Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search Brilliant Hues Collide [Dual Contract Search - Yuna]


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Jan 17, 2014
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Radiant hues of golden yellow and red danced across the partially cloudy sky, the clouds glowing with warm reflective light as the sun began to rise. It was a semi-rare moment when the sun lay in just the perfect spot in the sky to cast various purple hues upon the mountainside. The glassy sea of sand dazzled the senses as the soft, morning sun began to shine it's precious light upon the diamond ocean. Kaen stood upon a jutting, jagged rock formation with his eyes closed and arms open wide as he greeted the sun. The crisp, upper rim of the sun crested the mountain horizon giving new life and hope in contrast to the gloomy darkness of night. Yes, it was a glorious day. Today Kaen would track a mighty beast to enlist their aid, should he attain it that is. He heard rumor of a mythical serpentine beast that lay hidden in these mountains. He would be the one to find it, triumph over it and attain it as a battle partner. Would he be alone in this endeavor? Only time would tell...

[OOC - Topic created/entered - Using 'Discovery of Contract of Your Choice' ASP card - Searching for Snake Contract]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It was a new day, her first day in Suna since the meeting Yuna and Miro had with the Kazekage. Now her and her Sennin went separate ways for the time being as she would try and gather more information on Akkuma and any others that might be working with him. But she figured that she needed a break from all this craziness that's been her life the past few months. So she went exploring. As usual she had her full anbu gear donned complete with a mask with fake hair while her real hair is tucked underneath it all Her mask is more like a helmet in that sort of sense.

Anyways, it was early in the morning and she had heard word of the Luminous Mountains, that they were a sight to see. And apparently, she wasn't the first to think of coming here. As she looked on as she neared a hulking figure her memories started to file in. The man seemed familiar to her, but thanks to her mask, he won't be able to see any emotions on her face. As silent as she was, she figured it would be a bad idea to startle him, and instead, made some noise by just kicking up some sand not at him, but rather away from him, so that she would grab his attention. She would also do this a good few meters away so that if he does act reflexively, she can react with enough space. Afterwards, she would give a bow of respect before writing on a notebook, tearing off the page and then handing it to the hulking man.

Good morning. I didn't expect anyone else to be up here this early to take in the view.


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Jan 17, 2014
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Kaen would catch a faint whisper of a memory on the air as he sniffed. Something, someone familiar, yet unknown, how peculiar. A slight shuffle of the sand would fully catch the large red-headed man's attention. "Good morning, stranger." Kaen would turn to greet his guest. It was then that he noticed the mask. A single brow rose up in opposition to this interesting situation he found himself in. It was not an Anbu member that he knew or recognized, he saw no village markings of any sort on the mask,hmm...

"I'm sorry, you have me at a disadvantage. What is your callsign, solider?" None the wiser that this Anbu in fact belonged to the Hidden Cloud's corp, he assumed they were one of his. She bowed with respect before jotting something down in a notebook. A tearing sound resounded outwards as they tore out a sheet of paper and handed it to Kaen. Holding it in his hand he read it out loud. "Good morning. I didn't expect anyone else to be up here this early to take in the view." Kaen would stare at the page for a moment longer than needed in silence trying to compute what was happening. A mute Anbu? How would they respond to radio calls, this was strange. "I, um... well the mountains are quite beautiful in the mornings. If you come at the right time you may be blessed with a plethora of fantastic colors and hues. Alas I think we missed it already. My name is Kaen, who are you, and why are the Anbu way out here sightseeing?"

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna listened intently as the man spoke. As he had said his name, there was an itch in the back of her mind that says that she has met this man, but nevertheless, she wrote in her notebook as she focused on his questions. As she jotted down what her callsign in Wind Country was she rapidly went through her own thoughts of why she was here. Other than business to help try and keep the bonds between Sand and Cloud from breaking, there is a certain someone that she needs to gather information on and quietly gather info on Ancient and hybrids, to see if they are just being used in Akkuma's games or if they are just a veil, he is using to pull attention elsewhere. But right now, she just wanted to sit back and relax. Lately her life has been one big event after another. Her father had told her that sitting back and watching the sunset or sunrise had really relaxed him a lot of times. As she finished up writing, she handed him the note.

You can call me Silent. It is nice to meet you Kaen. As for why I am here, just trying to get a load off and enjoy some sense of relaxation through the crazy ride known as Life. You mentioned the colors and hues if coming to the right time. Is that why you are here?


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Jan 17, 2014
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Kaen took the second note in hand and read it quietly to himself this time, assuming this was going to be the mode of communication he laughed a little. It would appear this individual's callsign was Silent, quite befitting the person standing before him today. They embodied that callsign to a T, the note passing was a clever touch. Though he still wondered in the back of his mind how one would operate on a real mission where there was little time to write notes. He pondered if such a situation would arise today, causing Silent here to forgo the notes and speak. Only time would tell.

"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Silent. And no, that is not the reason I came here today. You could say I came to relax as well, but perhaps in a different sense than one would normally call relaxation. I belong to the Order of the Rangers, and we enjoy hunting mythical beasts and the like. I heard rumor of a creature that might very well be out of a storybook. A being of the serpentine variety has made its home somewhwere in these mountains and I aim to find it and conquer it, perhaps even conscripting it into contractual agreement. Assuming it's intelligent. But most legendary beings are, how else would they garner such attention to be called mythical." He had begun to ramble a bit, he couldn't help it really. He was quite excited about this whole ordeal. "Say, how would you feel about accompanying me on this adventure. I dunno about you, but the thrill of the hunt can be quite invigorating. Not quite relaxation, but perhaps a bit of a thrill will help you take whatever load you have off your mind." It was rare for Kaen to ask for company, but there was something about this individual that was scratching at the back of his mind. He needed to pursue both this endeavor and the hunt for the snake. He had no doubt he would find the beast, he hoped for the same as to discovering just where he met this person before. But Anbu were known for being secretive, it would probably prove difficult. But Kaen did enjoy a challenge. How spectacular that he would get to enjoy two in one day.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had listened as Kaen spoke. It seems that he wasn't here just for relaxation, but rather to hunt. Order of Rangers...They hunt mythical beasts. There is so much about Sand that she just doesn't know of, from history to the governing body. She had only just learned from Raizo yesterday that another Order, the Oracles, keep record of all history in Sand, possibly in all of Wind Country.

When he had talked about mythical beasts, her mind went to when she had to fight for her life against the hordes of monsters of all sizes and shapes that inhabited Water Country. Kaen then extended the invitation to her to join him on hunting this serpent that he wants to form a contract with. she nodded and wrote on a note and gave it to him.

Sure. I've dealt with the eldritch horrors of Water Country. Wont be too much of jump to now have backup and fight a legendary beast


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Jan 17, 2014
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Holding the ebony papyrus-like paper Kaen read it and smiled, flashing his razor sharp teeth. "Most excellent!" Taking the piece of paper in his hand he would crumple it up and then blow a kiss on it, sending it floating away in the light breeze, instantly catching fire and turning to ash in the wind. "Now... This isn't some garden variety snake we are just gonna find hiding under a rock or a log, no. Reports have mentioned the beast is quite large, possibly upwards of 50 feet in length. A catch of this size is most likely going to make home in an abandoned cave or burrow a lair of its own. But finding it won't be the hard part, it's the catching. Or rather the persuading to join us in our endeavors." Kaen laughed a little, his chest booming a deep laugh. "Up until you showed up I was prepared to just beat it into submission, but I'm open to suggestions, if you have any." There was no real point in beginning the search until they had a legitimate game plan to subdue the snake once they found it. A show of strength and force was still on the table, but perhaps this lone Anbu had a better idea?

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Beneath her mask, Yuna would raise an eyebrow as Kaen showed a row of sharp teeth that would make a shark jealous. But what does she know? Best to not judge people. She brushed the thought out of her mind as she focused on what Kaen had to say. So he was hunting a giant snake. He was asking if there were any other ideas that she may have to convince it other than beating it into submission.

She thought about it. The best way would to try a diplomatic approach. Either finding out what the giant snake would want the most to helping it with a problem that will get them roped into.

Bringing out her notepad and writing down once more, she then handed the paper to Kaen.

I recommend we do a bit of reconnaissance. It would help us understand the creature in terms of what it likes what it hates. What problems it might have that we can remedy, to even giving it it's favorite food. And if all else fails, using the information of this recon can put us into advantage as long as we use all information correctly.

Whatever the case, this seems like it is Kaen's mission. She will do whatever that she can to help out.


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Jan 17, 2014
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Kaen nodded along as he read the freshly procured note. A bit of scouting was precisely what they needed to do at this stage of the mission. Shoving the note into his pocket he would turn his attentions back to Silent. "I couldn't agree more, a bit of recon is a most excellent first step. Now..." Kaen would pull out a book labeled The Ranger's Bestiary. A most useful book to turn to for information when it came to such mythical beasts such as this. "This isn't going to be some normal snake, no. What we are looking for is more along the lines of a Basilisk. Though I doubt it's going to have any legs, so perhaps that's the wrong creature to compare it to. We're gonna be looking for caves, burrows, and other well-sheltered areas for its lair. Most likely it will be alone, unless it's mating season." Grazing over a few paragraphs in his book he would finally snap it shut. "But I don't believe that to be the case." Tucking the book back into his pack he would again turn to Silent. "I'm betting the creature will be up higher on the mountain, further away from the traffic down below, probably held up in its lair. Nothing to do now but actually start hunting. Let's get to it!" And with that Kaen would turn to lead the way up the mountain. Soon they would find clues as to the whereabouts of this legendary creature, soon they would have their battle buddy.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna listened intently as Kaen spoke. A giant snake of sorts. Thoughts ran through her head of what to do. One obvious thought came to mind. The fact that they are in a desert, and her total control of water and the environment could give them the edge needed to shift a possible battle in their favor.

She can think of it now, a giant snake baring its fangs down on them and she just unleashes an ocean at it. The young anbu smiled underneath her mask with the intrusive thought. She shook the idea away for the time being and walked beside Kaen to be just in his field of view so he can see what she was about to do.

Water formed effortlessly around her hands and could very well be mini cascading waterfalls. All the while that was happening, she had let natural energy build up in her and then she released it, temporarily filling the immediate area around her with life; plants that would be near dying seemed to have perked up and look healthy again. Her way of showing Kaen what she is able to do without having to write out a paragraph. She would then look over at him while they walk to see if he would give her an idea of what he can do. That way they can with each other and maximize teamwork and not against each other when going against this snake, if a fight were to break out against it.


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Jan 17, 2014
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It had been some time since their meeting, Silent and Kaen had been scouring the mountainside with little to show for their efforts. There had been a few signs of the giant creature, but no hard evidence that would point them in the right direction. But suddenly they came across a massive pit in the ground, darkness enveloped the opening, little light was able to make it to the bottom of the pit. Could this be the lair of the beast they searched for? "Well.... We've been looking for a while, might as well take a look down there." Kaen would kick a rock into the hole, seeing how deep it was. There was no sound for a few moments, but suddenly a slight bloop reverberated upwards to indicate water at the bottom. "Good enough for me, I'll see you down there." And with that Kaen jumped into the pit.

The fall wasn't as far as he expected. Kaen landed upon the surface of the water with excellent skills as he masterfully utilized chakra to catch himself upon the surface of the water instead of sinking into the deep pool of water. Waves cascaded outwards from his impact point. There was little natural light that was able to make it down here, the sun just wasn't in the right position. But it was no matter for Kaen. He let loose his Flame Court Aura, flames burst to live around his body creating his own light source. Illuminating the surrounding area he was able to get a better look at everything. It revealed a cave system, with only one direction to go. Kaen would wait for Silent to make their was down here before he proceeded. "Well, what do you think? This seems promising to me."

[OOC - Word count 1,601 words reached, once Yuna reaches 1,500 I will request the contract mod to come and take a look]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Instead of answering her, he had stayed quiet for the rest of the time of their journey until they made it to a big hole in the ground. Jeez, and she was supposed to be called Silent. She watched as Kaen tested how far it goes, and then soon seen the man jump down himself. She wondered if he had done it dramatically. Her father had told her that he had learned to be a bit of the theatric side to jump of the side of buildings and land safely. He had called it, falling, but with style. It was so cringe... But she couldn't help herself. It might be fun, a part of her brain had told her, just remember to stick the landed all bad ass like.

She jumped off, but stuck close to the wall like part of the opening, gathering chakra to her hands and using it to glide down the side making no noise whatsoever. Even as she had touched the water, she barely disturbed it as she looked around. It was easy to spot Kaen, who was like a miniature sun. She frowned underneath her mask. There were a few ideas in her mind that might point to what bloodline or core ability Kaen might have. But there was an issue. Maybe even a big issue. If it comes down to a fight with the giant snake, this might be the worst pairing possible, her water might have a high chance of putting out his fires. On the flip side, however, if this whole place was covered in water as the immediate area, it could prove really useful to her.

She'll have to remind herself to use single targeting type moves if it includes water. Looking over at Kaen, he spoke, asking her what she thinks. There's not really much time to bring out a notebook and pen, so she resorted to using some natural energy and focusing it on the water before them until watery words appeared before Kaen.

If a fight breaks out, might be a good idea to steer clear of my attacks if possible. Unless if you know a way to properly mix water and fire attacks for maximum capabilities and damage.

The watery words would glow and then slowly disappear shortly after Kaen reads them.

(total wc: 1541)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
