Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:38:58

Buckets of Fun! [Open]

Airo Kuroyama

New Ninja
Jul 7, 2014
Airo squinted from the sun as she stepped out of her mother's bakery and into the morning air. She stretched in a rather cliche way then yelled back to her mother that she'd be back in a little while, and she was going on a walk. What Airo had in mind was a bit more than a walk though; she was going to bound from rooftop to rooftop, or at least that was the plan. Only, this was training so, she had to add some challenge to something she'd done in just about every other major village she'd been in; she was going to carry two buckets of liquid clay. She grabbed two buckets and starting jogging in place mentally mapping out a mental route for her to take.

"Over Mrs. Shinna's house, down two blocks...alright." She murmured to her self. "Got it. Let's go!" She said aloud and took a leap for a wide window seal on her upstairs window.

When she reached her roof, she took a bounding leap for the neighboring home, but didn't compensate for the second bucket and couldn't quite meet the other side. She crashed to the floor below and landed with a 'Thud!' and to top it off, dumped a bucket all over her.

"Ugh..." she sighed, standing up still covered in the warm earth. "Welp, maybe one bucket is enough..." She laughed.

When she returned outside, she was clean and in new clothes. She had one bucket this time and followed her route from before. Only this time she made it to the roof, clean.
Yukimura sat on nearby bench, The day was hot and the sun was beating the energy out of anyone brave enough to step into its path. The kid took a deep breath, releasing the last bit of energy he had as he slumped over on the bench almost falling onto the old man who was also occupying the bench with the boy. Suddenly the kid heard a Thud! on the ground nearby. Yuki's mind scrambled to make sense of the noise as he looked to his left to discover a young girl on the floor. The girl sprang back up as if she hadn't fallen off of a roof. the old man and the boy both glanced at each other confirming that they both just saw the toughest girl in the world. "she's a tough one" said the boy under is breath, struggling to speak with his dried throat. 'I need some water". As the boy got up he began to feel the effects of the sun which he once adored but was now kicking his ass. Yuki's mind went back to the girl who was covered in clay, he wondered what she was doing with the clay, but figured that he had to get something to cool off if he wanted to survive long enough to find out.

Yukimura dragged himself to the market, dragging both feet as he walked. Yuki bought some water to quench his thirst. As he took a sip of the water a light bulb went off in his head. The boy then dumped the water over his head quenching his pores, steam came from the boy's skin. The guy at the shopped looked at the crazy boy as Yuki smiled at him and said thank you. This gave the boy a second wind, he was alive again.

Today was purposeless, it was too hot and there was not any classes going on today. Moments later the boy's eyes were captured by the same girl, but she was now jumping from roof to roof, her clothing were different but she was the same person. She seemed to have lightened the weight from two buckets to one. Yuki recognized her from their shared class of etiquette at the academy. She seemed shy during class but today she was energetic and seemed to be training. Yuki saw this as an opportunity to spark the day up a bit. Yukimura jumped onto the roof and began chasing the girl. "HEEEEEEYY"
Ai leaped from rooftop to rooftop, she glided over the smooth surfaces of railing and slid down the roof of a neighbor's home, when she heard someone calling. She skidded to a stop at the edge of the roof, almost falling to the floor below again, then made a 360 to see one of the students from the "Etiquette" class chasing after her on the roofs. She let down the bucket of clay and wiped sweat from her brow as the boy approached. Ai sat down on the edge of the roof she was atop and asked "Yes?" as the boy caught up to her position.

"Any Particular reason you're calling out and chasing me?" she asked smiling. "You sort of interrupted my training." Ai liked that he had stopped her though, he seemed nice, and she didn't have any friends in the village.She quickly revealed her water bottle and took a gulp, waiting for his explanation.
The girl wondered why Yuki was chasing her. Yukimura stopped in front of her to catch his breath and began laughing at himself. "This does seem a bit weird doesn't it?... running after you so randomly, I guess it was just my natural inclination to wonder if my classmate was alright i saw you fall from the building but my apologies for interrupting your training I was only wondering if you were okay" said the boy with a smile. The young girl sat on the edge of the roof as she pulled out bottle of valuable water and gulp some of it down. The sun continued to beat down on the two aspiring Shinobi. The boy used his right arm to shield his face from the relentless sun. Yuki looked at the girls water bottle with envy and wondered why did he dump all of the water he had just bought all over his head. He stared at the girl for a while as she drank her water, and realized that he had never really heard her speak before she is usually quiet and secluded during class time. Maybe she was just that focused in class he thought.

"sorry again" said the kid, he felt bad for interrupting her training and asked for her forgiveness. He wondered about the next bucket the girl was carrying and chuckled. "Was the other bucket too heavy?" asked the kid jokingly hoping to lighten up the girls serious tone.
Airo finished her gulp of water with an audible 'Ah!'. She blocked the sun's assault on her eys and looked to the boy and realized he seemed thirsty, and she had another water. She didn't want to give her only other water to a complete stranger though, she'd get to know him first, then she would share. 'First, his name, that's a good place to start' she thought 'I'd like to know his name'.

"SO, I've seen you in class, but don't remember your name. Enlighten me, would you?" Ai was enjoying this little personal game she was playing. "But tell me on the way, we're going for a run. Since you interrupted my training, you get to accompany me for the rest."

This situation was very out of character for Ai, but she didn't care, it was fun. She took a minute to study the boy before looking over the roofs behind her for a route to take, she could follow the route she'd planned out before, but that would be kinda' boring. She wanted to change it, to make up for the addition to her party. Maybe through this little game, she'd make a friend in this boy, well, that's what she was hoping. She smiled at him and leaped for the building behind her, the bucket she'd held before left behind. She then withdrew her second water bottle and shook it tauntingly, beckoning him to follow.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" She yelled swinging from a flag pole onto a balcony. "Can you keep up?" she laughed.

Airo dashed from the balcony, onto to a window seal, following up the wall onto the roof. She didn't wait up for him she made sure he could see her if he followed her path and continued. She loved this feeling, the wind rushing past her ears, the flurry her feet made as she dodged different obstacles atop the buildings, it was perfect. She skidded to a stop at a park bench just around the corner from where she started and waited to see if he had followed.
The young girl had insisted that Yuki go on a run with her as a consequence of him interrupting her training. This seem to be more of a challenge than a simple run along. The girl sprang towards the building behind her, leaving behind her bucket of clay she seemed to be using as weights prior to the interruption of her training. The young girl then revealed another bottle of water to the boy teasing him to give chase to her as she catapulted herself from a flagpole to a balcony. She seemed full of life, hurdling rooftops, dodging different things that threatened her advancement. That water looked liquid heaven to the boy. He took a deep breath and exhaled, accepting the challenge Yuki looked at the path the girl had took to get to the park bench. Their seemed to be a few shorter ways to get over to her.

Yuki launched himself onto the same flagpole the girl had previously jump onto. He then proceeded to chase the girl as he jumped towards another rooftop and rocketed over the same obstacles the girl had just evaded. He decided to take the very same path that she took to see just how fast the toughest girl in the world really was. The distance between the too began to dwindle to nothing for the girl had stopped. Yuki began to wonder when she would take off again because he was closing in fast.

The distance was no more than 20 yards between the too as the girl took off running again. The boy followed suit and got just close enough so she could hear what he was saying. "My name...." was all Yuki could get out as he had to jump to another rooftop in order to keep up with the quick girl. The girl kept herself at a fast pace just enough to not get too gassed out. "Is Yuki!" said the boy, finally getting to complete his sentence. The young girl seemed to be enjoying the crisp breeze that was cooling of the hot day. Yuki loved how the breeze wrapped around him cooling him off. The too students could be seen springing from rooftop to rooftop across the Seki District. Yukimura began to speed up, attempting to see if the young lady had another gear and to also get off a question. "whats your name?"
This was a sight to be seen, two young academy students seemingly playing tag across the rooftops of many a well off folk. Ai was so glad her mother worked and lived in the Seki District, the people here had the best houses for climbing. The space around her became a blur as she dashed past, set upon keeping ahead of this boy, and he was fast. Ai heard him call out to her "My name.......Is Yuki!"as they were skirting across the cityscape. He followed with a question "What's your name?" Airo slowed her pace to where she could speak with him.

"My name is...*pant*....Airo Kuroyama, but you me Ai!" She yelled back to Yuki.

Ai didn't enjoy talking while running, but she committed to this expenditure. She continued running but kept pace with Yuki, slowing her breathing, and focusing on the terrain and obstacles of the roof. She skipped over a balcony railing and jumped over it's twin. She rolled to a stop at the edge of the roof and extended her arm to stop Yuki. This gap, the gap she has never made it over, she tried and tried, but never, it's to far.

"I wouldn't, that jump is way too far to jump. I broke a leg trying to make this one." Airo said trying to sound as serious as possible. "Anyways, let's chat here instead." She said changing the subject. "Alright, I'll start. I'm an academy student as of recently, my mother's a baker and my father is a traveling merchant. Your turn, well if you want, you don't have to."
Airo Kuroyama was the young lady's name. After a while of playing keep away with the bottle of water Ai came to a stop rolling just enough to end at the edge of the rooftop and extending her arm out to stop Yuki from attempting what she described as a deadly jump for she had broken a leg attempting it. Ai's arm stretched across Yuki's chest stopping him in his tracks. The two stood atop the roof gazing at the large gap from where they stood to the next landing point. Ai seemed to have a complete change of heart about their run as she now requested to talk."Alright, I'll start. I'm an academy student as of recently, my mother's a baker and my father is a traveling merchant." The young girl then insisted Yuki tell his story.

Yuki looked up at the clouds that were floating by so freely without a care in the world. The sun was setting now and the whole Seki District was to be painted orange from the sunlight. People could be seen leaving the shadows of the biggest buildings that casted the most shade as the temperature of the day began to drop. The kid fell back on his butt, taking a seat on the roof and studied the girl's young face. "My full name is Naoki Yukimura" said the boy with a smile, still trying to control his breathing. He laughed as the girl seemed a bit hesitant as she asked about him and his parents. "Ai, what a cool name" said the kid, picking at the blue markings on his cheek. " I am also an academy student, I am still trying to get a hang of becoming a ninja though its a lot of work and training but I truly enjoy it". Yuki looked up towards Ai to see if she was listening. "your Moms a baker? oh man i have a sweet tooth for just about any and everything sweet! does she cook tons of sweet things for you?".

Yukimura awaited her reply then began on his own parents. "I never got to meet my parents, but its not a big deal, what you don't know can't hurt you right?" the kid smiled at the girl he didn't want to bring her mood down she was full of energy. " I lived in Cronopolis for a while in an orphanage until I started the academy where I met a guy by the name of Yuuto and he offered to me his clan complex as a place to stay until I became the best Ninja in the world and I've been staying there ever since so I am very lucky" added Yuki with a big smile.The boy glanced over towards the gap that Ai had broken her leg at."One day we have to defeat the gap" joked Yuki.
Yuki followed her story with his own and Ai was starting to think she might have asked too much of this boy.

"My full name is Naoki Yukimura" He said smiling, but keeping his breathing paced. "Ai, what a cool name" He said.

Airo was flattered, her name had never been called "cool" before, but then again she'd never had any friends either. Ai caught the scent of pipe smoke as a breeze blew past her face. It reminded her of her father, he smoked pipes while watching the stock when they traveled together. It made her sort of miss the time she had used to spend with her father on trade journeys. Ai watched the warm sunset colors dance across the rooftops as the sun descended casting long shadows. Her thoughts were pushed aside so she could listen to Yuki as he spoke.

"I am also an academy student, I am still trying to get a hang of becoming a ninja though its a lot of work and training but I truly enjoy it". He continued, sounding sincere and determined. He then got excited and asked "Your Moms a baker? Oh man, I have a sweet tooth for just about any and everything sweet! Does she cook tons of sweet things for you?"

Ai laughed and answered. "Uh... yeah sometimes, if I asked she'd drop everything to make me something. She spoils me too much...heh, heh." She chuckled trying not to sound prissy or stuck up. "Before I joined the academy, I didn't see her much, I traveled with my father alot, so it's like she's making up for lost time." Ai finished. She let Yuki continue.

"I never got to meet my parents, but its not a big deal, what you don't know can't hurt you right?" He said with a forced smile, or at least it seemed that way. " I lived in Cronopolis for a while in an orphanage until I started the academy where I met a guy by the name of Yuuto and he offered to me his clan complex as a place to stay until I became the best Ninja in the world and I've been staying there ever since so I am very lucky" He said with legitimate happiness painted across his face. He then turned toward the "Demon Gap" as Ai had chosen to call it and joked "One day we have to defeat the gap" Ai laughed and agreed extending her hand for a very anime-like high five moment. Also, setting the bottle of water down next to Yuki smiling at him.
Yuki high-fived Ai. He looked at the young girl wondering if he had made a friend today. Her eyes felt friendly and warm. She rested the bottle next to the kid as he was studying her. Yuki looked at the water bottle for a moment as the ripples began to settle on the inside, was this his prize? no this young lady's friendship was the prize that he was chasing. Yuki cracked the seal on the water bottle." Thank you Ai, but you deserve the first drink' said the kid placing the bottle closer to Ai. Yukimura stared up at the clouds envious of their lifestyle and how freely they moved. "Do you ever wonder where the clouds are going Ai?, I mean I know they don't really go anywhere but still." He looked over awaiting her reply".

OOC: sorry about the short post, I was in the hospital"/
The sun was almost complete beneath the horizon when Ai's training turned race/meet and greet was coming to a conclusion. She was happy at the return of the high five Yuki gave her. Yuki sat for a few seconds watching the water she had placed next to him settle, Ai wasn't as observant with the small things as he was, but she did enjoy the things in the environment around her. She loved the scents that caught the wind and traveled across the buildings of the Seki District, she loved watching and studying people, even the different colors of the light refracting off of glass. Ai snapped from her trance when Yuki offered her the first sip of water.

"No way, you followed me, you get it. No returns, no exchanges."
She said sternly. "I won't accept it, you take it." She pushed it on him further.

He didn't seem to be paying much attention, his eyes were to the clouds above the two academy students. He was in a trance, seemingly deep in thought. "Do you ever wonder where the clouds are going Ai?, I mean I know they don't really go anywhere but still." He asked turned toward her awaiting an answer.

Ai smiled, this was the exact thought she's had countless times before, strange coincidence. "I've thought about that before, I'd like to think they just start on the other side of the a loop, is that weird? That's probably weird, I just think they all look a like and whoever runs the world wouldn't want to keep making more clouds every time they went across the side, would they?" Ai sort of went into a rant, not realizing it. "Oops, I'm talking your ear off right? Sorry. Anyway, I've gotta get home, Mom will get worried, thanks for running with me, you didn't have to, but I enjoyed the company." Ai said smiling as she dashed back the way they had come, waving until she was surrounded by darkness. "That was fun" she said aloud, smiling.

{Topic left, unless stopped}
Ai pushed the bottle back on to Yuki with a very stern tone. After being presented with the question about the pattern that the cloud were taking Ai said she felt as if they were on the other side of the sky continuing in a loop. She then questioned if it was wierd. Yuki shook his head suggesting that their was nothing weird about that at all. Ai looked at it in a way that the kid had never thought about viewing it that way. She assumed she was talking his ear off but Yuki again just shook his head suggesting that she wasn't talking his ear off, he enjoyed her company as well. Ai then thanked the boy for running with her and then said she had to go. Yuki looked at the girl as she took off the way the two had came from and cracked a smile across his face. Ai then yell back that the race was fun.

It was about time to go home. the kid took u the water bottle and began walking home taking glances at the clouds that watch over the village.

[Topic left..had fun]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:38:58
