Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Boss Lady [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
The only point in the Shima estate high enough to tower over their protective wall was the roof of the stables. It was climbable, but no one ever attempted. That reason being the Shima liked their privacy. Most of the family ignored the on goings outside of the wall unless business was concerned. Not to mention it took a bit of acrobatic skill to scale the building. Then their was the matter of getting down. None of those factors concerned Haruka though.

The snort of a horse below cause her to glance down. Her heart thundered. The last thing she wanted was anyone seeing her in such a ridiculous position. One might wonder why she was so high up in the first place. The roar of the crowds outside the gates called in answer. The voting booths were open today. As she settled on the eves of the stable's roof, the crowd of villages below came into view so clearly.

She had done it. Democracy granted to her people. Their happy faces spoke excitedly as they made their exodus to the Torre. Men huddled together reading the newest issue of KNN as they loudly debated the superiority of their chosen nominee. She wished the council would of given them more time to campaign, but the village was still new to this idea. Haruka expected there to be many bumps in the process. A group of people happened to look up to see the lady Shima resting above. Some waved excitedly and shouted their good lucks. She smiled, waving back as they passed through.

For a moment she could forget her sadness. Seeing them all so happy was enough to make her forget. It was a day to celebrate, she supposed. The sorrow of the people waned for today. They could forget the death of their dear leaders and look towards the future. Its all she wanted for them. She wished this peace could last, but knew that tribulation was only on the horizon.

My lady!?” A servant girl broke her solitude. Haruka smirked sardonically as the girl began to chide the Shima princess. People in this house often forgot she was one of the most powerful shinobi in the village. She sighed, kicking her head back. The sky was abnormally clear today.

Do not fret, Sayako-San.” Haruka called nonchalantly, much to the chagrin of her servant.

Lady Tanka is here for you.” Sayako pouted, folding her arms across her chest. Her lady peeked her head back over the edge of the roof.

Oh? Send her in then! What are you standing there for?” Haruka stuck her tongue out. Yes, that's right. Of all the people in her household, Sayako was the one person Haruka felt most comfortable with. She had been the Shima princess' personal servant ever since she could walk. In a way, she was Haruka's dearest confidant and friend.

Sayako rolled her eyes before stomping off muttering about the difficulties Haruka brought upon her. She met the Sennin at the gate, ushering her towards the back of the estate with a sour look. When they finally came to the stables, the servant jabbed a finger upwards.

My ridiculous lady is above! Perhaps you can talk some sense into her before she falls.” A slight snicker could be heard from above as Sayako resumed her stomping march back into the house.

Would my lady care to join me?” Haruka called down to Hikari. If she passed up the opportunity, the Shima would come down to greet her properly.
As she had been thinking earlier that day, and for many days past, Hikari was no longer fit to hold the position of Sennin. Her inaction had caused many problems for her home, and her conscience weighed heavily on her. With her insides tight, Hikari went to see her friend and colleague, in whom she had the most faith.

She knocked at the door, rather than letting herself in, having the idea that the rest of the Shima household would be disconcerted by the sudden appearance of a red haired shinobi. "I am here to see Shima Haruka," she said, when a maid came out, "And it is important."

"Of course, my lady. Please come in, and wait here. I have to go find Shima sama, and announce you."

Hikari nodded, and came into the foyer. "Wow..." She murmured. "Makes my place look like a shack." Of course, the Shima residence was more of a palace, than a house. Hikari inspected a painting while she waited, regretting having left Kariku. Then again, most people weren't accustomed to bears.

A moment later, the woman returned, and lead her out to the stables. Hikari scanned the grounds and then her eyes caught on the icy Shima princess. "My ridiculous lady is above! Perhaps you can talk some sense into her before she falls." Sayako said, stomping off.

The ginger warrior smirked after her, until Haruka called out, "Would my lady care to join me?"

"If it were anywhere else, I'd be worried about the roof bearing my weight." Hikari said, "I'm no slip of a woman... but I see the Shima spare no expense and cut no corners. I will join you, Shima san." She announced, climbing carefully, but quickly. "Lovely view..." She said, looking out over the city, as she sat down.

Hikari looked at Haruka, and with a small smile, she said, "Congratulations, Haruka." She said, but was uncertain how to continue. "You have my vote." She confided, "and my support, for what that's worth... And... there's something else. I'm not doing a very good job as Sennin. You've done more for the village than I have recently, and I want to say that I can see that. I'm stepping down as Sennin, and appointing you my successor, or, if you win Raikage-ship, I would like you to appoint whomever you feel is best qualified." She said, and awaited the raven's response.

Its the only place in the estate where I can see over that hideous wall.” She admitted as her friend finally joined her side. While Haruka looked ahead to the view of her village, she felt Hikari's eyes on her before she finally spoke her congratulations. So, the Sennin had made it to the booths. She was honored to have the support of her sister-in-arms. With such a busy life, Hikari hardly had time to focus on anything other than her clan. Still, the woman took the time to wait in that godforsaken line to vote for the Spymaster.

But that wasn't all. Haruka nearly gave herself whiplash as she shot Hikari a dazed look. It hardly took her any time before a smile bubbled on her lips. “Very to the point of you, Tanaka-Sama.” Her smile burned out quickly. It felt wrong of her to be so happy in this situation. Her far off gaze seemed full of unfulfilled wishes of yesterday. When she spoke again it was barely above a whisper. “I've waited for this day ever since Natsu fell into a coma and now that it's here-” She sighed heavily.

Now that its here I feel empty. This village isn't what it used to be and none of us are the same people. Everyone I've ever loved is gone except for you and Masaru. I keep pushing that poor child away because of it. I feel like a curse. And then, they want me to be their Raikage.” She scoffed as her eyes laid on the people below.

I keep thinking about what Masao would think of me. I failed to protect Hayata-Sama. Its my fault Hoshikata targeted our village in the first place. If I hadn't kept pulling him back in, he would have left. If I hadn't of... loved him our reality would have been changed. I know I should feel proud that I slayed Hoshikata the Liar, but he was mine. I loved him and then I killed him. Everyone expects me to be proud of that- the fact that I can be cold enough to kill a loved one. Even the newspaper regards me as the Ice Queen of Cloud.” A flash of anger could be felt in her words. She didn't know how to stop the words. She hadn't opened up like this since Masao died.

I loved Hoshikata and I threw him away. I loved Natsu and he was taken from me. I loved...” She nearly choked as her eyes stung. Her throat tightened like a hand strangling the life from her. “I loved Masao. He gave me all these hopes and dreams. He made me feel safe. Like I belonged. For the first time in my life I didn't feel alone because of him and then he fucking died!” The last words came out as a scream. Although incoherent to those below, it was enough of a sound to startle a few. They began to stare as she lowered her volume.

He fucking gave up his life for us without a single thought as to how it might affect us. And ever since I've been chasing after that type of self sacrifice. I've been trying so hard to be like him. How did he do it all these years? He never broke once.” Her breath shuddered as she regained some sense of composure. “I'm sorry, Hikari.” She mumbled realizing how foolish she had been. She was suppose to just accept the title with a smile and get this over with. Not break down.
”Its the only place in the estate where I can see over that hideous wall.” Haruka admitted.

"That's as good a reason as any." Hikari returned as she sat beside her friend.

After Hikari told about abdicating her senninship, and passing it to Haruka, the Shima Princess smiled. “Very to the point of you, Tanaka-Sama.” She said, before, after a moment, her smile vanished. When she spoke again, her voice was hushed. “I've waited for this day ever since Natsu fell into a coma and now that it's here-”

"It's like you've been hit in the head with Birdfucker." She said. "Rin's old weapon." She elaborated, as she was unsure if the Kage to be would know that. She wasn't even sure if Haruka had ever met Rin. Not that it mattered...

“Now that its here I feel empty. This village isn't what it used to be and none of us are the same people. Everyone I've ever loved is gone except for you and Masaru. I keep pushing that poor child away because of it. I feel like a curse. And then, they want me to be their Raikage.” She scoffed

Hikari frowned, and put a hand on Haruka's knee. "I want you to be my Raikage, too." She said. "But if he were here... I don't think he would be disappointed. I think he'd be sitting here beside us both, telling us that our late Wizard Kage was a fool for leaving us the vote. And he might be drunk." She joked. "But he thought of you like a daughter. He cared a lot." She said. "And Hoshikata... For what it's worth, my heart is with you." Hikari felt no guilt over supporting Haruka in her relationship with him, though her Raikage had died as a result. She only felt grief, for both her village and her friends. She passed no judgement over the morality of Haruka's decision to end her lover, because it wasn't hers to judge.

“I loved Hoshikata and I threw him away. I loved Natsu and he was taken from me. I loved...” She nearly choked as her eyes stung. Her throat tightened like a hand strangling the life from her. “I loved Masao. He gave me all these hopes and dreams. He made me feel safe. Like I belonged. For the first time in my life I didn't feel alone because of him and then he fucking died! He fucking gave up his life for us without a single thought as to how it might affect us. And ever since I've been chasing after that type of self sacrifice. I've been trying so hard to be like him. How did he do it all these years? He never broke once.”

There were more than a few passers-by who started at the scream from the distraught crow, but Hikari didn't. She remembered her last moments with him, and felt the shadow of the bitterness, and pain she'd experienced, rise up in her chest. "Haruka, have you ever felt homesick for a person?" She asked quietly, trying to take her friend's mind away from the turmoil she'd experienced. "I think Masao was homesick for his wife, and for the years he spent with her. I think he was dying of it." She said morosely, running the hand that had touched Haruka's thigh through her hair. "I hate him for doing what he did. For leaving us. But then... I hate Rin... and Donut... and Shin... and all our dead friends. Some day, though, we'll join them in the oblivion, and someone else will hate us. It's the way of things. But... I don't think he gave his life for us. I think he gave up. I think he left with someone who trusted him above all else, and then betrayed him, so that he, I'm talking about Masao here, so that he could face his enemy alone, in his bravado, beacuse I think he wanted to die. It's alright to love him and to hate him, even at the same time, but don't chase his example. The old man was not selfless, and his death was not a sacrifice." She said, vehemence and bitterness leaking into her words. "But what he left behind in his children... Saeko's passion, your heart... that's worth something. His life was a sacrifice. His death was not. You ask how he did it... how he never broke? The time I knew him, especially the end... my uncle was broken. A wreck of a man. I don't believe that he ever intended to return from Tenouza." Her breaths were slow, but her throat thick with unshed tears.

Hikari leaned back, "I didn't mean to..." She gestured vaguely. "Haruka san..." She looked at her friend, her own cheeks warming, "If his life was worth anything, it's because he gave you hopes and dreams, and a sense of belonging. He gave me his trust." She murmured. "Which meant more to me than anything."

After a while, the two sat in silence, looking back, she noticed, and marveled at the woman's fair refined loveliness. "I'm jealous of you." She confided. "I am now, and I was before. You... are the most graceful woman I've ever met." She didn't mention beauty because the words seemed trite inside her, "And you had a relationship with Masao that... I envy. Your Career... your loves, even though you lost them." She sighed. "Having a family was never my dream, maybe because I didn't really know what it was like to have one. Until Masao, and you." The normally brash warrior felt self conscious as the words left her, and, she looked away.
Haruka stayed quietly, only shyly nodding as Hikari asked her if she ever felt homesick for a person. After all, those who were gone were her home. Everyone who made up Kumogakure created the feeling she called home in her heart. She pulled her legs up to her chest, resting her chin on the tops of her knees as she listened to Hikari. He must have been in so much pain. He never said it, but even in the few times he mentioned Rin, Haruka saw a well of sadness.

Every time he looked at Haruka, he bore a deep look of longing. A far off gaze of someone stuck in the past. She never knew it, but she was almost a mirror image of Rin. Being around the girl was probably more unbearable than she imagined. The Shima understood it though. She had the same look. Those same eyes and that unending numbness caused by loss.

However, the former sennin spoke deep wisdom. The cycle of hate. One day she'd be gone and those left behind would be filled with the same frustration she was. She thought of Masaru. Even though Hikari's words were hard to swallow, Haruka knew them to be true even if they crushed most concepts she had of Masao. He was human, just as Haruka was too. In the end, his death meant nothing. The life he left behind did though. He lived for them so that they may in turn live for the next generation.

When there was nothing left to give... When he was crippled and unable to move on... Masao ended it then. It was selfish, but in the end that was his decision. No prayers or tears could ever bring him back from that. Nothing she might have done changed his course. It was long decided before she met him. What he wanted of her was to carry on. To use what he gave her to help their village. She only nodded meekly before the silence consumed them once again.

Here's a twist for you- I was the one always jealous of you. Masao picked you as Spymaster when Natsu ascended. He picked you to be sennin. I never even got so much as a goodbye. I was so envious of you. So much I even hated you for a long time. I always wondered what I did wrong. I guess that's why I changed so much. Why I focused more on the warrior side of myself. I wanted to be like you and everyone else that had made it so far.” Even Haruka was awkwardly stumbling through her words, fiddling with the fabric of her shirt as she contemplated. She laughed to clear the air.

I guess we were both being silly. We spent all this time wishing we had what the other didn't. But, I'm glad because it brought me closer to you. I've never had a friend like you. I don't think I'll ever find one like you ever again. No matter what, I'll always be your family.” She promised, softening up to show a girlish smile.
After Hikari had finished speaking, she noticed that Haruka had only nodded. Seemingly, she agreed with the Santaru's assessment. Then, surprisingly, Haruka revealed, “Here's a twist for you- I was the one always jealous of you."

"What?" Hikari asked, genuinely astonished. "Why?"

"Masao picked you as Spymaster when Natsu ascended. He picked you to be sennin. I never even got so much as a goodbye. I was so envious of you. So much I even hated you for a long time. I always wondered what I did wrong. I guess that's why I changed so much. Why I focused more on the warrior side of myself. I wanted to be like you and everyone else that had made it so far.”

Hikari quietly chuckled to herself. "Tell you another secret, I never wanted Spymaster. I wouldn't have taken it if it hadn't been in his will that I receive it. I was very bitter about that promotion. I would rather have stayed in my position as Ambassador, and negotiated a thousand treaties. I loved being Ambassador, Haruka. The parties, the people... Everything. Masao gave me that too... I didn't care for him before that." She laughed. "I didn't really know him. I sometimes wonder if I has known him better... if I could have- if I could have done something." She said, blowing out a breath in frustration. "But he didn't ask me to go with him. He didn't even tell me he was going. He gave me a job, and I did it. And he was gone. That was the norm of our relationship. Except the first time we met, when I was protecting my friend." She scoffed. "I never had a personal relationship with him. The extent of it was orders and the occasional teasing joke.. until I reminded him we were kin, but even then it was as though he was only half in this world. Your relationship with him meant so much to both of you, and sometimes I wonder... why I couldn't have had that. I would have traded much of my career for what you had." She had always felt like she had risen too quickly.

"Speaking of Ambassador. I believe that Masaru, your nephew would do well in that capacity. He'll nee some looking after... but I believe he is as prepared for the position as I was when I gained it. He has potential. I recommend him."

"Yeah, I think we were. And you're right. I'm so glad that I know you," She paused, "Haruka. A while ago, I told you something. At the time, we were not alone." She said vaguely, thinking of the last time they'd seen each other. "But..." She closed her mouth, and reached over to the icy Shima Princess, and cupped her face, before leaning in and kissing her softly. "I told you," She said, aware of the redness of her own face, "If you didn't hug me, I'd be forced to kiss you, and I have." The red haired warrior did not move away. She felt somewhat paralyzed, uncertain now, and awkward.
Haruka laughed. She laughed as a woman who had lost her mind. Perhaps she finally did. "It as if we were raised by a different man. Jealousy is an awful monster of the human mind. It clouds us. Destroys our clarity of what we should truly be focusing on. We were both stupid.' Haruka admitted, folding her hands together as she gazed upon the setting sun. She grew silent as the parley continued with succession. The next generation was furthest from her mind as she and her friend wandered down the path of the past.

"He has much to prove to me yet, but your recommendation will strengthen others trust if he is to receive such a title." Haruka spoke harshly, but she meant well for the boy. Even if he could not see it. She wouldn't let him step into a position he was not prepared for. He would not founder his chance, riding on the coat tails of his cousins own success. Haruka raised an eyebrow looking at Hikari. She didn't know where her friend would go with the conversation. Nothing would ever prepare her for her next action.

Her own cheeks grew ruddy as the blood rushed to her face. Her eyes grew wide as Hikari pulled away. "Hi-Hikari! I..." She had no words, only confusion. "I do not appreciate your impertinence!" Her tone was half scolding mixed with playful teasing. "My friend," she grabbed Hikari's hands, "I hold you dear to my heart. You will always be as a sister to me. I pray in the days to come that we both find peace as we have today. But now, it is time for me to go cast my vote to decide our future. I'm sorry to leave you so hastily, but you understand. Please," She begged a little more seriously then, "Come see me more often." She stood up and helped her friend climb down. She bowed lightly, before pulling Hikari into a tight hug.

"Farwell, my friend."


Current Ninpocho Time:
