Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

An escort for the city [Private, Miyako]

Jun 17, 2014
Kyo looked himself over in the mirror, the young man frowned at the appearance, he wasn’t sure about the new armor he had made, the silk armored vest had a sheen to it his normal clothing did not, and it was his first time wearing the thing after having it made for him, and he felt he might have to do something about the sheen before he went on any serious missions. After a moment he took it off, replacing it with the old armored vest, it wasn’t as light with the leather protecting vital bits, but it wasn’t as flashy either with the well-wrought cloth covering the leather with no sheen to be seen. He had no intention to appear as if he was dressed to impress. The very idea that he would do such a thing left a sour taste in his mouth, and this wasn’t a mission that demanded it, so he would be avoiding it.

The scored man had been asked to perform a duty that was both an honor, and likely a calculated insult. It was an honor because he was being trusted with a daughter of the Kagetsu, alone even, and an insult as he was far stronger than someone who would normally be given a position like this. He knew the later part of it was true for sure, but may very well play a part in the former as well, what with the way they played their games. Still, Kyo had accepted this duty as he did all of his duties, even if the reasoning behind it was circumspect. He was going to be a glorified chaperone, for one Kagetsu Miyako. Kyo didn’t know enough about the clan, or any of the other clans really to tell If this was going to be made more difficult by who they were, but simply having that name attached to them meant he could assume how they would act.

Kyo had arrived early, as he was wont to do, and was waiting in the foyer at the behest of what appeared to be a butler. The tall nin had folded his hands behind his back, and rather than worry about the time he was to wait, went ahead and started to make a map of the building. He let his tremor sense reach out using the foot falls of those in the building, the fans and other things vibrating, tell him what it could of its layout. So while to those that could see him, he outwardly appeared to simply be standing by waiting patiently, arms folded behind his back impassively staring down from his height at those that went by, he was in reality poking around and familiarizing his self with the mansion that he found himself in. After all, it wasn’t that often one got to ‘tresspass’ in one of the Kagetsu’s buildings.

He dispassionately noted that some of the staff whispered to one another and gave him pitying looks when they thought he wasn’t paying them any mind, though most simply went about their duties and ignored the tall nin standing in their foyer without a second glance. When Miyako appeared Kyo would give a bow, “Kagetsu-sama, I’m Hotaka Kyo, I shall be your escort for the day.”
By the time their 'guest' had arrived Miyako was just touching up on her looks. She loved her little outfits to death but they were hardly the easiest things to put on. Her somewhat lax combat style meant they didn't get in her way but it was still a process. Of course it was slowed down by the fact that she positively refused to accept help from anyone, even her mother. Part of it was simply a matter of pride and wanting to show everyone she could do it but the bigger factor was that people would just get it wrong and she'd have to undo it and fix it herself anyways. A few more ribbon with a touch of blush on her cheeks and she was ready for her big day out.

She left her room, grabbing her parasol on the way out and giving both her parents a kiss on the cheek. There hadn't been much opposition from them about this whole idea. Miyako herself had insisted on hiring help from the local shinobi forces -- something so mundane would easily be classified as a D-rank mission but a higher pay was given to ensure a more matured ninja -- and it was considered sound with a bit of embellishment from her. The Kagetsu had their reputation as being isolationists and while she wasn't the most fond of people a day on the town sounded like a pleasant distraction and perhaps a good political move. A beautiful young daughter of the clean moving among common folks might just inspire people and it never hurt to gain a positive reputation from the village early in one's life.

The biggest concern was her escort. It was unlikely to be a child her own age which was honestly for the best but there was always the possibility of her getting someone too old. She might have to cancel the whole day in that case, she was not about to endure feeling like she was being babysat. When she got the news her hired escort had arrived she had a million ideas of what kind of person it might be and the results were certainly not what she'd been expecting in a lot of ways.

Perhaps the oddest thing was how familiar he looked; she was certain she'd never met the young man before but with a bit of refinement he wouldn't look that out of place here. Tall, strong looking, covered in scars. There was a certain distinctness to him and thank Raiden he fell nicely into her preferred age group. She gave him a once over as he acted with more good sense and manners than she was expecting from someone outside the clan. It seemed that people really did understand their position compared to the great Kagetsu. She couldn't help but giggle a little at this, already toying with the idea of how much he could push this guy around in the span of this afternoon.

"Look at you, trying to be all gentleman-like with all those scars on. You remind of Grandpa back when he could still smile." She strode over to him and blatantly stared to give him a closer look, moving around him to get a look from every angle. "You have decent manners for a commoner. You must know how important my clan is at the very least." She finally finished going around him, looking at his face last with her one uncovered, curious eye before she gave him a big grin and oh so casually wrapped her arms around one of his.

"Well what are you waiting for, Kyo-kun, take me someplace interesting!"
Kyo watched the young one arrived; she had on an outfit that would most assuredly stand out amongst people. The red ribbons and the odd cut away dress, he hadn’t seen much quite like it. It made him think of some of the dolls he had seen, he hadn’t though people actually dressed that way though. The entire thing had to be purposefully made, with the parasol matching the outfit in style and color. It must have taken quite a while to get ready, with all the bows, ribbons, flowers, and such. While it was impractical, he did admit that it had a certain type of appeal, besides which if anything were to happen it would be him that should be doing the work as the escort rather than the young Kagetsu. So he supposed it suited her and her position well, though he wondered about the eye patch, whether it hide a scar, or something else. Perhaps it had to do with some bloodline she had, he knew from his time with various others and his research that various clans and bloodlines had abilities that focused on the eyes, the Hyuuga with their Byakugan, and Uchiha with their Sharingan being the main two that he knew of.

Kyo was unsure how to feel when the one he was to escort giggled, it and what she said next hadn’t been the reaction that he had expected. The stare down though, walking about and examining him as if he was a head of cattle she had just purchased, that was much closer to what he had expected. Oddly enough it set him more at ease than the backhanded compliment had, “Hai, some do.” He would agree with her statement, while it wasn’t true that he was a commoner, the Hotaka, despite their abilities may as well be compared to the well-established clans in Kumo such as the Kagetsu, Santura and others.

The fact that she grinned and wrapped her arms around one of his brought back a bit of the unease, though he kept his neutral stoic expression he normally held, he answered her by beginning their journey, his arm she had taken ahold of set at an angle rather than pulling her close by pulling his arm across his abdomen. “Hai, let us begin.” Kyo moved along confidently, allowing one of the servants to open the door for the duo as they moved out of the mansion and compound. He kept his pace slower than his normal one, so as not to rush the young Kagetsu, which very well could be an issue with his long legs and normal no-nonsense point A to point B he employed.

As they made their way away from the clans compound, would begin to think of a list of various things that may be of interest, he hadn’t expected to be a guide, as much as a guard, so he hadn’t actually prepared for such a task. His mind quickly came up with a few things that might be interesting to see for someone who didn’t spend much time out and about in the city. First up Kyo would lead them towards an area of the lower district, one which had become occupied by leaf nin who had been so weak and pathetic that they had allowed samurai to occupy their lands and force them out of their own homes.

As the two traveled into the lower district, Kyo waved off with a motion of his unoccupied hand and a look of slight displeasure turned off the approach of one of his Little Birds who had seen him and had thought to move up and speak to him. He was busy, as it should be obvious, and approaching now would have been quite rude. He would need to speak to them about it, explain a few things to those under privileged who couldn’t possibly understand without his guidance, as they had just shown.

As they neared the destination, the housing was getting less and less impressive, more worn down, though cared for, out of place style and obvious of poorer quality than the area they had come from. Some of the people on the streets openly stared at the young Kagetsu and her escort, and others spoke to themselves behind their back. “Here Kagetsu-sama, you can see the poor people of an inferior country, former Leaf shinobi. So weak without the guidance and power of Kumogakure’s clans that they couldn’t even hold off an occupation by samurai. These people fled their homes, and make their life here beneath the umbrella of our care, after all, who wouldn’t want to be a Kumogakure shinobi? Under the benevolent guidance and care of the Kagetsu clan,” “And the rest of our clans.” He added silently to himself, “They are able to prosper alongside our great city, as well as contribute as they should.” It was clear that Kyo held some derision for these who had sought shelter in Kumo, who had allowed samurai to drive them from their lands so easily, though he attempted to keep it in check.
There had been no request as to where she'd be taken on her trip today though it went without saying that the trip would be kept within the village walls. Any place considered distasteful should go without saying. So far her escort had proven to be exactly what she'd hoped for. A bit of prodding and teasing to push her luck and he hadn't even reacted with distaste. He was even guiding her by the arm. He had a bit more etiquette than she would have assumed just from looking at him. Maybe this trip would be more pleasant than she'd expected.

Her expectations did start to drop as his first idea was to take her lower and lower into the city. She'd never been down into the slums like this before and while this was all about getting to know the city better she didn't think this place should have such attention drawn towards it so early on if at all. On the bright side it could only improve from here, right? She drew a little closer to him the worse their scenery got until eventually there was nothing else to call where they were but the boondocks. She hadn't expected to go anywhere that needed a bodyguard but all the raged faces of the people they passed did not give off any warmth or recognition of status. Just a dark envy.

Then he began to explain where they were. The Leaf slums. The place where foreign refugees went. Whatever faint smile or warmth she'd been holding onto faded. Her mind went to dark places. Was this an attempt at flattery? To show her how much better than her clan was to these foreigners? To instill some sort of pride from their failure? Perhaps with any other member of the Kagetsu this might have been a wise strategy. Unfortunately for Hotake Kyo this was one of the gravest mistakes possible with his current client.

"Did you know the Kagetsu clan sometimes adopt from outside of their own family?" The question seemed out of nowhere, a change of topic more than anything. There was still a softness to her voice as she held onto his arm. "It's rare but if a gifted child is found and proven to be worth their time they'll raise it as one of their own. Their home or their family. Neither matters as long as they are valuable. They'll be accepted among them."

Her hold on his arm tightened. For the barest of moment he might have felt something brushing against his heels. Perhaps just the brim of her skirt?

"Thirteen years ago they found a child on the mountain outside the city, an orphaned baby barely alive in the snow. A good hearted man within my clan, already blessed with a child by his wife, took the baby in. He convinced the council that he could raise and train the child until she was old enough to be tested for a bloodline technique. If the child succeeded she'd be recognized as nothing less than Kagetsu by right. If she failed then she would not be worth their attention and taken away from her home to live among the undesirables, a foreigner with no value."

Her arms were still around his own but this time there was no mistaking an uncomfortable prickle of something near the small of his back. A few of the former Leaf they were passing were watching them walk by with a look of discomfort on their faces as she continued.

"Lo and behold, the child was indeed gifted. She had within her the unique talent and genius of a respected bloodline... from the Fire Country. A born prodigy not even of this country." The sweetness she spoke with was layered on too heavy to be genuine and there was no denying the sinister aura coming off her nor the discomfort of whatever was lurking behind him. When she finally looked up at him there was a smile on her lips but the look in her eye gave way to a dangerous instability in her psyche as her pupil seemed to have contracted since last he saw it.

"I'm sorry, Kyo-kun, my silly little mind must be slipping. What were we talking about again? The weakness of those from another nation~?"
Kyo tilted his head slightly as he answered the soft spoken question, “No, but that seems to be a wise practice.” He meant it, after all, his own clan was known for doing something similar to those with the ability and useful to the clan, though it was rare, and those who tried to pass the Trail of Stone tended to die. He wondered if they had a similar Trail they put them through?

When the girls skirt touched him he wanted to glance at it, but knew that looking away would be considered rude, so instead kept his focus on the conversation. He listened to what was being said attentively, though he kept an eye on their surroundings to ensure that he was performing the duty he had been tasked with.

As the young Kagetsu continued on with her story, Kyo understood that she took what he has said as an insult, though he couldn’t quite grasp why she had done so. She even admitted herself that some of the outsiders were undesirables, foreigners with no value. Obviously those that could barely keep themselves housed, were forced out of their life by Samurai of all things, and had to rely upon being taken in by another were not the same as those that could provide for their own, capable of joining and being valuable to one of the Kumo’s most prestigious clans. Was it that she identified with them? Felt a connection to those here, unable to take themselves out of the filth they found themselves living in? That was an interesting thought.

To those that watched with discomfort Kyo looked at with his stoic expression, staring until they looked averted their gaze. The feeling he got in his lower back was similar enough to the feeling he felt when being watched by someone out of sight that he took a moment to truly scan their surroundings, reaching out with his tremor sense as well as his other senses, to monitor the area around them.

When he brought his attention back to the girl he was escorting, he for a moment mistook her for Miko, her eyes and smile bringing him back from the past in a vivid representation that he hadn’t been expecting, causing a slight frown to take the place of his stoic expression on his visage. “We were talking about how Kagetsu have placed many in their rightful place, whether it is here. “ Kyo gestured to the area around them, “Or up in the compounds.” Kyo shifted his weight about for a moment before looking back at their surroundings once more. This was probably as close as uncomfortably clearing his throat as Kyo would get, “Shall we continue?” He had intended to show her the Bear and Marsh as well, but that didn’t seem to be quite the right thing to do any longer. Instead if this was to continue, he would have to take her to see the Mochi makers, or to eat some Udon or Donburi.
When his tremor sense went through the ground it found little of interest of suspect among the slum huts. There were people indoors but not in suspicious numbers that might imply ambush or in strange places that meant surveillance. The only oddity, however, was a big one -- and directly behind him. Whatever it was it was wafer thin and seemingly coming off his own heels even though he wouldn't feel any off weight. It shot up and curved away from him before curving inward sharply, right against his back in three prongs like a trident. It perhaps did not take a genius to put together that his company, this looming threat and the looks they were getting were all connected.

She didn't respond at first when he answered her, that one bright yellow eye facing forward as they both continued to walk at a steady pace. Several things happened at once, all so fast and in such a short span of time that it might just put him off his guard. Whatever was behind him disappeared into nothing, Miyako's grip on his arm tightened and she started to speak again in a more natural but still affectionate tone.

"You know, you really should be more appreciative that you were given this mission, Kyo-kun. This is the closest any man has had to going on a date with yours truly. Though I wouldn't suggest going around telling people it was a date~." She laughed playfully, patting his arm as any tension she'd been holding onto mere moments ago seemed to evaporate altogether. She was almost unrecognizable.

"Though if I can give another piece of advice I'd say it's in bad taste to take a girl around and just talk about the city and her family. I wanted to do this for fun, not just for a lesson. Come on, ask me some questions or tell me about yourself. You're my companion, you have my blessing to do at least that much."
What Kyo had found through the use of his tremor sense confused him for a moment, before he realized that it was his companion, who apparently was manipulating his shadow. With the looks and the way the occupants of the area were acting, it didn’t seem to be them, besides he doubted they would have the gall to do it. Not to him, and most assuredly not publicly. Though he didn’t quite understand the reasoning behind the action, had she really been so offended by what he had said?

When she told him he should be more appreciative of the mission and laugh he shifted uncomfortably, she needn’t have said for him not to tell anyone that, he was fairly certain he didn’t want to deal with the major fallout that could cause. “I, see.” He shifted once again as he looked down at the girl that was holding on to his arm for a moment before looking ahead once again.

The young man with the scored flesh continued on silently for a few moments more before he spoke again, “Your outfit is quite unique, it’s not something you see here, does it take long to prepare?” Kyo wasn’t sure what would be appropriate to ask, so had gone with something that was an obvious thing. He was leading the way to a better part of the city, though not by a significant margin, amongst the houses there was a different front, a shop. If one took a moment to look, they would find that it was of much finer construction, much older than the surrounding buildings, and there was a good smell coming from the within.

“Kagetsu-sama, have you ever eaten Mochi? Mochi Ice Cream is something that I’ve found myself to be fond of.” Coming to the front of the shop, they would be noticed immeadilty by an older man whose face lit up and came towards them wiping his hands on a towel; he gave a slight bow before speaking “Hotaka-sama! It’s been awhile! I see you brought company, I’ll have a fresh batch ready shortly!” Giving a light laugh the man beamed at the young Miyako for a moment before turning his attention back to Kyo, “I’ve gotten the Ice cream to work well at all temperatures, so it is easier to take. We’ve got Green tea, red bean, strawberry, mango and chocolate now. I’ll bring some of each for you and the young miss to try.” He paused a moment before adding, “I’ve got some traditional that is fresh as well, if you’d prefer.” He wait for an answer, then gave a small bow, turn and disappear back into the shop leaving them alone once more. “I’m a patron of the man and his shop; he makes some of the best Mochi in Kumo.” Kyo offered in explanations.
Miyako knew she was being exceptionally cruel and hair triggered today, she just couldn't help it. She'd never admit it but part of it was just nervous habit. She was learning just hos hard to work with people could be sometimes and she wanted to avoid that as much as possible. Putting the duty of a mission on their shoulders and a firm follow up of life threatening felt like a sure path to success in her mind. She even know it was the wrong thing to do but after some other recent experiences the last thing she needed was to get upset. Not that this one had been rude just yet. Hopefully patience and respect was a trait one gained when they matured a little.

She positively beamed when he did as she asked, asking her about one of her favorite topics as they made their way back up into a better part of the city.

"Oh, this outfit? It's wonderful, isn't it? Glad you noticed~. I bet you've never seen a girl wearing something even half as nice as this. It isn't a local design. It's based on the clothes of an old foreign doll I have. They look so pretty and perfect in their little frilled dresses, their perfect white skin, their long black hair. Of course I look perfect in it with all my features." She took an arm off his to sweep a hand back and flip one of her long tails of hair back as she blatantly showed off her beauty. "It's a bit more complicated to put on than traditional clothes -- maybe even impractical. But I begged with all my heart to get this and even promised to learn to fight in it. These days I can duel my cousins without even getting a rip~."

When he asked her if she knew about mochi there was a bizzare moment where everything almost seemed... normal. The cocky look on her face seemed to melt away as she tilted her head, blinking at him as she curiously asked, "Mochi?" It was almost like there was a perfectly normal girl hidden away under all that ego and bad attitude. It was short lived as she cleared her throat and stood as tall as she could to compensate for her lack of composure in that brief moment. "Clearly some kind of commoner dessert. Back at the estate I could easily get pudding or sweet rolls..."

She lowered her voice significantly when the old man approached them, actually seeming a bit embarrassed by her bad timing. Miyako didn't have a grasp on a lot of social graces but even she knew better than to be talking about better options in front of the store you plan on buying from. The old man seemed kindly enough though she couldn't possibly imagine what he could be so happy about. There was a certain charm to him at least. Of course the young woman was also quick to notice a lapse in etiquette in her escort again.

"I suppose strawberry will do," she said softly, holding back a bit on her boisterousness in front of the old man. Once he left to get what they'd come for she gave Kyo enough time to mention his relationship to the old man before she glared up at him. "When showing a person of my standing around you should have the courtesy to perform introductions for them. If you don't make that clear..." She huffed and turned her head away from him. "Someone really will get the wrong impression."
Kyo was glad the question was well received, and it seemed that she really enjoyed her unique style, which was to be expected he supposed, why else would you spend the time and effort to make and wear something such as that? It had a charm to it, and fit her well he had to admit, despite his desire to dislike it on practical grounds.

When his companion asked about Mochi Kyo blinked, he hadn’t expected the change in her demeanor, nor that she would not know what it was. It hadn’t even crossed his mind that there were people out there that didn’t at least know of Mochi, even if they didn’t enjoy it themselves. It seemed that she had truly had a different life than those outside the walls of the Kagetsu compound, though he couldn’t speak of the others inside of it, they were a rather insular lot for the most part. Which he supposed was another thing other than her dress that made Miyako different.

She was respectful when she spoke the old shop owner, or at the very least wasn’t disrespectful, which again Kyo hadn’t expected. Perhaps his preconceived notions of his companion for the day were wrong?

She had decided on strawberry, which reminded Kyo of the fact that she was indeed still young, despite her attitude and position. “Ah, forgive me Kagetsu-sama. I’m a man of actions rather than words; I do not spend much time in social situations. My capabilities are based more towards the frontlines and the actions there than the social arts.” Kyo apologized to her, it was true that he wasn’t as skilled with social situations as he was with physical ones, he had a great deal more experience in the later, due to his upbringing and choices of missions. Still, he had avoided introductions for another reason.

The old man returned shortly with a small platter containing the treats he had went into the back to acquire, he quickly presented them to the two with a wide smile on his face, there were a variety of them on the platter, some light pink, others green, orange, dark brown and finally white ones. Kyo took it from the man and gave him a slight smile in return before speaking, “Hirohide-san, allow me to introduce Kagetsu Miyako, I am escorting her in the city for the day. Kagetsu-sama, this is Hirohide, the owner and proprietor of the shop we are visiting today.” As Kyo introduced the young Miyako to the man, the smile slowly faded and was replaced by a more worried look as he gave a bow to her, “I didn’t know, please forgive me for my rude behavior Kagetsu-sama.” The old man would speak form his bowed position, and would retreat from the pair as soon as he could; back into his shop to leave the pair alone was again.

If one were observant, they could catch the old man and a few others peeking out of the shop, and quicker than one would expect, there were a few more eyes on them from the street, though anytime that she would look, they would avert their gaze, not meeting her eyes. The mood had quickly become much tenser, replacing the relaxed one that had previously been in the area. And this was the reason that he had avoided the introductions in the first place, her family name commanded respect, but was also feared in this part of the village. An insult against the clan could be the end of the peoples livelihood, and perhaps in more extreme cases expulsion entirely. Kyo would hold the platter for Miyako, allowing her to try what she wanted, before he would eat two of the white ones himself. The mochi itself had a texture that was a mixture between a marshmellow and gummy candy, with a sweet starchy after taste. The aftertaste itself was much sweeter than the first taste, which was fairly bland in and of itself.
For being a man of action and not words he still knew how to speak well, especially when called out. It was a good enough answer to not actually upset her but of course she couldn't let him off the hook just yet. She tried to act offended as she huffed again, leaning back towards his arm as she refused to look back up into his eyes. "I suppose it's only proper to give you another chance then. You can't learn if you're never given a chance to. Just don't forget it from now on. Right now you're helping to represent the Kagetsu clan itself."

When the old man finally came back Miyako couldn't help but go a bit wide eyed at the treats on display. She'd never seen anything quite like them before. What with the shape and outer layer she couldn't help but think of them as little sweet dumplings. Hopefully that's not what they literally were. Sweet and savory shouldn't go together like that. For just a few moments Miyako revealed the child she was as she just oogled at them without a care in the world, looking genuinely sweet as she watched the sweets change hands.

She didn't pay any mind to her introduction, already snatching up one of the pink ones to take a closer look. Such a strange treat. It was obviously rice cake on the outside. Flour on the outside. As Kyo began the introductions she took the tiniest of bites out of her mochi, at first slowly losing the spark in her eyes at the dull flavor until the aftertaste kicked in. Immediately her face lit up, a look of pure joy as she stared at her little pink joy-filled treat. It took her a moment to even realize that introductions had finished.

The man's carefree air had disappeared altogether. Good, a place where people knew to be respectful. Still it wasn't exactly fun to be the cause of ending smiles. A soft scoff escaped her as she held her head high and told him, "Don't be ridiculous." She took another bite out of her mochi, trying to do so with as much dignity as she could muster before she continued. "You have absolutely no reason to be apologizing. You've been nothing but courteous and swift in offering your services. Many people -- especially business owners -- could learn from your example, Hirohide-san."

She got through most of her first mochi before she realized that all eyes were on her. Almost literally. Everyone she turned to look at had their gazes set on her. Right up until she actually took a look of course. It was actually quite unnerving. She loved attention but she wasn't use to getting it from so many strangers. Not to mention it wasn't the adoration she preferred. She tried not to let it get to her but as she huffily finished her first mochi it rapidly festered and without warning she turned, a sweet, expressive smile on her face as she raised her voice to everyone present.

"Attention, everyone~! The Kagetsu clan has come to grace you with both it's presence and generosity! I, Kagetsu Miyako, am willing to buy anyone who steps forward some of HIrohide-san's fine treats, all on me~!"
“That is quite Gracious of you Kagetsu-sama, thank you.” Kyo spoke in response to her giving him another chance, indeed, it was a gracious thing. He watched as she picked out her treat, eyeing them for a bit and appearing in perhaps complete contrast to her normal appearance, was it just a front? Or perhaps this was her true nature? Kyo didn’t know, but he knew the masks were used by everyone. He wondered if anyone showed their true selves to others, he knew he didn’t, hiding away portions of himself and only revealing them to others when it suited him. Someone able to watch his time with his brothers would be shocked at the contrast in his actions and appearance, the smiles, laughter and lack of propriety when dealing with them being stark from how he dealt with others. If someone were to find him in the forest, in his hiding place while he was performing, their entire view of him might very well crumble, along with their respect, which was why it was one of if not his closest guarded secrets.

When the girl started to appear disappointed in her treat before the after taste hit her and the look of joy washed over her face, Kyo allowed the slightest smile to appear for a moment before pulling it away. He wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to smile in such a situation, so to be on the safe side, he kept it from his face and quick appearance, didn’t repeat itself. Besides this he wasn’t quite sure why he had smiled, he would have to think on that later though, as he was still escorting the young Miyako.

The exchange with Hirohide had gone well enough after her announcement it seemed, but her mood seemed to sour though, if the way that she finished her first strawberry mochi had been any indication. It seemed she didn’t like the reaction, which was something that he had expected, what he hadn’t expected though was the way that she attempted to deal with it. He supposed it wasn’t the worst plan, but it wasn’t one to rely upon either. People grew used to hand outs, when given freely, and came to expect them and curse those that withdrew them. He supposed he had a different view due to his work with the Little Birds and in the Cronopolis.

Everything was still for a long pregnant moment; it didn’t seem anyone would come forward to take her up on her offer before a single boy approached alone from a group that had been standing in the street. He paused before the girl and in a small voice spoke, “I-I’d like one please.” Kyo waited half a moment before speaking, “Bow.” He commanded, pointing towards the ground. After a moment he added in a lighter tone, “It is appropriate to bow in this situation while making a request from a superior young one.” The boy quickly obeyed, dropping down into a deep bow, “Now repeat your request.” Kyo ordered. The boy did so, “M-may I have one?” he asked. “Good.” The tall one looked down to his escort, if she permitted it, he would gesture for Hirohide to approach, the boy would choose one and give another bow before running back to his group.

Depending on what happened, either the group would come over after the boy showed off his spoils and the mood would lighten, and others would approach in ones and twos to take advantage of the offer, or they would disperse, and mood would sour even further. It all depended on how Miyako reacted to the boy who had approached first.
For a moment Miyako felt almost insulted by the silence that she was met with after her most generous offer. People of their standing should scramble to get whatever kindness was offered. Denying it was just plain disrespectful! For a moment she got rather pouty, crossing her arms and looking around for anyone who'd be willing to approach her. Were all these people genuinely so scared they couldn't even approach her? She'd come here to try and alleviate this exact sort of thing, did they have the nerve to look a gift horse in the mouth?

Eventually one person would finally step up from the rest to take up her offer. A child no less. She watched with a delighted grin as the boy came over, watching him curiously and wondering what he might be like. He seemed perfectly nice, a bit on the meek side. She had to stop herself from laughing at him. Not from any mean spirited sense of fun making, she just found it all sort of endearing. Kyo spoke for her, demanding a bit more respect before finally the child passed Kyo's surprisingly strict standards. When she was looked to for approval she'd just give a quick little nod and watched as the child's face lit up at the treat.

As he started to move back towards the others Miyako carefully and casually took her closer parasol off her shoulder and gave Kyo a gentle rap upside the head with it. It wouldn't so much as sting but it's message as a soft rebuke should ring loud and clear. "Really now, Kyo-kun, that was uncalled for. He was just a little boy. Kids don't know any better and it'd certainly say you're risking a black mark on my clan's name demanding that much composure from a child. We are their betters, if we're doing our job they know that without having to be strong armed like that."

She focused back on the people and beamed, suddenly full of charisma as she called out to them. "Come on now, there's nothing to be worried about! This is simply my clan giving back to the people in what little ways I can!"
The young man found it interesting that the girl was doing this, though he also pondered on if he would be the one to actually pay Hirohide, he hadn’t been provided funds for the event of spending by the Kagetsu. He couldn’t very well let them leave behind a debt, as that would indeed put a black mark on the day, and reflect poorly on the Kagetsu, and likely he would be associated with that as well for his part in today’s actions.

When he received the slight smack, Kyo blinked, and blinked again before slightly frowning, he wiped it away from his face quickly before he addressed Miyako, “Some may never have a chance to learn, how to properly address someone in such a situation.” One time in particular stood out in Kyo’s mind, Ryuichi and his ‘Hey my Guy.’ That he had addressed Kyo as, after he had kept the young-nin from being crushed, at the hands of his own failed jutsu use in the training grounds. “He’ll know now, and others who saw as well. But if you wish, Kagetsu-sama, I’ll refrain from such actions in the future.” He would give a small bow to her as he spoke.

The other children who had been worried approached, the would all give a bow and address her properly, or at least as close to an imitation as they could muster from what they had seen, giving Kyo a bit of a dirty look as they did so. They would claim their treat and quickly retreat before eating and celebrating their newly acquired gifts. Soon some of the adults would join the children, approaching and thanking Miyako for her generosity, it wasn’t long until a crowd had started to form around the group and Hidohide’s shop, causing Kyo to be uneasy and stare at them stone-faced, watching their movements and actions carefully.

The crowd continued to grow, as more people came in from side streets and near-by areas, and Kyo’s stone-faced approach turned to a frown as he watched them. “Kagetsu-sama, may we step into the shop? There are too many of them here now, I’d feel better if you weren’t surrounded by a swarm of…” There was a slight pause before he finished, “people as we are.” The space they had been given had shrank somewhat, the bubble provided Miyako and Kyo in empty space had grown smaller as the crowd had swelled in size, and Hirohide had been working hard to provide them with what they wanted, not having prepared for the onslaught of people, he was running out of mochi to provide the crowd. Some were already complaining, though not to Miyako, but to Hirohide. They were starting to get aggressive, raising their voices and some even pushing others.

Current Ninpocho Time:
