Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Bathing And A Lavish Dinner For The Visitors From Abroad

Takeshii listened to the conversation that was taking place, knowing full well that the conversation would mostly be small talk for the rest of the evening, and the fact that Yuki was now taking her leave that he would be retiring for the evening very shortly. After all it was his duty to her to be with her for as long as possible and he understood that part of his duty. Watching Yuki leave the tablet he knew that he was in the same position himself, and would have to go with her. Leaving the others to their duty and task at hand.

“With that, that is also my time leave, as I should go with her, this has been a great evening Lord Raikage, I will leave you in the company of the other Sennin here and bid you a good night, after all I am sure that you are tired as well after a hard day at work. So with that take care and good night.”

With that he rose from the table nodding to the two of his Sennin before giving a bow to the Raikage knowing full well that the evening was done though enjoyable. He had bigger fish to fry and right now sleep was one of those after the travel had taken its toll on them. Walking out of the room he was shown his way to where they would be spending the night and wanting to get some sleep in.

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Nagisa would look round as the Hokage and his wife departed. Nagisa would sigh and get up fro mthe table as well, finishing her drink in a smooth motion.

"My Lady Raikage, I must leave you as well it seems. It has been a pleasure and i hope to keep in touch so we can talk shop as it were over medical research and applications. I think we have much to learn from each other. If you ever need my expertise, and I do not hope I am overstating my role, please let me know."

Nagisa would bow deeply and make her way to her room, collecting her things, and begin to move out of hte mansion. She owuld give the Hokage and his wife some room but she would stay within distance if they needed her for whatever reasons. A chill in the air made her shudder. She hoped it was not an omen of things to come.

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Kitsune raised an eyebrow at the mass that had slipped out of Yukios bandages, and the second eyebrow as it began to speak. ”Nothing quite like you, I’m sure. In essence it’s just the bond between weapon and user I’ve been able to artificially create, using specially crafted chakra sensitive weaponry for imprinting, and then various other kinds of chakra conductivity to, in essence, extend the soul of the weapon user to also encompass the weapon itself, making them essentially two pieces of a whole.” she explained calmly ”There’s no consciousness beyond the weapon users. Their affinity with the weapon increases exponentially though.” she finished and scratched her head a bit.

Then, it would appear that people had reached their limits for the day, and they wanted to retire for resting which was just fine with Kitsune, it had been a long day even before the Leaf delegation arrived. So when Yuki stood up and announced she was headed to bed, and thanking Kitsune for the food, Kitsune smiled ”You are so very welcome~” she said in a delighted tone. Then Takeshi got up and followed her, ”Sleep tight, and enjoy your rest.” she replied and returning the bow. That just left the ANBU Sennin and the Medical Sennin in the room with Kitsune.

Only a minute or so later, Nagisa also got up to head for bed. ”I’m up for discussing research any time.” she said with a chuckle ”I’m sure we’d be able to come up with some interesting theories and theses. Sleep well~” she said to Nagisa before she made her way out. That left just Yukio in the room with Kitsune. ”It looks like the dinner is at an end, then. I think I’ll turn in for the night as well. Assuming you’ve got the time tomorrow night, I’d like to show you the nightclub I mentioned earlier.” she suggested to Yukio as she got out of her chair, and gave a light bow to Yukio ”For now, I’m off to get some rest. Please ask any of the maids if there’s anything you require.” she finished before heading out of the room.

[MFT; WC: 355]
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Listening closely to what the raikage had to say the man nodded slowly as Chinatsu backed up realizing it had gotten the wrong impression from this discussion. "I see, well apologies for the outburst lady Raikage. It seems I ended up getting ahead of myself." The man remained silent on the other hand giving a gesture to each person as they left as it seemed the night was coming to a close though the Uchiha did not feel all that tired though that had become something of a regular occurrence for him. Rising from his chair as Kitsune did there was a moment of pause as the man gave Chinatsu a moment to return to his original state tilting his head back to the Raikage with a nod as she spoke.

"It seems so, apologies if I was not one for conversation it was simply not my place to say much on the current matters at hand. As for turning in it is not such a time for me, sleep is not something that comes so naturally to me so I will head out for a time to wander the village however I will most certainly be there tomorrow night." With that he gave a polite bow as she left taking a moment to remember his path through the mansion to return outside. "Sleep well."

With that Yukio took steps to leave the household Chinastu speaking for a moment from under the bandages. "Apologies, I thought we may have had a lead on our old friends there for a second." With a nod the man was understanding, it was a slim and unlikely chance but it was still there after all. "Well it was a shot in the dark which is about as much as we have to work with right now."

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Current Ninpocho Time:
