Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A bad feeling, a truthful omen [Private]

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="A piece of himself which unknowingly to him is lost forever"]
[Topic occurs at the same timing as Raitoningu Ejji's death Here]

...There was but silence in a field of all white flowers, the sky rumbling with the clap of thunder although the scenery was portrayed to have been a pleasant day. He stood there feeling present yet lacking a body, as if he was simply a witness to the strange combination of weather and beauty. The wind picked up softly and forced the flowers to dance along it's currents while in the distant a single solitary object was also standing solemnly alone. It peaked his curiousness and promptly drew in his body to investigate. As he walked towards the figure the details of it's structure became more and more familiar to him as upon increased inspection he could have sworn it was an exactly replica of himself, standing there blankly looking up at the sky above. As he walked into a distance suitable for physical interaction, his head tilted slightly as he was staring at his own image's backside.

"Hey you, what are you doing out here?"

The figure neither responded or moved upon it's own accord, as the only thing that had any motion was the replica's clothing that swayed calmly in a passing breeze. Perplexed by this he took a few steps closer, a feeling of unease drawing into the structure of his bones while doing so. He wondered why was he feeling nervous about this, why was it that his heart was beating with such unease.

"I'm talking to you here, why don't you answer me?"

As he took more steps to close the distance between the two of them a stream of rolling thunder sounded off from the skyline. Bolts of lightning dropped in the distant in various locations despite the sky being clear with no trace of clouds. Reaching outwards his palm pressed against the replica's shoulder which in turned caused a sudden change in the environment around him. The white petals shot upwards into the air from the flowers in the field, their color instantly stained a blood crimson as they spiraled around on a current of wind which even he could not feel. These petals were strange and their meaning unknown...


It was then that the replica's neck dropped backwards, it's eyes completely open yet void of any life within it's gaze. Blood, still fresh trickled out of it's mouth right when a flash of lightning struck the pair and blinded them within a veil of white light.....

Arashi's eyes opened suddenly, his body pulled up in a sitting position as his breathing had been labored. Drops of sweat had no problem completing marathons down his face, his body feeling soak from the perspiration. He spent the moments trying to collect himself, the covers of his oriental futon having been pushed away from his sudden awakening. Composing himself he glanced around, mentally wondering what his dream had meant but like many times before equally putting away the events that occurred within it as a simple overactive imagination. He exhaled suddenly, placing his palm against his forehead and returning his breathing to normal before standing up.

"That was weird....almost felt realistic...stupid dreams."

He recovered himself rather quickly, finding his palms unbuttoning the drenched pajama shirt and tossing it aside onto a mound of dirtied clothes piled in the corner of his room. The sounds of a normal household flourished as he understood the daily routines as nothing more than a fact of life for his family within their clan's district. Without physically leaving the room he mentally guessed where everyone was located within the house, figuring his father and elder brother were likely sitting upon the floor at their families dining table discussing the duties for the day. His mother undoubtedly either fiddling with dishes or preparing a meal of some sorts for his father and brother. Exhaling calmly he glanced around his room, noting his kumogakure flak jacket resting neatly folded on a desk next to his headband while his blade and ninja tools were on a higher self. He reminded himself that he was assigned a role at the gates for today, checking passerby citizen's paperwork and other things. Usually this would be his day off but considering the job that was tasked to his sister Ejji to represent the clan at a meeting, he ensured that they'd switch up shifts. For that she'd owe him big time and even now he contemplated just what kind of payment he'd want. Maybe he'd charge the usual when the two did these sorts of things and already his mouth was watering at the thought of all those suckers she'd have to buy him. Still, despite his mood the events within his dream continued to weigh on his mind. As he walked past his dresser, his body stopped suddenly due to his gaze being glued to a picture frame resting facedown.

"When did you fall....?"

Reaching for the frame, he'd set up upright only to realize that the glass had cracked though not in a usual way. The picture in the frame, a family portrait of the siblings with his older brother in the center and both he and Ejji flanking the sides had been a cherished piece he kept to himself. The crack however was solely running down his sister's image, splintering to a point where if left how it was no one would have been able to tell who was standing in her spot. It was strange to him that it happened like this and he quickly removed the picture from it's broken home, holding onto it as someone would do an heirloom. Opening his drawer, he'd slide the picture carefully on top of some folded mesh shirts before closing the drawer as he would have to buy a replacement frame before his shift began. Walking out into the hall, dismissing any inner thoughts and feelings he'd had about the omens of both his dream and the picture frame he called out towards his mother...

"Hey mom! Tell Ejji to come by the gates when she makes it back....and tell her to bring me the sweets that she owes me for covering her shift too! Berry and Green Apple flavors! Oooh and if she can find it...Peach too."

With that he entered the bath in order to prep for a long day ahead.

[Topic Entered/Left]
[Run Time: A-Rank - 1 Hour (60 Minutes)]

[legend="The black shroud is removed"]A lot had changed within the household since Ejji's death, the mood within the walls had been somber and mute especially after the days of her funeral rites. It wasn't uncommon for members of the Raitoningu Clan to remain in extended periods of grief over lost loved ones and of everyone in their immediate family Arashi had taken Ejji's death harder both mentally and physically. He had become a social ghost and recluse, locking himself within their family abode to suffer the weight of his loss. Members of his family had not heard his voice since the funeral rites and many within the community had suspected that he was walking a thin line towards depression which was somewhat true. Arashi felt a weight had been pinned onto his heart, a weight that cemented itself to the walls of his will and refused to allow anything to break the darkness that lay trapped within.

This mentality and bodily feeling lasted up until a pivotal moment, when the funeral pire resting above Ejji's memorial finally snuffed itself out after a gentle rain. The fire had remained lit for weeks, unfueled and without external tampering and when it finally died Arashi took it as a sign that his sister's soul had finally found a peaceful slumber. The morning after this occured Arashi was seen leaving the Raitoningu District with objects that signified his own rebirth..

Upon his back rested a double sheath that had been occupied by both his personal Katana 'Hari' and his sister's katana 'Sutatikku'. While he wore his orignal headband, he also had his sister's former shinobi bandana strapped onto his waistline. The metal plate and fabric still held splatters of Ejji's blood that had not been removed and would not be...

It was time for Arashi to move on and work for a future his sister would have been proud of.[/legend]

Current Ninpocho Time:
