Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Back to Basics: Shinobi Battle Arts 101 [Class]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
A small notice gently fluttered in the breeze on the announcement board outside the academy a few students already trying discern the information on it despite the notice seemingly having been written by two people at the same time, as there was a well written notice for a class posting surrounded by doodles of different ninja seemingly casting different jutsu at each other making the notice a bit difficult to discern at a simple glance. The notice read as the following.

Notice of supplementary class for interested students.

Do you wish to improve you combat arts?!
Are you looking for a clear goal within you blooming career,
Then come train with Head Jounin Ayeka today at the main training field.

Ask questions on the main branch or simply deepen you understanding of the basic combat disciplines.
All are welcome!

The student milling around the notice board seemed to confused by the notice but despite that an under current of excitement surged within the students as this was their chance to receive training from an advanced Shinobi before they leave the academy to embark on their own careers.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki had the hardest battle with his other half today; Keiko was dead set on improving their sense of style if they were planning to work together for their future. Tsuki was a big fan of comfortable and easily maneuverable clothing no matter the material, whereas Keiko had a pension for certain colors and certain styles. They managed to compromise with one of Keiko's red tank tops, showcasing their tattoo much to Tsuki's demise. However, he got to pick the combat ready cargo pants that cuffed just below his calf. He had his needle pouch strapped to his thigh, his gloves loaded and settled over his hands.

When he made it to the academy grounds, he noticed a small group of students coming and going from the notice board. He decided to take a glance himself, a smile lighting his lips at sight of a class opportunity. He was planning on book studies followed by combat practice at home, but a class would definitely improve his skills further than his own practiced knowledge.

What do you think? Should we go?

I think we should, Keiko agreed. Tsuki only hoped he could do better with his control over his other half today like he'd been training. Some days were easier than others, but there was improvement.

With Keiko's agreement, Tsuki made his way towards the main training field to meet the new teacher he was joining. He stretched his arms along his walk, his eyes scanning the field the moment it was in view. He saw a woman there once he closed in a bit, and he offered a wave as he approached. "I saw your announcement. I hope I didn't miss the opportunity, Miss Ayeka?"

WC: 285

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
The leaf villages shinobi academy played host to many facilities designed to shape and mould the youth of the village into warriors but the most famous facility would always be the central training grounds. A massive open patch of ground devoid of any vegetation having long been burnt away by jutsu with a small set of stands at the far end that allowed for observers to watch training sessions in relative safety. Sat in the centre was Ayeka her posture hunched and huddled away into a crouch as if she was scared of being seen by anyone while she shyly played with her own hair while seemingly debating with herself if the academy would get angry if she just ran away from this session. Though to anyone approaching the dark haired girl it would just sound like depressed mumbling and mostly indiscernible to most. Despite Ayeka's obviously shy and introverted nature her choice of clothing was anything but creating a very mismatched image.

"I saw your announcement. I hope I didn't miss the opportunity, Miss Ayeka?"

The question despite not being shouted caused Ayeka to squeal loudly in shock as she jumped a full foot in the before landing square on her backside facing her prospective student, her face already aflame with a blush at her embarrassing exclamation.

"Ah! Um ah y...y..yes are Tsu...Tsuki-Kun."

Demurely standing up, the seven foot tall girl towered over most people and combined with her shy personality the girl gave of a strange dissonance in a appearance and action which had recently only gotten worse with her recent promotion. You see Ayeka had strived over the last year to improve herself and she had been awarded with her Jounin status however with the new responsibilities that entailed Ayeka had found her shyness to gradually get worse leading her to not very good first impressions.

WC: 307
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Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
The squeal his supposed teacher let out caugt him by surprise. Tsuki felt his own cheeks heat with embarrassment at the slightly awkward introduction, but he still let a soft smile form on his lips as she muttered a reply. "That's me. Sazuki Mizuki, but Tsuki is what everyone calls me." Tsuki watched as the girl finally stood, surprised by her height in comparison to him. She was quite a ways taller than he was.

Don't underestimate her because of this. She has a lot of strength hidden in those veins.

Tsuki couldn't help but agree with Keiko on that one. Despite her first impression, he knew no one got promoted to this level without a certain prowess. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I'm just a bit excited to learn from someone of your skill level."

Kiss up, Keiko scoffed.

I'm just trying to help her relax a little, Tsuki battled. He rubbed a hand over his exposed shoulder, ashamed to have his old ties to Jashin so visible. Do you think she might want to spar? Might help this go a bit smoother.

I'd like a taste of her power, Keiko agreed. Tsuki could already feel his counterpart's excitement buzzing under his skin. I don't know what it is, but it smells delicious.

Calm it down, vampire spawn. Tsuki rolled his shoulders back, adjusting the gloves on his wrists. He addressed Ayeka again, "Maybe we could get a little spar in to start? A good fight always helps me with my nerves," he suggested, trying to pin the blame on his own nervousness, though most of his jitters were Keiko's fault.

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

Edit: Forgot a color code, woops
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Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
The white haired boy seemed nice from Ayeka's perspective though she couldn't help but notice the Jashinism scars that marred the boys arm, a symbol she only recognised due to her ex's own dabbling in the dark religion but judging by how he shifted in discomfort at the marking it seemed the boy was no longer a believer or had become disillusioned by the practice. Before Ayeka could deduce anything else about her new student however he issued a compliment about looking forward to be learning from her and anyone that knew Ayeka closely knew she was extremely weak to praise of any kind causing the girl to blush so hard that her entire body took on a beet red hue while steam seemed to radiate of her head as if she was over heating.

"Ah ...y.y.y.yes of course!"

Speaking louder than intended Ayeka had to take a moment to calm herself while Tsuki suggested that they spar to break then tension between the two which did help Ayeka calm herself down enough to speak again.

"I'm n...n..not one for f...f...fighting. I teach e..e..elemental manipulation, Y...y...your combat sensei will be h..hh..ere in a moment."

Struggling through her sentence Ayeka seemed to take on a far off stare as if she was focusing on something before the rosy colour drained from her skin like a water colour left in the rain before her skin darkened drastically. Scales sprouted in small patches across her body before her pupils sharpened into reptilian splits, while her head bled out all colour until pure white tresses where left behind. As Ayeka's colour palate changed her posture also become confident as she straightened up and a feral grin spread across her features tinged with traces of excitement making the imposing women seem even taller some how.

"Yo brat! I'm your sensei Aria and Ayeka's sister....sorta."

As Aria spoke she began to swing her left arm around in small circles while cracking her neck as if she had been all cooped up and needed to stretch which was most likely due to Ayeka's poor posture. It would seem the changes in Aria's body were still ongoing as well as her teeth sharpened into fangs and her hair began to grow down her back in a much larger mane than before, to the young boy it would probably look like someone changing the positions of a drivers seat to get comfortable.

"Now I heard ya wanted to spar? Well I'm game so come at me however you want kid. Show me what you can do and we will go from there! No wrong answer lets roll the dice."

Ever word was spoken with excitement and anticipation while the girl's grin only gotten wider and in that moment Tsuki might realise he just challenged a battle junkie to a fight.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Heh, seems your compliment only made her more uncomfortable, Keiko teased at the sight of Ayeka's steaming form.

Tsuki ignored his teasing as she spoke again, listening intently to discern her words between stutters. His focus was shifted, however, when all color seemed to drain from her face. He thought she might faint for a moment, until he realized her entire appearance was shifting right before his eyes. Some sort of transformation jutsu?

Not quite. That's an entirely different person.

Sure enough, the words the woman spoke were in a far different tone than before. Are we the same?

"Oh, I see. I kinda said that as an icebreaker for Ayeka," he started, only to feel Keiko practically tackle him in attempts to steal his spot. His gaze seemed to defocus for a moment as he battled Keiko for his spot.

Would you stop?? What the hell has gotten into you?

I need to taste it, Keiko nearly growled. Tsuki had never seen him like this before. It was like he was feral. Had they spent too long without a hunt?

Tsuki failed to realize his control had slipped for a moment, his left hand having sent a dart flying towards their teacher. The moment he noticed his hand had moved, he retracted it to his chest and stared at the intimidating woman with wide eyes. He was horrified. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Too slow, Keiko cackled in his head.

Tsuki shook his head, trying to keep himself in the moment. "I uh- you see, I have another person in here too? And he's rabid right now." Tsuki tapped his head, really hoping he didn't just pick a fight he wasn't prepared for.

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
The silence was palpable between the two as Tsuki finished speaking while Aria just looked at him with a bemused expression before looking down at the dart that was now trapped between her scales, jutting from her shoulder harmlessly before the women plucked it from it's resting spot and examined the weapon between two large fingers as she seemed to mull over what had just happened for a moment. A couple more minutes ticked by probably feeling like an eternity for the poor student in front of her before finally Aria dropped the dart and walked up to Tsuki until she was towering over him, her features shadowed over as the sun shone behind her form.


Was the only sound Aria made before a burst of movement shot out from Aria's tailbone as large pitch black scaled draconic tail shot out from behind the women at frightening speed before wrapping around Tsuki and lifting the boy up until he was eye to eye with Aria who now sported a thoughtful expression as her tail moved the forward until her their noses were almost touching as if she was attempting to peer past his eyes at the other within.

"Well hello in there, Does the little scrapper within have a name?"

Aria seemed to be addressing the persona within Tsuki before Tsuki himself but it didn't take long for her to address the outer persona.

"You the rider or the horse there brat? Always hard to tell who the true personality here so it's better to know which is which. For example Ayeka is the owner of this body and I'm her plus one."

As she spoke Tsuki would find himself twisted upside down as Aria seemed to be checking him from every angle before she seemed satisfied and placed him back on the floor. Stepping away with her hands on her hips Tsuki would get a good sight of her draconic tale shifting back up into Aria's back and disappearing from view.

"Your plus one seems a little bloodthirsty however so lets do this. Come at me however you want with whatever you want, Show me what you both can do and I will give pointers. Don't worry I want kill ya either I will only respond with minimal force and will avoid attacking."

As she finished speaking Aria opened her arms as if to say come at me with a cocky smile on her face.

"Let's start come on bloodshed will only make this more fun."

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki braced himself for a battle he most definitely was not prepared for, fighting the urge to close his eyes in fear as the scaled woman closed in on him. He did not expect to be lifted from the ground, however. His eyes stared widely into her own, shifting between the pupils mere centimeters from his own in confusion and surprise. The itch behind him seemed to settle for a moment.

Her scales are strong. Keiko's voice had an odd lilt to hit. Curiosity maybe?

"H-His name is Keiko," Tsuki stumbled out, having barely caught her question. "I'm Tsuki. He usually only comes out at the sight of blood," he continued, not sure how to better explain it.

Keiko let out a laugh at her words of him being bloodthirsty. She has no idea how thirsty I am.

Tsuki listened as she explained the rules of her fight, helping him to relax a little. Hopefully they could come out of this with minimal damage. He shook out his wrists, feeling the itch beneath his skin again. You're out of control. I need you to stop. Seriously.

She's right though. Bloodshed will make this so much more fun.

Tsuki let out a soft breath of exasperation, hoping he could hold his spot for at least a bit of time. He needed this practice too, after all, and Keiko was nearly guaranteed to take over when things got too dangerous or painful. With how he was acting, however, Tsuki didn't trust Keiko to gain control on his own.

Tsuki began his jutsu, his feet moving along the field as he called in an element to aid his fight. [1] The sky would begin to rain, and knowing he didn't have a large amount of time for his jutsu to last, Tsuki attempted to bind his opponent in a prison of water. [2]

Jutsu used (if you need them):
1. Rain Dance
2. Water Prison

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria watched with anticipation as Tsuki burst into motion his steps light and quick as white haired boy cycled his hands through a quick set of Handseals. Almost immediately Aria felt the air pressure change as storm clouds quickly blotted the sky before a gentle rain began to fall on to the two. Raising a hand Aria idly allowed a few drops to fall into her hand as she mused over the chakra infused water for a moment allowing Tsuki to appear beside her his hand raised as the water in the air stilled as his chakra called on all the surrounding moisture. Crossing her arms Aria made no move to interfere as the water quickly surged forth creating a sphere of water around Aria with Tsuki hand acting as the focal point of the jutsu.

Calmly looking left and right Aria took a moment to admire the jutsu with a small smile honestly impressed with the quick construction but it also left Tsuki at a stalemate as there was little he could do from his current position.
Closing her eyes Aria allowed to pool with her vision before opening her left eye. "Ryuugan Tengentsu." Despite being surrounded by water Aria was still able to speak and as she did thin lines started to expand out from Aria's pupil slowly creating three separate band surrounding the centre of her eye before nine tomoe began to open around the line creating nine distinct pupils that slowly circled around the centre as the eye itself turned from blue to gold.

Further changes continued as Aria's scales and hair changed colour turning from back to blue as electricity began to slowly crawl up Aria's form before surging out causing the bubble around Aria to pop as the intense charge disrupted the jutsu forcing it to deactivate before Aria brought up a foot and attempted to slam a kick into Tsuki's stomach with the intention to launch him away with a surge of electricity. "Sorry kid but Ninjutsu is my specialty though nice implementation of a very advanced jutsu. This is gonna be fun." It seemed Tsuki's opening attack had stimulated Aria to some extent as she seemingly forgot about her promise to not attack as she sank down into a Taijutsu stance her hands held open as electricity danced around her form.

[Jutsu used:
Ryuugan Tengentsu Mastered
Chromatic Shift: Blue (Lightning Mode)
Lightning style Volt Charge (Mastered)

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki took a harsh kick to the stomach, infused with an electric chakra he was not expecting. The force launched him away after he watched his water prison burst like a bubble. He hit the ground with a grunt of pain, moving quickly to his feet and assessing himself. No scrapes yet, so he had time.

She smells delicious, you have to make her bleed for me.

TAnd let you lose control? Not this soon. Last resort, maybe. Tsuki focused his gaze on his opponent as she spoke of his small failure. He should have thought more carefully before exposing his capabilities. Tsuki grit his teeth at the oversight. He noticed a buzz of electricity spark off Aria's form, the light dancing around her with growing ferocity. TDo you know anything to fight electricity?

Not that we've learned. Keiko's excitement grew heavier with every passing moment, and Tsuki realized he might not have much of a chance. He bit off more than he could chew picking a fight like this.

Tsuki plucked a dart from the pouch on his leg, pricking his fingertip to draw enough blood to make use of it without triggering himself too much. He looked away the moment a bead began to pool, shifting through hand seals to form a few clones of himself. The moment his blood began to take form, Tsuki attached himself to the dart in his hand as he slipped it into a clone's hand. The three copies dispersed, and Tsuki took a moment to prepare his next attack, hoping his enemy would struggle to locate him in this form for a moment.

Jutsu used:
1. Blood Clone Mastered, Special Action for 3 clones
2. Combination Transformation Mastered, took the form of a dart wielded by 1 clone

WC: 271

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria gave a small sigh as she stood with her leg still extended from the kick that Tsuki had been blown away with her posture relaxed as she stood on one leg . "Binds are not a bad way to go kid but against stronger Ninja your gonna need to be more creative! Look around you, Ninjutsu isn't just about throwing attacks and seeing what sticks, use your surroundings!" Aria shouted advice to Tsuki as she brought her foot back down slowly her arms crossing over her impressive bust as the kid seemed to have an argument with himself from what Aria could deduce from his expression.

It didn't take long for the boy to come with his next plan of action as he pricked a finger before going through a couple of handseals, his form obscuring itself in a screen of smoke that tended to happen to many students, when they apply too much chakra to a jutsu causing Aria to begin losing interest as clones ran from the smoke screen to surround the taller jounin. Placing a hand on her hip while the other came up to scratch at her blue hair Ayeka just groaned in annoyance.
"Ah come on not this obvious bullshit again......Ugh fine lets end this." Raising the hand that was on her head into the air Aria simply said. "Ryuu Style Hidden Ninjutsu: Arcane Creation:" The electricity around Aria's body seemed to surge with crackling intensity before a boom sounded from the clouds above that had been generated by Tsuki's jutsu, as thunder growled ominously above before a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky directly into Aria's open hand as a flash lit the area up.

Once the flash had faded Tsuki would find Aria standing absolutely fine, her hand now grasping an actual bolt of electricity that slowly began to shrink and take on a new form as scales drifted from Aria's body to wrap around the bolt of raw energy, before it transformed into a metallic blade, dragons scales wrapping around the hilt as electricity surged up and down the surface. Swinging the sword down as if it testing the blade cause the air to fill with the smell of burnt ozone as Ayeka looked between each clone before focusing on the one in front of her.
"That one is probably the real one." Aria mumbled to herself as she bent over until her free hand touched the ground while her legs braced in a runners position. "Moon Phase, First Form: Hunting Moon." As Aria spoke she slowly brought her sword up onto to her shoulder before simply vanishing. One second she was before Tsuki and the next she was on his left his blood clone already split in half with a shocked expression as Aria shot to the clone on the right. Fortunately the clone had enough presence of mind to defend it self as the clone desperately launched a dart at Aria before following through with a kick aimed at the older ninja's face. Sadly however Aria's free hand came up to catch the dart between two fingers before darting under the outstretch leg and striking at the clone with her sword as the clone was cut from hip to the top of it's head in a way that would make any man squirm in discomfort.

Electricity crackled from Aria's body vaporising the blood into the air before it touched her while the blue haired dragon simply stored the pilfered dart inside a hidden pouch within her top not giving it much thought other than not wasting a students equipment by breaking it. Turning to the last of the three Tsuki Aria walked up to the boy and simply asked. "That all?"

Jutsu Used:
Arcane Weapon: Master ranked

[If there was anything you didn't like or want changed just say. Also yes the real Tsuki is currently getting some fan service in Aria's top so do that with what you will lol]
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Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki was glad his ruse had worked relatively well. She took out the first clone with impressive speed, the poor thing dispersing in a burst of blood. The clone Tsuki was being wielded by threw him at his target, and Tsuki was upset to be caught so easily. He remained hidden in his form, only for his vision to be obscured as she approached the last of his clones. Clone Tsuki looked up at the large woman, a slight glimmer of panic in its eyes.

She's right there. Just prick her already. Keiko's teasing was driving Tsuki insane, but he attempted to ignore the buzz under his skin. He didn't have time to play.

Tsuki decided to act while she was distracted. He had the clone burst right before her eyes, beads of blood filling the air. While the blood was airborne, Tsuki let loose a burst of chakra, his dart form shooting into the air before falling back to the ground. He only hoped the blood was enough camoflauge for his form to go unnoticed as it fell to the ground. Either way, Tsuki's form would return to normal as he aimed a dart at her from close range.

"I'm not giving up yet," he stated firmly, his brows burrowed in focus as he threw another dart, this time intentionally missing her head. The dart lodged itself in a tree behind her, and he was prepared to use his sneaky maneuvers again.

That's right, let the bloodlust fuel you. Ride it like a wave. Embrace it.

Tsuki felt a throb in his skull, almost dizzying in strength. Then he realized the scent of iron in the air. Thanks to him, the training grounds were now littered with blood, and the scent was driving his counterpart mad. Tsuki cradled his head, a huff of pain escaping him as he tried to keep his vision focused on his temporary rival.

Jutsu used:
1. Blood Clone Special Action: Blood Blast
2. Chakra Jumping Special Action: Falling with Style
3. Zero Point Assault

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria cracked her neck as she walked towards Tsuki her horns glowing dully with electricity as she got ready to shock the kid and end this fight before moving on to a lecture when Tsuki suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood surprising the jounin as she tried to swipe the cloud away with a swing of her sword failing to notice the dart she had pocketed had seemingly jumped from her person on it's own accord to land a little ways away. Aria's enhanced eye went into overdrive as each pupil darted around the surface trying to find the student who had caught her in a moment of overconfidence and taken her off guard.

As the blood parted from Aria's swung Tsuki appeared at her elbow a dart already clasped in his hand as he took advantage of the opening he had created to throw the dart straight at Aria. Every pupil in Aria's left eye focused on Tsuki as he appeared the eye glowing with chakra as it analysed the boy's movement before the older girl realised he had caught her flat footed and she was going to have to take the hit...only for the dart to fly past her head and hit a nearby tree causing Aria and even Ayeka inside the girl to stop all action as they stared at the tree in shock. "Eh?" "Eh?" Aria's voice became duel toned as both her halves could stare for a moment while Tsuki gripped his head seemingly at war with himself again.

"Did he just miss on purpose?" The duel tone continued for a moment longer before Aria snapped herself out of her shock. Looking at Tsuki again Aria couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips as she watched the boy struggle with his counterpart and tried to figure out was the boy being limited by his other half or did he just not have it in him to hurt others. "Ok were going to come back around this to Tsuki but for now I think I need to see your darker side before I can decide on how to train you." As Aria spoke her voice became more serious as raised her arm and bent it at the elbow so her palm face up. Bringing her blade over her arm Aria made a small cut allowing her blood to flow down her arm before flicking her entire arm out creating an arc of blood around herself in attempt to further stimulate Tsuki.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki knew he wasn't going to hold out much longer. Despite his ability to regain control of his vision, his head felt like it was split open with an axe with how much Keiko was fighting for his spot. He wasn't even sure Keiko knew what he was doing at this point. Upon hearing his instructor state she needed to see Keiko, Tsuki felt a panic settle in. His chest tightened, and he took a shallow breath. He almost felt like he could faint when Aria went out of her way to spill her own blood into the mixture on the ground. "No! Something isn't right with him, he's going-" His words fell off as he felt his control slipping.

Tsuki's form seemed to tremble as he dropped to one knee, his head falling forward as a cackle began to spout from his lips. Don't kill them. Tsuki lost his hold, slipping into a dizzying state of numbness as he attempted not to lose consciousness entirely.

Keiko lifted his gaze, his eyes skittering across the blood on the field until his view met the monster of a woman before him. His pupils expanded as he took in his prey. "You wanted to play? Let's play."

Keiko stood up, pulling out one of his darts and slicing open his palm. He threw his blood into the air, the red liquid solidifying into a long spear. He felt the loss of blood and the pain it inflicted upon himself, but he couldn't help the grin that spread across his lips as he imagined what she would look like as an offering to his god. He aimed the spear to kill, his thirst driving him mad for bloodshed.

Threatening Presence: Keiko chose to make Aria his prey.
Jutsu used:
1. Heartripper (Chigokai Kyonshi Blood Ninjutsu)

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
"Hmmmmm" Was the idle sound of thought that came from Aria as she tilted her head to the side as a blood spear shot past her head before lifting her leg and allowing another spear to embed itself into the ground before stomping down on the gory weapon shattering it into pieces that melted away into small pools of blood. So far Aria had mixed thoughts on both boys in front of her, on one hand Tsuki was very skilful even getting the drop on Aria as he found creative way to adapt his approach to this spar. However he lacked the killer instinct to capitalise on the openings he created and seemed to struggle with his inner half often causing him to start and stop in battle which could be fatal if that habit wasn't broken quickly.

On the other hand Keiko indulged in his murderous instinct freely exploding into big fatal attacks but she could tell already that his fighting style would be very one dimensional most likely throwing attacks as many attacks as he could until he overwhelmed his enemy with brute force or died in the process. Overall both boys had potential but they really needed a guiding hand to force them into a more complete state as warriors.
"Cute kid but your far away from being able to play with me." As Aria responded to Keiko's words her hair shifted from blue to a deep earthy Green colour while her sword was dropped to the ground and swallowed beneath the dirt only to remerge forged a new with earth chakra the blade now seemingly giving off an aura of tranquillity as earthen chakra moved through it. Taking a step forward while still avoiding Keiko's strikes Aria surrounded herself with an earthen wall of chakra monetarily capturing the blood spears. "Moon Phase, Third Form: Waning Moon." The wall surrounding Aria along with the blood spears was suddenly destroyed as Aria created four slashes around her body seemingly simultaneously before she shot forward from wreckage appearing in front of Keiko with her hand outstretched as if her palm was about to grab a hold of the boy's forehead. "Good show kid. We will pick this up when you can stand by my side." With an expression that viewed him as nothing more than interesting Aria grabbed the boy by the face, twisted and slammed him into the floor sending the boy into unconsciousness with only a bump to show for the fight.

Once Tsuki awakened he would find he himself in the academy's infirmary with Aria sitting in a chair next to his bed currently sprawled haphazardly in the chair while snoring loudly.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Keiko's eyes flashed with excitement as the woman dodged his attacks, impressed by her speed. However, he did not expect their fight to end so prematurely. Aria's rush to him caught him off guard, and only a sprinkle of anger could be seen in his gaze before his head met the ground.

When Keiko opened his eyes again, he was standing face to face with himself. Or rather, Tsuki's image, translated only by his mind's eye. "Are we dreaming?"

"Well, you did just have your ass handed to you. I'd say we got knocked out," Tsuki replied, finally looking around. There was nothing but an inky black, unlike the last time they were here together. Perhaps it was the strength of the woman who helped him reach his subconscious that helped him view it in full. Without her, he didn't know his mind well enough to traverse it.

Keiko's thirst had yet to be sated, but he knew of the dangers he would be in if he took it out on Tsuki. "I'm going to kill some things. Don't follow me if you want to wake up."

Tsuki watched him walk away, letting out a sigh and laying himself down in the darkness of his own mind.

Tsuki slowly regained consciousness, feeling something much softer beneath him than the ground he remembered them getting smashed onto. He opened his eyes after a moment, only for the light to cause a horrible ache in his skull. He reached up with a hand, feeling a knot on his head. That was to be expected. After getting over the pain for a moment, he opened his eyes again and took in his surroundings.

He recognized the infirmary, having been taken before by his adopted father. He noticed Aria next, her snores catching his ear. He couldn't help a small laugh at her sprawled form, wondering how long he had been out. Keiko?

Hearing no response from his other half, he assumed the headache was a bit too distracting to fully reach Keiko. Tsuki sighed, sitting himself up and stretching his stiff limbs. He wasn't sure if he should wake his mentor or not, but given she was knocked out next to him, he thought it might be a little funny just to shoot some water at her. He held himself back, however, not wanting to be a disrespectful student and earn himself a spot on her bad side. Instead he sat patiently, waiting for her to awaken and hear her training notes.

WC: 419

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
