Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 03:52:39

Event Career Day[ [Announcement]

Leaf Historian

New Ninja
Feb 1, 2013
The day had arrived. The thing the genin and the Academy were talking about, a chance to expand their roots and get an eye into whether the shinobi world was one they wanted to pursue or whether it would be better for them to drift slowly back into the normal life of a villager that everyone came from before they choose to don that headband that identified them as a proud shinobi of the Village Hidden In The Leaves.

The auditorium was filled to max occupancy with members of the Konoha Police Department stationed at the entryways trying to funnel everyone in as best as they could in a safe and precise manner, the officer's eyes every watchful as parents, shinobi and children alike filtered in chattering and eager to the chairs that had been set out prior for them, a couple hundred at least to accomdate for the interest that had came when the Academy had authorized the release of the event in a hopes to bolster it's numbers.

On the stage, several chairs had been set out for the branch Sennin, the Hokage and her advisor as well as several other shinobi who had agreed to assist the Academy in their efforts. A short but rather intimading figure promptly stepped up to the podium, the Headmaster of the Academy, his black hair swept back into a ponytail and a small beard waiting for the chatter to die down though at this rate, it seemed like that would be impossible even with teachers and shinobi alike trying their best.

"ATTENTIONNNNN!" The Headmaster's voice roared out over the microphone and almost in unison, a hush fell over the room as all eyes swung to the man at the podium and the figures seated behind him.

"Welcome to the Konohagakure Academy's first annual Career Day. A chance for all you kiddos to see all the wonderful units you may elect to transition into after graduation as well as genin who may be feeling a bit lost, the Academy plans to hold this on a yearly basis to better prepare our future generations and make this village's fighting force the most diverse and the most skilled you'll ever see!"

The man almost shouted the last few words clearly very passionate about it, a few faces in the crowd wincing at the sheer volume but regardless, the Headmaster got right down to buisness gesturing at the seated figures behind him who had yet to be addressed though it was clear they would prove an very important role in this. "Ah, yes, these people have kindly agreeded to tolerate all of you for a single day or so, I trust you know them well, yes?"

A chattering of laughter broke out at that as he began to introduce them by name and rank, finger thrusting at each one as he did so.

"Uchiha Asuka, Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure and quite the personality if I do say so myself,"- perhaps not a wise career move to say that in front of the village leader but all in good fun, right? "And her advisor, former Hokage and a Sennin in his own right, Uchiha Takeshi, a man with several accolades, kiddos, take note, this man has a plethora of lessons you would do well to remember."

Clearly sensing the impatience in the crowd, he hurried on to finish the introductions, his eyes switching to the dark-haired woman and the sheathed sword resting against her knee as she looked out over the crowd. "Nanjirou Soku, Sennin of the Main Branch, she's probably the reason why you guys have all that homework but I wouldn't tell her that, rumor has it that the woman can carve you up like a cake while blindfolded."

Another joke, he really seemed to be enjoying this. "Haku Yuki, Sennin of the ANBU Branch and who looks like she eats nails for breakfast and then, Sazuki Nao, Sennin of the Medical Branch, I wouldn't tick off the doc if I was you, all those needles and phials of questionable fluids.."

There were a few other Jounin and Chuunin present such as team leaders who would participate in this Career Day but they were not addressed by name but nevertheless, they stood near the front, their eyes flicking over the potential hopefuls as the man tapped the microphone to call for attention once again.

"Right, right! So, how'd this work, you say? Well, a few weeks ago, all you kiddos filled out a piece of paper and I hope you paid attention when you did because your fate is about to be determined by that and there's no takebacks as far as I'm aware." Clearly, something about this was extremely hilarious to the elderly shinobi letting out a guffaw that made the microphone ring.

"Right then, kiddos, under your seats, you'll find a slip with your assignment and location on it, you'll arrive at the location at the prescribed time to begin your shadowing experience and let's hope you can make it through whatever your lovely leaders have in store for you, yes? Parents, never fear, your children are in capable hands and everyone will meet back here at the conclusion of the day, sound good?"

He paused to allow for a few seconds of silence before roaring into the microphone once again eliciting a few cries of protest from the crowd. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR THEN, KIDDOS? GET A MOVE ON! GO, GO, GO, GOOO!!"

Panic successfully induced, he stepped off the podicum as kids scrabbled around desperately for their assigned paper slips giving them the details of their assignments, the Sennin and the senior shinobi had already mysteriously disappeared perhaps while all the chaos was happening to meet their new proteges for the day.

OOC: Welcome to the event! Feel free to respond to this post roleplaying your characters' reaction to the event announcment! Mission threads and pairings can be found below and they have been sent to the participants through DM as well! As a reminder of the event details and requirements, take a look over here but as of this post, the event is now LIVE so get going and best of luck!

Tschuiyama Rikku and Goto Daiji - Papers, PleaseToshi and Nanjirou Soku - Political DissonanceShishiwakamaru and Miyazaki Hikaru - Medevac
Nikku Haniki and Nanjirou Soku - What Goes Bump In The NightUchiha Takeshi and Yamanaka Shushuke - Anger IssuesTschuimikado Yuki and Sazuki Nao - Surgery 101
VACANTSantaru Miyuki(NPC) and Senju Gaki- Dripping CrimsonVACANT

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 03:52:39
