Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Annual Clan Summit [Banquet Hall]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The Kumogakure Clan Summit is a gala that is help once a year in order for the clans to come together and enjoy good food, and talk about the future and the well being of the great village. Food is provided catered by some of the best chefs in the village, and no expense is spard for an event such as this. It is literally, one of largest gathering of influential people within the village. Recognized clans of Kumogakure are all invited, no matter whether they be shinobi or civilian. It's one of the few ways that the two sectors of the village find a way to bond. However, the banquet hall isn't the largest of areas, so nearly all of the hot springs have been 'rented' out for space.

She was wearing a dark blue kimono, with white orchid designs woven into the silk. Her hair was pulled back, gathered into a large ornate clip near the back of her head. It was a traditional style, and one her mother had chosen for her. Nothing to complain about, but Itsuki wouldn't have chosen it if given a choice. Her face had the bare minimum of make-up on. "I want them all to see that my child's true beauty." he mom said. At the time Itsuki rolled her eyes, but she had to be honest with herself and acknowledge there was some pride there. Her shoes were simply and clean, and not much else was going on. All in all, she was more of a prize at this gala rather than a person. No doubt her parents wanted her to attract suitors...

Itsuki's pale eyes looked up into the night sky while the room she was in started to slowly fill in around her with people. She didn't mind gatherings of this nature because it was a nice way to keep in touch with friends who were usually pretty busy. But with friends also came old enemies and rivals.

In the time that the Kyokuju had been incorporated in Kumogakure, they had got along well with most of the other clans. They knew and understood they were new to the system and stayed out of politics for the first thirty years of their in-habitation. But as the clan felt more at home, they began to maneuver and make deals with the other clans, just as all the families usually did. The dynamic with the other clans soon changed as the Kyokuju soon became an actual threat in politics; so allies and enemies were made all around.

That was the true nature of this gala. To an outsider, it would look like a great party with great food. But it was arguably the largest political gathering in Kumogakure every year. Passive aggression is a must, and if your not first your last. This is what sets the tones for that years politics and the runners for the council races.

But Itsuki wasn't interested in all that. It was her father who flexed his muscles in that regard. No, Itsuki had planned on rising through the shinobi ranks to get power. It's one of the reasons each clan tested their young for chakra sensitivity. If one had both shinobi in power and individuals in the civilian council, they could theoretically get a lot more done. One day she would turn her family's reputation of immigrant into that of most powerful clan in Kumogakure.

"One day..."
Oct 23, 2012
She broke through the wave of clan members that had begun to fill every crack in the foyer of the banquet hall. Her cool stare parted the way as her feet effortlessly glided across the tatami mat floors. Men and women alike would bow their head in reverence for the daughter of a Shima king. This was not her, not anymore. She knew this, but decided to spare her father the embarrassment for just a little longer. Every year she had come here, only to accomplish absolutely nothing. A few eyes would dancer on her grace and beauty as the night faded into the wee hours of the morning. Men of other clans who would never catch her attention. Already there were those stares, but Haruka ignored them as she entered the hall where clan members mingled with each other. Her eyes glared ahead at a man adorn in a highly adorned kimono fashioned by one of Lightning country's finest tailors. He passively glanced up at the young Shima woman with a triumphant smirk on his lips plastered for all to see. He had the same high cheek bones as her and cruelly dark eyes that didn't seem interested in anyone below them. Quietly observing the man, at his side was a pale and fragile lady. She carried herself straight, every muscle in her body remembered her training as a dancer. She was poised and beyond else, possessed a deadly glamour. Haruka finally reached them, bowing low in respect for the couple. "Otou-Sama, Okaa-Sama."

"You look well. It is my pleasure and your mother's that you could return in time for tonight's event. How fared your mission? I am sure you have seen a great many things. It pleases me to see you unharmed though and back at your family's side. This is where you belong, Haruka. Shall I inform Isaki-Sama of your return to the hospital?" He was enough to sent her in a spiraling fit of madness. His arrogant assumption of his control over her only forced her away that much faster. It took ever fiber in her body to hold herself back from committing any drastic acts. The grasp of her coolness returned as she imaged her blood washing over with frozen control. The battle was her's as long as she kept hold of that warrior spirit.

"That will not be necessary, Otou-Sama. I'm afraid you are wrong, I will not be returning. You were, however, right though. I have seen a great many things. Things which only solidify my decision. And with the passing of Takaki-Sama, and Do-Sama's rise to power, I am needed at the Torre. Much more than I am needed by Isaki-Sama. I will continue to support Do-Sama into the future until Kumogakure is the pillar of strength throughout Lightning country or I expel my last breath." Haruka spoke rather defiantly, mirroring her father's smirk. He was a man without equal though. Harukaze did not let the unruliness of his child ruffle him in the slightest as he held himself with the utmost composure.

"Haruka-Chan, your father knows what is best for you. Can't you-"

"We will talk about this later, in the private of our home." Harukaze firmly commanded, cutting off her mother's pleas. The young girl gave her mother a sad look before passing over to her father once more with a fiery glare.

"No, we won't. I'm leaving the estate. And we won't be talking about that either." She growled before passing her parents. What she had said was foolish. She didn't have anywhere to live. Money wasn't a problem after her last mission and the pay as secretary was obviously good. Still, she hadn't thought about what it was like to live alone or if she even wanted to. She just knew that she had to leave them. Her stomp through the crowd was still a flurry of cold grace, but her eyes reflected an anger. Anger does not truly become you. She remembered Masao's words, which in turn made her think of his kind smile. Haruka hadn't grieved for him, but she wouldn't. She'd stay strong for those who missed him dearly.

Her geta clicked against the flooring and clamored to a halt at the glass doors. She shoved through them, out into the calm night air. Her Haku blood kept her cool, even wrapped up among many layers of her kimono. Still, she wanted to tear off every piece and slink back into the ANBU uniform she had grown so attached to during her time in Roenesia. Even though those nights on the island almost broke her, she couldn't help but remember the pride and strength of her actions. She was needed there. Without contacting Natsu, Haruka had been floating through the village for most of her arrival. She wouldn't feel complete until then. Haruka sighed, thinking she was alone once again. Mistaken as she was, her eyes caught the back of a girl.

"Oh my, if it isn't Kyokuji. Tsuki, right? It's been many years." She purred, obviously splicing her name with purpose of malice.

MFT. 847


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It was a pleasant time to herself on that balcony. Just her and the world out in front of her. If she had a chair, Itsuki could have fallen asleep, and rested soundly through the whole gala. While she didn't mind attending these gatherings, there were countless others things she would prefer to do. But of all the other options, running into her would be last on the list. Just the sound of her voice made Itsuki's skin goosebump and turn red hot. If it weren't for the garment she was wearing, then any person would have been able to see the red splotches around her collarbone. But she couldn't just speak, no, Haruka had to go and carve up her name, both first and last. No doubt on purpose to try and evoke a reaction from Itsuki. The reaction was already had. It was a matter of suppressing the urge to turn around and slap her across the face.

But no; her lips formed a smile as she slowly turned around to look at the vile woman. Indeed it was her. She could not not say something, though her mind was telling her to ignore scum like her and her family. Itsuki thought of messing up Haruka's name in some way, but that wouldn't be original would it. The Kyokuju giggled a bit and covered her mouth with a hand as it was rude to do in public. "Mmm yes it has. I'm sorry for my laughter, I just didn't realize that the hosts were allowing those in adorned in rags to join us this evening. Pay it no mind." she finished, her white iris' staring directly into the Shima girl's eyes. But in honesty, Itsuki would admit that Haruka had on one of the prettiest and well made Kimonos she had seen at the event. Unfortunate that the Shima girl was below dirt according to Itsuki. After all, Haruka was the one responsible for sending Itsuki's older brother to his death, at least that's what she believed.

Once their starring contest was concluded however, Itsuki moved back toward the main hall. Perhaps she would get lucky and the filth would stay out on the balcony where she belonged: away from the true noble clans of Kumogakure. But that was likely more than she could hope for, thus she had a plan. If the young Kyokuju could somehow spark an embarrassing scene from Haruka, and play the victim, it would be a sure fire win. It was a matter of subtlety and guile. However it would be hard to pull off, as the Shima were a merchant clan and quite eloquent in their words and deal making. Itsuki had no respect for the tricks they pulled and their fancy wording. They were honor-less, and there was nothing worse than that. Though, personally, it was Itsuki who had her own bias against the weak woman of the Shima. They used their beauty and charm to get ahead in life. "Whores with high morals." she had thought many times previously. Itsuki glanced once more over her shoulder before slowly gliding towards her place at the table to retrieve a cup of ice water.


Oct 27, 2012
The Santaru were one of the oldest and most noble clans of Kumo. Of course, the were few of them lately, and there hadn't been a clan leader, that Hikari knew of, since before she was born. Still, she was also heavily involved in politics, and that fact combined, decided it for her. She put on a party dress, the same one she wore in Tenouza. (If she had been a more superstitious woman, she might not have. A tower had imploded and people had died shortly thereafter.) She walked in to the banquet hall, and surveyed the crowd passively. There were enough people that it made picking any one person out difficult.

For a moment she thought that she'd seen Haruka, which would make sense. The noblewoman was just the sort to attend this kind of function. She walked in, and stopped at a table, grabbing a drink to sip as she walked around the room, listening in on conversations; one might say she seemed predatory in her movements. It was a while before she spotted the door to a balcony open, and a young woman walk through. Hikari watched her for a moment. She seemed angry. Curious at what made her so, had Hikari slip through the door after her, and find none other than Haruka. "I thought I'd seen you, Shima san." Hikari smiled. "You were right in our last meeting, Anger, though becoming, doesn't suit me well." She cleared her throat and looked down, "And armor is unsuited to a party, so I tried my hand at something attractive that is suited. I hope I did well enough." She said with a wink, speaking of her makeup and dress. "I confess, before meeting you, I didn't think much on things like this."
Oct 23, 2012
Haruka merely smiled with a serene grace and patience that was sure to piss off Itsuki more so. Her dark eyes clashed against the gaze of the white eyed witch. These poor Kyokuju never learned. For as long as she could remember, they had been desperately fighting for a place among Cloud's mantel as a rightful clan. She hoped she'd be cold and dead in her grave before she saw such inconsiderate and tactless breed of people as a full fledge clan. But that was hardly in the spirit of this meeting, wasn't it? Haruka giggled softly, bowing with feigned respect as the little princess spun on her heels to move inside. "My, my...What a hideous temper that one has." She said to no one in particular. Poor girl, she was so wrapped up in the lies her family told her.

Not very long ago, the Shima and Kyokuju were on the brink of a great alliance. Haruka was promised to Itsuki's older brother as his wife in order to secure that tie. Unfortunately, he disgraced his family and ran from the village like a fool. His death soon followed. She did not mourn the loss, having never truly warmed to him. For some reason, all the blame of his disappearance had been placed on her for whatever reason. Her father had been outraged that any would dare drag his offspring's name, thus his own name, through the mud. Since then, he has never sought out peace with Itsuki's father. Nor had Haruka sought peace with Itsuki. She'd let that stupid girl believe what she wanted, so long as it made her feel better about her traitorous brother. The young Haku cared not about the trifles of a little girl.

Haruka turned quickly to the sound of a familiar voice. Her thunderous friend with the tangled fire hair gave her a smile. To which she returned with a low bow. Hikari was already beginning her words before she straightened back up. One eyebrow arched in bemusement. A prideful warrior often had difficulty admitting their faults when they had been praised as gallant all their life. Hikari had managed to confess to the Shima, and that was enough. Haruka wanted nothing more than for the new Spymaster to succeed. She held such fondness for the leaders of Main Branch it seemed. More and more, the Haku was developing a fierce protection for each other them. "You have executed the look rather well. I dare say," she sauntered over to Hikari, taking a piece of her now tamed locks into her hand, "you are quite stunning. You put me to shame, Tanaka-Sama." Her lilting giggle taunted the Santaru playfully.

"You must know, my advice comes not from me...But from your uncle. He spoke those words to me, the last time I saw him..." Her almond eyes looked up at the moon. Its glow only brightened her moonlight like skin. She hooked her arm into the crook of Hikari's arm. "I must confess, after my trip to Roenesia I have become quite comfortable in armor as opposed to dresses. Though, there is nothing wrong with attempting to kill a man with your looks every now and then." Haruka gave Hikari a deadly smile.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
By the whole spirits this is a horrible gathering.. He thought to himself, walking amidst the crowd of adorned clans member to adorned clans member, none that he knew personally, but had heard mildly about. His own clan, had once been powerful, but ever since the decline his family hadn't been participants to any gatherings, heck back in the olden days his clan was usually the host.. But those ages were long gone, and now, only he remained left from the broken clan.

He didn't like the spirit of the room, the air was thick with lies and false smiles, indirect threats and nasty words spoken back and forth. Was this all the politics Kumogakure had to offer? He questioned his very presence as he overheard a few noblemen speaking horribly about the Mejiro walking around showing off their eyes. (white eyes..) A nickname given and used usually used with negative connotations towards those of the Hyuuga bloodlines abilities. It wasn't nice to hear those words spoken, knowing the stories and origin of the name made him cringe and bite his lips in order not to show reaction to make a scene..

Having sipped a few drinks to calm his nerve he only interacted with a few clans members none of which knows or remembers his clan.. Who would? It happened 150 or so years ago.. he regretted ever coming to the party. He had hoped to gain some insight into the personality and exploits of his great grandfather, but all he had gotten was eyes filled with deceit stare into his very soul, and those that knew of Keiji's affiliations in the Medical Branch, merely asked questions about his sennin sensei. The newspapers hadn't said much about Keiji himself, so it was understandable he wasn't the main part of the story.
He didn't immediately see anyone around he knew, but that might just be because his attentions were elsewhere.

His dark blue with white patterned tight kimono held his stance high and his back up tight, his dreadlocks was held up in the back of his head, underneath his kimono he was fully ready for a combat situation, his original mission was simple guard duty, but his associations and history with the guilds of Kumogakure had been the perfect setup for his reasoning of being there, so as to not alert anyone of the potential threats. Having so many important people in one place could easily become a target for terrorists.. And with the end of the Kingslayers, it was only a matter of time before another group would emerge.

Sighing deeply he felt the need for fresh air, and moved towards the balcony, a girl, stunning looks and bright white eyes like his own stepped out with an angry tone. A scene in the making, he held his hands inside of the arm pieces of his Kimono, readying Kunai to be pulled out.
In amazement he suddenly saw an old friend step outside to talk to yet another woman. What's with all the girl around the balcony? Are they waiting for some guy to drop by with a drink, a flower and company? quickly snapping out of his imaginative scenario he thought to himself that if Hikari was here he could be relaxed a little more, her punches should be more than enough for any criminal.

Walking calmly in between the scene of the Hyuuga girl entering and Hikari exiting he eavesdropped standing nearby the door trying not to awake suspicion and avoid becoming too noticeable by Hikari, as she seemed to enjoy herself. Turning around again he saw the Hyuuga girl walking further into the crowd, curious at the scene he wished to investigate to ensure matters didn't go out of hand.
He walked up to the hyuuga girl, presumably now sitting by her seat at a table sipping a cup of water. He poked her on the shoulder quickly followed with him taking a step back and making a deep bow towards her. And with his face looking down "Excuse me, if I may be so bold as to intrude." He looked up again and stood up, then continuing "What was that about back there?"

Not knowing about her clan more than by name, and knowing that they hadn't been support to the loss of his own family or showing any interest in the loss of another Hyuuga clan, he didn't blame them, heck he didn't know which clan this woman was associated with he just knew she was Hyuuga, and nothing more. Regardless, he found her intriguing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Itsuki would ignore Haruka's comment for now, there was no sense in slapping her just yet...

He presumed correct. Itsuki was at her seat, holding her cup in one hand, a pinky out unconsciously, no doubt she wanted to look more fancy than the rest of the people at the gathering. There was a small tap at her shoulder after a long sip of her water. It was a bit of a surprise, but thankfully she had finished her sip and placed her water down before hand. With a quick glance she made sure it wasn't the she-devil, and then stood realizing it was a man who was bowing in respect. "Proper manners among men? Intriguing." she thought, passively assuming that in no way was that guy looking to get lucky and actually just wanted to converse. So, Itsuki returned the bow with one of comparable measure as he revealed what he wanted to learn about.

"Eavesdropping were you?" said Itsuki with small but playful smile. She wanted to make sure he didn't think she was angry about it. In her mind, she had won their little tiff anyways, so all those who saw it saw her win. But this man wanted to know more, so perhaps a bit of education was in order. "That, was Shima Haruka. Daughter of the so called Shima king. Nasty merchant's clan and murderers of my older brother." she claimed, obvious malice on her expression.

It was then she noticed the white eyes of the Byakugan and stopped speaking. Her disdain for all things Shima had caused her to ignore a very major detail in the man standing before her. But he was not of the Kyokuju, so she did not understand. Who was this man? "If I may inquire, as to your name sir? I am Kyokuju Itsuki. Which clan are you here with tonight, I didn't know we had other of the Hyuuga bloodline here in Kumogakure."

The Kyokuju were a very isolated clan in their claimed honor. If another clan was not honorable in their eyes, then they were not a clan at all. As of that moment, no other Hyuuga clan had been on the radar for them, let alone Keiji's. Itsuki's clan was new to Kumogakure, coming after the fall of his own clan per-say. So it would make sense she wouldn't know the history that far back.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
He smiled brightly as she asked if he was eavesdropping, kind-sorta admitting his actions, but one wouldn't be able to avoid doing so in his place, finding such intriguing people, especially one associated with his childhood friend Hikari.

His eyes widened as the words "murderers" were spoken he turned quickly to look out of the open glass doors leading out to balcony to try and catch a glimpse of the woman standing outside conversing with Hikari.
As he turned his face again the woman in front of him suddenly stopped, her eyes met with his properly, he seemed mildly surprised by her reaction, he assumed she didn't think anything weird of it. He had only known of one other Hyuuga of Kumogakure, a large brute-ish man, unfortunately he never had an opportunity to converse with him.

"Ah, yes, I must apologize for not introducing myself, my name is Suzaku Keiji. I'm not here on any official clan business." He said waving his hand feigning his relevance.

Upon saying his name dozens of people around them visibly twitched their eyes and ears to try and listen in, his name ringing some form of significance to them circles, although his face wasn't recognized nor was the name recognized with his face, heck some might even call him fake if they dared to walk up to him in person and make him explain the his name.

"I am the last of my name," He turned his face in sadness as he continued "And the last of my family.."
Then turning to face her again, with a fake smile plastered on his face to try and avoid making his own situation seem too melodramatic to the mood. "From where does your clan hail, Kyokuju-san?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Itsuki tilted her head ever so slightly when she learned that he was just here as a guest, not having some kind of clan affiliation. His manners and demeanor began to make more sense now that the information had been revealed to her. "It is good to meet you." she replied. It made her feel a bit more relaxed, that was for sure. She didn't need to worry about the words she chose or what implications might be made of her clan if she said something wrong or out of place. This was somewhat apparent on her expression and body language; Itsuki loosened up all around and looked far more at home, in a sense.

The young girl did notice that actions of those around her when his name was spoken. But their reactions were somewhat contradictory to what he said, if that made any sense. His name rang almost like a bell, even though he claimed to not be apart of a clan. But that was beside the point when Keiji's expression changed to that of sorrow. "Oh... I am sorry." she said, her expression soon mimicking his own as well, putting together pieces that might make sense to her. She assumed that he was perhaps the last of a former clan of Kumogakure, maybe even one of the factors to why the Kyokuju had been accepted into Kumogakure.

She knew the smile was false, but she didn't want him to dwell on old memories either. Itsuki's lips formed a sympathetic and understanding smile. It was good to change the subject as he had. Still, she made a mental goal to not try and provoke more saddening emotions from him. "Well, our clan is new to Kumogakure. I believe we are three or four generations old now." she said. "It really depends on who you ask." Itsuki giggled slightly after this particular part because of how silly it all was. But she soon composed herself and cleared her throat. "Our humble parcel of land is located on one of the hills in the Seki district. But I suppose you'd like to know where we come from?" she said with a questioning look. This history was guarded close by her clan at it would be a great dishonor if she were to reveal the truth. So Itsuki would just spout the usual boring story of origin. "We moved to Kumogakure because the Kyokuju were expanding in size that we could not handle. At least, that's what my great grandfather said. I suspect that my great grandad had imperialistic views, but who really knows." she concluded with a finger on her chin, thinking.

Itsuki looked to Keiji with a smile. "Well yea, not sure if that was more than you wanted." she said with a faint blush. "Um..." she had no idea what to say, so Itsuki focused on his eyes, the one thing she knew they had in common. "Do you know how to use your Byakugan?"


Oct 27, 2012
Haruka was bowing as Hikari spoke, but nerves and excitement made the red haired woman speak faster. The Shima’s expression was one of bemusement, but honestly, if she was surprised that Hikari was talking, she hadn’t been paying attention. After Hikari’s confession, the beauty said "You have executed the look rather well. I dare say," She replied, sauntering over, then reaching out and taking a piece of Hikari’s hair in her hands. The ginger froze, eyes wide and body frozen. To be honest, she didn’t know what to do or say, of course, she began to blush even before Haruka continued, "you are quite stunning. You put me to shame, Tanaka-Sama." Her lilting giggle taunted the Santaru.

Hikari cleared her throat, but didn’t say anything, because what could she say. Her mind refused to form a cogent sentence, and if there was one thing Hikari was not going to do, it was stammer.

“You must know, my advice comes not from me...But from your uncle. He spoke those words to me, the last time I saw him..."

That caught her attention, “So I’m not the only one whose beauty is highlighted by anger…” Hikari teased, not thinking about the compliment paid to the young woman who could be Hikari’s sister, by her uncle who was older than her father. The Shima hooked her arm into Hikari’s own, and said "I must confess, after my trip to Roenesia I have become quite comfortable in armor as opposed to dresses. Though, there is nothing wrong with attempting to kill a man with your looks every now and then.

“Sometimes, I have begun to realize, the best armor is a smile.” The woman confided, “There are those enemies who cannot be touched by a jutsu, can be felled… defeated in a way, with something as simple as a kiss or a kind word.” Hikari said, choosing her words carefully. By this time she’d regained the composure she’d lost for a moment with the initial touch. The Santaru was alluding with her words, to something that she had heard from a certain source, who would of course, remain nameless. “Of course, the best advice, when dealing with that kind of situation… is to make certain… that your smile is not your only protection.”

[mft 379]
Oct 23, 2012
Haruka remained guarded despite the new Spymaster's obvious jab. She kept smiling at the red haired girl with poise and complete interest. Ah, now she was like Natsu indeed. Keeping a tab on her subordinate through good use of her spies. Haruka would have yet another formidable peer to keep up with. And she was so sure she had weeded the entire household of Natsu's remaining spies too. It was a pity. Good help is so hard to come by these days. Still, Hikari knew something unsettling about her. A very knowledge that already kept Haruka wide awake every night. She cursed Hoshikata for delivering that damn letter. He had stirred up more than planned. Perhaps this was his intention? Could he be so cruel as to back her into a corner. She shook the thought off. The man was trying to change. She'd give him the time he needed and the faith he deserved.

"To believe one's smile is the only protection they need would be one's greatest downfall. I am quite aware of the game of words. It is perhaps the most treacherous of battles, Tanaka-Sama. I'm sure you know this too. After all, you were ambassador of Cloud." Haruka smirked at her once again. She enjoyed no one else like Hikari. Her company was truly entertaining. They were so evenly matched in intellect. Although they took turns scolding each other behind shrouded words, it was all for their betterment. "Now, shall we join the others. Far like us to ignore a social gathering." The woman ushered her into the busy room, still draped on her arm. "By the way, Tanaka-Sama, have you heard about any strange visitors to Cloud recently?"

The Shima glazed over the contents of the room. Her father cozily snug at the head of the hall, discussing matters with the other clan leaders. He was far too distracted now to bother her. Harukaze wouldn't dare disrupt her daughter's conversation with a former ambassador anyhow. Her mother had retired to a silk couch, sitting among the ladies of the Shima clan. She remained quiet despite the chatter around her. So sad and forlorned her Haku mother was. It pained Haruka. Finally she was that damned fool Itsuki. She had taken to someone else. Thank Raiden, Haruka was spared dealing with the Kyokuju for a few moments more.

MFT. 395


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to the short and precise, but not too detailing history of the Kyokuju clan left him with more questions than answers. Obviously they were new, otherwise his name would or should have ringed some kind of bells.
The people around whos ears twitched by his name seemed to switch their body language to more tense as they slowly moved to try and get closer to the two talking Hyuuga.
Keiji looked down to the floor as his eyes flickered to see their movements. He sighed slightly as he looked back up.

"That is very interesting Itsuki-san." he said with a slight grin as she ended her story.
Her follow up question left him with a gulp and him looking to his sides. Fuck, she's from some special noble family, they probably have all the secrets techniques.. Okay.. Okay.. Play it cool..

"Yeah, of course, When I use it, I can see maybe a few kilometers, nothing too braggy I suppose. But it does the trick when you have to do the scouting."<i></i> His body language was filled with self confidence, and yet slightly humbled by the question itself. He avoided talking too loud.
"I find the signatures of people's chakra intrigues me every turn. I always find new colors and combinations, vivid colors come from the quietest of people, and not to mention, I find that the application of reading and visibly seeing the chakra lines enhances the potential for precision surgery when I have to perform surgery on the different chakra oriented organs."<i></i> His demeanor changed from slightly classy to nerdy in an instant as he continued talking.
"Did you know, that if you surgically removed an organ which holds chakra, say the stomach, you cut it out, and you don't cut the chakra lines, you're risking that the patient never uses that chakra resource again? It's magnificent to consider the potential that the Byakugan can be utilized to ensure that the Medical Branch performs the correct surgeries and cut the right areas, the lines are different from patient to patient y'know, so it's a very delicate matter, I've been strategically writing notes every single surgery I perform on Shinobi to detail the different locations and lines that each individual has, fascinating research, still inconclusive, but fascinating still!"<i></i>
Rarely pausing for a breath and simply continuing on and on, his inner nerd and fascination with his field of work may had been showing in his monologue. All he needed was a pair of glasses to continue pushing back on the bridge of his nose while talking and the stereotype would have been complete. Keiji was more of a natural talent when it came to Hyuuga techniques and fighting styles, never learning it from any hidden clan secrets, or secret scrolls. Although he was certain that Itsuki would know far more of the Hyuuga clan's history and their etiquettes, hell, maybe he's breaking several of their hidden laws by talking about his perceptions and research, but the question asked made him kinda-sorta think out loud and made him talk maybe too much. He feared after he had ended his sentences she would have been bored with him, but in a sense, he was just happy to have found another Hyuuga.

As he continued on, and while talking the people around them began backing away, presumably out of disinterest or becoming annoyed by Keiji's nerdy monologue.
Taking note of this his eyes quickly shifted to see these changes, after he had ended the last sentence, to ensure no one was too close to listen in.

He slowly leaned in a little closer and asked another question.
"Which methods do you utilize yourself with your Byakugan?"<i></i> He didn't let her answer just yet as he quickly added;
"And if I may add, your eyes are beautiful, it's rare to see other Hyuuga in Kumogakure. Especially ones as stunningly beautiful as yourself."<i></i> His eyes shifted silently from her feet and up as he spoke, his words were of honesty and as his perception rarely failed, he felt it was in his right to make such blatant yet honest remarks, it WAS a Hyuuga of the female gender he had in front of him after all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
His low tone did not go unnoticed by Itsuki. Most of the men who attended this kind of affair were all to keen about talking about their assets and abilities, were they shinobi or not. Itsuki was annoyed by it to the Nth degree, and it was nice to be conversing with a humbler individual of the opposite sex for once. He continued onward, soon getting carried away in his words which was actually someone amusing and joyful to listen to. Despite not fully understanding some of what he was saying, Itsuki did pick up on the fact he was without a doubt a medical shinobi. Or at least a surgeon that avoided the tight grasp of the recruiters.

His use of the Byakugan was channeled in to his work and seems to have helped immensely. Of course, such a powerful doujutsu could be used for all aspects of life, not just pinpointing and disabling the chakra of others. It was nice to meet another who used their power for healing, as Itsuki had developed a style of the Jyuuken that allowed one to heal in a similar fashion. Her face lit up when she realized she might be able to part such information to a medic such as this Keiji.

But soon his little monologue was over, and yet, Itsuki craved a bit more of his informative words. It was pleasing to just here someone speak intensely about something they enjoyed, no matter the topic. If you just gave them an ear to listen, one could see them lighten up and brighten at the opportunity to speak. Still, those around them did seem to lose interest and he leaned in closely, to which Itsuki immediately reacted defensively. She leaned away from him slowly, out of instinct. See, the young woman had never really given herself the opportunity to explore her sexual nature as a human being, it consequently it made her averse to any kind of physical touch; especially from males.

Her eyes were wide, but expression sympathetic, hoping she didn't offend him. His words soon followed and elicited a faint blush from the prudish female. "Uh, t-thank you..." She took a breath and looked away, soon looking back at him once she felt in control again. "I suppose I could say I use my doujutsu to help others, just in a different way." she began, sending some kints that this wasn't going to be a pretty conversation. "I use it in the traditional manner. Disabling our enemies chakra, and defeating them soon afterwards. You mentioned scouting; I use it primarily for that as well. It's a great asset when in the field." she continued, looking towards the ceiling in thought. There wasn't much she could elaborate on as an ANBU as her missions and directives were supposed to be confidential mostly. Naturally, she felt like she was giving off vibes that she wasn't interested in talking. Which wasn't true, so she quickly moved the subject onto something they could both relate to.

"Though, I have developed a technique where I use the Jyuuken, and inside of seeking to damage, it can heal. It took a lot of training with my chakra delivery but instead of closing off the points in the chakra system, I instead infuse healing chakra back into the system. I call it the Healing Palm. Perhaps I could show you it some time?" she offered, feeling a slight nudge form within to pay him a compliment. Though she was a novice at this, and never paid attention to her mother when she tried teaching her recently. Itsuki would remain silent, looking for exits to avoid awkward silences in the most subtle glances.


Oct 27, 2012

Tanaka Hikari​

The smile, though it did not change outwardly, momentarily turned colder. Hikari patted the arm of her friend. A moment later, Haruka said, "To believe one's smile is the only protection they need would be one's greatest downfall. I am quite aware of the game of words. It is perhaps the most treacherous of battles, Tanaka-Sama. I'm sure you know this too. After all, you were ambassador of Cloud." Haruka smirked at her once again.

"Of course it is, Haruka-san. Wars are won and lost on as many verbal as physical battlefields." Mere weeks ago, she had felt as alone as anyone ever had, due largely to grief. That was not the case anymore. She was glad of the friends she could count, one of which was Haruka. She smiled at the Shima woman, before remembering Masao's fall, "Then again, some battles are lost with egos and silences." The Santaru shook her head, ridding herself of the... for lack of a better term- feels- that accompanied the memory. "Ah, anyway, you're right, we should mingle. Far be it from me to monopolize your conversation throughout the evening. Perhaps we could make introductions for each other."

Aya Kiho​

There were so many commoners at the clan summit. Kiho looked around contemptuously, most of the people there were poor or from very weak families. Although he was not of 'noble blood' he knew that he was worth his weight in gold and then some. The noble Aya sauntered through the room looking down the bridge of his nose at the room, until he saw the Shima family. He immediately froze and searched their cold faces for the one he knew best. Kiho hesitated before approaching the mother. She might remember him, after all. Perhaps the woman could persuade Haruka to... recall their childhood correctly. "Ahh, Shima sama," Kiho bowed, interrupting the talk that the woman was having with the rest of the ladies. "I wonder if... you might remember me. Aya Kiho. I used to come to see you dance as a child. I was good friends with your daughter."

[[OOC: Aya Kiho is a merchant who's been getting a bit too big for his britches. Keiji and Haruka know about him. Any other questions, let me know]]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Can you? That would amazing." He said as soon as she asked she could show it to him. Not that he wouldn't mind her showing him a great deal more. "It is quite an intriguing technique you've developed there, you should've joined the Medical branch with those kinds of techniques, heh" He continued as he grinned and smiled in response to his own words, he probably just found the idea of an Anbu suddenly becoming a Med-nin humorous, granted it wouldn't have been the first time. One would only imagine what made Isaki Kushin leave Anbu at first and then joining the Medical Branch.

He eyed his surroundings as he noticed that Shima Haruka had walked inside of the halls, as did Hikari, presumably she would have noticed Keiji's presence here at the time. Although that wasn't the only thing he noticed, his target had begun its move, and his movements was in sync with the information he had read, same thing goes for the Shima, their actions fits with the descriptions given to him by his sources.

He turned relaxed and calm towards Itsuki, an infiltrator doesn't let his emotions and opportunities run off, his joyful time had ended at the party, and the seriousness had begun.
"If you will excuse me Kyokuju-san, I have other matters to attend to." He said as he bowed deeply, with an extended arm reaching upwards like a butler.
As he leaned back up he began taking quick and silent steps backwards into the crowed, within a split second as his eyes stared at Itsuki he activated his byakugan, but as quickly as it was activated it was deactivated again. He wanted to see his back, to analyze where people where to assess the best approach to vanishing quickly. Within a second he had vanished.
His height was lowered, his hair was tied up in a bun below the back of his head to make his other hair seem slick, like most people at the gathering, his eyelids was lowered to avoid anyone seeing his bloodline sticking out among the crowd. He got as close as possible to Aya Kiho without waking any attention, granted he wasn't an ANBU, but he knew how to follow people and remain unnoticed, although his skills wasn't mastered, he stayed with at least ten feet of length to listen closely to every word, every breath and to read every movement he made for the rest of the evening.
OOC said:
*Rolls a d20 Stealth skill check / DC is 15 / +3 from being a class skill / +3 from skill points placed into it / +2 for circumstantial and writing*
Password is: Banquet1548

Rolled a 5 = FAILED
Play it out as everyone sees fit.
Primarily it's Hikari's NPC that may see him.
You can choose a different DC, maybe roll his perception, up to you Hikari!
  • And yes, I am basically tossing random numbers around trying to make some sense.
  • Most of his skill points are in medical skills, athleticism and fighting..
  • I'm letting the next poster kinda-sorta godmod what happens with Keiji's failed stealth check.
  • Does Itsuki come over and shout at him? Does he trip and fall? Does he bump into Aya Kiho by accident, I'll let the next poster decide.
Oct 23, 2012
"Of course, Tanaka-Sama. As the new Spymaster, I'm sure you are looking to expand your network. I'll gladly introduce you to a few clan heads." The Shima laid her eyes on a man across the room, her words tumbled out her mouth robotically. What she really registered in her mind was a deep annoyance for the new disturbance. Her cold blood began to boil with protectiveness as he slinked his way towards her unsuspecting mother. She thought she had rid of him back in the theater. She glanced at the red haired woman. "I see that Aya-San has made a comfy and long stay in Kumogakure while I was away." She gritted her teeth, thinking of her plan of attack to lure him away. There was one thing in this world that Haruka found most precious. The one thing that, if ever threatened, would send her in a frenzy that rivaled the wrath of gods. Her mother, the frail and frozen Haku. The woman who was her true companion throughout her childhood. Haruka took it as a direct insult that he would dare interrupt her mother's quiet night.

"Little Kiho? Yes, of course I remember you. Your mother and I were awfully close when we use to share the stage. My, you have grown handsome. What brings you back to Kumogakure? Have you talked to Haruka since your return. I'm sure she would be thrilled to catch up with you." Her mother knew that to be a damn lie, but she kept up fluttery conversation for social purposes. In the mood that her only child had been in earlier, it was safe to say that Haruka did not want to be approached. Not even by her. The Haku lowered her head with a reserved smile, rising up slowly to greet the man in a formal bow now. As she lifted her eyes back up toward him, she caught the sight of a younger man stalking his way towards them. A server crossed his path too quickly, causing Keiji to collide into him and his tray. The food was thrown about in a comical way as the young Hyuuga crashed onto the floor with a loud thud. Everyone around merely stared as painful embarrassment sunk into the unfortunate mednin's skin.

The Shima woman let out an audible "Oooh..." as she sympathized with the poor guy. "This whole dinner is a friggin train wreck..." Haruka mumbled under her breathe, hoping Hikari didn't catch it. It was one of her rarest and truer moments of self as she let that thought slip out into the air. She cleared her throat. "Should we go find out what the commotion is about, M'lady?" Haruka was already making her way towards Keiji and Aya, without Hikari's consent. She helped the server, picking up his tray and handing it to him. He rushed back towards the kitchen to get cleaning supplies. Haruka held out a hand to Keiji. She didn't seem sincere in her kindness as a frown crossed her face. "You should be more careful. Aren't Hyuugas suppose to be graceful on their feet?"


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
With his face in the floor he only mumbled in response. "Gwacefuld?" he turned his head so his mouth were in the direction of the woman, "Really?" He grabbed her hand and instead of relying all his strength on her, pushing himself up quickly as he held a rather silly smile. Standing tall again and settling his kimono as he spoke calmly "Is graceful really what they say nowadays?" Eyeing his surroundings the people surrounding the commotion had begun turning their heads as he eyed a few of them. Looking again back at Haruka, "And here I believed Hakus weren't into saving young brisk male antagonists?" He said jokingly with a smirk on his lips as he leaned a little closer to her. "I thank you for the assistance." He stepped back and bowed deeply at her in an elegant fashion. "I am Suzaku Keiji, of the Medical Branch, I am a student under Isaki Kushin." He said calmly, hoping to invoke a reaction by speaking his sensei's name. One would suspect though that speaking the name of one of the most hated people in among the branches would invoke nothing but negativity.

Being the student of Kushin did though give Keiji permissions where not many had, one such permission was access to archives, thanks to that, he Knew Haruka only through the documents he had read, her patients, her personality file and much more. He merely smiled at her in a slightly joking fashion, his dreadlocks all pointing downwards except one or two pointing in fairly random directions.


New Member
Dec 27, 2012
I couldn't have been more than ten minutes late, spilled something on my Kimono, had to wear a suit instead. Just being at the gala brought back memories. It's been almost six years since a Sasaki attended the Annual Clan Summit, and yet everything was the same. The laughs were just as rehearsed, the room stilled reeked of hypocrisy, and gossip was stirred by our presence. My family's troubles have always been a matter of public knowledge so I'm sure that most of the gossip was accurate, but we don't mind whispers, rather my elders don't. I for one can't stand the thought of our pain being the subject of someone else's entertainment. But there wasn't much I could do at the moment.

Without a drink in my hand I began to remember how the last decade went for my family. We had finally run out of money and it had become a struggle just to get everyone fed, so much so that borrowing became our only way of making ends meet. I remember going with my uncle going from bank to bank begging for loans, so things just kept getting worse. Our debts just kept growing bigger, because as my Uncle would say, "The Sasaki cannot accept charity from sinners, and we are all sinners". So instead of asking the Village for support, we continued to sell all we had and borrowed all we could. The Village council actually had to talk my family into taking its money. The deal was to turn our entire property, nearly a third of Cronopolis, into a landfill. But the cash they sent our way in exchange might've been enough to keep our heads above the poverty line, but no one anticipated the impact the garbage would have on our health.

I guess no one expected us to be stupid enough to remain on the estate, they overestimate the wisdom of my elders. The land has been with the Sasaki our entire existence, and tradition would never allow us to leave. So sickness spread from the trash and tore through us at a terrifying rate combine that with those we lost in the First Demon Invasion, and our numbers were rapidly approaching zero. The amount of infants, children, and women we've lost to starvation and illness is enough to keep me awake at night. And I'm glad it does, because as long as I sit at the head of the family, we will never fall so far again... and the first step in assuring our survival is ridding ourselves of such ridiculous leaders, and that meant killing the elders…so be it.

The second step was multiplying our current wealth tenfold. Which if you're willing to get your hands especially dirty, isn't all that difficult. As of last month, I'm currently responsible for a fifth of all criminal activity in Cronopolis; Primarily Drugs and Prostitution. And anyone with a close ear to the ground would know how unstable my presence has made plateau. I've been systematically murdering key members of rival gangs, and from what I hear it’s upsetting a lot of powerful people. Some of which are in this room. That's another reason I might be getting so many nasty looks, I hear my name has somehow gotten out, but I'm not worried. No can connect me to anything, my tracks are well covered…or soon to be. I may be a Shinobi of Kumo, but my first responsibility is to my Clan. I would stand behind bars for my family, hell I'd give my head for them, in fact it'd be an honor.

With our debts finally being paid, and a gang of thugs at my disposal, risk was becoming less and less scary. My plans of controlling Cronopolis would give me enough power to expand my operations countrywide, The Sasaki name will finally mean something. For the first time in history, we will stand atop an empire. I would give anything to make it happen. A beautiful thought, but infinitely more beautiful was the fully stocked bar in the corner of the room. I practically ran for it, shoving whatever and whoever stood in my way.

The commotion with the waiter, happened a little after my third drink, which is enough to make me forget any form of manners I'd learned over the years. I vaguely recall staggering over to the guy who just fell, and laughing for five minutes straight. It was only when I calmed down enough to regain my composure that I bowed and introduced myself as "Tetsuya, Head of the Sasaki Family."

I didn't really care what they knew about me, or what they thought they knew. Our financial situation had improved tremendously over the last 30 days, and the way our books were set up, our money could only be traced back to legitimate businesses. No one had to believe that, but who could prove otherwise?

WC: 819



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Itsuki smiled and nodded her head in the usual respectful manner. "Hehe, I suppose so. But it was only recently out of necessity after all. I'll have to come find you at the hospital cause this isn't really the place..." she said, trailing off into thought of her schedule and when she might be able to fit it in. But before any plans could be finalized, he excused himself with a bow. That of which was mimicked by Itsuki with a smile. "Of course Suzaku-san, have a nice evening." she concluded and turned back to her drink to sip at again.

Itsuki's attention didn't return to the others until Keiji had his run in with the waiter. Something that was very loud and cacophonous. Her homeostasis was interrupted and she took a step towards the scene until she realized that Haruka was helping him up, commenting on how Hyuuga were supposed to be graceful on their feet.

An immediate scowl appeared on Itsuki's face and she was just about ready to lay into the woman when Keiji began to speak. He seemed to be taking it rather well, in fact, it was almost as if it weren't an insult at all. A little bit of respect for Suzaku Keiji was lost in the time they had conversed and that moment. What Haruka said was practically a declaration of battle and yet the young man played it off as nothing.

But what's worse was the name Keiji uttered next. Isaki Kushin. The man infamous for his devilish work in kinjutsu and the theft of the Hyuuga bloodline. That of which he handed out like candy to whomever wanted it. The other Hyuuga mentioned he was a student of his, which could mean many different things, but the sennin's name was hated amongst the Kyokuju Clan.

Then, to her surprise, another of Hyuuga descent happened upon the scene, again she did not recognize this man with white eyes. "How many of us migrated to Kumogakure..." she pondered, making a mental note to go into the clan scrolls after the summit. It seemed to be quite a little affair happening in front of her eyes.


Oct 27, 2012

Aya Kiho [dNPC]​

"Little Kiho? Yes, of course I remember you. Your mother and I were awfully close when we use to share the stage. My, you have grown handsome. What brings you back to Kumogakure? Have you talked to Haruka since your return. I'm sure she would be thrilled to catch up with you."

Kiho smiled, practically preening at the attention, "Oh, yes, mother does miss you so." He said, though that may not have been true. To be honest, he hadn't spoken to his mother in years. He was a very busy man, and she an old irrational woman. Although he had assured that she had fine caretakers, he rarely communicated with her. "Ah oh thank you." He said, his hand on his lapel, smiling. He winked at one of the lady's companions, who, he presumed, would giggle and titter to her companions. "I have taken quite an interest in your village, mother Shima. I have dealings with the ambassador- well, former ambassador. She has risen in rank since that time, as well as many other influential contacts. You see, I am a business man now. Many clans hold me in high regard." He guffawed to himself, "Ah, I have indeed. She doesn't seem to remember our past as I do. She claims... that the one I remember being close to, is her cousin." There was only the smallest of niggling doubts that she had told the truth. "But as you remember..." He looked over his shoulder, "She must have... miss-remembered." He murmured smugly.

Tanaka Hikari​

"Of course, Tanaka-Sama." As the new Spymaster, I'm sure you are looking to expand your network. I'll gladly introduce you to a few clan heads." She said coolly. The icy beauty seemed to focus suddenly on something happening across the room. Hikari followed the path of her gaze to find the noble merchant Kiho. "I see that Aya-San has made a comfy and long stay in Kumogakure while I was away." She said, gritting her teeth.

"Indeed." She frowned.

"Should we go find out what the commotion is about, M'lady?" Haruka said, her words a mere formalty. Hikari was already walking in tandem with her. Hikari had, not long ago, hired Keiji to take care of the problem. Unfortunately for them all, Keiji was not a graceful man. He collided headlong with a server, who rushed away, before anyone could speak, and Haruka helped the Hyuuga to his feet. "You should be more careful. Aren't Hyuugas suppose to be graceful on their feet?"

"Hasn't been my experience." Hikari joked, as some somewhat obnoxious laughter began.

"Tetsuya, Head of the Sasaki Family."

Hikari turned toward him, curiously, recognizing the first name. "I met a Sasaki Tetsuya in the village one day... years ago. Can't be a very common name." She said, "Your fortunes seem to have improved immensely... are you still a mednin?"

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
