Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

B-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Mystical Force said:
An advanced Healing technique, this allows the user to heal at a stronger level than previously, though the concept behind this technique is the same, as such, this technique is able to recover the bodys internal damage, though it cannot repair any external bleeding wounds.

Prerequisites: - B-rank, Medic Rank, 3 Mastered Medical Jutsu

Rank 1: Heals 5% Max Hp + 800 Hp. This Jutsu has a 14% chance at reducing Bleeding and Called Shot penalties by 1 Level.
Master: Heals 6% Max Hp + 1000 Hp. This Jutsu has a 21% chance at reducing Bleeding and Called Shot penalties by 1 Level.

Special Action: By paying .5 Ap and the maintain cost, the user may maintain this technique. This heals 30% of the original amount, with a -7% chance at reducing Called Shots and Bleeding. This may be done up to three times per Jutsu use, and does not count as 'recasting' the Jutsu.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 Cp, 370 Cp per Special Action.
Master: 910 Cp, 460 Cp per Special Action.

  • This Technique uses Melee Accuracy
  • A target recovers -20% Hp each time this Jutsu effects them during the same round. This Stacks.
  • Only one level of Called Shots and Bleeding may be reduced per use.
  • This Technique has a chance of rolling a Critical hit. In which case, twice the amount of Hp is healed and the Bleeding/Called shot heal chance is automatic.
  • This Technique may be used with Negative Energy and Necrosis. This deals unreducable damage instead of healing, and the Called shot/Bleed effect increases the victim's -next- Called Shot/Bleed chance by that amount if effected within ten seconds of use.
  • This effects of this Technique are treated one rank lower if the user performs this on themselves.
Medical Assistant said:
A rather unique bunshin technique that creates a specialized clone not intended to assist the user in combat, but in support. This clone lacks any offensive abilities, but instead plays a supportive role by being capable of performing many Medical techniques, as well as directly restore the Hp of its targets. Plus, many medics claim it works wonders in cleaning and preparing preparing hospital wards.

Prerequisites: - B-rank, Medic Rank, 3 Mastered Medical Jutsu

Rank 1: Creates a clone with -6 of the user's Secondaries, with Hp/Cp equal to 20% of the user's Max Cp. This Clone may perform Medical Jutsu up to Level C at Rank 1. The Clone has a Medical Buff equal to 1/3 of the users.
Master: Creates a clone with -5 of the user's Secondaries, with Hp/Cp equal to 22% of the user's Max Cp. This Clone may perform Medical Jutsu up to Level C at Rank 2. The Clone has a Medical Buff equal to 1/2 of the users.

Special Action: The user may create an additional clone. However, doing so gives all clones an additional -1 secondary, treats all their jutsu one rank lower, lowers their Medical Buff by -10%, and splits the Hp/Cp equally between them.

Rank 1 Cost: 800 Cp, 400 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 1000 Cp, 500 Cp/Rnd

- The clone has 1/4 of the users AP. Lowest AP can go is .5 AP.
- Once the clone runs out of Chakra, it disperses.
- Casting this jutsu while it is already active will remove the current clones from play. The Clone cannot make another Clone.
Tranquilize said:
A calming technique that uses chakra to stimulate soothing mechanisms within the mind. Originally created as a sedative, this serves a purpose in combat by granting the target clear, focused thoughts even in the midst of a high intensity battle. Alternatively, with a higher concentration this can also be used for the opposite effect to leave targets with clouded thoughts and difficulty concentrating.

Prerequisites: - B-rank, Medic Rank, 3 Mastered Medical Jutsu

Rank 1: While affected, the target's actions cost -15% CP.
Master Rank: While affected, the target's actions cost -15% CP. Auto-Fail/Miss chances are capped at 15%.

Special Action: By paying +20% CP, this may be used as a Chakra Bind at -4/-3 Accuracy. This prevents the victim from using Chakra and has an 21%/28% chance of dispelling maintained jutsu (only two may be dispelled per round). This bind is broken if the user uses more than 10% of their Max CP (during a single round) after this jutsu is used, the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim (they have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though). The victim has a 15% chance of escape for every 2 AP they spend.

Rank 1 Cost: 800 CP, 400 CP/Rnd
Master Rank Cost: 1,000 CP, 500 CP/Rnd

- Lasts up to twenty seconds.
- Uses Melee Accuracy.
- A target cannot be effected by this jutsu again for ten seconds after it disperses.
- While active, genjutsu effects that alter the target's caps negatively only effect the cap half as much. (A -4 Dodge Gen Debuff would usually lower their Dodge cap by -4; in this case it would only lower their dodge cap by -2 but it still remains a -4 dodge debuff.)
- This jutsu has a chance of rolling a Critical hit. In which case, the target cannot Auto-fail/Miss while effected. This has no effect if the Special Action is used.
- This effects of this jutsu are treated one rank lower if the user performs this on themselves.
Medical Ward said:
A medical technique that creates a seal of chakra, infusing it into a body. Once sealed, this glyph remains dormant until the target suffers a significant drop in their life force, at which point its healing properties activate and heal the body automatically. Often used by medics who are about to perform a critical surgery 'Just in case'.

Prerequisites: B-rank, Medic Rank, 3 Mastered Medical Jutsu

Rank 1: Inscribes a Medical Seal upon a target. When activated, halves the damage of the next attack to hit the target with the Medical Seal and heals them for 6% Max HP + 800 HP.
Master Rank: Inscribes a Medical Seal upon a target. When activated, halves the damage of the next attack to hit the target with the Medical Seal and heals them for 7% Max HP + 1,000 HP.

Special Action: By paying +20% CP, this may create a more specific seal that only activates in the most dire cases. This version will only activate when the person with the Medical Seal falls below 0 HP; this will negate further damage and heal them to 6%/8% of their Max HP. A target may only be inflicted with this effect once per battle.

Rank 1 Cost: 880 CP
Master Rank Cost: 1,100 CP

- Lasts until activation.
- Uses Melee Accuracy.
- A target may only be effected by 1 Medical Ward seal at a time.
- A target must be above 0 HP at the time of the seal being inscribed.
- Once activated, the seal cannot be recast upon that target for ten seconds.
- This seal will only activate when the victim is attacked while below -40% of their Max HP.
- This effects of this jutsu are treated one rank lower if the user performs this on themselves.
- If the user has the Strategist ability, they may utilize 2 slots to prepare this seal upon themselves prior to battle.
Chakra Scalpel - Medical Ninjutsu
Bladed tools on the battlefield already have a razor edge, but the kind of knife needed for fine-tune battle medicine proved to be too unwieldy to use in fast situations. This annoyance lead medical shinobi to eventually evolved simple chakra reinforcement techniques, meant to make weapons sharper, onto themselves to provide on-the-go scalpels; though, no one is quite sure who was the first one to use this technique for combat. Its endless applications has made it become a staple technique for all medical shinobi to learn - for both practical use, and self-defense.

Prerequisites: B-Rank
Rank 1/2: User creates a weapon make of pure chakra. This weapon automatically has the Special Composition: Medical Augment which does not take up a slot. This weapon deals -25%/-15% Damage, -2/-1 Accuracy, and has a 10%/20% chance to cause [Molecular Sever] regardless of Damage Type.

Special Action: User may sacrifice 1/2 Augment Slots to add 1/2 of the following effects to the created weapon:
  • May Channel Medical Ninjutsu through this weapon at no extra cost.
  • +5% Damage, and +10% if selected twice.
  • +5% HP Recovery from damage dealt, and +10% if selected twice.
  • +5% chance to cause [Molecular Sever], and +10% if selected twice.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 2.5 AP and 730/910CP, 365/455CP/rnd
  • [Molecular Sever] deals additional damage equal to 0.5% Max HP per technique level (0.5% for E-Rank up to 2.5% for A-Rank).
  • [Molecular Sever] can only be inflicted once per technique.
  • Chakra Scalpel is a Weapon Creation Technique
  • The special action may choose the same +5% option for a total of +10% to the selected buff if the user sacrifices 2 augments slots for the same option.
  • Chakra Scalpel's Special Composition augment does not count towards the weapon's maximum of 3 augments. In addition, Medical Damage is affected by anything which applies to Medical or Non-Elemental attacks.

Current Ninpocho Time:
