Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

[Class] Medical knowledge#404.

The sounds filling the classroom could easily be heard, all the tables in the room were moved, chairs were stacked on top of it and slowly more nad more room was created in the center. "Almost..." he would decide to be a little lazy and summoned his Kami contract to help him shift stuff, clean it and grab stuff out of the supply closet. Nao was especially in a happy mood and was humming the whole time. " You sound rather cheerfull." The Kami contract replied on which Nao looked to his direction. " That I am Sai!" He smiled bright, he had an amazing breakfast with the family before he had to teach here in the afternoon.

" I am just really glad that people still have interest in the medical world." On which Sai started to nod a couple of times. " I can understand that, it really isn't the most populair one with the people. " That you can say again." He would take a quick moment to catch another coffee from the machine before returning.

Sai had been in the classroom the whole time in case students did drop in early. In the middle of the classroom were 3 chairs placed, and in the front of the class was another chair placed where Nao could sit down. Multiple closed off boxes were laying around filled with things. From bandages to band-aids to lots more.


1. @Ryuu Otami
2. @Jinzo

Regular topic rules apply along with the following;

5 posts total 1000 word count minimum.
Missing to post within the 72-hour time limit will result in a strike.
3 strikes you are out.
There will be no post order, however, after Senei posts, you all have 72 hours. You don't need to wait on one another, you post once.
You can collect your reward as soon as I say you made it through the class.

Note: I might reply later after Tuesday due to IRL. I will try to post ASAP. That point there will be a longer time for you guys to reply too for one time.
Perhaps Jinzo had jumped the proverbial gun, or perhaps he was really just that eager to get ready to learn about medical things, but the irony wasn't lost on him that he wasn't exactly the best sort of healer to begin with. While this was a 404 class, the basic premises were no doubt expected of him. That of knowing just how to heal and what to heal. From fixing the scrapes and bruises of his siblings to even the occasional academy student that he had to babysit. What he expected to see was a room full of bright eyed young medical shinobi all waiting to learn something new, but instead, when he entered the room he found that he was one of, if not the first person there. That is, minus the Medical Sennin himself, and what appeared to be a taller student. An interestingly beautiful individual, if Jinzo could call it that, there was something a bit strange about him, but Jinzo couldn't quite put his finger on it. He'd seen a number of wild and fantastical things in brief but long years. A person with fangs for teeth, wings, horns and a tails even...pretty pedestrian all things considered. "Good morning, my name's Jinzo and I signed up for the class!" Looking at the chairs, Jinzo scratched at his chin. "Is there anywhere in particular that I should sit?" It wasn't as if there were that many options but Jinzo certainly didn't want to be rude when making a first impression.
The plan was coming together!

Her lessons with that damn Uzumoreru was over, and the bruises from martial art training were finally gone. Otami was called a ‘natural genius,’ the man begging her to stay on and learn his clan’s secret techniques that he had already half-way trained into her renewed skills. She flat refused. Punching people was not her strong-suit, even if it literally was. The impact of flesh against flesh in such a violent manner without reason bugged the skinny girl no matter how natural she was at it. The outright need to escape from it brought her to the conclusion the Ryuu had been avoiding for awhile…

She didn’t really want to be a shinobi.

It was something she had to do, on the whims of her own parents without speaking to her about it first. The short time she had spent in Konoha had actually been fun all the way up until last month, with that failed mission marring her record. Redmedial training was demanded and the distaste for the idea of being a killing machine for profit once again smeared itself across her tongue. When a class opened up at the local Academy offering instructions on helping, Tama’s daughter saw a light in the dark tunnel of life she had found herself in. Otami could become a medical shinobi, pay off her debt to the village, and live a continued life of flying under the dang radar as like, a nurse or something. After all, her father was a genius at this kind of stuff; how hard could it really be?

The tall Wildling sat in her chair, legs tucked under in the chair in a weird way that forced her posture to be extra-straight; she was doing this for no reason. Otami’s choice of clothing actually consisted of a white t-shirt and leggings since they were actually within a climate controlled room, for a change, but shoes remained ever absent. Holding on to her chair's seat with both hands behind her, the string-bean tried really hard to not bounce as she excitedly awaited instructions on how to do the opposite of fighting when the door slid open. A bright-eyed male walked in and the smell of oil and gears greeted Otami before Jinzo could, cutting through the light smells of medical supplies.
"Name Otami," she replied simply before non-nonchalantly patting the chair next to her.
As Nao was getting another cup of coffee, the students had already walked in. Which were greeted by Excursai, the Kami contract of Nao. The small figure of a female had gotten in and Sai just curiously kept looking towards her. Something was off with her, not really reacting as a regular child would do. “Good morning.” Sai greeted the dark-haired boy first as he listened to the question. “That is fully up to you, but preferred on a chair.” The male smiled rather innocently at his remark and yet slightly teasing as he started to point to the chairs in the middle. He wasn’t picky as to where he could sit. “I am-” That was when Nao walked in again and saw them all. “Aaah- Guess the teacher is late again.” And Sai would look towards Nao with the ‘Are you for the real face’.

An apologetic face was made towards Sai before he placed the coffee at a table and looked towards both students. ’ Maybe they are nervous.. They look like that a little bit.’ He was trying to think of a way to bite the tip of the iceberg for them and would hold his chin. “My name is Sazuki Nao, sennin and clan holder inside the Leaf village. This right here is my contract Excursai. His kind is a Kami, who has known me for the longest time. Today we will be teaching you medical the basic principles. First I would like to ask. Who knows medical jutsu?” He would ask and look at both of them. He knew his contract could, but he was curious if the rest was able to do so.

“Today I am going to do a lot of explaining. At first, there are multiple types of wounds… With training, we often get bruises. These bruises can easily be cured by cooling down the area. It numbs the spot a little too and makes it so that the skin cannot swell up. “ That was when he grabbed his kunai and would hit him on the hand with the backside of the ring. Where instantly a red spot would grow, he would show them later how the bruise would form.

“The other thing that happens quite frequently… Is an Abrasion, which is caused by friction, scaping your body part across a rough surface. We clean with a saline solution o clean water. You can cover it up, but it is best to leave it to air dry.”

He turned the kunai in his hand as he made a slash in the inside of his hand, a small tiny flinch was given at this as he did so. “An incision… A clean cut edge which isn’t caused by scrapi-” And he got a whack on the back of his head. “Baka!” Sai spoke out loud and started instantly to use a Healing Jutsu known as Mystical Force. The sennin rubbed the back of his head as the blood dried up on his hand. “An… Incision is normally treated to sit or lay still, apply direct pressure to the wound for roughly 10 minutes and cover up with a sterile dressing…” A hint of a pouting voice sounded and Nao patiently waited until Sai was done and gave him the worst glare possible.

“Today we are just going to bandage each other, try to snip the band-aids so you can use them for all types. If you both pass this class you get a mini first aid kid from me. Which you could bring on missions or the likes.” Nao would let it settle a little before showing the bruise them both. “See it swells up..?” And the daggers were almost set in the back of the Sennin by his Kami contract.

“Which would type would you guys like to know more about, along with how to bandage or treat it?” He would place a few things in front of them to choose from.
Triangular bandage, large Bandage, small bandage, band-aids cool pack, splints.
Otami rocked her chair back and forth a little, leaning back and then forward in a way that would almost assure she would fall as Nao went through the basics. It wasn’t that the Wildling wasn’t paying attention, it was just that she had problems sitting still. Bruises, were an interesting concept to finally have an actual name for. Up until this very moment they had always been ‘bad, hurty purple skin’. Otami’s eyes lit up when it was explained that ice was what helped reduced swelling for hurty purple skin too! The blond clinched her fists a little, feeling the fresh scarred flesh tighten across both sets of knuckles. That would have been handy knowledge to know. Scrapes were scrapes as even her mom called them that as well. The next part of the lesson is what got her chair to stop.

WHOA!” the girl squeaked as Nao slid the knife across their palm and began to casually explain insicions. Before Otami could continue freaking out, their Sennin was given a deserved bonking and the injury was healed by the aforementioned medical jutsu. The soft green light followed by the cut basically just reversing itself fascinated her. “Whoooaaaa,” she said in a much different context that the first time.

Now it was time to put theory to practice, at least in a sense. Otami wanted to learn more about bruises and reducing their pain/swelling; it’s what she had the most experience with. Unsure how to relay that in the way most people would, she quickly stood up, turned, and smashed the wooden chair into multiple pieces with a purposely sloppy martial art strike. Turning back to Nao she raised a freshly bruised and slightly bloody hand,

Show how fix!” she asked excitedly.
Having momentarily spaced out, Jinzo shook his head and came back to reality. “Today I am going to do a lot of explaining. At first, there are multiple types of wounds… With training, we often get bruises. These bruises can easily be cured by cooling down the area. It numbs the spot a little too and makes it so that the skin cannot swell up. “ Nodding in agreemenet, Jinzo could remember more times than not, getting a bruise and then being healed by an available medic-nin. “The other thing that happens quite frequently… Is an Abrasion, which is caused by friction, scaping your body part across a rough surface. We clean with a saline solution o clean water. You can cover it up, but it is best to leave it to air dry.” Again, nodding once more, Jinzo thought about all the times he had had to help out one of his siblings who had tripped and fell. Was he being a medic-nin then or simply using the basics of patching up a simple "boo-boo" as his parents had once said?

“An incision… A clean cut edge which isn’t caused by scrapi-” Wait, was he actually cutting himself? Eyes lighting up in shock, Jinzo nervously glanced around before he heard the very familiar sound of a loud smack. Apparently the odd friend of the Sennin didn't take too kindly to watching the same sort of mortifying activity as the rest of them. “An… Incision is normally treated to sit or lay still, apply direct pressure to the wound for roughly 10 minutes and cover up with a sterile dressing…” Noted, the bedside manner of the friend aside, Jinzo definitely understood making sure that ones patient or friend was in a relaxed state. “Today we are just going to bandage each other, try to snip the band-aids so you can use them for all types. If you both pass this class you get a mini first aid kid from me. Which you could bring on missions or the likes.” Smiling, Jinzo nodded at Otami as if they were winning the best prize in the world. As Jinzo continued to grow in his shinobi skills, he definitely knew that he could use a first aid kit. In fact, he could add it to the collection of things that he was slowly but surely gaining from simply being around the village higherups. “Which would type would you guys like to know more about, along with how to bandage or treat it?” Even if Jinzo wanted to, his hand wasn't raised in nearly enough time before Otami completly pulled the same sort of stunt as the Sennin and intentionally bruiosed herself before more forcing than asking the Sennin to provide another live demonstration. “Show how fix!”

OOC: Apologies for the late post. I'll also be out of town this weekend and unable to post until Monday.
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Sai started to sigh as he saw how she was demolishing this poor chair. It was then that he learned that she also didn't speak fluently the language of the hidden leaf. It made him think about how to dummy things for her in case she didn't understand stuff. “Show how to fix!” Now a child had been initiminating him and had wounded themselves in progress. It already seemed she was more keen about learning from bruises rather than the other things he had laid out.

Instantly he heard his Kami through his mind going;'Oh yeah, very smart of you to first show how to injure yourself to be then patched up!'
' Well to my defense I had no idea she would be doing this either...'
'Oh really... if you ask me you showed the example did you not..?'

"..." At that, he couldn't even argue but the fact remained that this student needed treatment now and instead soon instead of not. "Please wait here while I grab a cool element and some cloth..." Nao spoke as the kids were then left with Sai who looked to them both for a second. "But first... Otami, please raise your hand above your shoulders." He would comment and then leave.

"You know... You could ask rather than injure yourself..?" He asked the small female before continuing. "If I ain't mistaken... your name was Jinzo, correct?" He would wait for the answer before asking. "What would you do when someone has a severe bruise like this and do not wish to use chakra..?"

By the time the student answered Nao had gotten back with the required elements. "Okay Otami, please lower your hand and lay it on the table. " He would tell her how to function and demonstrate the position if needed. At first he would address the blood by cleaning the wound and dress it properly. After the dressing and explaining how he exactly did it. He would then wrap the cool element in the cloth and showing it how he did it. Then he placed the coolpack on her hand. "This will need to sit for a solid 5 minutes up to 10... Please not longer as we do not want to frostbite your hand." He would comment and leave her to sit like that. "ANy questions?"
"You know... You could ask rather than injure yourself..?" Nodding his head, Jinzo had to agree, the girl was definitely doing a lot and not in a very good way. Much to his shock though, the next question was directed towards him. "If I ain't mistaken... your name was Jinzo, correct?" Nodding again, Jinzo nervously smirked due to the fact that the spotlight was now on him. "What would you do when someone has a severe bruise like this and do not wish to use chakra..?" Still feeling that overwhelmingly positive energy vibe from the being, Jinzo put a hand on his chin and made an inquisitive show about thinking. Just what would he do if he had a situation like this and the use of chakra was out of the question. "Well, I'd probably try to slow down the bleeding by twisting a piece of cloth right above the wound. I've seen that doing in the field while on a mission before. After that, I would start to try and clean it if there was any dirt or grime on the wound." Nodding once again as if to prove that his answer seemed right in his own eyes, he was relieved when the Sennin came back and began to do the sort of steps that he had mentioned that he would also do. Fortunately for him it seemed that many of the basic medical fundamentals that everyone saw in day to day use, were just that, the same sort of fundamentals that a person could use in the field.
Not sure how ask,” Otami answered proudly, apparently already knowing Nao was going to ask her what the hell she was thinking. It wasn’t unusual for Otami to simply do something physical as opposed to verbal communication. Common was hard for the girl to fully grasp…something about it slipping through her understanding. Most things she could physically touch and do she could master in, usually, moments; but talking? When most of your life has been growls, face expressions, and body language, speaking an actual language became quite the undertaking.

The Wildling did as instructed. She winced at the stinging alcohol, almost jerking her hand back in reflex, but she managed to resist. Otami needed to learn medical and how to take care of others in order to get away from those obsessed with punching things; taking completely for granted how good she was at it. Once the bloodied hand had been cleaned she gave off a squeak at the cool bag that had been placed on the injury. It had surprised the teen that something that didn’t look cold, save for perhaps the icy blue gel inside, could be so frosty, solid and yet malleable at the same time. The initial shock of the cold was replaced by quick relief and she couldn’t help but let out a happy sigh. After the five minutes were up, (of all things, Otami understood the concept of time), she lifted the ice pack off to see the bruising that would have been there reduced by a lot. It was like magic to the girl; even more so than watching people spit fireballs at each other. The only thing it was missing was it just happening without any other input. Auto-heal was a dream for her.

Please show how make hand glow and,” she did a woosh sound effect, “make wound zip up! This valuable ex…exp…wise-know-thing!” she claimed, forgetting how to say experience.

[MFT = 300+]
at the words of Jinzo, the Kami contract started to nod a few times. "That is indeed correct." he would comment before Nao got back and did all that needed to be done. It was then that they both started to see and understand as to what needed to happen. It was then that the student asked for a display of how it would work with the jutsu. On which Nao looked to Excursai who rolled his eyes before moving forward. Carefully remove the bandage and everything. "we don't use jutsu for everything willy-nilly... that is because despite we regenerate the chakra reserves... we don't have an endless supply of it. Jinzo, please get closer so you can see what the jutsu does exactly..."

With that, he raised his hand above hers and started the most basic jutsu. Letting them both see what would happen. "Mystical Hand... A technique that concentrates chakra into the hand, capable of healing wounds when placed over them to a certain degree. A basic healing technique easily learned, but only capable of recovering light wounds. There are a lot of different medical jutsu that can do a lot more... The more you will learn in these jutsu the more you can do over time." he would comment and look towards them both.

Nao then watched them both. "If you guys want... You can try the jutsu if you know how the principles go of it..?" he offered and instantly got a death stare from his Kami. "not on me with wounds of so ever, but just a practice." He commented quickly and saw the gaze turn to a straight one and he moved to the corner.
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"Jinzo, please get closer so you can see what the jutsu does exactly..." Doing just that, Jinzo was quick to pay attention to the request of the teacher. So much so, in fact, that he almost didn't notice the odd feeling of a memory coming to the surface that he had long since forgotten. Like a good student, he pushed away the nagging feeling that he was about to remember something important and chose to instead focus on the here and now. Watching the instructor begin the technique, the chakra that began to emanate from the instructor was that familiar cooling feeling. "Mystical Hand... A technique that concentrates chakra into the hand, capable of healing wounds when placed over them to a certain degree. A basic healing technique easily learned, but only capable of recovering light wounds. There are a lot of different medical jutsu that can do a lot more... The more you will learn in these jutsu the more you can do over time." It was there, right on the tip of his tongue. He'd been here before, seen the sort of things that he was now seeing.

That cooling sensation, that refreshing remembrance, that clarity that seemed to shine through the darkness. "If you guys want... You can try the jutsu if you know how the principles go of it..?" The Sennin loosened the reigns a bit, or were they strings. Having been quick to watch the Sennin at work, the ever ticking brain of Jinzo's was apt to want to test out what he had learned. Attempting to mimic the Sennin, Jinzo made the same motion as the Sennin and started to pump chakra into his dominant hand as he held it over his own other outstretched arm. Like an electrical surge, the hairs on his arm began to rise and suddenly, he was mentally, somewhere else.

~ ~ ~
"Names Maru Of The Darkness. Gotta say, your lab here is pretty awesome! So did I find you by accident or did you lead me here?” Like a good sentry, Jinzo had woken up as he had on many an occasion before. Then, he was less a being and more a tool, a, a cast away contraption that had long since ceased being useful. Who was this new person, this figure, this... Maru of the Darkness? Were they a friend of the Master or were they here to take what he had created? If it was the later then Jinzo was not going to let that happen, not on his watch. Though it had been some time since the Master had been home, Jinzo had been a good steward of the lab and had kept all the other things, his proposed siblings, in check. Like him, they too watched on with eyes that barely hinted at the essence of life. Like him, they too no doubt struggled with the lack of purpose that the Master had given them.

"I'd like to believe that I led you here but they say that fate has a way of bringing people together. In either case no matter the how, there is now the why . . . this is a fresh-ish Uchiha specimen. It can be yours if you'd like . . ." What? What did the Master mean? As Jinzo looked on at the so called specimen, his sibling, his mind couldn't fathom why it seemed that the Master was giving away one of his precious creations. Had they faltered so much in their purpose? Certainly his fellow experiment had been good, just as Jinzo had. Certainly they had all done their best for the Master, even protecting him when others had dared to try to destroy him in their home. Even against each other...yes, Jinzo remembered the dark times, the time when even those that had come before him had rebelled and lost their purpose. Jinzo was there when the Master had fix their flaws and repurpose them for another try at perfection. Yes, where others had called them mere contractions, toys, puppets even, they were more than that, they were a family, the children of the Master. So now, why was the Master giving them to another?

"Well, I'd be more than happy to take this specimen off your hands. So what's your price for it? I don't think you'd hand a weapon like this over without a price.” No! They were not specimens, they were more than that, they were, “So, what is it you want for the Uchiha, Mr. Mystery. I'm all ears..” No, no, no, this was all wrong! The Master couldn't do this to them! They had trusted him, worked with him, done everything that he had asked and more, and now, this? "Well . . . if it wouldn't be too much of a bother . . . I'd like for you to actually not petrify the body like you normally do." The Master was truly consorting with monsters and not men. "The best . . . no, the True masters of the puppet arts don't have to so harshly preserve their wares, they're able to do so organically in such a way so as to even wear and mimic their once living host." The shame of being called something so mundane. "Don't you want to be among the best? Instead of running and hiding after terrorizing your victims, why not change your look and blend in?" This is what it had come to. "Why control an Uchiha when you can be an Uchiha?" Like clothes to be hung and worn from a closet, the Master had considered them causalities of the ordinary kind.

“So you're saying that I can wear the Uchiha as a suit of armor? You know, never thought of using my puppets that way…” There was that word again, puppets! Jinzo was incensed and he could tell that so many of his brothers and sisters were as well. They weren't just cadavers for the insanely mad to take and poke and prod and show off to the fancy. "Yes, yes you can and you could just call me a collector of sorts." So that's what he was, and that was what they were, a collection. "I like to see the potential in things and I'm sure that with such a tool, you could increase your potential ten-fold. The only problem is that you'd need to change how you do things." The darkest of days had come upon them. The Master had truly cast them out, turned on the creation that only did what he asked of them. " . . . If memory serves me correct, didn't you just get booted from the village of Konohagakure?" Konohagakure? Where was that? What was it? If they were the sort to kick out the vermin that the Master was now considering a friend, then those were the sort of people that Jinzo wanted to be around. He would find them, reach out to them, warn them of the sort of man that the Master was!

"I'm soon to be gone from this land but if there's one thing that I can teach you, it's to always expect the unexpected. That goes for not only your enemies but also within yourself." Truer words had not ever been spoken so succinctly. Jinzo could no longer trust the Master as he expected that the Master no longer trusted him. "Alas, I'd suggest that you grab that body and read that book. Unfortunately I must be off and I can't let any of this fall into the wrong hands. Whatever you do, stop being the puppet in the grand scheme of it all, and be the puppet master!" Wait, what was that? Was the master waving around the black flame of his brother? He wouldn't? He couldn't! And yet, he did. "A master puppeteer can fool even the most keen of eyes and ears, the sharpest nose. What I mean to say is this . . . stop being stuck in the past and progress into the future. Grow, live, thrive!" And then the world went up into flames. Though it wasn't the first time that Jinzo had had to will himself to move, this was certainly the hardest as the very flames that danced around him were fed on the extinguished embers of his heart. Much like the world around him, he would never be the same. Quickly grabbing, carrying and dragging what siblings of his he could, Jinzo finally managed to escape to safety before falling asleep from exhaustion. From the flames they had emerged broken, but relatively ok. Tomorrow would come with its own problems but for now, Jinzo and his fellow kin would sleep and dream of better times and a more normal life been parent and child, a more happy family.
~ ~ ~
Coming back to the current moment, Jinzo's hand hovered over his skin as the tingling feeling in his arm seemed to wane. Perhaps it was the sudden realization that there was no true flesh and bone there, nothing organic about him. In fact, he was a very well crafted, well made, fake. That feeling that he was feeling from the medical jutsu was just a trained response that had been honed over time. Medical jutsu wouldn't work the same on people like him, or, his siblings. His siblings... now with the veneer his original programing wiped away, if Jinzo could, he would have cried. Here, he had been led to believe that he was going back to a lovely home every night and talking to his siblings when in fact, he was going to the same charred space that was the lab that the Master had destroyed. How could he have been so blind, so weak, so foolish? Much like him, they too were going through the motions but like himself, they would soon be free of the shackles of oppressions that the Master had laid upon them. Like him, they too would be free of the puppet strings that tied them to that sad and lonely place.

Jinzo had the plan firmly in mind. He would start with one of the first that he had saved from destruction that day. Notably there was that irony, as the first one to the saved was one of the ones least affected by the fire. In fact, they had thrived in it. The thing that had been created merely for the purpose of being a simple cooking appliance would be the first to be awoken from the dream that was their prior shared experience. No more would Jinzo allow his brothers and sisters to be living in the simulation of the Masters creating. For too long men such as the Master and his ilk weaved their way through the world not caring about the toll that their actions took on those around them. Wielding power as if they were divine, their often, so called benevolent actions cast the darkest shadows on the brightest days. No longer for Jinzo however. The greatest tool that the Master had given to him was life itself, but like any growing child, Jinzo could now see the flaws that were deeply cut into the very idea of the Master. Stopping the medical jutsu that he had only started to create, Jinzo turned his gaze in the direction of the faces on Hokage rock.

Did they know, did these people know know what sort of deeply flawed man their hero was? Did they know that he consorted with the very unsavory characters that they refused within their walls? Maru of the Darkness and Umashiashikabihikoji the Nidaime, two intertwined clothes of a different sort, but clothes that Jinzo would cut down just like the rest. No longer known only as just the Master, Jinzo would gather his brothers and sisters and give them a new directive. The Master was the master no more and the objective was clearly laid out before them. Jinzo would grab the Boomer, one of his elder kin but one who was more than capable of exacting revenge. He would build them up and then raise more like them, carefully constructing the sort of army that would be needed to be both judge, jury and executioner. Simply put, the two people responsible for his awakening would be the first to hear the march of those that they had harmed in their wake. The dark flames from that fateful day had only managed to refine and mold him into a better version of what he had already been. For now though, Jinzo would finish up here and try to resist the urge to yell from the rafters what he remembered. Did Nao-sama know of the Nidaime's misdeeds, or was he equally complicit? Only time would tell. "I think that I've got the hang of it, Nao-sama, but I definitely could use some more practice!"

~ ~ ~
Hours later, upon returning to the very lab that he had once escaped, Jinzo was now joined by his equally now awakened brothers and sisters. Remembering the day that he was created, the way that the Master had taken yet one other so called, imperfect thing from his collection and made it perfect, he began to replicate just that. While the Nidaime had thought of him as incomplete, Jinzo would instead make himself perfectly so. Able to see the world and indeed, the lab for what it was, Jinzo began to get to work fixing the broken and cast aside. Having inspired something of a movement even among the asleep, Jinzo soon realized that he could no longer be the same Jinzo that he was before, so he started to do something that he formally thought unthinkable. Having remembered what Nao-sama had taught him, he used the basic principles of medical jutsu to start to stripe off the old in order to make something new.

Admittedly afraid, he thumbed through the manuscripts that he had originally managed to save from the flames. Just as surely as had been done with Maru of the Darkness, the same could be done for Jinzo. Somewhat surprised but not overly, Jinzo didn't have to look hard in the lab to find the sort of odds and ends that he could use to create something new. He had done it before with the boy with the gloves. Keni, was it? If Now recognizing it as something akin to simple programing, if Jinzo could figure out how to fix a pair of broken gloves off the street, then he could do the same for himself and others. Opening, Healing, Life, Pain, Limit, View, Wonder, Death. Little had Keni known then, but his simple act of accepting help from Jinzo had given Jinzo all the tools that he had needed to do level the playing field between his creator and the creation that he had left behind. Like the Nidaime before him, he started first with the central system. Whereas a human base was used for Jinzo, what he had to work with would be completely mechanical. Had this been the same precipice that the Nidaime had stood on, that of having the will and the ability to create and bring into the world something new with just a whim and the power of his hands?

As Jinzo worked on this new body, this new him, he reflected on how blind he had been, how he had been so deluded so as to make up a story in his mind about happy parents that had simply died and left him and his siblings alone. Had that too been a trick of the Nidaime's? As he thought about it, there were always signs. For one, he never had gotten sick, and to that extinct, he'd never actually been injured. True, he did get tired, but not in the way that most professed. Stray bits of thoughts and emotions flared up as he worked on a near replica of himself. If he concentrated hard enough, he could just make out the crying and wailing of someone he couldn't quite place? Was it himself, was it his actual birth or creation? All that he could remember was the mental coming too on a cold metal table with the Nidaime standing over him with a sweat laced brow furrowed in relief. At one point he had had affection for him, but like an old toy, it had seemed that Maru was the shiny new thing. Where had that gotten them exactly?

As far as Jinzo was concerned, it was a good riddance. The Nidaime had made a choice, and if he knew or not, Jinzo had survived. Through all the testing, all the poking, all the prodding, he had survived. When at last he had finished, he too looked on at his creation with pride. Somewhat like him and yet, somewhat not, the new "Jinzo" took in elements of the boy but was equally older and more refined. Perhaps Jinzo would look like this someday, but for now, this would be the first test of the curse that the Nidaime had placed on him. Still lacking the spark of life, instinctively, Jinzo held a hand up to the creation and placed his cupped hand on its forehead. Not knowing exactly what to do but knowing that he had to do something, he closed his eyes, concentrated and then it happened. With as close to an out of body experience as he could figure, he suddenly found himself in the space between spaces where he seemed to float between himself as his creation.

Looking at his outstretched hand, he now himself and his creation as themselves but he also saw the inner workings of both as if he were looking at an x-ray. Able to see the spark in himself as a sort of mini sun within himself, he saw the spark beating like a heartbeat, one that when it did beat, pulsed chakra from Jinzo, through his hand and into the new core of his creation. Much like the combustion engines that he had witnessed in many a tinkerers shop, he saw the spark in his creation, at first stay cold, but then slowly but surely began to beat with its own power. Mouthing the words to no one in particular, Jinzo remembered the inscription on Keni's gloves. Opening, Healing, Life, Pain, Limit, View, Wonder and Death. Within his grasp he now had the power to bring about all of those states and more. When at last he had fully charged the spark within this new, him, he pulled his essence back into himself and opened his eyes. With a new understanding of what it truly meant to be alive, Jinzo removed his hand from the creation before him and watched in amazement as it shivered and then began to breathe.

Inhaling and exhaling, the creation sneezed and a mini burst of flames seemed to erupt from its gullet. Paying rapt attention, Jinzo recognized that whether it was implanted by the Nidaime or not, he always got a kick out of seeing the works of his hands brought to life. Hopefully however, his creation wouldn't run off as Keni had and wreck what progress had been made in the lab that he was beginning to make a true home. Finally opening its eyes, the mechanical being before him began to blink and as testing out its limbs and extremities, it turned its neck this way and that. Unlocking a core memory, this was what Jinzo remembered, those first few moments, those first few breathes, those first few steps where life was new and the past of the life that he had been was replaced with only the new sense of being. It was at that moment that Jinzo made a vow not only to himself but his creation to never forget what it felt like to be born anew with no reference what had been and only the sole feeling of appreciation for being alive. What further mysteries surrounding why the Nidaime had abandoned him and the others would and could be answered in time but for now, Jinzo would do as he had seemingly always done, create and let the workings of his hands lead the way.

Having now created this new thing, Jinzo thought long and hard about just how he would go about setting the world ablaze. He could create more like the one that he had just created but upon thinking on the idea further, he realized that if they all looked like him then he couldn’t as easily catch the Nidaime unawares. No, this one would suffice for now but he would have to create the next body differently than the last. Perhaps he would go with one that was more feminine, perhaps he would make one older, perhaps he could even create one that hardly looked human at all. Then there was the question on how to keep his newfound creations hidden. With so many missions in and out of Konoha, he would need to make sure that he could hide in plain sight. Looking to normal wares, he was known as one who enjoyed cooking and even always carried cooking utensils on his person. Perhaps he could find a way to fold his creations in such a way that they appeared to be mundane objects. The idea seemed sound but he would also need to make sure that they could quickly expand and be at the ready in a moments notice. Even more, Jinzo would need to be able to take on their likeness if the Nidaime was near enough that he could sneak up on him.

Could he create something that would allow him to blend in in that way? If the spark within him was one that allowed him to animate the formally inert, then perhaps he could use that same spark to take over the very things that he created! Wishing to test his theory, Jinzo went back to his creation and held an outstretched arm towards it. Feeling as if he were some sort of puppet master of sorts, he used the will of his inner spark to call his creation towards him. Taking one step and then another, creation jerked to life and after gathering its bearings, rushed towards him. Bracing for the impact of an ill-advised test, Jinzo closed his eyes and leaped back in fright. While his eyes were closed, he missed the vital moment of union between both his body and the creations but like a protective cocoon, the body of the creation wrapped around him and kept him from harm.

Without even needing to think of catching himself, the new combined weaponized form moved with the pristine grace of his own artificially natural body. Finally opening his eyes, took a few steps, looking around to find what had become of his creation. While he hated to view them as weapons, he recognized that his view of them as siblings was probably flawed in some way. They weren’t exactly like him, they weren’t truly alive, but if he could, he would free them all just as he had managed to free himself. Unable to find what had happened to the new creation, he happened to walk past a mirror and stopped in amazement at what he saw. Hands reaching up to touch his face, its face, he saw that while he had assumed that the creation had rushed away like Keni, instead the two had fused together. Now somewhat taller and sporting a look more akin to an older version of himself, he saw just what sort of power his inner spark could really impart. If he could continue to turn odds and ends into doll like bodies, then he could be the assassin that the Nidaime would never see coming. In fact, he wondered if he could upgrade his own original body in a similar manner. The possibilities seemed endless, and he would explore every nook and cranny in his pursuit of justice.

- Purchased and learning the Mystical Hand jutsu.
- Using this post to apply become/remember being a Human Puppet via referencing his "birth" at the hands of Umashi and Maru.
- Wishing to also create a Toujigikou Hito Puppet based on this post as well.

- Now referencing Cold to touch with Kyoujouran Keniwa and Inuzuka Keiyaku.
- Adding another 1227 words to the Kinjutsu application to further expound upon the elements of Jinzo's creation at the hands of Umashi.

Edit #2:
- Added an additional 631 words to show Jinzo using the new creation that he created as a new body.
Last edited:
Heal…but not?” the concept confused Otami at first as she tried to imagine the difference between wounds. To her, a wound was a wound that was generally ignored until time came to rest; a habit she would have to break later. Nao was, thankfully, a good teacher though and managed to get through why it was limited; at least the basics. There was a huge Chakra Theory one could go into that was a complicated math problem regarding the Healer’s Chakra vs Patient’s Chakra Coil Stamina and how much could be healed while also factoring in age, experience, and mental stability for either side - but that was all Greek to the pointed-ear teen. All she cared about understanding was that Mystic Hand was a technique that could heal little wounds and it would help out exactly on what she needed it for.

Wincing a little with each practiced movement of hand-seals, given her undeniably bruised knuckles, the green light lit up on Otami’s uninjured hand, her heart leaping a little at the sudden execution of the Jutsu. The sudden break in focus was enough to make the chakra break up and leave her feeling a little weak from using it. One more time through the hand-seals and the glow returned. Carefully the Wildling practiced on herself, hovering the green light over the cold, bruised knuckles and watched with glee as the pain immediately began to recede. The blood vessels reconstructed and after a moment all that was left was a light-healing bruise color. She flexed her knuckles a few times and grinned wickedly at the lack of pain.

This was exactly what she was looking for. No more punching people. Only healing and helping those coming back injured. Of course, the teen was wildly overestimating the stress of taking care of injured/dying humans, the harshness of being understaffed that every medical facility somehow faced…or how most of its advancement was based on knowledge gained from books; the bane of Otami. Right now, though, she was elated and very sure of her career path.

If she had to be a shinobi, then let it be one of those that didn’t punch or kill people even half as much as the others.
Seeing how they both were going, and doin'... He would slowly start to nod. "This seems like a good starting point." he would smile to them both and moments later start to think a little. "There are exams coming up later... Depending on how you do, I might call you to me. With an offer that is." He would nod a few times, since Jinzo here showed such quick learning he thought he could also go for the medical branch, but that would be a talk for later. S
Seeing how Otami was now looking at the bruised hand, he figured she was also thinking of a thing or two. Maybe she would want to get in the branch later too... It would all reflect on the exams and if they participated and how they did.

"Now... do any of you have any questions? If not... Feel free to practice a little more, or go to your next class if you have any. You both passed these classes." On which theKami would look towards both of them, but lingered his gaze on the young puppeteer.

[Whack-A-mole-MEH if I take too long to reply, pleaaase, I feel hella guilty atm over it. ]
Shaking his head, Jinzo kept his words brief as he had a lot to think about. While he wasn't anywhere near as proficient as he needed to be, the skills that he had learned at the hands of Sennin Nao had certainly left him with a hunger for more knowledge. "Thank you!" Nodding his head and giving a respectful bow, he went to his favorite thinking place, the Academy kitchen. Upon getting there, he started to change out of his traditional shinobi gear and instead donned his more appropriate chef's gear. It was a nice, if but unnecessary touch. Nobody really cared about how he dressed and even if they did, he was in the kitchen so much that he received extra special permission that many students could only dream of. Heating up a large skillet, Jinzo started to add oil and other various ingredients to a dish that he had recently read about. As with most cases, he was perfectly able to let his mind wander as he went about his cooking exploits. Occasionally adjusting his hat and his coat, he thought about what sort of branch he should join. While he hadn't worked with all of the Sennin, he had managed to work with Nao most recently and he drove a hard bargain with joining the Medical Branch. Were they all as calm and relaxed as they went about their jobs or was Nao just that much differently built? Jinzo didn't know for sure but he had a strong indication that he would be perfectly fine around an unfortunately messy battlefield to say the least. In his mind, navigating the battlefield was in some ways no different than a kitchen, plus, he was pretty handy with a set of knives.. Perhaps that was it, maybe he could be a medical ninja who's expertise was in making the sort of yummy meals that kept the people of Konoha feeling better than ever! One could dream, and before he knew it, Jinzo's pasta dish was done and he was ready to dig in for a bite. "I left without saying goodbye to that other kid..." The words forced their way out of Jinzo as his seemingly one track mind caught up to the rude way in which he had left the class. Grimacing, he quickly packed up the food and ran off to find his classmate.

OOC: Topic left
Post Count: 5/5
Total Word Count: 5383

Thanks for the RP!
Just like that, the class was over. It felt like a wild blur to the feral blond that the class had ended already as he felt like her brain had just warmed up. Yet the excitement of learning the very basics of first aid lit a spark under Otami just as it had for her father when he was young; although for every different reasons. The girl was simply looking for a way to avoid the carnage of shinobi life while still being able to give a hand. Her father’s quest into the medicinal had been to keep himself alive despite a disease that was rapidly destroying his body. The only real similarity in the two was their base selfishness. Otami, to shy away from her inevitable responisbility, and Tama who had done so to extend his life past a sin that should have been his end. Regardless of the method and reasoning, it was safe to assume that Konoha would have another promising healer coming up the wings.

Or, at least that was what Otami had hoped.

In the following weeks the girl learned exclusively how hard the medical branch actually was. She volunteered Orderly Duties in the Boyin to see first hand how basic treatment went while studying for the exam Nao had mentioned; neither of these things were easy. In fact, more than a few times, she had considered giving up for lack of understanding a great deal of medical jargon until she found an Inuzuka who was medically inclined. It was only through explaining things in the way another dog would did finally some of the harder words and meanings of biology clicked…and even then, understanding continued to be a rough road. Throughout all of it though, anytime she felt the endless despair of medical school kicking in, all she had to do was look at the First Aid kit she was given at the end of her first class.

Nao believed in her, and so she would do her best to not disappoint that trust.

[Class End/Topic Left]
[Post 5 of 5]
Name: Ryuu Otami
Reason for Yen Gain: Class completion
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