Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Journey to the Past

Oct 22, 2012
Kahako paced the quiet nursery of the Kitsune mansion one last time. It had been quiet since the afternoon before. “He’s with his father, He’s fine, Kahako” she told herself as she played with the cuff of her knee-length travelling jacket. Spring was coming, and as such she outfitted herself in a simple white dress, but it was always wise to be prepared for a sudden cold evening in Lightening Country, even if it was closer to the ocean.

Kitsune had asked, and Kahako could not say no. It was a simple request and would only take a few weeks at most. To travel to the province ruled by the Shinrya clan. yet it still made Kahako’s head reel. When she was adopted, she accepted that she would be Kitsune’s adopted daughter, but the whole ‘royalty’ thing? That was always something that Kahako never really acknowledged. It was always a far off dream. Something so far that she never thought it would effect her.

Now? It was effecting the crap out of her. Kahako already had a problem with Satou bowing and treating her like a hime-sama. Now she was going to go to a land where every human being had swore fealty willingly or unwillingly to her family clan. She paced the nursery one last time to ensure nothing was out of place.

The whinny of the horse signaled it was time to leave. Looking out the window, Kahako watched as the maids loaded her luggage while the driver stepped down from the carriage. She took one last breath of the room around her. It would only be a couple weeks. Then she would be back with her wonderful Ayumu and their darling Susumu and she would go back to being nothing more than an important medical chief of the village.

At least she had hoped that was what would happen. She stepped out of the nursery and closed the door, walking the halls as the staff prepared for the Kitsune mansion to be empty for a while. Yes, Kitsune had accepted Kahako as her daughter, but her heir? They never talked about that. It was definitely something she didn’t want to assume. Plus Kahako was not directly blood related. Her sensei’s clan would NOT be okay with such an heir.

No, it would just be a view of Kitsune’s home province. Nothing more. Nothing more until Kitsune made it more. And if she did? Well, Kahako would cross that bridge if she ever got there. “I’m ready Kitsune-sensei,” Kahako said with a smile as she walked up to the carriage. She may be in much nicer attire, but she would continue to wear her gloves, boots, and scarf. They were always too precious to part with.

Kitsune was, as usual, doing last minute experiments before leaving. As such, she needed a few moments to get ready after the experiment decided to go POOF in her face. She couldn’t travel with the smell of black powder lingering all over her. So she swiftly went back to her bedroom, took a lightning shower, spent the following ten minutes agonizing about what set of lingerie to wear (she decided on a wine colored corset, with matching panties, stockings with garter belt) before then putting on a black skirt, a black button up shirt, before finally putting on her jacket that was closer to a kimono than a jacket.

A quick warp later and she was downstairs in the entrance hall, ready to go, apparently Kahako had already walked outside, and Kitsune followed suit, noticing that her servants had already loaded the luggage. ”Ready to go Kahako-chan?” she’d ask her student, nay, her adopted daughter. To which she’d get an answer saying that Kahako was indeed ready. ”Excellent. Then let’s get going, shall we?” she said before hopping into the carriage, expecting Kahako to follow suit. It wouldn’t be long until they were at the train station, and from there it’d be a matter of hours before they were at Raimei no Seika. From there, they’d need another carriage to get to where the rest of the family lived.

Would the carriage ride be uneventful? Who knows. Will the train ride be a time to rest? Perhaps. And what about the second carriage ride? Will anything happen there? Maybe. It all depends on how the stars aligned that day. Perhaps Kahako would share something with Kitsune during the trip. Perhaps not. The only one that knew was Kahako. Kitsune on the other hand sat with a notebook out, writing down ideas as they came to her. And at the same time she was always ready to answer Kahako if she decided to ask a question or talk.

[MFT; WC: 327]
It was an interesting turn of events. The master had become more enriched in a life of luxury. And he but a servant did not question how or why, not even to this journey he would travel with her as guard and escort. Waking the morning light breaking in to the basement window of his room. His bloodshot eyes opened as he sat up, body ached and trembled at a soft yawn. Feet shuffled off the bed as sheets feel from naked sculpted marble body as he went to shower, shave and comb his locks back.

Looking up in the broken shards of what his mirror was. Images of its face flashed, eyes closed to open seeing a weary and worn man. Pressing in suit and tie, having spent a small fortune on this suit, shoes and gloves. He was to dress in well attire for his Master. He would not look like a slouch anymore. He wanted her to be prideful in his services as well to rely on him to keep well mannered in a place he's never traveled to. After getting ready, he sauntered upstairs to the man floor of the house he lived in. Passing by the blond hair boy who handed the demon a coffee and pack of smokes. "Have fun, don't forget-" The boy was cut off by the demon mumbling. "Rent. I know Keiji." His voice shook him a bit, it sounded in a darker tone then he remembered it. Coughing he adjusted himself. He did'nt make it to the front door while thinking.

When did I sound like this?
When you decided to accept the truth.

He froze with his hand on the door nob, shaking as he could barely grip the door, his fingers wouldn't move. The f@#$? Stop fucking with me, I thought I was done with this! His sudden rush of anger exploded out as the door before him was ripped asunder, leaving Satou awestruck as to why his power was lashing out like this. Uncontrollable. The shaking slowly stopped as he breathed and his fingers moved, limbs unfroze. Keiji was by his side the next second. "You're gonna @!#$ing replace that. NOT COMING OUT MY WALLET!" The teen flailed his arms in the air and headed upstairs to his room.

The demon sighed and shook his head as he stepped out into the light. Pulling the note of that had the address jotted down. If he took off fast enough, he'd get there within a couple minutes to spare. The world around him began to blur as his bullet speed shot from roof to roof, street to street till he was walking the estate grounds. Spotting the carriage that was being loaded. He was by the servants the next second, helping the load the carriage, and was doing so at blinding pace. To the point where the others were standing back as the man who was well dressed was heaving and moving luggage as if made of feathers. All the while being precise and careful with each and every piece.

Once done the demon man ran his hand through his long black locks as his other let a cigarette rest on his lips. Lighting it as the medication burning in the mix of tobacco. Keiji had concocted a dulling agent for the burning hunger inside. It did not satisfy it, merely hid it. The sudden lax in his muscle frame. His posture slouched as the burning of his demon eyes became a glassed look behind milk chocolate eyes. Satou sat on the roof with the luggage, waiting on for the journey to begin. Or till Master spoke his name. Just even a whisper, he could hear that sweet girls voice. And he'd run through hell at that whisper. He wondered if this journey would throw something interesting at him, or something to throw himself at.

He did'nt bother to notice the lovely dressed women that approached the carriage. He sniffed the air, not the Master. So he merely stayed seated staring at the weather. How it warmed his skin, to be out in the light. The soft waft of white smoke escaping his lips. "I wonder if the wine is good." He whispered to himself, taking his mind away from reality and recent events.

Current Ninpocho Time:
