Post Music
"Haruka-chan!" cheered Ai, running up to her. She was who he was looking for, but keeping track of her had been difficult. As a Spymaster would be, she was good at covering her tracks.
He stopped a bit too close to her, most likely within her comfort zone. Before she could object, he started speaking with purpose!

"I'm tired of being treated like some delicate daisy. I want you to give me a test! I want a promotion, and I don't want it given to me. You're the Spymaster, so you gotta have stuff that needs getting done off the books. Just tell me and I'll do it. I'll prove that I'm more than some mere chunnin!" he finished with a bit of heavy breathing.
His attitude screamed determination, and his body was rigid with different feelings. Fear of being denied this wish, adrenaline from the sheer force that he approached her with, and even a little bit of pride for doing so.
But what was really happening here? After the little meeting at the gates, Ai realized that he was going to have to force Haruka to recognize his greatness. Just doing what he was used to wasn't going to get him anywhere, he needed to be her loyal dog.