thermostat, where he once more flicked the dial downward. The cooling unit in the room kicked on once more, and he continued to walk the perimeter of the class, stopping only once he was facing the students with a small 'wall' between him and them comprised of the three desks that had gone unused, unloved, and now unmade.

"What you are. What you do. Who you are. How you were raised." His tone had taken on the edge of stern instruction, his gaze a constant roving motion amongst them all. "All of these things and more will change what matters to everyone. Will change how people select what matters." Behind his back, he tucked his thumbs beneath his fingers and squeezed, popping the knuckles audibly. "In this class, in this Academy, you have all chosen to take on the potential of responsibility. Responsibility to each other, to the village, and to the Country. Should you succeed in becoming more than what you are - and make no mistake, what you are now will be added to over the course of your time here assuming you do not fail out - if you succeed, what matters to you will be dictated by the role you take on. Whether you are Main Branch, the general soldier, the workhorse of the village. An ANBU assassin or operative, specialized defense and hunter both. Or a Mednin healing the injured, tending the sick, or if you're smart, developing weapons of a nature more insidious to be used by ANBU and others. Poisons, in contrast to healing medicines." He shrugged, and brought a hand out from behind his back and held up two fingers.

"Regardless of what you become, there will be two basic truths of what matters across the Branches." His first finger fell. "The Country. Those that have not chosen to be this, will matter first and foremost before anything and everything else. This is not some heartfelt patriotist view of defending those that cannot defend themselves. This is responsibility. This is loyalty. The one loyalty above all others is to the country, and if you do not understand the weight of that then you are not ready to be taught how to assume that mantle." The second finger fell. "The Village. Leaf Village. There are others, but this one is ours. Your second-most responsibility, hand in hand with the first and the basis for all others, is your duty to the village, and your loyalty to those in it. If you are not ready to serve the needs of the village, then you are not ready to be taught how to assume that mantle." He brought his hand back behind him, and relxed a little in his posture as if bracing himself to take medicine and trying to convince himself that it would be okay.

"You each can ask one question before I continue. Think hard, and make it worth the words it will take to answer it."

(( WC: 964 ))
Last edited:


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank

Demonic Speech

Safeword Speech
The teacher started to go over one of each of their question and he didn't seem too amused by his idea about his own. Yet he really couldn't help it. ' I cannot help but wonder... if somewhat in the right line of thinking would have been, How many of you think you matter? It's your own value above all others...' He would listen towards the other... getting an empty house, not being caught... to then hopefully have a place to stay at... Or get caught... It was something he wouldn't be able to do that had to be for sure... He started to look a the class and looked at Za and Nobu... Maybe with them, he could but he really had no idea. His own living quarter was right below someone's house that had leaking water... Not much but at least something.

"What you are. What you do. Who you are. How you were raised." 'Raised with a father that was blindly sent out to war and never returned, a mother that went berserk and raising my sister who now is missing... yup... just taught me how to survive till this point.'

Once he started to hear about two truths... he thought he started to explain them as rules. 'So... It's everyone's responsibility to look after each other, to gain loyalty... but what if the higher-ups already are corrupted and don't do that..? What if they don't care what happened around them and just don't tell the truth to the people. You would make distrust. The direct opposite of loyalty...' The next bit was something he didn't really saw coming, they had to ask a question yet he found himself in the position that he couldn't ask a question and he had only learned the petty basics of writing and only started to learn that further here. HE always was a better reader as he could keep that up, but without pencil and paper on the streets, it became rather difficult to do most things.

He started to think about who could ask the best question for him... and eventually, he found out one thing he could do. "Tuna Tuna..." and started to point towards Nobu that he would be asking his question. That was the smart thing in his mind to do in a situation of this.
OOC said:
WC: 393
TWC: 991 / 1500
!! At this point in time, no one would understand what he means to them.

(Kelp): Means: "Hello."
(Salmon): Use for affirmation.
(Bonito flakes): Use for negation.
(Leaf mustard): Means "Are you OK?"
(Chopped katsuobushi): Means: "Idiot."
(Tuna Tuna): Means: "Look."
(Tuna Mayo): Means: "Beware." use for a warning.
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu listened to the teacher as he has begun addressing each of them with a reply to give them an idea of what was expected of them and what he made of the answers that they gave him. He frowned as Nobu got a reply about being homeless, it seemed that the teacher had quite the observation skills even if he didn't' appreciate them he understood the boy so well from only a few simple answers. But he wasn't going to make a scene at all, a small shit-eating grin escaped his lips as he saw how the teacher addressed the student that seemed earlier to make a slide jab at some of his fellow classmates. It seems that is the price you get for being that type of person after all.

Before address the kids that had a bit of a problem with a place to live, now it seemed that was not a bad idea at all. I mean it couldn't harm them if they were not caught right? That was always an option that he would have to discuss with a few others in his class, as he glanced across to the other kid that he also knew lived in the streets with him. It seemed that taking this option would keep them off the streets for a little bit longer would not be something bad to consider. The hard part would be finding somewhere like that around, though when he had gone to the hospital he had seen a few places that would be worth scouting out. A few of the clan houses seemed to be left empty, it may be worth checking out those areas when he finished this lesson on his way home. After all, it wasn't like he had anything better to do right now.

Thinking long and hard about what question to ask, after all, one question and it had to be an important one as he considered all of the options that he had and to weigh the options up. As he pondered for a few moments the words that were spoken and the lessons of Konoha as well as the rules to follow it suddenly dawned on him the one question that he needed. It popped into his head as easy as someone flicking a switch honestly and how could he have been so stupid to not even thinking about this.

"Sensei, I do have one question to ask, you said that failing these rules is not what a Shinobi would do and that basically if you don't follow them then you have no right to count yourself inside of the military of Leaf. I understand that, but my question to you is a very simple one. What happens if those in high up positions fail to follow these rules? Then what happens to them for failing the Shinobi code so to speak?"

He would wait patiently a small flame of desire coming inside of his chest as he pondered on what the answer would be to his question.

[Post: 3/5]
[WC: 1,625/1,500]

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun listened to Nobu's question with a bit of intrigue. He really didn't seem to like the government they had in place at all. Was there some sort of past experience that caused him to be this way? He let the question sit in the back of his mind as he thought about a question he should ask of his own accord.

"I would love to learn more about the Shinobi divisions, like Anbu, Medical, so on. Can you give us any insight on the roles these branches take?"

It seemed like a fair question, and it might help Shun decide his path further as he progressed through the academy and into the higher ranks. Shun took his time taking in the rest of his class, wanting to see more about them like the teacher could through words alone. It was an impressive skill, one that Shun wanted to build in his own set of abilities to prove himself useful in the future.

Shion seemed to be quite the nonverbal one of the group, but Shun couldn't exactly place why. The bandaged boy didn't seem to like his answer from earlier, if his little mumbles were anything to go by, but Shun had yet to hear a normal sentence from him. Hopefully he could figure out how to better communicate with the quite boy.

Post 3/5
TWC: 909/1500

Shun speech
Shun thoughts

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
