Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
The Shadow Servants looked at each other for a second before, one of impaling the other one, dispelling the figure. It took a moment as Shin listened to the man’s explanation, but he felt small images pop up his mind…images that he’d rather not have seen and some that made the normal calm shinobi…very disturbed. It looked like one of the students was…rather hands on with her interrogation. Very hands on. Raiden preserves us, another pervert in the branch. Other than the images of the prisoners…walls…the trainee did get a rather good images of the woman’s other all health. Which was a bad thing, especially with Pestilence revealing the sibling relationship with the girl. That along with the bomb he dropped of Wind’s Daimyo involvement, it was becoming slowly clear that this exam was a very clear ruse. That or the man could be lying, and Shin had been able to receive the information that he need from him. He dispelled the second clone before glancing down at the man in silence, his mind processing all the possible routes this could go. For one thing, the girl need to rid of the infection, which he wasn’t sure would be possible, especially with the small beating she already had. Nine days have already passed and I don’t know the time she was infected. If any the of people left, they could risk infection any outside of this building, which was a whole another situation in itself.

My healing factor could keep me alive for a few days, and Tensai skilled enough to survive longer. But what of the other shinobi? For the most part, he wasn’t concerned with the foreign entries in the exam, his responsible was to his home and that meant making sure his people left this place save. So between a rock and hard place. He spoke, walking behind the man as he looked at the chains keeping him in check. His voice was almost a whisper, enough that the man would hear him, but anyone else would have to strain themselves to listen.

“Then tell me these people, and do so quickly. I need to move fast if I am to save your sister. Unless you have something else in case of something like this?”

He wanted a moment to her the man speak before, he his hand touched the back of the man neck, harmless yet still implying a threat.

“I going to break one of your restrains. Only as a sign of good faith. You want to defend her, then do not cross me. She will not live without my help.”

Gravity swelled around the trainee’s fist as he shattered one of the restrains before, invisible chakra formed around his body. He wasn’t sure what the man would do and he wouldn’t take any chances as he waited for his answers. Once it was done he would create another clone, this one spark slightly as electricity filled the clone body. He would make sure that it would close enough to stun the man if he did something…stupid.

He looked at the man saying nothing again before talking once more. This time however, he had make his voice on loud on certain words. Hopefully the others would pick up on it.

“The second one comes off, once you tell me how we prepare for this. What’s in her has been in for a while and I need to know you aren’t setting me up. The way out is with some faith.”

WC: 585


Demonic Ancestory – Third Eye

[C-Rank] Orbital Strike - Mastered
[C-Rank] Invisible Shell - Rank 1
[C-Rank] Elemental Clone - Mastered - Lightning


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

Shikai has what the form requested of him. He garnered her trust and she told him the truth, she really had no choice because he would have pulled it from her one way or another. She simply hung/sat there on that webbed sling, still attached to the wall.

"Somehow I feel like killing you swiftly and painlessly would be the only kindness I could offer you at this point. If you don't want that, I wont do it but I don't know what will happen next. It's the only way I can set you free"

Shikai would come to a morbid potential conclusion. He offered to euthanize her and the color left her face. She did not want to die, not really. Nobody wanted to die and it was natural to fear death - what came after and the pains of. She was at a loss for words, her mouth was dry. Before she answered, the young ANBU hopeful scrawled down his answers. She held her breath as Shikai reached over her and she closed her eyes as he pinned the note to the wall behind her just above her head.

"Just get it over it," she resigned as she bowed her head forward. She did not want to die but she knew that once he left she would be killed anyways. She did not expect to be saved. She did not expect mercy. She did not expect him to care, after all the note pinned above her head was proof enough that this interaction was only part of his job but through her compliance she at least had a moment's respite. There was little dignity in suffering or in death.

She hung limp in that embrace, he felt warm as he wrapped his many arms around her. She let out a shuddering breath of air, a hot salty tear ran down the side of her face. She was not strong. She was never brave. She clenched her eyes closed knowing that it was coming soon much like an animal knows that a storm is coming or that danger lurks in the shadows. Her hands clenched in anticipation. Like a bullet a kunai broke through her skull - a flash of white light would take her vision before her sight plunged into darkness. She would let out a pained gasp, it would be fleeting but death was far from instant. A bullet, a rod, or anything that invades a body cavity rips through the tender tissue causing it to bleed. The blood rerouted to the outside of the body or within the cranial cavity and no longer feeding the hungry tissues it would quickly start to die. He of course struck her brain stem so she would fall flaccid in his arms, her ability to control her body, breathe or even command her heart to beat would be lost. She would die, it would take a few minutes but she would not show the pain or the fear. She could not even if her ability to mentally understand that she was dying was not lost.
[Prisoner has been Killed]


“I see.”

Nanashi replied as he loosened his grip on the woman’s head. There was a warm, almost roiling sensation that she could feel along the profile of her face. A burst of chakra condensed into the young man's hand, he forced the blonde's head against the hard stone wall. A blast of wind shot from his hand and cut into the side of her face, blood dripped from a deep wound that ran from her cheek down to her chained side. The woman let out a scream as she instinctively tried to pull away but the manacles prevented her from getting far. Her kimono torn asunder, a distinct hint of crimson started to overwhelm the delicate damaged fabric. With a dull clatter, his chakra enhanced fist would strike the thick chain that held her and the resounding force bit into her flesh as the cyclical energies that congregated about this distal point tore and dug into her milky skin. She cried out a second time this choking scream, hot salty tears streamed down her face as she staggered forward as the chain was cut through.

“You spilled all over your white kimono now. Don’t worry, if what you say is true, I’ll have to meet them after this then. I’ll be sure to greet them properly.”

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She snapped as she brought her arm across her body and planted her hand on part of the wound whilst attempting to seal her kimono closed. She backed away from the young man, he was crazy and there was a look of abject terror on her previously defiant face.

Nanashi withdrew a small tool from his holster, it looked like something someone would use to pound a few nails into a wall with but it instantaneously started to grow exponentially until it was larger than the young man. The wall hugged her back as she took several steps to the side as the Kumogakurian slung the heafty-seeming weapon over his shoulder.

“Next prize for answering correctly is if you can survive this without having to dye the entirety of your kimono.”

"Get away from me," she warned with a wavering voice as she shivered alongside the wall but tried to maintain some dignity and composure.

“You can try and retaliate if you want, by the way, but I’ll take that as your answer as well.”

Fear is a powerful motivator, not quite as powerful as love and righteous indignation but a powerful one all the same. "You can't do this," she protested, but her words seemed more desperate that righteous. She half expected someone to come to her aide, someone to stop this young madman but this story was not one for heroes. People are by nature selfish creatures, they feign friendship and comradery because they have something to gain - your blind support, your resources, your abilities but when that person is no longer of use or even to satisfy some sick need or fulfill a long forgotten vendetta. She was no longer useful, no longer lovely to them and for that reason she was forgotten by her employers, by those she trusted.

“So, why exactly should I be afraid of this Mako? Take your time to answer wisely or as long an explanation if you want. I’m still choosing where to start the dying process."

She could not think. She closed her eyes tight and hoped that everything would simply go away. Her hand was warm and sticky with blood as she tried to shy away from him but the room was a rather claustrophobic space and they were not alone. From the sounds of things, there were others in similar instances of terror and threat. She could feel a hot bile rise in the back of her throat that tasted bitter as she tried to keep herself together.

"Everyone is afraid of Mako," Takagami Kana answered with a shudder. "There is no way she would ignore this," she seemed to be trying to assure herself more than anything with that statement. She looked up at him, "a-and when she finds you... you're going to have a bad time." "Mako," also known as Hisamura Mako the Leafed Emerald is a Merchant Lord in Soons Haven, betrothed to Daimyō Ishii Shirō she has moved high in Wind Country considering her while wealthy yet comparatively still humble beginnings. Still her confidence was waning and the biggest problem in her situation was: she had no idea why she was even here.


“Then tell me these people, and do so quickly. I need to move fast if I am to save your sister. Unless you have something else in case of something like this?”

"The Diamyo" the voiceless man announced. "His Soverign," he continued with a seemingly treasonous list. "Some of the Lords... some of your own," he concluded his eyes would seem to burn into the ANBU hopeful.

“I going to break one of your restrains. Only as a sign of good faith. You want to defend her, then do not cross me. She will not live without my help.”

The young man warned as he shattered the lion's restraint. Much like a Aesop's Splinter, the powerful man now freed seemed to ignore the young man who released the restrictive metal and grabbed the other chain. His meaty fingers wrapped around the dense, heavy links until the knuckles became white and with a mighty heave and a roar the white-haired main attempted to rip the chain from the wall. A strange and terrible sound emanated from Pestilence as he attempted to do so with no avail, the binds were certainly durable but one would do no less considering who they were holding here.

“The second one comes off, once you tell me how we prepare for this. What’s in her has been in for a while and I need to know you aren’t setting me up. The way out is with some faith.”
"uugggh wrrhwrwwhw wrrhw uughghhhgh raaaaaahhgh"

He declared as he pulled a second time at the chain and the metal groaned. "We don't set-up. We die." Pestilence warned, he was not trying to escape to live he was trying to escape to comfort his dying sibling. What is a man that is not a man but a nobody. He was always somebody even when he donned that name, he never forgot who or what he was before. He was a man. A son. A brother. And over there was the most important woman in the world to him. "Pray to your gods if it gives you solace," the quiet-man instructed. He heaved a third time and the chain snapped, like a whip the free end whistled through the air and cut the white-haired man across the forehead with a thick deep crossing wound.

"He set you up to kill US and to YOU incubate the disease," Pestilence warned as his hands went through a series of handseals with a proficiency one would only see in master Medic but he did not look the role of a Medic. He had self-cast a renewing jutsu on himself, it gave him a strange unearthly glow. He licked his lips. "Convalescence is sadly fleeting," he spoke. He donned no regalia and for now he was just a man. "My name is Pestilence,"<i></i> his voice possessed a deep baritone that seemed to rumble with his words.

Unspoken and unheard no longer, he was going to seek the source of his sister's cries.

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
As the life left the Woman Shikai could finally relax. No more lying about having a sister to get to know her. Shikai was callous but not a sadist. He would rather prey on trust than use torture. He turned his attention to the vague sounds of the other participants. One of them seemed to threaten his quarry with what looked like the silhouette of a giant hammer. What a low tech way to go.

One prisoner over from Shikais was the elegitly infected prisoner. Shikai did not know if the virus or whatever it was, would be airborne. If it was he would have to rely on his bloodline and ability to resist such attacks. He already knew that. He had made his coccoon air tight to protect against further exposure in case it would spread like crazy once she started to bleed. If that was the case he was safe However has his own target already caught the infection from prolonged exposure he did not have much time.

Shikai took out a kunai when he heard on of the others sway in their tone of voice.

"Prepare, Set, Up."

The noise from over there indicated that he was letting his prisoner out of his restraints, or at least one of them. Set Up? Would they prepare a set-up or had he also caught win of the disease? Shikai had guarded himself against anything from the other prisoners as best he could but now was the time to get out. The note pinned to the wall would state everything including his next move so that the ones working for the Kage would know what was up. He just hoped that whoever set them up was not the one to read the message first.

The Kage would never be the one to instigate such a thing. It would cause war and the military leader does not want a war he can't win. He was not hitting one but two countries at once. No this is political. Someone with political influence wants the Kage tumbled over and fast. Who could it be? One of the other prisoners. What did she say? Mako. Hisamura Mako that came here when I was still young and lived here. She works for... Shit this goes up way higher.</COLOR><i></i>

Shikai had no time to waste. He cut off a small piece of his arm where the seal was placed to break it. Having an instant recall button back to here would guarantee him being exposed to the now bleeding patient Zero. Shikai would not be teleported back to this cocoon but rather outside of it. He let out a scream as he took enough to forcefully break the seal. He then quickly used mystic hand and his healing factor to clsoe the wound and get back to full health, before making a clone of himself.

He would yell through the web so the others would hear.

<COLOR color="#008000">"Those of you in here! My colleagues. Some of you have pieced it together but this is a set-up! The girl with the blue hair has an infectious disease and someone made her bleed violently! Those of you who are willing to do what it takes to get out of here should finish up fast and do so! There will be further warning!"

He transformed himself into a long Katana and his close would pick him up and send him through the bars. Once on the outside he would use his chakra to walk down the side of the tower, or his strings should chakra prove useless. As stated in the note he would quickly make his way to the nearest post taking care of the exam and hand in his completed assignment. Before getting all the way down he would change into civilian clothes so as to not be recognized as an ANBU hopeful. Once done he would make his way closer to the daimyo and his people. As close as he could without trespassing. If he was already a walking ground zero he would make sure to "spread the word" so to speak. He was not going down alone and it seemed like Suna could do with a few less political powers. He would keep his clone maintained to make sure that anything that happened in the tower could be relaid to him if something regarding his survival or passing the exam should come up. Just because it was a set-up did not mean he was not going to pass.

[OOC: That is all my posts used. let me know what happens next ^^]
[WC: 752]


Nov 21, 2012
The teenager let her curious fingers trail against the prisoners skin teasingly, hopeful that the sheer discomfort the act put upon the girl would prove useful in getting the truth out of her. She would be sure not to touch anything to sensitive or... squishy but that didn't mean she couldn't pretend and keep the girl on edge. "I'll understand if you don't have an answer for this, but I'll ask anyway. Do you know who it was that infected you? Name, distinctive features, funny walk, anything at all that could lead people to them." She asked coolly as her hand, probably much to the relief of the girl, slipped free of the Kimono, in fact Shinku would start to fix her clothing up and straighten it out as best she could. She'd had a strange feeling for a while now but even without the answers to her current question she had a pretty good idea of who was behind this as a whole and what it was they were planning.

It was fairly simple to put together and even more obvious as to why it was being done and at least this girl was a victim of circumstance and not in fact a criminal at all. She turned after fixing the girl up only to come face to face with one of the other hopefuls, she shot him the meanest Clint Eastwood eyes for a solid fifteen seconds before speaking up. "This exam is a set up and we all fell for it... Take a look around you and notice something missing." She gave a moment of silence before speaking up again. "Not a single fucking Sand shinobi in sight..." She then threw back her arm and pointed to the girl chained to the wall, it seemed she wasn't the only one to have figured this all out, the Stone shinobi announcing his findings to which she would elaborate somewhat. "Yes you are correct, she's been infected with a synthetic version of the Red Death plague and each one of us is likely already infected... We were literally brought here to be infected, kill the prisoners and then head on home, slowly infecting and killing our own people from within and not even knowing it." A scowl had appeared on her usually emotionless face, a sight that was to become more common as the girl matured. "Whether or not it was entirely this Cabal or if the council members of sand had something to do with this or whatever, I can't be sure at this point, unless one of you has anything to share. Whoever they are, they'd best be prepared though because people are gonna die, there's gonna be bloodshed and it ain't gonna be mine!" She announced, it was becoming slowly more obvious to the other in the room that Shinku was beyond pissed off, these people had not only attempted this vile act but they'd hurt her in a way that truly ground her gears and made her see red. They'd fucked with her pride.

She turned back to the Robin haired girl and gave her a look, she was far to prideful to apologize for having done what she had, but she could do something at least. She placed one of her feel flat against the wall next to the girls waist and grabbed gripped the spike in the wall holding the girls chains aloft and with a scream of anger ripped it out of the wall, sending the girl to the ground, hands still chained together for the moment but she was down. "There's no way some poxy little plague is gonna finish me off. Definitely not until find out every last person responsible for this, rip out their tongues and stick em right up their own assholes." With that said the girl would attempt to do something she'd not really practiced before, she began to form seals that she'd memorized from back in the village. "You'd best not think of pussying out on us, Iwagakuran. There are people out there waiting for us to kill them, curing ourselves comes second to annihilating these fucks so they can't try this bullshit again." As she finished speaking a giant fist made from the stone of the dungeon surrounding them raised and floated behind the young girl and in an instant the boulder fist was hurtling forwards at the wall, looking to make an opening. [Earthen Fist - BL Jutsu] "We do not run, we do not falter and we do what ANBU are meant to do. We protect those who can't protect themselves by any means necessary..."

As a final thought the girl reached to her headsets earpiece and started to broadcast to any Cloud shinobi that she could reach with her voice using the general channel that she'd been taught. "Attention all Cloud shinobi. This is Shin'en Shinku, A student currently undertaking the ANBU exams. This is an important announcement that I hope reaches many of you currently undergoing your own exams." She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before continuing. "We have been set up, the exam we were given was interrogate prisoners, but upon learning many things we have discovered that we, the examinees as well as the prisoners have been exposed to and possibly infected by a deadly plague... We are of the belief that we were to kill these prisoners before learning these things, return home and them slowly kill off a large chunk, if not the whole populations of our villages or possibly countries..." She took a few moments once again. "As it stands, either the Cabal or the leaders of the hidden sand are behind this treachery, more likely to be the former, thusly, as of this moment. All known members of the Cabal are to be engaged on sight, if they cannot be taken alive, don't..." She now turned to look at the other hopefuls in the room. "We will be down to lend a hand shortly, so save a little for us." She gave a cheeky grin through her still angered scowl, this exam was turning into something well beyond her and she couldn't be any happier. "I have no idea how many people even heard that, but they'll know soon enough." She chuckled confidently.

"The Princess is coming."

[MFT - 1053]
[OOC - Sorry for the long hiatus >.< Life and the such D;]
[@Shiori, I leave it to you what the other Cloudies in this event hear or don't hear, those with headsets at the very least :p]<i></i>

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Yoshi said:

Rp said:
listening to his prisoner, Yoshi mind continued to analyze the situation. From the beginning, they were told they were all going to die. The prisoners didn't bark about getting free. They screamed that their fate was already sealed within these confined walls. No doors, no sand shinobi, no nothing. Shinobi from two different villages were Warped into this death trap, placed with the job to get answers.

The prisoners were already beaten, more advance shinobi couldn't get these answers? If the issue was this serious, why give the mission as an exam to ANBU hopefuls if the higher ups couldn't succeed. Everything was beginning to click. The pieces of this puzzle was beginning to line up.

Yoshi had tortured the individual before him, breaking him down to his very molecular structure. He didn't get the answers he asked about, but Junko did receive the statements he needed to properly form his hypothesis. "It's a set up."

Taking several steps back and placing a hand on his seal, immense heat began to accumulate. Pressurizing his chakra and using the fire element, Yoshi should easily destroy the seal based of his experience with them. Healing the burn with the mystical hand technique, Yoshi placed his hands in his pockets. Yoshi simply listened to those around him. Things were beginning to unfold for them as well, confirming Yoshis hypothesis.

"Those of you in here! My colleagues. Some of you have pieced it together but this is a set-up! The girl with the blue hair has an infectious disease and someone made her bleed violently! Those of you who are willing to do what it takes to get out of here should finish up fast and do so! There will be further warning!"

It was settled, everything was a set up. Further confirmation came from Shinku's outburst. Little did she know, before the exam, stone and kumo had become allies due to a diplomacy meeting. Following the stoners lead, Yoshi used his Seikon speed to exit the opening created. Disrupting reality, yoshi quickly changed his attire to give no signs of his ANBU affiliation. One thing was for sure, his dad needed to know that these exams were corrupted. More importantly, he had to check on his brothers!

OOC: sorry I've been away. Sorry if post seems lame, didn't want you all to wait any longer

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Shin frowned at the man's words, their value becoming more and more troubling with possible suspicion being thrown in that his fellow shinoi could be apart of this conspiracy. It didn't help that it turned out the group were all incubating the plague, and two of the shinobi seems as though they were going to try and escape this place, possible causing another hellstorm of problems if they incubating disease was able to spread from them. I wonder how they're going to explain thjs to theit superiors. Not well. Then he had to process, through the student perv-associate the introduction of another organization that was possibly involved in these affairs. Cabal and the Wind Daiyamo, as if this situation was already becoming fubar as is. And just for Raiden to keep screwing with him, his sign of faith was reward with the prisoner Pestilence, protector of the plague, defender of his plague sister was free; which while something the trainee was going to plan for, didn't expect the sudden voice of the man or his medical abilities. Abilities that were now calling in question a few things.

He made an indication for his clone to follow the man and if need be, it would strike the man if he did anything the shinobi considered a threat. While this was happening, Shin gather the force of gravity in him as he spokr, making sure that he held his distance while he allowed the man locate his sister. All the required information was record in his mind, but there was an answer he need to know before planning fot tell fubar fubar of situation to get even more irritating.

"Your medical knowledge...did they use you to infect your own sister? much before her incubating process stops."

He didn't know how the newly strength man would act, so he would be caught of guard. If his remained silent, Shin would follow the man, his muscle tense of he had to put down the man. If not, the higher ups were going to have to figure out what to do with this information.

Demonic Ancestory – Third Eye


[C-Rank] Invisible Shell - Rank 1
[C-Rank] Elemental Clone - Mastered - Lightning

Preparing to use if assaulted

[A-Rank] Newton's Apple - Mastered


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

She died in his arms, it was not immediate. Death would take several minutes before her final breath left her. Death was rarely graceful or painless but one could say it was relatively swift. Did she have to die? No, but she was a coward and she feared the fate of what would come next. She was not a bad person but she was a killer, she felt she deserved this end for turning a blind eye for so long. She killed those kids in cold blood, they were monsters but that was the intent of their maker. Her direct utility ended as so did her life, never even unchained from the wall and hanging from that same webbed sling she slumped forward as the ANBU hopeful broke his embrace.

The young man would cut a piece of his own flesh from his body, it would posses an uncanny glow even separate from the young man. There would likely be a scar left in the wake of this recently excised seal without proper healing efforts but scars were likely the least of his worries. He would call out and alert the others before he would transform himself into a katana and slide himself through a set of narrow bars (did not have any bars or windows but sure, let's go with it because it is creative). He would have no problem utilizing his chakra outside of the building as he scaled the side of the tower-like structure near the heart of the city and onto the dusty streets.
[Start a Topic Someplace else, let's see where you take this]

[Topic Left]

Shikai would note a few curiosities. First and foremost, there was a decimated building nearby. The roof was missing and the street in front was littered with loose-leaf paper and blood could be seen on the edges. Unbeknownst to him, a fray had taken place here during the early morning hours before the exam even started. There was an attempt against the Raikage at this very site, his men were summoned and they were able to drive off his would-be captor. ANBU Sennin was also the victim/perpetrator of a sexual assault in the building that was visibly damaged. While the Raikage had left the site of their fray, the Sennin was still searching the damaged building with a new potential ally or rival (ironically Sunagakure's ANBU Sennin). From where Shikai was standing, this would not be readily apparent unless he was the curious type.

If he elected to return to the Bazaar, he would not find any tables. Those bikini-clad ladies that stood at those registration tables were long-gone, they had parted ways and returned to their homes or rather their owners. The slave trade was very much alive here in Soons but it was more insidious and accepted here in comparison to other parts of the world. As a civilian he would not get a great deal of attention by the vendors, at least no more than an unfamiliar face would summon.

If he headed towards the site of the Jounin exam, the exam would still be in progress. The crowd would have been turned against the shinobis. The civilians had been corralled behind a black barricade by an Oto shinobi. A fight was about the start between a pair of evolving factions: a paranoid demon from Kiri and a samurai from Iwa.

If he sought the Genin hopefuls, none would be found. They had never returned from their trek into the badlands. Their whereabouts unknown.

If he sought the Chuunin hopefuls, none would be found. In fact if he was familiar with those who had planned to attend the exam he would be astonished to realize that the turn out for the exam was exceedingly low. Still, of the Chuunin hopefuls (all two of them), neither could be located.

The question is: where does a boy go? What does a boy do. A nameless unknown boy who dons the mask of the ANBU.


It was a rather uncomfortable sensation, the teens curious hands that wandered beneath her kimono. The poor girl was pretty much petrified as she stood there shackled and she simply cried.

"I'll understand if you don't have an answer for this, but I'll ask anyway. Do you know who it was that infected you? Name, distinctive features, funny walk, anything at all that could lead people to them."

She actually knew the answer to something and her body tensed as the young woman's hand slid free of her kimono. "Tall-man, both dark and pale. He did not take me but he injected me," she answered briefly as she shifted uncomfortably as the ANBU hopeful tugged and straightened her kimono. "Lots of silver piercings and jet-black hair that is long but also shaved... and dark markings... many dark markings on his body." The girl was describing an actual person and while some of the statements seemed contradictory they were in fact absolutely true. The man was rather distinctive despite being a relative unknown. Who took her, on the other hand, was a rather mundane appearing group of men at least here during this examination.

"This exam is a set up and we all fell for it... Take a look around you and notice something missing."

What was missing besides a door?

"Not a single fucking Sand shinobi in sight..."

...Right, there was a distinct lack of those.

"Those of you in here! My colleagues. Some of you have pieced it together but this is a set-up! The girl with the blue hair has an infectious disease and someone made her bleed violently! Those of you who are willing to do what it takes to get out of here should finish up fast and do so! There will be further warning!"

A man from behind a webbed cocoon would call out.

"Yes you are correct, she's been infected with a synthetic version of the Red Death plague and each one of us is likely already infected... We were literally brought here to be infected, kill the prisoners and then head on home, slowly infecting and killing our own people from within and not even knowing it."

She was partly right. On this note, Ms Shinku: you are presently infected and a carrier of something unknown. (Note: If you do not want to deal with this potential side event offer that you can potentially take home with you are the parting give nobody ever wants, we can make it go away post haste but it would be a neat mystery to solve if you are interested. But as of this moment you are the ONLY person infected.

"Whether or not it was entirely this Cabal or if the council members of sand had something to do with this or whatever, I can't be sure at this point, unless one of you has anything to share. Whoever they are, they'd best be prepared though because people are gonna die, there's gonna be bloodshed and it ain't gonna be mine!"

The girl was well-aware that she was infected, she tried to blurt out a warning but there was only so much one could say when faced with an interrogation that sought a different set of answers. The examinee was liked red in the face and the terrified teen simply bit her lower lip half expecting something new and terrible to transpire. The incensed young woman planted her foot on the wall alongside the girl, Mine mouthed 'don't' not entirely sure of what Shinku planned to actually do as she grasped hold of the pin over Mine's head. The azure-headed girl would fall to the ground, chains still attached to her wrists she landed on her knees. Her shoulders had a dull ache and she would find it impossible to lift them on her own, the prolonged period of stretch coupled with her injuries made it near impossible for her to lift her own arms at least for the time being.

"There's no way some poxy little plague is gonna finish me off. Definitely not until find out every last person responsible for this, rip out their tongues and stick em right up their own assholes."

The girl went on... graphically. She ran her hands through an array of handseals.

"You'd best not think of pussying out on us, Iwagakuran. There are people out there waiting for us to kill them, curing ourselves comes second to annihilating these fucks so they can't try this bullshit again."

Over the girls head a boulder of earth and stone traversed; it crashed through the wall. A gust of fresh air would enter the space.

"We do not run, we do not falter and we do what ANBU are meant to do. We protect those who can't protect themselves by any means necessary..."

At the precipice the young woman would make a final broadcast to her fellow Kumo shinobis.

"Attention all Cloud shinobi. This is Shin'en Shinku, A student currently undertaking the ANBU exams. This is an important announcement that I hope reaches many of you currently undergoing your own exams."

"We have been set up, the exam we were given was interrogate prisoners, but upon learning many things we have discovered that we, the examinees as well as the prisoners have been exposed to and possibly infected by a deadly plague... We are of the belief that we were to kill these prisoners before learning these things, return home and them slowly kill off a large chunk, if not the whole populations of our villages or possibly countries..."

"As it stands, either the Cabal or the leaders of the hidden sand are behind this treachery, more likely to be the former, thusly, as of this moment. All known members of the Cabal are to be engaged on sight, if they cannot be taken alive, don't..."

The transmission would cut off although it was unlikely the girl would know it as she concluded. (Why: because it is more interesting to end a transmission on a "don't") "We will be down to lend a hand shortly, so save a little for us." This last bit lost to radio-space.

"I have no idea how many people even heard that, but they'll know soon enough... The Princess is coming."

She had not vacated the cell just yet unlike some of the other ANBU hopefuls, dramatic monologues aside this is where people actually prove their worth as shinobis as well as demonstrate their character as men, women and heroes.


The gears were starting to turn for all of the shinobis now it would seem and that would include one Tsuyoshi Yoshi. His victim, or rather subject or suspect if one would prefer the use of the term had received now the worst of the beatings, his very body was broken down to the point where he would likely be a pained, quivering mass of flesh. The interrogator seemed to forget about his victim as announcements were made. Tales of a plague and a set-up being shouted out across the cell reflecting in a way the statements made by those confined and contained here. The ANBU hopeful burned away his own seal and started to unceremoniously heal the minor scarring wound.

"This exam is a set up and we all fell for it... Take a look around you and notice something missing."

The girl who should be listed as a sexual offender announced echoing the young man's apprehensions.

"Not a single fucking Sand shinobi in sight..."

She was inciting fear and paranoia between the shinobi villages perhaps or maybe she was right and it was Sunagakure that was up to no good.

"Those of you in here! My colleagues. Some of you have pieced it together but this is a set-up! The girl with the blue hair has an infectious disease and someone made her bleed violently! Those of you who are willing to do what it takes to get out of here should finish up fast and do so! There will be further warning!"

Another voice, this time a man from behind a webbed cocoon would call out.

"Yes you are correct, she's been infected with a synthetic version of the Red Death plague and each one of us is likely already infected... We were literally brought here to be infected, kill the prisoners and then head on home, slowly infecting and killing our own people from within and not even knowing it."

The girl would reply. She gave her hypothesis.

"Whether or not it was entirely this Cabal or if the council members of sand had something to do with this or whatever, I can't be sure at this point, unless one of you has anything to share. Whoever they are, they'd best be prepared though because people are gonna die, there's gonna be bloodshed and it ain't gonna be mine!"

And she also seemed to know an unusual name, 'The Cabal'. The Cabal were not overtly famous, a moniker or anything for a group of treasure-hunters turned anarchists that were behind the Sunagakure incursion two years ago. The girl carried on with her rant:

"There's no way some poxy little plague is gonna finish me off. Definitely not until find out every last person responsible for this, rip out their tongues and stick em right up their own assholes. ...You'd best not think of pussying out on us, Iwagakuran. There are people out there waiting for us to kill them, curing ourselves comes second to annihilating these fucks so they can't try this bullshit again."

A gaping hole was made in the wall. A gust of fresh air would enter the space.

"We do not run, we do not falter and we do what ANBU are meant to do. We protect those who can't protect themselves by any means necessary..."

The Cloud shinobi would leave the space in the blink of an eye, not noting or caring about the man he left behind. The beaten and bound blonde left to hand precariously over a spiked pit on the cusp of a death that Tsuyoshi Yoshi helped achieve. Still if he carried with him a headset, he would not escape the Kumo girl's rant/announcement:

"Attention all Cloud shinobi. This is Shin'en Shinku, A student currently undertaking the ANBU exams. This is an important announcement that I hope reaches many of you currently undergoing your own exams."

"We have been set up, the exam we were given was interrogate prisoners, but upon learning many things we have discovered that we, the examinees as well as the prisoners have been exposed to and possibly infected by a deadly plague... We are of the belief that we were to kill these prisoners before learning these things, return home and them slowly kill off a large chunk, if not the whole populations of our villages or possibly countries..."

"As it stands, either the Cabal or the leaders of the hidden sand are behind this treachery, more likely to be the former, thusly, as of this moment. All known members of the Cabal are to be engaged on sight, if they cannot be taken alive, don't..."

[Start a Topic Someplace else, let's see where you take this]

[Topic Left]

Yoshi would note a few curiosities. First and foremost, there was a decimated building nearby. The roof was missing and the street in front was littered with loose-leaf paper and blood could be seen on the edges. Unbeknownst to him, a fray had taken place here during the early morning hours before the exam even started. There was an attempt against the Raikage at this very site, his men were summoned and they were able to drive off his would-be captor. ANBU Sennin was also the victim/perpetrator of a sexual assault in the building that was visibly damaged. While the Raikage had left the site of their fray, the Sennin was still searching the damaged building with a new potential ally or rival (ironically Sunagakure's ANBU Sennin). From where Shikai was standing, this would not be readily apparent unless he was the curious type.

If he elected to return to the Bazaar, he would not find any tables. Those bikini-clad ladies that stood at those registration tables were long-gone, they had parted ways and returned to their homes or rather their owners. The slave trade was very much alive here in Soons but it was more insidious and accepted here in comparison to other parts of the world. As a civilian he would not get a great deal of attention by the vendors, at least no more than an unfamiliar face would summon.

If he headed towards the site of the Jounin exam, the exam would still be in progress. The crowd would have been turned against the shinobis. The civilians had been corralled behind a black barricade by an Oto shinobi. A fight was about the start between a pair of evolving factions: a paranoid demon from Kiri and a samurai from Iwa.

If he sought the Genin hopefuls, none would be found. They had never returned from their trek into the badlands. Their whereabouts unknown.

If he sought the Chuunin hopefuls, none would be found. In fact if he was familiar with those who had planned to attend the exam he would be astonished to realize that the turn out for the exam was exceedingly low. Still, of the Chuunin hopefuls (all two of them), neither could be located.

The question is: where does a boy go? What does a boy do. A boy who has not lost his identity to a cause and whose family perhaps is more important than the nation for which he dons the mask of the ANBU.


Recently freed Pestilence was a juggernaut, even after a protracted period of confinement and torture. He would rip through the cocoon walls and be followed by a clone. The clone was no match for the Wind, his powerset rivaled that of the Sovereign army or a Ranger at their prime. He was by far, the most powerful man in he room but what did he do with that power? He scooped his bleeding sister from the floor and clutched onto her. He would draw her close and bury his face into her and mutter "I am sorry... I am so sorry."<i></i>

Pestilence is now infected.

He knew his fate was sealed when he lifted the girl from the ground but it was not just any injured woman, it was his sister. He was also crying. He lifted the young girl from the floor and with his trunk like limbs and meaty fingers he held her tight as he took a series of deep breaths. The kids were leaving, a gaping hole in the wall and an empty web with a dead girl inside. Again he muttered an apology as if he was begging her for forgiveness. He did not miss the corpse that hung from the wall; she was considered a friend but he had no time to mourn her passing as well. "I will get you the help you need," he promised.

He laid her on the floor with a sigh. He would approach the broken man that hung over the pit. His hands would rip through the vines and he would grab the pin that held him against the wall. Nobody else was about to save the boy, then he would. "Dam savages," he muttered as he ripped the pin free and leaned over the pit and held the boy safely before he eased him to the solid floor. "hurt first... ask later."

He would be asked if he infected his sister. The ANBU hopeful really did not understand. "I would never hurt her."

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Shin brief gazed at remaining people in the room, including the beast of the man he had unleashed. He was silently as he looked as the man embraced his sister, perhaps infecting himself and turning him int a carrier. Hmm...that's three then, and no solutions. Dismissing the clone he watched as the man, brought out the Uchiha, or what was left of him. Dam Tensai, what did you do to him? While he held no love for the Uchiha, he still had given those he had encountered a clean death. was going way beyond the means of extracting information. He couldn't see the boy eyes, but he knew the were mostly like as broken as his body. Pestilence called them savages, which with they had left behind, it he had no means of arguing. They believe them criminals and had treated them as such, a fact that was becoming increasingly annoying to admit.

The man still spoke few words, yet it was as though the trainee slowly was understanding his actions. Especially considering those actions with his sister. So he responded in kind.

" truly mean that, don't you?"

Shin held back a large signed as he evaluated the situation. He could attempted to kill the three remaining prisoners, and hope for the best regarding the student. But he would truly not know the full story, and what if someone else planned a similar attack to the one this farce of an exam was making. That along with killing people who maybe innocent? I'm going to regret this. Popping his hands, he turned his gaze at the man and spoke.

"We've wronged you, and no words are going to change that. If your leaving, I won't stop you. Just let me help you all, please."

Not knowing how the man would response, if even, he walked over and stood across from the student who had directed the call, speaking briefly.

"Princess? If your passing into hell, I'm heading there with you." He had called her by the name she had spoke, hopefully it was a call sign and not just some nick name. Else it might get awkward in an already tense situation.


Dismissed Clone
Maintaining Invisible Shell and Third Eye.


Nov 21, 2012
ooc - We're waiting on me? o.o I was waiting on other people, didn't realize some people had left apart from Junko Dx

A lot of the "senior" examinees had already left, not that she expected them to simply fall in line, even behind royalty. She waited silently as the larger of the previous prisoners began cleaning up some of the mess that was caused, saving the other prisoners mostly. There was something about the large man however, something that wanted her to believe she'd seen him before or at the very least someone similar in stature, no, there were many of them. She would approach the Juggernaut with a stern face and look up to him. "Forgive me for continuing to pry, however I must ask... Have you any connection to a Kyoujouran clan?" Back when she'd had the dream about the ancients of her specific clan she had remembered all the males had been large like this man and though she knew she was the last of her particular line, he could be related through a different branch.

After the brief conversation she would turn to the only other examinee to have remained in the cell, proclaiming that he wished to follow her into hell, she couldn't help but smirk at such. "Yes, hell will be the first step on the road to glory." She would step toward the hole she'd created and stand at the edge. "There are many paths we can take from this point, it would be impossible to take them all even if those that had already ran were still here. As such I ask this of you... former prisoners. Have you any idea who would know the true identities of the Cabal? or indeed the Cabal themselves, though I doubt you'd be alive at all if you had a direct relationship with them." She would remain at the precipice, waiting for any answers that would be afforded her. She certainly put on a brave front but truthfully she was still a child and felt a little overwhelmed at the fact that she seemed to be leading this rebellion. Still she didn't want to be seen as weak, that was something she wouldn't allow herself and if that meant struggling through the events of the future then so be it... it'd be a maturing experience at least.

For the moment she would have to assume that her message had gotten out to the channels that mattered but she had little time to spare seeking out allies, even the Raikage was to out of the way and they would need to head straight to their goal... but how could they? They had no idea where or even who they sought and then it hit her. She turned around and looked everyone over. "Tell me, where do the council of sand gather within this village. I think I'll pay them a little visit as they could be the key to this whole thing." That was the conclusion she'd come too, the council could still be as guilty as the Cabal in her mind and even if they weren't, they'd know something and she'd happily extract that from them.

[MFT - 509]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Sunaku Shikai: ANBU Banner, completed objective and is out of thread.
Yoru Nanashi: Went inactive during exam, no change in banner. Considered 'gone' or 'auto-teleported' out of the topic by a faulty seal.
NPCs controlled by Tsuyoshi Junko: Went inactive during the exam, no change in metaphorical banner. Considered 'gone' or 'auto-teleported' out of the topic by a faulty seal.
Kurogane Shin: Pending Banner change, while objective is not complete this is his chance to do something better than take a test and be a 'real' hero.
Shinku: Pending Banner change, while objective is not complete this is his chance to do something better than take a test and be a 'real' hero.


There is a fine line between justice and debased cruelty. These ANBU hopefuls had no ambition other than to ascend the ranks and being given the opportunity to be cruel without perceivable consequence and perchance even a reward most of them seemed more than willing. It was not their fault, not really. It was a part of the human condition - this ease at which we can harm other for perceived sleights. It did not take much effort to convince them and they made no effort to verify, this unquestioning acquiescence was what the proctor was looking for. Shinobi, specifically the ANBU were tools and tools do not think they act and they do so predictably. No Sunan participated in the exam, as expected even. While who among the ANBU in Sunagakure actually knew of the unscrupulous actions in Sora was an unknown, the mask protects the identity of the wearer all that was necessary to know was that someone in their ranks had garnered precious intel and that they would not allow their own men to walk into a trap. Yet their absence would not go unnoticed. The strange truth of the matter was, there were carriers now among these foreign shinobis, their identities would not be known and the duality of their life would grant them many opportunities to spread this plague.

" truly mean that, don't you?"

"Never," a muffled voice answered. The hulking man cradled the young girl in his arms as if she was as fragile as an egg. The girl was crying, the words she said would not be overheard at least fully, the only word that a listener might overhear is the word sorry said over and over again. Pestilence rocked her, stroked her hair and kissed her on the top of the head. He did not seem to care that she was a carrier of something terrible, why would he -- she was not a patient in his eyes, she was his sister. He stood to his full height, the girl cradled in his arms, he had broken his vow but he knew no other name or designation than the one he had taken as Pestilence. She was the part of him that he could never leave behind.

"We've wronged you, and no words are going to change that. If your leaving, I won't stop you. Just let me help you all, please."

"I think you and what is yours have done enough," he replied coldly. "We are in the midst of a war and it is not your war yet," he glowered. His warning was nothing but the truth, for now this was Sunagakure's problem but the fact that he involved the other nations meant one thing: his vision had expanded past the borders of a single country. Avarice was a dangerous thing, much like pride. He had more than any man should have but he still coveted more than his present share. He felt the young man's were hollow, while he cradled and lamented the pain his sister endured he would notice one dead, one badly beaten to the point where death would be a saving grace, another badly damaged and a final one utterly untouched.

"Forgive me for continuing to pry, however I must ask... Have you any connection to a Kyoujouran clan?"

He would not answer the young girl's query, his sister buried her face at the sight of Shinku into her brother's breast. With cold eyes he would glare at her, did she really expect him to answer her question. "No..." he answered anyways. He had no ties to any honored house and even if he had it was discarded when he took his new name. He was no longer a son, a friend, a father or a brother, of course that was also his failure. He involved her and that was why either of them were placed in this predicament. She should never have been able to find him, she should have never been able to call on him for help and he should never have rendered justice in a fight that was not yet his war.

"I am so sorry Hideyoshi," she murmured. It was a name he had not heard or used in a long time, he was a teen when he took the mask of Pestilence and left home forever. That would be his full name Amori Hideyoshi although his real name would confer almost no benefit, he was not a criminal or a deviant but rather a servant. His life if anyone was to find a record of it would see a rather mundane life of a young man who disappeared at the age of eighteen. He became one of the Four Winds of the King, a secret order formed by the One King centuries ago to protect the realm independent of the shinobi bureaucracy. The ANBU do so symbolically but the Winds did so literally, there was a loss of identity when one accepted a position among the Winds and they remained in the position for life. There was no retirement. There was no leaving. Your employment ended only with death and his name was chosen for him because nobody in this world chooses their own name and he was given the moniker of Pestilence as he filled the seat that was vacated in the death of his predecessor during a terrible storm. That story, however, would be left to another day.

After the brief conversation she would turn to the only other ANBU hopeful to have remained in the cell, proclaiming that he wished to follow her into hell which apparently to some was the road to glory.

"There are many paths we can take from this point, it would be impossible to take them all even if those that had already ran were still here. As such I ask this of you... former prisoners. Have you any idea who would know the true identities of the Cabal? or indeed the Cabal themselves, though I doubt you'd be alive at all if you had a direct relationship with them."

She forgot one very very important fact... Less the girl now held in his arms, the rest of the prisoners remained restrained. The unfortunate Uchiha was merely a quivering mass of flesh that was being held perhaps together by those very vines that held him precariously over a spiked pit. If those vines broke, the chains would likely catch him at his arms but his body was so broken it would be hard to say if his bones and connective tissue were anything more than a slurry at this point, his body was ripped apart at a cellular level but his guilt was never truly questioned only assumed. He was large enough to hold the azure-haired girl in a single arm and did so as he approached the unfortunate Uchiha. "A man who inflicts suffering can not rest. His guilty mind won't allow it. But these are not men but monsters we face, humanity has forgotten what it is to be humane boy,"[/color] he announced as he leaned over the pit and his sister latched onto him instinctively. "I warned you to not follow and then I warned you to not head off on your own," his voice seemed more like a father giving his son a life lesson than a friend or even an acquaintance giving advice. The Uchiha would not talk, simply moan as Pestilence freed the bound man from his chains but not the vines. They might be the only things keeping him intact. With the same care that he would give an infant he placed Isao on the ground and moved on to the next bound prisoner. He went past Yamanaka Suzuë, a man such as him had seen death enough times to know what it looked like from a single glance. It was a shame that they did not keep her alive, there was one question that they never asked -- how did she figure it out? The irony of it all was the fact that she was the common denominator that drew the rest of them here to this space but with her dead this common thread was severed.

Actions spoke louder than words and demands would be heard only by deaf ears. Regret is something that does not always have to be said or even admitted by the prideful because it is seen in their actions as they attempt to compensate for their transgressions. How they attempt to render justice. How they aide the ailing and the failing. How they unfetter the other unfortunate prisoners. But no, one asked to 'help' but offered none and the other sought information for her personal gains and if her vernacular was true to her heart so that she could extract glory from this endeavor.

"Tell me, where do the council of sand gather within this village. I think I'll pay them a little visit as they could be the key to this whole thing."

She was on the wrong path still, but she was after a target that did not deserve his protection or his compassion. Still, there was one who would still bother although the ANBU hopeful, none of them, deserved it. It would have been the one left unscathed thus far by the ordeal so perhaps he did not harbor the same resentment the others did. "Ne'er heard oh no Cabal... an' the Sandy-nins don't convene 'ere."

What Happened?
  • Pestilence is calling Kurogane Shin on the fact that he says he wants to help but is not helping. The prisoners are still tied up and dying.
  • Gave some freebie answers, these people have no reason to hand out information but a lot of information was shared already. Remember they were falsely imprisoned and assaulted.

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Shin ignored the harshness in the man’s tone, keeping his own temper low enough to not react. It wasn’t easy for someone like him to apologize for things, especially with the demonic taint within him. Considering most of what the folder had written could be consider lies, it made since for part of him to still question there innocent. First most, his concern was making sure the student made it out of the place alive, and while it was true that these prisoners were mostly innocent, considering the mute man was displaying abilities that clearly were dangerous, made part of him wish to end this. Helping was good, but not at the expense of ignorance.

“Let’s deal with what is at hand first...”

Releasing a small breath, he began mentally counting at the prisoners present, his eyes drifting down towards the man retrieving the prisoners. He had gotten the Uchiha from his torture and placed the boy on the ground, before Pestilence had moved on towards another prisoner. Shin look down at a being, whose clan he hated, his blood stirring slightly as he took in the man wounds, his faint breath coming in every few moments. It would be easy to end his life, it would be for less painful that keeping him alive, he noticed parts of the boy’s fleshing red, and beginning to swell. No good deed goes unpunished. He scoffed at the thought, his hands glowing green as he placed the tip of his right hand tenderly on the boy’s chest. A burst of numbing chakra would enter the boy’s system, while his second hand moved smooth across the points of the boy’s skin, laying what remained of his bones into coating it and if it worked, healing it slowly. Moving both his hands over the boy, he finished with Coagulation, hopefully getting the boy out of the critical as he stood up, moving in a different direction from cell that Pestilence had passed.

Making his way across the room, he looked at the woman, still hanging up, part of blood still dripping from her wounds and staining the kimono She also had what appeared to be the making of a head wound, making the trainee winced at that. He raised his hand calmly at her, no sure what current state the woman was in. There were going to be words when the return home, that was to be sure. Looking at one of her wrist, he noticed the single chain broken, before approaching her.

“I numbing your body so I can remove the pieces from your wrist. If you move, it will damage a nerve.”

Shin hand glowed green once more, repeating the process he had done with the Uchiha. If the woman heeded his words, he would have begun removing the pieces from her flesh, while sealing them with coagulation. Once he was sure she was stable, he grabbed the removing chain and broke it off and the brackets on her wrist. Kneeling down at the woman, he spoke once more.

“If your well enough, you can leave. But there’s a high chance you’ve been infected with a plague. Head towards the where the girl standing up near the hole in the wall. She’ll help you.”

Getting up, he said no more words, heading back in the direction of Shinku and the voice that had spoken, nodding his towards her at the man who had chosen to speak. He could free him, but there was something else he need to deal with. Moving quickly, he stood right in the way of Pestilence, giving a space of four feet between them. Catching up the man, he had noticed the corpse still warm, before entering and moving her away from the rest, but out of the last placed she had seen. Getting up he looked at the man, muscle tense as he spoke, his word harsh but need to be said.

“Your cradling not going to keep her alive. Stabilize her or I will, regardless of what you think of us.”

WC: 675

Abilities - Human Anatomy & Third Eye

[C-Rank] Anesthetic Infusion[]
[D-Rank] Coagulation[]
[C-Rank] Skeletal Fortification[]


Nov 21, 2012
The young woman's fists clenched tighter and tighter as time ticked by, their unwillingness to share information that she thought it quite obvious they held was infuriating. Sure she could understand then not knowing some things and certainly understood their reluctance in wanting to talk to them, after all they were just all pretty much tortured or killed. Why did it have to end up like this? She wasn't ready for all of this to happen, all she wanted was an exam to help bring her closer to the dream she had of protecting people. She was barely even a teenager and her she was, carrier of some death plague, surrounded by people who probably want her dead and truthfully she'd been on the edge for a while now and these last moments proved to be that final push.

She spun around in an instant, her black and crimson eyes brimming with enough fury to melt steel beams and they locked onto Shin as he approached Pestilence and the blue haired girl. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her." She snarled through her clenched jaw. "You know what, Pestilence? I've about had it with this high and mighty attitude you're throwing at me. You think you guys were the only victims here? Take a fucking look around, we were fooled into this too under the guise of an exam... How the fuck do you think I feel knowing what I did to an innocent girl, huh? All so some fuck could infect us and use us to spread his shit." She started to step, more stomp actually toward the behemoth of a man and squared up with him as best she could. "If you really think that we don't regret being involved in any of this, that we truly wanted to do this purely to satisfy some sadistic urges then you are as dumb as the brick shit house you look like." She was blazing with white hot fury and clearly it was going to take something catastrophic to end this tirade. The teenager turned away from the man and moved to the other side of the room where she proceeded to punch at the wall out of anger, frustration and above all else the disrespect shown by the people here and the organizers of this exam. "All I fucking wanted was to become an ANBU. I wanted to get stronger and protect people. Protect them from assholes like whoever set us up... So don't you dare treat me like I'm some fucking evil bitch, I don't deserve that because the only thing I am guilty of is giving to much of a shit about the people that can't help themselves..." She stopped punching the wall finally, having left a sizable dent in the stonework. "So you have to make the choice now, prisoners, you can help me now so that I can make sure no one ever has to go through what you just endured, so that no shinobi are made to feel like shit for doing something they believe in. No one deserves any of this and yet you want to back talk me when all I want to do is stop this happening ever again?" She let out an exasperated sigh and moved to the edge of the hole again, this time she would face the inside however.

"If you truly are innocent then help me find the people that did this. I probably already failed the exam and I could honestly give a fuck at this moment in time. I just want to try and make things right... you're free not to believe me, you're free to leave as and when you want... but I know that..." This was one of the hardest things she could have ever imagined herself saying but, she was growing in the face of this threat, even with an unknown pathogen coursing through her veins she still wanted to help others above herself, her body was worth less than the innocent lives she wanted to protect. "that... I can't do this alone. I'm just a kid in way over her head and I need help." With that said she would look at the blue haired girl, feeling the pang of guilt even more than before, she then turned around and climb down to sit at the edge, looking over the wind country for a moment before placing her head into her hands and just breathing deeply, she really felt weak right now and it frustrated her.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

One dead.

There would be no epitaph reminding the world of who she was, she was an irrelevant, insignificant person. It was only fortune she had survived as long as she had in Soons Haven. She played the motherly role well for the children at the academy, well-aware that they came from tragic circumstances but little did she realize that she was enabling them to become monsters. The near feral children brought into the academy often hid from strangers and hoarded food at first but many seemed calm and most became introverts after a short time. It was her job to keep them fed, clean and tend to wounds she believed were self-inflicted or obtained during playtime scuffles. She knew nothing of their reeducation until she stumbled onto a lesson in session. It was a process known as Operant Conditioning where the child was continually stimulated with various stimuli while simultaneously being rewarded or punished until they responded automatically with an aversion reaction or with desire. It was a simple concept in reality, a milieu environment unnecessary as they were malleable children being manipulated by something greater than they. They were already damaged, half starved, often beaten and barely human at the time of their arrival -- already broken.

It did not take long for her to realize what was happening. They were creating an army from the nothings. Many of these children, unlike her had a scrap of chakra control or some distant honored house in their heritage. They had potential to be weapons and they were being trained or rather manipulated to become such. She always wondered what happened to them when they 'graduated' and she never found out but she recognized a pair in the Soverign Army a year later when she used to think back. That was before she was dead of course. She tried to get help but the children were adamant that they would not leave and some even responded to her pleas violently. She was not good at hiding her intentions it would appear, her superiors had learned long before she poisoned the youth under her care that she was getting restless and asking too many questions. They just never expected her to take their lives just to stop them.

She sought help.


She did not look like much but Mine was the friend who knew someone who knew someone who could help or at least that was how the story has always went. It was her brother but not her brother at the same time, he left when she was very young but he always seemed to make an effort to show up on her birthday, milestone events and holidays. He was not supposed to have these attachments, not as Pestilence. The Four Winds of the King as it were was an order separate from shinobi ranks that had been forgotten since the lost of the last Sunahoshi heir after the maelstrom invaded the lands. These masked men were tools of the One King and were to forego all attachments, family, titles and claims. Even their name was removed and replaced. The love of Pestilence's family was his secret shame, he never severed those bonds and because of this there was a rumor that Mine 'knew a guy.' Well, she knew two guys, the young Uchiha was his apprentice who would one day replace Pestilence and take on the same name and designation.

Silently screaming. Not unconscious. Without respite.

The Uchiha was in exceptional pain and perhaps he was reconsidering his life choices. As his mentor pulled him from the wall, the vines still wrapped around his broken body. His eyes expressive enough to demonstrate the continual anguish he was in as they lit up as the searing pain shot through him. He was blinded by the terrible reality-denying abilities of his tormentor. Nerves were severed. Bones were separated. Nothing was broken or damaged, simply removed. A stranger approached, one of the other captives interrogator. There was a sense of fear, not of the young man who approached but rather of the pain. People are rarely afraid of a person, place or a thing but rather the perceived effect that that person, place, or thing would have on their relative safety and happiness. Hew had no way of recoiling in this broken and still bound form, as the young man placed his hand on him the agony diminished to a dull ache and then to nothing.

The absence of pain was pure bliss.

There was a laying of hands. The bones would knit, the separated blood vessels would unite, muscles that had turned to mush would rejuvenate and the broken husk ensconced in vines would seemly increase dramatically in size. He was still not a large man, he was never a large man or rather teen but what had been pulled from the wall was an emaciated and near dead creature. "Thank you Suna," would pant. He was a worshiper of the 'old gods' so to say. The gods he worshiped were not gods at all and rather a product of gross misinformation that was perpetuated by culture and lore. He would start to peel himself free of the cocoon.


She shied away from the approaching youth. Bloodied, she could not go far. She looked away from him, tearful, scared and ashamed. She had a deep sense of pride and that was stripped from her during her stay here. She was not a besuty by any sense of the word, she was hygienic, thin and symmetrical but her long narrow face and plain features and unadorned robe. She tugged uselessly at her restraint and in a quavering voice cried, "stay away from me!" With what little pride she could muster.

“I numbing your body so I can remove the pieces from your wrist. If you move, it will damage a nerve.”

Shin soothed. She grimaced and looked away. The blonde tensed in expectation as an emerald hand hovered over her. She shivered, but the biting pain down one side of her body subsided. It did not hurt. She looked at him warily, wasn't he one of them? "...don't" she winced, expecting a wave of regrettable anguish to follow. Rather the manacle was broken and she was freed from the wall. She stumbled forward, almost into Shin. She catches herself before she falls and looks up at Shin and then at the others. One dead, several injured. She did not understand what this was even about but there was one thought that was running through her head: I need to get out of here.

“If your well enough, you can leave. But there’s a high chance you’ve been infected with a plague. Head towards the where the girl standing up near the hole in the wall. She’ll help you.”

As if he could read her mind, he mirrored her thoughts. She eyed the broken wall that the other, louder young woman stood at the precipice. She wandered to the edge and looked down. It was a long ways, longer than she knew how to climb. She could hardly even remember coming here, it had only been a few hours and it was so sudden. She was just filing papers and then... *poof* She was here. They grabbed her and chained her to that wall. She called out for a little while but nobody came, nobody until these young people. She was the last to arrive in this cell among these degenerates and criminals, she had never met any of them and knew nothing of this plague that Shin spoke of but much like first year resident syndrome she felt feverish and weak.

There was a man who was all but forgotten. He made mention of a few basic things in a rather strange, accented voice. It was an obvious fake, the enunciation of the words was forced and the grammar used suggested no particular dialect. He did not seem to be in terrible condition and he appeared to be rather capable in a fight if his armors were for more than show. According to the documents, he was a murderer.

Perhaps this time the papers were not wrong.

“Your cradling not going to keep her alive. Stabilize her or I will, regardless of what you think of us.”

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her."

"I am not handing her over," he protested stubbornly. His grip tightened around his sister.

"You know what, Pestilence? I've about had it with this high and mighty attitude you're throwing at me. You think you guys were the only victims here? Take a fucking look around, we were fooled into this too under the guise of an exam... How the fuck do you think I feel knowing what I did to an innocent girl, huh? All so some fuck could infect us and use us to spread his shit."

"Do. Not. Claim. Yourself. The. Victim." The behemoth replied. "You chose to hurt them. You are a victim of your own pride and avarice, nothing more." His shadow seemed to loom. "Even now it is still about you. The victim... No, the fool," Pestilence contended.

"If you really think that we don't regret being involved in any of this, that we truly wanted to do this purely to satisfy some sadistic urges then you are as dumb as the brick shit house you look like."

"Regret... no. Even still," Pestilence was getting stronger despite the fact that something terrible now ran through his veins. "When people regret what they have done, most people make amends. I did not see any hesitation on any of your parts and what little humility there was was feigned." He was of course referring to the one 'gentle' interrogator who in the end killed his prisoner. Beyond opportunity and excuse there was little compulsion necessary.

"All I fucking wanted was to become an ANBU. I wanted to get stronger and protect people. Protect them from assholes like whoever set us up... So don't you dare treat me like I'm some fucking evil bitch, I don't deserve that because the only thing I am guilty of is giving to much of a shit about the people that can't help themselves..."

"People rarely get what they deserve, but I am one who firmly believes in an eye for an eye. What irony is there in my name," he mused. The girl was still selfishly concerned about herself and what she deserved. apparently she felt herself above resentment and blame for her actions. She did not deserve their negative sentiments. Yes, the prisoners were treating HER unfairly. "Stop it Hideyoshi," a weak voice begged. "I am fine," she lied.

"So you have to make the choice now, prisoners, you can help me now so that I can make sure no one ever has to go through what you just endured, so that no shinobi are made to feel like shit for doing something they believe in. No one deserves any of this and yet you want to back talk me when all I want to do is stop this happening ever again?"

Some would have no choice in the matter, still chained to the wall, still recovering or unable to make the descent on their own. Some would be able to survive the fall and enter the fray.

Amori Miné: In Pestilence's arms. Possibly being healed by Shin if not prevented by Shinku
Uchiha Isao: On the ground, recovering. No longer bound.
Yamanaka Suzuë: Dead.
Takagami Kana: Near the opening, looking down. Siding (silently) with Shinku/Shin.
Jomaya Kotsu: Still bound, gave some minor information the previous round.

Tsuyoshi Junko: Not considered in topic OC'ly due to inactivity. They are simply someplace else.
Shinku: On her way to become a hero. Please note, you have been infected and have the option of carrying a terrible disease that I can detail. You have the option of declining the disease because it is gross and contagious but will not start showing up for a few IC weeks.
Sunaku Shikai: Hero'ing in the community someplace, ANBU banner was already updated.
Yoru Nanashi: Not considered in topic OC'ly due to inactivity. They are simply someplace else.
No other PC is thus far infected.

Armed with information with the resources here to acquire more. What do these foreigners do? Sit here and try to learn more from their former victims? Venture out into this foreign land and put a stop to this treachery? Warn their allies and comrades of the lies and the dangers that lurk beneath the seemingly innocuous surface?

Pestilence with Miné in his arms leaps from the opening in the wall.

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Overall, Shin believed he had done a well enough job at keeping his emotions in check. He was logical through the interrogation, remorseful when he had been in the wrong, and calm when dealing with a certain red eye clans wounds. As cold and indifferent as he was at times, there was one small emotion that always seemed to come through. It was rare, but the trainee patience would only deal with so much before the former chuunin began to become irritated. An irritated shinobi, was not the best idea to have, especially regarding this situation.

Hand glowing as he looked at the noticeable injuries that the young woman had, the corner of his eye glancing at Shinku as she began her speech, perhaps moving the prisoners to follow her. Yet Shin only fell more angry, the woman's own frustration doing little calm the trainee.

His hands won't not touch the blue haired woman head wound, only hover as the healing chakra should close it and provided some of the lost red fluid in her system.

"You be okay long enough for help any way."

Looking down around, he took note of the people in the room, before his hands made a blur of movements. Two clone, barring similar looks to Shin appeared, one in the direction of the unconscious Uchiha, and beginning the carefully pick him up, while the other headed to the remaining prisoner. The main Shin walked over to the woman he freed, noticing her eye glance down at the darkness of the opening. The same place the student had chosen to sit down after her speak. Walking to the female prisoner, he spoke, before indicating his head towards the student, his mood hidden by the calm voice be delivered.

"I'll get you down, give me a moment to speak with girl."

If she let him, Shin would walked up next to the student, before speaking, his voice still calm and low enough for her to hear, but at the same his own rage underling in his words.

"You get one. One moment to allow that frustration, but that is all. Our guilty has no place here, only what we do know will change this outcome. Breaking down now helps no one. Bury those emotions, or don't. Your situation won't change till you doing something about it."

Moving away from the girl, he approached the female he had freed, barely noticing as the giant that was pestilence jump out of the opening, taking the still sickly girl with him. Son of a. Looking at the female he spoke once more.

"Were going to follow that man now, he the best chance for your survival. I'll help you get down."

If accepted he would carefully pick up the woman and leap after the escaping man. However not before his looked at the frustated student and spoke once more.

"Help the man still changed up and find your answers Princess, I'll make sure you survive this."

One of his clone, hopefully carrying the recovering Uchiha would follow after Shin, leaving a his only other clone waiting for the woman's commands.

WC: 521

Abilities - Human Anatomy/Third Eye

[D-Rank] Coagulation[]
[B-Rank] Shadow Servant [] - Two Servants Created


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Back home.


Pestilence stood idly for a short time and let the young man complete his work. The young girl the man clutched so desperately in his arms let out a delirious moan. "Shh... it will be alright,"<i></i> he lied as he tightened his grip whilst Shin ran through an array of handseals. An additional pair manifested before him, he was temporarily disoriented as the clone pair took on the facade of the first. The trio busied themselves with the others, Pestilence took this opportunity to step to the edge of the precipice and then take another step. The man fearlessly descended, a dust cloud would erupt around him when he finally crashed into the ground. He would not break stride, despite the pain that shook the length of his bones from the impact, reinforced seemingly by chakra. He was making no attempt to conceal his departure as he pushed his way through the milling crowd on the street, he looked like he was leaving the village. His destination unknown.
Leaves Topic -- New thread in the Palace of the Glorious Immortal​


The Uchiha was in no condition to fight back, he was not even conscious although he was stabalized it was unlikely he would ever fight again. As for the woman, while cut and mildly hurt it would seem that she was one of the only people to have 'gotten off' with only a few scratches (well, deep cuts). The Uchiha slung over the shoulder of one of the clones and the blonde assisted in some other manner by the clones or by the ANBU himself. During the descent there would be a shrill scream, the kind one would hear on a rollercoster ride except this was no ride and she actually thought she might die.

Her fate unknown. Does Shin put her down after reaching the dusty streets of Soons or does he take her with him? Does he really want to carry around some random woman? Will he be able to keep up to the man he set free? Hopefully his gut instinct was right and he set loose one of the good guys, but only time would tell. As for the Uchiha, he was not going anywhere unless carried. Again, like the blonde what is a man to do when burdened by not one but two albatrosses?
[Topic... whatever you do with 'em]

[As for the rest -- dunno!]​

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Just a reminder -- these guys are actively doing things. You are intended to interact with the village. This is meant to be a sandbox, not a dungeon with a known series of events. Do stuff >_>

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
