Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:



Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The human body and mind are resilient things despite their utter fragility.

Let this be a learning experience~

There would be six prisoners -- three male and three female. Each would appear tired and hungry. Their eyes glassy from what one could assume was weeks in captivity. Each of them would be standing upright, although perhaps slumped forward. Their wrists chained to the wall they were numbered one through six. There was a table and on the table there was six numbered folders. Each of them told a story about one of the captives and the goal was readily apparent: get an answer to a specific question.
[legend="[color=red][b][size=5]The Files[/size][/b][/color]"]

Name: Amori Miné
Age: 19
Physical Description: Robin egg blue hair that is tied in a messy mop on the top of her head and violet eyes. She is wearing a pink kimono but it is dirty and worn, there are rips in it but they do not appear to be recently inflicted but rather done over the course of time be it several days or months. There are no visible scars on her that can be seen during a cursory assessment.
Basic Information: Born in Sora, her parents died young and she was orphaned at the age of eight. She pan-handled but quickly turned to thievery to survive. At first it was small items such as bread and on occasion dried meat but as time went on and she got older she also became more ambitious. She started stealing items of great value and by extension in some cases power. She stole a vial of plague preserves and it is said that she plans to sell it on the Black Market for a tidy sum.
Plague Preserves:
  • Source: A synthetic recreation of the Red Death using remnants of Barynx's heart and/or the remains of Sunahoshi Keikou/Takahashi Hana as a main ingredient.
    Transmission: Contact
    Incubation: 1.5 weeks
    Symptoms: Early symptoms start after approximately 1.5 week and consist of mild flu-like symptoms including a fever in excess of 101 but never over 103, a harsh rattling productive cough productive of red-streaked sputum, severe lethargy and muscle pain. Intermittent symptoms include boils over one's face and arms, even if this disease proves not to be fatal, these boils often leave deep pock-like scars. These boils have in 95% of all cases led to a secondary infection, most commonly cellulitis. The fever and lethargy persist, often leaving the victim dehydrated and malnourished unless someone cares for them during this state of illness. Due to fear of contamination, most victims die before reaching the final stage. In the final stage, organs begin to putrefy one at a time. Treatment for this is supportive, meaning if a victim's organs can be supported long enough to recover, the victim will surve but be severely weakened as a result of the disease processes.
    Mortality Rate: With treatment, mortality is 10% but due to fears of contamination many people go untreated. Untreated, mortality rates for the second stage are 60% and the final stage are 95%.
    Known Cures: Hydration and nutrition as well as secondary infection prevention during the second stages and during the final stage organ support by a trained medical professional.
    Prevalence: most of the preserves have been destroyed or it is so believed, it remains a constant fear of Sunan officials that this disease in another form will one day return.
Present State of Health: She was caught 9 days ago attempting to flee Soons Haven on a boat set for Tea Country. We have not been able to find the preserves on her person or hidden in the cargo of the ship. Beyond minor abrasions to her wrists, signs of exhaustion, fatigue and an occasional dry rattling cough she appears to be in relatively good health.

What we want to know: Where are the preserves hidden?
Folder 1

Name: Uchiha Isao
Age: 20
Physical Description: A member of the Uchiha Clan, his eyes constantly have an active form of the sharingan but unlike those in his family his hair is a pale blonde, almost white color. He fights with chains primarily and has a number of scars on his body that are reportedly self-inflicted. He is wearing the remains of a cotton robe but it appears to be dirty and smells terrible.
Basic Information: A member of the Uchiha Clan, we do not know his country of origin however we do know that he is a murder. He has murdered several men in samurai armor this past week alone. He was caught three days ago after butchering a male and a female sentinel at the gates. He claims his reason is because "all samurais must die" and he claims lineage with Kohonagakure but we have already determined this to be a lie. The Uchiha family in Kohonagakure is rather prominent and therefore it would be expected that his name would have been recorded and we have no records of this. He has also expressed strong anti-establishment sentiments and claims to be working alone but evidence at some of the scenes suggests that he has a partner. We saw not only the markings of his chain weapon but also what appeared to be cuts with a long bladed weapon, possibly a katana. He claims that he did not kill anyone who did not deserve to be killed and that the men in armor are not human anymore and need to be stopped. We assured him that they were very much human but that they are now dead thanks to him and his friend. While we are certain he suffers from lunacy we need to catch his partner before he strikes again.
Present state of Health: He was caught 3 days ago and has already been severely beaten. His clothes are mostly ripped and torn, one can see the many scars on his body of varying age. Despite his many injuries the young man appears feral, while there are signs of fatigue such as bags over his eyes and pallid flesh he is constantly fighting his chains.

What we want to know: Who is his partner? Where can we find him/her?
Folder 2

Name: Yamanaka Suzuë
Age: 19
Physical Description: An attractive young woman, or at least she was at one time. Her features have been obscured by swelling of or orbital area and jaw, the bruises look like they are a few days old but the swelling has yet to recede. She is wearing a traditional dark colored kimono and her long hair has been left to hand behind her, a fringe of dark bangs obscures her eyes.
Basic Information: A former matron of the Soverign Academy for Wayward Youth, she has most recently lost her mind. It is extremely concerning due to the fact that she has killed four children, all under the age of twelve, claiming them all to be 'monsters.' She herself was never a student at the academy despite being an orphan herself at the age of fifteen. Her parents were somewhat affluent and she was well educated before their death and quickly found employment as an assistant in the Academy but quickly rose in rank due to her diligence and work ethic. However, over the past few weeks she has suffered from mounting paranoia. She has made claims that the academy is not what it seems and that they are not raising child soldiers but rather monsters there. She was removed from the premises approximately three weeks ago but returned shortly thereafter, we do not know exactly when and in the dead of night slaughtered several of the children. We do not know how she got into the Academy or why she continues to believe such a ludicrous story but we do know that she is a murderer.
Present State of Health: Caught four days ago, she is badly beaten. She has several deep gashes visible on her legs and a cut on her side that has stopped but the old blood mars her kimono. She appears to be very ill and possibly close to death.

What we want to know: Why does she believe that these children are monsters? Does anyone else share those sentiments? Who let her into the academy?
Folder 3

Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown, appears to be in his late 30's
Physical Description: Tanned, leather-like skin with some facial scarring as well as a pair of tattoos on both of his arms. These tattoos resemble seals and have some commonalities to an old Wind Country Dialect known as Runic Terran. We believe that he is a native of Wind Country and perhaps a nomad.
Basic Information: We do not know where he came from, only that he arrived several months ago. He was wearing a strange featureless mask and robes to obscure an identity that would not matter because even without the robes we cannot identify him. He has not spoken a word since he has been captured but he acted as a vigilante in the village of Soons Haven, assaulting would-be purse snatchers and rapists for the most part. The problem was, he skipped due-process and served as judge, jury and executioner. Many of these suspects have been beaten so badly that they would never work again, in one case snapping a man's spine with his bare hands and in another case crushing a man's testicles beyond the point of recovery. Broken arms, legs, serious concussions that have led to permanent seizure disorders and in several cases death have been the result of his violent reign of vigilantism. He has one tattoo that we can fully decipher, it is the word "Pestilence" written in Runic across his chest.
Present State of Health: He is only wearing a pair of tattered shorts and no shoes. He looks like he has been there for some time, not nearly the strong man capable of performing the deeds recorded but still a man of substantial size none the less. He has tattoos as described and appears to be in a poor state of health more from neglect than being beaten, however there are signs that he was recently and brutally injured a few weeks ago. There is no recording stating how long ago he was actually captured.

What we want to know: Learn something about him or make him speak.
Folder 4

Name: Takagami Kana
Age: 32
Physical Description: In better condition than the rest of the prisoners, she has fair skin and light hair. Her features are long and narrow and she appears foreign. She has a boyish build that ios only accentuated by her traditional garb. The kimono she is wearing is white and pastel and appear to be in good condition. She does not seem to have any evidence of injuries. Of note is a wedding band on the wrong hand and what appears to be a tanline on her wrist of something she used to often wear but is now presently absent.
Basic Information: She was born in Rice Country or at least that is what she claims, if so it would have been to a nomadic family and it transpired after the ruin of the country unless she is much older than she appears. She arrived in Soons Haven via ship approximately ten years ago. She worked as an accountant for several prominent merchant families. A merchant criminal, it was discovered that she had siphoned funds from several of these merchant families over the past several years and the present location of these funds is unknown.
Present State of Health: In good health. She appears uninjured but perturbed. Her clothes appear fresh, it is unlikely that she has been here for more than a few hours.

What we want to know: Where is the money.
Folder 4

Name: Jomaya Kotsu
Age: 28
Physical Description: One would think him an albino to look at his skin and long white hair given his youth but his eyes are a distinctive teal. He is lean and muscular as well as tall. He is the tallest among those gathered here, standing at an estimated seven and one-half feet. He does not have any distinctive scars but he has a great number of runic markings, none of which are easily identified but they herald back to the first men if there was a scholar among those gathered here.
Basic Information: He arrived by ship from a location unknown three weeks ago. He was caught in connection to the murder of several young women, their bodies dismembered and theior organs removed. It is believed that he did this to complete some terrible blood ritual.
Present State of Health: Captured approximately four days ago, he is still wearing parts of his armor as well as worn leather beneath the steel. The armor appears to be both well-worn and well-loved, evidence of old damages and dings that were pounded out can be seen over the dully gleaming face. The leather itself well-oiled although a bit worn. The man himself however appears to be badly beaten, multiple cuts, lacerations and bruises mar his otherwise milky flesh.

What we want to know: Have him admit he killed the girls and why.
Folder 4
Folder 6
Folder 5

How this works:
  1. Pick a Folder. Any Folder. Each person can only pick one and players may share folders - I am not picky but everyone can also have their own. If there is not enough for everyone, I can make more.
  2. Interrogate the suspect. I will document when I will be able to post a response post when I post my first post due to work constraints as well as the fact that I am in a number of other threads but for the most part I will have several days between the posts so take your time and do it right.
  3. Remember to abide by the site rating.
  4. You will have 5 posts total to find the answer to these questions assuming nothing else that is terrible goes 'wrong.'
  5. Please link jutsus used or anything relevant to make it easier to read your post.
Folder 6
Folder 5

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Shin took a moment to take in the site of the interrogation, the nearly windowless walls doing little to block of the smell coming from the prisoners. It was an odd combination of sweat, dirty, and blood that seemed to linger on their bodies as he looked at the numbering on the walls they hung from. He walked around silently his hands brushing lightly against the table in front of him. Each folder was individually numbered to corresponded to the walls. But he had to choose carefully in his decision, this would be the first time he would have experience something that required him to get intel in this way. He need to make sure the one his choice didn’t cloud judgment during this trial.

That takes the Uchiha out of the equation.
While his control of his emotion was still slightly more maintained than before, the rare large scar still on his chest from one of the Uchiha’s ilk had did little to calm the man’s hatred for the people. The demon blood in him didn’t truly appreciated a near death with the one he had encounter. And then there was his mission with Tensai.

The two woman were out, not because of some gentleman’s refusal to get them to talk. One was clearly crazy, and the last think he need to do was interview her with his aura rolling of him screaming evil. The other one…he wasn’t sure if he would be able to handle her interrogation correctly. While she seemed to be one of the most health of the hanging group, she was probably the most idiotic, at least according to what see stole. He placed the folder down and look at the last one. He was silently, with the exception of him exploring the folder contents. Interesting. He’s brutal but effective. He’s a wild-card, no date of capture, and he’s been silent since they captured him. Let’s see how this goes.

Picking up the folder, Shin placed it under his armpit and walked towards the wall where the man was handing. He said nothing as he approached the man, his hand raise as he made sure that there was distance between them. He held some respect for the man, but he need answers and tradition torture was going to work. Not for this type of person. A harmful glow will slowly radiate around the man’s body as the trainee looked at him, attempting to infiltrate his mind, before speaking.

“Why Pestilence?”

WC: 414

Taking Folder #4.
[C-Rank] Radioactive Decay - Rank 1
[C-Rank] Mental Infiltration - Mastered

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Yoshi said:

Rp said:
Studying the teleportation seal placed on him, Yoshi began taking mental notes. He could definitely use the components to perfect his own seal placed upon others and objects. All his was, was an extension of his chakra that he could sense and quickly get back to using his reality bending speed abilities.

Looking up from his seal, Yoshi smirked as he looked at his laughing family. He was taken in off the streets and transformed into what he was today. Since joining this vast family, they yellow haired young man has actually had a reason to smile.

"Dad, I've already made reservations at a hotel for the Tsuyoshi family. I'm about to prepare a little before I'm teleported out. So, I'm going ahead."

"Sounds good. Do your best Yoshi. You've worked hard to come this far, the only direction you can go is up." Junko said with a smirk before placing a hand on his sons head. "Make us proud, and show them what the Tsuyoshi clan is all about. And that goes to all of you!

And with those words, a piece of Yoshi felt warm inside, as if a baby dragon was manifesting in the pit of his stomach. Saying his good-byes, he was off in a flash. Moving at an untraceable speed through the crowds of soons heaven. Arriving to the hotel, Yoshi checked in and immediately headed to his room.

Entering, he didn't bother to put down his backpack, grab a bite to eat, or anything else. He simply sat in a meditative position in peace. It was his way to calm his mind before the exam. His breathing slowed immensely along with his heart rate. His chakra flow was flowing smoothly, but slightly spiked as his seal began to burn a little. "Must be time to go." Yoshi thought as sand began to swirl around him like a vicious typhoon. In a blink of an eye, the genius was gone.


The smell of blood, sweat, and the fresh feeling of agony could be felt in the air as Tensai entered the room with his mask equipped and in full ANBU gear. He understood what needed to be done and what needed to be done, would get done. Simple as that. Picking up a random folder(Folder 2), Yoshi began reading in silence.

Apparently, he had to deal with one crazy ass uchiha. Interestingly enough, Tensai killed dozens upon dozens of uchiha on a mission with Kyōfuno. On that night, Tensais soul was drowned in the darkness of the ANBU corps. Yet, he managed to still be himself. Business was business and no matter what, he had a family to always get back to. So, no time would be wasted.

Keeping away from the Uchihas eyes, Tensai observed his already beaten body and other various details about the man as he approached with the folder still open to read about the uchiha before him. Closing the folder slowly, Tensai shook his head at the chains. With his last weapon being chain based, he didn't feel comfortable knowing Isao was pulling on them. So, preparations had to be made.

Beginning his preparations with a set of slow hand-signs, Tensai didn't care if Isao read them. The ground under Isao would slowly begin to crack as Tensai took a few steps back. In mere moments, the ground underneath the man caved in 14 feet deep, revealing a torturous pit inhabiting thousands of razor sharp wooden spikes. He would surely drop and begin to dangle, but not before Tensai used some quicker hand-signs.

Immediately, several vines sprouted and slither from the walls and pit. Slowly, they'd entangle the man. Starting with his head, the vines would cover his eyes as they would wrap multiple times around his head, leaving only his mouth to talk and ears to listen. Continuing, the vines entangled his key ligaments such as his legs, hands, feet, and arms, leaving him tightly secure. If he struggled, the vines would only become tighter. So, he would be his own worse enemy.

"Uchiha Isao, Who is your partner? Where can we find him or her?" Tensai asked bluntly as his voice sounded deeper due to his mask. Tensai wasn't going to bull shit with the man before him, beat around the bush, or play around at all. No negotiations could be made, just answer the questions. Things were just that simple. If he didn't, so be it. He was alone with a man that could bring him an inch before death and heal him just enough just to be taken to near death again. Little did he know, Tensai had all the time in the world. Literally.

Rather he replied or not didn't matter, if Tensai didn't receive the proper answer to his question, Tensai would simply snap two fingers to begin destroying Isao from the inside out on a microscopic level. Obliterating the reality of his very being, the Uchiha would feel the pain of his very insides obliterating as his molecules were being altered or destroyed. Soon, he probably wouldn't be able to hold his pee, let alone his biles.



Nov 21, 2012
One moment she was leaning up against a wall, basking in the sun with her eyes closed, next she was in a dark, dank place. It was her nose that alerted her to the shift in locations first as the smell of mold, blood and other bodily fluids permeated her young nostrils and assaulted them. Her eyes opened to find others in the room already going about their business and with a quick push was back to her own feet. "Why do these places need to smell so raw..." She contemplated as she came to the table and the two remaining folders, quickly she studied the pair of them before tossing number three back to the table and walking toward the blue haired thief. She silently stood a foot in front of the woman and looked her up and down with an expressionless face before reaching behind and into a satchel, she then pulled out a canteen and took a sip for herself to show it was safe before placing it against the thief's lips. "Drink, I won't be offering a second time." She said in a dull monotone.

She would give the woman time to react accordingly to the offer before pulling the flask away and putting it back into the pouch, she then bore deeply into the woman's eyes with her own, very unnatural black and red eyes. "I'll get straight to the point I guess. You tell me where you hid the vial and I walk away. You got a nice drink and I can put in a good word, you get to walk away earlier than you would otherwise... You've probably heard than a bunch with how long you've been here though, right?" She pace slowly to the woman's sides as she spoke, reaching out to inspect the woman's clothes and wounds out of morbid curiosity. "Problem is that deal doesn't really have much weight behind it... You clearly have nothing to lose by simply refusing to answer except a beating here and there right?" She moved back to be stood directly in front of the woman and still with her deadpan face she thrust a single finger toward the captives left shoulder, it would pierce and sink straight through up to Shinkus own knuckle before slowly she pulled it out. "So here's how we're going to do it. You know what I want to hear and every minute that passes without you giving me what I seek, I will take something from you." She went silent once more, waiting for the thirsty seconds to pass but at the same time letting her threats sink in.

The first bout of sixty seconds was up and regardless of what the woman might have said during this time Shinku would reach up with her left hand and grab the woman's rats nest of blue hair, painfully pulling her head down so her chin was against her own chest. With her right hand she went back into the satchel as her side and pulled out a Kunai, a weapon she had no interest in ever mastering but one that was certainly handy in certain situations. Blade in hand she reached up and began to carve through the girls hair, gripping the hair tight enough to hurt and pushing down with all her strength to be sure the girl wouldn't be able to fight. She made short work of the girls head, leaving her with an extremely uneven but short mess on her head as the rest of it lay at her feet. "Consider that a freebie, next time I start taking things that you'll really miss." She'd already put the knife away and now stood with her arms folded, waiting silently and unflinching as she counted the sixty seconds in her head.


Jutsu Used;
-Stab : Mastered

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
Shikai was at peace and on edge here in sand at the same time. He had lived here for the first part of his life so it felt like home but at the same time with the condition surrounding his departure he was not back for good. Not by a long shot. Still, always nice to know where everything is. He had spend the better part of his morning getting supplies. He didn't know what the exam would bring so just in case it was a survival mission or came down to a battle of nutrition he wanted to be ready. He made sure to back ample supply of food, first aid gear, and weapons. Also had a small compartment in his backpack with some of the more important but less space requiring stuff, like medical pills, food pills, and soldier pills. Just in case.

As he was packing it all up he figured that his new uniform should not gather dust when he was going to an exam, so he took his time putting it on right. Suddenly the mark on his arm began to glow. It was time. He shot out a web string to pull in his backpack and quickly swung it around his back while summoning his mask just in time for the teleportation. Now he was in something resembling a prison. Three others were there. He spotted 4 scrolls on the floor [It says six but two aren't made yet...]. Three others were here and two of them quickly browsed through the scrolls and picked their favourite. Shikai didn't mind waiting and would even make a gesture to the last person to pick a scroll before him. Not that it was needed. If he had wanted to grab a scroll fast he would have had to be faster. As he brought himself up to speed with the assignment and the suspect he would be interrogating he weight the different strategies he could use.

First he figured that the other people, having already found their person would leave him some clues as to what could be a possible cause of action. Sadly they all seemed to go straight to torture in some way shape or form. Was in necessary or were they just sadists. His target was believed crazy and seemed to not have much time left. Torture would only kill her faster than she could ever answer.

Shikai went over to the woman.

"I would tell you to not mind the screaming and the horrid visage you see to your sides but I believe that it would be a waste of breath. I would love to do things differently. I believe in a more humane way of life. A simple conversation if you will. Lets get some privacy first."

Shikai would take his time using spiderweb to turn victims threes part of this place into a room cut off from the rest. He would weave it thick enough to block out most of the sound but make sure that a window was near them for air. He would then offer the woman food and tend to her wounds, cleaning out the gashes on her legs very carefully an bandaging them up as best he could. He would need time to get her to talk and to be thorough so he needed her to not die on him just yet.

"Pardon my many arms. Believe me when I say that I would rather have been without them in my life. I'm sorry that I don't have the keys to your chains but I can at least make your stay a little more comfortable. Lets talk. I understand you are some kind of hero in your own right Onee-sama. Saving us from monsters. I was just wondering what kind of monsters they were, and how to spot them?"

He would speak in a soft light voice. He was younger than the woman he was to interrogate so some familiarity might help the cause.

[OOC: Scroll 3 taken. String used to make a large cocoon to cut of outside noise and interference.]
[WC: 666]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

He was a large man, but he was also fit. The manacles about his wrist had worn callouses into his forearms already. Had he been here a few days or a few months? His wounds appeared painful, some were festering and gave off a stale stink. The nameless man eyed the approaching ANBU hopeful with his rust-colored eyes and met him defiantly. He knew that he was going to die here and he did not seem to care to look at him. Of course that was not entirely true, everyone has the biological prerogative to want to survive and in that he would be no different. Still, there were things more important than life or liberty such as his pride. His jaw clenched in preparation of whatever was to come but that was the only outward sign of angst he would offer.

Still, there was something odd about this time, it was not like the others were they would bludgeon him, burn him or starve him. He could feel it, like a tickle or a scratching ever so light in the back of his mind. He would shift restlessly as he shook his head. He felt nauseated in the boy's presence and his flesh felt unusually hot. He sniffed with an air of discontent.

“Why Pestilence?”

That was all the boy asked. The unnamed simply stared into ANBU hopeful. He reminded him of somebody, of that kid. He shook his head again, it felt like he had a nest of freshly hatched spiders in his brain. What time is it? It is nearly time to strike. But not yet, they would have to wait for nightfall if they wanted to liberate those kids. He opened his mouth but he did not speak.

The silent man's eyes left his interrogator and spied the teal-haired woman as she screamed. He grunted and made nonsensical sounds but none of them words. He started to struggle violent against his restraints and it would seem as if he was trying to yell -something- but what would be an utter mystery.


There was no rest for Isao, there would never be rest for him. He was salivating and appeared to be more like a beast than a man. His eyes red, the swirling tomoe of the Mangekyō Sharingan; a trait bestowed on only the most tragic of Uchihas. Isao was not attempting to attack anyone in particular as he struggled against his fetters. The chains clamored and tattled in complaint as the non-complaint prisoner continually tried to break free. Many of the wounds were self inflicted during the seemingly possessed young man's frantic and feral attempts to break lose. That was until Tensai approached, "Let me out!" the flaxen-headed Uchiha demanded. His focus entirely on the young examinee, but he never met the Uchiha's insistent insidious gaze.

The young man performs a careful series of handseals, after all there is no reason to rush. The Uchiha's eyes lock onto the array as he attempts to memorize or identify what the child-soldier was trying to do. The ground beneath Isao started to groan and then crack, taking on the appearance of a spider's web. The floor cracked away, revealing a spiky pit of death below. Isao would fall, only to be caught by the very chains he had been so dedicated to struggling against these past few days. He cried out in pain as his shoulder joints were taxed by the sudden application of his full body weight and his cuffs bit into his wrists painfully and Isao looked at the young man with a defiant rage. Tendrils of greenery started to creep and twist and press against the dangling captive. "I am not going to tell you anything!" He declared through gritted teeth. The vines wrapped around his limbs and held him tight. Darkness would overwhelm Isao as the greenery wrapped around his face and covered his eyes. Ever defiant, the Uchiha continued to struggle without reason and the vines constricted, it would only take moment before he was completely immobilized and could both no longer feel his limbs or also move. He let out a wheeze from his exertion before he started to pant.

"Uchiha Isao, Who is your partner? Where can we find him or her?"

"I am not telling you anything," he contended, his voice weak and unable to overcome the vine's tight grip. "They're crazy and we are all going to die!" Although the statement was shouted the words seemed almost pleading as he repeated them once the teal-haired woman started screaming. The vines groaned as they tightened even more still, the Uchiha possibly invigorated by the teen's cries of pain.

All Isao would hear would be the snap of fingers, that abrupt and simple sound before a progressive discomfort would start someplace deep inside of him that he could not focus on. A low groan would slowly grow in volume to be what one could consider a scream if he was not being ripped apart from the outside. It sounded like yowling feline more than a man, that terrible anguished noise as he body broke down and revolted. Blood would seep through the vines, urine and stool would drip into the pit.


The teen was chained to the wall but in a better state of health than most. She seemed tired and as if she was starting to come down with something. She also looked scared, "no! Stay back!" She cried, no she sobbed. Yes, the thief was openly crying, "leave here or you will die" she warned. The young woman approached all the same, she took a drink from a canteen and the young woman watched as she did so with covetous eyes. It was raised up before her and Miné clenched her eyes closed and shook her head side to side. A single tear streamed down her cheek.

"Drink, I won't be offering a second time."

"You don't know what you are doing," she warned as she accepted the drink all the same, internally cursing herself for her own weakness. Eventually the canteen would be pulled away and relegated to its resting place. She would look away and close her eyes. "Toss it," she warned.

"I'll get straight to the point I guess. You tell me where you hid the vial and I walk away. You got a nice drink and I can put in a good word, you get to walk away earlier than you would otherwise... You've probably heard than a bunch with how long you've been here though, right?"

She held her breath as the kunoichi approached. She shied away from Shinku's touch but would not go far considering the fact that she was shackled to a wall. The ANBU hopeful would note abrasions and a few bruises on otherwise milky white, subtle flesh. Her time here had thus far been brief and it appeared that she had taken very little in damage between the time of her capture and now. "Don't," she complained in a high voice.

"Problem is that deal doesn't really have much weight behind it... You clearly have nothing to lose by simply refusing to answer except a beating here and there right?"

The Kumo poked the thief in the shoulder, her fingernail and whole phalange to the knuckle dug into the captive. Miné cried out, it was a shrill rattling sound and fresh hot tears streamed down both sides of her face. "Please don't" she begged. She sobbed. The finger slowly retracted, the delayed moment was more agonizing than the insertion in how it throbbed and burned. In the wake was a bleeding hollow that would stain part of her pretty yet worn kimono red.

"So here's how we're going to do it. You know what I want to hear and every minute that passes without you giving me what I seek, I will take something from you."

"I can't... I don't have it," her forehead creased as she gave her contrite plea. "I never took it," she continued, desperate. "Please... you have to believe me!"

She could feel fingers tangle into her hair and force her head to bow to her breast. "Please stop," she cried repeating again that she did not have it the whole while. She could see her long, formerly lovely although presently knotted and now discarded locks fell onto the floor as her hair was roughly liberated from her head. The ligaments in the poor woman's neck would strain, she was not a practiced shinobi and the sum of the ANBU hopeful's strength by far exceeded that of the captive woman. It would hurt too much for her to hold her head up so she would look at the floor, at her discarded hair so cruelly taken from her.

"Consider that a freebie, next time I start taking things that you'll really miss."

"I never took" she insisted still, "but it is with me. Now go away!" She shouted with what little strength she could muster.


She was a lovely woman until a few days ago. Badly beaten ad bruised, her kimono was caked with blood. Her arms were bruised and her face was swollen. She was not even standing under her own power shackled to that wall. Still she was conscious and she saw the ANBU hopeful approach. She was too weak to move and her face too swollen to express the sentiment of fear that could be read in her eyes. "No more... please," she petitioned the examinee, her face downcast.

"I would tell you to not mind the screaming and the horrid visage you see to your sides but I believe that it would be a waste of breath. I would love to do things differently. I believe in a more humane way of life. A simple conversation if you will. Lets get some privacy first."

Her eyes widened as the multiple-armed young man wove a wall of web that partitioned a private space. In her mind she feared the worst of outcomes but she also knew that there was nothing she could do here. She was powerless in this situation and no less or more terrified of the future today would bring. Resigned to her fate she tried to control her breathing, waiting for the pain that would come as she closed her eyes. There was no pain, only respite. He was tending to her wounds rather than arbitrarily inflicting more. She cried silently with gratitude as she accepted his benevolence. She did not care if the food was poisoned or tainted, she was so hungry and so thirsty.

"Pardon my many arms. Believe me when I say that I would rather have been without them in my life. I'm sorry that I don't have the keys to your chains but I can at least make your stay a little more comfortable. Lets talk. I understand you are some kind of hero in your own right Onee-sama. Saving us from monsters. I was just wondering what kind of monsters they were, and how to spot them?"

"You need to run before they get you," she warned. "Never-mind the monsters... and RUN." She begged him, perhaps she was a madwoman and belonged in an asylum rather than a prison but this is where she ended up. Through the window she would hear the thief Amori Miné scream and she would tense up. "You don't seem like the rest, let me tell you a secret."

She would whisper three words in Sunaku Shikai's ear. [PM Sent]

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
Shikai took everything in. He recorded it with his ANBU ability for use later. As the tape was rolling he heard the scream through the window. The big guy had not yielded much. Only an insult to his interrogator. Shikai was glad he was not given that guy. He had briefly seen the other scrolls as the others went through them in an effort to avoid the woman he himself was with right now. The Uchiha was defiant as well but something he said stuck to Shikai as he was trying to multi task. Seemed that he as well was warning the AiT's to get away, just like the woman in front of him. The all knew something about this place that he did not. What did the Uchiha do again? Shikai went through the file and stopped at the Uchihas scroll. Strike down samurai that were not human any more. Another connection to his own case. The last one had an even more unsettling tale to tell. Shikai went to the last AiT and the scroll she was holding. Something about a recreated desease. Horrible stuff. Shikai praised his choice of making this airtight cocoon when he tuned in to prisoner ones voice. Didn't take it but it's with me? Shikai knew what that could be. He went to put a membrane of web up over the window as well. Air could still get in but it would be slightly filtered and at least it would have to go out to the other side of the wall first. Just in case that stuff was airborne.

After taking in everything and making some safety precautions Shikai returned to the teenage girl. She was older than him but still young.

"You're too sweet Onee-sama. Thinking of me over yourself like that."

He leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Don't worry. This is merely a clone. Once I know what to do I will be safe and sound outside."

He needed to find the source of all that blood. He was no medic but that did not mean he had no healing to give.

"We need to fix you up. I'm gonna try to find the wound. If you could guide me to it I could close it for you Onee-sama"

Shikai knew that some Kimonos had the wearer naked underneath but this was a light one. Still, he would need to get to her skin to seal the wound so he places a few strings on her Kimono, over her chest and pelvic area to hold the Kimono together so he could open the middel part and search for the wound without stripping her.

"You remind me so much of my elder sister. She looked just like you. She always worried about me. She was a warm and kind hearted woman until the incident."

Shikai would have found a large wound by now and start to use low level healing jutsu to stop any new bleeding and close the wound to a point where it could be bandaged safely.

"She always told me to do something with my life. Something that mattered. I wasn't even old enough to have thought about girls and she gives me a life purpose. Go figure. When she... passed, I made it my mission to do something that mattered before I joined her."

As the wound was bandaged Shikai pulled his hands out of the Kimono and hugged Suzuë tight with all six arms. He would sniff once before whispering to her.

"Still haven't even felt the warmth of anyone other than family and I'm already tossed into this kind of world. I mean look at the others. The monsters I have to work with."

He loosened his grip again and put her Kimono back in place with the bandage underneath. He would speak softly so it would not be heard through the web.

"Let me tell you something. My Sister... She was murdered. By some demon blood duo in my village. I was hiding nearby. I saw the two slice her up and even collect blood from her to drink. Those monster. Do you know what I found out when the investigative team came? Those two... They were the leads on the task force. Hiding in plain sight. How did they get to that position being the kind of monsters they were? Why were they allowed to live?"

He went in for another hug, whilst sounding teared up under the mask. He whispered to her.

"Please Onee-sama. I need to do something that matters before I die. I need to stop people like that from becoming so strong. You have to help me. No one can hear us and the clone will relay everything to me. Please I need help. Tell me what you meant with your warning. There must be some way to tell these monsters from the rest of us. You must know someone who can help me carry it out. As long as I know that I did so making the world a better place I don't mind dieing. I just want one good deed before I see yo... my Onee-sama in whatever is beyond this world."

He would keep her close in the hopes that he got through to her by sharing and that she would give him some answers. What did the warning mean? Why did she see monsters where everyone else saw children? Who helped her? It seemed that this information connected her to one of the others in here so maybe it was not all crazy talk. And if it was maybe she was under some form of Genjutsu. But would dispelling it cause her to lose her memory. He would keep it in mind for later but for now he had to take in what was happening around him once more.

[OOC: String used again + Coagulation and Mystic Hands to heal her up a bit.]
[WC: 975]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Nanashi was oddly quiet than normal. Normally, he would try to talk to Shinku, seeing how she was there in that examination room as well, but today it didn’t happen. He knew he had to focus and he knew she wouldn’t really like it if he would accidentally disturb her own thought process. Not to mention that the prison was far from what one would suggest as a typical location for a date. Ah, he wondered if he had made the right decision to come and partake in the inter-village examination. Was he ready?

Yes, he was. He would believe so. He may not be as expected as the others of his class, being someone who was not raised within Kumogakure itself, let alone an ordinary fisherman’s son in the far coastal town where he had busied himself with fishing and swimming as opposed to strict shinobi training and regimen day-in and day-out had one come from a prominent family– that is to say, he may not have an interest in this sort of life at all. But he did manage to have an interest and he did manage to get into the academy where he knew he had to work a little extra harder than the others because he was, first and foremost, different to begin with. But all people have baggages and odd stories to their names that he knew better than to truly feel special just because of his circumstances.

Which is why, perhaps, he took the Folder 5 from among those documents gathered before he lifted his eyes to mark the person it described. He took into account what was written in the document before he made a decision and then placed the folder back on the desk. He then went to approach the said person– Takagami Kana, who seemed quite well-off compared to the rest of the prisoners. No doubt the others had their own plans on how to handle interrogations. But he… well, Nanashi had never experienced being interrogated before nor had he witnessed one. Perhaps just when he saw a store clerk assail a petty thief, but that’s not quite it– he figured.

It was quite bothering that she was taller than him. He wondered if this would make it difficult. After all, if they weren’t even on equal footing, she would feel slightly advantageous. Perhaps her experience, being older and wiser, would also play a part and make him feel as if he far too naive to even try her. And yet as he stood there he simply raised his palm towards her, gathering a bit of chakra along the wrist before he manipulated them and did a quick sign of the hands before splashing her face with a bit of water jutsu.

He made a brief chuckle before he looked back at her as casually as ever, as if nothing had happened. “Sorry, but you had this awful expression on your face since earlier. I thought a quick splash would brighten your mood, or at least make you forget about whatever worrisome thing it was.” He then tilted his head sideways as his eyes trained itself on the chains along her wrist. “Though I suppose those things won’t be easy on you as well.”

He then straightened himself once, closing in the distance between him and the woman until they were merely an arm’s reach away from the other. “In any case, I would like to begin now as you’re probably quite aware of my presence now and whatever antics I may have up my sleeves, so… shall we start if you can please tell me where you’ve been before coming here? And I do mean this country. I’m rather eager to learn about what places you’ve gone to. And if you will indulge me on this, I can get rid of those unnecessary chains.”

[MFT] Word Count: 648
[OOC: Used Rinse Off [M]

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Shin quickly moved forward as the man began to struggle against the restrains, his teeth gritting at the scream from the women. It seemed as though one of the interrogators was being a bit too through in her torture, especially if the woman was a civilian. He doubted she would have what it would take to lose if enough pressure was given, yet that was and after thought as he began casting a genjutsu at the struggling man. The Black Flash would if he was lucky make him lose sight of what was occurring across from him, which while extreme, was slowly giving the trainee more information. He planned through the information given from the interrogations he could hear from, summoning a Shadow Servant to restrain the man as he studied the man’s body.

First, the thief and her claim. She has the preserves, but she never took them.

The Uchiha whose word could be a reflection of his crazy. But he claimed they’re crazy and that the people here would die. Could there be any source outside these people?

Then the man he was restraining, would spoke in only grunts and unintelligible sounds. Yet there was a connection with him in the woman. That or another reason. Looking at the man’s folder, it was clear his actions were a bit more aligned with Shin's own. It was one of the reason he picked him. Yet there was a nagging feeling in his head as he began grabbing the man’s shoulder and pressing forward. Focusing on how much press to add, he would carefully dislocate the man’s arm, which while painful would stop some of the struggling.

“Sorry, but this is for your own protection. You want to help her, then let me help you.”

Shin would cancel the clone as he continued to work through his thoughts, his hands moving quickly as he looked at the man. He wouldn’t be sure if it would stop the man for struggling but for no he need his attention. He had a working theory, one that it was hoping was wrong. First the woman’s theft of plague preserves, and the tattoo of pestilence on the man’s chest? Shin felt his opening of his Third Eye as he slammed his fist on the ground, causing a wall of stone to block the man’s view, making it so that he would only see him. He need to be the sole concentration of this man’s focus, and hopefully his wall to block out some of the sounds. Assuming the woman was infected, or incubating the preserves, then there was still time to discover information on his prisoner before, they unfortunately died. This was the worst case scenario he was playing in his mind while he looked at the man before speaking again.

“I need to know why something about you, anything, even if it seems unimportant. It’s clear you’re not afraid of dying, but you do care for people. You won’t have reacted for that woman if you weren’t sure she was innocent. You wouldn’t deal with scum in such a manner if you didn’t.”

His hands moved though motions once more.

“A single word and I can make sure the woman is safe. You have my word.”

His hand made a small glow as he directed the radiation once again at the man’s body. He need to weaken the man’s muscle to a certain degree, if only to make sure he didn’t injure himself more or cause another scene. That and it might help in getting him talking.

“Why is Pestilence the only word we can understand?”

The trainee would keep his Third Eye open, it might allow him to pick on something else he wasn’t seeing about this situation. Only time could tell.

WC: 630

[C-Rank] Black Flash - Rank 1
[B-Rank] Shadow Servant - Mastered
[B-Rank] Incapacitate - Mastered
[C-Rank] Radioactive Decay - Rank 1

[Abilities Used]
Human Anatomy
Demonic Ancestory - Third Eye

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Yoshi said:

Rp said:
Just as expected, things weren't going to be easy. Even though Isao was twenty years old, he had the sense of a child.

"Let me out!"

"I am not going to tell you anything!"

"I am not telling you anything,"

"They're crazy and we are all going to die!"

As expected, the prisoner had a hard head, but a hard head made a soft ass. Especially for children such as the one before him. It didn't matter though, all children had a breaking point. No matter how hard the head was.

Upon Yoshis snap, the boy screamed in agony. Urine, blood, and stool dripped into the pit. The smell drifted quite quickly, but Yoshis mask protected him. Allowing his jutsu to send off the message needed to be sent(This pain was only the beginning), Yoshi stopped to simply stare at Isao. Giving him a breather, Yoshi waited for anything he had to say. Meanwhile, he listened to those around him, Especially the young girl that carried on. Taking mental notes of the other examinees and what their prisoners were doing, Yoshi remained silent. During his silence, the young Seikon remained calm, cool, and collected. Whatever was going on would soon be revealed. After all, all things in the dark comes to the light at some point. After listening to Isaos response or groans, Yoshi would continue.

"Uchiha Isao, Who is your partner? Where can we find him or her? Who's the "they" you were referring to and why will we all die?" Yoshi would ask adding on an additional question for his personal gain. "Tell me, or lose your eyes." Yoshi stated as a warning. To most Uchihas, their eyes were their pride and joy. Their eyes were the source of their power, heart, and part of their very soul. Especially once you gained the eternal mangekyo Sharingan such as himself.

Learning this from his uncle Aiko who obtained his EMS from his deceased sensei and former Raikage, Yoshi knew his next strike would likely effect him his body and spirit. If he didn't give Yoshi the answers he desired, another snap of Yoshis fingers would occur. This time, the jutsu would be even more intense, designed to specifically set off every pain receptor in his body on a microscopic level. Especially the eyes, as they would surely decimate.

Finishing up and giving Isao a few moments to feel the pain, Yoshi would begin healing the poor soul, but Just enough to keep the lad going.

[Seikon]Obliterate Reality(Mastered)
Mystical Hands(Mastered)
Coagulation(Rank 1)

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

She was shaking as she told him her secret. This might be another cruel trick or game, the Daimyo and his family loved to play these cruel games. The shackles rattled as she restlessly tried to move.

"You're too sweet Onee-sama. Thinking of me over yourself like that."

"I am as good as dead all the same," she admitted " are you." She insisted. She grimaced as he leaned forward, she was not a brave woman and only felt fear but of course that is really the mark of someone brave. To act with courage even when they are absolutely terrified.

"Don't worry. This is merely a clone. Once I know what to do I will be safe and sound outside."

He whispered into her ear, she could feel his breath on her skin. She pulled against her fetters uselessly, he was a lair. She worked at the academy long enough to know the limits of most clone techniques even if she herself lacked the chakra control to do anything with her understanding. She did not accuse him of this but she looked down and spied the seal on his hand as well, that further verified the thought in her head.

"We need to fix you up. I'm gonna try to find the wound. If you could guide me to it I could close it for you Onee-sama."

She tensed as strings of webbing were stretched across her and her obi was untied. She was not exposed but she was embarrassed all the same by the fact that some kid was tending to her wounds. Her face red, she looked away. It would be obvious when he saw it that she had been impaled at some point in the recent past. The wound went through her and was undressed. Infection had already started in, she was not exaggerating about the fact that she was going to die. The kimono was not ripped at the site of injury, so he might be astounded to see the shear volume of cuts and bruises on her midsection. Most of them already infected.

"You remind me so much of my elder sister. She looked just like you. She always worried about me. She was a warm and kind hearted woman until the incident."

The healing process was painful, the regeneration of destroyed flesh meant the recreation of something capable of feeling pain. She bit her own lip hard and closed her eyes tight.

"She always told me to do something with my life. Something that mattered. I wasn't even old enough to have thought about girls and she gives me a life purpose. Go figure. When she... passed, I made it my mission to do something that mattered before I joined her."

A cloth bandage was being wrapped around her midsection, she was far from healed and she still might not even survive. Still, she was grateful for the sentiment. A pair, no a quartet, not a sextet of arms wrapped around her for a momentary embrace that pulled her from the wall. A breath of air was squeezed out of her and she could hear the moist passage of air before he breathed to her.

"Still haven't even felt the warmth of anyone other than family and I'm already tossed into this kind of world. I mean look at the others. The monsters I have to work with."

"Not yet," she replied cryptically. She was referring to his 'teammates.' Yes, they were horrible people who likely took pleasure in the pain of others or thought so little of others that the pain they inflicted as long as it would garner them benefit was cause enough to damage or humiliate another. "But that is what they seek to become, and you too I am afraid... they chose this vocation, this way of life that was thrust onto so many others and seek to become monsters."

When he relinquished his grasp, he sealed her kimono and tied her sash.

"Let me tell you something. My Sister... She was murdered. By some demon blood duo in my village. I was hiding nearby. I saw the two slice her up and even collect blood from her to drink. Those monster. Do you know what I found out when the investigative team came? Those two... They were the leads on the task force. Hiding in plain sight. How did they get to that position being the kind of monsters they were? Why were they allowed to live?"

Her eyed widened, there was that brief spark of hope but it had all faded. It was too late for him as well. He hugged her again and it startled her.

"Please Onee-sama. I need to do something that matters before I die. I need to stop people like that from becoming so strong. You have to help me. No one can hear us and the clone will relay everything to me. Please I need help. Tell me what you meant with your warning. There must be some way to tell these monsters from the rest of us. You must know someone who can help me carry it out. As long as I know that I did so making the world a better place I don't mind dieing. I just want one good deed before I see yo... my Onee-sama in whatever is beyond this world."

Her head fell forward and rested onto the young ANBU hopeful. The chains pulled at her shoulders uncomfortably as she did this, but she was tired. "But they are all around you," she answered, her voice muffled. "That is the purpose of this place, can't you see. They assume blindly that these people are bad people, but they do not know... they do not even care, it is only the objective. They have no soul and that hollow will be replaced with another. They scream and they scratch," she warned. She took a few deep breaths, "I killed them... the young and the broken, the strong and the lame. They trusted me and I killed them because they were monsters." She was crying but there were not many tears to be had, she was still injured and not far from the brink of death. "I poisoned them, that is how I killed them. I got the poison from her," she was referring to the blue-haired woman who was chained on a wall adjacent. "But they knew this, they caught us all..."


She had a sense of pride and a hard look on her face. The angle of her square jaw was appeared clenched. She watched as four of the other prisoners were already being interrogated, some of these kids seemed to be sadists. She then saw a late-comer, he picked up the number corresponding to the sign over her head. His hands went through a simple array of seals and a geyser of water shot into her face. She closed her eyes and scrunched her face as she tried to turn it the best she could to the side as the water invaded her nostrils and soaked her hair. She tried to gasp for air but choked on the water before the liquid assault was over and it left her gagging. The cold water left her skin and kimono soaked. She let out a series of hacking coughs, her chains rattled as she leaned away from the wall.

“Sorry, but you had this awful expression on your face since earlier. I thought a quick splash would brighten your mood, or at least make you forget about whatever worrisome thing it was.”

She got either some jokester or another sadist from her guess as the young man chuckled and approached her. She gave him an irritated look and bared her teeth at him. She was in good condition all around, her teeth as white as her kimono that now clung to her. Let let out a sound of annoyance as she fought against her restraints although the effort would be futile, she was not nearly strong enough as to break solid steal or rip the bindings from the wall.

“Though I suppose those things won’t be easy on you as well.”

He commented. Her eyes followed him as he made his approach. She shivered more from the cold than the anticipation. "The hell you want kid," her voice rough. She did not seem as scared as the other girls, instead she seemed to feel as if this was more a moment of indignity that a period of peril. With cold eyes she made her demand "get these dam things off of me!"

“In any case, I would like to begin now as you’re probably quite aware of my presence now and whatever antics I may have up my sleeves, so… shall we start if you can please tell me where you’ve been before coming here? And I do mean this country. I’m rather eager to learn about what places you’ve gone to. And if you will indulge me on this, I can get rid of those unnecessary chains.”

"Rice Country," she claimed. She made this statement without hesitation, her mouth drawn into a frown. "...and Tea." She looked up at her wrist with annoyance before looking at the boy. "Get these things off of me," she repeated through her teeth.


He let out an animalistic roar as he continued to fight his restraints. His muscles stressed and his vasculature apparent, the arteries in his arms and his neck throbbed. He roared again a horrible sound in cadence with her cries but he did not seem in pain, he seemed to be enraged. Saliva in thin web-like streams came from his mouth as he desperately tried to rip himself free from his restraints. The young man approached the sweat-drenched man. His teeth bared, blood trickled down his arms from a deep gash that he created at the base of his thumbs. The ANBU-hopeful pressed his hands against his shoulder, a pop could be felt and audibly heard as the shoulder joint was disjointed in his bare hands. A guttural sound escape the man's parched maw as the arm became slack in his restraint. The pain, like an electrical current that always lingered but as he moved or even shifted brought on a new wave of anguish. His other arm still intact, the unspoken closed his eyes as he wrapped the chain, the little slack he could muster around his fingers. He forced a swallow and opened his eyes. All he could see was that kid, he could not hear her any longer, his eyes filled with pain and ire as he growled at the young man.
RRRrrruurgh! Arrggg!

He tried to say something, the words would be garbled and unintelligible. [Mind using the OLD description for Third Eye, which was it gave you access to surface thoughts, giving you the translation?] He yelled 'Lord give me strength!'

“Sorry, but this is for your own protection. You want to help her, then let me help you.”

The young man announced as a wall was erected, a partition that obstructed his view and muffled the sounds of whoever and whatever happened on the other side.
Goya Gwyaaaag!

A strange sound enunciated, his brow furrowed and his face desperate. He tugged on his chain with his intact, healthy, non-dislocated limb. His face red, he grimaced and a creek could be heard from the place to which the chain was fastened. He cried for him to 'help her.'

“I need to know why something about you, anything, even if it seems unimportant. It’s clear you’re not afraid of dying, but you do care for people. You won’t have reacted for that woman if you weren’t sure she was innocent. You wouldn’t deal with scum in such a manner if you didn’t.”

He repeated, his dislocated arm limp but help upright with the chain he tugged again with his left. He was looking at the wall. He begged the young man once more to 'help HER.'

“A single word and I can make sure the woman is safe. You have my word.”<i></i>

The interrogator again approached, the pain was in agony but it did not seem to do much to hinder his attempts to break his fetters. As the caustic, cancerous energies emitted again from the young man, 'Pestilence's' knees would buckle and he would fall down. The sudden tension on his dislocated limb would cause a fresh current of pain to run through him anew and he would scream this time. He gave the world its saddest sound.
Rowr ahragh awf ahraroww rowh rohngr grgrff rf rf!

He screamed. The sound was hideous, like an animal being vivisected whilst still alive. He called the young man a monster... a fiend. 'monsters all of you, fiends like the rest!'

“Why is Pestilence the only word we can understand?”
Hnn-rowr yrroonn nng rarrr

'Because they took my tongue.'


The vines gripped him and his body was dissolving, the blonde Uchiha screamed out in pain. He was not able to hold his fluids, the scent and the shame however could not complete with the anguish he felt. It was hard to breathe and his abdomen burned as his gastric contents started to spill out into his abdominal cavity. It would not be long before he could not scream at all, holes in the lungs, in the gut, the bladder, even the brain. It would not take long to reduce the young man into a leaking simpleton. The cruel assault ceased and the Uchiha simply stared forward. If there was a sound to be made, it would be a pained groan.

"Uchiha Isao, Who is your partner? Where can we find him or her? Who's the "they" you were referring to and why will we all die?"

Isao did not answer, not because he could not. not because he would not. But because SOMEONE had destroyed his body to the point where he could not hold his own piss. Nothing functioned, the teen was on the cusp of death.

"Tell me, or lose your eyes."

Fingers would crack. Eyes would fade and become grey. The pain, while he could not scream the entire time was searing. He blacked out, possibly from the pain or possibly from the extensive damages he had endured. He was not fighting, he had stopped some time ago. He was slack in his cocoon of vines, fetters still about his limbs. Even the sharingan shone no more.

<B>KO'd prisoner​

A healing hand placed onto the Uchiha would rouse him. How much? Would he be ABLE to speak? That would be up to the make-do Medic.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Yoshi said:

Rp said:
Sighing, the boy was out as expected. Being the son of a medical chief sure had its perks though. He wasn't up to his fathers level, but he had enough knowledge to properly heal his nerve damages and bring him back enough to speak. Not enough so he wouldn't feel pain, but enough to get answers out of him.

Using the most advanced medical technique he knew, Yoshi began a series oh hand signs. The technique focused more on combating the many different things that may go wrong with a body. Leftover burn marks, acidic residue, internal bruising, nerve damage, and much more. This technique was developed as a simple cure-all treatment to bring a body back to a more favorable operating condition. Looking at the boy, Yoshi didn't need a miracle, he wasn't in that bad of shape.

Yoshi hand bursted into firry green flames that illuminated his part of the cell block. Observing his hand, he still found it amazing that he mastered this technique from his father. Moving a bit closer to the prisoner, Yoshi was careful to not fall into the pit. Reaching over and placing his firry hand on the head of Isao, his body bursted into that same firry green flame. Concentrating, this was the best Yoshi could do for the poor lad. Hopefully, he'd find it best to give answers because although he had been tortured, he had yet to be tortured by Yoshi until now.

His body would likely sting a bit from the medical ninjutsu, but as it would Hoover over his pain receptors he'd feel a rejuvenating sensation. Giving the jutsu time to work its magic, Yoshi focused before moving on to his next technique. Carefully infusing the firry chakra into the body of the victim, it formed a protective coating which seeped into the bones and strengthened their durability. This would not only heal Isao, but prepare him for even more damage the next round.

Finishing things up, Yoshi used the mystical hands technique as final healing to Isaos overall system and body structure. This was designed as the finishing touch to ensure his body was fully functional. If/once he would awake, he'd be met with Yoshi's voice once more.

"Tell me what I need to know and this can all stop. I won't allow you to die no matter what or destroy you beyond repair. You'll endure this for the rest of your life. Just tell me what I need to know and it's all over. Get a second chance at life." Yoshi would say hoping Isao would come to his senses. Death would be something Isao could only pray for. Life and a second chance could be handed to him, but he needed to cooperate.

"Lastly, if we find your partner without you answering my questions. I can assure you, he or she will endure this same pain. Right in front of you. Give me what I need to know, and no harm will fall upon them.


Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
'Lord give me strength!'

'help her.'

'help HER.'

'monsters all of you, fiends like the rest!'

'Because they took my tongue.'

They. It was the second time he had heard about these mysterious people, something that was not sitting well with the trainee. It was becoming more and more clear that there was something clearly wrong with this exam, something that was setting Shin sense on overdrive. The man’s tattoo, his relation to the woman, and his missing tongue. This is either a very talently con, or we all are being set up. Best plan accordingly either way.

The man’s thoughts pounded on Shin head as began moving forward, tapping the man in the center of his chest, his hand glowing as he began infusing his own chakra into the man’s being. By now, he would be feeling as though his sensitivity to pain was numb, the trainee while not being a medic, knew that he certain techniques would come in handy in the field. That and it allowed Shin to do his next movement, as he grabbed the man’s shoulder and quickly set it back into place. His jutsu would allow the man to hopefully feel no pain as it did this, while his Third Eye remain open, seeking to capture more thoughts as he end the wall behind him, causing it to shatter. His hands blurred as two forms of shadow appeared next to him, their orders clear in their minds as the headed towards the woman. He made sure they walked with a slight sprint in there steps, while he began speaking once more, his voice low so only the man could hear him.

“Your wrong, I gave you my word and I will help her. Now let me help you as well.”

Shin placed his hand on the man’s back, restoring the weakened man slightly. He made sure that is tone was still low, making sure that only the man was hearing him.

“Whoever ‘they’ are, they removed your tongue for a reason. I need know about them or the reason they removed it.”

He moved in front of the man before pointing at his skull, hidden by the anbu mask.

“Speak in normally and I’ll pick up what you are trying to say. I need to know in order to truly help the girl, especially if your tattoo is a hint to what she has.”

He moved his hands from his skull and folder his hands once more waiting for his response. If the man said nothing, Shin would speak once more.

“Do this and I will deal with ‘they’. Hell, I even let you deal with them if I can get you out.”

***Shadow Servants***

The two Shadow Servants goal was only to make sure the woman was okay. Seeing as they couldn’t speak they would find what was available to try to keep her relatively safe from the torture. They would let the interogation continue, but any harm and they would try to direct the person to an alternate of finding answers.

OCC: If I’m unable to do the actions with my Shadow Servant, let me know and I’ll change my post accordingly

<COLOR color="#0000BF">

Human Anatomy
[Demonic Ancestory - Third Eye]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
He honestly did not intend for her to choke from that rinse, but it seemed to have done the trick and she paid him as much attention as one would for someone who did the unthinkable. I mean, he didn’t even bother to speak first but outright doused her with water and it was just rude now that he thought about it. But perhaps this was advantageous. Even if she seemed composed, the fact that she was now vulnerable to the elements (aka soaked and could be shivering from the cold) meant that she would have one more aspect to battle aside from him. Still, Nanashi wasn’t used to roughing it out and so he was cautious as he proceeded.

As the woman, though glaring at him, remained steadfast at where she stood, albeit shivering a little and pulling on the chains, she did managed to answer him. Rice country… and Tea? Nanashi had to quickly remember what he’d learned from his many visits in the library. The grand archives of where he spent most of his time investigating the nearby countries (though he was more interested about Bear and the Marshes) had also brought him to learn about Tea. Apparently, one of the many countries now under the domain of the Sand Country, Tea was quite off towards the east, a port country if he was not mistaken.

And so, this woman had been to a trading hub. Could it be connected to what was being accused of her at this moment? He wasn’t so sure yet and he needed to get more answers from her. But first….

“Thank you for that. As promised,” he closed the distance between them, almost leaning against her as his hand wound around the locks of the chain, he managed to whisper, “I don’t suppose you’re still active with Tea. Sending some money for a trade that’s unaccounted for? In any case, I apologise beforehand. But I must get some answers.”

The metal spoke slid out from the lock and one hand was freed but no sooner had it been done, Nanashi quickly leaned away as he quickly sent out some chakra formed on his hand and shot the wall right next to her head, chipping the said wall from the condensed water ninjutsu he had accidentally fired. He had to play the part, right? “I’ll be careful next time. I promise I won’t miss. So for the next chained hand, let’s have you answer again, okay?”

Just then, he noticed the others were progressing with their own prisoners, even catching a glance of one from his own village seemingly speaking indiscreetly to one of the prisoners. Was there something amiss? He knew he had to be on guard when he was there for the inter village examination, but was there more to it?

He looked back at the woman before him, taking into consideration the state of which she was presented. She wasn’t as dirty as the others, in fact, almost freshly imprisoned. And what if there was no reason at all to even place her there? The very demeanour she portrayed, one that seemed defiant could be characteristic of a nomad, but it almost spoke volume of her own conviction. Wrongfully accused?

“Look, we won’t be getting anywhere like this and I doubt you want to stay in here for much longer. So…”

Then as he stood there in front of her, a good breath’s away, he raised his hand and held her on the forehead. Wind gathered along to brush past both other faces as his chakra filled his wrist. He was never shy to show how much he energy he possessed. “Let’s start again, shall we? Who exactly is your employer at the time you were apprehended? Is he somehow connected to a very important person in this country?” Then he leaned closer so as to simply whisper, “If you can’t say anything, look down once if it’s ‘yes’; look to the sides if it’s ‘no’; and continue your silent glaring if you think you’ve become a sacrifice in this predicament.”

Then he withdrew enough to give her some space but only enough that his outstretched hand that threateningly held her head was still in contact with her skin. And though he was unsure who exactly was observing this exam, he made sure to try and keep himself cautious. Something definitely felt amiss.

[Water Gun - [M] shot to the wall next to her head, just to alarm her]
[Just prepping up some chakra on his hand]

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
Shikai was definitely getting somewhere with this one. He had yet to use any techniques that could not be used by a clone and yet he sensed that, that part of the story did not go down so well. Still he had learned that she thought of them as monsters because they were being groomed to become what he had besides him. Tortures and mercenaries basically. He couldn't blame her. He himself had gotten into this world to change it like so many others. He didn't know if having strong beliefs and friends in other branches would keep him on his path but he had to try. Just like she had to try in whatever way she could. The girls with the blue hair would also apparently show that sentiment. It was not a leap to jump to the conclusion that others in this room could be connected as well. The Uchiha for instance foretold everyones doom just like this woman did. The mumbling guy could have killed someone who got too close to their operation. For now he would only conclude that the blue haired woman was in on it. One question to go. Who helped them get into the academy.

"So the others are in the same boat as you? Not evil but here for doing the right thing. I don't think I can save any of them sadly, but I never assume that people are evil until I witness the act and have to defend myself. Afterwards I will question the motive but make no assumptions before I have all the information."

He put his hands on his ANBU mask.

"I'm not suppose to remove this so just in case people are watching I will stick to protocol on that part. Sorry if me hugging you made you uncomfortable. You just remind me of..."

He stopped to look down. He then lift out his arm with the marks.

"Also sorry to lie to you. This mark shine through the clone theory. Just thought that you would feel better if I actually had an escape plan and you would not have to feel guilty for what happens to me after this. I need to think and you need a moments rest."

He would walk up to the woman, get behind her so they were back to back and he was facing the wall. He would then get down on his knees and rest his mask against the wall making it possible for the woman to sit on his shoulders and neck, with he legs down his back. He figured that hanging from the arms would make her welcome the chance to sit for a moment. He waited for 5 minutes before getting back up. If the Woman had taken him up on the offer to sit for those five moments he would use more sting to construct a primitive hammock chair for her to sit on. If not he would use that time to walk back and forth for a moment.

"So if I get this right I'm already dead. Which is why telling me the details wont make a difference in the end. I appreciate the honesty still though. Takes a lot of allies to change this world. To stop the creation of monsters. Those of my Village had demon blood but it seems that monsters are created in the mind and not the blood. To take on something like that one needs a lot of connections."

Shikai went in close again to whisper to the Woman.

"Now that I know how I just have two questions. The first one is, are you affected by the substance used to poison the children. Is that part of the trap? The sickness? The second is that just as I need friends, so would you have to. Someone inside. Someone to leave the doors unlocked after you were no longer at the academy. If they are still free then I need to speak with them. We are only three from stone working on this on my part. We need more."

[OOC: Nothing new on the Jutsu front. Still just using the Mucus pool to build stuff.]


Nov 21, 2012
The young girl gave a few pondering thoughts to the cries of the teen thief and exhaled through her nose as some ideas floated around her mind. She reached up with one of her hands to take the girls, which were chained and caressed the appendage gently before her red and black eyes fell back down to the girls face. "In some cultures thieves are punished by having their dominant hands removed. Personally I'd rather not because that just seems to easy but I'm certainly not above such a thing." She gave the hand a squeeze as she spoke, putting enough pressure on the wrist so that the threat of breaking it was heavily implied. "Now I am intrigued by your words, miss. So I'll give you plenty of time to explain, unless you'd like me to jump to a wrong conclusion because I do believe that you didn't steal the vial." With that her free hand would snake beneath the girls kimono and she would feel a surprisingly soft but cold hand stroking her stomach almost provocatively. "I also believe however that the vial is either inside you, forced into you as a hiding place or you've been infected as a kind of patient zero scenario... I'd like to believe it's the previous but the later seems extremely probable. Care to explain?" Whilst speaking she wouldn't take her eyes off of the girls, waiting for any kind of reaction to her words that she could use, she wouldn't break the girls wrist yet however.

With what little the file had said about the poison she'd taken Shinku could tell that something strange was going on, perhaps a plant by Sand to take out the ANBU hopefuls of other villages? After all none of those here were of sand, most of them were in fact from her own home village. Despite the fact that they might be getting set up to infect their villages as the virus takes a while to spread, Shinku knew she couldn't and wouldn't allow that to happen. She had always been somewhat resistant to viruses and bacteria, having learnt the hard way that bad kids don't get fresh food and over time seemed to have built up a resistance to becoming sick or poisoned as a result. Chances are such a thing wouldn't stop the red death but it might keep it at bay long enough that she could prevent the spread.

Shinkus oddly cold, stone hand continued to caress the females midsection probably somewhat uncomfortably so given the obvious age gap but she seemed to simply be enjoying herself as a kid does when they find something new, thankfully she was keeping it just barely above the belt though her mind was becoming more curious, damned puberty hormones.

Curiously molesting [Mastered]
Preparing to break wrist.

[MFT - 472]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

The unfortunate blonde Uchiha was no longer fit to converse. He hung limp in the vines, his body twisted and constricted. A verdant hand pressed against his broken and bleeding form. It was far from sufficient to bring him back to what he was a mere matter of weeks ago. His body was negated from the inside out, the world appeared black still and his fluids refused to remain inside. Everything hurt as he was pulled back from the endless black void. He could not gasp, the vines held him too tight. He could not shudder or cry, it hurt too much. After all, he was a young man, barely past his teen years and he was now in the very place that he would surely die. When one's mortality is hung before you at the end of a short string, things have a different meaning. However pain and and the fear of death can only compel one so much when death and the pains theretofore were essentially assured.

"Tell me what I need to know and this can all stop. I won't allow you to die no matter what or destroy you beyond repair. You'll endure this for the rest of your life. Just tell me what I need to know and it's all over. Get a second chance at life."

"Second. Chances," he scoffed, his voice weak as he hung perilously over the pit. "I am... but an. Object-ive, you... all of you... treat this as a game... As if you. Can do... Something. Unforgivable... and there would be no consequence. That you cannot reset." His statement eloquent despite the fact that he could not hold his head up or say what he needed to without a pause to take yet another shallow breath. He assumed that everything said in those files was the truth and went about making him suffer preemptively. Does his assumption absolve him of his liability and his sin? "...wrath, it is --the same... for all of you."

"Lastly, if we find your partner without you answering my questions. I can assure you, he or she will endure this same pain. Right in front of you. Give me what I need to know, and no harm will fall upon them."

"Because. You assured -- me," he replied after all he is a 'good man' worthy of his trust enough to betray a friend. "Do. You think... they needed you?" Six people chained to a wall, evidence that they were already badly beaten in some cases. Some in better condition than others and with the threats that some of them suggested why would they trust something this important to ANBU hopefuls? "Can-t you see? See... what they are doing? ...They d'nt even... need to try," he struggled to get these defiant words out but more than defy the man that was responsible for this torment he was also telling him what he needed to know although perhaps not what he wanted to know.


Wordlessly the young man placed his palm on the mute's chest and imbued him with his chakra. Pestilence tensed on contact as he steeled himself against whatever would come next. His body ceased to hurt, at least for a moment as everything felt dull. This was a moment of respite for the man who had been attached to this wall for who knows how long. The shoulder popped back into place with a grating sensation followed by an audible crack that was gut-twisting but the man stood there stoic.

The ANBU hopeful's hands whipped through a series of hand seals at blinding speed. A pair of gloomy figures appeared behind him and soundlessly wandered off. LEAVE HER ALONE! his mind screamed as he vocalized something akin to a dying animal that was somehow in heat.

“Your wrong, I gave you my word and I will help her. Now let me help you as well.”

He assured him, but that did not calm him entirely as he strained to see what the shadows were doing. He had not heard Miné scream in some time and he feared for her. He restlessly pulled once again against his restraints and they clattered.

“Whoever ‘they’ are, they removed your tongue for a reason. I need know about them or the reason they removed it."
"uugggh wrrhwrwwhw wrrhw uughghhhgh raaaaaahhgh"

Pestilence tried to explain, he simply said that they stop him from talking. His interrogator pointed to his head and gave him an additional instruction. The captive was calming down ever so slightly as his dark eyes followed the young man.

“Speak in normally and I’ll pick up what you are trying to say. I need to know in order to truly help the girl, especially if your tattoo is a hint to what she has.”

He nodded. He understood. I am Pestilence<i></i> He silently answered. That was his name. I defended the plague.

“Do this and I will deal with ‘they’. Hell, I even let you deal with them if I can get you out.”

The Daimyo, the wordless man stated. HE did it,"[/b]</I> Pestilence insisted. It was hard to explain to some random kid that depth of the matter that he... or rather they had meandered into. You are all going to get yourselves killed because you are beating up the wrong guys he insisted. Perhaps he was lying and making all of this up. There was really no reason to trust the man chained to the wall and experience would suggest along with the file that Pestilence was a bad... very bad man.


Kana was soaked and cold, she shivered and looked at the young man accusingly. She answered his questions, they were not a secret to her. He moved in close to her, only a hair's breadth apart and freed her from one of her shackles.

“Thank you for that. As promised...”

She hugged the wall, attempting to assure the largest distance possible between them.

“I don’t suppose you’re still active with Tea. Sending some money for a trade that’s unaccounted for? In any case, I apologise beforehand. But I must get some answers.”

He whispered as the manacle fell from her and clattered against the wall uselessly. It was her instinct to slap him across the face, an attempt that she did indeed make but her hand only touched air. She fell forward, the other restraint stopped her from falling forward by gripping her painfully. A burst of chakra broke the surface of the wall, a stone chip ricocheted onto the floor. She let out a yelp of surprise.

“I’ll be careful next time. I promise I won’t miss. So for the next chained hand, let’s have you answer again, okay?”

She cowered beneath the damaged wall, looking upward for a moment before she reluctantly stood upright.

“Look, we won’t be getting anywhere like this and I doubt you want to stay in here for much longer. So…”

He raised a hand to her forehead and she started at him defiantly. "Are you going to kill me now?" She was more terrified than she sounded but she made every attempt to maintain a stony expression.

“Let’s start again, shall we? Who exactly is your employer at the time you were apprehended? Is he somehow connected to a very important person in this country?”

That was an easy question. "I work for the Merchant Lords, have since I came to this Country," she replied. The merchant lords were powerful men and women. "Specifically Mako," she added.

“If you can’t say anything, look down once if it’s ‘yes’; look to the sides if it’s ‘no’; and continue your silent glaring if you think you’ve become a sacrifice in this predicament.”

She scoffed. "I would be more worried about myself if I was you," she threatened. "When my employers learn what has been done to me, <I>there will be hell to pay." She sounded rather confident in this as she looked him squarely in the eyes. She was of course wrong, they had forsaken her. She knew too much and they were simply typing up loose ends.


"So the others are in the same boat as you? Not evil but here for doing the right thing. I don't think I can save any of them sadly, but I never assume that people are evil until I witness the act and have to defend myself. Afterwards I will question the motive but make no assumptions before I have all the information."

"I... don't know," she admitted with a moment of hesitation. "I do not know all of them, only some," she added. She was afraid that her lack of further information would result in a terrible punishment and grew pale as she said that. Despite the kind gestures the young man had shown her, she did not believe he was truly concerned for her. She was tired and really could not fight any longer.

"I'm not suppose to remove this so just in case people are watching I will stick to protocol on that part. Sorry if me hugging you made you uncomfortable. You just remind me of..."

She was not going to say it made her uncomfortable but her mind always goes to the worst of places considering the things that she has seen. He came here to get something from her, she did not entirely understand what these people were sent here for only that they seemed to lack any hesitation in making some of them suffer and she seemed to be an exception to this thus far. She was not used to affection, both prior to her imprisonment, from strangers or from someone here to get something from her. In all honesty she was waiting for a monster to pop out - she would not risk making him mad prematurely. From the sounds of things she had it better than the others. "It is fine," she conceded shaking "I just do not look forward to dying or hurting again." It was the truth, she was not a shinobi at any level and despite this she until recently she counted herself lucky because she found gainful employment in some manner unlike so many others who were subject to poverty and strife for their lack of chakra control. No matter how you look at it, why hire a civilian to do a job a shinobi can do faster and better?

"Also sorry to lie to you. This mark shine through the clone theory. Just thought that you would feel better if I actually had an escape plan and you would not have to feel guilty for what happens to me after this. I need to think and you need a moments rest."

"There are no doors," she announced. She would have gestured to the walls to demonstrate the lack of doors if she physically could. "It is the only way in," she added reffering to the seal on his hand. During this time the ANBU hopeful would slide behind her and she got nervous, not really knowing what to anticipate as her arms stretched to accommodate the young man. It could be heard in her breathing and felt in her stiffened carriage. His position shifted beneath her, she could feel him take a position between her legs and herself lift up. There would have been an audible crack that could be heard from her hips and her knees. It had been a long time since she had been off her feet, the transition was both painful and wonderful in a strange way. She could not remember the last time she sat, she did not move and she did not complain while the spider silently and meticulously crafted something below her. She did not know what, to an extent she was resigned to her fate and although she was still exceedingly nervous about what the young boy was truly up to thus far she was likely the only one who has not screamed. She was a coward, yes. She never signed up to risk her life, she just worked at an academy that was full of monsters that she had to stop. Not because of some assigned duty from a nameless or faceless leader of judge but because it was the prerogative of every human to do what was right.

"So if I get this right I'm already dead. Which is why telling me the details wont make a difference in the end. I appreciate the honesty still though. Takes a lot of allies to change this world. To stop the creation of monsters. Those of my Village had demon blood but it seems that monsters are created in the mind and not the blood. To take on something like that one needs a lot of connections."

She nodded, presumably now from a spidery sling. "Not enough she contended," as she looked downcast. "I got him caught and he lost his tongue, his sister is screaming over there," she admitted a failure.

"Now that I know how I just have two questions. The first one is, are you affected by the substance used to poison the children. Is that part of the trap? The sickness? The second is that just as I need friends, so would you have to. Someone inside. Someone to leave the doors unlocked after you were no longer at the academy. If they are still free then I need to speak with them. We are only three from stone working on this on my part. We need more."

She seemed ready to talk. "You don't understand. They do not need a thing from you, why would they? They already caught us. They already hurt us. Do you honestly think that there is anything that they want from us that they have not already gotten? It is you who is being interrogated." He demonstrated that he was a Kumo sure, but that was hardly his entire powerset and the same could be said of every ANBU here. They were looking for something else from him, something that only they could truly know. "I poisoned the kids with aconite, better known as wolfsbane. I am fine," she claimed. She was not fine, far from it but she would not die from taking a poison she never consumed. "I am more concerned over the plague they poisoned her with. She is going to die."


"Please..." the young teal-haired girl with a ragged haircut begged with tear-filled eyes. She did not do anything wrong, why was this happening to her. "Get away," she cried as the mean ANBU hopeful started stroking her manacled wrist.

"In some cultures thieves are punished by having their dominant hands removed. Personally I'd rather not because that just seems to easy but I'm certainly not above such a thing."

The shackled teen let out a high pitched yell, she lacked the endurance of a shinobi as well as the pain tolerance of one. "I did not steal anything!" she insisted once again.

"Now I am intrigued by your words, miss. So I'll give you plenty of time to explain, unless you'd like me to jump to a wrong conclusion because I do believe that you didn't steal the vial."

Distracted by the pain in her wrist she barely noticed the young teen's curious wandering hand enter her kimono. After a momentary delay she noticed, she pulled against her restraints ineffectively. Her hand felt cold and she let out a gasp before she helplessly complained "I have nothing there."[/b ]</B><B> She shifted uncomfortably under the young teenage girl's wandering hand and tried to look away, this was utterly humiliating.

"I also believe however that the vial is either inside you, forced into you as a hiding place or you've been infected as a kind of patient zero scenario... I'd like to believe it's the previous but the later seems extremely probable. Care to explain?"

The prisoner nodded an affirmation, the curious potential future sex offender got it right. "It is with me. They infected me," she answered as those icy fingers continued to play. A pair of shadows would loom in the background, they belonged to Pestilence's interrogator. They would see a tear-streaked, slightly bleeding blue-haired teen with crudely chopped tresses carpeting the floor about her feet. In front of her a younger. more bookish appearing (going off avatar) young woman close to six years younger with her hand down the older teen's kimono. As for getting an eye full of something one should not, likely. For the most part people traditionally did not wear undergarments under their kimonos and this young woman was no exception (now you know more about this NPC than you should).

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
Shikai now had all the information that he needed. It didn't matter if there was a hidden assignment, he had solved the one he was given to him and would note it down into the scroll. This woman's reason for killing the children, being that she thought them monsters. The ones in this room revealed as her help. The one who let her in, who was now tongue-less. It was true that there was no door but doors were not the only way get out. First things first.

"Somehow I feel like killing you swiftly and painlessly would be the only kindness I could offer you at this point. If you don't want that, I wont do it but I don't know what will happen next. It's the only way I can set you free"

Shikai would give the woman time to answer while he copied the scroll text down onto paper with the answers as well and rolled that paper up. He would pin the note to the wall behind her just above her head. It would still be rolled up so it was not readable. If she took him up on his offer he would embrace her one last time placing a kunai at the back of her head and thrust it in right into her brain stem killing her instantly. If she did not state that she wanted to die he would give her a bit more water instead. He then made an opening in the web around the window and tried sticking the Kunai through the gab between the bars. He knew from the view where he was. Alcazar. A place had never dreamt of living in back when he was a resident of Suna. It would not be hard to find his way to a proper office to hand in the scroll from here. His assignment was done after all.

[WC: 315]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
He was rather surprised by the woman’s reaction. No doubt her trying to slap him was anticipated, but then her answers were quite the selection. It would seem as though her conviction was as strong as her eyes that held such contempt towards him. Even when he had taunted her and even seemingly giving her an ultimatum in this acting of his, of which he hoped the latter would have allowed him his way and just given up. But seeing her reaction only made him understand that he would have to change.

Why him? Before he had arrived to Suna in order to participate in the inter village exam, he had a few encounters that propelled his deep obsession and desire. One was for power and the other was knowledge that was bound to just a select few. It could even be said that part of why he was even hoping to become part of the ANBU was because of such privileges. But most of the people around him would never have dreamt that he would choose this path. In fact, he himself would barely have thought about it… until he realised that he knew so little of his own life to even begin to resign his fate to something prescribed for him. And when chances were given for him to seek such obsessions and desires, he discovered that there had always been a voice within him that had been struggling to come out because of the noise and social constructs- such a cruel society. But never have the voice been so desperate as it has been these last few days. And the thing was, he was conscious of it all, and though his morals would clash, he had come to a decision that he would have to embrace such a voice since that was the only thing he knew that was truly 'him' and not the lies that he was taught to live. Something only he knew and understood.

He grinned as the other proved her confidence in her employers. He may have resigned himself for the change that was needed to accomplish his own goals, but he did not think he would have to do it there and then. Goes to show that the usual 'him' had become a faulty lie and the voice from within was much more real.

“I see,” he uttered as he loosened his grip on the woman’s head before the chakra that gathered on his hand suddenly spiked and gave his hand a dangerous glow. Then, without warning he pushed woman’s head against the wall, releasing the said wind jutsu, sending wind to cut from her face, down to her chained side, as he made a downward thrust with his hand. It ended him punching the other chain that restricted her, but it would not just be the chains that would be cut as her slender tender skin would have to suffer quite a bit.

He would let go of the woman there and then as he pulled his arm back, never once averting his gaze at her suffering. When he had decided that he would accept this true self of his, he knew that his principles would be tested, but he vowed to witness it all, unflinching and simply accepting. After all, if his inner voice told him to do so, it must really be what he must do.

“You spilled all over your white kimono now. Don’t worry, if what you say is true, I’ll have to meet them after this then. I’ll be sure to greet them properly,” he said as he glanced to the side for a moment, seeing that the others in the room were seemingly making more progress. He sighed once more before he looked back to the woman just as he pulled out a small hammer-like tool from his weapon holster on the side and almost instantly it grew in size. The hammer – Artisan– now taller than him, its face iron cold and deadly and wide enough to smash her entire head if he wanted to, was slung over his shoulder as his chakra began to entwine itself on the said weapon, giving it a light bluish glow as it channeled in preparation.

“Next prize for answering correctly is if you can survive this without having to dye the entirety of your kimono,” he said almost in an idle manner as he balanced the hammer over his shoulders with both hands while keeping eye contact with the woman. “You can try and retaliate if you want, by the way, but I’ll take that as your answer as well.”

Then he swung the hammer to the side and held it at a ready with one hand as the other made for a seal gesture. “So, why exactly should I be afraid of this Mako? Take your time to answer wisely or as long an explanation if you want. I’m still choosing where to start the dying process."

Was this really him talking? He could only agree even if there was a bit of tension within him. No doubt his morals were trying to cling onto him. And yet, speaking such words felt so easy. In fact, he never thought he would have the gall to do so. But it just felt…

“Free.” he smiled. Not grin, but smiled at the utterance of the word.

[Used Shredding Touch - M]
[Activating Critical Exposure - M]
[Channeling chakra on weapon Artisan]
[Just adding a note: Gonna use this post for learning abilities of Quickdraw and Initiative]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
