Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A New Beginning (Public, Please Join!)


New Ninja
Jun 12, 2014
*Miyuki folded her arms. With aspirations of nice weather, she was a bit upset as to how chilly the day had turned out to be. She took a step forward from her adoptive family home and give a shy smile.

I'm ready... She thought, I can do this.

This was Miyuki's first day as a functioning member of the Village Hidden in the Clouds. This was her first official day in the Academy, and she was ready to soar through the ranks, and make her father proud. She had many goals, all of which her thoughts lingered on everyday. Though, to Miyuki, this was her fresh start. This was her new beginning.*

Hello!! Is anybody out there??
----------Tanaka Miko and Jun (Twins) enter the room----------

“Are you sure this is the right way Jun? This place is a maze. Isn’t this supposed to be like the village center or something?” Finally they had arrived in the village, and soon after visiting the academy for moment in order to request a private class, they had gotten lost. They walked in the dim darkness, often illuminated by a couple of street lights from which they quickly walked away. It was day it seems, although the time wasn’t clear, and the sky was filled with clouds that blocked the sun.

A voice echoed through the streets. “Look!” Jun pointed at a girl of about the same age as the twins, who stood alone near a building. “She looks about our age. We should talk to her, maybe she knows the way?”

“Talk to her? She looks as lost as we do…” Miko gave a dumb look to his brother. It was too late though, Jun was already approaching the girl.

“Hey! My brother and I are new here; we were wondering if you could give us a hand… we are kind of lost.” Jun gave her a smile and chuckled as he mentioned their situation.
Miyuki hears faint voices in the distance, however she's a bit surprised when a small boy, about her age, almost seems to appear next to her. She hadn't noticed him appraoch, as she was a bit overwhelmed by her surroundings. Frightened, she blushes.

Ye... Yes. She stutters.

Miyuki realized they must have been new, not many of the kids in the village were as nice as they.

Well, actually.... She smiles, sheepishly. That depends on where you're going. I'm not so familiar with this area either... Until I joined the academy, I rarely left my family's estate.

For a moment, Miyuki became lost in her translation. She stared off into the distance with a look on her face that was of no real emotion. Everything is so new to me... She admitted.
Both brothers did nothing but stare at her for a moment. What did she mean she was new? Did she seriously never leave her house? “Told you it was a waste of time…” Miko stated, he wasn’t pleased with this situation at all.

“Now, now… Let’s not be hasty. What’s your name?” Jun, in contrast to Miko, didn’t really mind if she had useful information or not, he just wanted to make friends. “I’m Tanaka Jun, and this is my brother Miko.” He smiled, hoping to make it clear that they were friendly. “You see… We’re rather new here. Actually, we only just arrived. We’re supposed to go to the academy in about two hours, but right now we’re looking for a place to eat. Know any place around here that’s good, yet cheap?”

Miko sighted, there was no stopping his brother now. Jun probably had his eyes on the girl since he saw her, standing alone in between a building and a streetlight, just like a heroin in a play, which he really enjoyed. It gave him a melancholic, yet sweetening feeling that she just might interesting enough.
Miyuki felt a little uncomfortable when the brother's stared at her. Any remnants of a smile had faded. Upon the brother's, who she learned was Miko, harsh words her eyes fell, and she temporarily hid her face from the company.
They don't understand...

Mi-Miyuki... She muttered. My name is Miyuki of the Snow. I was going to the Academy too... I have to stop by the market real fast before I go to class, I hope I can make it there before he starts. The instructor's name is Yuuto Sensei, I think.


Pleased to meet you.
“Ah, you mean Masaru-sensei’s class?” Jun smirked; he was glad that she was opening up to them, even if it was a little. The more friends you can make, the better your experience will be, is something that Jun always said. “Anyways, Miyuki of the Snow, do you know any good place we can have lunch?” He put an emphasis in ‘of the snow’, it was an unusual name after all. “You can come too if you’d like! Don’t mind Miko here, he’s always like that… I’m sure he’s also glad we found you though.”

“Right… but don’t get too comfortable…” Miko shoved his hood on top of his head and placed his hands in his pockets. All the while, Jun shot a glare at Miko for being a jerk.

“Come on, we’ll treat you to make it up to you.” Jun Smiled.
Miyuki gave a shy smile. She cringe a little when he repeated her name in full, but she did not mind. It was nice to meet someone new who didn't know of her past. "Of the Snow" was the title the village gave her, as she is an orphan. The Higashi family, the family that had adopted her, never allowed her to carry their name. She did not know whether this was of shame or of personal identity. What ever it was, since then she was just known by her bastard name. It was painful to her, however the nature of her situation only fueled her to grow stronger- to redeem her mark in the family, and become a vessel of protection of Kumogakure.

She thought of all this while Jun spoke. When he finished, inviting her to lunch, she blushed and kindly accepted.

She then looked to Miko, her eyes hard and cold. It was almost as if her whole demeanor changed in an instant. I'll try not to, She said in reply.

She then gave Jun the warmest smile she could muster.
I can lead you to the district, it's not far. But why dont you pick the restaurant.
Jun smiled in response to her accepting the invitation. He was happy that he would have someone to talk to, since Miko didn’t talk much. Anyways, he always knew what was going through his brother’s mind, so there wasn’t much to talk about. They were always together up to present day, as if they were a single individual, everything that happened to one, most likely happened to the other. They shared memories and experiences, yet for some reason their personalities were entirely opposites.

“Alright lead the way.” he smiled, and then commented on her demand. “I would, but we arrived for the first time to the village just a couple hours ago, and we have never been to a real restaurant before. We’ll just follow you, Mizuki-san.”
Miyuki smiled. She reached for Jan's hand in hopes to lead him to a small, local dumpling shop. She had never been to the shop herself, but the shop had always smelled so good!
C'mon! She giggled, leading them down the street.
It's not to far now.
Jun blushed the moment their hands touched; he had never been this close to a girl before, at least someone who wasn’t his sister. Miyuki lead them down the street and into another district. It didn’t take much time, just about ten minutes before she said that they were close already. The boy, whose face was red and mind was running wild with all kinds of thoughts, looked back just to make sure his brother was following them. –Wow, her hand is so soft! Look Miko, guess who’s got the lead now!-

Just as Jun’s and Miko’s eyes met, both knew what the other was thinking. –Ha! And he’s supposed to be the socialite, he’s all red already!- Miko complimented the thought with a silent laugh, he was pretty sure his brother had gotten the message. Miyuki didn’t say much during their way to the restaurant, but it was more than clear who of the two brothers she preferred. Miko wasn’t the guy to have many friends either way, so he didn’t mind if his brother had some that he didn’t; both of them were complete opposites when it came to their personalities.

The trio finally arrived at a dumpling shop. It was a rather small place, with a red and yellow sign on top that read “Han’s Tasty Dumplings”. There were a couple of tables outside, which in a sunny day would have been the perfect spots, were most clients fought in order to get a chance. Due to the weather, outside wasn’t an option, it seemed as if it could begin raining at any minute. “Let’s go inside, it seems as if it’s going to rain.” Jun said, this time pulling Miyuki through the door. “Where would you like to sit Miyuki?” As usual, Jun was trying to be a gentleman, yet before she could answer, Miko jumped in. “Let’s go over there.” Before anyone could protest, he walked towards an isolated table in the corner of the room.

Current Ninpocho Time:
