Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Contract Search] Mountain Climber


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Heh, right" He said with hesitation, hearing such words was a new experience, and if anything being caught in a giant mountain prison was also new and right now he was surrounded by new experiences, he held the sword tightly in his hands as he made his way towards the far west, even though he had difficulty ascertaining the direction of west.

The dimly lit corridors were proving easy to maneuver through as the stones underneath his feet was carved to elegantly, it was easy to traverse forward, and ensuring silent movement through the maze. He would keep to the shadows whenever appropriate and attempt to stay out of the way of any foe. "So, what do we do once we get out of here? Where do we go to keep you safe?" He asked silently to the pup behind him as he walked with a silent step.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The mountain fortress pathways were in deed well carved and lit by hell crystals and sunstones here and there granting the walls a golden, orange glow. Lichen lined what would have once been darkened corners granting the corners a soft blue green glow. Ogres possessed by blood demons still wandered about seemingly oblivious to his and the devil pup’s movements at the moment. They followed the path of least resistance which led them to the far west side of the conquered citadel.

" Once we reach the western gate you will need to slay three ogres with the oathblade you now carry and use it to absorb the blood demons from their bodies. It will not be a pleasant experience but it is necessary. We need to charge the oathblade to free us. It is the only thing left with enough power to truly devour and counter a blood demon,, your lightning magic can kill them but they will regenerate after a few days dead." His strange ornamental shackle dangled from his forearm black with gold lettering he could not decipher, yet it eerily glowed crimson whenever a blood demon came within fifty feet.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The strange lightweight greatblade he carried seemed to hold deep relevance to their situation and apparently would be the key to escaping, how and why he did not know.
So whilst running the dimly lit pathways he inquired with the pup, "And how exactly would I absorb them? Just kill them with it?" He lifted the blade in his hand slightly signaling it was that which he referred to. "Or do you need to do something with it?" he paused for a second. "Also, might I add, I'm not really used to blades of any sort." The grip didn't fit his hands, and it felt crude and clumsy to utilize such a brutal tool for killing, when his own hands was more than effective against them.

His steps left no echoes anymore as he started to step lightly to avoid any suspicion as they approached their destination.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Unbeknowst to the intrepid duo, a general alarm had went off that she had escaped her chamber and the blood demon left behind had informed its brethren that she was aided by an odd warrior with white eyes and lightning magic. Seventy possessed ogres quickly began to look for armor and weapons that would aid them against lightning.

" The oathblade will absorb and devour the blood demons from their bodies all you need do is open a wound upon them and hold the blade near that wound or cut them down with the blade. Again Iit will not be a pleasant experience but it is necessary. We simply need to charge the oathblade to free us. Your lightning magic can kill them but they will regenerate after a few days dead, if you bond with me completely you can use our combined powers to escape but to bond with me means I must give myself to you and you must give yourself to me, we don't even know eachother's true names and should we actually bond you would lose some of your humanity." His strange ornamental shackle tightened to his forearm a bit forming a type of bracer as the black with gold lettering became crimson yet he still could not decipher the language. Keiji could not be certain but it seemed that the young pup had grown a bit since their escape, she looked to be more lively and even his own strength seemed to be increasing. If he could see a mirror he might notice that his hair was thicker and his body more muscular.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
While running he listened closely, eyes ahead, feet moving and ears focused on her words.

"Ha! Humanity? I had little of it anyway.. he bluntly commented to her concerns.
He hardly realized the bodily changes on him and her as they ran, he did feel himself lighter and he felt his running becoming easier, which simply made him run faster to pressure the newfound strength.

"Oh right, Keiji, Suzaku Keiji, I'm a Shinobi of Kumogakure, Medical branch, as nerdy as they come I suppose.. his last comment was sort of meant as a joke, but a true one still.
Byakugan! he activated his eyes quickly to look further ahead to see how far they were, and to assess if he had to hurry or slow down if he wanted to reach their destination in good pace and with enough energy to spare for a fight. Deactivating quickly again.
As he deactivated his Byakugan he felt his breathing take a quick hop, making him slow down for two seconds, until he caught he breath again and then continue running at his usual pace.

"Do they have any weak points that you're aware of? Three of them should be easy enough.. I'm probably going to need more strength to use this blade effectively though, I'm assuming this combining you're referring to will boost us? Make us stronger together? And so when or if the time is right, and it's needed, what'd we do?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The demonbeast quickly turned away from Keiji after he announced his name and asked what they must do to bond so she answered all his other questions first.

"Well, first their main weak points as I remember them are their feet and knees but that is probably because that is all I am fast enough to reach. The oathblade will grant you strength if you speak an oath to accomplish something with it and recite your true name. However each time you use the oathblade you bind yourself to it. It takes a part of your soul for its own." If Keiji used his Byakugan upon her he would notice he was almost able to see her chakra channels but he could not see through her. He would also notice her heart rate was up. Unbeknowst to him she was blushing as she kept her face turned away from him.
"To bond with me you must acknowledge me as your own and kiss me and I in turn must acknowledge you as mine and return said kiss, The problem with giving myself to you means I change forever and we become slaves to oneanother. I am not certain you would want to go through with that. I would be able to wield the oathblade as my own and even grant you both name and title but such a bond is eternal."

As she spoke Keiji could feel the bracer on his forearm tighten and harden like true armor. She seemed to be quite serious. After Keiji's scan he noted at least 4 ahead of them at various guard points and just shy of 12 dozen possessed ogres coming at them from behind they had to hurry.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Sounds simply enough, I'm not good with feelings though." He admitted bluntly as he looked at her scratching his chin uncomfortably. His feet kept the speed up as he continued. "I'll only commit to any oaths when it's truly needed" He concluded as his eyes looked straight ahead.

"There they are, 4 of them all lined up in a row nicely, you take the one to the far left, I'll handle the rest!" He spurted out commands trustingly as he readied his fists, the exceptional added strength made the blade easier to wield, it almost felt natural, the bracelet, strangely emulating some kind of sensation throughout his body, partially ignoring it as it seemed a clear benefit in this situation. We'll probably have to do something if we allow the band behind us to catch up, let's hope I don't have to commit to anything too drastic, granted it could be nice.. He gulped, Ow whatever, let's just get out of here, I'll think of consequences later!

Gripping the blade tightly he concentrated his chakra into it, his lightning element imbuing the blade with his chidori, unreleased from the edges just yet. The pain from the imbuement was eminent as they approach the ogres at full speed. This better work! He thought as he dropped right down in a low kick, sliding in the bulky and rough, moss filled floor, holding his balance with ease he grabbed the blade in both his hands as he release the lightning element inside of the blade. Sliding right in between the furthest right on and the others, staying closest to the right one he hacked the sword at the Ogre's bare un-armored knees, quickly turning around as he passed them he hit the sword through the ground as he pushed forth another jutsu through the ground beneath him, A quick Electroshock, to pass through the ground and strike the second Ogre from the right side.

After releasing it he pulled the sword out from the bare rocky floor, and hopefully he'd be standing in front of the last Ogre, third from the right side. Sword in hand and ready for the final round.

His eyes glimpsed to the last ogre to ensure the Demon-beast was doing okay, granted either she hadn't said her name yet, or Teufelshunde Oni was her name, but hopefully things wouldn't have to come to where that would be necessary just yet.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
They rushed the possessed ogres as a team. She kept up with him through the bracer they shared their abilities with oneanother. He could use some of her strength and senses and she could use some of his speed, reflexes, and lightning magic. She rushed forward at near the same speed as Keiji literally at his heels as he charged the oathblade with lightning she charged her fangs in the same manner. It sounded like birds were chirping in her mouth as she bit clean through both the ogre's ankles and fried its blood into crystallized dust. She was utterly impressed with herself and her borrowed abilities as Keiji cut down and absorbed two of the ogres to stand before the third shocked possessed ogre. It looked at Keiji in fear as his long hair and massive muscles made him resemble an ancient demonslayer of old.

Groveling in fear as the blade glowed a surge of angry red with the life energy of two of its kin he began to blubber and cry... "Please no hurt, no kill... I no threat... do as you want just no hurt me"

Large and massive as this ogre was it was possessed by a very frightened and meek blood demon.

The main group could be felt now as the ground began to thrum with movement as the ogres came roaring. They were almost within distance to see them clearly. The gate leading to the citadel exit was half open and the crank for it nearby and massive. They could make the run for the exit or try to jam it open with a little ingenuity. Freedom or a massive battle were just moments away.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Standing tall, bent forward and holding the blade tightly in his hands he let out a passionate sigh as the blood from the first Ogre seethed into the blade.
The third Ogre was a coward, a blasted stupid coward, an ugly creature which had been perceived as a clear threat, denying the plausibility of a different view, quickly dashing forward with the blade pointing forward to stab him right in his chest, quickly disposing of the Ogre. "I don't care." He said in a dark tone, his voice, coarser and darker than before.

Pulling back he released the blade from the body, then swiping it quickly across the floor to suckle up the blood from the second Ogre.

Having the blood from three, the last Ogre remained, noticing the Demonbeast having killed the Ogre with Lightning techniques he comments as he quickly walked up to her. "Good work, let's hurry out." He said quickly, as he stabbed the body of the last Ogre to let the blade suckle up the last blood, "That should do it, right?" He asked to her with a hint of curiosity.

His eyes assessed the distance of the horde, and the armor they were wearing as he quickly activated his Byakugan, "We gotta go, hun" He said jokingly as he grabbed the blade and pulled it out of the burnt carcass.
He turned to face the half open gate and began running.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
With a mad sprint and dash the two easily cleared the distance as the ogre horde came swarming behind them yelling to anyone that could hear to seal the gates. One of the armored ogres ran to the latch and yanked it down releasing the pulley's and cogs which levered the door and it began to drop the remaining five feet to stop them from exiting. It wasn't as close a dash as the possessed ogres hoped for as they quickly cleared the gate just as it slammed down behind them and they began to run uphill into the caverns beneath the mountains. The blood demon possessed ogres yelled and roared in anger and disappointment all save one. He smiled with a fanged maw and laughed aloud and the others turned to look at him wandering why as they had just lost the last hellhound female. He smiled because they were running into the territory of the outcast, the titanic ogre that none of them could possess and he would just as soon eat them. Regardless of the loss of the hellhound this just meant the realmbound hellhounds would be extinct.

The dark caverns opened before them as they were forced to climb stairs too large for mere humans although Keiji could feel he was indeed larger and stronger than he used to be and this helped them tremendously. The scent of the cavern began to smell pungent and sour like vinegar or old piss crystallized. They had run into an area thats someone had been using for a toilet.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The quick run had left him with a lack of breath for a few seconds before they had to continue, this time up massive stairs.
They were getting closer.

"Pthfoy" He remarked as the stench encroached in his nasal cavity "Goddamn, what a stench! It smells like a week long bar crawl attendee!"
"By the way, did you notice the Ogres behind us? They didn't follow us, I'm sensing a trap, know anything about what's inside these caves?"

"If anything we should probably walk carefully and sneak when able.." He continued after he had let her speak an answer to his first question.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
There was a massive presence nearby and luckily for them it appeared to be asleep. It was over fifty feet in height and had four arms. Bone piercing and tattoos covered its massive upper body and allowed for it to be viewed as a mural if one was appreciative of art. It appeared to have white patches of skin here and there but otherwise it was a uniform black and marble gray as if it had been molded from the stones of the cavern itself. Dimensional analysis by Keiji's eyes showed that it was in a league all its own and definitely not something to be toyed with. It was unaffected by the stench but the demonbeast was not, her eyes wept and her nose ran, she walked wobbly and weak as she tried to escape the overpowering stench. She couldn't even speak as she simply got as far away from the retched stench and collapsed. It seemed an enhanced sense of smell was a downfall this time and Keiji was left on his own. He could easily simply leave her there and escape as the passage beyond was large and massive or he could grab her and carry her to freedom.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The large burly giant was easy enough to take notice of, but the lack of reply from his hellhound companion was disheartening as he expected her to be stronger.

Eying her over he realised her state, with light and quick steps he leaped over to hold his arms when she would have fallen. can't have her wake up the big guy.. Holding her tired and unconscious body in his arms he lifted her up, her size and weight were a little more than initially suggested, but his increased strength gave him the needed boost.

His steps were a little more difficult to keep quiet, but hopefully it didn't result in the giant waking up.

He would make his way outside of the cave with her in hand. One way or another.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
As Keiji carried her away the giant moved sinuously displaying great flexibility as he rolled from a sleeping position to a seated position before the only visible exit. His eyes glowed a vibrant green as his lower two arms crossed like a parent about to scold a child his upper two arms began scratching the back of his head and his upper back. He had two set of eyes his lower eyes seemed to hum with dark chakra but his upper set of eyes Keiji could easily identify as Byakugan. He smiled and his giant fanged maw came into full view. Despite his size and obvious capability the look on his face was not something Keiji could identify as dangerous it was more like amusement.

"WELL well well, a human after all these decades wielding an oathblade and carrying a female hellhound. Quite the sight. I will make you an offer young mortal. You can leave me the hellhound for a pet and if disappointing to me a snack and go free. I will even fully activate that oathblade for you as a gift or you can test yourself against me and keep her and the oathblade. Take your time with your decision, I have all the time in the world to wait, but don't take too long my scent can kill lesser beasts because of its potency, the acidic vapors burns their lungs and eyes away in an hour or so."

The obvious exit was only thirty yards away but something about the giant told Keiji he was much faster than he looked. The area besides the obvious latrine area they had walked through was pristine. His leggings were made from bear fur and even his clawed hands were moderately clean. It was then Keiji noticed the waterway he had obviously arrived through behind the giant and to the right. As he looked above him though he was startled to see a menagerie of weapons that could make any blacksmith cry. They too were in pristine condition along with the tools of a master smith's trade set into special hand carved shelves in the stone walls.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Shocked at first, but quickly realizing there was more than a brutish mind attached to such a brutish and inelegant body.

His blade was loosely held as he focused on his companion in his arms more. He silently contemplated his options, with byakugan eyes he was sure to be trouble to get passed on with his companion and sword.

After a few seconds the weight of his companion was keeping him strained, he set his companion aside, placing her on the ground beside him.
The sword was held tightly in his fists, he lifted it up and examined it. "Y'know, this is a fine blade, let me guess, you're the creator of this fine craftsmanship?"

Quickly before letting the massive beast reply he whispered into the blade "Stay put when I place you, budge for no one but me, and I will reward you with the blood of many foes." ordering the blade as if it was a tamed dog, as well as a trusted friend, and then quickly after slammed the edge of the blade into the ground in front of him facing the Giant.

"I have a counter offer. A bet even. Pull this wondrous blade out of the ground. And you can keep both the blade as well as my companion."
He feigned passion as he concluded "You look so sharp and strong, I'm sure you can easily pull it off!
He crossed his fingers in hope that oath were fitting, and he hoped more than anything that granted the large beast was a clear master smith, he hoped he was dull enough to fall for the ploy. If the giant successfully pulls up the sword, at least he himself walks free. If he doesn't, and he keeps his word, maybe Keiji can walk free, as well as these newfound companions.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The giant smiled evilly as dark chakra spilled forth from his primary eyes filling the room before coalescing upon the demonbeast hound. "That was a very good idea, and no I did not create that blade, she did. She betrayed me by not becoming my ally and mate but she did choose you. You have not called her by her name or else she would have revealed the form best suited to be your companion. I have forced her into that form so that she might survive your bargaining attempt. Such is my power as a former lord of Jigoku. I like your style young human so I will counter your obvious offer. Either call her name and bond with her or give her to me and leave. You see I have no need of you because I already have eyes like yours so no one can ever sneak up on me again. So what will it be human, bond with the female or leave her behind?" The giant nodded at the oathblade as it glowed bright red in response to the giant's chakra.
The pup began to transform as a horn emerged from her the crest of her hairline, the fur receded to flesh but the markings and coloration remained making it perfectly obvious who she had been as she stood next to the blade it responded to her and she was amazed to see herself in humanoid form. "You have my thanks Keiji but, how is this possible? My spirit is unnamed, my blade only invoked to stay still and not kill. I have made no exchange for my form, how did you...<i></i> then she looked from Keiji to the giant and knew then. "I must warn you Keiji the Oathtaker Uragiri will never take more than you offer but he is after power and unless you have it to give to him you mean nothing to him, he can invoke me to this form temporarily because he forged my battle bracers from my own soul...<i></i>


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"How dare you speak of the symbol and bloodline trait like it was just some tool to use, and nothing more you disgust me." He spoke in vile disgust for the comments about his eyes. Knowing full well the Giant wouldn't react even the slightest to his words, suddenly he turned and saw what happened to his companion. And with a smile he set on his knees where she lay on the ground, and assisted her up with hand to stand by the blade, her beauty was inspiring and simple, yet brutish and elegant, her stared at her in slight awe until his jaw starting dropping which he quickly fixed in time to react to her talking.

"Uragiri? Strange, name, I haven't heard of it before at all, neither have I heard of this 'Jigwokwu' or whatever it was called.." He intentionally mispronounced it as a joke, he ensured he spoke loudly enough for the Giant to hear.

Surprised by her words and description, "I am imagining forging armor and weaponry with the use of a soul's energy is a tricky task.." He paused, then spoke in a lower to avoid the Giant listening in too much. "So, if the only way we," he paused as he pointed at her and himself. "Can become 'one' is you have a name, you haven't told me your name, so, I must give you, a name?" he paused again as he skimmed across the room, scouring every nook and cranny of the room with his eyes looking for inspiration, he scratched the back of his neck, then his chin, this his hair, and then his neck again in frustration.

And suddenly, after almost 30 seconds of puzzling looks, he snapped his fingers. "I got it!" He said out loud.
A quick cough to clear his throat, his fists tightened then loosened, he raised both his hands and grabbed his companion on both her shoulders, he looked deeply into her yellow-brown eyes, his own green eyes passionately looking in silence, after a few seconds that may as well have felt like an eternity. "Your name, is Wakahisa.. Hitomi.." As he spoke the name he leaned in close, he pushed his body forward on her as he held her tightly yet softly in his arms as he closed his eyes and leaned in a little closer, his lips, dry from the ashen and dusky surroundings and from not having drunk much of any water while running all this distance with her.

He didn't know what was gonna happen, he wasn't sure what it would accomplish, he wasn't sure of much anything at this point. More or less he simply went with the flow.
It was because of him she wanted to escape, it was because of him she know had the chance for freedom, he wanted to take responsibility of his actions, granted even sure what he did. The entire history of all that he had done was nothing but a blur of his mind at this point. It was weird, and strange, yet sensational to experience. Shit, he wasn't even sure if what he's doing is the correct thing to do. Could he take him on? Could he beat the shit out of the Giant Ogre? Was his attempt at a trick even worth a shot at all? What he hell is doing?! Could he seriously do this and not expect a slap in the face like usual? I mean, if this was Kahako she'd be ready to roundhouse kick Keiji, same goes for Hikari and presumably also Kaoru, Senna and Kiyoko. Shit, he has way too many girls around him.
His mind kept wandering back and forth, around, up and down, everywhere, he couldn't halt himself from thinking too many thoughts.

[OOC: Wakahisa = Forever Young, Hitomi = Pupil of the eye]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: Made my check and contract is awarded should the roleplay be followed with this E rank summons and her oathblade. We will hammer out her stats and details later.

As they kissed Hitomi arched against him and as their lips began to part a scroll emerged from within her very mouth. Oddly it was dry as if it had come from a library. The scroll itself was no bigger than an average shinobi's hand, and no thicker than what one would assume a normal scroll to be, held together by two bright yellow laces. It's coloration was a deep maroon- parchment but Keiji could easily see it was stained with many layers of blood old and new. Hitomi's name appeared on the scroll in golden blood and next to it she awaited Keiji's blood signature. "Once you shed your blood upon the oathblade and call my name once more we will be bonded to each-other for eternity and we can work together to discover our true power."

The giant ogre watched in fascination with morbid curiosity as Keiji completed the initial act of bonding without hesitation.
OOC: I wish you luck in your final actions because you can still lose this contract if something goes wrong.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Smiling awkwardly after embracing the kiss, he looked down into the stone floors. What the hell is even going on here? He had no idea, he could only assume it was for the better.
After revealing the scroll he eyed it with a mysterious look, Will this.. Make me stronger? He had absolutely no idea, and he could only hope it could. He held his hopes high and looked forward to knocking the smirk off of the Ogre's face, which he wholeheartedly intended to do sooner or later.

Her words gave him a confused look upon his face.
"Okay, so you're saying I shall drop my blood on the Oathblade, eternally bound to you, or on the scroll?" Then quickly without letting her reply "Both? I'll do both for good measure.." He said hastily as he nodded as he enhanced the seriousness in his words.
Pulling up his tight wrapped Kunai from the pouch hidden under his sleeve, he readied his finger tips as he cut his thumb on the side of it. Then, stamping his thumb print and afterwards taking the pen and writing his name next to it.
Afterwards, getting on his knee, and reached for the oathblade and then stamped the same thumb on it as he turned and looked up at Hitomi and spoke her name again with sincerity.
"I bind myself to Wakahisa Hitomi of the Teufelshunde Oni."

Standing up again he turned to face the Giant Ogre staring at what had been done. "Pleased?" he asked as he held the tiny kunai in the little hole in the back of it with his index finger twirling it around nonchalantly. Trying his best not to seem like he cared about his presence. He eyed the Ogre directly in his eyes, with a fiery intensity, he was readying his byakugan if the beast were to even attempt the slightest out-of-ordinary movement. With his training in precision throwing, hitting an Ogre anywhere on the body would be a piece of cake. He assumed that since the Ogre took the eyes by force, he doesn't have the same skills and abilities as he himself has, with this in mind he assumed a single strong and precise throw from a Hyuuga might set him off-balance.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The giant ogre began to fade away and knowledge began to fill Keiji's mind as he was soon immersed in the steps and tactics to forge weapons and armor from a being's chakra and soul. The giant ogre seemed relieved as his body became desiccated except the Byakugan eyes which glowed brighter than ever as the ogre's head lie on the ground. "I am at last free of my curse and with that burden relieved I leave the eyes of your once proud ancestor to you. Suzaku Hiraku once failed this same test of faith intent on being greedy and not wanting to share his power with another in exchange and only take power from others without sacrifice. He cost the Teufelhunden whom trusted his prophecied eyes their freedom and my own as their forge master. So in retribution for his treachery I took his soul and his eyes and it his soul that makes up the power of the Oathblade which was originally forged for his union with the devildogs. She is the last one and you are now bonded. I return the eyes of your ancestor with my knowledge and my head for proof of your deeds. Hitomi will outlive you but with continued sacrifice she will guard your family forever. You are now bound by the Youkai contract and as such you will be able to make deals with the youkai that exist beyond her. Enjoy your mortality and take care to always honor your words or end up with a worse fate than mine. Now with my fate complete the blood demons are now free someone must lead the world to exterminate them. Please do the right thing and end their threat however you can."<i></i>

Youkai contract awarded
Ancient Byakugan Eyes and Demon Ogre head awarded
Soulforge Knowledge gained
Wakahisa Hitomi last of the Teufelshunde Oni (E rank Summons) awarded
*Devil* Inuzuka BL skills (pick and mix to suit yourself)
Oathblade - Soulforged Giant blade gained (feel free to stat it out at your leisure)

Hunting Quest Awarded "End the Threat of the Blood Demons"

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
