Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open The Children Aren't Our Future [Class]


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
'I might actually take him up on that...' thinking about it for a moment then looking to Nobu, his question was fueled with the ideas of the system. Everything that it came with. However, Za's question was something different. Though, he'd think for a moment before asking. The one question that would plague him, especially with how the world had presented itself to him thus far. Maybe Za would find himself mulling within himself. What was the right question that he wanted to be answered? What was the perfect question to be answered for Za...

Could the headmaster even give an answer that was sufficient to appease Za? Maybe so, but then again what was the question that was worth asking, what would make it worthwhile to even think about. Shun would chime in, asking about the branches and causing Za to nod. That was something simple but not something that he couldn't learn on his own with time. What was something that wasn't idiotic to ask... did Za have enough gumption to ask such a question? What was a question that he could ask that would help out other students...?

"Hm. I have a question.", Za's mouth opened without his brain being able to stop it.

A moment would pass before he'd lift his eyes to the Headmaster before speaking out calmly, but with an air of coy about him...

"", his mouth stopped and paused because the words echoed in his head.

"You each can ask one question before I continue. Think hard, and make it worth the words it will take to answer it."

Maybe he didn't know what he wanted to ask, but it hit him all within a moment, nodding he would roll his shoulder once more before speaking up. "You spoke of responsibility, but what else is there to motivate someone to do good for a comrade?" Nodding that was what truly plagued Za, responsibility meant so much to the headmaster, but what did it do for someone who knew nothing of the natural order of things. Who knew...

[Post: 3/5]
[WC = 345]
[TWC = 1,470/1500]


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He wanted to scoff towards the teacher, particularly at being ignored in that he wasn't responded to when their headmaster spoke. What was more was that he couldn't quite put his finger on this sinking feeling in his stomach. There was something that wasn't sitting well with him and no matter how he tried to shake it off it wouldn't go away. It was agitating almost to feel like this and his body was only getting hotter as the minutes passed. With labored breathing and another sweat drop forming along his brow there was an attempt to compose himself. It was a moment where he wasn't watching others but staring at his desk trying to get a grip. Both palms tightened along his kneecaps while his body temperature easily was hovering at around 120 degrees. The heat that radiated from him was entirely due to his lack of chakra control versus his emotional level. While it wasn't enough heat to be noticed unless you were close to his skin, anyone sensitive to chakra could tell something was going on with him.

A single index finger tapped the top of his desk multiple times, listening and mulling over things as he worked to subconsciously calm himself. Then the teacher spoke at length and added the notion that they were allowed one question. Other's spoke and asked questions...responsibilty, rules of law, and motivation dominating their focus. His eyes narrowed slightly at all this, questions long sense buried in his mind suddenly surfacing but would this man have the answers. Doubtful, for his questions transcended the conversation at play in the classroom and would most likely be something their teacher wasn't privy to knowing. Still....just maybe...

When he saw there was an open space to speak after another classmate asked their question, Moyasu wouldn't just blurt out his question but instead first raised his hand. A light tremble in his muscles was present as just staring at the Headmaster for acknowledgement would give him that sinking feeling of dread.
"We're expected to be all this to the village...give our lives if need be. Some of us don't have a choice in that...but the least I want to know is if my life is going to be on the line like those before me, then why are there people living large while others scrape like meager rats or struggle to maintain what they have? What use is it to give your life for a sanctuary that feels like a prison at times?". He caught his rambling by covering his mouth and diverting his eyes back towards the thermostat as he had gotten lost in his question and asked more than what he'd wanted to. Both his top and bottom teeth would clenched tighter while one of his hands balled into a fist.

"Ég talaði við margt", he'd mutter in the tongue of his people. He couldn't help but feel this way after that but was pretty sure that others wouldn't catch on to the underlying reason for his dialogue. After all, he had more to lose than the others....even those who had nothing.

[WC: 519]
[3 / 5]
[1449 / 1500]

[Katai Language: (I spoke to much)]
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Uchiha Mizuki

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
Sumiko sat and listend to the others answer the question posed by the teacher, all of their answers where pathetic and only helped enforce her notation that they were all idiots, if she was meaning honest she couldn’t care less if she mattered to this place or not, everything about this place made her sick, the people, the buildings everything to her the whole place was a festering wound. Those thoughts ran through her head, her face still that of the sweet and innocent girl, she nodded in agreement of what was being said even though she did not agree with Hama once he had finished he allowed them each to ask one question to him directly before he would move on. She thought about what she would ask, if in fact she would ask anything at all, but for the moment she was content listening to the others ask their mondane and pointless questions to the Shinobi.

When the other had stopped talking Sumiko had made up her mind not to ask the teacher a question so sat silently with her eyes fixed to the front of the class, she could feel that the temperature drop once again this time it was getting a little bit too cold to ignore, she could feel her fingers getting colder and she started to shiver a little and that is when she though of her question.

“Sensei, while I know that is the not related to the class and you didn’t say that the question needed to be relvent to the class so I hope that I am not misunderstanding you, my question is, why is it so cold in here?” She wrapped her arms around herself running them a little to warm herself up a little.

[Word Count: 295]
[Total Word Count: 1,022/1,500]
[Post Count: 3/5]
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Fukuda Katsu

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Katsu listened to the lecture and pondered on it. Loyalty was a no brainer, who would become a tool for the village and not be loyal to the village? Katsu glanced around at the other students, as they asked their questions. Nobu's question seemed spot on, and Katsu wondered the same. A higher ranking ninja who fails the rules and duties would be punished, right? That would be assumed so, so why ask that? Katsu was not sure.

The next kid asked about the branches, which was the question Katsu wanted to ask, so much for that question, he could go asking a similar question. The branches, Katsu was sure he'd fall under the main branch, he knew he wasn't anbu material. Mednin? Maybe. It depended on if they caught his fancy. He wouldn't mind healing people. But was that his true calling? He wasn't sure about that.

Then it was Zatarou's turn, another bundle of joy for this year's class. He asked what else was to motivate to do good for a comrade. Katsu hoped he would not get put on that guy's team if he was asking questions like that if he needed more motivation to help out a comrade. Would he leave someone behind? It made Katsu feel a chill run down his spine, it gave him goosebumps - or maybe it was the fact the cooler had to be in the negatives by now. Sensei probably didn't have to pay the power bill so why not.

Moyasu asked about the poverty, Katsu didn't see that as the fault of the village in particular, he blamed the people. Though it wasn't like Katsu wasn't struggling, but at least he had a closet to sleep in, it seemed like a few in here could not say the same.

Yasuda asked about the cold temperature, Katsu didn't think much of that.

Katsu then realized he'd been paying more attention to others, than actually thinking about his own question. All the others had some good questions, so what could Katsu ask that was different and wasn't a waste of time?

Katsu raised his hand, "Sensei, do you prefer Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu?" A simple question, but Katsu wanted to know his teacher's preferences. He was going to learn from him, so knowing more about him would help shape his own opinions. Katsu wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to focus on, so he hoped to find that while he was an academy student.

[twc: 1,112/1500]

Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
Again the Jounin let them all question at their leisure, his posture relaxed. If he thought he would prove a point with the chairs before him, it didn't show as he eyed each of them in turn but otherwise ignored the charred remains. He didn't seem to mind the cold, or at the very least had enough self control not to shiver visibly in front of them, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he considered who to answer first.

Might as well get the easiest out of the way.

“Sensei, while I know that is the not related to the class and you didn’t say that the question needed to be relvent to the class so I hope that I am not misunderstanding you, my question is, why is it so cold in here?”

"Air conditioning." He answered with a tone that suggested to elaborate would have been a waste of words, especially since he had lowered the temperature just a minute or two prior to her asking the question. If she hadn't been watching, then she most likely was not a Hawkeye. The fact that his brow furrowed and the corners of his lips tucked upward slightly only added to the general conveyed body language of his tone. The pale, white-blue of his eyes fell on Shun next.
"I would love to learn more about the Shinobi divisions, like Anbu, Medical, so on. Can you give us any insight on the roles these branches take?"

"There will be classes for that, where I will elaborate past what I have already said. Attend them if you wish to learn more." His tone was simple, lacking any rebuke to the question and answering it as easily as it deserved. His eyes moved to Katsu next, and he raised a brow slowly.

"Sensei, do you prefer Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu?"

"Taijutsu, of the two. Though circumstances will happen in life that preference is not always an option. I suggest being prepared for those situations." He brought his hands from behind his back, and with movements that were almost mindlessly automatic he began to adjust, and readjust, the cufflinks of his shirt the way someone might crack their knuckles when they needed something to do with their hands. "Genjutsu is always a good option to cover the bases of everything else you do."

"We're expected to be all this to the village...give our lives if need be. Some of us don't have a choice in that...but the least I want to know is if my life is going to be on the line like those before me, then why are there people living large while others scrape like meager rats or struggle to maintain what they have? What use is it to give your life for a sanctuary that feels like a prison at times?"

"You're asking that question the wrong way, kid." His eyes came to rest on the heated member of the brady bunch. "These lands are only a prison because you're young, and have not yet earned yourself any agency past the walls of the village or your current station in life. The real question is, why do we give our lives to protect a place that has so few living large yet so many that scrape by, and are stuck where they're at for.." He waved a hand dismissively, "Why-ever they are. The answer is, fuck those that live large. We give our lives to protect the ones that can't and we lean on the ones that can to do the same." He spread both hands to indicate the class as a whole. "Congratulations. This class room is the lean, and you are a group of those that can." Eat the rich. "The wealthy are often rich because they've done something illegal." He blinked slowly. "Fight that, and cut them off at the knees."

"You spoke of responsibility, but what else is there to motivate someone to do good for a comrade?"

"That's a question that has no simple answer. It's as subjective as the fact of whether or not you matter. You are the only one that can understand your motivations, and there is no blanket bullshit that I will be feeding you to brainwash your thinking into any direction other than understanding that. Friendship, patriotism, loyalty, revenge, love. Every single one of those is developed by an individual, not a group, and every single one of those is their own motivation. Some people just like having access to murder-based training and equipment and don't care who they do it for." From Zatoru, he looked to Nobu.

"Sensei, I do have one question to ask, you said that failing these rules is not what a Shinobi would do and that basically if you don't follow them then you have no right to count yourself inside of the military of Leaf. I understand that, but my question to you is a very simple one. What happens if those in high up positions fail to follow these rules? Then what happens to them for failing the Shinobi code so to speak?"

"I didn't say failing these rules is not what a Shinobi would do. I spoke of readiness to pursue the responsibility of what it means to serve the village. Failure, kid, is another matter entirely. Everyone fails. Objectives are lost. Things are stolen. Items are broken, Innocents die. Friends die. Family members die." He considered the group as he spoke. "Comrades betray the vows they take. Friends spit on the responsibility they're given. Failures are everywhere, and it is why we have a term for those that betray the village." His gaze came back to Nobu. "Traitors. Missing. Rebels. Insurrectionists. Idiots. Every single one of those is a failure by another name. For your actual question, when those in power fail to follow the rules they are dealt with. Whether it's a team captain throwing the lives of their squad away for an arrogant choice of action that served no purpose other than to feed their ego, or if it is a Sennin who abuses their power for personal gain to the detriment of the village and every member of their branch beneath them. No one is above the consequences of failure, my self and every one of you included." He began to walk back to his desk. "The key, students, is knowing how to catch them. Knowing where to seek out correcting what's going wrong, and who to speak to in order to get it done. Taking it into your own hands unprepared, uneducated, and narrow-minded in your approaches is the first way to feed into the hands of those that you want to toss into shackles." He paused. "Or worse."

Back at his desk, he sat once again and leaned back against the leather comfort of it, bringing his shoes up onto the table.

"If you have a problem with what I've said, now is the time to say so. Any questions unasked, any issues unaddressed, will not get another chance. I told you this class would be theoretical and instructional. Show me your minds are worth the shapes I can put them into." His eyes fell on Shion, and his brow furrowed as if he knew what would be coming from the student. "Except you. If your answer is going to be food, keep silent or speak in a way that can be understood." He squinted slightly.

(( WC: 979 ))
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Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun listened to the answers intently, saddened that his own question was pretty much a "tune in next time" kind of response. Upon the mention of the air conditioning, Shun tilted his head a bit. Was it chilly in the room? He felt pretty comfortable. It didn't make much sense to him.

Shun let out a sigh when they got another opportunity to speak up, but the way the teacher addressed Shion seemed a bit rude in his opinion. He thought deeply for a moment, then an idea came to mind. Shun leaned down and reached into his bag, fishing out a small notepad and a pencil that he had brought along in case he wanted to take notes. He was sure most of the lesson he learned today would be able to stick into his memory, so Shion would benefit from the paper more than he would.

Shun set the pencil and notepad on Shion's desk, smiling a bit. He then raised his hand, as to gain permission not to speak out of turn unnecessarily. "He seems to have a bit of difficulty expressing himself with words, for whatever reason. If it would be okay, I want to speak on his behalf when he wishes to communicate," Shun requested from the teacher.

Hopefully the opportunity wouldn't be shut down, but at least he was trying to build better communication with people that could possibly be his teammates one day. "As for complaints, I have none. Your replies make logical sense to me, and there is no need to take up time in this class with things that will be covered another time. Thank you for answering my question."

He returned to sitting quietly, only speaking up again if he gained permission to speak for Shion, and if Shion had anything he wanted to say.

Post 4/5
TWC: 1214/1500

Shun speech
Shun thoughts


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank

Demonic Speech

Safeword Speech
earing how he addressed all the others, it almost seemed like the teacher was short thought talking and really didn't care much... With how the teacher addressed him... He started to put up a pout, started to lean on his table with his elbow, and rest his head in his hand. Why did no one even bother to understand him..? In the end, everyone just thought he was odd or worse. It was then to a surprise that the other handed him a notepad with a pencil. Hearing what he said he was a bit stunned, his eyes became a bit wider and he was honestly baffled by this. Slowly he would nod and look towards the teacher, if the OK was given, he would start to write.
Yet the writing never was in the best of the best, he knew how to write. But it was half toddler way half basic school kid.

written down said:
Few questions, why does the government cover-up truth? Why does everyone pretend it never happened? Because for me, I lived in poverty my dad was sent out in the frost war, never came home. My mom eventually came home with a stolen vase, masked people turned up. Later that day, many adults dead, I couldn't speak Fuego anymore and no one understood me. I had these weird marks on my body and everyone painted me as the devil. Yet when I would tell the truth, the cover-up was a gas explosion... In a house that didn't even have gas pipes... Why can I not speak anymore Fuego except in Sushi ingredients? Why did they cover up the truth? What did my mom bring home which doomed me?

Once done writing, he would scribble the mark of his cheeks, as he himself was unaware of the one between his shoulder blades. Right after he would place down the notepad by the other again and he listened to him saying it out loud. Nodding in between and soon nodding while saying "Salmon." He would look at the teacher as he wanted a reply.
OOC said:
Okay was given by Ryuujin that Shun would be able to speak for Shion.
Okay was given by Shun to RP that right after Shion gave the note back that SHun would talk this out loud.

WC: 349
TWC: 1340
!! At this point in time, no one would understand what he means to them.

(Kelp): Means: "Hello."
(Salmon): Use for affirmation.
(Bonito flakes): Use for negation.
(Leaf mustard): Means "Are you OK?"
(Chopped katsuobushi): Means: "Idiot."
(Tuna Tuna): Means: "Look."
(Tuna Mayo): Means: "Beware." use for a warning.
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
It seemed that the teacher was content with the answers that he had been given by the students as he pondered on the reply that had been given he considered the words and the best way to go about replying but knew that he did get the reply he wanted in the end and the information that he wanted. Leaning back in his chair he listened to the over conversations that were going around with students towards the teacher. He considered the prospect of being tossed into shackles and wondered if that would be the fate that befell him at some point. Though he knew full well that this class was not the place to start that conversation.

Leaning back in his chair he decided to let others speak, for now, his silence was going to be the option that he really didn't have any other words to say to the teacher right now. Mainly because he knew full well that he didn't object to the information that he had been given, nor did he have any issue with what had been said to each of the other students. Glancing around he studied a few of them trying to understand what each of them was trying to get out of this lesson. After all, for himself he wanted to know why they were all here and if it was just for their own personal gain or something else.

Nobu just sat patiently as he wanted to see if anyone was going to actually speak up. It seemed that now they had what the teacher was expecting and he understood that clearly. So what did the other students make of the Teachers instructions that he was giving to each of them? Nobu still had questions but those questions would be for another time as he really didn't want to bring them up in the middle of the class.

[Post: 4/5]
[WC: 1,933/1,500]


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Za felt like... things were quite strange in the air around the Headmaster. He was something of a true individual that cared for the state of the village, yet, he aware of the corruption that could happen if that content behavior was kept. At the end of the day, Za himself knew these things could and would happen, but maybe they werent the best course of action that he would look into when and if he gained propriety within the village. Though, a kid from the a rich past that ended up in the slums was no matter to the ones who kept power within the village. Hell, one could say it was a mutual thing amongst the higher-ups keeping similar and like minded people in power to ensure their rhetoric was passed on.

Za would sit still thinking to himself of all the things that he would have to understand in this world... was there a rhyme or reason to do something otherwise? Was he on the path that was marked for him? Or was he walking down a path that wasnt meant for him, but for someone else that was stronger willed? If that was true, how had he made it this far? Was he stronger than he gave himself credit for? No, he wasnt strong enough... not yet.

Listening to Shun speak what was on Shion's paper. It saddened the boy... Za almost got furious in the idea that they would have gone through such things. The Idea of being young was not to have to deal with certain awful behavior of those elder than you. To be able to live briskly with the notions that you would grow into your own sensible human being. However, the world was not fair. Za knew that first hand as his own father attempted to take his life. It would seem he and Shion had something in common... distain maybe. Maybe something deeper and darker than they were currently willing to understand. 'Jeez... that explains the Tuna tuna thing... Hm...'

He thought to speak up after the Headmaster had answered everyone and asked the questions to push them into thinking about their own morality. "...Your morals... do not have to be our own. We have to mark our own paths through the decisions we make anyways..." Za would speak, solemnly, calmly, and completely monotone. He wasnt even sure if the Headmaster would hear him, but he spoke loudly enough for those directly around him to hear him. It surely wasnt an 'under the breath' remark...

How would this class end?

[Post: 4/5]
[WC = 430]
[TWC = 1,900/1500]
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Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
His brow furrowed as he looked between Yoshino and shun. He gave a nod to Shun as the boy gave his own answer, then waited as he watched the cooperation between the two bear fruit. With the result being questions that could actually be answered, the Jounin settled back into his chair and propped his elbows against the arm of his chair, hands clasped together just before him as he tapped his chin with his thumbs.

"Agendas are the easiest answer. The long and short of it is; everybody has one, especially when you've reached the level of government that makes it an almost mandatory requirement. The real question is whether those agendas are driven by fear or complicity. I wasn't part of whatever went down concerning your family, so I don't have any of those answers. Best guess? Could be a bit of both. Question is, were the people in masks ANBU, or were they just acting? Finding out where to pinpoint that bit of fucked up will take more time than you might be comfortable with. But that leads back to Zatoru's question. How would you want to start dealing with that?" He raised his left hand as if pointing at exhibit A. "Fear of whatever the vase contained, assuming it was because of the vase." He raised his right as if pointing at exhibit B. "Or maybe something your missing father was involved in, and the stolen vase has nothing to do with the bigger picture at all." He clasped his hands together again, loose and lazy before him. "Someone with more medical knowledge than me might answer your more.. personal questions better. A sage, too, maybe even a dark one if whatever's been done to your body has anything to do with seals. Those are where I would start, in your shoes."

He didn't seem to hear Zatoru's remark, or if he did he decided not to answer and instead brought his attention to the others that had remained silent. His lips tucked in at the corners in an expression of disappointment, and he waved a hand as if to catch their attention.

"Well? Any questions or are the rest of you beginning to fall asleep?"

(( Post 5/5, total WC from thread: 3,112 ))
(( Reward Requested for Class ))
(( Continuing RP but feel free to claim rewards if you have met the requirements. ))


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank

Demonic Speech

Safeword Speech
As he had written down the questions towards the headmaster... He was a bit urfed with the reaction he had been getting from the male. Slowly he would release his breath and seems he still didn't even get an answer, not even from him... To him, it seemed how he started to dance around the subject. He would attempt to write down a bit more.

'Written down: So... In these situations, where would they most likely keep these folders? Who exactly should I ask to get to know the truth about who what and or where. Medicals cannot say why I cannot speak.. Been there tried that story.' He tipped the pencil at the book before he would tear that page out and crumble it up. That wasn't the right approach now the thought about that... 'Written down: Where could I find more information about old cases like this? I already have been with medicals. Do you know any Dark Sage that could help out?'' That was the note he handed towards Shun once more before he would lean on his hand.

"Ego coniecto est questus ne usquam" He said as he would leave a sigh after, he said it soft but a listening ear could catch it up. After that he would lay down on his arms, watching the teacher and the class once more.
OOC said:
WC: 230
TWC: 1.570

I will stick in the RP if you do not mind. Will claim rewards next week due to new rule.
Ego coniecto est questus ne usquamGuess I ain't getting anywhere.
!! At this point in time, no one would understand what he means to them.

(Kelp): Means: "Hello."
(Salmon): Use for affirmation.
(Bonito flakes): Use for negation.
(Leaf mustard): Means "Are you OK?"
(Chopped katsuobushi): Means: "Idiot."
(Tuna Tuna): Means: "Look."
(Tuna Mayo): Means: "Beware." use for a warning.

Fukuda Katsu

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Katsu listened to his sensei's answers, then he watched everyone as he pondered about the answers. It was interesting to him indeed, but he wasn't really into rank politics like the others were. He just wanted to get strong, maybe one day he might shoot for Hokage, or Sennin, but he knew he probably wouldn't reach that far. He first needed to learn how to defend himself before trying to get into a position where many more lives depended on him.

Katsu wondered about jutsu, there was taijutsu, ninjutsu, and genjutsu, but he thought genjutsu was only used by the uchiha? Would that be a dumb question? Katsu wanted to ask about that but decided not to, since he didn't want to ask something that could be stupid. Sensei said Genjutsu was an option as well, so it was learnable by people without magic eyes.

It seemed others didn't have anymore questions to ask either, since they too stayed silent.

[ooc: Splitting this post into two - sorry for the lack of reply, been sick, and slept all week]
[4/5 twc: 1,272/1500]

Fukuda Katsu

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
It would seem Sensei expected more questions, Katsu blinked and looked around. He wasn't sure what to ask, he did have a lot of questions, but they somehow just poofed out of his head. He looked to the other students to see what their questions were, maybe give him some time to think of one.

The strange kid that only answered with food words, said something, but it was nothing he understood. Was he a foreigner? Katsu gave him a confused look, did he understand what they were saying? He at least seemed to have a friend. Katsu shifted to look forward again, and he looked at the door, specifically thinking about the paper bomb.

Why did Sensei put that there? Was it a real bomb? or was it just a fake to spook them from leaving early? Katsu also wondered about the chairs. Why burn them? The AC thing didn't bother him too much, he had a jacket on that helped. He probably be shivering if he didn't have it.

"I - uh, wanted to ask before class was over, why did you put a tag on the door? and, why burn the extra seats?" Katsu asked, he was surprised no one else asked this before him.
Maybe Sensei turned on the ac to counter the heat from the fire, but it was already chilly in her to begin with so the fire felt like it didn't make much of a difference. The fires really didn't last that long anyways, and it seemed like a waste of material...

Katsu would have asked this earlier, but he was kind of afraid too, but since then he loosened up, Sensei seemed a lot more cool than scary now, or at least that's how Katsu saw it.

[5/5 twc: 1,566/1500]


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Za felt a sense of calm fall over him as the teacher would begin to speak. Nodding to himself and sitting back in his seat, he'd roll his shoulders and wonder for a moment, 'Is this it?' because he'd learned a good bit about the inner workings of this man's brain and maybe more about how the government worked and handled certain situations. How they might handle criminals... but there was no length of judgement that was spouted out. Maybe that was another question that was going to have to be answered, but who would ask it?

"If someone were to attempt and leave their post, or abandon the village, the penalty is what? Their life? Months in Prison? Or does it depend on who captures them? What they did?", Za would question as he'd feel a bit more coming up in his chest, more over, he felt like there was a vast weight of things that would come with this question... maybe he should add on. "Or maybe there is something else? Like a rule of law to abide by? A list of if's and then's?" maybe that would smooth over the idea of going missing to anyone in the room... the notation that there were laws and rules to follow and to break them would be treason. Period. But didnt the Headmaster say there were many grey areas? Nothing was ever truly black and white...

Except for when it was...

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun took the note passed to him, reading aloud: "Where could I find more information about old cases like this? I already have been with medicals. Do you know any Dark Sage that could help out?''

Shun hated that he couldn't do more than communicate Shion's words, but at least the mute had a way to communicate now. Shun listened calmly as others began to pose their questions, taking his time to decide if there was anything more he should ask on his own behalf.

It didn't seem like his approach to learning more was what the teacher was looking for in this class, but he didn't want to make a fool of himself either. Shun just liked to know as much as possible, taking every new opportunity to learn with a pep in his step.

The way that all the questions seemed a bit more personal to each student made him realize he could probably get a bit personal himself. "My mother went missing not long ago after being sent out on a mission as a Shinobi. She has yet to return, and although a body was not returned, the Shinobi that informed my father and I told us she was dead. Is there a reason they would say something like that without any significant proof?" Although he had come to terms with the situation from how long she has been missing, it still struck a bit of a nerve when he finally spoke up about it.

The air around him began to drop in temperature a bit, but he paid it no mind. "It seems a bit unrealistic to leave her out there on her own instead of searching for her, and multiple years of having no full story as to what happened to her."

Post 5/5
TWC: 1511/1500
[Claiming rewards next week, remaining in class]

Shun speech
Shun thoughts
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu looked at the rest of the class, he was intrigued by what the answer would be to the other questions. Was there a punishment for going missing? What was the cost of going missing was the real question that he wanted to ask himself and what he wanted to know. Curiosity more than anything was getting the better of him and that desire for knowledge was something that was brimming at every edge of his questioning. It was what got him in trouble so many more times than he even cared to admit, and right now he knew better than anyone that some questions where better left unchecked though one of them was standing in his mind

"I figured I would ask, how many Shinobi have died for what is considered a noble cause? Then that noble cause turns into a pointless thing, and their deaths could have been avoided? Does anyone take the blame for that?"

He wanted to really know what others thought about situations that they had been put into. What they considered when they looked at others and what they saw, whether it was something that came to the attention of others later, or it was something that they saw straight away. He pondered how much each other meant to the adult Shinobi of the world. After all, at the beginning of the lesson, he had asked that exact same question so now he wanted to see what the teacher would think about it. What was his outlook on the worth of others around, after all, someone had their own opinion and he wanted to know full well what they thought about each other?

Sitting back in his chair he wanted to see what other questions where being asked, what other opinions the student had about themselves and what they found lacking inside of there knowledge.

[Claimed Lesson Rewards]
[Staying in the Lesson]

Uchiha Mizuki

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
Sumiko sat silently and listened to Hama answer the questions from the other students and pouted a little when he came to answer hers, she had seen him lower the temperature on the thermostat but was more wanting to know the reason as to why he had done so, it was her own fault really for not being more specific. She guessed that it was going to remain as one of life's great unknown mysteries the other answers that he gave were incredibly informative and she was rather pleased that she made the effort to attend that class today, while not really getting the experience that she wanted from all this. more information about the world she was looking to join was always beneficial.

Her eyes fell on the strange white-haired boy that she has met previously down the ally with Nobu, Za and Shun, it was obvious that he was either dense or was never taught to speak properly, she was actually surprised that he was able to write and he jotted something down on the note pad that the teacher has supplied him with, it looks like she had misjudged him after all, each of the others that she had met seemed to be a lot more then what she first assumed they were and even she was will to admit that she may have made a mistake at first.

[Word Count: 233}
[Total Word Count: 1,255/1,500]

Uchiha Mizuki

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
Hama spoke once again, his words filling the room as the students remained silent, even she would have to admit he was a bit of an imposing figure when he had finished speaking the silent void was once again filled by a barrage of questions of the others around her, she was starting to feel the gap between herself and the others in the room, not in terms of intelligence but in terms of knowledge of the real world, she really did know nothing of the world outside of the manor and it's walls, she saw this as a perfect opportunity to learn more.

"Forgive me, Sensei Matsuno, I have grown up in a very shelter household, I have read that there are other villages outside of this one have you visited any of them and if so what are they like? Do they have a similar structure to this one or are they completely different? Like for example would you find Anbu in every village or is that something that only Leaf has? "Sumiko leant forward in her desk a little focusing more intently on the teacher at the front of the class. For the first time since she started to learn archery, Sumiko had a genuine fascination on what insight the man had about the places outside of this place. as a matter of fact, she had a genuine interest in a lot of what he had been saying and was willing to learn more if the male was willing to teach them more. Looking around the room she could see that the others were as interested as she was.

[Word Count: 272]
[Total Word Count: 1,500+]
[Claiming Class Rewards]
[Staying in Topic for RP]

Matsuno Hama

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
He answered the questions in order this time, if only because it was easier. His attention on Shion, his brow furrowed and he motioned toward the door, though most likely it was a gesture for what was outside rather than the door itself. "Cabinets, probably, in offices or storage rooms where things like that would be kept." His answer was generalized, and he waved a hand. "If you figure out who did it, or which Branch, if any, were involved, you can start there. You are asking me questions I don't have the answer too, and the context you've given me is too vague to figure any detail out on alone. Were the masks ANBU, kid, or were they just disguises? Were the figures ninja, or were they something else with similar training?" He shrugged. "If you figure more out, I can help you better. And I don't know any Dark Sages, yet, but I might be able to get my hands on that information. Just remember, if nothing else; adults and your superiors don't have all the answers just for existing as adults and your superiors. Getting frustrated with that's going to lead to a frustrating life."

Next came Katsu, and the DA smiled as he asked his question. "The first thing anyone should learn as a ninja is to pay attention. Sleep in every bed, enter every room, and consume all your food like your enemy owns it and it'll reduce the chances that you're caught off guard when your enemy actually does." He pointed to the door. "That is it's own lesson." Then he motioned to the chairs with a casual wave. "As for that? Wasted potential. Those seats could have been filled, more questions could have been asked, more learning could have been had. Instead, those chairs serve as a lesson for the fact that what could have been, will no longer be. Period. Life doesn't often allow for do-overs and retries. A missed door usually ends up in what those chairs are. A repair bill and wasted opportunity."

To Zatoru, his expression flattened. Not in disdain or anger but instead in something closer to amused incredulity. "For someone who keeps wanting absolute answers you ask an awful lot of grey questions. Every situation is different. Motivations are different. Written law is different than the spirit of the law." He spread his hands. "The simplest answer to your question comes in two words. 'It depends.' And you answered why it depends. Who gets caught. Who wins the fight, if there is one. Some will care about motives. I do not. Some might follow the letter of the law. Some might look at the attempted desertion as the deserter placing themselves outside the law, and therefore no longer justify it's protection being applied to them or their lives." He shrugged. "It depends."

eming to think he answered that well enough, he brought his attention to Shun, and frowned slightly as he thought about his answer. "Hope, Shun, is as deadly as it is beneficial. Some will hold onto it, perform that search, and be rewarded or punished accordingly at the end of it. Some, like the shinobi that bore you the news, will discount hope and face what they assume to be the most likely outcome. Realism isn't as realistic as you think, kid, and sometimes erring on the side of what is most likely is, in fact, an error. If your mother fell into the mouth of a shark and got dragged under water and that was the last her team members saw of her, there might be no body and the assumption might be that she is now dead, realistically. Unrealistically, she might have fought free and made her way to a submerged cave that contained an air pocket with enough breathable air in it to recouperate before she attempted to rise back to the surface. In both cases there would be no body, for different reasons, and yet the news delivered would be the same." He shrugged. "You rarely get the full story in life. And rarer still is the full story ever a happy one. People perceive their own realism based on what they think is most likely. And that is why situations like yours will happen."

His attention went to Nobu then, and he considered it for a moment as he thought about his own mentor. "Too many, kid, and more will still. The problem is, what's considered a noble cause always has two sides, and never do they agree. If they did, well, no one would die for them, or because of them. Rarely will there ever be those that take the blame. But that does not mean that there is every anyone that doesn't deserve the blame. Avoidable deaths are always caused by someone making the wrong choice."

To Sumiko, he nodded. "Every village that I have been to has ANBU. But in title alone is where the branches really compare, as the structure of each is always different, as is the quality. Mednin and rank and file Main Branch follow that same similar-but-not structure. Never completely different, but never completely the same. And if you find a place that is, let me know. I doubt any of the other villages are as smart as we are, but I'm willing to be proved wrong." He made his way to the door and peeled the note from the frame then walked back to his desk as he diffused the chakra within it, setting it against the hardwood finish. "Any other questions?"

(( Sorry about the major ass delay. If you guys want to end the topic here we can.

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun took in the answer to his question, soaking up the meaning of it and thinking quietly to himself. It was clear that this would be the best answer he could get for now. Either the Shinobi were withholding more information than he was allowed to know, or they had no true answers as to what happened to his mother. Now it really was up to him; would he let go of the hope that his mother was alive, or would he continue to grow stronger in order to find her?

The answer was clear to him as soon as the question came to mind. Shun couldn't give up on his family. He might be considered reckless, and he might even get himself killed, but this was all he had to push himself forward. Without the hope to find his mother, he had no reason to continue in the Shinobi path. He would be better off just tending to the garden and focusing on life with his father.

As peaceful as that life sounded, Shun couldn't bring himself to give up. His father needed answers just as badly as Shun did. He made his decision.

"Thank you for making me aware of the risks I will be taking in the future. Hope is dangerous indeed, but it's the only reason I have to continue down the Shinobi path at this point." He smiled, bowing his head politely in thanks for all the knowledge this teacher granted him.

He remained silent for the remainder of the class, making his way out once they would be dismissed and heading home to spend his night training until exhaustion.

Shun speech

[Topic left, Shun will remain until the end of the class but not adding anything to the roleplay. Thank you!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
