Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Babies incoming! [Open]

She watched the Medical Chief with all his years of expertise and knowledge usher in a soothing calm. His voice calm and controlled, he dished out instructions to the nearby staff while at the same tine keeping the patient completely at ease. It was at times like these one could only marvel at the abilites of people like these, able to take charge of a scene within seconds. She could see now why Mikasa had left this duty up to him."Hang in there, Hana. You can do this. We're all here"She said cracking a smile as Suyashi did his thing, giving out orders and uttering medical terms that she had never heard of in her life. A epidural? What on earth did he mean by that. Soku had thought she had been a Academy nerd but now it showed exactly how well-versed the medic-nin were in terms of academics. After all, they had to be with the role of caring for someone's life hanging over them. In a sense, she began to feel a growing admiration for these brave men and women. Sure, they might not take on the type of high-risk duties like the ANBU but they were spectualar in their own way.

The IV bag was insertes and she watched the liquid begin to flow through the tube. Ziren's clone had managed to locate the essential painkillers per her instructions and she simply nodded."Keep those nearby. Might come in useful once the pushng starts." This was all she could do right now. Watch. The kunoichi did not have any knowledge in this field. Watching someone in pain and unable to do anything tore at her but the ANBU knew right now, the best thing to do would be to let the staff do their stuff. Heck, even Asuka was contributing keeping the lady's breathing under control. She tilted her head looking at the small 9 year old. She really was a joy to have around and helpful. She could see the makings of a exemplary shinobi in the small Uchiha kunochi. The Santaru trotted over to where Ziren was and gave him a small pat"She'll be fine. Just you watch. Hana's a fighter.It'll take more than this to beat her. Right?" She offered words of comfort to the couple knowing how precious this moment was to the both of them.
To be completely honest Asuka hated being here.Or rather, she hated hospitals, but don't let that detail fool anyone, she respected what the Medic team did for everyone it was a hard field to get into. You had to study constantly and hard, she was even impressed with the amount of skill Sushi (HA! SUSHI! She couldn't get over that) spoke to the patients, calming them down while doing all his work perfectly, no wonder Mikaza let him in charge. But... even so... she hated this place bcause everyone was here in pain, there wasn't a single person that came into a hospital with the intention of just... staying here. She hated it because she could feel death loving this place. But she had something to do. "Yes, Sushi-san!"

She kept looking at Hana, keeping her breathing at a steady rate. She laughed nervously, hundreds of different outcomes, bad outcomes.... she was worried. but of course she wouldn't say a word. Right now Hana was the important one. "Come on Hana-san!" She stated with a nervous giggle "Who's going to be the one yelling at me for pulling pranks with your children. Although will admit... it's going to be kind of fun." Asuka gave a quick glance and Ziren and gave them a bright smile, everything was going to be allright. Other woman with half Hana's strength went through this without a problem, she'll do it.

Asuka gave another nervous laugh as sweat dropped from her face. Man she could feel she was about to pass out. But just imagine that? Not the father passing out, which was the common story amongst the hospital, but the god-mother, the one who's supposed to beat the father into calmness. Yeah, this was going to be a looong time. "Come on babies! You can come out now, it'll all be fine! No need to be nervous." Maybe this way they would come faster, hell... she wanted them to.
Ziren focused on what Sushi was saying to him. He did everything right, as he was told to do. As soon as they had her on her back again, Ziren took hold of her hand and could feel his hand breaking. But instead of showing pain, he looked at the love of his life and gave Hana a reassuring smile. "Everything will be alright Hana. I am here. I am not going anywhere." And then the medicine was doing its work, as she was starting to fall asleep, but he knew that she was at least somewhat awake to keep breathing in a pattern. With all this happening, Ziren never let go of her hand.

The clone stood by, with the painkillers on the ready in case if they were needed. Once it quieted down, Soku approached Ziren and patted him on the back. "Thank you Sis. I just care for her a lot. Can't imagine to be in a world without her."

Ziren let himself smile at the commentary that Asuka was providing. Still a child herself, things tend to fly out without any thoughts. Though the thought of his children pulling pranks, made him go Dad mode for a second, before realizing that Asuka must have been joking.

He couldn't wait to see his own children. Show them what it means to be a shinobi. See them grow strong and learn many things.

Current Ninpocho Time:
