Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [Class] Chakra control : Water Walking

Nao would focus on all of them, by each one of them was a close that would keep a watch on them in case they went under or something. The first clone was by Jirou who looked at him. "Your explanation from earlier by the way, or rather your reasoning, was correct. Sorry I forgot to mention that earlier towards you." Said the clone who just stood on the water almost glued towards it. He just moved with the water as he stood there. The clone even studied his movements and if there were any tips to be given, the clone would do so towards the other.

The second clone stood by Karasu, figuring out why she was holding her arms out. But in the end, it didn't make a comment on it as it seemed to be working for this student. She kept her focus and eventually it even looked funny. The way she caught herself back onto the water was something that the clone would nod on. It seemed that she was getting there already.

A third clone stood by Hinata and looked towards the other. As he had said they were ambidextrous... it made the situation harder for the other person themselves often as they didn't have the main thing or rather an off-hand. Once the student hit the water on their back, the clone was soon at the place in case the student needed some help getting up or something. As often a hard surface back hit could knock out some air. But it seemed that this wasn't the case and the student was fine except for a bit of water-soaked clothing. "Try to keep the focus and momentum." Was all that it said and would wait till Nao himself dispersed them.

As Nao had stopped it and asked each student to tell what they had learned. First was the Inuzuka to speak and he listened happily. "Glad you learned and saw it that way." he would look towards Karasu next as she started to speak. "it is more... you apply too much force, and that force will force you away. This can be done with launching yourself rather than those little ripplings..." He would laugh a little and scratch the back of his neck. If he really let the others see or rather feel his chakra pressure.. He wasn't really sure what would be happening. He waited for Hinata to speak up, to tell what they had learned from this class.. but sadly the Uchiha decided to skip that. On that Nao closed his eyes and took a breath before offering to continue on with this class. He was overjoyed to hear them say yes, but once he heard about a mock battle... He was looking a bit dumbfounded.

Blinking... That was all he could do at this given moment. "W-what...?" He had to repeat it to make sure that he had heard that correctly. "You want to, after you barely even stood upon that rumbling water, get into a sparring ock battle where you not only keep your mind occupied on the water walking but also trying to form handseals..?" He was really... dumbfounded at this point. Yet he took a big sigh. "I need a big smoke break after this... I will leave this decision with your two other classmates." A headache... a smoke... and maybe a drink after this class sounded nice. A nice hot tea for example.
Jirou appreciated the feedback from the clone when it was given. He really liked the idea of getting in more practice with water walking. When Hinata mentioned about having a mock battle while on the water he looked over at him surprised. He certainly was not even close to being able to spar while water walking. He was still getting used to staying on the surface of the water. When the Sensei said that he would leave it up to him and Karasu to decide, Jirou thought about it before answering. “I think that we still need more practice before we are ready to spar in a mock battle. Otherwise I think that we will all be going swimming and there won’t be much of a battle. I would much rather master water walking first. Isn’t that the way that training works? Walk before you run, then add increasingly difficult exercises until you master the skill.” He looks over towards Karasu to see if she is in agreement, since the decision was being left up to them. “Besides maybe Sensei Nao has something else in mind for us to do that will help us to become more sure on our feet. This is still a new skill for us.” Jirou noticed the dumbfounded look from Sensei Nao about the mock battle suggestion from Hinata. Turning towards Hinata he confronts him with a sour look on his face, “What did you have to go and suggest that for? Now we probably won’t get to practice. You need the practice as much as we do.” Narrowing his eyes towards Hinata he adds, “I really hope you didn’t spoil it for the rest of us who would like to practice.”

Kashikoi recognized the tone of voice directed at Hinata and growled in his direction ready to pounce on him at a moment’s notice. Jirou looked over at Kashikoi when he heard the rumbling growls and said, “STAY, Kashikoi.” Kashikoi stood down obediently though a bit reluctantly. Jirou faced Hinata again as though daring him to say something else. There was going to be a spar between them one of these days. Not today and not here though. This was a developing rivalry between them not helped by the Uchiha’s general way of behaving and speaking.​

[WC: 382]​
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Karasu waited as class was extended but the good news is that they all had passed the class. Now she wondered what Nao sensei was going to do next. She was happy to get the extra time in training. Nao Sensei had made clones for each of them. She listened as Nao Sensei corrected what Karasu had explained in her response that it would have pushed her away if she had too much chakra added. Karasu nodded “Yes Sensei” she said acknowledging she understood what he was saying. When the Sensei talked to Hinata he was surprised to hear him ask for a mock battle. Karasu was not surprised that the young Uchiha had said this. She knew he always liked to show his skills off.

The Sensei left it up to Jirou and Karasu to decide if they wanted to do a mock battle like Hinata wanted. Karasu thought about it hard. She looked toward Jirou and heard his thoughts on the matter. She listened as Jirou spoke to Hinata asking him why he mentioned a mock battle. Karasu started to speak though she could tell that Kashikoi was getting worked up probably by Jirou’s words. After Jirou finished and Kashikoi obeyed his master, Karasu finally got a word in. “Well the Sensei is right that we still have a ways to go before fully adapting to walking on water. I know he did the wave to challenge us and even that was not easy on us. We barely stayed afloat. I agree we can all use more practice. On the other hand, learning to adapt to any difficult situation is the way of the Shinobi. Maybe if we kept it all to Unarmed Taijutsu that would help us all to improve more. Taijutsu requires speed, which in turn would be a good learning moment in trying to keep our chakra balanced while staying on the water. “ she said, giving some points on both pro and con about having a mock battle. She looked at Nao Sensei “What did you have in mind for us first Sensei? If you don’t mind. That way it gives us a better choice on how to decide. As of right now I am undecided but I would like to know more please.” She said with her eyes becoming bigger in the hopes to hear what the Sensei would say.

[WC: 396]
Hinata looked at Jiroum listening to him speak

“I think that we still need more practice before we are ready to spar in a mock battle. Otherwise I think that we will all be going swimming and there won’t be much of a battle. I would much rather master water walking first. Isn’t that the way that training works? Walk before you run, then add increasingly difficult exercises until you master the skill.”

How he knew this to be true he thought for a moment as when he is approached by jirou he seemed shocked.
"Sorry I just find that Training while practicing such is easier...... Since as you train or fight, you would learn to naturally adjust such without thinking. How we mess up and fight we would naturally do it without thinking eventually......that is how i learned to walk on walls.....I did another kind of training on it and eventurally I didn't need to think about it anymore and it became natural"

He saw Karasu weigh the pros and cons out as indeed unarmed taijutsu would be the way to go as he spoke again.

"I would like to add the use of E to D rank Ninjutsu as well, nothing too dangerous, but as we fight using ninjutsu, we would be using chakra so we need to keep up the control of our chakra to stay standing as well."

He said as this is how he learned to walk on walls with ease, the constant risk of failure and focus of another topic, evenutally you end up not realizing it but your doing it naturally eventually.

As he had asked the question for what the others thought about it... He seemed to follow their words in the hope to get things in the clear. 1 was against, 1 was not sure and then there was hinita being battle-hungry like any other Uchiha he knew. Maybe... It was time for a little storytime.

"Okay... Sit down everyone, storytime..." he would actually already grab a smoke from his coat before returning, making sure that the smoke wouldn't blow towards them he would sit with the wind in his face.
As he lighted the smoke he would start.

"I never told anyone how I was trained at this... Maybe that is time for it now. Waterwalking, tree walking. It will come naturally even if it's just training. I was taught tree walking like any other shinobi, blow a few holes in trees, fall down a few times pretty hard. It took me a while to actually fully master till the point it became second nature... I got a new sensei after that. And for a matter of fact, things turned worse. I never knew how to swim... And he made sure that it was either a drown exercise or you stay afloat."

"On day one I had to receive emergency treatment because I breathed in the water... I couldn't stay afloat. On day two I was too panicked to really focus down on water walking. Day three, I managed to now drown anymore and get a hang on the chakra feeling. On day four, I finally stood on the water.Day 5... Torment of my teacher. He threw every jutsu in man's existence at me, leaving me to dodge, protect, and stay afloat. And he was merciless on that. Most of his training was radical like that. He would use different clones, to get different jutsu going at a time. One for air, one for water, one for the earth... and he would throw it all on you. All my classmates had already mastered it on day two... Only once I was jounin, I learned that they had a different method of getting taught... "

"Now if you want me to complicate it that much. That you will end up being chakra drained in the water waiting for a rescue... be my guest. but guessing from my own experience. With how this balancing chakra and all will go. The more jutsu you all will use now, the more it will bite back into it. If you guys really want a challenge, just say so... Because I can make it 100 times worse than that rumbling of a magnitude just now."

He looked to each and every one of them in the hope he reached through.
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Jirou listened to the story that Sensei Nao related. It was obvious to Jirou that Nao had been through a very rough time during his training. It sounded even worse than the frying pan to the head that Hinata had gotten from Asuka in the hospital. His final words stating that he “... can make it 100 times worse than that rumbling of a magnitude just now" held the seriousness of a promise that he would make good on. The fact that he was already feeling drained made him think twice about agreeing to what Hinata wanted to do. He certainly did not want to be fished from the tank, because he had collapsed from exhaustion. Still if Hinata wanted to be pummeled by the Sensei he wouldn’t be against watching. Jirou thought additional practice would be good but having a full on battle while trying to stay on the surface of the water seemed reckless at their current levels. He did not see it ending well. He answers the Professor after carefully weighing the options in his mind, “I think more practice with the turbulent waves would be good to help us become more adept at what we are doing.” Responding to what Karasu suggested he adds, “I do think that Unarmed Taijutsu would be the best means to improve our movements while on the surface of the water. I think we all have a ways to go before actually having a mock battle. But since Hinata really seems to want a battle against you, then maybe we can watch and see how he handles whatever you throw at him. That way he can learn how he feels most comfortable learning. We can also learn from watching him… if you would not be opposed to maybe having a separate clone or two helping me and maybe Karasu to practice off to the side.”
Jirou looks over towards Karasu to see if she would like to practice with him and watch Hinata fight the Sensei. “What do you think, Karasu? We can get in some practice while we watch Hinata have his mock battle up against Sensei Nao. I really hope we don’t end up having to carry him back home.” He gives a look over towards Hinata and Sensei Nao while he waits to see what they have to say. Kashikoi yips excitedly and inadvertently splashes the others while he waits.​
[WC: 401]​
Karasu listened as Nao Sensei told them a story on how he was trained. Karasu’s eyes got bigger as she heard how rough Nao Sensei’s Sensei was. ‘What were they gonna expect?’ she thought but listened on as the Sensei continued with the story. After he finished with the story he gave them the option again on what they wanted to do. Jirou was first to speak. He wanted to continue with the training in turbulent waves and possibly some unarmed Taijutsu like Karasu had mentioned before. He added that having some clones for them to learn from while Hinata fought Nao Sensei in a more challenging environment.

Karasu had a lot to think about. Now was the time to decide. She knew what Hinata wanted and also what Jirou wanted. Both were confident in their decisions which now left Karasu the undecided. She hated to be in the middle but she wasn’t going to let either Hinata or Jirou influence her on what decision to decide. She thought back to the story on how Nao Sensei learned. She really didn’t think that was going to make her better with keeping her chakra balanced and stay afloat. She saw herself as a drowned rat if she was in that situation.

She thought next on the idea of using Unarmed Taijutsu against clones and having turbulent waves like Nao Sensei did earlier. It would still be a challenge but they wouldn’t be put in a dire situation like Hinata wanted. ‘Hmm which to choose’ It was several moments but something triggered in her memory when Nao Sensei was speaking. “The more jutsu you all will use now, the more it will bite back into it.” It was the Sensei’s own words and it kept ringing in her mind. Karasu was always up for a challenge but she was also a strategist meaning she would always weigh in the pros and cons and figure out the best plan. It wasn’t that she was indecisive she was always trying to figure out things much like a puzzle. In her brain all mental notes moved around like a slide show showing her what everybody said. She nodded as she looked at everyone. “Right I get it now. I figured out what I want to do. I agree with Jirou. I think that having Nao Sensei use his clones to fight us in Unarmed Taijutsu while having turbulent waves is enough of a challenge. “ she looked at Hinata “I understand you learn from a certain kind of experience. I respect that but I don’t think that is best for me. It doesn’t mean that either choice is less than another. It’s just a preference that Myself and Jirou have.” She turned to Nao Sensei. “I hope that you are ok with the decision Sensei.”
He couldn't help but laugh some as he looked at their teacher.

"I guess I lose on this one, To be honest I suggested it because it is easier to learn in the heat of the moment, making a critical error that it engraves into you. So you know not to forget it. I seem to thrive in very such situations, that is why I suggested it."

He said as he knew he wasn't gonna get what he wanted but needing to master this technique was crucial to him, a skill he needed if he ever wants to become very strong. He said as his eyes looked at the others, Showing them a Fake Smile.

(SSorry for short reply, it will be longer next time)
He had been on a little storytelling moment with them, but it seemed like the words were reaching through a bit. He might be a medical ninja... but he was excelling a lot on Ninjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu. Yet it was their moment to talk about stuff now and think about... So he took the moment to start to stretch a little.

While he heard them out he was thinking through a few methods also. He would nod as they all had been speaking. "Alright then... Then I will do a set of clones... Elemental Clone.." With a few hand signs Nao made 3 other clones, the clones started to form from out of the water, giving it a water element to them. How fitting. "Alright... This is how we are going to do it... These clones only have a fracture of my real power... I will trigger the earthquake once more but all of my clones will target you with Kunai's" His eyes went sharp towards the Uchiha.
A clone nodded and started to walk towards the Uchiha to stand in front. Another clone started to stretch out and start to walk towards Inuzuka and his pet. "Now please do not hold this against me..." Said the clone as he started to pat the back of his head. The third clone picked up the Kunai out of the pocket and smile. "Let's see what you can do." Said the last one. All three started to pick a kunai so that they could block it if needed, that was if they were able to hit them at all... The first clone by Hinata started to speak. Soon after they had been taking their positions the rumbling of Nao's jutsu would start once more, but heavier so they really had to keep occupied already by the water movements.

OOC said:
Alright, so, to keep this an 'RP-modded-part'. I want each of you to do 3 rolls in the Discord server Ninpocho -> Bot-fun. I will get this by Rank going.
Each clone has 5 points. Each 1 hit is a 1 point. You guys get to roll 3x per post. Beating the clone will result in (near) mastery of this water walking. It will be up to you guys to showcase how to RP. The near in between brackets to leave it up to you guys.

Each of you need to make 3 dice rolls. The roll is the following
/r 1d100
. It will look as the following:
SidekickBOTToday at 6:42 PM
@• Owly • Nao • Rookie Sennin: 1d100 = (46) = 46

This roll resulted in me as 46.

Hinata said:
Dice results:
Hit = below 30
Block = 31 - 70
Miss = 71 - 100
Karasu said:
Dice results:
Block = below 30
Miss = 31 - 70
Hit = 71 - 100
Raijin said:
Dice results:
Miss = below 30
hit = 31 - 70
Block = 71 - 100

In your post you need to copy the rolls (I can still see them but we are going to paper trail them). You can spoiler them, quote them, which ever you wish.
If you do not include them, my next post will go over your hits/blocks or misses as misses only!

EDIT: You get 3 attempts per post, those 3 give a bit of knowledge about how your post should go against the clone!
Block means that the clone blocked your attack. Only hit counts to get him away
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[TD]Miss = below 30[/TD][TD](49) HIT[/TD]
[TD]Hit = 31 - 70[/TD][TD](49) HIT[/TD]
[TD]Block = 71 - 100[/TD][TD](69) HIT[/TD]
Listening to the responses from both Karasu and Hinata, Jirou now wondered at just what Sensei Nao would decide for them. No matter what he would face whatever was decided. He had to admit that he was impressed when he saw the Elemental water clones appear before them. There was one clone for each of them. So they would have to stay on the surface of the water while an earthquake jutsu and a water clone tried to drown them. What could possibly go wrong?​

Jirou listened to the Sensei closely, while he was explaining what he intended to do. This was the moment of truth and Jirou was not about to fail the challenge before them. Looking towards Kashikoi he tells him, “Get ready boy. We can do this.” He nodded towards the Elemental water clone and added, “I know it is not personal. This is just ‘business’.” As he said that it would seem as though that 'business' was exactly what Jirou was getting down to. Both Jirou and Kashikoi were already on all fours, their chakra surrounding them. Taking to all fours enabled them to attain greater speed and reflexes. It was then that Sensei Nao did the sign for the Earthquake jutsu which caused the water beneath them to move upwards in large waves and turbulence. As the power of the waves increased so did the savage determination of Jirou and Kashikoi. Jirou’s finger and toenails grew into claws. His canine teeth lengthened and his eyes became more wild in appearance with the pupils narrowing into slits. They moved as one across the turbulent waters.​

As they swayed and moved across the turbulent waters, Jirou managed to catch sight of the clone opposite him targeting a kunai in his direction. There was no way he was going to let him lock onto him and in a blur of motion there appeared a second Jirou where Kashikoi was. In a blur of motion they used the fang over fang maneuver to slam as hard as possible into the clone. It was certainly not easy, but the feral nature of the Inuzuka was unleashed against the clone. Both Jirou and Kashikoi, for all appearances now indistinguishable from Jirou, galloped across the waters at a blinding speed. It would no longer be clear who the boy was and who the beast was. They were indistinguishable in appearance from each other. With their speed and accuracy significantly enhanced and having crossed their paths over each other, they would now turn and face the clone ready to charge at him again. The clone was unable to block their onslaught as they moved with blinding speed against the clone in a hit and run motion that should make it difficult for the clone to follow their movements.​

Was this enough to overwhelm the clone? He knew that since the clone had a fraction of Sensei Nao’s power he was certainly no lightweight. Jirou had gone with his instincts and both he and Kashikoi stalked across the moving waters, the clone never leaving their gaze. They could not let their attention waver even once as they used the momentum of the waves to continue their attack against the water clone.​

[WC: 537]​
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Karasu looked at the Sensei wondering what he was going to decide on. Would it be Jirous answer that she did agree on afterwards or would it be Hinata’s answer instead. It could be that the Sensei could have an entirely different answer from them all. Karasu waited to hear though a bit anxiously. Karasu watched as Nao Sensei was thinking on all their answers when finally he came up with the result. Karasu listened with nervous anticipation. He said he was going to make three elemental clones one for each of them. As he said this, three clones identical to Nao Sensei appeared from the water. The only difference was they were water element versions of him.

Karasu was in awe at the clones and nodded to Nao Sensei in appreciation of how the clones looked. “Very nice Sensei” she said complimenting him. Nao Sensei added that the clones were only a fraction of his power. As he said this he included the earthquake jutsu that rumbled the water. Karasu was handing it well now that she got the hang of it. She had her chakra fused to the bottom of her feet and this time she didn't need to have her arms out to balance. Each clone went to each student. Karasu moved a bit further from Jirou and Hinata because she felt they would all need the room.

Karasu watched as Clone Nao Sensei took a kunai out and was ready to block. Karasu nodded and understood what was expected of her. Karasu reached for her katana off her back. She remembered back when she was in another class in this very situation. In a whisper she said to herself “Less is more” She built up speed as she charged at the Clone Sensei. She went to swing at him hoping she could push him back but the clone blocked her move. Karasu jumped out of the way as she cursed herself under her breath that she missed. She tried again this time hoping to use her quickness before swingin at the clone once again. As she swung the katana hit nothing but air. She missed again. She backed up this time needing to strategize on what to do next. Her attacks were not hitting. She had to admit the first two attempts were not her best because she wanted to make sure she was able to balance on the water. Maybe that’s where she went wrong. She was thinking way too much and not feeling. It needed to be natural. She realized she needed to have more chakra since most was allocated to her feet to stay afloat the turbulent waves that were about.

Karasu once again started to charge at the clone but this time she had an ace up her sleeve. The water was not bothering Karasu even though the waves were heavier. She allocated enough chakra so that she could balance and now was adjusting what she needed for any jutsu. Her using taijutsu techniques did help her. She wasn't even thinking about it as everything seemed to come more naturally now. Karasu pushed off the water thrusting higher with her katana attempting to make the clone launch into the air with her Flight Aerial Strike attempt. She thrusted as high as she could hoping to lift the clone up as high as she could then She swung her sword with all her might at the clone. She felt the impact as it hit the clone. As she now started to descend toward the rumbling water. She wasn’t sure if it was enough to make the clone disperse but she knew she got a good hit in.

[WC: 613 ]
[TD]Block = Below 30[/TD][TD](63) Miss[/TD]
[TD]Miss = 31 - 70[/TD][TD](29) Miss[/TD]
[TD]Hit = 71 - 100[/TD][TD](98) Hit[/TD]
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As Nao was focusing on the Jutsu he was casting and maintaining. The clones all went their ways.

It was astounding to see how the male was on all fours and started to gain more and more of their bloodline. The clone might not be looking like it, but it was actually soaking up information that it was raining right now. Yet the technique was something Nao personally hadn’t crossed with, so the clone also didn’t know exactly how to block and or dodge, resulting in gaining a heavy beating of the other. “Eah.. That is an odd one… I haven’t seen that before.” Said the clone as he wiped away a sweat that fell off the forehead. “3 hits… just 2 more and I am toast…” He muttered off later.

The other clone by Karasu seemed to have a bit easier. The first attack was blocked off by their kunai clashing onto each other, the second one the clone stepped to the side. “Try again.” It tried to encourage her to say those words. and at the third attack, it seemed like it finally was starting to work out. He himself got hit by the kunai. “Eah-- finally getting it! just 4 more.’ He would stand there, grinning and getting once more into position.

The third clone… wasn’t doing much altogether. It just stood there waiting on the Uchiha. “Do I have to play Fishing later? Fish out an Uchiha?” It tried to mock the little guy so it would move.

Okay… maybe I underestimate myself a little too…” the main Nao started to groan as he kept the jutsu up another round.

OOC said:
I forgot I said 5 points for each clone, sorry Jirou >.<;;

New dice rolls
Dice roll 1 = action 1.
Dice roll 2 = action 2.
Dice roll 3 = action 3.

The dice rolls “HIT” is getting larger once you hit the clone.
Raijin Jirou Dice rolls said:
3/5 Hit
Dice results:
Below 25 is a missed attack. Meaning that you missed the clone with an attack.
Between 26 and 80 is a hit.
Above 81 is a blocked attack. Meaning that the clone blocked your attack.

Nakano Karasu Dice rolls said:
1/5 hit
Dice results:
Below 25 is a blocked attack. Meaning that the clone blocked your attack.
Between 26 and 60 is a miss. Meaning that you missed the clone with an attack.
Above 61 is hit

Uchiha Hinata said:
0/5 hit
Dice results:
Hit = below 30
Block = 31 - 70
Miss = 71 - 100
For Hinata this is your first strike, 3 and you will be considered out of the topic. Normally I would follow the Site rules on it, 5 days out and you wouldn’t be counted in the topic, but I am giving you a shot here. Please get back active! Also, your dice rolls remained the same.
[TD]Miss = Below 25[/TD][TD](93) HIT[/TD]
[TD]Hit = 26 - 80[/TD][TD](39) HIT[/TD]
[TD]Block = Above 81[/TD][TD](25) HIT[/TD]
Jirou and Kashikoi had not really expected to be in a fight against one of Sensei Nao’s clones. Up to this point they had been training. Neither of them had been in any kind of battle. This was good practice for them. When they realized the effect that their first strikes had against the clone it made them even more determined to now try and finish this clone off.​
After their blows landed on the clone three times, Jirou and Kashikoi came around and once more they found themselves facing the clone of Nao. The clone was not yet down but he was clearly not expecting the strikes from Jirou and his clone Kashikoi. Looking towards each other they understood that they could not let up in their attacks if they were going to succeed against this clone. This time Jirou decided to up the stakes with a tunneling fang move directed at Sensei Nao’s clone. Kashikoi would do a fang over fang directed at the clone as well. Their hope is that this will be strong enough to take the clone out.​
Both of them had become very comfortable charging over the waves that had been generated. They built their speed up and charged head on into the clone. It was their goal that their momentum combined with the power of the tunneling fang and fang over fang was enough to finish the clone off. Running up to the crest of one of the waves, both Jirou and Kashikoi sprang forward with a blinding speed that the clone may not even see coming until it was too late. There was a determination in the Inuzuka boy and his companion that was not to be underestimated.​
[WC: 286]​
Karasu was having a hard time with the clone. She was doing fine with the chakra control and walking on water. At least that was finally under control but now she needed to make the clone disperse but wasn’t able to so far. She really was upset with herself. This was not the way she thought this would end up. She only got it once but that was not good enough. The clone mentioned that she had four more tires to defeat him. Karasu sighed but didn’t let up. She would never give up no matter how many tries she had to do. She glanced to see how the others were doing. Jirou and Kashikoi seem to have a better time but Hinata didn’t do much.

Karasu went after the clone again trying to strike at him with her katana hoping to make it go poof. The clone blocked her attack again, which made her curse herself under her breath. She needed to coordinate her attacks better. The next attack she swung her sword again hoping to sweep the legs from under the clone but somehow the clone blocked the attack again as if he was just playing with her. She was starting to hate Nao Sensei’s clone. She couldn't wait for it to be gone with. That means by any means necessary. So this time she decided to use a storm jutsu that was of her bloodline. It was all natural for her as a storm appeared and Karasu channeled it through her body. Her hair raises on ends before motioning her fingers to aim at the clone. This was a lot of power and she knew that she shouldn’t use it too much afterwards. But if she could get the clone at least one time it would be worth it.

The lighting storm struck the clone and Karasu watched as it struck the clone hard which made her smile. She got it but it took a lot out of her and she knew she had to restore her chakra. Doing her kekkei genkai techniques was a bit much especially since she rarely uses it outside of training. It was time again to get the next clone of Nao Sensei. She didn’t have it in her to do another strong jutsu like that just yet. She decided to go back to her katana which would conserve chakra. She was balancing well in the turbulent waves and using her katana would have to be what she uses to get the clone from here on out.

[TD]Below 25 = Clone blocked attack[/TD]
[TD]19 (Block)[/TD]
[TD]Between 26 - 60 = Missed Clone[/TD]
[TD]24 (Block)[/TD]
[TD]Above 61 = Hit[/TD]
[TD]93 (Hit)[/TD]
Nao himself had forgotten what sometimes maintaing a jutsu could cost, this was just the same as the last time. At this point he even wondered how long the kids were going at it.

The clone against the Inuzuka seemed to have a rather harsh struggle. the techniques they were using were something off the scale, but at the same time it was already quickly mastering the water walking.

Karasu seemed to do a bit worse then the other. "Keep breathing.." Said the clone in the hope she wasn't loosing courage. Nao did felt bad for her and as he looked towards the Uchiha... They seemed to be just talk and putting their pants full now.
"Since I took a mistaclulation using all this big jutsus in a row... multiple clones also... I am going to let JIrou help you out. Just do not help out that Uchiha there. They haven't even moved from their spot since this exersize started..."

The clone near the Uchiha was already sitting down, leaning on a hand a doing a yawn, just looking to the other clone already. "It's a long class..." He said as he remained seated throughout the waves.

New dice rolls
Dice roll 1 = action 1.
Dice roll 2 = action 2.
Dice roll 3 = action 3.

The dice rolls “HIT” is getting larger once you hit the clone.
Raijin Jirou Dice rolls said: you are done!
5/5 Hit = Clone poofed
Nakano Karasu Dice rolls said:
2/5 hit
Dice results:
Below 20 is a blocked attack. Meaning that the clone blocked your attack.
Between 21 and 50 is a miss. Meaning that you missed the clone with an attack.
Above 51 is hit
Uchiha Hinata said:
0/5 hit
Dice results:
Hit = below 30
Block = 31 - 70
Miss = 71 - 100

Hinata, this is your second strike and thus your LAST chance. You already are 10 days inactive in this topic while posting in other topics....
Jirou and Kashikoi watched as their clone vanished in a puff of smoke, “We did it Kashikoi. Great work.” When Jirou heard the sensei mention that he would allow them to help Karasu with her clone, they both made their way across the waves to help if needed. Pulling up just short of the interaction between Karasu and her clone, Jirou stopped and waited. He wanted to make sure that she actually needed their help before they moved in. Jirou knew if it was him he would want to try and beat the opponent on his own first. Besides he could see that she wasn’t knocked out or about to drown. Jirou made a decision that it wouldn’t hurt to watch first and make sure that she wanted them to help as opposed to just entering a scene that she already had under control.

Jirou knew that Karasu was certainly not helpless. He wanted to see his friend beat that clone into a puff of clone without needing his assistance. Jirou cheered her on and even Kashikoi yipped excitedly offering his own encouragement. This had been quite the work out and he was ready to stop by the ramen shop afterwards to get a bowl of ramen. With a flash of inspiration emerging from the growing boy’s hunger, Jirou calls over to the instructor and asks. “If Karasu beats this clone on her own what do you say you treat us all to ramen afterwards? I know I am hungry and I am sure that Karasu is too. Besides, I believe in her and I think she can beat her clone. So how about it, Sensei Nao?” He grins and waits for his answer while watching to see how his friend handles the clone.

[WC: 294]​
Karasu was trying to catch her breath as the Nao Clone said to her. She nodded as she knew that if she went any longer she would exhaust herself. Her storm jutsu worked earlier but it also had taken a lot of chakra to do. Also she was just getting the hang of water walking too. Karasu heard that Jirou was sent to help her but she held up her hand to her friend. “No please let me finish. I appreciate your help but this is something I need to do on my own if I’m ever going to be on a different level than I am now. “ she said her eyes were filled with determination.

Karasu was also filled with renewed energy as she looked at the clone Sensei. “You’re going down one way or another.” With her katana in hand and her speed faster than it was before, Karasu charged with a downward swing hoping she could get the shoulder of the clone. As she got closer she felt the contact that the sword had made. It was a clean hit and Karasu knew that her speed and quickness helped in the attack. Now she couldn’t let up. She needed to keep the attack going.

Her next attack was to counter with the other. She was in close quarters to the clone and needed to make sure that the clone wouldn’t get the upper hand or block her attack. With a side slash toward the abdomen area Karasu once again used her quick reflexes to attack the clone. She felt the impact once again as she got another hit in on the clone. She backed away after so that the cone wouldn’t get a hit on her. Her next attempt would hopefully be her last. She needed to get a good hit in to hopefully make the clone finally disperse. She had to admit this clone which wasn’t even close to having the true power of Nao Sensei was really tough. Imagine if she had to fight the real one. She knew she would have no chance if she struggled against the clone. This made her determined to get stronger. She needed to. She wanted to improve on all her weaknesses and strengths.

Karasu moved like a blur. She had upped her speed even more while maintaining her balance on the water. The water was still rumbling hard with high waves and tides. Karasu felt she now had it all down. Now it was time to get rid of the clone once and for all. She was coming in hot and super fast. Her sword was swung in a diagonal upward motion hoping to aim from the clone’s waist to its shoulder. As she swung she knew from the very moment that it would connect. Her momentum carried her forward. A smile came upon her face as she knew she succeeded.

Below 20 = Clone Blocked Attack97 (Hit)
Between 21 - 50 = Missed Clone88 (Hit)
Above 51 = Hit60 (Hit)
Nao himself started to order the other clone to take Hinata away, as she failed this part of the class and was now out. "You can return once you have apologized towards Jirou and Karasu after that me, first you set a big mouth. Then we get a solid replacement idea and you decided not to do something. For now, you are dismissed and not to return anymore today." His words were firm and a moment later the clone would drag off the male from the water and place just at the edge of the academy. The clone there would vanish.

Now he had the time to act and react to those who really wanted to continue the class namely Jirou and Karasu. It seemed that the little female was more feisty than Nao had thought at first. There was a huge ton of willpower in that body packed away. "Hmm.." It piqued his interest. As she started to attack the clone, he could see she was 'forgetting' about the focusing down, letting it act more like a natural way. "Seems right." The clone said as he had a cut on his gut now too. Yet the clone never made a movement to attack the girl. Yet it was a good reaction in case something would have come at her. Perhaps for Jirou she moved like a blur but Nao would be able to follow, the clone had a bit more trouble of that. And once the clone was hit on the waist, it already poofed away before it reached the shoulder.

'Congratulations!" He would say, but just as he was about to stop the earthquake and want to walk up to them. The sturdy wall had given weight under the long amount of earthquake below it. Not to mention the water it had been holding back. In a rapid motion, Nao attempted to grab the two, if he got them both or just one. He would jump towards the academy ground where it would be safe and place them down. If he had no one he would look at their damage later. "...." Nao kept silent as he saw all the water move towards the academy house itself, already water streaming inside. "So... Uhm..." He would tilt his head. "You guys did great honestly." He would smile proudly towards the two others. "Keep this up and you will reach higher in no time," Nao said and nodded a few times.

ooc said:
Hinata has been removed from this topic, as she stated she wouldn't be able to keep this up due to IRL matters.

Congratulations both!
Just to have a slight idea of how these clones were regards of HP (just for fun)
The main body has 42.600HP Now C-Rank jutsu Elemental clone is 17%Hp of the main user, but because I made 3 clones they were only 2.414hp total. This isn't even 10% of the real... damn... Now I need to reconsider that jutsu...

I increased the damage you did on those hits just for this class ;)
Jirou had been watching how quickly Karasu was moving. He was able to follow the motion with his eyes and when the clone finally went poof in a cloud of smoke, Jirou clapped his hands together. “I knew you could do it.” He smiled to himself happy that they had both defeated their clones. Next he wanted to know if Sensei Nao was going to treat the three of them to raman. He thought that it was a reasonable request that he was about to repeat.

He was holding his own on the surface of the water when he felt a sudden jolt beneath his feet. The water started rushing towards the Academy and out from under their feet. He realized that the wall must have given way under the weight of the water. Jirou and Kashikoi both thought very fast as they surfed down on the tidal wave headed straight for the Academy. Without hesitation Jirou and Kashikoi leapt down off of the wave landing with a roll away from the rushing waters that now poured through the Academy doors. Once they got to their feet, the water also rushing around their ankles, Jirou and Kashikoi looked their eyes wide at the flooded Academy. “That does not look good at all. I hope there was no one inside at the time.” Jirou looked around for the Sensei and once he saw that he had landed not too far away from them he said hopefully, “Maybe the Hokage won’t notice. I mean it will dry out eventually.” It was at that point that Jirou has a rather inspired idea, “I won’t say anything if you were to say... treat the three of us to dinner at the ramen shop? The Hokage can’t be too mad if she doesn’t know what happened. Maybe a pipe or two broke in the bathrooms?” Jirou would grin and look over towards Karasu hoping that she might agree to keep silent, “You won’t tell anyone will you?” He looked towards Sensei Nao smiling and hoping that he might agree to what he was proposing. “What do you say, Sensei? You might be hungry too. Regardless, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to help us further. I do feel a lot better about walking and even fighting on water. I hope we will get to work together again soon.” He watches the Sensei hopeful that he will agree to pay for their meals at the ramen shop.

[WC: 414]​
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Karasu knew when she heard the poof sound that the clone of Nao Sensei had dispersed. Her sword didn’t even need to reach the shoulder area before the clone poofed. A smile was on her face. It was a struggle at first but she slowly got the hang of it. She never gave up no matter how much adversity she went through. She turned to Nao Sensei as he congratulated her. “Thank you I must say those clones are pretty tough. I do love challenges. I’m glad I was able to do this on my own without any help.” she turned to Jirou. Thanks for staying back. That was probably the best help you could have done. If I couldn’t do it on my own then my strength and any efforts I did were not good enough. I know I will still have a long way to go but I am on my way.” she grinned tiredly.

All of a sudden she felt an earthquake. The water which was rumbling even more rapidly than before. She needed to get to safety. The wall that Nao Sensei made earlier had given way to the rapid water. She knew the ground was to her right and used her quick reflexes to jump to the ground and with a acrobatic flip so that she wouldn’t get swept in the tidal wave of the water that was now encompassing the academy. She looked on at the damage then said. “Oh wonder how much that’s gonna cost to fix.” she squinted. “I have a feeling the Hokage might have puppies over this but I wont say a thing.” a small giggle could be heard from her. She turned to Jirou and Kashikoi to see if they got to safety. “Looks like we all made it. I’m pretty hungry and could use a nap too.“ she giggled “Thank you Sensei for the class. I know it ran longer than expected but I do appreciate you taking the time to teach us. I feel more confident with the water walking and in combat too.”

Current Ninpocho Time:
