Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private amity like the distance between spring rain

Shinrya Sachiko

New Ninja
Nov 8, 2023
OOC Rank
A proper stance and a flex of her muscles. Utsumi Nanamiya, first of her name out of the cloister of priesthood, tightened her grip on her hands and brought them to a low boil. She curled her knuckles in until they threatened to pop, shifting her food in a long slide until it drew a circle in dirt - her very own spotlight, animal in nature. A toothy grin. The beam of primal red in eyes that were both giddy and dangerous, as if a single thought could shift to slits and warm blood would run cold. This would never have been allowed back home. In all ventures, in all attempts, she was always pulled off the other children; it didn't matter who started it, only that a proper flower would end it.

She didn't want to be a proper flower. She wanted to be a pumpkin vine. Or a grape vine. Or some kind of knife vine. She just wanted to climb!

She was purely ecstatic to stalk the training fields today: likening herself after her contracted kin with the slope of her back and the angled, efficient way her body arched in its path. Her prey would join her any moment. Her partner - in no more than a spar, but in so much in friendship - would grace the den of the beast - and GOSH, was Utsumi excited! Miyako's entrance would be greeted with an immediate forgetfulness of all preparation and mentality, jumping up and down with joyful claps until she looked like she just might throw herself at the other girl. She wasn't quite of the mind to hug her, but just being close made her happy. Her following signage would signal both her greeting and the flare of battle, unable to contain her emotive twitches.

Hi!!! I'm so happy we get to do this, Miya -- her hands faltered for a moment, the following words coming with her tongue out her mouth - O~nee-chan! You weren't supposed to be able to sign tildes, but she motioned with her fingers nonetheless. Thanks for agreeing to be my partner! I won't hold back, so make sure you don't either! Er, but maybe use the broad side of your blade? Ha ha ha XD!
A spring to her step as she hop - hop - hops. Her katana tapping along in jubilant rhythm with her training sword slung over her shoulder, Utsumi had practically begged her for the opportunity to spar and Miyako being the responsible older sister she is, said: Well, of course! But don't come crying to me when I beat you up~ We'll go for some ice cream after as well, okay? The truth is beneath all her decorum, intelligence, maturity and devilish charms, Miyako desired to be the strongest in all things. The desire to compete with her equals and overcome them with her power. She was trained for the battlefield. The capacity for war has been etched into her body from the moment she could hold a sword. She's loved every moment since arriving in the village, but there's always going to be the quiet hum calling to her. The peaceful yearning for strife. A contradiction to the lovely sun-kissed days that fulfill her in every way.

As she zooms around the corner she notices Utsumi doing a weird, little... wolftrot? "Such a funny girl~" She quietly mused to herself, letting out a soft giggle to not alert the wild carnivore that had made the training field her den. After she's had her fill of observing the ferocious beast prowling, she springs to join it. It was time to dance with the wolf. She would be howling at the moon just the same - the little al-mi'raj and the werewolf. "U ♡ MI ♡ CHAN! ♡" Her voice rambunctious and coated in sweet tangerine. She wants to scamper over and hug her, jump up and down and share in the adorable girl's excitement, but she's picked up on the tiny flinches so, she thinks a little better of it. Maybe after the ice cream she could sneak one in. Heh Heh Heh~ A devious thought, especially after she gets the win. "I'm so excited, Umi-chan~ It's been sooo long since I've had a proper duel. But you know? You looked like a cute little puppy just a moment ago. Are you sure I should go all out?" She signs along, putting great emphasis on the dog part of the sentence as she steps over and pats her head with a playful smile accompanying a bratty bleh. Miyako was not above childish antics if it meant getting a mental edge over her opponent.

She taps her hand into her palm as an exclamation, a forgotten message that reemerged from her impish thoughts - also changing the subject before the wild dog actually bit would be wise! "Ah! Don't worry I brought a wooden training sword with me. I wouldn't put my adorable little sis in danger......... Wan~"
Don't bite the hand that feeds you, but what about a little snap? Could she get away with that much? Canines showed, somewhat playful and somewhat urging. The hand brushing her head in its pat wrinkled her nose and tamped her feet into the soft dirt - Miyako was sure she'd win, as in all things, and Umi knew she would lose, as Miyako always did to her. The assuredness came with it a sense of founded confidence, but also a pout as the other girl paraded about her in a tease. A puppy? No way! She was cool, and tough, and dark, like Tategami. She was a lone wolf. An ALPHA. The snowrabbit would learn a thing or two once her jaws found its cute little neck.


A training sword was a good idea - Utsumi hadn't brought anything but herself, and that was fairly the deadliest weapon she knew ... would gloves have been appropriate? Her arms bristled as she thought, twitching, and she was given pause in quiet discomfort. She looked at her hands and flexed her fingers. ... She couldn't wear anything on them. She'd just have to hold back. It was like a card game, then -- except. Er. She never really held back in those against Miya either, huh ...?

Okay. I'll be Bewitched Aprocrapher Darkseid Andalius, and you can be Dune Hare Runt. That seems fair for the match-up, right? Protect your life points, because I'm coming, Onee-chan! The words were too complicated and ... unique ... for signing; so it was more like she drew quick pictures with scribbled names to motion to, and then held them out to Miyako before dropping the pages on the ground and lunging at her in their flurry, knuckles bared. Gr~in.

I'll show you wan!

0 AP
Utsumi equips Sawagu - Fists.
Utsumi starts the fight with a free Basic Attack. (Class)
25 v 7. Hits! Miyako takes 75 damage!
Utsumi follows with another free Basic Attack. (Class)
19 v 8. Hits! Miyako takes 75 damage.

1 AP
Utsumi attacks with Spinning Wind!
9 v 17. Miss! +1 Acc to next strike.*
24 v 22. Hits! Miyako takes 170 damage.
14 v 10. Hits! Miyako takes 170 damage.
Trip chance fails. (26)

Utsumi waits for a fair opening, and takes 1 AP over to Round 1!
*Assault augment.

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HP: 2600

2100 - 170 = 1930

5 - 1.25 = 3.75/1 carried.

Status: No Armor, Equipped Sawagu, +2 Dodge this round

Visibility: Little Cover, Average (+/-0 Stealth), Daytime

Melee +6, Gen DC/Save +4, all else +5) (Dodge +7 this round)
(Miyako Secondaries: Melee, Nin & Dodge +6, Ranged +5, Gen DC/Save + 4)

<Melody in Springrain>
HP: (45+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: +2 Free Basic Strikes
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Gen Save, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Gen DC

Targeting Strike
(Nara). Strategist
1 / Basic Strike
2 / Basic Strike
3 / Basic Strike
4 / Basic Strike
5 / Basic Strike

Sawagu [Fists]
Damage Type: Unarmed (Handseals)
Damage Modifiers: + 5% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: - 1 Accuracy
Augment 1: Swift
Augment 2: Assault
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Name: Gyuto [Daggers]
Damage Type: Slashing (Bleeding)
Damage Modifiers: - 10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: + 2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Primal
Augment 2: Special Composition: Water
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Utility Slot:
Armor Slot: No Armor
Misc 1: Kawarimi Target
Misc 2: Summoning Scroll
Misc 3: Med Kit
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A rabid dog that had broken off its leash, poked and prodded for the last time before it finally SNAPPED! Miyako's eyes snap to focus, completely caught off guard at the puppy that was chomping at the bits. One, two! Lighter hits that jolt her body into the battlefield long enough to evade just a single strike in her onslaught. She was going berserk. Even as the hind paw slams into her body, Miyako was completely taken aback. Was this really her adorable little sister? She was ferocious. Barbaric. Taking full advantage of the first move. Ugh, Utsumi was a dirty aggro player...

This bunny wouldn't be chewed up that easily. If Utsumi was a snarling beast, then Miyako would be an elegant rabbit, waltzing under moonlit snow to defeat her opponent with finesse and grace. ~I'll show you a runt.... tiny! little! puppy!~ A flurry of signs before she readies her wooden sword, putting extra emphasis on tiny and little while she sticks out her tongue. A deep breath. A tiny droplet that ripples a shallow pond. Miyako grips her sword and swings. A wave that eludes her target. "Calm down." A murmur in stirring waters that bubble up into a swift stream, clashing against crimson shore. Two strikes against that flows back to the azure depths. Miyako is so pleased with herself landing a couple of paltry blows that she loses her rhythm, lashing out into the flurry of aimlessly rapid attacks. "Agh! Hold still, Utsumi! I need ... tempo or my life points are done for!" She bumps into the smaller girl, twirling back to a defensive position.

.5 AP
Miyako equips Kanzashi no Usagi

1 AP
Miyako enters Jigen-ryu Stance

1.75 AP
Miyako uses Grip
Miyako uses Free Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

2.5 AP
Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and HITS
Dealing 63 damage
Swift procs

3.25 AP
Miyako uses Arcing Slash and HITS
Dealing 171 damage
Utsumi is now Bleeding Rank 1

4.5 AP
Miyako uses Gnasher and MISSES x3


HP: 2350 - 490 = 1860

CP: 1600 - 305 = 1295

Status: Light Armor Jigen-ryu Stance. +2 Dodge this round.

Jigen-ryu: The user's Piercing and Slashing Taijutsu attacks with their weapon while in this stance do +5% more damage.

Lapin de lune
HP: (45+Level)* Stamina
CP: (30+Level)* Chakra Control
Class Bonus: +10% Chance of inflicting Bleeding (2 points), 1 Free basic attack per round (2 points)
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Genjutsu DC

Utility Slot: Respirator
Armor Slot: Light Armor
Misc 1: Kawairimi Target
Misc 2: Twilight Venom
Misc 3: Plexistim

Name: Kanzashi no Usagi (Katana) [Ancestral Weapon]
Damage Type: Slashing (Bleeding)
Damage Modifiers: -10% Weapon Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: +2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Vampiric
Augment 2: Swift
Augment 3: N/A
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Utsumi had always loved toys when she was little. It was the textile feel of doing something with her hands, and the lack of necessity for anything but the movement of the little objects in tandem with each other. That simply must be why she so eerily resembled a spinning top right now - coming at Miyako a veritable dreidel of vengeance and intent. She was fast on her feet and on her hands, as spirited blows transitioned to a twirl of her entire body in a cloud of dust that registered twice into her dorky 'nee-chan'. Pound this, usagi! Utsumi adored Miyako, she did. They had become practically inseparable over many sleepless nights, chatting and drawing and laughing and playing. She felt herself with her -- whatever this new, loud version of herself was. Happy. It was happy.

However, Utsumi Nanamiya could not let that serenity weaken her blows or slow her impacts. This was important, for both of them. It had to be important for both of them. They were ninja now. The world, as she had been told and learned, absolutely sucked. If they weren't prepared for this - for the marrs that came with sparring - they would die out there, and under no circumstance was Utsumi letting that happen to Miyako. That's why she worked entirely on her feral instinct - almost barbaric, bullishly destructive - as that crimson light in her eyes sharpened, not dulled, and tuned out everything but the rush of blood through her veins. She pumped with it. She danced beneath Miyako's moonlight, a shadow shifting under every bough and glint. A whack of a wooden sword registered against her lithing form and she did nothing but surge onward, spurred by her bruises and delighting in the adrenaline.

She would suck in a breath, flexing her arms, as she doubled back in with a quick shots - cutting the bunny off at its legs, and landing a particularly biting blow to the side of one. She returned to her devilish roots with hands planted in the training field, spinning again, and catching Miyako on two - but her final and the follow-up stumbled, into an overhead that sailed past the still-ambivalent samurai. She snapped her teeth, doubling back in a flip that would catch a rabbit's unlucky paw despite Miyako's continued avoidance - and one more hit before her steam faltered. Hhhha.

A brief sign, cheeky. Holding up~?

0.5 AP
Miyako equips Kanzashi no Usagi.
Utsumi pumps up with Grip (Unarmed).
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's legs with Basic Strike (Class).
24 v 24 Hit! Called Shot Success! (21) Miyako's legs are Sprained. (-1 Dodge)
Utsumi attacks Miyako with a Basic Strike (Class).
19 v 22 Miss! +1 Acc/+5% CS to next attack.

1 AP
Miyako enters Jigen-ryu Stance

1.5 AP
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's arms with Spinning Wind.
16 v 4 Hit! Called Shot fail! (67) Disorient fail. (100)
Miyako takes 170 damage!
14 v 14 Hit! Called Shot fail! (49)
Miyako takes 170 damage!
11 v 14 Miss! +1 Acc/+5% CS to next attack.

1.75 AP
Miyako uses Grip
Miyako uses Free Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

2.5 AP

Utsumi attacks Miyako with Dynamic Entry.
21 v 23 Miss!
Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and HITS
Dealing 63 damage

3.5 AP
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's arms with Dynamic Finish.
24 v 21 Hit! Called Shot success! (5) Miyako's arms are Sprained. (-1 Accuracy)
Miyako takes 270 damage.
14 v 20 Miss!

3.25 AP

Miyako uses Arcing Slash and HITS
Dealing 171 damage
Utsumi is now Bleeding Rank 1

4 AP
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's neck with a Basic Strike.
18 v 11 Hit! Called shot fail! (70)
Miyako takes 75 damage.

4.5 AP
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's neck with a Basic Strike.
8 v 25 Miss! +1 Acc/+5% CS to next attack.
Miyako uses Gnasher and MISSES x3
2023-11-08 17_48_31-a81wGde_700b.jpg (JPEG Image, 700 × 933 pixels) — Mozilla Firefox.png

HP: 2600 - 26 - 63 - 171 = 2340

1930 - 65 - 180 - 180 - 170 = 1335

6 - .75 - 1.25 - 1.25 - 1.25 - .75 - .75 = 0

No Armor, Equipped Sawagu, +2 Dodge this round, Grip (+1 Accuracy) 5.5 more seconds, +1 Acc/+5% CS next attack, Bleeding Rank 1 (-26/round)

Visibility: Little Cover, Average (+/-0 Stealth), Daytime

Melee +5 (Weapon), Gen DC/Save +4, all else +5) (Dodge +7 & Unarmed +6 this & next round)
(Miyako Secondaries: Melee, Nin & Dodge +5 (Called Shot), Ranged +4 (Called Shot), Gen DC/Save + 4) (Dodge +7 this round)

<Melody in Springrain>
HP: (45+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: +2 Free Basic Strikes
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Gen Save, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Gen DC

Targeting Strike
(Nara). Strategist
1 / Basic Strike
2 / Basic Strike
3 / Basic Strike
4 / Basic Strike
5 / Basic Strike

Sawagu [Fists]
Damage Type: Unarmed (Handseals)
Damage Modifiers: + 5% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: - 1 Accuracy
Augment 1: Swift
Augment 2: Assault
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Name: Gyuto [Daggers]
Damage Type: Slashing (Bleeding)
Damage Modifiers: - 10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: + 2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Primal
Augment 2: Special Composition: Water
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Utility Slot:
Armor Slot: No Armor
Misc 1: Kawarimi Target
Misc 2: Summoning Scroll
Misc 3: Med Kit
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She was incredible. The little daredevil that blessed her arrival and every day since. As skilled in battle as she was in the countless games they've played together. She comes whirling in - a rowdy tempest that was uninhibited by anything in the world. Freedom. That is what Miyako adored so much about the girl. She was so free. So beautiful. So.... strong. Way too strong!! A wince of pain shoots up Miyako's leg, grounding the rabbit from hopping around too easily. "Ow! You little!" A shot of adrenaline lets Miyako evade the follow up only to fully ensnare herself in her powerful vortex. A miracle in and of itself to escape with only two gusts crashing into her. Utsumi wouldn't hold back, even if her incredibly elegant and adoring big sis was faltering. It made Miyako so... happy. She's never had a friend before that would push her to her limit and try to crush her with all their might. A spoiled princess that's never tasted true hardship or loss. She giggles, planting her sword into the ground to sign to the girl in the brief calm before the storm. She practiced this one a ton. It was her favorite. ~Thank you, Umi-chan. I love you!~

The tumultuous clashing of sisterly love resumes! The puppy gnashing her teeth to chomp at the graceful rabbit and they find purchase with a particularly nasty bite on the bunny's front paw. "Oh noooo~ Whatever will your big sis do? You've really got her on the ropes now! Nyeeeeeeeeh!" A tease in jest to respond to the bratty child, but it rings true. This bunny was being absolutely trounced and it was so fun! "Hiya!" A single return blow that catches the rabid little girl, hopefully long enough to land a critical strike of her own. A requiem from an al-mi'raj struggling under the shadow of her moon and stars, arcing her sword in double crescents to slash into Utsumi's frame. She finally landed a good hit! One that Masked Samurai of the Flaming Sword would be proud of! She presses on, the luck in her foot all used up with every strike eluding the rambunctious pup and even worse... Miyako stumbles, pain causing her to lose her footing and drop her weapon. "Ah! Dammit! Awawa!" She panics, fight or flight response kicking in to salvage this embarrassment. Ne. Inu. Ushi. A flurry of signs with trembling fingers as chakra flows as fierce as a waterfall to gather into the shape of a whip. A temporary weapon to replace the one she dropped as she cracks it drive the fierce wolf's jaws away. A complete accident that the little snow bunny would take credit for, of course. "Ha! See your big sis is pretty... pretty cool, huh? Hehehe~"

0 AP
Miyako uses Free Basic Weapon Strike on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 63 damage
Bleed Failed

1.25 AP
Miyako uses Cross Rip on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 476 damage
Bleed Success

2 AP
Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

2.75 AP
Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

3.5 AP
Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

5 AP
Miyako drops Kanzashi no Usagi
Miyako uses Water Whip on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 720 damage
Bleed Success / Suppression Failed

Bleed goes up 2 ranks(?)


HP: 1860 - 760 + 48= 1148

CP: 1295 - 400 = 895

Status: Light Armor Jigen-ryu Stance. +2 Dodge this round.

Jigen-ryu: The user's Piercing and Slashing Taijutsu attacks with their weapon while in this stance do +5% more damage.

Leg Sprained (-1 Dodge)
Arm Sprained (-1 Accuracy)

Lapin de lune
HP: (45+Level)* Stamina
CP: (30+Level)* Chakra Control
Class Bonus: +10% Chance of inflicting Bleeding (2 points), 1 Free basic attack per round (2 points)
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Genjutsu DC

Utility Slot: Respirator
Armor Slot: Light Armor
Misc 1: Kawairimi Target
Misc 2: Twilight Venom
Misc 3: Plexistim

Name: Kanzashi no Usagi (Katana) [Ancestral Weapon]
Damage Type: Slashing (Bleeding)
Damage Modifiers: -10% Weapon Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: +2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Vampiric
Augment 2: Swift
Augment 3: N/A
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What is this feeling?

Utsumi was stronger than Miyako was: in this moment, in this fight, and in nothing else. It wasn't a matter of self-confidence, over nor under-estimation - Utsumi was winning. Her feralistic approach was too much for the rabbit to handle as she was. Utsumi had spent her entire life waiting for a chance like this, to bloom. She had years of hopes and dreams and drive and blood through her veins that roared for release; and that sound of the hum in another's bones. Miyako had lived this life her entire life. She was raised for this. She was used to sparring and training and finding herself at the top of that rock - this Utsumi's first chance to bring it down / lift herself up, hardened as she was under her own trials. This was her first chance to jump. No natural grace or power was going to live up to that ferocity.

And doesn't it have a name?

That's why Utsumi couldn't hold back against her best friend, her nee-chan, the first to really open that door -- there were people scarier than her, stronger than her, faster than her, smarter than her, and Miyako wasn't going to slow in her progress. She was going to find those people. She was going to fight those people, because that's just how she was. Utsumi was just preparing her. Fight me! Beat me! Take me down! The wolf in girl's clothing had no self-preservation: she had actualization only for those she loved, and the refraction of adoration back in their eyes from hers. Maybe she'd crumble that rock today ... but that gravel would be a stepping stone for her al-miraj!

Isn't it love?

Daisuki! She sees that eagerness, that need, that lionization met and feels the strike against her off her feet. She rotates from the blow. She twists her body mid-air, bruised and scarred and alight with joy, and she comes back down on Miyako. Signing? No. Handseals? Sage Above --
It's all Utsumi can do to snake her own fingers in a climbing twine, catching the jettison of water against her in purchase that would blow away the doll that was once her body and reconstitute her in smoke behind the unwitting assailant. Her hand writes - not signs - a Hi : ) in Miyako's back when it finds impact, a powerful thrust following the cheeky tease.

Anything next was a flurry from duress. That was almost really bad! She was already bleeding a notable amount from their jutted interactions so far; she was pushing Miyako, but being pushed herself was ... well, painful and nervewracking, of course, but mostly just exhilirating? Hahaha. ... Hahahahahaha.

Her fists would find purchase in her own darkness, lashing out in wild blows until they found a muted impact against Miyako's neck and the throb outward would drill in its cause for alarm - she couldn't let Miyako use Ninjutsu again! She was already feeling her own sluggishness, the unsteady beat of heart and power that tensed her muscles. She needed a second. Just one. Not to think, but to refocus. A dash back allowed her to rip the hem from her camisole mid-flight, wrenching it out and over in a loose tie around her wounds to somewhat mummify her midsection. It bloomed just as scarlet as her eyes. A devious crimson. The return of a whirlwind, arcing over Miyako, shrouding them in dust and glee. Ha!

0.5 AP
Miyako uses Free Basic Weapon Strike on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 63 damage
Bleed Failed

1 AP
Utsumi uses Dynamic Entry on Miyako.
19 v 15 Hits! Miyako takes 540 damage.
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's neck with a Basic Strike (Strategist).
18 v 12 Hits! Called Shot fail. (28) Miyako takes 82 damage.
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's neck with Basic Strike (Strategist).
11 v 8 Hits! Called shot success. (3) Miyako's neck is Sprained. (+10% CP Costs)
Miyako takes 82 damage.

1.25 AP

Miyako uses Cross Rip on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 476 damage
Bleed Success (Utsumi is now at Rank 2.)

2 AP
Utsumi uses her Med Kit to remove 2 ranks of Bleeding.
Utsumi is no longer Bleeding.
Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

2.75 AP

Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

3 AP

Utsumi attacks Miyako with Spinning Wind.
17 v 19 Miss! +1 Acc/+5% CS next attack
18 v 8 Hit! Miyako takes 170 damage.
12 v 13 Miss! +1 Acc/+5% CS next attack

3.5 AP
Miyako uses Basic Weapon Strike and MISSES

5 AP

Miyako drops Kanzashi no Usagi
Miyako uses Water Whip on Utsumi and HITS
Utsumi Body Switches with a Kawarimi Target!
2023-11-08 17_48_31-a81wGde_700b.jpg (JPEG Image, 700 × 933 pixels) — Mozilla Firefox.png

HP: 2340 - 539 = 1801

1335 - 180 - 170 - 288 = 697

5 - 1.25 - 1.25 - 1 - 1 = .5/carried over.

Status: No Armor, Equipped Sawagu, +2 Dodge this round, Grip (+1 Accuracy) .5 more seconds, +1 Acc/+5% CS next attack, -1 Med Kit / -1 Kawarimi Target

Visibility: Little Cover, Average (+/-0 Stealth), Daytime

Melee +5 (Weapon), Gen DC/Save +4, all else +5) (Dodge +7 & Unarmed +6 this & next round)
(Miyako Secondaries: Melee, Nin & Dodge +5 (Called Shot), Ranged +4 (Called Shot), Gen DC/Save + 4) (Dodge +7 this round)

<Melody in Springrain>
HP: (45+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: +2 Free Basic Strikes
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Gen Save, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Gen DC

Targeting Strike
(Nara). Strategist

3 / Basic Strike
4 / Basic Strike
5 / Basic Strike

Sawagu [Fists]
Damage Type: Unarmed (Handseals)
Damage Modifiers: + 5% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: - 1 Accuracy
Augment 1: Swift
Augment 2: Assault
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Name: Gyuto [Daggers]
Damage Type: Slashing (Bleeding)
Damage Modifiers: - 10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: + 2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Primal
Augment 2: Special Composition: Water
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Utility Slot:
Armor Slot: No Armor
Misc 1: Kawarimi Target
Misc 2: Summoning Scroll
Misc 3: Med Kit
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A desperate whip that strikes against false flesh, evaporating in a puff of smoke. Miyako was astonished. The ruthless tenacity of the adorable girl she's come to love like a sister. She didn't miss a beat, fighting on pure instinct, a natural talent and force to reckoned with. No matter what Miyako does, she feels like she's on the backfoot. It's exhilarating - pure euphoria. Being able to go all out on someone her own age and be on the defensive was a foreign experience. An obstacle that she wanted to overcome. Miyako would grit her teeth, senses and fangs just as sharp as the wolf in girl's clothing, rapidly signing out a seal before her jaws would catch its prey, leaving nothing but a clanking of flesh on wood. The wolf is relentless, claws and teeth gnashing at the bunny trying so desperately to evade to no avail. Run, little rabbit. She bounds for her sword, taking it in hand as she winds back for a swing, giggling with radiant bliss strewn across her face. "U-mi-chan~ You're so fun! I'm so lucky to have met you!"

A stumble and a miss, the wooden sword eluding the nimble beast as the bunny presses on to catch her on the backfoot. She abandons all semblance of elegance, her stance a shallow imitation of her training at this point, simply mirroring the movements instinctually. Still, it would be sufficient in this brawl between the little beasties. A familiar refrain of two simultaneous notes slashing against Utsumi's frame. "One! Two!" Miyako cries out, almost as a vocal reminder of how to follow her own rhythm. She's panting, exhausted and flushed with rosy cheeks. The exhaustion was secondary to elation. In this moment she was enjoying the finest luxury that life had to offer. The craving of competition and sole desire to persevere against her best friend and rival in all things. No matter how much Miyako adored her little sis, she would never hold anything back in competition. She stomps her front paw into the ground, coiling back in a serpentine manner to extend the full force of her body into a mercilessly, brutal masterstroke. "Heh~ Heh~ Heh~ I... finally... got you~"

1 AP
Miyako used Body Switch on Utsumi's Dynamic Entry

2 AP
Miyako picked up Kanzashi no Usagi
Miyako used Free Basic Weapon Strike and MISSED

3.25 AP
Miyako used Cross Rip on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 465 damage
Bleed Success
Miyako heals for 47 HP via Vampiric

4.5 AP
Miyako Used Heavy Tow on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 570 damage
Miyako heals 57 HP vi Vampiric


HP: 1148 - 334 + 104 = 918

CP: 895 - 630 = 265

Status: Light Armor Jigen-ryu Stance. +2 Dodge this round.

Jigen-ryu: The user's Piercing and Slashing Taijutsu attacks with their weapon while in this stance do +5% more damage.

Leg Sprained (-1 Dodge)
Arm Sprained (-1 Accuracy)
Neck Sprained (+10% CP cost)
-3 Dodge from Body Switch (10 seconds)

Lapin de lune
HP: (45+Level)* Stamina
CP: (30+Level)* Chakra Control
Class Bonus: +10% Chance of inflicting Bleeding (2 points), 1 Free basic attack per round (2 points)
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Genjutsu DC

Utility Slot: Respirator
Armor Slot: Light Armor
Misc 1: Kawairimi Target
Misc 2: Twilight Venom
Misc 3: Plexistim

Name: Kanzashi no Usagi (Katana) [Ancestral Weapon]
Damage Type: Slashing (Bleeding)
Damage Modifiers: -10% Weapon Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: +2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Vampiric
Augment 2: Swift
Augment 3: N/A
An afternoon dance.

They were both giving it their all in the way only creatures so earnest - so young, so soft, so full of fire untempered - could, here in the waning rays of the sun. There was no light quite as blinding as their ferocity and passion. Their dedication, to both their craft and their dreams: and each other. They were unstoppable. They were immovable. There was a true quality of effort to something that, otherwise, shouldn't really matter - they were just sparring, weren't they? Didn't they care for each other? Didn't they worry for the other? That's exactly what kept their bodies moving under strain they had never known before - it's exactly why Utsumi could not slip up. There wasn't much she held precious. ... There wasn't much that held her. They had each other. She wasn't going to lose that to ronin or criminals, to their fellows and their peers - the regime was strict, if they wanted to be anything.

Oh, and how they both wanted to be so much.

There was pride in the way Utsumi dodged between each impact, her body a fluid with sharp eyes. She rolled with every hit. She grit her teeth, made no noise, and exhalated virtue and power back. They were doing this! For! Each other! Blood pooled down her fresh bandages, her fists quivering - from exertion, but not defeat. Not restraint nor disappointment. She could never be disappointed in Miyako Tachibana. She felt her will tick down, down ... and like a pilot light, flared on the third, recoiling from Miyako's masterstroke and - in that moment - returning her sister's excitement at her win. That's my girl! Ah, but it wasn't over. She couldn't let up. Who would train the rabbit to jump but her? Someone who so desperately wanted to be with her on that distant shore.

She flipped over Miyako's head, above the lingering arc of her swing, and surgically chopped down on each of the other's arms until they gave under the pressure - a point hit, but not real bone damage. All she needed was the girl to react slower. What do you do, lacking in a sense, Miya-chan? Can you adapt like me? Can you adapt to this?

It was water reflected beneath the pool of the moon, a girl in serpentine with fast hands and thrumming blood. It dripped off the tip of a digit, and something joined it. Where her blood fell so did rain. Rivulets of pure intent joined her wounded flesh, the clearest blue silken through arms that thrust and lifted at her sides - and as they reached the apex, graced and therefore molded by the sun above, they took form in small shapes. The weapons she made, of will and water, hung in hands held above her head, and struggled to maintain their new purpose - and yet they did. And yet, they did.

When Utsumi flew at Miyako, renewed, the touch of the blades would not feel sharp - they would not rend flesh nor bone - but they would slice through Miyako, leaving the memory of their damage on every swing. Water, as an element, held memory the closest. She briefly struggled to keep up with Miyako's movements and her new calibre of approach, but she found her rhythm in mouthed steps - one, two! - until she could slink to the side and bring them crashing down for Miyako's fall. Sorry, she said.

Match point!

Miyako Body Switches Utsumi's Dynamic Entry!

0.5 AP
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's arms with Basic Strike (Strategist).
18 v 9 Hits! Called Shot fail. (77) Miyako takes 82 damage.
Utsumi calls a shot on Miyako's arms with Basic Strike (Strategist).
12 v 11 Hits! Called shot success. (15) Miyako takes 82 damage.
Miyako's arms are fractured. (-2 Accuracy)
Utsumi switches to Gyuto. (Quickdraw)
Utsumi attacks Miyako with a Basic Strike.
9 v 14 Miss! +1 Acc/+5% CS next attack

.75 AP
Utsumi attacks Miyako with a Basic Strike.
10 v 16 Miss! +1 Acc/+5% CS next attack

1 AP
Miyako picks up Kanzashi no Usagi.
Miyako used Free Basic Weapon Strike and MISSED

1.25 AP

Utsumi attacks Miyako with a Basic Strike.
11 v 17 Miss!

2.25 AP
Miyako used Cross Rip on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 465 damage
Bleed Success
Miyako heals for 47 HP via Vampiric
Utsumi attacks Miyako with Heavy Tow.
11 v 8 Hit! Miyako takes 540 damage.
Bleed fail. (61)

2.5 AP
Utsumi attacks Miyako with a Basic Strike.
21 v 6 Hits! Miyako takes 68 damage.

2.75 AP
Utsumi attacks Miyako with a Basic Strike.
10 v 3 Hits! Miyako takes 68 damage.

3.5 AP
Miyako Used Heavy Tow on Utsumi and HITS
Dealing 570 damage
Miyako heals 57 HP via Vampiric

3.75 AP
Utsumi attacks Miyako with Cross Rip.
14 v 6 Hits! Miyako takes 441 damage.

2023-11-08 17_48_31-a81wGde_700b.jpg (JPEG Image, 700 × 933 pixels) — Mozilla Firefox.png

HP: 1801 - 1035 - 26 = 740

697 - 200 - 170 = 327

5 - .5 - .5 - . 5 - 1.25 - .5 - .5 - 1.25 = 0

Status: No Armor, Equipped Gyuto, +2 Dodge this round, -1 Med Kit / -1 Kawarimi Target, Bleeding Rank 1, -3 Dodge (Body Switch)

Visibility: Little Cover, Average (+/-0 Stealth), Daytime

Melee +8 (Weapon), Gen DC/Save +4, all else +5) (Dodge +4 this & next round)
(Miyako Secondaries: something somewhere somehow)

<Melody in Springrain>
HP: (45+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: +2 Free Basic Strikes
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Gen Save, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Gen DC

Targeting Strike
(Nara). Strategist

5 / Basic Strike

Sawagu [Fists]
Damage Type: Unarmed (Handseals)
Damage Modifiers: + 5% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: - 1 Accuracy
Augment 1: Swift
Augment 2: Assault
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Name: Gyuto [Daggers]
Damage Type: Slashing (Bleeding)
Damage Modifiers: - 10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: + 2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Primal
Augment 2: Special Composition: Water
Augment 3: Homing Beacon

Utility Slot:
Armor Slot: No Armor
Misc 1: Kawarimi Target
Misc 2: Summoning Scroll
Misc 3: Med Kit
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A fierce scarlet tide cutting through wild orange. Graceful brutality from a little pup finding her place in the colosseum. There was nobody in the stands to witness their bout and yet the encounter would be etched into their very being. Miyako would always be striving to meet the young girl in every facet of her life. No matter how frustrating her shortcomings might be, the stinging pain of loss after loss would always be vanquished by the pure, unadulterated joy of their bond. The knowledge that no matter what they would be the best of friends. A journey that they would share together, constantly pushing each other forward through uncompromising respect for one another. It was fun. So, so fun! And that's what a journey is supposed to be, right? The freedom that they shared with one another was truly precious. A gift in and of itself, that Miyako would be happy with, regardless of her other goals.

"Heh. You really... don't hold back do you, Umi-chan? This...this might really be it for me..... bleeeeeeeeeh!" She falls to her knees, dramatically flailing to the ground. Miyako was exaggerating for comedic effect of course, but damn if there wasn't an element of truth to it. She was sore all over and a bit pouty at the fact that she lost... again! This little runt always gets the best of me! It doesn't make sense! I'm incredible! But that's why it was so fun - Why it would always be fun. She peeks up, giggling with an adoring smile, wiggling her way over to the victorious wolfy like a little caterpillar. "I'm not a sore loser, so that offer still stands if you wanna go get a treat~ Buuuuut~ You will have to give me a shoulder to lean on, which means I get to snuggle my adorable little sis... Mmm If that's okay with you. Consider it a consolation prize for me!" Miyako rises up on shaky legs, only playing it up a little bit this time as she raises her exhausted little paws, signing her favorite phrase, accentuated with a sprightly wink and heart in her hands. ~I love you!~
She stood, quiet. Sloped in the shade and sunshine where water was lain carefully between - reflecting its moon, and the rabbit inside, in rippled waves. She was silent, a vision, not a statement. Memories of harm - of aid - hung from her fingers at tips of arms like branches that held stalwart above her head in the aftertaste of this clash; remaining unburdened for only seconds longer. They began to wobble. It started in the shape of water, down the shape of bone and muscle, and soon, her body as a whole was shaking along.

Xenia. Philia. Philautia. Agape.

She had done it. Had she done it?

Xenia. Philia. Philautia. Agape.

Her chest rose and fall, her grip tightening and slipping in inequal rhythm until droplets fell from her fingers in concert with sweat from her brow. Hhha. Hhhaha. Hahh. Hhahahahahahhahahahahaha. She spun away from her shadowed lurch to seek out the other once more, gasping in a breath of air for a sound created and recognized by any; pride. Exertion. Elation.

Xenia. Philia. Philautia. Agape.

She had somehow won the bout - no, rather, she had always expected to, yet always held that was in service to Miyako: but she wasn't a wholly selfless creature. She was still a kid with big dreams and big hopes and the pure, ecstatic, electrified intent to live her own truth -- and this was monumental for her esteem. This was a true victory. It burned in embers glow'n. Her face was bright, her smile with canine and joy, her eyes with fire and mirth. She bound between both of her feet and then at the other girl, careful, so careful, let reckless all the same. She clamped her hands on her shoulder and jostled herself and Miyako along with her, vibrating the two in her own intensity until a new match - a new spark - was lit from happiness anew.


You did incredible, Miya-chan! You really are worthy of being my nee-san! :3 Her beam was so cheeky, so pure. She slunk herself just enough to offer Miyako that shoulder, between a grimace and a playful nudge, her tongue poking between chapping lips. She had licked so much sweat away. Sage, what a bout. I love you too, Miyako Onee-chan. I'm really proud of you. I'm really proud of us! Let's report the results ... and then ice cream! Ice cream!! \w/ Her arms waved in the air, far too excited for so burlish a personality. Or, maybe, just excited enough. Your treat, right? Heh heh heh ~.

And yeah. They were going to be just fine in this world.

At least, together.

[ topic exit ]

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