"A date?"
Ryuichi nodded to his ghost companion as he looked into the mirror the his left hand holding open his right eyelids. On his other hand's index finger was a large contact lens that was designed for the full eye, and would cover up most of his strange rippled rinnegan.
"It's some new TV show. I have time till I go off in search of....you know...so I figured I'd give it a shot." He stated, placing the first contact and shifting it around so it would eventually hide everything.
"And why did you decide to do a date show?" Asked Yoya, floating up behind Ryuichi to get a good look at him on the mirror.
"Aren't you supposed to be secretive? No, scratch that, you ARE supposed to be secretive." She finished, flicking his hair to no effect due to her ghostly nature.
"As far as anyone knows, Otani Ryuichi doesn't exist anymore. He was a weird kid in the academy that vanished after his dad croaked. My alternate identity is more than enough these days." He answered to her, opening his other eye wide as he opened the large contact holder. With a single swish of his finger, it went from the holder to his eye without hesitation.
"There's also the problem of this being a screwed relationship from the start."
"Who said this had to be a relationship?" "Who said you had a choice? You know the rules. You can't be all romantic with those outisde of ANBU. It's an identity issue."
With a sigh, Ryu simply waved off the faded ghost girl as he gave his eyes one last check. yup, they looked relatively normal...aside from the strange purple color in the irises.
'better off than the whole eye I guess.' he thought to himself, before walking off. He had left the Television on for Yoya, as well as turned the page to her current book on the table before heading out through the front door of the teahouse.
Upon approaching the location of the date, Ryu was quick to notice the approaching cameramen and a man with some cards and a mic. 'lovely. questions.' he mentally scoffed as he awaited their approach with crossed arms.
When they arrived, the man with the mic held it up to Ryuichi.
"Akaime Ocha! Can you please answer some questions?" "No, but I feel like you're gonna ask anyways.""Well, it was part of the contract so- Are you nervous about your date? What do you look for in a...erm. Partner?" He asks, looking at the paper and not exactly being prepared to see "Whatever" under Ryu's sexual preference.
"Well, I haven't been nervous about romantic interests since I was like 10 so no. As for what I'm looking for..." He gave it a moment of thought before raising a finger.
"They should be loyal, and not find me weird."
. . .
"That's...that's all? Nothing about looks?" The man asked, met with a small shrug from Ryuichi.
"When you have luck like me, you stop caring about things like that. Plus, if something was that unattractive, surgery is a thing." He said without tact before walking off towards the house. With a knock on the door, Ryu double checked his chakra to make sure none of it was leaking around him (which normally causes people to feel tired or sick.) and awaited an answer.
wait- flowers. Every classy man brings flowers.
'bit late for that....But I have the next best thing!'

When the door was opened, the camera crew behind Ryu looked in shock as he held out a small blue otter with a crude bow on it, spouting profanities and curses while struggling.
"Yo!" He said simply as the Otter started chewing on Ryu's hand, and he didn't respond in the slightest. Holding out the otter, he said
"This is for Rinko." He said, as the creature finally slipped out.
"Like hell I am! I'm Mizuko, the world's best map charter! Screw off, boss!" It said before vanishing in smoke.. . . .
How exactly do girls respond to talking animals that vanish in thin air? He had no clue.