Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

And this is how I met.... [Private Tutor]]

"Mmmm" She hummed softly, a slight nod of her head to show she was listening while trying to stay within the meditative state.

"I see.... Fog, dark dense....The ground is soft....Loamy...There is....A gate. A tall, iron gate, with complicated criss crossing lines..." She murmurs as she struggles to keep concentrating on staying in the meditation.

A part of her wanted to just open her eyes and tell him in deep detail what it was she was seeing in my mind, but another part of her which was slowly growing was paying more and more attention to the heat she felt fro his hands. The hands on her body which were getting more and more distracting the longer she sat there and realized that he was touching her and she was letting him. And the more she tried to ignore it the harder it was to push it from her mind until the fog disappeared, along with the vision of the gate escaped her.

Her eyes snapped open and she glanced towards where she figured he was, face growing redder and redder with each moment that passed. They were fairly close together but it wasn't like before when they had fallen on top of one another.
Re: And this is how I met.... [Private]

He closed his eyes so he could try to envision, it was the process of an ANBU technique that he was taught... Mental infiltration... He used it to try to gain small glimpses of information out of people... runners... but in this situation it would seem that he'd be using it to help another person grow. His hands were placed softly upon her and as she went to explain it... he could feel the vibrations of his chest growing thicker. Harder. More trying to sync together with the person he was attempting to teach through meditations. The first gate was the hardest... but from there she would learn how to access them on her own will or... if she needed help she'd definitely have a slew of people that possibly knew how to deal with such things.

Though her eyes snapped open and he felt her chakra disrupt and stop... Even his eyes opened and he looked at her... his face inches away from her... and his own face burned bright with the sight of a bajillion tomatoes. "Sorry sorry!", removing his hands instantly but catching a grasp of her tush before he'd release himself... it was the tense realization that quickly he'd grab and then release without even thinking on it. He scurried back a few feet and shook his head violently.

"I'm sorry Ren-Chan!", he'd bow his head and sigh, "I'm very sorry!"
She squeaked as she felt a hand grip her bottom for a moment and blinked rapidly as if trying to comprehend what exactly had just happened. She had gotten distracted, and opened her eyes, coming out of the meditative state....And Tomatsu had grabbed her butt... She turned a deep shade of red and looked up at him in surprise. He couldn't have meant to do that, right?? He had just been startled by her openeing her eyes and stopping the lesson. Yeah, yeah, she had startled him. That's all. He was even apologizing it had to be an accident.

Still red in the face she shook her head and put up her hands. "Oh no no, don't be sorry Tomatsu-kun, you were only trying to help! I guess it's just going to take me a while to get the hang of this. That's all." She laughed nervously and turned her head to the side, half trying to hide her red face behind the curtain of hair that was there.

She scratched the side of her nose and took in a deep breath and let it out slowly to try and calm herself down, heart still racing. She focused on the sounds of the water and sighed once more, feeling the heat in her face drain before she dared to turn and face Tomatsu again. She looked the perfect picture of calm but in her mind she was still reeling from the fact that well. She had been awfully<i></i> close physically to Tomatsu, but she pushed that thought down as soon as it came to the surface because it would only lead to her face reddening once more.

[WC = 278 words 1441 characters]
Re: And this is how I met.... [Private]

Shaking his head violently still he'd feel like he'd done the worst sin of all, "I mean I... Well, it was soft but... Ugh!", trailing back through his words he'd step up and stand to his feet, shaking everything off and smiling though his face was beet red. Things were definitely heating up with this, and he'd have to calm it down, though looking at her she was already the image of calm itself. It was endearing to think about when you'd think of how flustered she could be. Then again... he was completely oblivious to her liking him and she was likely to his beginning to like her as well...

Oh fun fun~

"Ok... I think since you saw the first gate... and you know how to properly get in a meditative stance. You should be fine... I'll send the recordings to the school so you can get a merit for it.", he'd smile and then turn away, "Next lesson will be a bit harder... Focal combat. Sparring. Meet me in a week at the sparring grounds in the Academy, and we'll start another tutoring session. OKay?", he'd smile and turn and look to hr from over his shoulder...

"Stay Beautiful Ren-chan.", a general leaving comment he gave to his mother, he'd find it appropriate here. Waving and not noting what she'd do as he'd begin to trot off....

[Topic left]
Her calm facade cracked under the mention of how soft what he had grabbed was, but she bit her lip and tried not to embarrass herself as he gave her instructions and set up a time, a whole week from then, to spar. She smiled and nodded, looking forward to not only seeing Tomatsu again, but to getting to improve and show off some of the skills she actually had felt she had gotten somewhere with. Plus getting to spar someone meant you got to know how they moved naturally in that sort of situation and it could say a lot about a person.

She went to wave goodbye, but choked when he told her to stay beautiful, and turned a bright red, hiding her face in her hands as he walked away.

"Oh Tomatsu-kun..." she murmured to her hands, shaking her head.

This was going to be an interesting week.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
