Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Almost completed, Family Business.

Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma stood at the entrance to the Jinkotsu Estate its construction almost complete the builders were doing the final touches and then the decorators would come in to do the finishing decorative features. Than the gardeners and landscapers would be coming in for the gardening, at the same time. It had all been organized it would be finished by sun down, by sunrise the Jinkotsu Estate would be ready for the Clan to live in. The seventeen year old had been running around all day organizing the workers making sure everything didn't go to chaos. Now that the day was coming to its end he could relax knowing everything was going perfect 'What I need is a good drink..' he thought to himself there was a small lounge bar just on the opposite side of the street only a little bit further down. Akkuma walked up to one of his fellow clanmates "If you require me I will be over at the lounge." he said in his smooth and velvety voice before turning around and walking over to the bar.

"One bottle of sake please." he said with a smile and nod putting the necessary yen onto the counter. The Uchihas blue spiky hair was long and straight as usual. Akkuma wore a red and black samurai gear with Geta as his footwear, on his back was a scythe tied to his back with black silk rope. The Anbu in training had a single small summoning scroll concealed up each sleeve tied to each forearm with silk rope. At his waist was a small pouch that contained various pills, the bartender placed the bottle of sake on the counter after opening it. "Thank you have a good day." he said with a nod before walking over to a nearby seat and collapsing back into it with a satisfied sigh and poured himself a glass of sake.

'I just hope everything goes well today..' he thought to himself a slightly stressed expression on his face. Damn it he hated being stressed all well it was to be expected on a busy and eventful day like today. Hopefully he could just get through it without too much stress, he wanted to be happy and well rested for the first day of the estate being opened. Now he thought that there was a possibility he could be in a rather edgy mood however that's why he had sake it would help him de-stress. Or at least that was the plan he still had to plan a small gathering for the clan to say hello to the locals in the district and for everyone to get comfortable.
The construction of the building had gone well over the last couple months. Kosei had been using the unfinished complex as his "B" point for his parkour routes, so he would always come into the lounge area (after it had been built of course) wo cool off and have a celebratory cup of non-alcoholic sake, which in andof itself was pointless. The drink tasted bland and flavorless, so unless he ever wanted to get drunk, there was no real reason to drink it. But it was a way to at least somewhat understand what people who liked the drink tasted, and it was different.

Over the months, Kosei'd grown to be good friends with he barista, who often could correctly guess when the teen would arrive down to the minute. But not today. As Kosei pushed open the door of the lounge, the barista smiled and welcomed him, cup of non-alchoholic sake already in hand. "You're late! Did you have a slow run today?" the man cordially asked. "Nah, I just got a late start. You know I wouldn't be getting slower!" the eighteen-year-old replied. The barista returned with a smile, pushed the small cup towards Kosei, and returned to cleaning the rest of the cups.

Kosei turned his head to see the another man had already entered, and had a whole bottle of sake completely to himself. What's more is that it was the same man he'd seen the other night, collapsed against a wall in a drunken stupor. "Hey, you gonna get drunk and pass out like the other night, or what?"
Akkuma's lips formed into a devilish grin that would cause even the most foolish of shinobi become cautious "Yes I just so happened to be passed out in the same alley way that the Medical Sennin would be walking down? And in the process managed to establish that initial bond of a meeting. Just like your arrival into this lounge bar as your often do on your little routes...which by the way now that the Estate is completed I don't want anymore of your trips through the Estate. My clanmates will not appreciate the thought that their privacy could be invaded at any moment by some stranger, plus the guards won't react kindly." he said with that same smile his voice smooth and velvety before saying one more thing. "Remember I do some of my best work under sake, its like my miracle juice you'll maybe get to see one day." the smile shifted to a more welcoming one.

"So why don't you have a seat? By the way drinking that fake sake won't give you the same taste or experience." he said in a friendly tone pouring a second glass of sake on the table before taking a swig out of the travellers bottle of sake. "Those two are for you there's no way that they will inhibit your ability to do anything. So if you don't mind my asking Kosei is there a particular reason why you have been going through the estate?" he asked in a happy, friendly tone however there was an undeniable underlying dangerous tone in his voice. If the youth was planning on sabotaging Akkuma's plans he would ensure there was serious ramifications. Then again maybe his fellow shinobi could be useful and even a non-drinking drinking buddy, but Akkuma always thought ahead on circumstances like this getting away from situations. 'Why not I'm going to see if he could prove to be a possible candidate for becoming apart of the clan.' he thought to himself. If the long blue spiky haired Uchiha decided that he thought Kosei wasn't a threat to his clan and was clan potential he would make him an other. Then again maybe Kosei knew about the clan and its values, although there hadn't really been much attention or information about the Jinkotsu had been released. But then again some people knew, its not like they were hiding it they just didn't want to draw attention to themselves yet. Hoping to educate everyone about the clan some time in the near future, they just had to settle into the estate first.
OOC: Sorry just assuming we already know names from alley topic if its a problem can edit ^-^
It's cool B)

Heh. Kosei replied to the blue-haired teen. He got up from the bar stool he sat on and walked over to the small table, across from Akkkkkkkuma. I still don't understand how you can manage to function under the influence of alcohol." he added. He looked down at the two small cups of sake-- REAL sake-- and becan to consider them. He didn't take either yet, because he had a standard for himself. He didn't want to fall to alcohol, like some he knew did. While he wasn't opposed to drinking in moderation, he didn't know if he would be able to control himself should he become addicted, Raiden forbid. He couldn't handle his alcohol like alcoholics could, or like Akkkkkkuma could, as he claimed, because he'd never had it before. His body just wasn't used to it.
"Woah woah woah, I never actually run through your complex, I just end up here." he clarified. Kosei didn't want the guy to think he was intruding on his clan's complex. "Although I have considered trying to find some way around it that would be a challenge. If you want me to stop coming here, I'll gradly find a different ending place. The only reason I began coming here was because I had an early morning run one day, and the friendly barista was just opening up the lounge. He saw me, tired as I was, and offered me a glass of water. I obliged, and since then I've made pretty good friends with him. Is that a good enough answer?"

Akkuma laughed flashing Kosei a devilish grin "Years of tolerance and honestly I was just told I was a prodigy at the art when I was younger by my sensei. he said taking another swig of his sake bottle enjoying the warmth it sent down his through his body. The Uchiha's red eyes focused on his fellow shinobi saying "Nonetheless you come within the perimeter...and in such important times for our clan we cannot risk taking unnecessary risks." he said in a smooth velvety tone taking another swig of the sake and lighting up a cigarette taking a draw of the nicotine stick as Kosei said he could change his course if Akkuma desired and that it would be a challenge.

"So long as you do not do anything to bring suspicion upon yourself I will not act." he said with a small smile, he inhaled another large draw before exhaling with a satisfied sigh afterwards. "I suppose I'll accept it for now.." he said in a friendly joking tone, before continuing his red eyes focusing on Kosei. "So would it be to personal of me to ask if you posses a kekkei genkei?" he would understand if Kosei didn't want to answer after all a lot of kekkei genkei holders liked to keep it secret that they possessed such abilities. Unless they were attached to a Main Household and had protection otherwise one had to be cautious normally. "By the way are you sure you don't want to? If you have the first you must have the second, the first will burn to much and you won't appreciate it. The second you'll be able to appreciate the warmth and taste of it." he said with a wink his voice smooth and velvety. How he did like sake plus it was one of the Jinkotsu Clans favoured drinks, an honoured tradition of drinking sake was held within the clan.
Kosei laughed at the thought of someone being a "prodigy" of the drunken style, considering that you weren't really in control of your body when you were drunk. But he had a sensei, and we couldn't go against a sensei's words, could we? No, heaven forbid we go against a sensei![/sarcasm]

The teen nodded when he was told he'd be allowed to continue his routes to this lounge, as long as he didn't do anything suspicious or seemingly harmful to the clan. It was a fair trade-off, more than fair, really. He didn't have to allow him anything, and yet he did. It was a decent quality of character. But that quality was lost in the secondhand smake that blew past Kosei's face. It didn't make him flinch, but his eyes did begin to tear up a bit. Smoking was another thing that the teen hated. It did served no purpose in society other than to fuck up your lungs and make you sough. You could argue that it relieved stress, but Kosei would rather listen to classical music than smoke. He preferred his lungs cancer-free, thank you kindly.

"No, I wasn't graced by life to be born with a kekkei genkai," he began. Taking a look at the sake in front of him, he pisked one of the cups up and began to study it carfully under the overhead light. "But I was granted my mother's gene's, so I inherited her chakra pool. I've got a chakra bank that's two, three times larger than a normal shinobi. Maybe more; I've never tried to measure it." he said. Looking down in the cup, the milky white substance swirled around before spilling into the teen's mouth. Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkuma was right; it did burn, but the flavor was somewhat better than the fake stuff. Kosei made a couple of weird faces after swallowing the sake then went back to being normal again. "Well that's different."
Akkuma smiled he had mixed opinions about kekkei genkei that they were both blessings and a curse throughout ones life. However this time he thought he wouldn't voice his opinions, instead allowing Kosei to continue talking about his rather unique chakra pool. Akkuma fought temptation to activate his sharingan to see the chakra pool but thought it rude, then again he could be rude every now and then. Each pupil spilt into three tomoes activating his sharingan for three seconds before forming the shape of his Mangekyou sharingan. There was indeed immense chakra inside his fellow shinobi, deactivating his sharingan he said "I do apologize for my rudeness but temptation got the better of me." his smooth and velvety voice poured from a friendly yet apologetic smile.

"Well you've had one, you'll now be able to appreciate the second glass." he said with a devilish grin taking another swig of his sake jug. The spiky blue haired Uchiha wanted to ask his fellow shinobi some questions "If you don't mind shall we talk about our shinobi techniques and ranks within the village?" he asked Kosei wanting to test how truthful he was and to further evaluate him for candidateship. 'I wonder how he'd feel if he knew I was currently scouting him for the clan?' he thought to himself. Although he knew he'd ensured it just seemed like a friendly thing to use as an opening conversation topic seeing as they would both have something to discuss.

After all he hadn't made it to the point of being able to start a small clan, if he didn't know how to do what was necessary. One of the main reasons he was nominated from the main branch core to join the anbu, a goal he'd been striving for throughout his youth however he wanted to build up his knowledge of everything before that. Now his goal is to become Anbu Sennin and to make the Jinkotsu Clan the most powerful clan, this was his purpose once he achieved this he would launch Kumogakure into an age of unrenowned prosperity or at least that was his dream.
Kosei was beginning to think that this sounded more like an interview than a conversation, simply with the way he placed his words in his sentences. He didn't really mind, but it was a little weird. Whatever. He knew that Akkuma was part of the ANBU corps; he'd seen him around the Sileo Tempestas before, however brief the sightings may have been. The point was that he knew he could at least somewhat trust the guy, as Akkuma could trust him. It was an unspoken loyalty to the ANBU that was upheld without fail, except for those who grew traitorous. Kosei doubted Akkuma was a traitor.

The teen shook his head when Akkuma flicked his sharingan on and off, not minding that he had done so at all. At first he thought he might have just been flashing his kekkei genkai at him to show off, but then he realized that Uchiha could see chakra with their special eyes. It was a confirmation, more or less. Looking down at the second glass, Kosei cracked his knuckles, fidgeted a bit, and picked up the second glass of sake, despite his inner conscience screaming not to. "Well I'm technically a genin-level in terms of ranking," he started to say. "An ANBU in Training, but in terms of the main branch I'm probably closer to that of a chuunin of jounin. I use puppets as my main fighting style. I can show you later if you'd like." Kosei was never without puppets. No matter where he went, he always had a couple summoning scrolls on his person whether he was an a mission, going shopping, or running a parkour route. It was something he didn't really feel safe without. Yea, he had regular ninjutsu, but he wasn't as skilled with that as he was with puppets and puppet jutsu.

Kosei looked down into the drink again, then tipped his head back and finished it in one swig, holding it in his mouthe briefly, then downing it. Akkuma was right, again: it didn't burn so much this time, but whether it was because his mouth was already burning or if it really was due to his getting used to it he didn't know. He put the two cups to the side and looked at the other ninja. "Not much better, but you're right, it doesn't burn too much."
Akkuma smiled at Kosei before saying "I was a chuunin at thirteen managed to do a few missions before being given the opportunity of honor. Since then I've just been focusing on that, my clan and mastering my kekkei genkei." he said in that smooth velvety voice of his before continuing "I like to have some variety in my style I wield non-elemental ninjutsu, fire ninjutsu, wind ninjutsu, earth ninjutsu, sand ninjutsu, genjutsu, unarmed taijutsu along with scythe taijutsu. Plus I use some puppet jutsu along with a few basic ranged ninjutsu." he said with a devilish grin, he chuckled as Kosei had the second sake glass. "It seems sake isn't your drink if it were I'd have thought you'd like it by now.." he said with a shrug remembering he had to see the hairdresser 'I can't forget about that appointment.' he thought to himself before taking another swig of the sake jug.

"So Kosei would it be to invasive of me to ask of your family situation? he wouldn't mind if Kosei didn't want to answer it would be understandable, besides Akkuma had more questions anyway. "Also do you have any aspirations friend are they greatly ambitious or comfortably realistic?" now this question always divulged so much about a person, however it was yet another question that could be understandably not answered by the youth. There would be only two more questions the Uchiha wanted to ask before he'd made his informal opinion of the shinobi before him. The second being "What is your nindo friend? Your purpose...mine is to protect my clan by whatever means necessary and to ensure the prosperity of Kumogakure and its people." he said in his smooth and velvety voice with a devilish grin depending on the answers given or not given would determine Akkumas fourth question he liked Kosei so far he seemed like a good person. But whether or not the Jinkotsu clan was for him was another thing, the red eyed Uchiha sat his head back lazily looking up at the roof. Thinking of events to come, foreseeable ones and ones he couldn't foresee. 'This weight I wonder how the first kage's manage with the weight of an entire village depending no them. Maybe I'll one day get to find out now that will be a day worth fighting for..' he thought to himself knowing the dangers of such an ambitious dream.
Kosei leaned back in his cushioned seat, wondering what was up with Akkuma. It wasn't normal for people to ask so many questions, not this many at once, at least. He felt like he was about to be murdered, and this guy was just confirming that he'd be able to do it and that no one would miss him. Well, he didn't ACTUALLY feel like that, but he could imagine someone more paranoid than he feeling so.

"Jack of all trades, huh?" he commented, wondering how much he actually dabbled into each and every one of his listed fighting styles. Typically, the more things you trained in and used, the worse each one was, since you didn't have time to train them all. And, in this world, ability was everything. If someone was even slightly better than you at anything, they could kill you, and all your work would be for naught.

"My dad's a lawer; my mom's a retired Kunoichi with roughly the same amount of chakra as I have. They're happy together, if that's what you're asking." There must have been some reason he was asking so many questions. This wasn't just friendly shinobi talk, this was something more. Or maybe it WAS just a shinobi who genuinely cared for Kosei, but he doubted that. "My ninpo? Hm... I don't really have one. I serve the village with whatever needs to be done. ANBU suited me, so, I'm an ANBU, not that I'm being forced to or anything. I enjoy it... I just... I don't know. What's up with all the questions? I feel like I'm being interrogated here. Is something wrong?"
Akkuma chuckled "I'd like to say I have a flexible skill set to say the least.." he said with a devilish grin, the Uchiha had found the ability to adapt to any situation and having a flexible skill set was what set you apart. He would master all the techniques of the shinobi one way or another he would do this. But not before he brought his clan to full power and mastered his kekkei genkei beyond the capabilities that most could only dream of. 'Alright so happy functioning family, means he should have good values. Although I don't know his bond sounds like he has an average bond with his parents at least, least he's upfront when he thinks something is up. Meaning he's straightforward obviously trustworthy if he's capable of being selected for the corps.' he thought to himself as Kosei spoke almost straight after the youth had finished speaking the spiky blue haired shinobi took another puff of his smoke inhaling and exhaling briefly smoke exiting through his nose and mouth.

"Ichita Kosei I apologize if you've felt uncomfortable I may have been doing a brief interview to get a feel of you and whether your a trustworthy and the right type of person for the Jinkotsu Clan." he said with a guilty apologetic smile on his face his voice held a sincere tone to it. "You see whilst the Clan has a large number of civilian members there are only a few shinobi members amongst us yet. You would be well looked after your family could join us as well, we look after our Clan. Again I'm sorry but I'd love to see someone such as yourself amongst our Clan, we are a happy friendly and purpose bound clan. Those are protect and serve the clan in its times of need with everything you have and the protection of Kumogakure. Other then that we will be focusing on helping our clanmates in their aspirations and goals. You see I believe someone like you will not only bring honour to this clan and its name but that you would benefit from a family such as ours. The clan is everything when it comes down to any situation we the clan is there for each of its individual members. We will burn a path into the history books and prove we can be the greatest clan in Kumogakure." he said with a devilish grin.

There was a serious eeriness to Akkuma such a depth of emotion held in his eyes obviously this was a serious matter for the young Uchiha he didn't care if Kosei said he wasn't interested. So long as he knew about the clan and what they stood for, the decision would be up to him. The blue spiky haired Uchiha sighed before saying "I'm sorry if this is an overwhelming proposal or to forward, you don't need to give me your answer now just know the offer is there.." he said in that entrancingly charming and smooth voice of his.
There are some things that you just don't bring up in conversations; it's general etiquette. Most people refrain from demoralizing comments, insults, dropping F-bombs, and dropping H-bombs... wait, does NC even have those? Nevermind. Forget I mentioned it, and under no cercumstances mention to an admin that I talked about a nuke. I like not being banned. Anyways, among the list of things that you generally don't say is an offer to denounce one's family. Forsaking your family name and taking another was highly disrespectful, even if his clan's heritage was a humiliating one. If you didn't know already, the Ichita clan is, with few exceptions, a screw up family. Terrible ninjas through and through.

"That's not a call I could make for my family. Yea, I'm fairly intrigued, but I'd have to consult my parents beforehand. I'm more inclined to take you up on your offer, sinse my family doesn't exactly bear a good reputaion, but again, it's not my decision." Standing up, Kosei nodded to Akkkkkkkkkkuma, then the barista, and casually strode out the door, but not before calling out to the man still sitting at the table. "I'll be back the same time tomorrow, hopefully with an answer."

--Time skip FTW--

Once again, Kosei entered the lounge area of the Jinkotsu manor, slightly later than he'd arrived the first day. With him were his father and mother, both dressed appropriately, both of which found a seat near the other teen. Kosei came up from behind them, not taking a seat, and addressed Akkkkkkkkuma. "Well believe it or not, they're on board with it." The puppeteer looked over at his parents, who were both in their mid-forties, took a deep breath, and released an audible sigh of exhaustion. He'd spent all night preparing all his puppet stuff for an inevitable move. He was going to have to rebuild a workshop, and he knew how much work that took. What he needed was a Kyoubaku to help. "Yes. After much thought... we'd like to rid ourselves of our clan name." Kei, the father, explained. Kosei cracked his neck, then awaited the Jinkotsu's response.
OOC: Sorry O.O; twas my twentieth on friday and I'm still recovering e.e
Akkuma was surprised by his fellow corps members response he honestly hadn't expected an answer the next day 'Lets hope his parents are for it..' he thought to himself nodding a goodbye to Kosei as he departed from the lounge area. "I look forward to our meeting tomorrow!" he shouted after Kosei with a big grin on his face. Akkuma stayed at the lounge consuming copious amounts of sake all throughout the night eventually fixing up his tab once the lounge needed to be closed. Stumbling back to the completed Complex he smiled tomorrow was sure to be a joyous day after all judging by the note left by one of his fellow clanmates everything had been completed without so much as a hiccup. The seventeen year old Uchiha walked into his new bedroom, jumping onto the extravagantly furnished bed. Giving a sigh of relief he allowed the alcohol to carry him off into his slumber.

~Time skip FTW!~

Akkuma awoke at sunrise beginning to help the other clan members settle into their houses, hours had passed into the afternoon. Akkuma gave a disgruntled sigh as he placed down the last piece of furniture from the clans transition into the complex, the seventeen year olds head still throbbed painfully from his hangover. Saying his farewell to the members of the household he walked back to his own home, grabbing himself some aspirin and his cane. Downing the aspirin with a glass of water he then began his not so enjoyable walk back to the lounge where he had met Kosei. The blue haired Uchiha walked into the lounge taking a seat at the same table he had been enjoying Kosei's company at, when the barista walked over he gave Akkuma a warming jug of sake saying
"I like the haircut." he said with a friendly smile however a horrified look appeared on Akkumas face. "What haircut?!" he looked at his reflection in the sake jug and didn't know how to respond his lovely long and spiky blue hair had been cut into a medium spiky mess. Now it wasn't that Akkuma didn't think he could with time and some sake come to like this look, what bothered him was that he didn't remember receiving the hair cut. Then it hit him like a hard boot to the face, he remembered the clans head of public relations telling him that if he didn't get rid of his improper mop of hair she would.

"That woman has gone too far.." he hissed under his breath he knew that she had the clans best interest at heart and wanted to make sure they didn't have any problems with the public. But he didn't care what public view was on his hair he'd loved it and she'd committed hair slaughter and would be reprimanded with due speed and wrath. However he didn't have time to decide what that would be as Kosei and his parents entered the lounge, it seemed they wished to get straight to the point as Koseis parents took seats opposite Akkuma whilst Kosei stood behind them. "I'm glad to hear that, you have no idea how overjoyed I am right now. Please excuse me if I don't outwardly appear over excited I'm experiencing a severe hangover at the present moment in time." he said in that charming voice except there was a more delicate quietness to his words. "I just wish to let you know that when you take on the Jinkotsu name you cannot get rid of it. Jinkotsu live for the clan that is our purpose to protect and help the clan prosper, we retain our uniqueness and independent aspirations and are encouraged to do so. But the clan most always come before our own needs do you understand?" his voice was friendly and careful as if not wishing to speak to loudly for fear that it would cause great pain. Something told the Uchiha they would accept they wouldn't have come here if they weren't already prepared for these things but he needed to give them one more chance.
"Understood." Kosei said, speaking for his family, as he was now probably the most skilled shinobi in his clan, or rather, what used to be his clan. From here on he would be known not as Ichita, but as Jinkotsu. Was there a little remorse? Yes. But with the growing reputation of being a bunch of screw-ups, there was also a glint of happiness intertwined with his negative thoughts. Ignoring Akkuma's new hairstyle, Kosei turned, and, with his family, retreated home to pack things up and fully move into the Jinkotsu complex.

Short, late posts ftw
Akkuma smiled at Kosei and his parents as they acknowledged what he'd said, there was a wide smile on the spiky haired Uchiha. "I'm glad to hear I'll be awaiting your presence at the Complex be sure to pop in to the Main household, by the way Kosei once your settled in I'd like to talk with you further." he said in that devilishly charming voice of his before standing and paying his tab before heading back towards the complex. 'I do believe that they will fit in well amongst us, Kosei has the potential to be on the clan council.' he thought to himself he'd let his new family members get comfortable, he now had to think about the other interviews he needed to do. There was so much running around to do, not too mention that he had to keep in mind his training schedule and attempt to bring his plans into fruition. 'I'll definitely be happy once I can settle down spending my days playing Shoji whilst drinking sake and advising the council on clan matters.' he thought to himself with a small sigh.

Akkuma felt weary from all of the stress he'd been under lately yet he had no one to blame but himself, it was his own fault for being so ambitious he knew that. Walking down the main street of the Seki District still using his walking cane, perhaps he would go have another drink perhaps in the Cronopolis this time. After all his shift didn't start until midnight so why not enjoy himself before hand then again, if he were spotted and that crazy lady from public relations found out he'd be in trouble. Quite frankly that wasn't something he wanted to risk so instead he'd go have some Ramen and a jug or two of sake instead of his usual watering hole amount of liquor. 'That's exactly what I'll do...' he thought to himself continuing his stroll in the direction of the Cronopolis. Today was going well and Akkuma didn't have any reason for believing that there could possibly be a negative outcome at all, nor would he allow such thoughts to enter his mind.

OOC: Topic edited to leave
OOOC: Welcome to the family ~

Current Ninpocho Time:
