Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

B-Rank Solo Self Modded Mission: To Walking the Dogs


Mar 16, 2017
It was a bright new dawn on a happy day, at least it was supposed to be for the young shinobi who’s day was not scheduled to start for another three hours, but once again a knock at her door and a fatherly figure intruding on her sleep would ruin that dream. This becoming a shinobi thing was really starting to mess with the girls sleep pattern she couldn’t wait for the days in which she could choose and pick her own missions instead of waking up at the crack a dawn to a note dropped off by bird. What’s more today’s mission was nothing more than to walk so lazy good for nothing rich dude’s animals. All of which were various dogs of different breeds. Along with the note was a set instruction on which dogs were not to be allowed to walk together meaning it would take multiple trips in order to get this entire sort of thing done.

“But dad do I really have to do this kind of mission, I mean for goodness sake couldn’t a non-shinobi be asked to do this for him.” Kikei whined as she sat up and rubbed her charcoal black eyes, wiping away the sandman’s crust from the night’s sleep.

“Well he could but the village makes good money and so will you for doing this sort of thing for these rich folk. Not to mention it could get you in good with their family and you might even be allowed to marry their…” The father was stopped mid statement as Kikei flung her pillow in his general direction hoping to land a direct hit on his face for saying something as embarrassing as that.

“Dad no I’m 13 I won’t think about such things as that until I am at least 18, so please refrain from such embarrassing statements in my presence.” She cried out as she glared in his direction.


After about thirty minutes the young girl was already out of her house and on her way towards the location of where she would meet her assignment. ‘I wish I could just say screw this and do something else but a mission is a mission and there is not getting out of it unless I want to get punished by the higher ups.’ She thought to herself having taken her medication this morning her thoughts were a lot calmer and more organized then they would be if she had not. While she walked the young girl removed a book from her vest pocket and began to read from it activating her sharingan so as to be able to avoid running into anything while she focused upon the book. It was a simple yellow book with a hand throwing the peace sign on its cover entitled: Hand signs and You: The reasons behind why proper knowledge is important.

It took no time at all for her to reach her destination and begin to realize just how boring her assignment really was as it seemed she would have to walk two large dogs solo and four smaller house breeds as a group. So in total she would be dealing with three trips around the designated area to insure proper walking of each dog. ‘Three trips same pattern at least I can at least read my book while I go about this, but I don’t know if it be any help I’ve read it before but still couldn’t figure them out.’ She thought to herself as she started the route with the first large dog. Monkey, dragon, rat, bird, snake, ox, dog, horse, tiger, boar, ram, and hare all twelve of these marked the basics of almost every jutsu the only problem one the young girl could only properly remember less than half of them by name and even worse she couldn’t properly form the signs unless she had the book smack dab in front of her open to the sign. Something about them just didn’t stick inside her head maybe it was because she wasn’t fully committed to learning the techniques as she should be.

With the first dog walked and less than a quarter of her book remaining the young girl sighed she kind of felt she would never truly get them to stick and thus never able to properly perform Ninjutsu like the rest of her peers. Of course this problem may have been more mental in nature and less to do with her actually not being able to perform the signs; as if she had created a mental blockade inside her mind that prohibited her from performing the necessary seals properly to use Ninjutsu. Whatever was the case as to why the poor girl was having such difficulties would remain a mystery for now as she placed the book back in her pocket and finished walking the second large dodge leaving only the tiny pack of house breeds to walk. She dreaded this walk the most as each had the capacity to bark as if it was going out of style.

With the last four dogs in hand she let them lead her on the walk as they seemed to have the path almost memorized due to it being their usual walking pattern that other ninja before her had taken them on. ‘One day I’ll figure it out I guess just today is not that day and when I do I’ll show my family just what kind of ninja I will be.’ She thought to herself with a smile as they slowly turned a corner only to be confronted by a cat which caused the dogs to go into a frenzy that she had to heel by tugging roughly on their leashes in a panic.

“Behave! Stop! Sit! Stay!” She cried out as the tugged at the line as she dug her stance so as not to be dragged along, after all she still was quite petite and such a tug would cause those without training to be overwhelmed. It was at that point she realized why they hired ninja to walk the dogs and not just random civilians.

(Word Count: 1,021{MFT})

Current Ninpocho Time:
