Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private The Rusty Kunai

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It was late at night when Yuna finally got to a place with civilization. She was at the outskirts, but she can tell that this place has a Cronopolis feel to it. What does that mean? It means that there would be a whole lot of beggars, thieves, murderers, and probably a whole lot of other nasties hanging around. She got off of her motorcycle and brought out a scroll and sealed her motorcycle inside of it. She'd rather not have someone steal or damage her ride. After the Chigokai pocketed the scroll, she made her way through this black market-like town.

In all honesty, she was quite a bit tired of traveling, and the only place she found was this place called The Rusty Kunai. Walking in, she noticed that it was half bar half inn. There were a lot of different types of... colorful individuals. A shark man that was the barkeep? Other irregularities such as a man missing half of his face, a woman with one eye in the middle of her face, and a very tall individual that has no face, but is wearing a very nice suit. She had caught some conversations, apparently, something of an explosion about a year and a half ago that destroyed a club. That is strange, but she definitely thinks that these people are stranger. She walked up to the shark man barkeep, "Hey, can I get a room here?"

The barkeep looked at her weirdly, but then said, "5 yen." Yuna found the price a bit weird, way too cheap, but then again, she was in a sketchy place, and paid for a room. The barkeep gave her a key to a room, and she thanked him before going to her room. Entering, she saw nothing special about the place, she did a sweep over the area to make sure no surveillance tech or jutsu were at play. Once she was sure nobody and nothing was going to see or hear her, she locked the door and laid down on the bed. The bed itself felt more like a stiff board, but rather clean, which was the main thing Yuna worried about. She only fell asleep for about two hours when she heard, GET UP! from inside her head. Yuna bolted up, grabbing a kunai as she heard the doorknob jiggle. Someone was trying to get in. The Chigokai open the door and decided to punch the person who was at her door. It was the individual that was missing half of his face. He was knocked out. She dragged him down into the bar area where the shark man was still tending the area.

"Your friend tried to get into my room." Yuna said as she plopped the man into a booth.

"Gosh darnnit Gav! Not again!" He let out a sigh, before he talked to Yuna, "How can ol Finn make it up to you?"

Yuna thought about what he had asked for. She can get whatever she wanted, a better bed, stronger locks, but there was something else that was on her mind. "Where can I find a man named Akkuma?" As soon as she said the name, everyone in the bar went silent. Much of them had a look of fear on their face, as if they couldn't believe she just called out He Who Must Not Be Named, real name. Yuna did recall that her father told her to avoid such a man at all costs. But on the other hand, this man might be her only lead of where to find the next Death Organization member.

"Here's a lesson that you need to learn Missy." Finn whispered, "You don't go find that man, he finds you. Whatever business you have with him, you better hope that you do not make an enemy of him."

(Continuation of this topic)
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Sora was a boy on a mission, though, not in the traditional sense. It was true, he was on a mission but his mission was one of reconnaissance and not one where he was supposed to actually do anything other than gather intel and report back. Supposedly this was one of the sketchiest of sketchy places and with a name like, The Rusty Kunai, it was pretty on nose and on brand from what he was able to gather. Keeping mostly to himself in a corner, he kept his eyes low and his head buried in the plate of food that was before him. A simple rich dish, he hoped that the food wasn't going to make him sick later but for what it was worth, he also probably shouldn't have trusted the water to be clean all things considered.

Nevertheless, nothing of serious note or concern had happened up until the woman had dragged a would be assailant back to an open part of the room. With her raising her voice and creating a scene, all eyes were drawn to her and all the same so were Sora's. He was supposed to be blending in and when it made sense to, he turned toward the direction of the commotion. Akkuma, he wasn't familiar with the name but by the way that cold and hardened faces suddenly grew worried, whoever it was, their reputation proceeded them by a full league and then some. Paying rapt attention as the woman was given a well earned lesson, Sora tried his best to appear natural while all the while gathering what information that he could.

OOC: Hope you don't mind me tagging along for an RP ride, lol

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
An altercation began to break out at the Rusty Kunai. It seemed one of the patrons had been wronged by an associate of the owner. A simple remedy to the situation was offered up to the host. One that had brought about a tangible silence causing tension to rise. There was hardly a soul within the walls of Sunagakure who wasn't aware of Akkuma. After all he was perhaps one of the more infamous individuals who had entered the public light of Sunan politics. But most alarming were the whispers that surrounded him. From rumors of abductions, illegal experimentation, brawls with Anbu, his various business ventures both legitimate & illegal. Let alone his very public encounters & disagreements with village superiors. However most interesting was perhaps the whispers of his unnatural abilities. Renowned for his fondness of faustian deals he was given the moniker 'Immortal Trickster' from those who had witnessed what he was capable of firsthand.

Because of this the room went silent. Unlike the Ancients of old who were but a fading memory to most of the public. Akkuma was a very real & tangible threat. What made him so powerful was not the fear that he wielded but the hope he gave to those in need. A few patrons began to leaving, fixing their bills as they did so. Almost as if they believed the very uttering of his name could summon the being. Only fools believed such nonsense for he was no god. Not omniscient as many of the misguided denizens of the seedy underbelly of Sunagakure believed. No, instead of godlike omniscience he possessed a vast intelligence network. Every facet of Sunagakurian society was infiltrated by his Agents, but his most beneficial assets. Were those who had no ties to him, individuals who sort his favor.

Departing among the disheveled patrons was an individual who was leaving with the hopes of earning a reward. Those who knew how could always get a message to the Immortal Trickster. It didn't take long for them to find one of the fountains where prayers to the Immortal Trickster could be paid. More often then not people came to pay tribute. Offer tidings of information they hoped would please the Immortal Trickster in hopes of earning his supernatural boon. This was how Akkuma came to learn that there was someone searching for him by name. What was telling to the Sage was the use of his actual name not the moniker many of the locals had given him. Telling him that whoever it was searching for him was most likely not a Sunan. Fortunately for our young adventurers this was not an uncommon occurrence for the Sage. Meaning he had no reason to be hesitant about the individual searching for him. Instead his curiosity was stocked to life wondering what could be of such importance one would risk incurring his wrath by so clumsily seeking him out publicly.

Mere moments was all it would take for the Sage to arrive upon the threshold of the establishment. His arrival preceded by a malevolent presence, an almost intangible force of corruption. Chaotic energies that attempted to infiltrate ones mind, attempting to sow doubt & despair. Not stopping there the unnatural aura attempted to sap & corrupt the very chakra of all it came into contact with. Stepping through the entrance threshold stopping so that his towering slender build blocked the doorway. Dressed in an extravagant black silk traditional kimono, the same obsidian black as that of his long painted nails. Straight snow white hair cascaded down past his shoulders to the middle of his torso. Hanging at his side were a variety of small scrolls. Upon his face was plastered a devilish grin, those emerald eyes of his held a burning mischief within their gaze. "The audacity of the younger generations never ceases to amaze me." his words were spoken calmly with an unmistakable hint of amusement. "To whom do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected summoning?" the question was a simple one. Despite that bloodthirsty aura that permeated from him, Akkuma seemed to be rather reasonable. At least for someone of his reputation, then again he had only just arrived.

Only the fates knew how this encounter would play out. What would come from the Immortal Tricksters arrival? Most importantly, what would they do now that the Boogeyman of Sunagakure was before them.

[OOC: I'm down! =D Looking forward to this thread. I'm always down for more company. =P *Edited to fix error*]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Wait! I sense... Something else. Yuna heard Jashin's Beast speak to her from inside her head. And, almost as if on cue, most of the Rusty Kunai's patrons vacated the place. Yuna heard the blood flow. It seemed...different from others. And she felt some sort of dark energies trying to pull at her very essence. The man towered over her, and he had an air of authority about him. Yuna studied his movements before she answered his question, "Chigokai Yuna is the name." She knows giving a name is bad business, but she felt as if she has already stepped into that once she said the man's name.

She decided the only way to get the conversation going, would be to get on with why she was here. "I won't take up too much of your time, seeing as you strike me as the busy kind of person, just got some questions for you." She paused, to think about the questions, "About a year and a half ago, an accomplice of mine visited this Country. He mentioned meeting you, sharing a good drink. Until that is, an uninvited guess that was invisible to the naked eye rushed forward. From my understanding, you two had a brief talk of this individual. Something like they have close ties with Death?"

She had to tread lightly, but she analyzed the situation enough. This Akkuma reminded her of the type of characters from those old black and white movies, where there is this group of bad people, but they are respectable, just as long as things go their way and there aren't too many obstacles. "Let's clear the air in the room. I only have one target here in this Country, this individual that had interrupted your day of drinking with my accomplice. Even though it has been quite some time that has passed, danger can still lurk. Some of the best well thought out plans do take forever to complete. I believe that if this individual isn't stopped soon, he will be a problem for anyone in this country."


"Hey Master. It seems that the subject's daughter has come into contact with the Immortal Trickster. Orders?" A man laid prone on a faraway desert dune with a camouflaged sheet over him to make him look like sand, binoculars up to his face as he spoke into a headset. Lately, this mysterious individual has been under the radar, only coming into contact with 'The Master' whenever something big has happened. The subject's daughter coming into Wind Country is kind of a big deal. He wasn't afraid of any counterintelligence, him and the Master have set up the headsets to only be heard through a very specific chakra frequency. He took note of a lot of patrons of the Rust Kunai leaving before the one named, Miroku Akkuma, AKA the Immortal Trickster, walked in.

"This'll be fun." The individual had to admit, he wasn't ready to fight Ziren and Akkuma, along with a whole bar. Most were small fries, but those two together would have been troublesome. That's why he had trained in the utmost solitude, had a perimeter set up to alert him of any unwanted onlookers, trespassers, etc. He knew that if he had dealt with them, the Sand Village would send for more ninja to find out why people are disappearing, so he had done his best to remain nothing but a grain of sand until he was needed. Now...A smile came across his face, his training that he has had could give him an edge against Akkuma, if the man dares interfere. As for the girl, she's only a Chigokai from what his sources have told her. It will be a piece of cake.
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Sora felt the presence of something long before he got any indication as to who it might have been that was controlling the dark force. Even when the individual made an equally grand entrance as the brazen woman had, Sora was still at a loss for who it was until he actually caught the full effect of eying the practically unmistakable specimen that was HIM. With his chances to blend in quickly disappearing, the only comfort that Sora was brought was the fact that individual that he had made his mark hadn't actually exited the building. Feeling something like a knot beginning to form in his stomach, Sora nearly broke out into a cold sweat as his gut told him that this was the man that he'd heard rumors about at the Academy. Sometimes the villain, sometimes the hero but all the time the broker of terms, this man was as much a living legend as he was a mysterious myth.

Having never expected to actually run into the guy while doing any sort of business on the up and up, Sora found himself desperately wishing that he had brushed up on his current history instead of constantly looking to the past in ancient tomes. His eyes growing wide as the man began to speak, the amusing tone that he spoke with belied a far deeper mystery as to just exactly was on his mind. Most people were open books but this man was as much an enigma as one could purpose to be. Was he angry or upset, confused or all knowing, was anyone's guess but Sora suddenly found himself with an incredible thirst as he desperately reached for the cool drink that he'd been nursing for so long that it was now lukewarm. Suddenly, Sora's mission was in jeopardy of getting caught in the crossfire between giants and if he was a betting man, which he wasn't, then suddenly nothing that he had been working on before held any importance when compared to the opportunity set out before him now. He'd continue to watch and observe for now but at the first sign of escalating trouble then he'd book it just like so many had done just before.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
What a pleasant surprise it was for the Sage. It was so rare an occurrence for an individual to so willingly gift him their name. Those emerald eyes of his would continue to dance with an amused delight. Standing there almost statuesque as he listened to the one who had so boldly sought him out. The manner in which she spoke interested him, she was clearly used to dealing with figures of authority. Seeming unbothered by the potential danger of the individual who stood before her. She stated she had some questions for him, it was not a request from the words she chose. If not for his curiosity he'd have crossed the distance between them & given her a reminder that he was not someone to be directed in such a manner. But he was often willing to tolerate much in order to sate his curiosity. This Chigokai Yuna had certainly given rise to many questions. For now he simply nodded before leaning against the frame of the entrance. Doing so he withdrew a wooden pipe from his robe sleeve, packing it with his personal blend of herbs. With a snap of his fingers it's contents would ignite, lifting it to his lips he would inhale the smoke. Each movement was eerily graceful, almost unnaturally so.

It would seem that for now at least he intended to entertain her demands & hear out these questions she had. To say that the tension in the establishment was almost tangible would be an understatement. Those who had not been quick enough to exit now seemed without the opportunity to do so. Not that Akkuma had actively forbidden anyone from doing so. He may as well have with his act of resting against the entrances frame. For there were few souls in this world who would be willing to draw his attention in such a situation. Perhaps he intended to make an example of her & any others who would disrespect him with their actions? These were but some of the thoughts going through the heads of those trapped within this encounter. Akkuma raised an eyebrow in surprise, to think that an associate of that individual was so careless. Then again it was not as if the company he kept mirrored his own methods. It seemed he now at least one thread that tied to the mysterious individual.

Exhaling as he wondered what she hoped to gain from these questions. Having enough sense it seemed to now be more tactful in her speech. The pungent smoke dancing through the air towards Yuna, those emerald eyes of his moving from her for the first time since she began speaking to him. That piercing gaze of his sliding over those present, those trying so hard to pretend they were capable of anything else other then hearing this conversation. Resting finally on a youth in the corner booth only momentarily, before moving back to the kunoichi who had drawn him here. "Close, although it would be more accurate to say they had a similar presence to it. When one is familiar enough with Death one comes to know it's many aspects. Given the nature of my own prey I would say there are even fewer beings more accustomed with it then myself." his words were accompanied by a sinister smile, letting his words hang in the air. "A demonstration will save us time I think." With those words he began exerting his Shinigami Presence causing his features to shift reflecting a fraction of what he was by temporarily revealing the Shinigami he had absorbed, just one of the many beings that had found themselves his victim. What remained after the transformation was a figure that few beings had the courage to face.

Unlike his usual presence the one that now emanated from him was an unnatural chill. Not the kind that made one cold but the kind that ran down the nape of ones neck & along the spine. A sensation that provoked the survival instincts of those that succumbed to the unearthly presence to feel a great urge to fight or flee. Even the damned had enough sense to be wary of such beings. "There are few beings within this realm that can truly threaten me. But I do owe that uninvited guest a debt for their intrusion that day." his words were cold & held an ominous tone that would no doubt invoke ones imagination as to how he intended to repay such an individual. "What do you require to hunt your prey?" there was no effort made to hide his desire to deal with this unknown enemy. Wind Country was apart of his territories. Few things gave rise to his anger more than someone interfering in his territories. Especially when he had no idea what their agenda was & when they cared so little about what he considered the proper way of doing things. Akkuma would sigh releasing a small plume of corrupted chakra from within him. Causing his transformation to end, continuing to smoke his pipe. Exhaling another breath of smoke & corrupted chakra as the last traces of the transformation faded with the receding of crimson from that piercing emerald gaze of his.


Name of Jutsu: Shinigami Presence
CRPJ's Effect: Capable of exerting the spiritual presence of the Shinigami he has absorbed. Akkuma is able to temporarily reveal the being of Oblivion that he has fused his very essence with. In that moment an unnatural coldness can be felt by all in the area. His features flicker revealing an unnatural shift of appearance reflecting the being within himself. To mortals & even unnatural beings such visage can be daunting. For a Shinigami is the equalizer of all & their touch upon ones spiritual essence can mean Oblivion. Even the damned fear such beings & would prefer the torment of the Abyss.


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
As she spoke, the man packed a pipe and started smoking it. Yuna doesn't entirely know why people would such want to inhale something that made her want to cough up her insides. But even though the one called Akkuma puffed smoke into her face, she merely held her breath until the smoke had cleared. She was aware that it could be a technique to poison her from some unknown inhale type poison. She didn't make it obvious, only controlled her breathing to come slow and very little.

The man then did something she did not expect. Another form seemed to phase out of Akkuma, showing everyone the fabled Shinigami. Yuna has only heard stories of the kind of deals her father used to make with such beings. It also reminded her of herself, in a Jinchurrikki kind of way. No way, could he? But she shook the thought off, the aura he displayed on his entrance told her that he was something else. A chill ran down her spine, and even Jashin's Beast spoke up, Very interesting specimen... something that displays such ominous kind of power. Part of her wanted to tell her inner demon to shut up and stop fawning over someone who is out of its league when she realized that was probably the very first time her demon wasn't talking about murdering people just because. But why did it have to think of that?

She was listening to the blood flows all around her when she picked up one in the corner, a kid who seems to have a lot of adrenaline running through his blood. From what she remembers from her lessons with her father, if adrenaline is running through the blood, the blood flow runs faster. Just what is the kids deal? Never mind, she put her focus back on the man. Or what was left of a man. Either way, Akkuma had asked her what she required after talking of how the mystery man that she is after is definitely on his hit list.


The Master gave him the orders. The mysterious individual chuckled at the very thought. "Good. I've been waiting long enough." What happened next was that this individual moved at incredible speed, leaving nothing but dust and sand flying up in the sky where he once was.

Yuna thought about how this man can help her. Obviously, she doesn't want him to get too involved, she has an idea that if he does, he'll want a lot from her in return. "How about information? Someone who seems like they have all the connections to know of when their name was said must know of the whereabouts of this indiv-" Then she heard it. A blood flow for a brief second coming this way. In a brief second, she can only react and guess where that blood flow is going. She pushed the large intimidating Akkuma out of the way as the wall exploded open and she instantly found a hand clamped down on her mouth.


She felt herself picked up almost too easily by this figure, one handed. "Anyone of you make a move and I'll crush her jaw into dust." The new person, from what Yuna could see was that he had some sort of seals all around him. Red hair, muscular. Anger welled up inside of her. The gem in her forehead started to glow. Jashin's Beast is about to break out. That is, until she felt as if she was plummeting to the ground and found herself face first into a small crater now. "I don't know what you were trying to do but stop. You should feel lucky the Master ordered for me to take you alive. But if you try and be a problem for me..." He gripped her jaw hard enough that Yuna can start hearing cracking noises. She let out a stifled scream.

(Enter the Mysterious Individual)
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Sora was definitely in over his head. Here he was trying to scrape by on meager missions while the big fish where willingly showing themselves elsewhere. With all that was his being he wanted to drop the current mission for the sake of catching any of the talkative two in the act of doing something wrong but even as his young mind raced at what sort of glory he could tell of such a tale, reality quickly forced him back to the present as a cool sensation washed over the entire room. Looking to his drink to reaffirm what he remembered, he was relieved to see that it indeed was not suddenly filled with ice, but that was when the small panic set in that if it wasn't his drink then what was it?

His eyes slowly scanning around him, he didn't see any signs of one of the ice clan types, but still, the room began to grow colder. It was in that moment when Sora realized that it wasn't that things were so much physically cold as they were eerily cold. Through some invisible force, he was feeling a pressure in his core that both physically and mentally had no actual explanation that he could conjure up in his mind. With the realization that he was watching a force awaken that was anything but human, his eyes grew wide as he witnessed the scene play out between the woman and the man. There was no mistaking that he was now officially in over his head. It was easy to tell a story about a brief brush with death but never before had Sora felt so inescapably in over his head.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage was satisfied that his transformation had caused the necessary revelations to quell any doubt about his expertise on the subject. Listening to the words that seemed carefully chosen by Yuna he was not concerned by the vast chakra making it's way towards him at high velocity. There were more techniques then he had fingers upon his hand that could be called upon. Even so he made no effort to move & one could assume he did not sense it. But arrogance was a commonly found trait among beings that defied death. What he did not expect was the swift efforts of Yuna to remove him from harms way. Debris launched through the establishment as he felt her grasp upon his robe. In that instant his deep blue Oni mask would be upon his face. Those emerald eyes of his showing only surprise & perhaps disappointment at her willingness to throw herself so willingly into danger. What could have been an inconvenience for him, had now escalated to potential death for her.

Regaining his footing while simultaneously adjusting his stance to one often utilized by the Main Branch of shinobi corps. There were very few aspects shinobi arts that remained out of his reach. Fortunately he had enough faith in his own abilities & the vast repertoire of techniques to confidently deal with the situation. Calmly he would begin removing the torso part of his robe, revealing numerous seals & glyphs that covered the majority of his flesh. Almost every seal that had been known to man had been scribed upon his flesh at one point or another. He gave an amused chuckle at the threats of the individual, his head tilted in an uncannily bird-like fashion as he appraised the individual. Unbothered by the injuries being inflicted upon the kunoichi. Having made her choice Yuna would have to endure as was the shinobi way.

Rapidly his hands flew through a series of handseals. Upon completion chakra infused particles would swirl before him. With nothing more then a simple gesture he launched the technique at his target. Utilizing the art of the feint demonstrating his skill once more. Detachment of the Primitive World a technique that allowed one to deal an incredible amount of damage while removing any potential risk of collateral damage. Naturally he hoped his foe would assume they were the intended target. This however would prove to be false as the particles rapidly expanded & attempted to engulf not the assailant but Yuna instead. Hoping his intention to use it as a barrier would not be foreseen by their opponent. If successful Yuna would find herself encased by the chakra cube, protected from any further harm for now. Even should he fail in his initial attempt his hands would once more fly through a series of seals.

This time causing corrupted chakra to erupt from the nearby shadows, twisting & contorting into shadowy chains attempting to imprison the assailant. Once more using his mastery of deception to feint with the technique & improve his chances of ensnaring his prey. After this he would casually & calmly slip on a pair of gauntlets. Ones he'd crafted specifically to benefit his own unique combat style. While equipping his gear he would speak his first words since the intrusion. "Twice now I've suffered your impertinence. There will not be a third time." Now wielding his preferred gloves for the combat he anticipated the Sage stood there. Statuesque as he gauged what the response of those present would be. There were still a few undetermined variables, in truth he could have done more. Sometimes however it was better to be prepared so one could react rather then expending all of ones options & being unable to respond tactically to a threat.

OOC: Feel free to Rp results however. Whether that be Akkuma missing/hitting his target & what he dodges/gets hit by. Happy to roll with whatever as it's your arc Ziren. I'm gonna use your responses as mod equivalent posts. xD Consider everything Akkuma does an attempt. Umashi feel free to get hit by, caught in, land or dodge any techniques that may be used in the coming roleplay fight by/at me.


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Blood trickled down Yuna's forehead as the Mysterious individual let out a sigh. "You know, despite you being the daughter of the man I wanted to kill, you sure don't strike me as strong." Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Akkuma flipping through hand seals. She knows that she will have to work together with such a force if she wants to deal with this guy. She stared at him in his eyes, defiant and determined look. If her mouth wasn't covered, she would be cussing up a storm. Be that as it may, she saw some sort of cube coming her way. Unfortunately, though, so did the bad guy. He threw Yuna through the wall, a loud crash as some of the foundation gave way. The girl cleared herself of the rubble and focused, using one of the many Chigokai techniques to transfer her bleeding and cuts to this guy.

But her head was pounding, it is hard to focus. Then she thought of numbers over power. She flipped through her own hand seals and shuriken made out of blood appeared, six of them. They launched themselves at the Mysterious Individual, but the man picked up a table and threw it at the crimson stars to block the attack entirely.

"Such a feeble attempt to-" He was cut off as chains made of shadows pulled him to the ground, holding him there. "Nice going, Immortal Trickster. But it isn't you that I am ordered to get. I'll be on my merry way once I have her. Or..." A smile came across his face, "Would you rather have a bit of fun and fight?" To all that were present, all of the seals on the mysterious individual began to glow. All would feel... a certain pressure emanating from this man. "This'll be everyone's only warning. If you don't wish to fight me, kindly leave." Those battle hardened like Akkuma would know exactly what is happening. This guy was a hachimon.

(Mysterious individual taps into Gate of Life, Gate of Pain, and Gate of View)
hachimon link
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Like most pedestrian background characters, Sora was fully content to mind his own business and go on about his mission but unfortunately for him, the anti was more than upped twice fold. Suddenly he was at best dragged into the conflict but at worse, about to die for the sake of trying to complete his now very much not so important mission. His half full glass giving off a glint in the light, he was alerted to the attack from the dark sage more so by happenstance than by any special awareness. Like most things in the shinobi world, one could be forgiven for mistaking handseals for simple hand gestures but the telltale sign of chakra being activated was one that was hard to ignore. Though there was a voice in the back of his mind that yelled at him to move, he found his body too slow to react as the attack that was meant for the woman, or so he assumed, suddenly found itself without a target swirling, spinning and forming just in time for him to be trapped within it. Half in the act of getting up in an attempt to get out of the way and halfway in the act of trying to prevent anyone else from getting caught in the fray, Sora found his vision clouded in a nearly translucent dusty cloud cube of chakra. At first panicking, it was only when he relaxed that he found that he could actually move and in fact wasn't as locked down as he thought that he was. What was for certain however was that he had to focus on actually protect those that would also equally be caught in the crossfire. Not fully aware of what those fighting were capable of, he reached into his repository of memories and came up with a plan.

OOC: Caught in the crossfire and trapped within the Detachment of the Primitive World for the moment.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed his foe would be more trouble then the Sage anticipated as his attack was dodged. Not only this but the resulting dodge had resulted in a nearby youth encased in his Detachment of the Primitive World Jutsu. While in most circumstances this could serve to aid him in ensuring they did not find themselves collateral damage. He knew all to well that such barriers were of little concern to a foe such as this. Fortunately his secondary attack to restrain the mysterious individual was successful. Akkuma doubted they would have any issue gaining the necessary information they sought from this being. Given how much they seemed to enjoy their banter he hoped they would be just as inclined to divulge their masters desires after some coercion. From bartering to bravado evidently his foe suffered from an excess amount of confidence. A trait he'd seen shared by many whom he suspected were just like the individual before him. It would made clear soon enough that his suspicions were correct. Upon learning this his gaze would shift to the youth contained within his jutsu & dispel it simply by not paying the chakra needed to maintain. Unlike the shadowy chains that kept Yuna's assailant bound to the ground.

Post Theme
"You won't be taking her anywhere...Wind Country is mine." as he spoke the Sages hands flew through a series of handseals, ones he'd performed more times then he could count. Upon completion five figures would step out of the surrounding shadows. Each bore his clan symbol however each individual he summoned was clearly deceased. "This village is mine & I did not give you or your Master permission to operate here." Akkuma slid his hands into two seal covered gloves that had been forged to hunt beings greater then his current foe. Equipping his favored means of inflicting pain upon those his trespassed in his territory. Shifting his stance into one utilized by the Main Branch. One that favored finesse & accuracy over raw destructive power. That ominous aura of his now actively sought to rip the very life force from everyone & anything around him. A dangerously potent aura that was often utilized by Dark Sages such as himself. "I'm going to break you...let's see if you're masochistic enough to enjoy this." His hands began going through a series of handseals upon completion his chakra would attempt to further infiltrate his foes body. The attack would result in his restraints dropping but would provide him with an added chance of succeeding as his foe was released.

Immediately after the corpses that had been summoned by Akkuma dashed toward the foe. Each attempting to strike at their Masters foe three times each. They would try clawing & biting at their foe like something from a horror flick. Amidst the chaos his hands would fly through another series of handseals. This time attempting to cast more of his chakra into his foes mind into an attempt to further alter their mind & perception. "If I were you I'd be more concerned, but I don't think you truly grasp the situation you've found yourself in." his words were spoken casually but there was nothing casual about the manner in which he was fighting. The Sage was taking no chances with this foe.

In truth this battle had only just begun. Although for some of the spectators the small slight actions were performed with such speed they would be only a blur to them. For what real hope did any of those incapable of chakra manipulation have of getting away from this unfolding horror. The individuals participating in the escalating combat may as well have been demi gods to the spectators. Capable of leveling an entire village district in a matter of seconds. Many of them could only watch on in horror as the combat erupted & debris from the few attacks that had been launched found their way towards those forced to spectate. Akkuma could only hope the youth had the means to protect himself & those present for his own focus needed to be on the foe before them.

Soon the combat would truly unfold & with each growing second the potential for devastation grew. Their opponent had the advantage with close quarters combat. While comfortable with his own abilities the Sage was no fool, his own strengths were founded within different aspects of the shinobi arts. Here their battlefield was contained, at least for now. Until it spilled out onto the streets he would at least try to finesse his way to victory against this foe. At worst leveling the district was always an option but such feats in the end required vastly more energy then it was worth. Nothing drew the ire of the hire ups more then needless casualties & he suffered from their morality enough without adding more fuel to their arguments. Well at least this publicly given his recent endeavors.

No Armor, Deflection, Nara Obtenebration, Dark Sage Corpse Soil Mastered, Style Over Substance - +4 Acc/DC at -30% Dmg entered, Chaos of the Mental Plane Mastered cast at mysterious assailant, Night Mastered at Mysterious Assailant, Conditional should any incoming attacks be successfully deflected Akkuma will aim at MA.
Weapon: Hand of Chaos
Unarmed - Can use Handseals while equipped
Modifier: +2 Acc / -10% dmg
Augments: Recovery, Wide Edge & Spirit Link

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The mysterious individual smiled upon looking at thee two combatants. It's been a while since he had some fun. He licked his lips in anticipation. As he now effortlessly broke free of the binding jutsu. Yuna watched on as this happened right before her eyes, but she did feel the aura of Akkuma start to flare up. This aura... it seemed to grab at her very life force. As she looked over at the guy who had attacked her, he doesn't show it well, but it does seem as if he is also affected by it. Just then, five zombies came up out of the shadows. Of the five that had attacked, only three were able to hit their mark. The assailant effortlessly dodged out of the way of the first two creatures, only to be hit by the other three. Even though he was surrounded by zombies, there wasn't even a hint of terror in his eyes. More like... excitement?

"Come now, Immortal Trickster! All you can do is give me a slight headache and send some zombies onto me?" He boasted. Headache? Yuna pondered on what the crazed man said, and guessed that there might be a genjutsu involved. While he's focused on chit chatting with Akkuma, she can strike! She focused to use the Chigokai's special move on him, but she can't seem to focus as her head was hurting. She decided to switch gears and get in close. Chakra formed in her right hand. Sure, she can use her Jinchurrikki abilities, but they were in too much of a condensed populated area for her to even consider the idea. She'll have to depend on close range combat, despite figuring out that is what this man excels at. "Eh, if I die then that's all there is to it. All I am is just a stepping stone to tear away at both the girl and her father. But anyways-" his chit chat was cut off by Yuna's cascading rasengan as it launched him into the bar counter. But Yuna didn't stop there, she ran through some hand seals and water gushed from her mouth at high pressure and speed. It hit the man square in the chest as he tried to recover from the last attack.

Now drenched, he got back up. But he did not stop smiling in his maniacal way. "Nice one. I almost felt that. I understand that you both are trying to keep the damages to a minimum, but that won't satiate my hunger for a good fight!" The man moved at incredible speed kicking up, his target Akkuma, but the attack had missed completely. He switched gears and aimed this time for Yuna. The girl was expecting this, however, as the man thrusted forth his hand, she side stepped his attack. Unlike Akkuma, Yuna was not in the mood to really speak, even if she was, she might find it hard to speak due to her face almost getting crushed. Instead, she would fight.

But before she can do anything else, he performed a series of hand seals. But she thought... Before she can even react, a mini tornado appeared and lifted both her and Akkuma up into the air. The wind was strong enough to cause small cuts all across her body. If that wasn't enough, there was a follow up attack on her as she seen two wind currents slice through the air and make their ways towards her. There wasn't enough time to react as the wind blades sliced through her. Her body writhed in pain, but she couldn't scream out. And the next thing she knew, her body propelled its way back to the ground with a loud thud.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sages efforts had been quite successful given the probability of the situation escalating greatly given the capabilities of their foe. He found it fortunate that their foe seemed to severely underestimate the situation they'd found themselves in. Akkuma considered himself fortunate, this one was a talker. Perhaps he would be able to gleam more useful information about this ones Master. Yuna had joined the battle once more, utilizing a well placed Cascading Rasengan at their foe. However when this unnamed assailant began speaking the words that came from him did not sit well with the Sage. He started moving before the individual finished his words. Fortunately the foes swift assault passed straight by Akkuma, his hair whipping in the wind from the passing blow. Those emerald eyes of the veteran shinobi followed the inhuman movements of their foe. Unable to properly follow his foe the Sage had been anticipating another Taijutsu strike instead he was met with a violent updraft of wind.

It caught both he & Yuna slicing their flesh as it launched them into the air. Before they could react another blast of wind would collide with the two shinobi sending them crashing into the floor of the establishment. The boards of the floor splintering from the impact, dust clouding the air from the cyclonic winds. "...a good fight?" the Sage would ask from the ground as black tar-like blood began to seep from the wounds upon his flesh. After all these were just superficial wounds to a being such as himself. Beings such as himself didn't just possess increased healing, no they were capable of sapping the very life force around them. These districts were crawling with life, even his own creations served to bolster this ability. Sapping from them their sustaining life force to recover his wounds. Taking in all of the nature chakra around them & corrupting it within his own body. Building it up until he had more then enough for what he required.

"As you wish, I wonder if you're capable of paying the should all be running." with each word the Sages features slowly transformed, his final words a warning to any who remained. Runic markings began tracing their way upon his flesh as he opened his eyes. In a blink of an eye he would be standing once more but now he had entered an incredibly dangerous style known as Sage Mode. Those emerald eyes of his with the slit-like pupils now shifting perpetually through various color hues as his pupils changed unnaturally. A thick tangible black miasma of corrupt energy would began to exude from the flesh of the Sage. If this being wanted a fight Akkuma would give it one. He would not back down to anyone, not in his village.

With that black electricity crackled down his arm as the Sage created a volley of Chidori Senbon to launch at their foe. However when doing so he used an almost invisible chakra tether to redirect them for a second attempt should his foe attempt to auto-dodge them. Knowing that the chance of a counter attack happening before he could properly fortify himself was high. Too long had it been since he heard the screams of an enemy. One who had truly incurred his wrath, this was an opportunity he would savor. Hoping his calculations were right he would trust that Yuna would sufficiently distract their foe enough. After all she was the strangers true foe.

His fingers would fly through a blinding set of handseals once more, this time when electricity arced down his arm it instead released a Lightning Beast. There was a chance that even if this was dodged it would continue to pursue their foe. Along with Akkuma's undead servants & it would become apparent things were heating up. He hoped his foe would not anticipate another large attack & if he did would prove unable to dodge. But only the Fates could see such things. It was with this thought that black energy would begin to swirl in the palm of his hand. Continuing to grow & take shape until it formed a devilishly dark spear. This energy if he succeeded would make it so that with every action their foe made he risked the chaotic energies colliding with his own internal chakra. The result if successful would be their foes downfall.

While not immediate it would make it inevitable. In that instant he launched the ethereal weapon at their foe, praying that the Fates did not see fit to torment him this day. Either he intended to take this individual out before the minute had past. Unfortunately for any bystanders that meant that with each passing second their chance of survival deteriorated. In ten second intervals he would amp up his assault, should he be forced to reach the last stage he doubted even low level shinobi could survive the blast zone. But he would do what was necessary, after all he couldn't allow another power to operate within his lands. Not when they had paid him such disrespect.

OOC: Apologies on the delay!
No Armor, Deflection, Nara Obtenebration, Dark Sage Corpse Soil Mastered Maintained, Style Over Substance - +4 Acc/DC at -30% Dmg Maintained, Chaos of the Mental Plane Mastered maintained? on mysterious assailant, Enter Sage Mode - Youkai, Chidori Control, special action Chidori Senbon Mastered at MA using Affinity Move Feint, Lightning Beast at MA Mastered & Heartseeker Youkai Senjutsu (Acc type Nin & 3rd effect option)
Weapon: Hand of Chaos
Unarmed - Can use Handseals while equipped
Modifier: +2 Acc / -10% dmg
Augments: Recovery, Wide Edge & Spirit Link
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
While he was able to move while within the cube of chakra, Sora found that it was growing increasingly harder to breath. It was almost as if he was stuck in an actual dust storm itself but there were ways of actually figuring his way out of the predicament. Able to see that there were just as many pedestrians caught in the crossfire as he had been. As he walked, he noticed that the cube seemed to stay trained on him, as if it was emanating from within him and not something that he had gotten trapped within. As the attacks continued to fly around him, he realized that despite being trapped, that the other debris from the battle seemed to simply bounce off the cube that he was trapped within. Enlightened at the possibilities, Sora saw yet another attacked being lobbied as chakra energies clashed and threatened to level the entire area. Using himself as a shield, he ran in front of a trapped couple who was being helped by another individual and used the cube of chakra as a barrier to prevent them from being further harmed.

As the released chakra from the two fighters beyond escaped and in waves and crackling streaks, the dust cube took the damage valiantly and held though if Sora was paying attention enough, he'd notice that the barrier was definitely cracking if but a little bit. When the one couple was freed, he moved on to another escaping set of patrons and then another. Even if he couldn't touch them and they not him, he would motion to others in the vicinity to help all that he could to escape before they too were caught as he had been. It had only been perhaps a matter of a few moments but even if he hadn't of been paying attention to the damage that the barrier was taking on, the sound of cracking like that of glass alerted him to the fact that his quickly cooked up plan was in danger of failing. Shattering into tiny pieces of glass like chakra, the dust cube finally fell and Sora could once again breathe like normal. The only problem now was that he was a sitting duck once again.

OOC: Now it's my turn to apologize for holding up progress. @_@

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna heard the blood flows of all the citizens leave the place save for one, a kid that seemed to have gotten stuck by a random jutsu. Her eyes flickered off the enemy for just a moment, but it was all that he needed as a vortex of wind picked her up and violently slammed her into the ground. In the midst of battle, she definitely felt a bone or two in her ribs break. Letting out a scream of pain she pushed through it, adrenaline making her push past her own limits. She got up just to glimpse the man jump onto the heads of some of the zombies to avoid their attacks and jumped off only to be struck from either side by two more zombies. Blood trickled down the enemy's body, but it seemed to more look like it is congealed, which shouldn't really be a thing if someone was alive...

Her eyes widened as she thinks she might be onto something, but the battle still wages on. Four lightning senbons flew over her head and slammed into her assailant's chest. The craziest thing about all of this? The guy was laughing through it all. "More! More! Let me feel your true power!" He looked over at Yuna, "You are starting to bore me, makes me wonder why the Master wants either you or your father so badly." The next moment, Yuna started to lose her focus, badly. She saw red. To everyone else, they would see her eyes glowing an evil kind of red, along with an opaque form of a ten-foot feminine creature that seemed to be made of blood. A dragon made entirely of blood appeared above Yuna and struck down at blinding speed, smashing into the one she wants to destroy. Soon after, a creature made of lightning had also crashed into him as well, but Yuna didn't pay any mind to whoever else except her own prey that was in front of her.

Even so, more violent winds picked up, tearing through destroying the Rusty Kunai, the only saving grace was a kid evacuating the whole place before things got heated up, a tornado, focused on the center of the battle slammed down into the ground picking up Yuna, and unbeknownst to her, the kid that is trapped in the jutsu. They were carried to great heights before both were slammed back into the ground with ferocity. The kid would be more or less fine, with the exception that the jutsu protecting him was no more. That might have happened, but Yuna was focused on destroying the one that had hurt her. A flurry of hand seals and black fog appeared in the midst of this crazy battle and covered her target, anyone could see the fog had more of an effect than just suffocating as it started to dissolve the mysterious assailant's body. He had rushed out and into the welcoming arms of... For some reason, Yuna can't recall who was helping her, but dark miasma enveloped him as it hit center mass. He stumbled for a minute, before grabbing the other man and jumping far up into the air and spinning him aorund to try and force his face to fall onto the ground. Main word, try...

Mysterious assailant
He was aware of the power the daughter had possessed, but he had never really gone against a Jinchurrikki before. He had to admit, he was having fun, through all of this, he had a smile so big on his face anyone would think that he is crazy. He was, however, a bit pissed off when the girl spew corrosive fog at him, melting away his face, and when he got out of the mess, got sucker punched by some demon sage move. But he was always fast to move. He had grabbed the Immortal Trickster and launched them both into the air to spin him around to drop his head onto the debris below. That would be the case, but the guy kept squirming too much. As they landed with dust flying into the air, he realized he only had succeeded in slamming Akkuma's shoulder into the ground. He quickly jumped back as he let the dark powers mix with his hachimon powers, letting him open the rest of his gates, this time, focusing on the girl. A dark an ominous aura surrounded him along with the pressure of a hachimon's true power filling the area. "You can't beat me!" He said with glee as he charged at her, each step destroyed the ground beneath his feet before he brought up a fist with all of his power gathered to put the girl out for the count. That was, until he was choke slammed into the ground with enough force to cause a small crater where he landed...

Back to "Yuna"​

A weak specimen tried with their efforts to be flashy. She was never for being flashy, just destruction. All it took was for her to sidestep and grab it by its throat and throw it to the ground with using her chakra to enhance the damage done to its windpipe. It coughed up blood, thick and congealed. "So tell me. Where is your Master. Or any other of you for that matter. Hurry up and I'll make your death less painful."

"Fu... You..." He coughed up. All the bravado he had is all long gone. But there was still some fight in him. A blood finger as sharp as knives themselves, stabbed into the would-be assailant. He yelled out and after a while, when he was able to speak again, "Great world.... World tree... I don't know where Master truly is, but..." He coughed again, "There were hints... Hints that something would go down at the Great World Tree." She had the information, and she saw no other need of him. She opened her mouth and raw chakra energy blasted through his face and through the ground, it was a gruesome scene, what with the fact that that chakra's physical was blood. All that was left was the body and half the face of the one that had attacked her, his features slowly going back to what it was before. It was something that Akkuma would know a lot about. The body wrinkled up and started to decompose at a fast rate. What they fought was a zombie, but... no zombie would ever hold that much power, even amongst Impure World Resurrection standards, it shouldn't even have a kinjutsu.

She then turned to look at the man and the boy, the two that have stayed. She took a step towards them, but stumbled and fell down to the ground, she was slowly starting to black out until... nothing. What Akkuma and Sora saw was a terrifying ten-foot feminine creature made of entirely blood interrogate and kill the mysterious assailant then turn to them and fall to the ground. A minute would past, and the blood would all fall away from the creature leaving Yuna passed out before them.

In her mind
She was in a dark place, but she was also very aware of what had happened. What they were fighting never really was alive. But even then... From what she read up on Dark Sages, was that they could summon souls from the dead to help them in fights, but those souls never had kinjutsu's. Just what had she come across? And then the Great World Tree. What is that? She was glad that Jashin's Beast wasn't strong enough to keep total control of her body. This was a real-life lesson for her to control her emotions, especially in the heat of battle. Even in her unconscious state, she could hear the blood flows around her, all but two were far away from the battle area. The two, Akkuma and the boy. Let me have the body

"No. No, I can't. You have no regard for anyone's safety. Using your power just for any reason is dangerous. I won't." She insisted. She heard a scary laugh, and then the Beast answered, Very well, have it your way, but you will die without me."

In the real world
Yuna woke up with a start and yelled out, "Great World Tree!" Before passing out again. Any further attempts to wake her wouldn't work until some days later. But in the now, Medical Ninja had come rushing to the scene and tending to the wounded, which surprisingly, almost no civilians were harmed. The boy, Sora had been given a lot of attention by the Medical Ninja, whereas Akkuma had only one or two check up on him. As for Yuna, they had checked her pulse and decided that she would be the one that would to be looked after fora couple of days.

(Hey, now it's MY time to say sorry for holding up the topic, lol. Anyways, thank you both for taking your time for progressing my story arc.)
(If you want to continue, then either keep going on this thread or dm me)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The Medical Ninja had kept Yuna for a couple days, continually healing her, but with her having no papers, and no way to tell which village she was from, the only thing that they could do was keep an eye on her and try and question her when she wakes up. But Yuna woke up earlier than expected. She woke with a start, taking a look around the area, picking up some Medical ninja garments to wear along with wearing some sunglasses that she found lying around. As an anbu operative, she knows how easy it is to hide in plain sight. Now if she were to use a transformation jutsu, it could be more easily seen through than just a plain old disguise. She grabbed a clipboard and act like she was hurriedly going to one of the other patient rooms that she knows that nobody was in, thanks to her ability to hear blood flows. Closing the door behind her, she jumped out of the window, thankful that it was on ground floor.

The young Chigokai went to an alleyway some blocks away and then threw away the medical ninja disguise for some normal everyday shady people clothing, basically anyone in the Bazaar. She found herself a decent ways away from the place, about a mile or two before she even considered that she was in the clear, even so she kept her ears open for any blood flows that might be near.

(topic left)
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
And just like that, it was all over. So much mayhem and so much carnage. Sora had seen it all and now found himself at the precipice of wondering if it was all worth it in the end. Questions began to flood his mind concerning if he was doing enough or if he could ever do enough. Was there ever going to even be enough? No matter how he looked at it, there was simply no way of knowing if it would ever be enough. For Sora, he was quite determined to be more than just the sort of individual that stood by and did nothing but this situation showed him that he had a whole lot more to do, and a whole lot more to accomplish. If he was going to be strong enough to do something about the sort of forces that could do this much damage over what he surmised was a simple disagreement then in order to be the force equally something that would make them listen to reason and stop, then he was going to have to become far more stronger than even he ever dreamed of. These were the sort of problems that those with no formal training, shinobi or otherwise, had to deal with and he was going to do his best to make sure that people like that, people like his own parents, never had to fear so long as he was around. A simple student now, as he watched on as the medic-nin swooped in to triage those around him, he prepared himself for the sort of rigorous test that he knew that his future would bring.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped. Twas a good time folks~

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The events that transpired had escalated in a manner that the Sage failed to anticipate. Fortunately his comrades in this battle proved capable in playing their parts. Before long this mysterious assailant was detained by the kumogakurian shinobi. Unfortunately their battle had drawn too much attention for the Sages liking. Besides he needed to do some investigating of his own. After all this was not the first time he had heard mention of the World Tree. If indeed this location did truly exist he doubted that this Master's intents were good. Even if they were he couldn't tolerate a potential threat on the board that he had no knowledge about. Once he had learned more he would track down this Master & eliminate him.

Akkuma's hands flew through a series of handseals conjuring a pair of Medical Assistants. The chakra creations treated those present with Medical Jutsu to ensure they were stabilized. Slipping out of the back entrance in the chaos as the authorities arrived. Utilizing the Transformation jutsu a few times to ensure his discreet departure from the scene. Making sure to commit the face of the young shinobi who had so willingly thrown himself into the fray to protect the innocent. He would have to keep an eye on the shinobi & see who he was.

He could have brought them with him but he couldn't risk the chance they would try to escape. Unnecessary risks had to be avoided his current status. Having provided all the aid he could risk with his limited knowledge about the situation. How had such a creation been achieved? Could he replicate the project? If so there was the potential to add even greater power to his forces for what was to come. If this Master couldn't be manipulated or coerced into divulging his methods. Akkuma would remove the threat while gaining any advantage in his coming war that he could.

There was much work to be done. This was the second threat that had shown itself in the country that he had not known about. First the Golden Sanctuary & now this Master. Given how wide he'd cast his network of influence there was bound to be the odd foe that slipped through undetected. Nonetheless he needed to amplify his information network once more. Perhaps it was time once more to send word out those he had contacted so long ago in his travels. There were many he could call on to expand his information. But to wake such assets would leave him with no ability to strike his foes from within.

[Topic Left]
[OOC: Was a fun thread! Am definitely down for more. Feel free to give me a msg if either of you wanna Rp again.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
