Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Class.404 Waterwalk

Shinobi.404 Water walking
» Kosho
» Kobayashi Yuuko

Kotori had to turn into creativity with her moments. She had a flat ground yet had to teach these to water walking.. With some quick thinking, she made high walls, just about her own height and made sure there was a slope right going. The size? About a pool big. Just big enough to make sure people would see it. With her Haku abilities, she would then fill the basin. Walking around the edges just to see how or what it was or has been going around. It seemed this would be enough for right now. She would nod towards herself and redo her hairs as she walked over the water. Due to her Haku bloodline she left icy footprints only there for a second to be seen. Each step she made, each step faded.
"Now let us wait till they are coming... Two academy students... Wonder what they will be up to." She would start to stretch out just a little bit and wait. The waiting was a thing she hated the most, so for that moment was rather glad her Yokai contract was with her right there. "So... Jibril... You will behave today and help out... and not help against... You will get them out of the water if they cannot swim... as many cannot at the young age I assume... We have hard water around... Worst case, I need to turn this water walk into a water swim lesson..." She muttered the last bit. She sighed softly and Jibril only gave a cocky response." oooh- of course, I will save the handsome persons first though." And with that Kotori tried to give a swing at the poor little creature. Sadly... it dodged.

Wc: 285
Total WC: 282/1500

Following rules will be held inside the topic:
» 5 posts
» minimum 1500 words (equals 300 words each)
» after 5 posts you can leave (with the class made after I told.)
» Please try to post 48 hours after me in time. (If you cannot meet this, please PM me.) If you miss this, it will count as a trike. 3 strikes and you are out.
» I post, either if a turn is skipped or in less then 48 hours after the last one posted.
Yuuko would move quickly today. Pretty much as she did everyday, but this time it was different. She moved with a purpose today. It was time to attend another lesson. This time about a subject she had a large interest in. Not to say she hadn't been interested in her other lesson. It just seemed that this time the class would be more focused on working with her chakra. Yuuko remembered that this class would be about water walking. Something she had done successfully before. She was by no means an expert though. The class would very much be a good learning experience for her. Yuuko would arrive at the designated place for the class just a tad bit early. Not too much though as she didn't want to appear overly eager to learn. Not that that was necessarily a bad thing, but in any event she had arrived. Yuuko would catch site of today's teacher standing next to what appeared to be a large pool.

She would move over to her teacher until she found herself at a suitable talking distance. Yuuko would bow to her teacher as she was instructed to. Even though her last tutor told her she didn't need to do such things. She found it hard not to do so when faced with a new teacher. "Hello my name is Kobayashi Yuuko. I'm here to take your class today." She would say without leaving her bowing position. She would remain that way until dismissed, or told to do something else. She couldn't help but smile though. She really was very excited for the lesson.

WC: 275
Total WC: 275/1500
Yuki was beginning to get accustomed to the life of an academy student. He enjoyed the feeling of knowing there was something constant in his life. Everyday he went to class there was a new topic being discussed in class either than or going over a topic he didn’t fully understand. The academy was the fountain of knowledge both he and Yudo-to loved. This was something that they both shared with Kosho, his love of learning and reading at such a young age influenced them heavily. Yuki wasn’t as talented or clever as Yudo-to, but he knew this was true although his sister neglected the thought. Yuki told himself that he would never forget Kosho, everyday he hoped he would come back.

Yuki was even more excited today than he usually was on a regular day of class. Today he was attending a small class it was very similar to what Yudo-to had recently done. Yuki would be receiving a lesson on water-walking with one instructor and one other student. The idea of a lesson with a small group of people not only excited Yuki because he felt he would learn more on the subject than he could in class, but also because he would be able to build a connection with new people. Learning something in a small group seemed similar to forming a family to Yuki and it made him smile.

With all this on his Yuki didn’t notice that he had arrived at the destination to meet for the class. Coming to his senses Yuki noticed a girl with green hair that seemed familiar to him. The girl was slightly bent and seemed to be looking for something on the ground to Yuki. He wanted to help her and said in a light voice “Hey is there something down there I can help you find it.”

Yuki was easily distracted and didn’t seem to notice the two women that were near the younger girl.

WC: 327
TWC: 327/1500
Post: 1/5
Kotori was walking around the basin that she had made a few seconds ago. Her trusted companion, a Yokai, was fiddling around the bush with her comments. But Kotori did trust that no matter of what. "So... What do you think of this... Jibril?" She questioned the Angel like the devil that was floating over the water. A small talk but she needed to make sure this was something she too could work with. "Hmmm~" She chirped as she took her place back beside the red-haired. Who had dressed just like a shinobi just in a more casual way? "You know... The basin looks alright, but you...? Couldn't you dress more appropriate towards the students?" She questioned and a small smirk crossed her face. "OI oi...." Was a soft comment made by the young female who just started to cross her arms to glare at the yokai? Just at that moment, she made a comment and Kotori had attempted to make swing towards the poor devil. It gladly missed and around that moment.
The eyes of the young Uchiha started to follow a small figure that was closing in and in towards them. Slowly she tilted her head as it came closer.

Once they were around a walkable distance of each other she stood straight, she was 99% positive that this was one of the two students she was gaining today. As the introduction was made she was the one to give a warm smile. Taught to introduce like that, to stay like that till a comment was made, was always a good thing. As she wanted to open her mouth she saw a white-haired boy walking towards them too. "Hmm... This is getting interesting." She spoke under her breath as she looked towards them both. "Uchiha Kotori, at ease little Yuuko. No, sorry to say... She wasn't looking at the ground for a lost item, she was introducing herself in a classical manner. One that is often found polite." She would smile towards the toy, yet the devil beside her would float a little.
"Let me explain a little more, the basin behind you guys is specially made for this class. There is a little pad of ground on your left hand side, please get there and stand waiting for further instructions and we will re-do the introduction, but this time without the bow." She would almost pet the Yuuko on the head but managed not to do so. Jibril was already near the platform to make sure they knew where kotori was meaning.

ooc note:
Sorry for my late response. This is written via Tablet so this takes me a good amount of time to write up.

WC: 425 MFT (Just in case i forgot)
TWC: 707 / 1500
Post 2/5
While maintain her bow Yuuko would look at the approaching boy. He seemed familiar to her, but it would take a second of thinking to remember why. She had met him while watching lanterns sometime around the Lunar New Year. If her memory served correct she had ran into him on accident while chasing a lantern. She believed his name was Kosho. Yuuko would smile seeing the other classmate was a person she already knew. She would however listen to the teacher before she would say anything to him.

Yuuko would listen carefully to her teacher, Uchiha Kotori, as she spoke. After Kotori finished with her explanation Yuuko would turn to look at Kosho. “Kosho right? It’s been a while. Let’s go!” She’d say to him with an excited smile. Turning her attention to the task at hand Yuuko would begin looking around. After a few seconds she would catch sight of the creature that had been standing next to Kotori. It was next to what appeared to be the pad they were supposed to move to. Yuuko would quickly move over to the pad. Not exactly running, but walking with haste. She would stand where she was supposed to smiling. Now she would just have to wait for further instructions.

WC: 211
TWC: 486/1500
PC: 2/5
Yuki looked up as he heard a voice coming from above he and the girl he had just ran beside. The voice came from the direction of a woman and a sort of creature that Yuki didn’t even notice were there. As Yuki looked up he smiled at the woman with long red hair and almost flinched as he noticed the floating creature with long purple hair and very notable eyes. “I’m sure our instructor… Uchiha Kotori wouldn’t let that creature hurt us but I’m getting a bad feeling from it...” Yuki thought to himself hoping his sister would respond.

Turning away from the unique pair Yuki noticed that the girl he thought was looked for something on the ground was actually Yuuko whom he had met before at the New Year lantern event. It turned out she was actually being polite by bowing and introducing herself to the instructor, a custom he had seen before many times in the Ninja Academy but for some reason was only now resonating with him. This made it all the more apparent that Yuki still had managed not to introduce himself.

A few seconds later Uchiha Kotori seemed to almost reassure Yuki concerns of not introducing himself by saying the group would move over to the basin, speak about the class, and re-do introductions. After the instructor was finished speaking Yuuko turned to Yuki with a wide smile greeting Kosho and saying let’s go in a cheery tone. Apparently the green haired upbeat Yuuko remembered Yuki as well. Yuki then watched as she went to jog over to the creature that Yuki was still slightly concerned about. Yuki looked over to his instructor Uchiha Kotori hesitantly walked over to the basin where the creature waiting. “Yuki! Focus! We are here to learn! That creature means you no harm. And even if it did we wouldn’t be able to do anything about it so don’t waste your time worrying...” Yudo-to snarled at Yuki.

These harshly spoken words for whatever reason made Yuki feel better as he thought “Thanks onee-sama.” and ran over to the basin with a smile and newfound courage.

WC: 357
TWC: 684/1500
Post: 2/5
Kotori would be walking across the water to get to the different side of this water. Towards where they were standing. She would smile towards them, while the Yokai was hovering over and humming towards herself. She already knew she had often a scary look towards everything. "Hmm hmm~" She would finish up her song and float back towards Kotori.
After a moment Kotori would stand still form on the water. "Alright... Now I am going to explain this all once... and not a single time more, so please do pay attention." And at that motion of her hand, the yokai started to get back into her shadow. "So this class is to learn you guys a few things regards of Chakra. In this lesson, you will learn how to focus it down ánd the amount of chakra you will need. Just like Tree climbing with chakra... you do not use hands, yet it is around the same kind of exercise. In tree climbing, you need to focus your chakra down to your feet. If the stream of chakra is too weak, you will lose footing and fall of. If it is too strong, you will push yourself away from the tree, scattering it and you falling down. Getting these proportions right is already a task for itself. But today, I will train you both into walking on water, which is exactly the next level of the past named version. The main reason is that the amount of chakra that needs to be emitted changes constantly. This basin is going down hill downwards, this means that the water will get deeper. In case you cannot swim yet, I have my contract around to save you guys. Your goal on the end of the day is first master the standstill on water, then after that the test begins. The test will result in having to get towards me while I throw wind at you. These wind gusts are goigng from one way to another and in different strength. BUT." She said the but loud, holding a moment to let them absorb in this information already. "This is a team mission, you both have to reach me, if one of you do, leaving the other behind, this won't work. Please go ahead and practice like you did with tree climbing, the water is around knee deep around there.

- The practice you can do within one post, the next post will be the testing one. Please get into each-others dm or make a dm group with me and discuss how you guys will practice. =)

WC: 396
TWC: 1103 / 1500
Post: 3/5
Yuuko would smile widely as Kotori Sensei would explain what the lesson would include. It seemed like it would be a pretty challenging lesson to both Yuuko, and Kosho. It would test their concentration through water walking, but there was also more than that. The lesson would also include waves of air being launched at them which would further complicate things. Not only this, but it was also a team exercise of sorts. Both Yuuko, and Kosho would need to make it to the teacher to pass the test. That also meant both of them would have to be capable of water walking to pass the test. Yuuko wasn't worried about that though. She quite liked being challenged. Especially when it came to using her chakra. Besides she had complete faith that Kosho would be able to water walk as well. She hadn't known Kosho all that much, but he seemed like a hardworking person. Yuuko would also be there to help him if he needed it. With the type of person she was she wouldn't expect anything in return for helping him either. She enjoyed helping people especially any of the large number of people she would consider her friends.

Yuuko would look towards the water in the basin thoughtfully. Just looking at it brought her back a bit to the first time she had ever tried walking on water. She had started out on a very small little kiddie pool which couldn't have been more than a foot deep. Of course the first time she tried to step onto the water she fell right into it with a splash. She'd work on it all day as time allowed until towards the end of the day she was able to maintain the footing just for a little bit. Though it would very quickly throw her off as she wasn't that good at maintaining the changing chakra amounts. Such things would be but a mere obstacle for her though. Certainly nothing that would discourage her from trying again. She keep up the good work until she was finally able to stand still on the water. Of course actually walking on the water was a lot harder than just standing on it. It would take her the better part of a few more weeks to be able to achieve that feat. Even then only in minor amounts. She was though dedicated, and lucky enough to have a very good mentor. One that would encourage her, and work with her until she could finally do it right.

Snapping out her great train of thoughts Yuuko would turn her attention back to the task at hand. She didn’t want to eat into the practicing time by daydreaming. It was also probably not a good idea to keep Kotori Sensei waiting if she told you to do something. “I’ll go first kay Kosho?” She’d say excitedly step towards the water in front of her. Luckily the water here was only around knee deep according to the teacher. That meant if she fell through it wouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not like she was dressed to impress or anything anyways. Just her normals clothes for working. Yuuko would take a few steps forward standing over the edge of the water. She’d bring her foot forward hovering it over the water. Even there before her foot touched the water she would start concentrating. Something she had learned helped her quite a bit. She’d stay that way for a few seconds before bringing her foot down towards the water.

Though a bit out of practice with water walking in general it appeared she still had it. As Yuuko’s foot came down to gently land against the water. She’d place a bit of her weight onto her foot which would hold strong against the water. She’d continue easing off of her other foot until eventually she’d come to be completely on one leg. After doing that she would move relatively slowly maintaining concentration. She bring her other foot down with a serious look of her face. Without problems she would have both few hovering above the water with no problem. She’d smile a bit confidently taking a step forward. Yuuko would move her other foot forward as well to have both her back in line next to each other. After that she’d turn to Kosho smiling kindly. “Come on Kosho I believe in you.” She’d say encouragingly. It might have been a bit rude of her to assume he had never done this before. Though at the same time she figured not everybody had the same history as her. History that involved her working with a mentor before coming to the academy. That’s when a sudden thought would hit Yuuko. She didn’t actually know that much about Kosho yet! What sort of friends were they?!? Though her thought of them being friends was maybe a bit presumptuous. They had only met once before, but either way Yuuko would make note to talk to him more after class.

While that sudden revelation actually held quite a bit of importance to her Yuuko also realized she was once again thinking about other things. She would snap out of it before losing her concentration, and go back to walking around. For the most part she'd just move back, and forth here and there readjusting to walking on water. Especially since the water was always changing, and shifting beneath her feet. Luckily though she was doing just fine with no mishaps, or mistakes yet. Something she attributed mainly to her prior workings with walking on water. She would turn her attention to Kosho for a bit making sure to keep her concentration as she did so. He'd seemed to have been off to a relatively bad start. That was okay though. Yuuko had already figured Kosho had likely never practiced water walking before. She would walk over to him smiling kindly again. "I'm not sure if this will help or not, but i'm gonna try." She'd say offering him her hand to help him balance himself out. "The water is always gonna change as it moves around. Your chakra has to do the same thing as the water, and shift with the same pattern. If I focus tooooo hard on changing with the water I'll get it all wrong. So instead I have to feel the water's movements, and try to be like it. It's kinda like dancing. Just find the rhythm of the water, and dance to it." Yuuko would say to him smiling widely with kind eyes. She had said something which at least seemed to be pretty smart. Though whether that advice had much actual use to it, or not would need to be decided by someone else. Still she was happy with herself for saying what she did, and hoped it would help Kosho out.

After letter Kosho practice a bit more, and doing the same herself they would regroup. This time they would discuss strategy for when they would take Kotori Sensei's test. Kosho had a brilliant idea of walking sideways towards the teacher while facing each other. It would lessen the amount of surface area they would have to get hit on, and they would be able to see and help each other out. "That's a really good idea Kosho!" She'd say happily taking a few steps in place. "I'm so glad you're here to work with me!" She'd say truly very glad that Kosho was there taking the class with her. Now all that was left was for them to practice until the test. Then they would take the test, and Yuuko was quite confident they would pass it. That is the power of friendship after all. A power which overcomes any, and all obstacles in it's path.

WC: 1304
TWC: 1790/1500
PC: 3/5
After hearing the instructions from Uchiha Kotori, Yuki was again feeling worried. Each time Kotori added conditions to the crossing of the basin Yuki’s worries grew even larger. The problem was that Yuki had never walked on water before. His instructor Kotori had already made it look incredibly easy, but Yuki knew that this was because she had been a ninja for quite some time.Yuki’s classmate walked toward the water saying she would go first. Yuki turned away from the basin and began stroking his tiny bare chin.

Yuki was deep in thought pondering how he and his classmate Yuuko come pass this trial. Looking over his shoulder noticed that Yuuko was comfortably walking back and forth on the surface of the water. Yuki jumped at the sight it seemed his nerves built from looking up at the instructor’s creature friend had caught up with him. Yuki collected himself looking away from the girl’s feet on the water. Shifting his gaze upward he met eyes with Yuuko and she smiled giving him words of encouragement. “I won’t learn much from standing here. Best I can do is go and try.”

Yuki walked closer to the water and said “I’ll try my best.” almost whispering it to myself speaking so low.

After several minutes of failing miserably at trying Yuki was thoroughly soaked from head to toe. The instructor must have been referring to her own knees when she explained the depths of the water near the students. Recovering from his latest fall into the Yuki saw Yuuko hand outreached to him. Yuki grabbed the girl’s hand a gained his balance. Yuki listened closely as the girl spoke to him as he was very interested in how to actually stay above the water.

After Yuuko finished speaking Yuki realized that he was not listening to the water at all this entire time. It had been telling him all along how to walk on it the sounds of the water splashing everytime he fell must have been drowning it out. But now he could finally hear it. As Yuuko pulled her hand away Yuki noticed was she was smiling widely again. The girl had a great smile it was very encouraging even after Yuki’s many failures at trying to walk on water. He was ready to give it another try “I can do this” Yuki said mustering up the loudest tone he could which in reality was a normal inside voice. Stepping forward forward Yuki looked down at his feet in preparation for finally walking on water. But…

Yuki was already on the surface of the water! He must’ve been standing on it since he grabbed Yuuko’s hand to gain his balance. All he had to do now was not fall in! Yuki turned to Yuuko and said “Thanks!” trying to mimic her awesome smile. Yuki stumbled and his right foot fell beneath the surface of the water he reactively slammed his hand against the water to steady himself as he regained balance. Yuki didn’t smile much and it apparently took to much of his focus mimicking Yuuko’s smile.

Yuki continued to practice and faltered a few times but was managing to get a hang of walking on water. After building a bit of confidence in his ability to not fall into the water Yuki and Yuuko began discussing strategies for the trial. Yudo-to suggested to Yuki that they face each other should they begin to struggle during the trial so that the two may see if the other required assistance and so the instructor would have smaller targets to aim at assuming she stayed at the end of the basin. Yuki brought up the idea in the discussion and Yuuko seemed to love it praising him for the idea. Yuki smiled and was happy someone else could acknowledge how clever is sister was even if they didn’t know it was her.

The duo or trio rather was prepared and now all that was left was the trial.

WC: 667
TWC: 1351/1500
Post: 3/5
Kotori was watching towards them, a faint smile got to her face as she watched them. It reminded her so much of the time she was one to challenge this.
Here and there she gave a small tip which hopefully helped them both, but eventually sitting down, chatting with the Yokai beside her she talked regards of their progress with them. Sometimes the yokai would make a motion to get towards them to help them out in case they couldn't swim. The knee deep wasn't deep luckily for them either, as she was only a miracle height of 5'08 ft. Even her Yokai was bigger then she was. Slowly she started to swift a little around as from where she had been sitting. They seemed to get it all under control. "You are doing good, hang on." She would try to encourage them both.

As time had passed on she looked towards them, proud that they were standing like this. "Now... You see what I meant with the shifting of the water I hope. We are going to make this a little challenging.. .You both have to reach me, the water here is deeper and the closer you get towards me, there are small currents under the water. So you have to balance out better. BUT, she closer you are to me, the less gusts you have from up above, as I don't want to make this impossible for you yet. Maybe in another class to fully master the walkings." She kid and stuck out her tongue just a little.
"On your marks... Set... go!" And from time to time a whistle would sound and another gust of wind would follow. The different heights of the whistles made the gust stronger of lighter. The yokai was now actively close towards them.

WC: 301 MFT
TWC: 1404 / 1500
Post: 4/5
After practicing a bit more Kotori Sensei would tell them to get ready for the test, and give another more in depth explanation. Yuuko was a bit nervous at this point, but mostly excited. She'd take her place getting herself ready. Yuuko, and Kosho would be facing each other one with their right side pointing at Kotori, the other with their left. With that being done everything was just about in place for them to begin the test. She would smile at Kosho with a very determined look in her eyes. She was confident in their ability to get through the test as long as they worked together. "Let's do this!" Yuuko would say excitedly as they began to make their way towards Kotori Sensei.

Shortly after they would begin moving towards their teacher the gusts of wind would begin to come. They would move down upon them seemingly descending from the clouds. Their sole purpose to off balance the duo, and prevent them from progressing on. It would certainly try to do so, but for the most part to no avail. At certain times either Kosho, or Yuuko could be seem losing their balance a bit, but it was quickly recovered. They were nearing the halfway mark already, and hadn't even needed each other's help yet. Though it was likely a problem would soon arise. The halfway point would prove to be the most metaphorically deadly of the places to be. It stood in between the place where the gusts were at their strongest, and the place where the underwater currents were at their strongest. This left the midway area to be a place where currents were beginning to pick up strength while the wind gusts had yet to truly lose their power. A place where neither elements were at their strongest, but where they were at their most harmonious spot with each other. The double trouble from both above, and below would certainly prove to be a bit of a challenge to them.

As the team attempted to make their way through the middle area they would indeed run into a problem. At the sound of a relatively high whistle tone a moderately strong gust of wind would descend upon them. It would rattle them shaking them both a bit as the water underneath their feet shifted more due to currents beneath them. Yuuko would notice one of Kosho's feet begin to fall into the water as he started to become lopsided. He seemed to have lost his balance during the wind strike. "Gotcha!" Yuuko would shout reaching out to grab his arm as quickly as she could. It took everything she had to keep him from falling, and keep herself topside. She did it though bringing him back up to the begin to balance again. As they were re-calibrating themselves though another gust, stronger than the first, would strike them. It would begin to knock them both of balance this time as they had already been weakened by the other blow. They would, however, hold strong to each others arms, and somehow make it through without falling in the water.

As soon as they could regain their balance enough they would begin moving again. After a short time they would escape the worst of the gusts, and now mainly have to deal only with the subsurface currents. A task that was much easier than surviving them both at once. Just as they had started things would go relatively smoothly. A few bad steps here, and there but nobody would fall into the water. Yuuko, and Kosho helped each other when needed working as a team. With time they would eventually come to standing on the water near Kotori the test seemingly over. Yuuko as excited as usual would look at the teacher smiling before diverting her attention to Kosho. "We did it Kosho we did it! We passed the test!" She'd say excitedly positively beaming from joy, and excitement.

WC: 662
TWC: 2452/1500
PC: 4/5
Yuki was prepared to begin the test that Uchiha Kotori had for him and Yuuko. So far this had been an interesting class Yuki got the chance to do something he had never done before and had two people supporting him through the process. Even though he struggled greatly in the beginning he was able to learn what he was doing wrong without feeling embarrassed at all. Not a situation Yuki could’ve thought of finding himself in three years ago. This was the type of environment he loved to be in and he looked forward to smiling about these memories in the future.

All things considered the true test for whether Yuki learned what was intended for the day was now before him. Yuuko seemed very excited to get started making Yuki feel rather confident in their chances of passing. As they began what Yuki believed would be quite the trek gusts of wind made its way down the basin passing through the pair and back again. They managed to weather the gusts quite well in the beginning even though the pair would lose balance they quickly recovered thereafter. Yuki was quite impressed with himself he really hoped that things would go smoothly and he wouldn’t hold back Yuuko, who seemed decently experienced with water walking. But secretly he feared what he recently learned wouldn’t carry over into the exam where it mattered the most today. It seemed his worries were misplaced as he and Yuuko were nearing the halfway mark without requiring each other’s assistance. Even still Yuki stayed focused he wasn’t sure what it would be, but he knew the pair would face a difficult obstacle soon.

Close to clearing the halfway mark of the basin Yuki heard the loudest whistle he had heard yet. The whistles weren’t new he had been hearing them the entire duration of the trial they signaled the passing of wind across the basin, none were as loud as this whistle though. Fearing for the worse Yuki planted his feet as hard he could on the surface of the water in hopes of not being taken off balance. As the gust slammed into Yuki and dispersed pass him upon landing he didn’t lose balance but having focused so heavily on surviving the impact he lost control of the chakra on his right foot again making half of his body fall into the water. Luckily, Yuuko was there to catch him by the arm steading both their balance.

From there the pair hadn’t struggled nearly as much to the finish line. When they finally made it Yuuko was just as joyful as ever yelling with excitement that they passed the test. “Yeah. I can’t believe we did so well. Thanks Kobayashi-san.”

WC: 447
TWC: 1808/1500
Post: 4/5
She had been watching them as for how they went, seeing how they went to help each other out and of course, Jibril stayed close towards them both in case they would fall down into the deep below. Yet it didn't seem necessary with their own progress. A smile formed upon the redhead who would soon stand with arms crossed, looking proud towards them. "That was amazingly done you both. Really." She would compliment them and if they didn't jump out of the way ruffle their hairs a bit. "Now... What do you say, you both get an ice cream on my costs as a celebration you both would pass this class?" She would already grab out some yen from her pocket as they all stood on the water. "Just don't forget to move with the flow instead of against it. " She would comment sort of as a life lesson quote. "So... just a question, what did you both learn?"

WC: 151 MFT
TWC: 1500/ 1500 +
Post: 5/5
Going to claim the rewards for you both, just make sure to post once more and hit the wordcounter you both =)
Yuuko would smile happily at the teacher as her hair was ruffled. She likes being praised for her hard work, and she liked being rewarded for it even more. Yuuko was never really rewarded much as a child. Only on occasion when her father could sneak a surprised for her without her mother noticing. Other than that she recieved little for all the work she did. That made her like being rewarded quite a bit. Maybe even a bit greedy at times, but she would always share with her friends. In any event Yuuko would listen as Kotori Sensei gave some final advice, and asked them a question. “I’ve learned a lot Kotori Sensei. Teamwork, friendship, and water walking of course. Mainly how to work together to do things you cant do alone. I haven’t learned much about Kosho though I need to work on that.” She’d say with a kind smile. She really was quite excited for ice cream, but it also gave her reason to hang out with Kosho more, and Yuuko loved hanging out with friends.

WC: 179
TWC: 2631/1500
PC: 5/5
Being praised by Uchiha Kotori made Yuki smile and after hearing Yuuko’s response to Kotori’s question he prepared to answer as well. “Well I learned a few things... . I learned that to water walk it’s important to move with the flow of the water. I learned that with teamwork to can achieve a lot. I learned that Kobayashi Yuuko is a great teammate and that Uchiha Kotori is a really good teacher.” Yuki said smiling at them both then began thinking of different kinds of ice cream.

WC: 87
TWC: 1895/1500
Post: 5/5

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