Shinobi.404 Water walking
» Kosho» Kobayashi Yuuko

"Now let us wait till they are coming... Two academy students... Wonder what they will be up to." She would start to stretch out just a little bit and wait. The waiting was a thing she hated the most, so for that moment was rather glad her Yokai contract was with her right there. "So... Jibril... You will behave today and help out... and not help against... You will get them out of the water if they cannot swim... as many cannot at the young age I assume... We have hard water around... Worst case, I need to turn this water walk into a water swim lesson..." She muttered the last bit. She sighed softly and Jibril only gave a cocky response." oooh- of course, I will save the handsome persons first though." And with that Kotori tried to give a swing at the poor little creature. Sadly... it dodged.
Wc: 285
Total WC: 282/1500
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