Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Birthday (Party) Behavior [OPEN]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
It felt like his stay was exaggerated and the night was coming to a close, it was almost like the colors shifted and nothing made sense, it was then Brisnger took hold and overwhelmed Reoku's willpower, in his moment of weakness he lost his sanity and was drove to the furthest depths of his mind, Reoku was lost... 'Son of a..' was the last inner speech as Realm felt like the world now distant left him in a pit of his inner sanctum looking around he found Brisnger in the form of a dragon perched over top of him, looking up Reoku could only give a dragged out stare as he wanted to strike him, but his body disobeyed his mind.

"So boy, you dropped your guard, how would you fare right now if I destroyed all of your friends, everyone you hold dear..." Brisnger said as he made Reoku walk towards the bar and proceeded to break the neck off a bottle of wine... "Its been nearly a thousand lifetimes since I tasted the freshness of liquor..." Brisnger said while in control.. Looking around the yellow eyes similar to a feline iris Reoku observed that all the guests had been occupied with the festivities.

'All to easy' Brisnger thought as in one foul swoop, a urge to destroy them all pushed into his mind, but Reoku was resisting, there was no strength in his body and it would be a fools errand to initiate a struggle.

Inside Reoku's mind Brisnger forced Reoku against the wall with a force unseen by the eye as he was powerless to resist... where Brisnger spoke "You can restrain me in the outside world, but you will be powerless inside... just how far will you go before you break boy." Brisnger said as Reoku could not muster a word, his voice was muted and nothing could be said.

Reoku faded to black.~

On the outside Brisnger(Reoku) ran quickly towards the forest of death where he could get the privacy to break the boy, and start a rampage like none has seen before.

TL-Continued elsewhere
OOC: Anyone who can see spirits or chakra natures would notice the complete shift in chakra nature in Reoku. purely demonic fire spirit


Active Member
May 24, 2015

Current Height: 5'2"

The action just a few feet from the bar seemingly died down abruptly. It almost appeared like it was a humdrum moment among most, as very few reacted towards the violence. It was a little intriguing, and odd.. Perhaps Konoha people were used to violence on such levels? Or If touching someones butt was a criminal offense, people would have either joined in or abused the dude or clapped intensely.

Then he saw someone head towards the man. A familiar face moved towards the girl with the mean arm and the guy down and out making little attempt at picking himself up. It was the girl from the bathhouse, two toned hair and for some reason horns coming from her head. He looked at the birthday girl, now wondering if that was the other one he saw. He thought she too looked familiar, and the voice as well, though he couldn't put his finger on it as quickly as he had the other. He couldn't be 100% sure, given attributes he saw and similarities to others, but he would keep it in the back of his mind.

Kaori headed towards the downed party, and the other whom stood over him. He couldn't make it out fully with the sound of the music and chatter in the background, though he did see her lips utter some words along the lines of help and anger. Though it was her next action he took greater heed of. She cast the basic healing jutsu on the man. He thought back to Yomi then, her being the sennin of the medics in this village. Yomi must have been the woman less clad from before, and that made a good enough pattern to him to assume they were friends, and worked with one another. He watched with greater intent, as she went from healing the man, to his arm reaching up to her backside and she driving her fist into his skull.

The other girl walked that originally smacked him with the glass walked off and now the one that held his interest dragged him off, her yelling she would be back. Kishin stood up and followed at a distance behind the girl as she escorted the man behind her by his foot. He thought on what just happened, and everyone's acceptance. If him just grabbing her butt was considered such a heinous act, perhaps what he had done would be that much worse? What was worse? He shook his head, removing the thoughts of such and tried to regain his focus on his current plans.

He followed from a distance, though made no attempt to hide his presence. Though it wasn't a hard feat to accomplish without his trying. Given the low light of the corridors between the openness of the coliseums atrium and the exit to the outside. The music behind got softer, and the sound of the man being dragged drowned out his steps well enough. She might have gotten a rude surprise if she stopped, only hearing footsteps behind her in the darkness, maybe just seeing the slight white of his mask like a ghost of someone long forgotten that died within this building of great historical significance. To him, the world was brightly lit, and easily navigated. To her, well, it was night time inside a building with little to no light, even during daylight hours.

Kishin kept 25 feet behind her, keeping stride with her own pace. If she turned around, he would call out to her, but for now, he was creeping along.

If turns around or calls out: "Greetings. Sorry to disturb you but I thought I recognized you. My name is Uchida, Kanza." A lie that he made little effort to hide if she could tell otherwise. "I saw that guy your dragging grope you most inappropriately. Even as he was trying to help you. I couldn't help but want to make sure he didn't suddenly waken and take advantage of you along your walk though the darkness of this place." A greater sense of truth was told this time around. He would softly bow his head to her, curtailing his hand to his chest, palm up.

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
After launching the pervert to the moon, Kaori walked back in to the dance floor slapping her hands together with a grin upon her face as if she had a clear-cut victory. One less loser at this party, for sure. She put her hands upon her hips and nodded as the man simply became a twinkle in the sky. She fist-pumped "Yosh!" she shouted out in fanfare of defeating the greatest foe to mankind. Kaori paused for a moment to feel the cool wind against her face, closing her eyes and just listening to the sounds of the wind. She jumped at the sudden burst of noise, a voice from behind her. Kaori turned around noticing a man in a full white mask and a shroud around his body.

A tilt of the head and a hand upon her waist caused some of her hair to fall over her shoulders, being held back (for the most part) by the black horns that protruded out the side of her head. "Uchiha Kanza, hm? That's a funny name. And that's weird why you're saying your name. Isn't the point of a masquerade," Kaori said as she touched the mask upon her face, wiggling it a bit. "to keep your identity a secret?" she asked as she then moved her hand over her lips, putting her index finger up in the 'shhh' gesture. The man then explained himself on why he was following her and she gave him a little smile.

She pressed her fingers together in a quasi-praying hand-gesture. Her hands were gloved with her weapon, the Gloves of Divine Dragon flame, which easily clashes with her outfit, but it wasn't something she particularly cared about. The man might recognize the gloves from the hotsprings. Thankfully, she didn't recognize the man behind the mask. Otherwise she wouldn't be very happy right now. "Awww, you're super sweet. But I could easily dispose of trash like that blindfolded," she said as she puts two balled fists upon her hips with a confident smile upon her face.​

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
The horned mask girl seemed to give Zenko an opening to talk about things his boss had sent him to talk about. The ANBU and the evils that they spread.

”I don’t know if the ANBU are creepy, but they are pretty evil.“ He lowered his voice a little ”I heard that the reason for all the destruction in the village was that they tried to assassinate the Hokage and failed.“ He completely ignored her comment about a dog for a man. He wasn’t going to go into that rabbit hole.

The party seemed to be getting a bit lively, at least around the bar. Someone Appartally decided that wearing a mask was going to help them cope a cheap feel with one of the girls at the bar, only to find that masks aren’t armor. Zenko looked down at the attacker and simply shook his head. The man did not warrant anything more to be said for him.

As he was being drug out like some piece of garbage Zenko commented with a bit of shock ”Mister Mop?“ he looked at his hair, he guessed it did a little mop like, but that wasn’t the style he went for. It couldn’t be helped, some people were just rude about others looks it seemed.


Oct 28, 2012
"For dancing with me..." Yomi gave a sly look at Tamashii. He had no idea what he was saying was in fact true, which made her grin. The song switched to something a little sexier and fitting of the woman before the man.

Six inch heels, she walked in the club like nobody's business
She murdered everybody and I was her witness

The air was thick with unbridled tension as she placed her body against the recently widowed man grinded in a slow and deliberate manner to the beat. She could tell he didn't want to touch her, but, she couldn't understand why. Perhaps she did. Perhaps she didn't care for his reasons.

Asuka watched her Goddess dance with her fellow Sennin. Of course, she was not sure who it was underneath the mask, but she was certain that it wasn't who Yomi had been fancying. To the bartender it was like watching an explosion happen in slow motion. With every grind and flip of her hair, too Asuka, it was like the timer counting down to everyone's eventual demise. This was not her first time watching Yomi do this, and she knew that in a life time of eternity, it would not be her last. She excused herself from behind the bar not seeing Kaori to ask her to watch it while she was away. It didn't matter, the liquor was paid for whether or not the people drank it or not. Asuka moved seamlessly through the bevy of dancers on the floor unnoticed as was her specialty. She could blend in to anything and that was single most dangerous thing about her and made her invaluable to the team, to Yomi. She was the perfect compliment to how much the Medical Sennin stood out. Try as she might, there was nothing that Yomi did that could be considered low-key. From her extravagant wears to her "way" with people. Even the things that she couldn't control, like the color of her skin or the blessing she received in the form of her Godhood. Asuka often worried that someone would figure out that shined so brightly because there was a great darkness present and would start to probe. But what could she say to the person she prays to that she had not already said?

She made her way to the two who danced like they were alone. Asuka, ever tactful, walked up behind Tamashii, in Yomi's line of sight. She gave her a look that they only shared and Yomi, body heavy from drink, pulled away from Tamashii.

"Apparently, I've been letting the night get away from me." She said to Tamashii with a smile. "This was fun, but, I want some air." She gave a small bow and walked away to exit the party. Asuka stayed behind to offer Tamashii an apology on Yomi's behalf before returning to her station behind the bar.

Outside, the woman smoothed out her clothes and exhaled. She eyed Kaori speaking to someone but stood where she was. Too drunk to hoover over her like a concerned parent. She gave out a low whistle, signaling her ride. For her, it was clear that Asuka would not be letting her get away with anything else tonight, so she would head home and let everyone continue to enjoy the festivities. She smirked, thinking about who was really in charge of this whole thing and as usual the lines were pretty blurry. Besito came walking up from wherever he was hiding shortly after. Extremely large and imposing as he laid down in front of Yomi so she could climb up on him.

"We're gonna go home, Besos. Asuka is staying." She said softly as she say atop of him in a regal fashion. Besito gave a 'low' bark in acknowledgment, as he began the trek home. He would take the long way to avoid any damaged property. She gave a wave goodbye to Kaori if Kaori cared to notice.

[Topic Left with Besito.]
[NPC Asuka is still in this topic]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
As quickly as he was having fun... He would be snapped out of the trance. The Air around him... Dull. And within a moment he would find out just hoe alone he was. Bowing a head to Yomi... he would not protest the move. he'd just look over his shoulder to see Asuka... but he didnt exactly know who she was. However, he could feel eyes from the bar in their direction as they danced... so he assumed this was Yomi's sister... or friend. Maybe something else but he wouldnt dig, especially with the Hokage having dreamy eyes for the Medical Sennin. Which he knew his place... and when Hakuren Died... it placed him in a weird place. He was so close to feeling love... to thinking he would be able to wake up to the taste of it... but now he woke up in an empty house. A Letter left by his younger sibling who left with the Baba boy... He was... Alone.

He'd never felt like that in his life. Up until the moment he had was... stripped away from him. "Aye... Take care Yomi... Dont forget about the morning meeting tomorrow at the Library Offices... And Tell Mr. Man if you see him..." nodding he would turn to Asuka holding a hand out. Maybe this night wouldnt be so bad? "Would you care to dance, Miss?", nodding he would continue waiting... just to see how this would turn out.

[Short post is short.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Upon seeing that it was a rather large dog coming towards him, Umashi stumbled backwards and landed on his rear end. Clearly the nightmare was going to keep on rolling with no end. Fortunately for him, the night would take on a whole different turn in due time. While he was at first afraid, it seemed that his personal guardian was here to save him from the mire of his tainted dreams.

OOC: Short post is short. Topic left.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Kishin let it slide, it didn't matter if she got the name wrong, though it might have been his luck in the future. What better then to blame an Uchiha for disasters and crimes of another. Though at this time, he didn't know the importance of that name, though it might explain her lack of enthusiasm to give her name to him. She didn't seem to be so forthright to give her own name, this mission was breaking down quickly. That being thought, she was right, that was the point perhaps of having a party with masks. But he thought he picked up on something..was she being flirtatious? It seemed recognizable though he had little to back such a thought on. And his mind wondered to what the other people were doing at the party. Drinking, dancing, maybe not. She did bash his head in. But maybe if I, " sure your right about that mask thing. This would be my first masquerade, er um party in all honesty." It was his first party, at least one that involved less...and more consensual interaction.

He explained why he was following her, taking another crack at getting her name cordially. He needed some headway. Again she was dismissive, but things were adding up. She might not have been a normal medical practitioner. He had met a few, they were usually a little to there patience. And also slightly more fragile in a fight. "I could tell, you seemed quite capable out on the dance floor." He laughed, though it was more of a trying to buy time laughter. "Of course you do never know. Someone could just..I mean..sneak up, um. Well, he could have friends. It just didn't seem right leaving someone so.." Very unpracticed. The other asses from his upbringing made it look so easy. Given that, the women were also much more passive, or otherwise..

He breathed in deeply then out. He needed to get close to this girl. It would allow for easier passage into the next stages. "Someone so unusual..." He looked at her face after he said it, though he didn't need to, he wanted to he just regretted the words he just said. "I mean otherworldly..." Sputters..and of course mistakenly looks at her horns, "Enchanting? I mean, Enchanting! Doesn't mean you aren't capable but, some people you know!" His voice raised a little, as he felt he was making the situation worse. He looks over as a man in a black suit with no shirt walked by. His aura a dark tinge of red, and a certain mired hate intertwined with it coming from him. "Like that guy.." Luckily they were away from him enough, he was certain if they weren't, he might have just attacked. At least that was how it felt.

Kishin tensed up, watching him closely until he was gone then looked back to the girl.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the time passed and events unfolding around her, Ritsuko wouldn't pay too terribly much attention as she was more annoyed that someone had decided to grope her. Her mood had been pretty much ruined at this point and had just, mostly at this point, just focused on not lashing out at anybody had they attempted to really interact with her. However it hadn't taken her long to grab some clay she she had hidden on her somewhere if she had needed it on the off chance that she would be backed into a corner by one or more people in a dark alley, and had put it in the mouth on one of her palms to chew it up in secret.

It wasn't that she was overly annoyed at the point in time, it was more the fact that she was starting to feel a bit antsy and even a small bit of paranoia as right after the woman she spoke to hoping that there would be no perverts at the party and having one just come up and grope her behind. She didn't really want it to happen to her again and soon moved away from the bar, trying to move through the crowd of people and to somewhere a bit more quiet to try and calm herself down as she knew it wouldn't happen again but something just ticked in her mind at the possibility that it could. She didn't intend to ignore what the girl had said nor the man that had arrive just for a chat but her mood and the event that had happened had thrown her off quite a bit.

Right outside of the party was certainly more quiet than the bar in which she would find a place to actually sit down. Within seconds of sitting down, she would inhale deeply and let out a deep exhale as well to calm down. It would work a bit before the mouth on her palm would spit out the clay after infusing it with chakra. It would be at this point where she'd take the time to start to even start molding it herself and put as much detail into it as she possibly could considering that it wasn't something she thought she could entirely do without a slight bit of trouble.

After a few moments, the clay would look as if it was just a different colored bird at this point, with looking close to an actual bird just out of clay. Mere seconds after finishing the detail, the bird seemed to just start moving on its own and flew into the air, just acting as a proper bird would. She'd exhale once more and soon the bird would split into ten smaller birds which would slightly surprise Ritsuko as she had just taken her eyes off of the bird for a moment and made the bird fly up some distance above the party just to amuse herself at this point. It didn't take long, however for her to lose focus for a bit which would cause the birds above the party by a few hundred feet would all detonate simultaneously. Oh boy, that wasn't entirely what she had planned... She did wonder how much people would panic from it even though the explosion was certainly nowhere near anyone to harm someone, though the wind that came from it might be a surprise. The wind was possibly strong enough to knock someone over, had they not braced themselves for the shock wave after noticing the explosion, and the sound was almost loud enough to be noticable though in a party, it would be questionable.


Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
A whistle took her attention away as she saw Yomi and Besito call for a ride and took off. Kaori went to go wave at the two, but they seemed to be off in their own world.
Kaori tilted her head a bit before she was stuck listening to this strange masked man; assuming it was a man due to their voice. Now that Cinderella took her leave from the party, the party would slowly start to decay and die down now that the main attraction had left early. Kaori cleared her throat and turned to look towards the masked man at his admission to this being their first party, let alone a masquerade. "Seems the two of us have something in common, Mr. Uchiha," she said as the light from the moon struck her eyes at the right angle, showing the vivid lavender color of her eyes through the mask. She chortled at the words spoken by the man, mainly about his friends sneaking up on them. It's not that she couldn't see them due to lack of capability, but she chose not to use her Dragon Eyes to see the world all around her.

"Oh, if he has friends, let them come. The Woman-of-the-Hour is now no longer here so if they want to cause a ruckus, I'll be here to put an end to that," she said with a big bright smile upon her face. She didn't regret what she did, if anything, she was proud of what she did. Those kind of people were deplorable and what he had coming to him was actually rather kind to what he should have received. She promised Yomi to behave and so she did; otherwise the man would be seeking out the intensive care unit right now.

The man started to fumble on his words, causing Kaori to slowly lose interest in the words he was saying. A single hand was moved to divert her hair over her black horns,
which appeared to be part of the mask but was actually a growth from her skull. The man's words started to sound jumbled and mixed up due to her slowly losing patience with the man and how bored she got listening to him stumbling. Whatever this guy was trying to do, he didn't seem to be doing it well enough. "Thanks? I guess?" she said, trying to postulate what he said as a compliment. If only this boy knew of the troubles she had to go through. She HAD to become strong otherwise she would be dead right now. Not only strong in body, but strong in mind and will.

Kaori's eyes turned towards the shirtless fellow with pink hair for a bit before turning to look back towards the Uchiha standing before her. "Okay? What about him?" she asked. She placed a hand upon her hip and tilted her head towards the man and before she was able to squeak out a word, BOOM. A massive explosion happened in the sky, causing Kaori to slouch over a bit in reaction and activated her Dragon Eyes (Byakkugan). Her heart raced a bit before looking back at the masked man to see if they were alright. At least this shady looking Uchiha had an alibi and wasn't the one responsible for the explosion. She turned her eyes, blackened with a glowing red iris towards the man.

"You alright? What was that?" she asked. The explosion startled her. She turned her eyes towards the masked Uchiha and cleared her throat. "We need to see if everyone's alright inside," she said as she walked with a purpose inside only to find everyone was doing just fine. They were probably a bit startled, if not geared up with paranoia, after the explosion. She took a sigh of relief as everyone inside was fine. Her main priority right now was Asuka. She quickly moved to the bar and pressed her elbows upon the top of the bar and leaned in. This posture showed far too much cleavage, more than she was intending. Not that she actually intended to show cleavage to Asuka as that would be a little weird.

"Hey, Asuka. Are you alright?"​

WC: 697


Oct 28, 2012
Asuka watched as her Goddess took a step out. So long as Yomi wasn't doing...whatever she was doing, with Tamashii she would be pleased. It was not that Asuka was a blocker, so much as she...well perhaps she was blocking a little, but, she maintained that it was for Yomi and the integrity the Hokage's Office even if she wasn't entirely sure who was under the mask. What the woman did know is that it wasn't Mr. Man under that mask. Turning to Tamashii who had asked her to dance, she gave a slight bow and politely declined.

"I'm sorry but I cannot. I simply do not know how. You are kind to offer, though. Thank you." Asuka excused herself and went back behind the bar where she would continue to play bartender until the last person left. Asuka poured her self a shot and downed it before she started taking requests. Fortunately no one had pilfered from the bar. Seems the people had manners or were too drunk to notice that nobody was manning to bar.

As she poured drinks and weighed the importance of emoting in front of someone besides Yomi, a loud explosion overcame the coliseum. Asuka ducked behind the bar picking up Tamashii's gift that he had presented to Yomi and picking up her dagger. Her mind jumped to the worst case scenario and she assumed they were under attack. Her only reprieve was that Yomi was no longer in attendance so she would not be attacked and their secret would remain safe. As Asuka was standing Kaori appeared, apparently to check on her. It was a sweet gesture.

"I am fine. Do you know what happened?" Asuka asked in an even tone. Her ability to remain calm and clear headed was a little unnerving.

The attendees scrambled out of the coliseum trampling over one another in an effort to find some sort of safety. Their screams indicated that they too thought that they were under attack. It seemed that whatever was going on had effectively ended the party for them. She would not corral any villagers or ask them to stay calm. Her priority was Yomi and since she was long gone at this point, she just needed to get herself to safety until things died down.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Leaf Infiltration Mission: 1
Mission Rank: B
Mission Type: Self Modded Solo/Self Modded Group
Required Participants: Kishin Yaku, Party Participants
Client: Kishin Yaku
Restrictions: Battle Ready Warning
Mission Premise: Kishin Yaku is working towards infiltrating the eschelon of the Leaf Ninja community. His first task though is to get to someone in the middle framework. Kishin has tasked himself with becoming friends with someone at the Birthday Party topic. How he goes about this is up to him.

This mission is only successful if Kishin accomplishes his goal. Everyone else gets rewarded if all requirements of mission are passed.

Note: The mods for the mission will be myself for the other players, and the other players for myself.

OOC: If you wish to take part of this mission it is free to anyone.

He looked over as the girl did, taking note that his main target was now leaving. It was a troublesome factor now. He had hopes that perhaps the girl in front of him, whom ever she was might introduce the two of them. It would make future encounters easier. He would have to just try to at least get a name from her, the two seemed close and being able to say, hey I was this person at that party, would certainly make things easier. She might not appreciate the fact of a stranger walking up to her saying I recognized you from the party. Though, it was an option.

She paraded her capability in front of him. She almost seemed to have had enjoyed it. He could easily relate, though he usually only reacted to crimes of greater and lasting effects, to each there own. "I can relate...kinda." Though then he started to stumble more as he felt the urge to move things along. He could see her depreciation of holding her up from the party, and it would certainly be easier to talk to her alone then with others.

Unfortunately, the flattery route went unheeded and the conversation broke down. More so when the other man was leaving the party, taking his attention away completely. He could feel the murderous intent melt off of him. And to his surprise, the girl was completely oblivious to it. Then the explosion. She ran off and he reached forward, ready to grab her by the hand to keep her attention, though he stopped and she left. He held his hand out, and a slight disappointment took over him as he clutched his fist. Niceties weren't getting him anywhere it seemed. He relished the thought as something fell out of his back. "Take action only if I deem it so...", he said quietly then headed towards the party.

People were running out of the party and only a few stood behind. Obviously, these were the ones he needed to worry about most if he exposed himself. Only a handful of people remained. This party was officially a bust. Something happened, and scared the party goers, also popping all the balloons. He looked around, and saw one person whom didn't seemed as phased by the event. It was the girl that had punched the guy from before. She did have an appearance of being surprised a little, but not enough. Not as if her life depended on what was happening. His gaze turned towards Kaori,"Everyone looks okay. I think someone might have...had a little to much to drink and slipped." He pulled on a string of balloons to draw attention to it and motioned slightly towards the girl. He knew explosives, and what the shock wave from one could do.

In the shadows, a black beating heart sat on the ground, veins popping from the holes gripping the floor. It pulled on the concrete, breaking it apart and pulling it towards the blackened heart. Black tendrils, growing with each beat, wrapping tightly around the chunks of earth. Soon enough, they grew thicker and the heart started to be lifted into the air. More veins protruded, the heart beating faster and faster. The earth around it being pulled from the ground. It watched as the people ran for their lives, a face taking shape as it hid in the shadows. Something was taking shape in the darker places of Kitsune coliseum.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
And the next damsel would leave... no trace of a tomorrow to speak of. Tamashii would sigh as he felt like this world was not meant for a man such as himself to feel such a way. Loneliness crept in as he would stand there. THis was a moment that he would remember, the moment he came out of hiding and all the women in his village were taken. Though with this he would just go home to prepare his documents to setup for tomorrow. Tapping into his gate chakra he would body flicker... and seemingly 'warp' out of the area just before the blast would go off... he didnt have time for such things yet. Not while his body was still recovering.

[Tama Topic Left]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Asuka seemed to be as confused as Kaori as Kaori simply gave her a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know. I just know that it was loud and went boom, so maybe an explosion? Well, I'm going to try to see what caused this. You should go home where it's safe, ya know," Kaori said with a rather uncomfortable smile on her face. She didn't want anything to happen to Asuka. If something happened to her, there might be a second 'red rain' incident. However, this time, the red rain might be her blood. She'd rather not get murdered for not having successfully taken care of Asuka during a potential terrorist attack. "Pretty pleeeeeeeease? I don't want Yomi to kill me if you get hurt, you know?" Kaori asked as she held a single hand out in front of her as if to plea towards the non-emotive one.

It was then that the mysterious masked stranger talked to her again. She followed his movements until Kaori came to a halt upon seeing something absolutely disturbing using her 360 degree vision. She blinked a couple times and turned towards the object and pointed towards the black beating heart that seemed to be pulsating through the ground. Not only was there an explosion, there was also nightmare fuel within the arena. "What the f---" she said, stopping herself. That thing was FAR beyond her pay-grade and compass to fight, if something like that could be destroyed at all.

While the matter of the explosion was important, something otherworldly that appeared on the ground takes precedence. She had an affinity for fighting otherworldly things, especially if they were demonic in nature, due to her history with the Dragon Statue that she would have been sacrificed to. So if she had to choose to save lives from a terrorist or destroy a demonic creature while the terrorist runs rampant, she would choose the demonic being first EVERY TIME. Sure, it would be against the shinobi code and goes against a form of triage when it came to imminent threats, but she has a personal problem with these otherworldly nightmares.

Kaori re-adjusted the gloves upon her hands and her hands flared up in blue fire. "Screw the explosions, this thing takes priority"​
OOC: Skipping Ritsuko -- it's been long enough
WC: 376 (Guess I'll take part in this TSM, sure)

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ritsuko watched as just about everyone from the party started to run away after the explosion that had happened right above them. While she was surprised that it had happened, and a bit mortified that she didn't control when the explosion had gone off better than she thought she could have. She would stand up, noticing there was a few people that weren't running away and regaining her composure and walking away, having had a nice time outside of the guy groping her butt.

[Topic Left]


Active Member
May 24, 2015
He watched as the one that created the explosion just jauntily left the scene and that was when things spiraled down horribly. The girl with the bi-colored hair took notice of his creation hiding in the shadows a short distance from the doorway. His expression under his masked changed, and he became statue-est, still pointing in the direction of the bomber from where she exited. His heart sank. This..this wasn't going completely to plan, his main. Well, sub-main target to get to his main target was but of one of three still at the party. One of which was...a pink tux wearing drunk, passed out with a...rather large cat playing with a lamb at his feet. So two were left really. And the bartender was a bartender. An unimportant subject that would not be much of a contender in what was to come.

So that left really, his only subject, the bi-colored horned girl. But he had to decide on a path. To take her by force, and use her to get to the sennin of medicine. Or to try and rescue Not likely. She seemed more predicated towards combat. So...fight along side her? It might prove to be the best option. And....

A sly smile came to his face underneath his sly jackal-ish mask. He adjusted his point towards the broken heartened ghoulish beast and spoke aloud, "Oh my..what the hell is that thing?!? I..I think it is going!!! Going!"

The creature, ominous as it lurked just beyond the light of the slowly dwindling parties lackluster lighting. All that could be seen was a devilish white mask slowly appear upon it's face in the shape of'. . . Was..was it smiling?'

His finger kinked, and it felt like a ton of bricks just landed onto his shoulders. It was a strong thought from before, as it now appeared to be more or less larking then he had thought before. He breathed in deeply then out slowly. 'Was..was that not enough of a cue for it to act on?'

The creature looked at them, with it's deathly cold black eyes. And earth rendend black flesh..and..stood their..doing nothing.

In his mind, we stood before a console, with a video game controller in hand, button mashing the hell out of it. 'Come the hell on. What do I have to..'and he pressed the start button. still just stood there, doing nothing. A bead of sweat curled onto his eye lid, as he thought about what to do. It was his first time using this technique really, outside of just having it do chores for..oh, there it went. It slowly stepped, floated forward. It's slug like appearance wasn't much to speak of. Then slowly, a hand like appendage appeared, reaching out as if scratching the air, very very slowly,"I think it is going to ATTACK!!!!" He shouted.


Oct 28, 2012
Asuka looked at Kaori and nodded. She would do as Kaori asked as she was not there in a fighting capacity and frankly didn't want to be bothered with whatever was happening there. However, just as the Priestess worried about her, Asuka worried about Kaori. She knew that if something happened to the young girl, Yomi would not be able to be consoled or controlled. Therein laid the problem. Leaving would assure her safety, but, she would not know what would happen to Kaori should she save her own hide. The girl was capable enough, Asuka knew that, but , so was Yomi and Asuka still worried.

Shaking her head in defeat, she decided to leave Kaori as requested but not before giving her a word of advice.

"Be extremely careful. We can't afford something happening to you." Asuka looked to the masked individual and stared for a moment. Taking in his build and height and any other distinguishing features. Committing every little detail to memory in the likely event that she would have to give a report. Making sure she had everything, she darted off out of the coliseum, toward home. This was too much excitement for her, especially when she wasn't the one causing the confusion.

[NPC Asuka TLUS]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
What's a party with Kaori invited that doesn't involve some sort of grotesque abomination? Failures of gods' creation coming to the human world were things Kaori was used to and something she would need to get acquainted with when she starts to travel the world. As she looked over this creature, she couldn't feel the same feeling that the demons from the Dragon Statues gave off. No, this one was something different entirely. Something that seemed to have fallen out of the graces of it's god or creator and cursed with some hideous form. That was, until the grotesque nightmare fuel changed forms to appear to wear a mask; one that appeared to be smiling. Things got even less gory and became completely creepy in it's stead. She wasn't quite sure how to feel about the replacement; as if she'd rather fight a meat-sack than whatever that was.

The ghostly, masked apparition just stared unblinkingly towards the group. It stood there deathly still as if to observe. It stood and watched the group,
causing Kaori to pause for a moment. She still had her guard up, not dropping it while in front of this thing regardless of if it was friendly or not. Kaori stood and watched the thing for a moment before it took a step (or rather, float) forward and raised up one of it's decrepit hands as if to reach for the stars. Kaori had to time this properly before moving. If the creature tried to slam it's claws down upon the ground, Kaori used this opportunity to begin spinning around in a circle, causing black chakra to come from her pours to create a dome around herself and the masked stranger she was with. If the creature proceeded further with the attack, she would strike at it a couple of times, aiming for the monstrosity's elbows before side-stepping it and struck a martial arts pose.

A seal formed under her feet, spreading out wide before Kaori started to strike at the creature at different parts of his body with just her fingertips.
Two times, 4 times, 8 times, 16 times, 32 times, 64 times until her strikes amounted to 256 individual strikes. Her strikes would be hard to hit as she had issues moving around the object and had issues even finding any Tenketsu points on the creature. For all Kaori might know, there might not even be any Tenketsu points upon it, but striking at the creature with extreme prejudice only to follow up with another, more powerful strike after her combo was completed should be enough to at least put a dent on it... maybe.

After her flurry of attacks, she jumped back and reached for her side, equipping the metallic rings of traps from her hips and onto her wrists. With a flick of her hands, she gazed at the creature and used a Genjutsu. If hit, the creature feels their skin catch on fire. This is an illusionary technique normally known as "Phoenix Embrace". She would need this Genjutsu to hit to set herself up for her counter-attack. "What is this thing? Do you know?" Kaori asked, shouting towards the masked boy that was following her.​

WC: 531
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Posts: 3/15 minimum (for both of us)


Active Member
May 24, 2015
It was the slowest moving attack ever. If it could even be considered an attack. The ghostly like figure smiled, reached out and headed towards them at an astounding pace of 2 meters per minuet. He held his hand up, feeling a cramp coming on. Kishin looked over to the girl. She seemed to be taking this danger quite serious. Surprisingly so actually. He knew this thing was dangerous, at least..somewhat dangerous? Or rather, he made it dangerous. Now he just needed to figure out to make it dangerous. Moving as slowly as it was, it would be able to do to much. At least not for the next 10 minuets.

He breathed out, and watched the girls body posture. She was raring to go. Ready for a fight. Focused on her enemy. Tense and watchful. Firm and taut...It was glorious to see. So exciting. So, she was soooo, intoxicating hot.

Then..then she started to spin. It was a weird act. Twirling twirling twirling. He began to think she had gone mental. But then he could see the chakra well up and pour from her pores. He recognized this technique. Ever so familiar to his own, the only difference being the chakra itself. Though, she was using it in a manner unfamiliar to him. He held his arms up, ready to take the force of it on. Then, it swallowed him, surrounded and encapsulated him. And after doing so, swirled violently. Kishin never knew it could be used that way. He felt a certain amount of protection focused onto him from the girl, and was surprised by such. He was making headway.

The creature still continued forward, and as the chakra came closer, it reached and several strikes hit it. It didn't have time to react from them and fell backwards onto the ground, turning into a puddled mass. The bi-colored haired girl would stop twirling round and round, and the creature would began to reform in the same gruesome manner as before. Within his mind, the young boy button mashing the controller in hand, trying to get the thing to move, to reform, to do...something! Pulling the earth around it with tentacled like masses, eating the earth around it to regrow. She struck it again before it could reform, feeling the rocks within as she made contact with it. The ferocity of her strikes. The precision. was truly something. Very so different from him, yet..the same.

As the masked arose to lock eyes, she did another action, and the creature whaled. It was an ear splitting sound, creepy and horrifying. It again slumped down. Swirling in the earth as it tried to get away. was truly a useless thing. Not fast enough to evade, and not strong enough to take a hit. was a sad technique. He almost regretted using it, if it weren't for the fact that it showed something about the girl he hadn't known about before. In his mind, he looked at the console that he used to control the beast and broke it, smashing his foot through it and throwing it aside. Angry at how truly useless it was.

He walked up to the tense girl, "I..think you got it? That was truly amazing how you pounded that creature with so many strikes. And that twirly thing with that chakra."He described her skills with a certain lacklusterness, but quite accurately as nuanced as his words were. "It was scary for a moment there. Um.., grateful for Protecting me. Th..Thanks." He said the last part softly, bashfully in a manner and slurred. It was the first time someone had actually ever done such an act. Even though he knew he wasn't in danger, it..the feelings welled within none the less.

He separated his control from the beast. He lost a heart in the process, but it helped him, as pathetically as it could. It was sad to see a piece of him go, though, he felt like it was still apart of him. Not gone entirely, but it left something within him. "Amazing. Luckily that girl caused that explosion before and scared all the others away. Imagine if the room was packed. It could have really hurt someone." He poured on the compliments. "I am glad you were here to take care of it. Otherwise I or that woman behind the bar could have been hurt. I..I am sorry I couldn't be of much help. I..I am not..I wasn't trained as a shinobi like you were obviously. But. It seemed like you got it all handled yourss..s..!"

The ground shifted. A murderous intent spread throughout the hall. The air seemed to become thick, and it was painful to breath. 'What's happening?', he thought. This feeling. It was like the man from before, but more so. More focused. More...everything. The ground below their feet felt like it was alive, moving. The dirt became soft, and a tug could be felt. The earth itself felt like it was trying to swallow them. Kishin tensed up. Something was coming. He could feel it within. He"Watch out!"

The masked man jumped back, showing a greater skill then before. The chakra was poured into his eyes greatly, and would be more susceptible to those that could see such. Not only that, but the chakra around his body was stirred awake. Something ominous was coming, he could feel it deep down. And it wasn't here to make friends. From where the girl and he had been standing a projection would reach from the ground and swirl dangerously. If he had been a second later, it would have struck him and grabbed hold, having squeezed tightly stopping all movement. This..this wasn't the same thing as before. Not even close. And what was worse, it had been weaving seals as he sailed through the air.

A short distance away, the black projection arose from the ground, it's body blacker then before. The mask on it's face had changed. A much more neutral gaze. It felt oddly familiar to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. This dreadful feeling. It was almost like..he lost it. 'Why? Why does this seem familiar?'

Just as suddenly as the masked figure appeared, the earth a short distance nearby cracked, tabled flipped and again the earth moved violently. A hand reached out, made of stone and earth, and another hand, smashing into a table and crushing it with ease. The arms grabbed onto the ground and more came forth from the holes created. The earth had come to life, and a giant rocky creature was coming forth. The upheaval from the rock and dirt caused the lights overhead to flicker. The creature was growing in size with every passing second. It almost looked like it would reach the top of the tent they were within. Before it could fully form from the ground, the creature flung it's hand, sloshing it towards both he and the bi-colored haired girl. It took everything out along it's path, sending tables screaming across the coliseum into the walls, splintering the wood everywhere.

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
After recovering from the spin, Kaori put her arms up with her breasts bouncing around. She nearly popped out of her shirt, forcing her to turn around and re-adjust her clothes' positioning. She was still quite modest even if she wore a rather revealing black dress. She didn't want to cause any kind of a distraction or anything. Then again, she was also not expecting to fight a demon while trying to get drunk and dance with a cute guy (or girl). No! Her time got ruined by a random explosion and then a demon being summoned. She couldn't just find a sweet guy or girl and go on a date with them. Instead, now she is with a weirdo wearing a mask (at a masquerade, go figure) and with this creepy lump of something undesirable. The more and more Kaori hung around this creepy creature, the more annoyed she's getting. Why won't this thing just die already!?

She then went and pummeled the hell out of the creature only for screams of agony to fill the air from the creature. She took a deep breath in and out before standing up, looking over the battered body of the creature. Kaori turned to look towards the masked figure for a moment and removed the dragon mask, placing it behind her. She wasn't happy, at all, about stranger's lack of helping her with the creature. Was this man a coward? Was this man incapable of defeating the creature? Regardless of the answer, the chakra system that she could see flowing through the masked man's body told otherwise. Kaori looked at the man for a moment, the Ryuugan (Byakkugan) still activated and placed her hands upon her hips. "Thanks for the help, loser! I mean, seriously, you see something gross and terrifying like that, at least help me fight it. Something wrong with you or something that stopped you from helping me? You some kind of a pussy?" Kaori asked, tilting her head to the side. It was painfully obvious that she was quite annoyed at the fact that the man just stood there and watched.

Kaori shook her head and thrust her hand into her dress and readjusted her breasts and then pushed up on them. "If I knew I was going to fight this crap, I would've brought a change of clothes. I really don't want my tits falling out," she said. She didn't really have much of a filter in terms of what she should or shouldn't say around strangers. She turned her eyes towards him, brushing away some of her dual-colored hair over her shoulders and horns. "If you're trying to get into my pants, you're doing an awful job at it," she said eventually talking over the figure that tried to sweet-talk her and give her compliments. She had no time for scrubs. As Kaori was about to turn away and leave, she was stopped by the boy's words, forcing her to slouch her shoulders and release a long, drawn-out sigh.

"If the room was packed, I'd have made you do something useful. Wearing such a spooky mask like that and you couldn't do anything.
" Kaori said before sucking air between her teeth. She was still very disappointed in the presence of this person. The majority of the people here were shinobi, so it was automatically her assumption that the person who stood in front of her was a shinobi. "And don't worry about her," she said in reference to Asuka. While she wasn't as skilled as a shinobi (at least not that Kaori knew) she was strong enough to handle herself if the need arose. Just as Kaori was about to say something else to the figure, something was happening with the ground. Something didn't seem right and Kaori felt the ground beneath her feet move over. With a warning 'Watch Out' Kaori reacted and leapt to the side.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kaori noticed the way the masked figure dodged to the side. Yes, he had the reflexes and movements of a shinobi.
It was then that a bright light came from the figure; it was his chakra circulatory system. It glowed radiantly as opposed to having a gentle light coming from within. No, in Kaori's vision, this person glowed like a god. This only meant that his chakra reserves was enormous. Drawing her attention away from the man, she balled her hands into a fist tightly and looked towards the source of the rumbling. Something was coming.

It was then that a black creature bearing a similar mask as before arose from the ground. This caused Kaori to dig into her stance a bit more. The neutral look on the mask was unsettling, but it didn't hold a candle to the smiling look on the last one. Something about a demon with a cute smile was absolutely horrifying. It was then that another creature started to form, collecting earth and growing larger and larger by the moment. Kaori lowered her hands for a moment to get a better look. A 'you're kidding me, right' look crossed her face before a single stoney hand swung towards her, catching her and flinging her all the way outside the tent, rolling on the ground a few times before she caught herself, sliding all the way back out into the parking lot from earlier. A trail was made where her feet and hands made contact with the fresh earth, streaking for nearly 20 feet. As soon as she recovered,
she had to weave in and out of debris being flung in her direction.

"You plan on actually helping this time?" Kaori shouted out before causing her hands to ignite in a bright blue energy. The appearance of the energy surrounding her hands was that of a dragon with it's mouth wide open. She quickly ran back to the stone creature and attempted to punch at the creature's legs a few times (Twin Lion Fist) and just the legs. Something made out of earth would most likely be heavy so targeting the legs (and hopefully destroying one) would give Kaori a bit of time. Her eyes on the stone creature and an eye on the masked one. Currently, the stone creature was the imminent threat as the masked creature didn't do anything yet. After she attempted to strike at the legs of the stone creature, she quickly pulled her right hand back before the energy in her hand started to resemble that of a spear (Spear Hand) and attempted to plunge her hand straight into the same knee of the creature. After this attack, she jumped back and made some space between herself and the creature.

She also kept an eye on the masked figure that she was with. She had to watch him to ensure that he actually helped. If he didn't help her take down this beast, something was wrong and she might have fallen into a trap.​

WC: 1160
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
