Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private A Step in the Right Direction [Tutor for Toshi]

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
It was just another fine day in his garden, Shun tending to his plants since they hadn't gotten the attention they usually received. He had to be a little more careful with his awakened bloodline; despite the amount of training he had put in, he still didn't have much control when he lost control of his emotions. Gardening helped him calm his mind, relax his feelings and just exist for a while.

And yet, once again his time in the garden was interrupted. It seemed like he couldn't get a break these days. Unlike all the times before, it seemed like it wasn't a summon to be punished or anything to do with the clan. Nope, this was just a regular little tutor session. Apparently there was something unique about this student, and Shun couldn't wait to see just what it was.

Shun looked around the training grounds his father had built, making sure all the practice dummies were properly prepared for today's training session. There was a small pool of water set out in the middle of the grounds for him to gather some aid from, their lesson today focusing on Ninjutsu and the basics of water. His student was invited to his home, where they could get this lesson out of the way and possible have a small meal after training cooked by his father.

Shuichi came out with a small table, setting it up far enough from their work area that it wouldn't get in the way. A bunch of water bottles and a few small snacks were set out to help the boys get through their session. "Thanks, Dad," Shun spoke with a grin.

"Anytime, kiddo," Shuichi replied, ruffling Shun's short locks. He went back inside to leave Shun to his activities.

Shun let out a sigh, shaking out his hands as he prepared to meet the new student.

Tutor for Toshi

Post 1/5
Post WC: 313
Thread WC: 313/1500


Mar 11, 2021
Toshi traveled the route on the makeshift map he was given to the location of his training. It was still a surprise to the boy that he had such abilities. He didn't know much about his real parents, but he hoped to visit their homeland one day. 'Kirigakure. The Village Hidden in the Mist. The fact that some type of natural disaster took it out is a bummer.' All of this news was coming in so fast, but it was something the boy suspected. He put 2 and 2 together while at the library, and everything clicked. 'Yuki, a natural to the ice element. Great control over wind and water.'

Toshi chose his own first name at the age of six while with his caretakers. His name meant alert, and that's how he felt when dealing with the ice charades that he used to call a phenomena. When they couldn't explain what was going on with him, he knew something was wrong. The fact that he would be meeting someone else from the same bloodline was quite rare as he understood. What were the chances? But the boy was excited nevertheless. He would be working with a "distant relative" on his new found abilities. He hoped to become close with this new "cousin" or "aunt/uncle". Making friends in the unknown village would help the boy open up a bit. He still didn't like the sound of the Academy though.

Toshi made sure to remain in stealth while making his way to the "X marks the spot". He got there undetected in his usual tan shroud covering most of his body. Black shinobi pants were worn under it with black shinobi boots at his feet with the toes cut out. He first noticed someone out, most likely the one he would be meeting for his tutoring session. "Hello." The boy approached with a smile and a wave. "I'm Toshi, the one that's supposed to be tutored today. The boy now noticed the body of water not too far off. He gave an excited 'YES!' in his head before continuing on. "I'm fairly new to the shinobi life, but I'll try not to slow you down."

Toshi would try to stay until the skies became dark. He knew he'd run into less people if he moved by night.


Post: 1/5
MFT: WC: 399
Total WC for Toshi : 399

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun didn't sense the student coming, a bit surprised by the sound of a voice behind him. He smiled a bit, turning to face Toshi. "It's wonderful to meet you, Toshi. I'm Shun! I've only been practicing the Shinobi arts for about 5 years now, so I think you'll do just fine with me."

He could tell there was a bit of excitement about the water settled on the grounds. "Are you closer to the element of water?" he asked curiously, walking over to the pool. "We're going to be working on a bit of chakra control today, so the water will be very helpful to us." He figured working in a small pool in a private backyard would make it easier to focus than working in the hot springs or in a river.

"To begin, we want to focus our chakra to our feet." Shun took a moment to close his eyes, holding his hands in front of his body for a moment. "Everyone visions their chakra differently. For me, I see it like water. It flows through my body like a stream. I can close off small dams within my body to help the stream flow to the correct place."

He stepped onto the surface of the water, the stillness of it making the practice a bit easier. "You have to match the chakra you output from your feet with the depth of the water. It's simpler on still water, which is why we are starting here. You can practice in the rivers as well, but the depth is constantly changing so you have to be quick to adapt."

Shun stepped off the top of the water, clapping his hands together. "Want to give it a shot?"

Post 2/5
Post WC: 289
Thread WC: 602/1500


Mar 11, 2021
"5 years! That sounds like a lot!" Toshi now knew these shinobi didn't become ninja overnight. It sounded like a lot of hard work after hearing the amount of time one put in through training. '5 years.' The boy listened to Shun, ready to answer his next question. "Of course! I get my understanding of nature, of this Earth, through the teachings of water. It has a lot to say if one listens. I plan to share a few of my own stories with water." His comfort element never led him wrong. He walked over to the waters along with Shun.

As Shun explain their training procedure, Toshi noted what he already knew about chakra. 'Chakra Control, something that was already in me, I just needed to know how to manipulate it. It's a skill one has to hone, most likely through intense training.' He remembered some of what the books read, but it was up to him to put those readings into action. With Shun's help, he was sure it would be a piece of cake.

Toshi took in a deep breathe. Daily meditation helped him unlock the chakras of his mind. He never tried to unlock the chakras of any of his other body parts, other than his heart. He began to feel his mind cool down, as well as his heart. He would move the feeling to his eyes, bringing them to a chill. He worked his way down to his feet, the vision of his chakra would be a cool wind moving through his body. He hadn't felt anything like the cool breeze before. He felt he was doing it right, but the true test would take place when he stepped out onto the water.

Shun was first, adding in that one's chakra would have to match the depth and the flow of the water. Toshi took it he would have to become one with the water. Toshi was already taking his first step atop of the water when Shun asked was he ready. He could feel the flow and depth shifting, letting the cool breeze sweeping through his feet do the same. Maintaining his balance, he moved his other foot atop the water, coming to a straightened stand. He caught on quite quickly and decided to take it a step further.

He took a few more steps, then began a graceful spin atop of the water. "I think I've gotten the hang of it!" The boy began his take at dancing atop the water, learning to shift his chakra as he moved along the water.


Post: 2/5
WC: 440
Total WC for Toshi : 839

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun allowed a moment of silence for the boy to focus his chakra, smiling as Toshi went ahead and stepped atop the water fairly quickly. He had a feeling that Toshi had some talent, but the speed at which he picked up on this ability surprised him. "Look at you, a natural!" he exclaimed with a grin.

He let Toshi have his fun for a moment before deciding they should advance his control practice a bit more. "Since this seems to be so simple for you, let's try using this technique a little differently." He looked over to the targets he had set up, then back to Toshi. "Are you familiar with throwing kunai?" he asked, pulling out the kunai in his pouch.

If the answer was no, Shun would ask him to step down from the pool of water for the next bit. If it was yes, he would allow Toshi to remain atop the surface of the small pool. "I want you to throw at the targets. Once you feel comfortable with the kunai and the element you stand on, you can use it to your advantage to strengthen your attacks and protect yourself from your foes."

Shun threw a kunai at one of the targets, the design his father had created taking the hit and throwing a kunai back. Shun drew some of the water out from the pool, creating a temporary shield to block the attack within seconds. The kunai fell to the ground, and the shield dispersed. He made his way over to the targets, changing the settings on them so that the kunai would not be dispersed. "They won't throw back at you yet. Once you feel ready, I can have them attack you in return."

Post 3/5
Post WC: 292
Thread WC: 894/1500


Mar 11, 2021
Toshi stopped his dancing and stepped down from the pool as Shun mentioned a new training. "No, that looks relatively new to me." He held knives before, but never threw one. He watched as Shun threw one with great aim. The kunai bounced from the target and flew back to Shun. Shun swiftly drew water from the pool at Toshi's amazement. The water shielded Shun from the incoming kunai. Moving the water so elegantly, it was beautiful, yet fierce. He didn't know that he could move the water with his chakra.

Toshi would be taking his first shot at the dummy. He picked up the kunai from the ground. He was assured the kunai wouldn't backfire on him. Toshi would try something a little different. He noticed how Shun used the water to create a shield to block the incoming kunai attack. 'The way he used that water came from quick thinking. On the battlefield, one won't have much time to come up with an idea to overcome the enemy. It looked as though it took critical analysis to catch on to what the enemy is doing, and quick reflexes to have the proper reaction.' He'd never thought of fighting, but it was part of being a shinobi. An active imagination would contribute to a match as well. The thought of fighting excited the boy, but he managed to keep a calm demeanor.

The boy turned to the water behind him. He brought his chakra to to hands, letting it react with the pool of water before him. He pulled some of the water out of the pool, creating a stream that flew towards one of the training dummies. He then threw a kunai into the stream, but something unexpected happened. The stream froze, chilling to ice. Out of surprise Toshi stopped everything, the ice stream falling to the ground and shattering upon impact. "Wha-" Toshi could barely get a word out. His plan went over well in his mind, but something went wrong when he put it into action. He still wasn't fully awakened to his Yuki blood. He definitely needed an explanation.


Post: 3/5
WC: 360
Total WC for Toshi : 1199

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun stood watch near the end of the line of targets, ready to give any pointers to Toshi's technique just like his mentor once did. He smiled as Toshi tried something unique to him, the water aimed towards the target almost perfectly. When it froze midair, Shun's eyes widened. isn't possible, right? I thought everyone was gone. Yuki and I are the only ones...

Shun walked up to the ice that had now crumbled on the ground, picking up a piece of it. It didn't melt in his touch, the few droplets heated by the sun freezing up again as his bloodline activated. It couldn't be...could it? Is this kid really another descendent of the Yuki bloodline? "Toshi," he spoke calmly, standing up and looking at Toshi. "Does this happen a lot when you interact with water?"

He was curious as to how long Toshi had been able to turn things to ice, or if it was a new development. "I'm from the Yuki bloodline, adopted by my parents when I was just a baby. My birth family was killed back then, and my parents were trying to rescue anyone they could when my mother found them. I didn't know I had this bloodline until another Shinobi pulled it out of me. I lost control of my emotions, and I froze a ball of water midair." Shun looked down at the ice in his hand again. "But I know this wasn't me."

It also was a weakness of his that Shun simply couldn't strongly access his bloodline abilities unless he lost control, and being out of control on a battlefield was a dangerous risk. For Toshi to be able to freeze a stream like this with such ease.... Maybe I have something to learn from him.

Post 4/5
Post WC: 297
Thread WC: 1191/1500


Mar 11, 2021
Toshi was still a bit bewildered by the series of events. He looked towards Shun, a bit embarrassed that his own technique caught him off guard. "Sorry about that Shun-sensei." Toshi observed as Shun made his way over and picked up a piece of ice. He wondered if he was looking for his lost kunai. "Uhh, I think you're kunai is over th-" Before the boy's sentence became audible, Shun called his name. He hoped he wouldn't lose any points for the mishap. Instead of a scolding however, the boy was given a question. 'Hmm... The boy pondered for a minute, remembering waking up a few times with icy tears, and sometimes having ice slob for breakfast right after rubbing his eyes. What a way to start the day right? Toshi shook it off, moving over to Shun while answering his question. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I was wondering how the ice appeared from seemingly no where."

'Yuki... A natural to ice. So that's what that passage meant.' It took a second for the boy to remember the passage in his startled state. But when Shun began to speak of his parents, Toshi could feel his mood drop. It wasn't until Shun said that his birth parents were killed that he felt his heart drop. He came to the village to find out how to be a shinobi. That way, he could go out and look for his own birth parents. Toshi tried not to show it, but he tilted his head down. He sighed, letting out a frosty mist showing that it began to become cold. His mood also led to temperature changes, his skin would be cold to the touch after his mood dropped.

He now noticed the changes as Shun explained his own abilities. Toshi moved over to the table with the snacks and water bottles, that now were cool to the touch, and took a seat. Training was going great, but thinking of his parents got him down a bit. He knew it was rude to just stop their training session, so the boy tried to lift his mood with a question, that's if Shun would hear him out after his sudden poopy droop mood swing. "You know, if we have the same blood running through us, we could potentially be cousins. ...Or maybe you're my uncle... Or something." While it didn't bring his mood back to 100%, he felt less alone in The Village Hidden in the Leaves.


Post: 4/5
WC: 427
Total WC for Toshi : 1626 / 1500

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
The air started to grow colder as Shun spoke about his past. Although he always felt comfortable in the chilled seasons, this felt different. He could tell that Toshi was a bit down about something, what it was he didn't really know. Shun followed over to the snack station his father had set up earlier, hearing Toshi mention the possibility of them being related.

Shun smiled at the thought, though it did suddenly make him wonder if he was related to the other Shinobi that talked trash about his mom and dad. "It would be nice to have someone I'm actually related to around," he commented with a little nudge to Toshi's shoulder. Shun grabbed a water bottle and sat down next to the younger boy. "You know, Leaf is an amazing place full of wonderful people, from the oldest man to the smallest child. I only had my father for the first few years after my mother went missing."

His gaze wandered to the garden not far from their training grounds, attached to the back of the house but still visible from where they were located. "I felt alone for a long time until I finally convinced my father to let me join the academy. I met a lot of wonderful people there, and my family grew over time. So although I lost the people that brought me into this world, I haven't lost everything."

Shun looked back to Toshi, his smile softened and a bit melancholy. "I'm training to get stronger so that one day, I can bring my adopted mother back home. I know she's still out there, even if everyone else says she's gone." Shun didn't know everything about Toshi, but he hoped that he could be a bit of an inspiration to the kid.

"You can consider me your family, in whatever sense you want. Brother, uncle, cousin, doesn't matter. I'm here for you no matter what happens in your shinobi path." And Shun would hold to that promise for as long as he could.

Post 5/5
Post WC: 340
Thread WC: 1531/1500



Mar 11, 2021
Toshi's day became a bit brighter with Shun's comment and playful nudge. He sort of smiled. It was a feeling he didn't feel in a while. The feeling that someone was there for him. Though Shun had good things to say about the village, he still wasn't ready to venture out and meet new people. He figured it was better to stick close to his clan mates, and Shun. Who knew? He may meet others, but he didn't plan on talking to everyone that he met. His intentions were pure, but he didn't have to get everyone involved. It was something that he would overcome himself. He wanted to know the truth, and wouldn't give up until then.

He continued listening to Shun explain his own fight. There were other things to hold on to if one allowed themselves to see what was in front of them. The wisdom Shun spoke gave Toshi hope. Maybe he would find other objectives to look forward to and keep himself going.

"Shun, I know that I shouldn't get involved in your personal affairs, but if there is any way that I could help you out while you're on that journey to bring your mom back," Toshi stood up, giving a soft smile reaching from ear to ear. "I'll do whatever I can 100 fold to get you closer to your goal." He let Shun know that he had his back as well. To hear that Shun was there for him was enough to know that he was going the right way. Maybe it was because he could hear a lot of himself in Shun's speech. What really got Toshi pumped was how well Shun was able to take his situation. Instead of letting it bring him down, he used it as fuel to continue on in his shinobi way. Toshi gave a thumbs up with his words of encouragement.

Toshi was now ready to continue training, after eating a few snacks and drinking a bottle of water of course. When Shun was ready, Toshi would head back over to where he stood near the training targets.

Post: 5/5
WC: 357
Total WC for Toshi : 1983 / 1500

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun was glad his little speech managed to pull a bit of positivity back into Toshi's head. This world was definitely full of trials and tests of faith in one's path; Shun had plenty of run ins already with danger and hopeless situations that he had somehow managed to force himself through because of the goal he had set his path on. He appreciated that Toshi wanted to help him in bringing his mom back home, if there was a way for him to do so.

He moved back over to the targets and the pool of water, picking up a kunai again. "I can't teach you too much about our bloodline yet, as I haven't had time to experience much of it myself, but I can give you a little insight to it. Right now, it seems to catch you off guard, almost like you're not comfortable with it. Your call to ice needs to become as natural as your call to water. Allow yourself to feel the ice that runs through your veins, and you'll see it come to aid you when you need it to rather than surprising you with its appearance."

That was all Shun would say about the affinity for now, focusing on their current lesson. "You have a unique eye for using what is around you to your advantage. Don't lose that creativity, it might prove useful in the long run. Having a trick up your sleeve is a great idea."

Shun motioned for Toshi to return to his practice with throwing the kunai, wanting him to use the water however he wished to help him with his approach. He would move to stand behind the targets to change the setting so that they would attack in return, only when he deemed Toshi ready to handle the change or when his student would request the challenge of his own accord.


Mar 11, 2021
Toshi thought of the words Shun said. 'As natural as water.' The first thing the boy thought afterwards was how ice moved the environment. Water seemed to go with the flow, while ice took on the area. Implanting itself, hanging from rooftops. Icing grasslands, slicking the ground over. Creating a cold in the air. It sounded assertive to the boy, making the blood cool down, along with chilling hot tempers. Even chilling beverages in tiny boxes of frozen water. Bringing dinner near the fireplace.

With Shun being a Yuki himself, Toshi knew his advice was reputable. Toshi denied using the kunai. It was a great shinobi tool to wield, but he wanted to become closer to the element. He wanted to experience, the chill. Standing near the pool of water once more, the boy faced his targets, watching Shun standing near them. He remembered Shun's pratice throw, Shun becoming the target at one point, easily defending himself with a counter.

Toshi let his chakra system come to a cool. He regained the focus and unity with the chakra within him. He lifted both arms, making water from the pool begin to float. He frosted the water and formed ice needles. The boy swiped his right arm, multiple ice needles flowing through the air, landing in the bullseye area of training dummy's presented before him. He dropped his arms. "You can turn on their attack feature. I'm not afraid if things get messy. I can only grow from the experience." There was more of a stern young man that stood before Shun now.

He couldn't wait for what Shun would show him. The blood that ran through his veins were of Yuki descent. What abilities could he learn through these training sessions? Maybe something he could use to help defend the village. He would give it all night if he could. Going to great heights would be the only way to improve. Toshi flipped forward, landing with a kneel atop the pool of water. He liked the challenge. As he stood he did a graceful turn, guiding more ice needles to their targets, aiming again at their center. When they would come back towards him, he would begin a graceful dance atop the water. He would shift the chakra at his feet, dodging the needles from impaling his skin. Though his shroud began to show a few tares in it.

He would show Shun his dedication.

Ashikawa Shun

New Member
Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Shun enjoyed watching Toshi take control of his elements. The boy was a natural, whether or not he knew it. It seemed that the future would hold a lot of opportunity for his newfound relative. Shun turned on the attack mode for the targets, and they began to attack back as Toshi continued his practice. He hoped that Toshi's training wouldn't end up as badly as his first had, though Shun had learned from his injury and pushed himself to improve a lot the following years.

Failure is nothing more than an opportunity to learn, after all.

He let Toshi continue on his training past the first signs of exhaustion. He turned off the attacking targets just as the exhaustion began to slow Toshi too much. Shun knew that the little spitfire would probably want to push himself more, but he wanted to teach Toshi that rest was just as important in building strength and stamina as training was. "Come along, Toshi. That will be all for today."

Shun began gathering the kunai littered around as his father came out and cleaned up the snack table, leaving a bottle of water for Toshi should he need it. "I have a meal prepared for you two ninjas," Shuichi called as he walked back to the house, and Shun grinned.

"You can eat with us, then head on home," he invited Toshi. "My father is an amazing cook!" With that, he would start towards the house as well and let Toshi make his own decision.

[Topic left, had a lot of fun! Feel free to request another tutor at any point in the future ^^]


Mar 11, 2021
The boy breathed heavily as his training was called to a halt. His body carried fatigue and a few splotches on blood here and there. Training was an activity he could get used to. He pushed his body to it's limit, and then some. The water from the pool settled as Toshi regained his composure. The emerald eyed boy would begin helping with the kunai scattered around. The training served it's purpose, letting the boy know that he would be tested as a shinobi. If he wanted to defend the village it would take much more than mental training. The forces that didn't mind getting physical about his new home would have one more obstacle to face before reaching their success.

Upon hearing of the meal Toshi would follow behind Shun. He would never turn down a meal. That training worked up his appetite. It would be enough to get him back home without the worry of fainting from fatigue. "A meal would be great after such a training! I can't wait to see what we are having." Toshi followed behind Shun in a rushed manner after clearing a few kunai from the training grounds.

He would remember what he accomplished that day. The teachings would sit with him for a while, rather than going in one out and coming right out of the other. Learning more about his bloodline in a real life instance lifted his spirits a little. He would continue learning of the life of a shinobi, knowing he was headed in the correct direction. He would learn of his origins if he continued to press on. There wasn't much more else that he could ask for.

MFT: WC: 282
[ Topic Left ]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
