Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Dinner for Three [PM to Enter]

Oct 22, 2012

The mountainous climb from the hot springs to Kitsune’s mansion had been a lively one. Due to the distance and the cliff-like structures of cloud, the trek was not an easy one, involving copious amounts of walking and several stops and transfers along Kumo’s great trolley system. Sairasu would be able to see and hear the evening going-ons of Kumogakuians, even more so when the three of them reached the residential district settled firmly alongside a large mountain.

Academy students, recently let out of classes were scattered in various directions, either chasing each other or running home. The laughter of children trailing behind them floated through the air. A few even took to the rooftops of Cloud, utilizing their chakra to take large and dangerous leaps over buildings. They would quickly be admonished by guards on duty who would quite often know the child by name. The bars were beginning to open as café’s started to close. The scent of food carried through the air from open restaurant windows, the weather warm enough and nice enough to allow such things to happen.

“One more trolley ride, I promise.” Kahako said, paying for their fare with a few coins and quickly boarding the car. This one, unlike the others, was fairly empty. A few groups of people sat separated from each other. Most noticeably, non-shinobi civilians sat away from the shinobi who were still in their gear heading home. A couple main branch shinobi were on duty, standing at the end of the trolley car. If Sairasu had noticed on the way up the hill, there always seemed to be guards in places that had large amounts of people, however on every single trolley, there were at least two main branch shinobi stationed. “Our stop is the third to last.” Kahako said, clearly used to the patrols around the city.

The cart lurched. The conductor could be seen in the front pulling on a long rope that signaled the departure whistle. A rumbling noise was heard from the wired pulley system and soon, they were heading upwards along the steep slope. It had been too loud for them to speak before hand. The sheer amount of people heading home drowned out any form of conversation they could have. Here, however, the conversations around them were muttered. “So do either of you have any preference as to what you would like for dinner?” Kahako said, leaning against the railing as she did not really wish to sit on the benches. Her scarf trailed along, flowing gently in the breeze as the cable car moved. She crossed her arms and rested her head on them. Closing her eyes, Kahako let herself relax a little. She did not wish for Sairasu and Shashu to see that she was fatigued, so instead she feinted like she was just enjoying the breeze.

On the other end of the car, a small group of civilians were muttering as they eyeballed Sairasu, looking away occasionally. They look uncomfortable, as if afraid to be around the tall man. Every sudden movement he made would cause one female to jump slightly before holding her toddler a little closer to her. The off duty shinobi on the train appeared relaxed, their conversation just as calm and merry as it was before they got on, but they were also watching the group of three, mainly Sairasu more so than the two girls.​

The journey was rather amazing; the village was much like his own and everything seemed peaceful. The sights of children running around, academy students at that, and a bunch of other people walking the busy streets of the village. The trolley ride itself was something he enjoyed; something that his homeland didn't have. It was a new experience for him. ”Mist didn't have one of these, it’s quite astonishing.”<i></i> He stated in awe. He noticed everything, in great detail and made mental notes left and right of the villages layout. This wasn't for anything in specific, but it was just natural instinct. He didn't need to know any of this for military like business, but in case something went down he wanted to know his escape routes. Everything seemed a little too perfect, so he did have to stay on his toes.

”Third to last? How far does this thing take us exactly?” He asked in a jokingly manor, with a slight laugh. It was clear he was enjoying this trip maybe a little more than he should have. Within a few moments, he heard miss Higa ask about dinner. ”I’ll eat just about anything; I’m happy just knowing I’ve been invited to dinner.”<i></i> He said, waiting for Shashu to reply as well.

[wc 213]
[Topic entered]
Ayumu strolled up to the large gates of the Shinrya compound containing Kitsune's mansion. He was not here for Kitsune. No, in fact nobody had seen Kitsune in some time so that would be a pointless endeavor. He was here to make a delivery to Higa Kahako who lived in a guest house adjacent to Kitsune's mansion. She had started living on her sensei's compound due to Kitsune's generous offer before her disappearance and now continued to live there. Aside from one time when he attended a party in Kitsune's mansion, Ayumu had only ever come here to see Kahako. Last time, he had come to pick her up for a date. Now he was here unannounced with a bouquet of white roses, so he wasn't sure if she would even be here.

He walked astride the gate around the compound until he reached the smaller gate which led directly to the guest house Kahako lived in. Once he reached it, he passed through and followed the pathway to her house. He knocked at her door and waited a few moments as no response came. "Damn, guess I shouldn't be surprised. I came here on a whim... maybe she's working?" Ayumu said, scratching his head. He had, at least, come prepared for this. On the bouquet of flowers was a tag which indicated whom the flowers were for, Kahako, and whom they were from, Ayumu. He laid the bouquet gently at the doorstep and left it there, taking a few steps back before turning and departing. He had no clue how close he came to meeting her on the way out.

[Topic Entered, and Left!]
[S-rank, 30 minute run time]
[MFT <- whole reason I did this 8D]

Current Ninpocho Time:
