Sanageyama Setsuna|
Ishikawa Kioku|
Sanageyama Masaoko[/col3]

Sanageyama Setsuna

Ishikawa Kioku

Sanageyama Masaoko
"Uwahhh! This is so hard Setsuna! Why do we have to learn this?"
"Don't complain. It could be worse. It could be hailing."
"Come on girls. C. Say it with me now... C!"
"C!" they said in unison. They were fast learners, but one was more enthusiastic towards learning a new language than the other.
Kioku was busy at work going over the alphabet. They had been working on it for a week now. The man had hoped yesterday would be the last day they would work on it, but just to be safe he wanted to review before actually going over words.
After doing so, he began with the words that they would use day in and day out for the rest of their lives. Their names. Kioku began to write on the small board he had purchased to teach them.
"Ma-sao-ko and... Set-su-na." he sounded out, writing the characters on the board. "Now you try!"
One more audible groan from Masaoko and the two were underway, writing their names in nearly ineligible letters. That was the next part of his task...
"Let's begin. Masaoko if you would read it out loud."
"The q-quick braun-- uh -- fox? jumped o'er the lazy dog."
"Brown. Over. Again child, again."
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
"Good, and now for your sentence Setsuna."
"You must know the sound of each letter in the alphabet."
"Konohana be praised, I think we've done. You both are speaking remarkably well, perhaps even better than some of the middle class." he exclaimed. A large gentle hand reached down and stroked Masaoko's cheek. She had always had the stubborn mind against learning. "You did well Masaoko. You have improved so much in so little time. Tomorrow we will go out and get Ten-don!"
Her eyes lit up and she jumped up to give him a hug. In an expected accent, but with proper grammar and speech, she responded. "I did do pretty good didn't I? Woooo! Thank youuuuuuu!"
Meanwhile Setsuna watched with a smile. Masaoko required a more involved touch, but a simple smile and nod of the head from Kioku was all she needed to know she did well.
[One Shot Done]
"Don't complain. It could be worse. It could be hailing."
"Come on girls. C. Say it with me now... C!"
"C!" they said in unison. They were fast learners, but one was more enthusiastic towards learning a new language than the other.
Kioku was busy at work going over the alphabet. They had been working on it for a week now. The man had hoped yesterday would be the last day they would work on it, but just to be safe he wanted to review before actually going over words.
After doing so, he began with the words that they would use day in and day out for the rest of their lives. Their names. Kioku began to write on the small board he had purchased to teach them.
"Ma-sao-ko and... Set-su-na." he sounded out, writing the characters on the board. "Now you try!"
One more audible groan from Masaoko and the two were underway, writing their names in nearly ineligible letters. That was the next part of his task...
"Let's begin. Masaoko if you would read it out loud."
"The q-quick braun-- uh -- fox? jumped o'er the lazy dog."
"Brown. Over. Again child, again."
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
"Good, and now for your sentence Setsuna."
"You must know the sound of each letter in the alphabet."
"Konohana be praised, I think we've done. You both are speaking remarkably well, perhaps even better than some of the middle class." he exclaimed. A large gentle hand reached down and stroked Masaoko's cheek. She had always had the stubborn mind against learning. "You did well Masaoko. You have improved so much in so little time. Tomorrow we will go out and get Ten-don!"
Her eyes lit up and she jumped up to give him a hug. In an expected accent, but with proper grammar and speech, she responded. "I did do pretty good didn't I? Woooo! Thank youuuuuuu!"
Meanwhile Setsuna watched with a smile. Masaoko required a more involved touch, but a simple smile and nod of the head from Kioku was all she needed to know she did well.
[One Shot Done]