Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Bird [Private]


Faithful Ninja
Oct 22, 2012

Post Music

"Haruka-chan!" cheered Ai, running up to her. She was who he was looking for, but keeping track of her had been difficult. As a Spymaster would be, she was good at covering her tracks.

He stopped a bit too close to her, most likely within her comfort zone. Before she could object, he started speaking with purpose!


"I'm tired of being treated like some delicate daisy. I want you to give me a test! I want a promotion, and I don't want it given to me. You're the Spymaster, so you gotta have stuff that needs getting done off the books. Just tell me and I'll do it. I'll prove that I'm more than some mere chunnin!" he finished with a bit of heavy breathing.

His attitude screamed determination, and his body was rigid with different feelings. Fear of being denied this wish, adrenaline from the sheer force that he approached her with, and even a little bit of pride for doing so.

But what was really happening here? After the little meeting at the gates, Ai realized that he was going to have to force Haruka to recognize his greatness. Just doing what he was used to wasn't going to get him anywhere, he needed to be her loyal dog.
Ambushed again. Didn't she deserve some respect? And not to be stalked. He certainly was persistent. She couldn't understand why though. Up until now, the two cousins never acknowledge each other's existence. Well, Haruka didn't acknowledge him anyway. The Spymaster found herself almost toppling backwards to get him out of her face. Before she could find the nearest exit, he began to speak. With great force.

Ai certainly was sincere, that she could admire. Haruka never disliked a person who was willing to put hard work forth. She had certainly misjudged him. It if it wasn't for his foolish and flamboyant behavior, she might actually like him. She took a step back, holding up her hand to let silence pass the air between them while she thought.

He wasn't a child. Haruka refused to baby him and treat him as such. Nor would she guide him or hold his hand like she might have with Masaru, although that boy hardly needed her help. No one had ever done Ai good to coddle him as they had for his whole life. And she thought some more...

A chuunin is just as good as any other shinobi in this village.” The princess spat cooly, strolling past him with a smirk. It was only a test to see if he truly meant it. If he insisted on following her, which he would, Haruka would be begin the second round of her game.

She twirled around with Haku grace, grinning sardonically at the young man. “I don't often give people hand outs to prove themselves to me, but I can't have you bothering me ever gods damned day for an assignment... Which I assume you will. Soooo,” She let the word draw and she turned her back on him once more. “I suppose I might have a job for you. If you're apart of my division, you will be familiar with Titan, no? I need some information on them. Specifically, I want to find a way into that floating fortress. If you can somehow find me a way in, or perhaps a few agents that my spies could track down... Then I might consider you worth my attention.


Her hand went up, giving herself some time to think and hopefully stopping any more of his rather loud speaking. Her words struck a chord in his mind that turned his expression somewhat extreme. He looked like the puppy whose owner had kicked him out into the street and shut the door on him.

"I'm destined to be just a nobody?" he thought to himself, but really it was more of a whimper inside his mind. She walked passed him with confidence as he just started at her, now into the dark abyss of her hair. No, this wasn't the end. Not without a fight! He took a step in the right direction and she quickly whirled around. He flinched, fearing for loud and scornful words. Instead she was grinning.

Though her words probably didn't mean to do so, they made his smile return instantly. She was very much correct in assuming that he would continue to pester her.

She turned back around, giving her final thoughts on the matter. "Titan?" he questioned softly. "I thought I did pretty well covering that up..."

She gave her directive, and based on her words, Ai allowed himself the assumption that she knew nothing of the wet-work Ai had been doing for the corporation over the years.


His expression changed quickly when he realized just how he might be able to give her what she wanted. The company had been trying to recruit him formally for years. His position within the Shima family was seen as a great asset to them, but Ai had never said yes to the offer.

"Easy! I betchu I can do both before the week is over!" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at her which may have simply meant 'challenge accepted'. He quickly turned to run off to meet with one of his contacts from the company. It was about time they set him up with a mission, so the timing couldn't have been better.

And this time, the young Shima might just let it slip that he would be interested in a more integral position within the company.

Haruka raised an eyebrow at his invigorating reply. “Oh? That confident, are we?” She couldn't help but chuckle lowly as he placed his index finger towards her in a comical way. He certainly was an animated boy. Before she could say or do anything more, he was already dashing off down the street. A whirlwind of a child, she'd have her hands full with that one. He was everything opposite of what Masaru was, but nonetheless bright. Even if he seemed a bit dim witted with social graces. She'd just have to wait and see if he really met her expectation in the week to come.


Still no word back from that brat. Maybe he gave up... I could only be so lucky.” Haruka muttered, shuffling through her stacks upon stacks of new files in the newly acquired office she received. Of course she had plans to move all the important documents to her secure and secretive location, for offices were far too high a target these days. After she heard of the incident of the Medical Sennin's office being ransacked, Haruka took extra precaution. Although it was unknown who had attacked, her suspicion was on Titan, as no other threat had yet arisen against Kumogakure and the Kingslayers had been put to rest thanks to the efforts of many.

She decided to go for a brisk walk, locking her office and informing her secretary that she was not to receive any calls or visitors while she was away for the next three hour and to occasionally check in on the state of her office. Haruka had waited around her office, hoping to see the oddly colored hair prince, but her patience wore thin. The chill air of the mountains jolted her awake with tingling sensation as she stepped out of the Torre. Quietly and steadily, she ended up wandering back into the Seki district. Perhaps she'd go visit Masaru.

As soon as he ascertained her position, Ai wa son the move. Rooftop to roof top without fail. The young shinobi was planning on making himself an entrance. Just like at the gates when she returned from a long trip outside of Kumogakure.

A puff of smoke often associated with the entrance of the most skilled of ninja exploded in front of her, and what she found inside was none other than the prince of her dreams!

"Hello again Haruka-chan! Didn't think you would be seeing me so soon did you?" he said with a sideways smile and glare that only meant he had succeeded in his job. But for a moment, his eyes shifted to the side and he bit his lip. Not all had gone to plan...


Still, he got down to business. "You wanted to know how to get up to that thing, and who to follow to learn about it. And I got you both!" he exclaimed, flicking his chin with a thumb.

Ai held a hand out holding up one finger.

"See they got themselves some kind of ship that can go up and down through the air. I'm not to sure how they get it done, but there was something seriously wacky chakra wise when I was on board."

Two fingers.

"They don't got much up there. I'm not sure where you got the idea that it's some super fortress or anything, but from what I saw it's just a bunch of land being cultivated for farming."

Three fingers.

"I may or may not have accidentally put myself in a sticky situation. But! Thankfully, I did find someone who seems to know an awful lot about the whole shindig. His name is Hato, just Hato. He's got silver hair and a very passive demeanor, almost too business like in a sense. When he smiles, you can just see the wheels turning. If there is anyone you wanna follow, he's a good starting point."

He finished with a smile on his face. He felt like a winner at that moment. And there was pretty much nothing than she could say to kill his spirit.

Haruka rolled the fumes of his cloud away with a glare, not really taken by surprise. She thought better than to ask him to stop such a foolish entrance, that idiot would continue to do so any way. “I only hoped.” She admitted dryly, taking her glare off of him. Her eyes darted towards the top of the Torre in the distance. Even though she was here, Haruka was always much further. As he spoke, she heard his words, but largely was disinterested. Until he said he completed both of her tasks. She snapped her gaze back towards him.

A cargo ship utilizing chakra to reach the island. So, chakra was likely a main source of the island's flight abilities. But, where would they get such an immense well of chakra like that? Who or what is fueling the sky fortress? Someone Haruka wouldn't let it settle that the only thing above was farmlands. Perhaps more was underground, or he saw a very select part of the island. She refused to be so naïve. While she appreciated his efforts, she felt the report was half assed. Was he hiding something? Or was he really just that stupid?

What do you mean 'a sticky situation'?” She held up her hand to silence him before anything fell out of his mouth. “Where is this ship located? Is it owned by any companies? Did you get any more names than Hato? The names of anyone operating the ships up to the island? Honestly... What am I suppose to do with such vague information?” She muttered the last bit to herself. “I assume you've somehow ended up in their ranks, when you mean sticky situation. If that's the case, then you might be useful.

She had more questions, and Ai's eyes (ayeeee) narrowed as she spoke.

"Well you got to give me time, I can only learn so much without looking suspicious!" he complained making gestures with his hands.

"I'm already useful! The ship resides up on the island, only coming down to pick up supplies and people. As far as I can tell, Titan runs the thing. And no, I-- Oh, the captain. Her name is Yuna. Apparently a rogue shinobi from Mist who made a name on the high seas. She's a character~" he finished with a smile.

"But yes. I'm officially on the in. I should be able to find out more. Win!"

Ai had a confident smirk on his face, encouraged by his own argument for usefulness. All that was next was her next orders.
Win, indeed...” Haruka mused, turning away from Ai once again. She'd have to look into this Yuna character. Perhaps there would follow a paper trail of possible supplies she's shipped up to the island. Then, Haruka's spies could handle Hato. For now, she wouldn't have the Shima prince do anything drastic. It was best to lay low for a little while so she could gather up information. She'd have to inform Shin of her plans, hiding all of this from him would probably only irritate the Raikage and put her out of his good graces.

I suppose that's all for now.” She moved away with feline fluidity, without saying a word of good bye to him. He'd get the gist. He had done as she asked. She was happy, by Shima Haruka standards and he wasn't entirely a buffoon that she'd need to avoid. He seemed so careless in personality, but perhaps that was facade. She was beginning to think there was much more than meets the eye when it came to Shima Ai.

[Topic Exit]

Without another word she was on her way. So unreadable, but she didn't speak anymore about his inability, so he assumed she was pleased.

Spinning on his heels, Shima began to walk a way just a bit more chipper than usual. "Back to work I guess. Maybe I'll pick up a contract or two to make some extra yen." he reasoned, figuring out what to do with his time.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
