Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A Venerable Daughter

Oct 22, 2012
The sun rose hours ago, and although Kahako slept little after finally making it home from the Raikage tower, she still felt better than she had in the past week. Not much, but enough to make her fully formulate a plan with which to avoid possible conflict with her mission in Suna over the next few weeks. She had a very short window with which to build her hand, and some of her cards—she began to quickly realize—could end up being double-edged.

Which is why she currently stood outside the lab she believed her mother to be currently occupying. She did not look ragged or disheveled, she took meticulous care in how she presented herself this morning. And when she opened the door, she contained air of determination and the poise of nobility. As if she silently commanded a level of respect to be given to her to those outside her family. All traits she believed, after all her years of living in this house, the matriarch of her clan expected her to have.

“Mother,” Kahako spoke softly as she peered her head around the door. She did not want to startle Kitsune while in the middle of her experiments. “Might I have a moment of your time?” Once beckoned in, Kahako would close the door behind her. “So… Ayumu reinstated me. I am to leave in a week on a mission.” Kitsune would no doubt turn at this, knowing full well why Kahako was placed on medical leave in the first place. Kahako shook her head, “No, I’m not better, but it’s a mission we both believe won’t go smoothly without my being there, and I have my own plans that align with it. Don’t worry, he’s sending ANBU to join me.”

But Kahako wasn’t here to just say her goodbyes. “But before I left, I wanted… no needed to speak with you.” Head held high, Kahako got to the point. “From the moment you took me under your care, I have been grateful for the generosity you bestowed on me. I have flourished under you, and have accomplished a good many things in my life that I never thought I would. In part, I have you to thank for that.” At this, Kahako smiled slightly, “as a matter of fact, I often wondered if the reason behind you adopting me in the first place was because you saw potential in what I could bring to the Shinrya name.

“And I would be doing a disservice to our clan if I did not admit that with my potential came my ambitions. I was appointed as Sennin during a time when our clan was not looked kindly upon, I have lead the Sentou for a good many years, and although the main reason behind my relationship with the Raikage is one of love, I still have his ear and his trust. A political feat not many outside the current leadership can say they have. I feel I have done a good many things under the name of Shinrya given my station, and I want to do more.”
Kahako paused for a breath. “I cannot do much more as just some adopted daughter of the main branch, and still receive the recognition I feel I deserve. I would like the clan elders, our countrymen, and anyone else to see that a decision from me is one that you would approve of. Is a decision that carries the weight of the authority Lightening nobility has bestowed upon you. My wish is for you to name me as one of your legitimate heirs. Entitled to lands upon the unfortunate instance of your death, and any titles that would come with it.”

She paused, taking in every minute detail at Kitsune’s reaction to this. For years Kahako never expressed the wish to hold a position of leadership within the clan. And for years, she believed that both she herself and Kitsune was content with the arrangement. But with the threat of losing everything dear to her—her village, her son, her very self—Kahako could not fail her mission. Any power she could grab, no matter how small the seeming insignificance, was power. And she knew Kitsune recently secured a seed of power in the very land she was travelling to. One Kahako knew she could use. And—Shinbatsu willing—a seedling of power she could coax into flourishing. Silently she waited for Kitsune’s response.
As Kahako opened the door slowly and called out to Kitsune, she peered up from the edge of a pretty large machine she was elbow-deep inside, and smiled. ”Kahako! Of course of course. Come in, have a seat, I’ll be right with you.” she said and began untangling herself from the mess of wires and components inside the machinery. After having freed herself, she went to the sink a few steps away and washed off her hands and arms to make sure there wasn’t any damaging residue left on her limbs. ”So, what’d you need me for?” she asked, only to be told that Ayumu had reinstated her.

”He did what? But he, as well as I, know that you haven’t gotten better yet.” she started when Kahako stopped her with some explanation. ”Well, so long as you think you’re ready for it, then I won’t stop you. But please promise me you’ll try to keep yourself out of trouble, okay?” she said, as a form of answer to what she said. Then, Kahako got all serious about things, and presented a major monologue of a speech that’d impress even a hardened politician. Kitsune scratched her head a bit when she heard it all and then chuckled.

It was a simple reason for Kitsunes chuckling. ”You know. It’s always been you. You’ve always been my heir. You’re not just some adopted daughter. You’re my daughter. I made the choice years ago now, because I trust in your judgment. I trust in you. But do bear in mind that I’ve been dead twice already. You might have to wait a while.” she said with another chuckle ”Are you at least allowed to tell me where you’re going to?” she asked afterwards, the tone turning a tad more serious.
Kahako’s shoulders visibly relaxed when Kitsune alleviated her fears. “I was never sure,” she admitted. “With your daughter, Miyako, I wondered if you would pass your titles to her since she is of your blood. And I hope that I never have to worry about a day where I actually have to take over the clan.” Kahako finished with a smile.

Tone shift back to a more serious conversation. Kahako’s eyes moved slightly to the right in hesitation before meeting her mother’s gaze once again head on. “I am not at liberty to discuss everything in detail,” she began, “but I will be in Suna for the time being. I figured while I was there, I could see what work could be done to further solidify our personal relations with the country, along with seeing if we can begin any better relations with their leadership as well.”

In truth, Ayumu didn’t deny Kahako the ability to tell Kitsune the details about the mission, nor did he permit her to begin any form of official relationship with the country. But, despite the trust the mother and daughter had in each other, Kahako couldn’t bring herself to speak of what was to transpire. Of what had to transpire. To do so would send her into an emotional spiral not much different than the one she had with Ayumu the night before, and she didn’t have the time to pull herself back together again while simultaneously prepare for her departure. And so Kahako directed the conversation into a different direction. “Since I am intended to the Raikage, I would assume that any impressions I leave there should be on the best terms possible.” It was the final bit of news that Kahako needed to give to Kitsune before her departure. And she had hoped, despite the rocky past her mother had with her fiancé, that Kitsune would at least be happy for them both.
Kitsune scratched the back of her head. ”I did consider it for a moment and a half when I had Miyako. But. I decided that she should be free to choose her own path in life, and to be that, you can’t be the heir to one of the older clans in Lightning. You, on the other hand, have been on the path of an heiress for a long time. Both as my student, and as my daughter. I wouldn’t have it be anyone but you.” she said in a soft tone, looking over at Kahako and smiling. It was true, they might not be blood related, but Kahako was as much Kitsunes daughter as Miyako was.

”Suna, eh? Well, we already have some relations with them. In fact, I think the next shipment of goods heading there is due to be leaving in a few days. It was an enlightening meeting I had with their Kazekage, Sousuke. He’s a man of science, so his thought process can be rather rigid and fixed in place. If you do meet him, tell him that I appreciate the gift he gave me.” she said and dropped her labcoat, revealing the glittering dress she was wearing, made from the strong metal mithril. ”This metal can withstand the force of an immense explosion at point blank range. It’s some pretty strong stuff.”

And when Kahako mentioned being intended for the Raikage, Kitsune blinked a few times as her mind worked overtime on actually processing what had just been said. ”So the two of you are getting married then? I have to know. Who asked?” she inquired, leaning over the table to look closer at Kahakos facial expression ”And equally importantly, does he realize that it’d make him my son-in-law? And, technically, a Shinrya as well?” It was true, Kitsune and Ayumu had a rocky past, no denying that. But he was the man Kahako loved, and nothing Kitsune did would stop that from being a fact. If anything, Kitsune would just have to get over it all and get along with Ayumu. Especially now that he was going to be family. She didn’t want to be the stereotypical ‘horrible’ mother-in-law.

[MFT; WC: 366]
Kahako nodded when Kitsune motioned to the dress she was currently wearing. “Sousuke, is it?… I will be sure to pay him a visit and pass on your gratefulness.” Her mind turning at the news that a large shipment was due to leave the country. A perfect cover.

A sheepish smile crossed Kahako’s face at Kitsune’s next series of questions. “Well… I mean to say… he’s been wanting to be married for years… but I was happy with the way we were, you know? I guess it’s more of a ‘I finally said yes?’” Kahako started her nervous habit of twisting and untwisting her fingers at the thought of her fiancé. This time, more specifically at the thought of the relationship between her mother and him. “I mean, I figure he realizes that I come as a package. I don’t intend on changing my name, and I doubt he will do the same. If anything, I’ll follow the path of what we did for Susumu and be a Shinrya-Kogami…”

Now they were getting into complicated territory. Last names and living arrangements was always a sore spot between the couple. His clan, though not well-known, was still a family of shinobi and would want their name to be carried on. Ayumu definitely wasn’t going to live in the Shinrya mansion, and being married and living in separate abodes lacked any sort of sense. Plus, Ayumu was the Raikage. His home was in the Torre. But she wasn’t about to have that conversation right now. “Well, I am glad you are happy for me. I’ve come to say my piece and really… really must get on my way. Lots of planning to do before I leave, you know!”

Abruptly turning, Kahako tried to make a swift exit from the lab. Pausing, she looked back to her Kitsune. “Thank you, mother… Really. For everything you’ve done.” She said with a smile before leaving the room. Kahako didn’t know what kind of person she would be the next time she saw her mother. She just hoped that it would be someone who was proud of her.


Current Ninpocho Time:
