Kitsune had asked, and Kahako could not say no. It was a simple request and would only take a few weeks at most. To travel to the province ruled by the Shinrya clan. yet it still made Kahako’s head reel. When she was adopted, she accepted that she would be Kitsune’s adopted daughter, but the whole ‘royalty’ thing? That was always something that Kahako never really acknowledged. It was always a far off dream. Something so far that she never thought it would effect her.
Now? It was effecting the crap out of her. Kahako already had a problem with Satou bowing and treating her like a hime-sama. Now she was going to go to a land where every human being had swore fealty willingly or unwillingly to her family clan. She paced the nursery one last time to ensure nothing was out of place.
The whinny of the horse signaled it was time to leave. Looking out the window, Kahako watched as the maids loaded her luggage while the driver stepped down from the carriage. She took one last breath of the room around her. It would only be a couple weeks. Then she would be back with her wonderful Ayumu and their darling Susumu and she would go back to being nothing more than an important medical chief of the village.
At least she had hoped that was what would happen. She stepped out of the nursery and closed the door, walking the halls as the staff prepared for the Kitsune mansion to be empty for a while. Yes, Kitsune had accepted Kahako as her daughter, but her heir? They never talked about that. It was definitely something she didn’t want to assume. Plus Kahako was not directly blood related. Her sensei’s clan would NOT be okay with such an heir.
No, it would just be a view of Kitsune’s home province. Nothing more. Nothing more until Kitsune made it more. And if she did? Well, Kahako would cross that bridge if she ever got there. “I’m ready Kitsune-sensei,” Kahako said with a smile as she walked up to the carriage. She may be in much nicer attire, but she would continue to wear her gloves, boots, and scarf. They were always too precious to part with.